It's not bad.

It's not bad.

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  1. 5 months ago

    still better than the live action

    • 5 months ago

      The Fairly Odder thing yes
      but the first Drake Bell movie is I think the last time this cartoon had something even close to it's original SOVL

  2. 5 months ago

    here are my thoughts
    >theme song was actually not bad, at least compared to the frick up that was the Chloe remix
    >art style isn't that bad, pretty good translation to 3d, animation is a little choppy
    >Hazel is cute, id probably like her if there wasn't massive browngirl fatigue
    >her parents are... there I guess. they feel a lot more watered down compared to Timmy's
    >Dev Dimmadome is actually way better of a character than i'd expect from someone who is the offspring of a random background character
    >Jasmine gave me a chuckle when she tried to sing and the kid's whole body besides his glasses shatter
    >Timmy's cameo was really bizarre, felt almost like a fever dream, or a middle finger to the old fanbase
    >Cosmo and Wanda's voice acting is very tired and old
    >overall the show has some potential, 6/10

    what did you think, /b/?

    • 5 months ago

      Where'd you see it?

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          >Mexican teacher
          Where’s the troony

          • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              >discreetly plot the person's demise in a way that can never be traced back to them
              >they prefer action over talk any day
              how is that not 50 red flags at once

            • 5 months ago

              >they're the coolest kid in school

              I'm so glad the non-binary/gender thing is not a fashionable trend trannies push on kids.

            • 5 months ago

              Non binary is not real. Stop pushing this on kids. You are what’s between your legs.

            • 5 months ago

              >They are the best person ever and loved by everyone! Isn’t it great? Did we mention everyone loves them and they’re gifted at everything?
              Frick off.

            • 5 months ago

              The more I read this the more I can tell this was written by a man that wants to be a woman or vice versa.

            • 5 months ago

              Every once in a while, psychos will let their inner thoughts slip to the general public. I wonder how many people in your daily life are plotting your death. Because apparently they are.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel so severely punished for wanting to find the source of picrel

      • 5 months ago

        its a comic where veronica and timmy are stuck in the learnatorium and are forced to use age-inappropriate underwear

        • 5 months ago

          >unsure of what you meant by this
          >reverse image search
          oh. Not my thing.

          • 5 months ago

            its fricking diapers isnt it

            kek, don't tell xem about the tootie closet one

            • 5 months ago

              Tell me. I'm curious.

        • 5 months ago

          its fricking diapers isnt it

    • 5 months ago

      >theme song is incredibly bad, it's just a 120 lb. Black boy badly remixing an orchestral number with none of the same bombastic presence
      >producers, writers, whoever are very clearly pleased with the main character (whose design is hideous) mugging to herself for like 3 straight minutes without telling a single joke, it reminded me of the "adlibbing" in the 2016 ghostbusters
      >this charisma vacuum personality does not stop being annoying throughout the entire show; no child is going to want to be nor be like this character; no other character (least of all kids) appear to like her either, even Timmy had a few friends
      >side characters are all really, really bad and will obviously go nowhere interesting
      >main girl's parents arent allowed to be ridiculous, wacky or have a personality because that would be racist so they have the exact same personality as le straightman Black folk in every single american commercial on tv nowadays
      >pace is incredibly plodding
      >without prior context you dont really learn what fairy godparents are, what they do, the rules, etc.
      >conflict is entirely based on the main character (who is annoying) feeling things that she does not share with anyone, as her parents arent characters and no one at school likes her, to the point where she only expresses it to a random bug
      It feels like a rough draft for the very first original FOP pilot. Like before anyone stopped to say anything like "the parents should be more interesting" or "the main kid needs an actual antagonist, let's try a babysitter" or "what the frick is a fairy godparent? Explain it." There are no jokes either, you could have easily done something like
      >Cosmo compares watching Obama win the presidency to grand historical events
      >Wanda or the kid suggest it might be silly to compare that to Waterloo or Pompeii
      >Cosmo says something silly
      >that silly justification or opinion is called back to a few times by other characters
      Overall it's a 2/10 with decent animation.

      • 5 months ago

        The only good post here

      • 5 months ago

        Big band

    • 5 months ago

      I mostly agree with this, it has a lot of potential. The dad is supposed to be the Crocker so I suspect things will get more interesting with him later on.

      Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda are really good and the art style doesnt suck, that's all that matters right now. The rest of the stuff has room to grow. 7/10

    • 5 months ago

      >brown girl fatigue
      Never realized how stupid those complaints are until you phrased it like this. As if a whole group of people was invented by a marketing department and they don’t just exist in real life.

      • 5 months ago

        You’re the one who’s stupid if you think the brown girl protag spam is organic.

      • 5 months ago

        You’re the one who’s stupid if you think the brown girl protag spam is organic.

        What is funny is that most of the "brown girl" shows were created by white people. It's a nice way of thoughtless pandering, while at the same time also getting those woke points on twitter, along with a higher social credit score.

        pic related is the creator of owl house

        • 5 months ago

          Isn't Owl House's brown girl based on the white girl's college roommate or something?

      • 5 months ago

        >As if a whole group of people was invented by a marketing department
        This is one ofthe most idiotic attenpts at handwaving woke ideology I've seen on here because of how blatantly it's wrong on a categorical level for this show. It's a cartoon. These characters' age/sex/race were literally chosen because of corporate marketing you dipshit Cinemaphilemblr. You can't argue that it's a part of some artistic vision because it's very blatantly trying to ride the coattails of the original series except with a "hot" "new" marketing trend (both of those in quotes because it's pretty old by now).

        Holy shit, where do you rat fricks spawn from?

      • 5 months ago

        DisneyTVA alone went from having virtually no brown-skinned girl MCs in their cartoons to having five across their original series board in just a few years and you think that's just a coincidence and not pandering?

        • 5 months ago

          I won't argue there wasn't probably a trend because of the popularity of Amphibia, but Lilo is from the early 2000s and is a brown girl Disney MC.

          • 5 months ago

            I would go out on a limb and say the girl from Treasure Island and Nortra Dame kinda count at brown skinned, hell even Tiana came out earlier than all this stuff. If anything people just might want to see more brown female characters, which I’m fine with

            • 5 months ago

              Also Pocahontas, but her movie sucked.

            • 5 months ago

              Not American (Southern European) and I don't mind black/brown characters at all as MC, SC and any Cs you can think of. I don't get the fuss with inclusivity that you guys across the atlantic have with other "races" (God I dislike that word, but can't think of something better right now). Though I do have to say that a trans/binary 10 year-old as the most popular/coolest kid in school is definitely pushing some buttons when it comes to the plausible deniability of whether they're pushing an agenda or not.

              • 5 months ago

                I do feel like the 10yp NB character is a… choice for lack of a better term.

                It would make more sense for that character to be 18 but I’m not in the studio to tell them that so eh

                The series looks okay but it does look like some crap you’ll see on Netflix once and never again

              • 5 months ago

                They aren't even the worst character, that'd go to the ASMR kid, literally the stupidest thing ever conceived. He's taking the crown of "Most useless character in FOP" from Sparky. Is that what we've come to?

              • 5 months ago

                It’s not a real thing and pushing it on children is disgusting.

              • 5 months ago

                >It would make more sense for that character to be 18 but I’m not in the studio to tell them that so eh
                The alphabet crowd everyone...
                Sees a show about a little girl, thinks a "representation" (to them) needs to hang out with her, then gets upset if denied, as if it's normal for a random adult to just hang out with a grade schooler. Spins it into a conspiracy theory of persecution even though they're getting pandered to.

              • 5 months ago

                The thing is, sexual orientation is for (post-)pubescent not pre-pubescent. The Loud House did a decent job with Clyde's two dads (at least concept wise, haven't watched the loud house in years) as they fit in with the cast. Having some of her friends with gay parents or trans siblings is a much safer and logical approach, though they probably wouldn't be a major character.

              • 5 months ago

                Or... you could... just... like... NOT have sex shit, especially this quack bullshit.
                Remember that episode where Timmy wished he was a girl to get closer to Trixie? I do. Remember how instead of using that to mock gender stereotypes, they affirmed them against his current set of genitals (drawing a heavy implication to them in the first place) and this was celebrated? Me neither.

              • 5 months ago

                There's nothing logical about troon shit.

              • 5 months ago

                A cartoon for children does not need a trans character.

