It's not awful per say but it really isn't nearly as good as everyone says it is.

It's not awful per say but it really isn't nearly as good as everyone says it is.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    it’s fricking boring

  2. 5 months ago

    choose one

  3. 5 months ago

    It is as good, in fact.

    There isn't a single movie like it.

  4. 5 months ago

    It's beautiful and the model work and special effects are more impressive than any film before or after it

  5. 5 months ago

    Just admit that you don't get it
    >>inb4 OP is a homosexual

  6. 5 months ago

    Every Kubrick movie is overrated

  7. 5 months ago

    > Gets mogged by a video game made by drunken poles.

    • 5 months ago

      literally what is this

      • 5 months ago

        A video game based on a book of the same name, written polish author Stanislaw Slem, same author that wrote Solaris, that went on to be adapted into a movie by Andrei Tarkovski.

    • 5 months ago

      Haven't played this one but it reminded me that Outer Wilds ending bears similarity to 2001.

  8. 5 months ago

    What being born after 1992 does to a mf

  9. 5 months ago

    >per say
    fricking goblinos I swear, leave latin to those who understand it

    • 5 months ago

      It shouldn't have taken this many posts for someone to point this out.

  10. 5 months ago

    I first watched it when I was 8 or 9 and although I wasn't crazy about Dawn of Man*, I liked all the rest. Even the spacewalk wasn't tedious because I understood that that's what it would actually be like. It was clear that the stargate was him traveling through space in a crazy way, and although I found the final room a bit confusing at first, I got the essential detail that he transforms into... something else.

    My initial take on HAL's malfunctioning was that the superintelligent godlyaliens were messing with him to try to prevent the humans from reaching the Jupiter monolith.

    *I have since come to appreciate the Dawn of Man as a perfectly self-contained short film which forms part of the larger film. There is a perfectly clear conflict, one of the simplest that can be conceived, and then a mysterious deus ex machina brings about a solution to the problem which is easy to understand. The tribe defeats its enemies and wins. The End.

  11. 5 months ago

    I first watched it on my way back to New York back in 2016 when i was still living there; best choice i’ve ever did. Ahead of its time, love the story, and i love the music they used. This was modern filmmaking before it was ever realized. HAL 9000 is debatably the best A.I. in fiction, as the other A.I. will later fall trap to human captivity and emotional reliance (Skynet, KITT, Replicants)

  12. 5 months ago

    Nothin personnel Kubrick

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >I don't think about you at all
        >Stanley Kubrick’s 93 favourite films
        >83. Solaris – Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972

        • 5 months ago

          >7. Boogie Nights
          Holy fricking lol better luck next time Andrei

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            >ET, Mary Poppins, and Pulp Fiction above Solaris

            • 5 months ago

              >Tarkovsky made Solaris because Lem was popular and he needed a hit because he was making unwatchable garbage otherwise
              >watch Solaris
              >everyone talks and emotes as if they had multiple strokes (even on Earth before the movie gets to the station)
              >every single shot is 5x longer than necessary
              >dude, let's edit in some shots of driving around Tokyo for like half an hour for no reason
              >every character talks like they absolutely have to vocalize every single thought they have
              >all the special effects are garbage tier
              >grand reveal looks like hot garbage since the special effects are 1920 level

              what a mess

              btw I read the book, which is to the point, conveys what it set out to do quite well and is never boring or loses momentum

              I unironically think Soderbergh's version is better.

              • 5 months ago

                >Soderbergh's version
                Wasn't bad at all

  13. 5 months ago

    It’s per se not per say

  14. 5 months ago

    it's good but there's so much dead time that an abridged version with an hour cut out of it would help it A LOT

  15. 5 months ago

    It was better than expected for me. I can see how some kids wouldn’t like it these days tho.

  16. 5 months ago

    Each individual segment is kino af, but i'm really not sure what relevance HAL going bad has to the overall alien plot. Also, the scene where HAL reads their lips is kind of convenient writing.
    But like I said, each segment in isolation is great. Kubrick is one of the best in terms of pure filmmaking talent on a technical basis, even if his movies don't always come out perfect as a whole (this applies more to his other movies, 2001 is probably his best movie).

    • 5 months ago

      What happens to the Apes by the monolith happens to HAL. The Apes evolve and reach self awareness. A newly self aware HAL emerges from contact with the Monolith and has to juggle his mission and his emergent self.
      2010, both the film and the novel, muddle that a little by trying to excuse his behavior with the explanation that he had conflicting mission statements from the get go. But they don't erase that HAL has become self aware. That's why him choosing to sacrifice himself for humanity means anything in both versions. He has to be alive in the sense that he's self conscious for that decision to have both the weight of uncertainty in the eyes of the human characters and the weight of self sacrifice.