          • 5 months ago

            Liko wasn’t chosen BECAUSE she’s brown, she’s Hawaiian and that’s just what she look like. These days it would be Latoya & Stitch, and Stitch would be a ‘they’

            • 5 months ago

              >>Lilo wasn’t chosen BECAUSE she’s brown, she’s Hawaiian and that’s just what she look like.
              >Anne wasn't chosen BECAUSE she's brown, she's Thai and that's just what she look like.
              >Luz wasn't chosen BECAUSE she's brown, she's Dominican and that's just what she look like.
              >Hailey wasn't chosen BECAUSE she's brown, she's Hawaiian and that's just what she look like.
              Do you see how moronic you sound? You only see Lilo as an acceptable brown girl because she was made before 2014 and your brain wasn't melted by the culture war yet

              • 5 months ago

                Lilo just has a tan.

              • 5 months ago

                >You only see Lilo as an acceptable brown girl because she was made before 2014 and your brain wasn't melted by the culture war yet
                Yes. I fully admit to this.

              • 5 months ago

                You're only defending this show because of culture war bullshit, so quit projecting.
                Lilo being brown is not hamfisted. The story taking place in Hawaii is central to the plot.
                The others take place in fantasy/urban settings, so the character backstories/designs are completely arbitrary.

              • 5 months ago

                Liko wasn’t chosen BECAUSE she’s brown, she’s Hawaiian and that’s just what she look like. These days it would be Latoya & Stitch, and Stitch would be a ‘they’

                Lilo and Stitch was originally conceived as being set in Kansas before Sanders decided to switch settings since it would allow him to indulge his hula girl fetish.

              • 5 months ago

                That sounds silly. You can't do surfing or fear of drowning in Kansas.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but early drafts of the story did have him in Kansas with a boy. Also as not an alien. In other words, an entirely different plot.

          • 5 months ago

            Are you trying to imply Lilo started the trend, or are you doing that bad faith shit of "X already had Y, so you can't complain about the overabundance of Y"?

            • 5 months ago

              Both maybe. Anne's show likely existed because of Wendy and Star.

              • 5 months ago

                In that case Super Satan you're double moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      I think the idea of Cosmo and Wanda playing as Apartment neighbors that can interact with the human world more than as items or fish is a nice spin.

      I'm waiting on the inevitable Lesbian arc to happen.

      • 5 months ago

        Hazel’s gonna be best friend with the hispanic stereotype and her GF will be the girl who sings poorly.
        Writer’s pet “based” character will be the ASMR guy.

    • 5 months ago

      I've never read the comic, but judging from the pose and dialogue, I'm guessing this is a sexualized diaper change.

      • 5 months ago

        Its actually Veronica just watching Timmy get stuck in a crawlspace

    • 5 months ago

      Excellent choice of misleading reaction image!

      But I think some of you are coping. This looks like a pretty toothless reboot, and full of eyerolling woke shit like Skateboarder Xim over there, its as if the creators are trying to overcompensate for Hartman's reputation as a conservative Christian. Like straight up they decided they needed to make the most satanic piece of work ever to make right for Oaxis. A grim outlook for what the Ren and Stimpy reboot will probably be about too. Hazel is surprisingly cute and well written but she's pretty much wasted in this. She, her parents, and hell pretty much every character besides the fairies and the kid that was loosely linked to Doug Dimmadome, could've been written into their own original cartoon and it wouldn't have made a major difference. This to FOP is like that Itchy and Scratchy episode that Marge had censored

      • 5 months ago

        Make they xir kid a little more realistic (they hate everyone for not giving them a parade) and it wouldn’t be so bad.

      • 5 months ago

        >A grim outlook for what the Ren and Stimpy reboot will probably be about too.
        homie even john k thought ren and stimpy were gay with each other

    • 5 months ago

      Hazels dad feel like they're what Timmy's dad would be like if they were intelligent, also that Timmy cameo wasn't mentioned at all in the leaked script, it was just listed as "Bus Driver"

    • 5 months ago

      has potential but everyone seems so tame. there's no crazy tourrettes teacher or zany babysitter and the whole learning a lesson thing seemed much more heavyhanded than the original fairly odd parents. it needs to be more zany and exaggerated to capture the spirit of the original. also the parents of old cartoons were portrayed as comical satires of adults that were usually the butt of the jokes. in this series it seems so sanitized and normal for a lack of a better word

  3. 5 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    is this the woke one with the non-binary kids?

  5. 5 months ago

    It's not that good, either. It's thoroughly average and watchable, in the same way a room temperature glass of water is refreshing.

  6. 5 months ago

    Did they make Timmy black or something?

    • 5 months ago

      >Cosmo! Wanda! I wish that I was black so I can say the N-word!

  7. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Better than becoming drake bell i guess

    • 5 months ago

      Oh hey, it's his adult look from one of the really early episodes

    • 5 months ago

      >shitting on the original series already
      daring today aren't we?

      First they replaced Timmy's friends and classmates with staff self inserts, then they misdiagnose the plummeting ratings as being the fault of Timmy.

      tbh Timmy was meant to appeal to people 2 generations old. I'm ok with a sequel about a new kid, is pretty much what they should've done long ago.

      • 5 months ago


        Well no, to be fair they're not shitting on Timmy. He's not a bus driver, he's an actor in a movie.
        The new MC walked on the set.

        • 5 months ago

          If Channel Chasers is the standard, they are absolutely shitting on Timmy.

          • 5 months ago

            Unless this is just a much older Timmy

            • 5 months ago

              Still irreverent. This whole concept is disrespectful.

              • 5 months ago

                How do? Because he's not a hot, buff dude? They're using an adult Timmy that existed before channel chasers, and it looks like he's a well adjusted adult who enjoys a job as a Hollywood actor. Seems like a perfectly respectable adult life.

              • 5 months ago

                >We’re retconning the fan favorite ending and replacing all the characters you like, but it’s accurate to a gag about the horrors of growing old so it’s okay

              • 5 months ago

                >but it’s accurate to a gag about the horrors of growing old so it’s okay
                Yeah it is, it's part of growing up. I'm sorry that's something you can't accept yet.

              • 5 months ago

                >It’s realistic so it’s good
                I don’t have to suck down any excuse for a shitty reboot, sorry.

              • 5 months ago

                No you just need to make up reasons to shit on it. If you don't think the reboot is good than that's perfectly fair, but you don't need to pretend to be offended on Timmy's behalf over a 20 second cameo just to justify yourself. Just say you hated it, jeez.

              • 5 months ago

                Mistreatment of the previous main character is a perfectly valid reason to dislike something.
                On the face of it this idea is bad, the new characters aren’t interesting (just there to “get with the times”), I want the old cast done well.

              • 5 months ago

                How is this mistreatment? He’s a famous actor if it ends up being Timmy, and if not, it’s just a callback to an old design.

              • 5 months ago

                Compared to channel chasers, this is mistreatment. Stop playing dumb. See:

                >We’re retconning the fan favorite ending and replacing all the characters you like, but it’s accurate to a gag about the horrors of growing old so it’s okay

                And stop sucking Viacom wiener

              • 5 months ago

                >Channel Chasers: Timmy becomes a built adult who leaves kids to get abused by their babysitter just like his parents did and has forgotten his fairies.
                How is that preferable in any way? I don’t give a shit about FOP, I just find this reaction particularly baffling.

              • 5 months ago

                Shut the frick up you bad faith homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                Honestly, the Channel Chasers ending never made sense either. Fairies are supposed to help miserable children to not be miserable and grow into responsible adults. How is Timmy a responsible adult if he leaves his kids with a Vicky-bot of all things and he's bad enough of a parent for them to get Cosmo and Wanda?

                They pretty much erased all of Timmy's past and future growth as a person for a gag.

                My proposition? Make your own ending and don't worry about canonicity that much. Channel Chasers itself was about changing the future from bad to good.

              • 5 months ago

                Same I never really got why they made him repeat the same actions of his parents. It always rubbed me the wrong way and was kinda depressing not in a funny way, but more like
                >damn the entire series is literally for nothing, Timmy learned nothing from all his trials and tribulations, his relationship with Cosmo and Wanda produced nothing, and he just grows up to inflict his own misery on other kids, even worse with them being his own
                I mean fairly odd parents is pretty cynical and black humor is no stranger wienerer life is proof
                but still it's just a miserable end for Timmy's character development

              • 5 months ago

                It's also the scene that has worsened the shipping wars between Tootie and Trixie, with many fans now considering it a "binding agreement" that Timmy ends up with either of them so that Tammy and Tommy can be his kids, completely missing a basic component of the movie "You can change the future and only you are the one to determine it".