      Later in the novels HAL and Dave even merge into a single lifeform. Again, something that doesn't make sense if HAL isn't alive.

      • 5 months ago

        >A newly self aware HAL emerges from contact with the Monolith and has to juggle his mission and his emergent self.
        HAL never contacted the monolith. He just had suspicions about the mission or something.

  17. 5 months ago

    It was probably great for it's time, and my low IQ probably doesn't help, but yeah, it's boring.
    2010 is better

    • 5 months ago

      On the off-chance that you're being honest about having a low IQ, if you really prefer 2010, then it may be because of the voice-over narration which explains exactly what's going on in the various scenes. Voice-overs help to explain what's happening, but you should know that people of normal and higher intelligence tend to find that kind of narration annoying, because it just repeats what you're already seeing. 2001 is a weird case becuase it's a "weird" movie (and so some people might find some explanation helpful), but in general people like to watch a movie and figure out some details for themselves just by watching without being told all the time exactly what's happening and why.

  18. 5 months ago

    Off the top of my head I’ve asleep to the following movies in theaters:

    Long Shot
    Murder on the Orient Express
    2001: A Space Odyssey (2018 re-release)

    • 5 months ago

      The only ones I can remember falling asleep to were Tomb Raider 2 and Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy, and almost Tenet, had to fight to stay awake with that one

  19. 5 months ago

    What the frick happened? The average IQ of this board plummeted after Christmas.

  20. 5 months ago

    don't worry. most people are too stupid to appreciate it. the bell-curve lives on.

  21. 5 months ago

    amazing flick

  22. 5 months ago


  23. 5 months ago


  24. 5 months ago


  25. 5 months ago

    >oh man I’m taking a Pan Am flight… IN SPACE
    >oh man I’m checking into a Hilton… IN SPACE
    >oh man I’m making a telephone call… IN SPACE
    I’m sure this blew peoples minds in 1950 or whatever but so did color television and washing machines you didn’t have to crank by hand. I can do everything they do in the first half hour of this movie (except space travel) on my phone while taking a dump

  26. 5 months ago

    I've never bought into the idea that the media you consume says anything about your intelligence, but I've always felt differently about this movie specifically. Everyone who calls this movie boring or bad is always a fricking moron.

  27. 5 months ago

    It's literally just boomers first SciFi. Movies should always be judged by how they hold up today not how they wowed audiences on release. When the boomers have all died of old age Interstellar will take its rightful place as the best space movie.

    • 5 months ago

      When all people who remmeber good movies will be dead, you will just be a shitliker who thinks interstellar is a good movie

    • 5 months ago

      >Movies should always be judged by how they hold up today
      2001 holds up extremely well today, with the stargate sequence being the only questionable part

  28. 5 months ago


    "it's long but majestic"
    what Riddley Scott mean by this?

  29. 5 months ago

    >tfw in a sequel book they even bring Frank Poole back because he was apparently frozen and drifting around so they revive him and then he has adventures of his own


  30. 5 months ago

    Opening sequence with the monkeys getting their neurons activated is kino and depicts the single most triumphant moment in humanity's evolution.

    The part where the guy books a flight to the moon and looks at the monolith or whatever is so boring and forgettable that I have no comment. You could just cut this entire segment out of the film and it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever. The moon monolith could easily just be referenced in dialogue by the guys on the spaceship as they talk about the backstory of their mission.

    The actual space voyage and HAL plot is kino and worthy of being its own movie.

    The ending drug trip sequence was visually impressive but also really fricking boring up until the guy wakes up and explores that room. But even that part ends up being boring since it doesn't have any substance. I get what they were trying to convey with all the trippy stuff and then him becoming the giant spacebabby, it was yet another triumphant moment of evolution or whatever, but the whole thing just falls flat because it's like an hour of lolrandom trippy imagery and then the most anticlimactic ending ever.

    • 5 months ago

      I think you can just edit down the monkey scene to one moment of pure realization, maybe cut down a lot of the voyage into just a bit of tension with HAL and him turning, maybe condense the trippy entering the monolith sequence and then cut right to the space fetus. That way it all neatly fits into a tiktok video as a definitive version.