                There’s also Genies which are a completely different thing. No one gets memory wiped from that unless they ask for it so it’s not like magic isn’t a known phenomenon.

                Flappy Bob also knows about Pixies, Crocker has free reign on the fairies so much so that even his nephew (yes, they introduced him towards the end of the series but he only displaced Crocker's mother thankfully) got exempt from this rule.

                +Art was good surprisingly. I really like Butch’s style and I’m not a CG guy but I liked how loose they were shot to shot, sorta felt like mixed media
                +Cosmo and Wanda have a good characterization. Cosmo is the right amount of stupid, and while Wanda feels a tad OOC I think she plays off Cosmo well here. Reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokemon in a good way.
                +I like the city setting
                ~Not sure how I feel about a LOT of the cynicism taken out of the show. Timmy’s cynical side was a big part of the vibe and helped balance the kiddie parts. Hazel feels a lot more saccharine. I do like some of the earnest beats though, indicates a bit more depth potentially coming.
                -Parents are boring and not a great replacement for Timmy’s parents. I think it’s interesting to have a well meaning Mr. Crocker but otherwise they’re both just blah.
                -None of the students seemed interesting to me. Dimmadome kid can’t touch Vicky or Crocker
                -Some cringy political stuff like Obama “those were the days” or the value of taxes, not a good sign for some of the sensibilities

                Has potential, has stuff to be concerned about. Wish the revival could have just built on what the original series was and done more with characters we already like, but intriguing at least. Production wise is the big draw for me right now.

                I've read the pitch bible, the dad definitely sounds promising, but her mom has room for improvement.

                The school side characters are once again (per the pitch bible) dissapointing. Dev Dimmadome (the kid you mentioned) is going to be the equivalent of Remy Buxaplenty with Poof as his godparent in the near future. They also mentioned some serialisation so we'll see how that'll play out. Wanda is more like her earlier characterisation (and weirdly enough very late characterisation after she stopped being a nag), but I agree with everything else.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm oldhead enough to remember FOP in some online communities from the mid 00s or so, I don't think the FOP shipping war stuff got that bad until Wishology. Channel Chasers flash forward scene DID kind of soft-kill Veronica as a shipping option though. I vaguely remember an autist Veronica fan who made like a trillion deviantart "drawings" of her tormenting and getting revenge on Trixie in various insidious ways, but that's about as bad as it got. Wishology though was them trying to pick a winner in sort of a half-assed manner while ruining the other's characterization so that's when fans really started to turn on each other and the crew.

              • 5 months ago

                From what I recall the ship war has never really been that toxic. Most fans stayed in their own lane and explored it through various fanfiction (Sherwood, Simon’s comics, etc.). Haremshipping got popular later.

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough, though it may not have worsened the situation at the time of airing. It has become more problematic as of recent years.

                Also, I think they could have made the kids like Timmy's parents in the pilot shorts. Just focus the scene on Timmy, rather than on them and you have a much deeper and more fitting ending.

                I remember the shipping wars only started getting ugly after Wishology, and they really picked up after the first live action movie, but really, the crux of these shipping arguments usually boil down to "your waifu did flawed (that mine probably did at one point in this series too) thing and that makes me mad >:(" or basically arguing in length why a character shouldn't be allowed to have a nice thing (hobbies in Trixie's case, fairies in Tootie's). After Wishology is also around the time Cinemaphile became big too, so all the turboautists moved their fights from toonzone and tvtome to here and became more unfiltered.

                It died down after the show did, but picked back up for a while during the video essay craze a few years ago when you had rantsonas literally screaming at their camera about an 8 year old girl's envisioned criminal record.

              • 5 months ago

                1)Loving this poster

                2)They got actually worse when they did "Finding Emo" with the one-timer Missy. People were, let's say, not pleased. I still find people to this day saying Chloe replaced the two girls, even though they hadn't appeared since season 7 (and Chloe never explicitly was a love interest, though she could very well have been a better "neutral" third option than Missy without messing with the other two girls).

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough, though it may not have worsened the situation at the time of airing. It has become more problematic as of recent years.

                Also, I think they could have made the kids like Timmy's parents in the pilot shorts. Just focus the scene on Timmy, rather than on them and you have a much deeper and more fitting ending.

              • 5 months ago

                I wonder what Trixie's mother is like. A cutthroat business woman who overcorrects with extremely girly clothing? A vapid doll who relies on Mr. Tang for everything?

              • 5 months ago

                >character development

                (lol. Need I once again bring up Trixie's tomboy traits and how they were never ever used again outside of the one episode where they were introduced?

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah it’s the biggest flaw of the series, unmet character potential. Could have been nice to rectify that in a reboot but we must change for daddy Netflix.

              • 5 months ago

                Honestly, the Channel Chasers ending never made sense either. Fairies are supposed to help miserable children to not be miserable and grow into responsible adults. How is Timmy a responsible adult if he leaves his kids with a Vicky-bot of all things and he's bad enough of a parent for them to get Cosmo and Wanda?

                They pretty much erased all of Timmy's past and future growth as a person for a gag.

                My proposition? Make your own ending and don't worry about canonicity that much. Channel Chasers itself was about changing the future from bad to good.

                Same I never really got why they made him repeat the same actions of his parents. It always rubbed me the wrong way and was kinda depressing not in a funny way, but more like
                >damn the entire series is literally for nothing, Timmy learned nothing from all his trials and tribulations, his relationship with Cosmo and Wanda produced nothing, and he just grows up to inflict his own misery on other kids, even worse with them being his own
                I mean fairly odd parents is pretty cynical and black humor is no stranger wienerer life is proof
                but still it's just a miserable end for Timmy's character development

                I do agree the Channel Chasers dicksuckery has gotten a little annoying. The ending is pretty flawed. In truth, everything about the apocalyptic future timeline and time travel was really sort of tacked on and not very fleshed out. Probably because they had Vicky dressed like Hitler too didn't help either so Nick probably made them tone it down and remove parts, it always felt like major portions of the "evil dictator vicky timeline" were missing from the movie. Otherwise though, Channel Chasers is about them making funneh meme parodies about other famous cartoons, it's not meant to be a finale.

                That said, its only other competition for faux finales all suck shit, so it's pretty much a case of "its the best we got".

              • 5 months ago

                Speaking of Vicky, she was the worst aspect of the movie. Crocker for Abra-Catastrophe was a no-brainer, greatly expanded his character and realised his ambitions (albeit briefly) of world domination.

                Vicky ***never*** had any aspirations of ruling the world, she was a mean teenaged babysitter that messes with the kids she babysits so she can relax while they do all the hard work, as it's easier than her doing her job.

                Starting with season 4, she wants to be mayor for a day and has an evil bug that unless is kept inside her, will bring the end of times. Channel Chasers was the tombstone for normal Vicky as it introduced the spineless and incompetent cowards that are her parents (even though it was implied in a previous episode that she'd get in trouble for wrecking her house).

              • 5 months ago

                A lot of people don't really mention that FoP's probablels with characterization started in season 3 or so, not season 6 or 10. Timmy turning into an butthole, Vicky becoming actually evil, Trixie and Tootie's potential being squandered, these were all issues from very early. The only problems unique to post season 6 was using Crocker and Dad too much, the show was kind of on a decline from early on because it wasn't interested enough in its own characters

                the best thing to come of Chloe was her nsfw, and her making a Timmy harem official.

                >Is fallenjr the name of the artist of this pic?

                Yes thats the artist, he posted here during the S10 days

              • 5 months ago

                Nailed it. Though, season 3 is my favourite season, the decline started around then.

              • 5 months ago

                I feel that, for Vicky, the flanderization didn't derail her until season 4. Even when she was employing chlidren as nigh-slaves, her motivation was still making an easy buck without much effort and she still tried very hard to masquerade her evil side from any parents. It was only in S4 that jokes like her commiting violence on Timmy for the sake of it or her being blatantly caught in the act (yet the parents somehow still think she is innocent) started to appear.