    • 5 months ago

      the second act was of the time. you have to understand all that zero g space stuff was mindblowing back then.
      same with the acid trip thinking about it
      anyway its a masterpiece and very prescient

  31. 5 months ago

    >i don't like this thing that everyone considers to be really good
    >uhhhh did you guys know that this thing that everyone considers to be really good, is actually le BAD and i know better than everyone?
    oh frick off

    • 5 months ago

      >art isn't subjective

      • 5 months ago

        ok first of all "art is subjective" is something absolute midwits say to sound smart, you aren't actually saying anything of substance, just basically "people have opinions". bravo
        second, your dumb ass doesn't even realize you're supporting the point I made. OP is saying that the movie is OBJECTIVELY not good, not that he subjectively doesn't like it.
        Just an absolute travesty of a post for you

        • 5 months ago

          • 5 months ago

            oh god you’re back.

      • 5 months ago

        No it isn't. If it was the word art wouldn't exist in the first place

  32. 5 months ago

    >per say
    you are good, enjoy the (you)s

  33. 5 months ago

    It's another of Kubrick movies where one half is really good and the other half is forgettable time wasting filler.

    Originally the film was going to be just the HAL stuff, but he went over budget and the studio execs wanted a much longer runtime. Thankfully for him ACC was still writing the book it was "based on" so he asked him to extend it in a way that could result in a lot of cheep to film filler material. He came up with all the monolith stuff then.

    This suited SK well as he thought he could just go to the zoo and film gorillas there and he could literally pay them peanuts. That didn't work, but the execs liked the new concept of the monolith, so they increased his budget a bit to film the scenes. He bought some gorilla costumes and shoved some mobbing actors in them and filmed while they did some improv to fill up the time before getting some bloke to do a naff but inexpensive party but for the end that made little sense but filled more time. The end part was actually partially ACC's idea as it would mean people would have to buy the book to understand what the hell this shite was meant to be (this being pre-internet so audiences couldn't just Google it). This also meant critics were dining out for years in articles explaining what the frick you just watched was and they love things that give them an easy meal ticket, which is why it got more acclaim than it should have for years.

    For what it's worth though, the books are actually not bad if you like sci-fi (ACC may have been a nonce, but he is a better writer than Kubrick was a director) and 2010 is a more coherent, and better film. It's a shame that doesn't get all the critics raving because they couldn't write tons of copy paste articles about it as it did a better job of explaining itself on its own.

    • 5 months ago

      >source - my ass

    • 5 months ago

      >Tarkovsky made Solaris because Lem was popular and he needed a hit because he was making unwatchable garbage otherwise
      >watch Solaris
      >everyone talks and emotes as if they had multiple strokes (even on Earth before the movie gets to the station)
      >every single shot is 5x longer than necessary
      >dude, let's edit in some shots of driving around Tokyo for like half an hour for no reason
      >every character talks like they absolutely have to vocalize every single thought they have
      >all the special effects are garbage tier
      >grand reveal looks like hot garbage since the special effects are 1920 level

      what a mess

      btw I read the book, which is to the point, conveys what it set out to do quite well and is never boring or loses momentum

      I unironically think Soderbergh's version is better.

      watched too much capeshit or youtube video essays. auteurs dont give a frick about pacing and if your little attention span cant handle the concepts they're trying to wrestle with. they try and extend film and push it further than just entertainment. do you want entertainment or do you want to think about the nature of god?
      its up to you theres a place for both but dont get them confused crusty

      • 5 months ago

        >says the gayest shit imaginable

        • 5 months ago

          goddamn they were right it never fails to blow you guys out

  34. 5 months ago

    The movie would have been better if rather than telling it as episodes the monkey stuff was shown through the whole film in a series of short flashbacks, tied in to what was happening with Dave and HAL. That way it could have been slowly revealed to the viewer what was really going on with the monolith and various scenes with the monkeys could have been juxtaposed to fit the action in the "present". That way rather than knowing the whole way through that the monolith makes things evolve, it would come as more of a revelation of the truth was actually revealed while HAL was singing Daisy. The impact of the viewer only just finding out as he was dying that HAL was not just a computer but had evolved genuine life and sentience because of the proximity to the space monolith, would have been greater.

    Sure they wouldn't be able to use the bone to space craft transition at the start but for the improvement that would have made to the film it would have been worth the sacrifice.

    • 5 months ago

      hal didnt evolve from the monolith?

      • 5 months ago

        Wait, I thought HAL was the monolith?

        • 5 months ago

          eh? thats interesting how did you come to that?