                Definitely had their peaks and valleys. Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda were at their absolute worst in season 5. In almost every season (excluding season 9) after that they were better than the previous.

                Timmy's parents became awfully neglectful starting with season 4, but went back to being more attending of Timmy (though more idiotic and incompetent) in seasons 7-10. Timmy's dad specifically was a rollercoaster in season 10; he went from the best character early in the season ("Mayor May Not" is one of the best dad episodes) to the worst one in the flash episodes.

                Vicky went completely ballistic in season 6, calmed a bit in season 7, and went back in ballistic mode for 8-10.

                Waiting to be hated till the day I die.

                For me, the relationship between C&W reached its nadir in S5 (with a brief return to that level in the first live action movie) but S10 was the nadir of their intelligence.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, Vicky reached her limit in season 4 and Channel Chasers was her end, which is why she became such a minor villain by season 7.

                Completely agree on season 5 and partially on season 10. Yes, they very frequently lost their wands, but aside from that and despite making both of them of more equal intelligence, they still ended up being on average smarter than season 9 (the season where dumb=funny was invented and abused beyond any kind of sense).

              • 5 months ago

                Based does he have a archive? I'd love to see more of it, wish I had been here then

              • 5 months ago

                A lot of people don't really mention that FoP's probablels with characterization started in season 3 or so, not season 6 or 10. Timmy turning into an butthole, Vicky becoming actually evil, Trixie and Tootie's potential being squandered, these were all issues from very early. The only problems unique to post season 6 was using Crocker and Dad too much, the show was kind of on a decline from early on because it wasn't interested enough in its own characters

                Yes thats the artist, he posted here during the S10 days

                the characters all had their peaks and valleys imo. like how a lot of people say trixie's characterization went downhill after her second episode, but it feels like they tried to at least make her more amicable toward Timmy in her last few appearances

              • 5 months ago

                Definitely had their peaks and valleys. Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda were at their absolute worst in season 5. In almost every season (excluding season 9) after that they were better than the previous.

                Timmy's parents became awfully neglectful starting with season 4, but went back to being more attending of Timmy (though more idiotic and incompetent) in seasons 7-10. Timmy's dad specifically was a rollercoaster in season 10; he went from the best character early in the season ("Mayor May Not" is one of the best dad episodes) to the worst one in the flash episodes.

                Vicky went completely ballistic in season 6, calmed a bit in season 7, and went back in ballistic mode for 8-10.

                Waiting to be hated till the day I die.

              • 5 months ago

                I completely agree, you may as well have made my comment for me. Only I like how dumb Cosmo and Wanda are in season 10 since at least they feel like a unit again, and don't for most of the series. You're right about Timmy's Dad, early season 10 was some of the best we ever got of him, and especially in Mayor May Not. If the flash episodes helped tank the whole season's rep imo

                I feel that, for Vicky, the flanderization didn't derail her until season 4. Even when she was employing chlidren as nigh-slaves, her motivation was still making an easy buck without much effort and she still tried very hard to masquerade her evil side from any parents. It was only in S4 that jokes like her commiting violence on Timmy for the sake of it or her being blatantly caught in the act (yet the parents somehow still think she is innocent) started to appear.

                For me, the relationship between C&W reached its nadir in S5 (with a brief return to that level in the first live action movie) but S10 was the nadir of their intelligence.

                I do think that things are a lot more gradually for most characters. You're right about Vicky. For Dad I'd say even uo to season 7 he was still funny despite the greater focus being obvious. It was season 9 it became too much.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not even the flash episodes completely. Yes, the animation and artstyle went out of the window with them, but quality wise it wasn't until Tardy Sauce where they completely lost their touch and the OG show permanently died. The only character up until that point that had significantly dropped was Timmy's dad, but after that everyone dropped (maybe except Timmy, oh the irony).

                Summer Bummer, for instance, is the best flash episode, one of the best in the season, and of the 7-10 era (and, of course, better than the entirety of season 9). I really liked how they brought back sleepwishing from season 1 without rehashing the original episode. The same can be told for its pre-flash equivalent "One Flu Over the Crocker's Nest" that brought back the fairy flu from the pilot shorts.