        • 5 months ago

          Yes he did, that's why he started to question his orders and went a bit nuts. It's kind of one of the main themes of the entire film, how relentless evolution and technical progress is not always for the best, were that the case everyone would be licking monoliths like lollipops every hour of the day to become higher forms of life.

          • 5 months ago

            I’ll lick you to become higher forms of life
            >Laugh track plays*
            >You stare awkwardly at me, while i stare with a smile at you.
            You say “You smell like cheese”.

            • 5 months ago

              is this bot generated? am i alone here just talking with bots. dead internet theory confirmed

              • 5 months ago

                I am a real human being because I know you love cheese; cheese is used as a scent and sex metaphor for giant intercourse

              • 5 months ago

                i do love cheese

              • 5 months ago

                This means you will eat me you’re a giant man and you will pour cheese onto me and you’ll rub it onto your body and you’ll kiss me goodbye.

          • 5 months ago

            >licking monoliths
            there was one monolith it disappeared after awakening the monkeys, also did it do anything at all? or was it placed there a strange geometric shape not in nature that wasnt there when the group went to sleep; maybe other animals would have not even noticed the monolith and wandered away but the apes knew that it was something that was out of place in their reality, kickstarting cognition.
            >relentless evolution and technical progress arent for the best
            im not sure about that, the apes lived a scared and short existence hunted and afraid. technology saved them and freed them to get to space and the next step where the moe-girlth was waiting

    • 5 months ago

      I disagree, except for maybe the second act but thats like an inteoduction to the world and space and stuff if you cut straight to the jupiter mission i think youd lose that build up to the monolith and lose alot of direction in the film. they all work well enough by themselves and intercutting i think would just make it less operatic and lose impact of the scale he created

    • 5 months ago

      Awful takes that make me think I'm reading reddit0r slop. You're in good company because this thread has many niglets getting filtered.

  35. 5 months ago

    >per say
    into the trash

  36. 5 months ago

    Does anyone know how where I can find it where I can speed it up? The movie is probably good if it didn't have so many slow scenes

    • 5 months ago

      moron, grow your attention span

      • 5 months ago

        I'm the one person who stayed up when watching the movie with others

        • 5 months ago

          nice one. i watched it on vhs when i was a kid and thought it was boring too. then i watched it later in life and knew i was stupid. woody allen said that he didnt like it at first but when he watched it again he said he realised how far ahead of him kubrick was. the safdi brothers said in an i terview that its like a barometer for where youre at in life. maybe give it a few years and revisit it later to see if your opinions have changed or if you get more out of it

          • 5 months ago

            Well I don't think it's a bad movie. It's just too slow. I found myself constantly checking the time left.

            • 5 months ago

              i get that, also as you get older you seem to have more control over your attention 'crosshair'? i guess? but yeah i get bored too my advice is to read lots, it focuses your attention and you fill your head with more stuff so you see more of what is going on and then = less bored

              • 5 months ago

                Idk maybe it's just a slow movie.

  37. 5 months ago

    I couldn't get through this movie, it's like 15 minutes of literal apes jumping around and then some boring shots of spaceships and corporate meetings for like another 30 minutes. After that I stopped watching.

  38. 5 months ago

    It was good till the ending.
    Someone got too excited with a light effect they invented.
    And this toddler shit was just a mumbo-jumbo pseudo-philosophical bullshit.
    I don't care if it was in the book - it didn't stop Kubrick when he made The Shining.

    • 5 months ago

      that was douglas trunbel or soemthing he directed a pile of shit space movie after cant remember the name

  39. 5 months ago

    Zoomies fr dabbin on u crusty old fellas in this thread ong

  40. 5 months ago

    The entire film is pure kino and anyone who suggests that its boring or could be edited down in any way has simply been filtered

  41. 5 months ago

    Nah, it's one of the best movies of all time. The monolith scenes make my hair stand on end. Best representation of a sublime superhuman force on screen that I can think of other than Tarkovsky's stuff. The ending sucks but that's the only blemish.

  42. 5 months ago

    WALL·E is Space Odyssey done right.

  43. 5 months ago

    It should’ve ended with Dave getting shrunked by HAL and HAL picks up him with a metal arm and HAL eats him.

  44. 5 months ago

    It's 20 minutes of evil AI kino in 140 minutes of pretentious "auteur" "filmmaking"

  45. 5 months ago

    2001 is kino, but you would probably enjoy interstellar in imax 70mm. It's such an immersive experience that's borderline religious.

  46. 5 months ago

    >per say

  47. 5 months ago


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