              • 5 months ago

                Imo another good flash episodes was the finale, Fancy Shmancy was actually a nice story about Timmy and Chloe's friendship. Chloe Rules was also almost good but the dad stuff brought it down

              • 5 months ago

                Yep exactly. I also tolerated Space-CaDad as Dad got his lesson in the end and Goldie-Crocks as it was a bit funny. Hare Raiser was decent and Crockin' The House was the last good episode in the series IMO. I actually liked the flash episodes more than season 9; there were more watchable episodes, but the bad ones were ***really*** bad.

              • 5 months ago

                I agree, it's less that they're all terrible and more it's such a downgrade from the rest of the season, and the worst of it sucks so hard. But there's decent stuff. I never thought of it before but I'd also take them over season 9 which went on forever and just did not understand Fairly Oddparents at all. Why is Timmy spending all his time hanging out with his dad and teacher?

              • 5 months ago

                Oh God! I remember when I was little like 7 or 8 years old watching the then airing season 9 and being like: "Hmm, it seems that they're exploring more about Crocker and we're seeing a lot of Dad, Dinkleberg and Timmy's house."

                It's that bad when a kid can notice how you focus only on two to three characters who hijack every other episode. Season 10A at least managed to make episodes where they wouldn't hijack the episode if they showed up.

              • 5 months ago

                I will give them props, the Dinkleberg stuff in season 9 was mostly good. Dinklescouts was pretty good

                probably not because hazel's dad replaced him
                and even if he does, he's either old as shit in this timeline or he's fricking dead

                He's definitely not dead. The reboot should take place around the time a supposed reboot with Timmy's kid would. Crocker is supposedly around 40 in the original series, so he would be around 65 in this one.

                Even if Crocker were a hundred he'd still be alive and unusually spry, and so would his mother.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not complaining about Dinkleberg that much, but he's also overused compared to earlier, kinda like how Mrs. Crocker was overused in early season 10 (though she was mostly... there and didn't do stuff).

                His mother is confirmed to live till 130, so he'll be living with her well into his triple digits.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not like it's the first time they're doing a callback to this design, they have already done it once in the season 10 episode "Dimmsdale Daze" where Chloe was the one to become the adult or, in this case, parent.

      • 5 months ago

        >tbh Timmy was meant to appeal to people 2 generations old
        Sounds like a couched way of saying "We had to change his race and sex because white male leads are problematic".

        Couldn’t they have just rebooted the series with the old characters? Let the side cast have more prominent roles again and get a new writing staff? I don’t care about any of these people.

        That seems like the easiest and most obvious thing to do and yet they refuse to do it. It's actually almost frustrating, because they've tried the "new godkid" thing twice now and it's been a failure.
        I'd have also aged Timmy up slightly, just so you can give him a more boyish VA and have an excuse to get rid of Tara's Israel worshiping ass.

        • 5 months ago

          I just think they wanted to sleep very different from Timmy to stand out

          They had a failed attempt at a live-action sequel just 2 years ago and it was cancelled after 1 season. This will likely suffer the same fate since it's being shoved to Netflix rather than Paramount+ or Nickelodeon proper

          I think Netflix is just for international markets, and that's how they got the leak

    • 5 months ago

      what went wrong? besides being a fricking loser?

    • 5 months ago

      what went wrong? besides being a fricking loser?

      Obviously the Timmy from the later series timeline where he never learned to accept that his fairies are going away eventually and was totally unprepared for life without them. Channel Chasers Timmy is happily married with a wife and kids.

      • 5 months ago

        >Channel Chasers Timmy is happily married with a wife and kids.
        This, though Timmy learned his lesson, unlike later seasons. In addition, the current cartoons no longer allow smart and strong men like they used to, so they have to be shown as losers and as weaklings, which I would say was influenced by feminism a lot. Certainly what they're showing isn't canon to me so I'll go back to the old way, where Timmy wasn't such an butthole.

    • 5 months ago

      >different voice entirely
      are you sure this is supposed to be timmy and not just some guy?

      • 5 months ago

        imagine being 30s and still having your child voice

        • 5 months ago

          i doubt adult timmy would sound like the very clearly black actor they hired for him.

          • 5 months ago

            how many tooth-bucked adults do you think there are?

      • 5 months ago

        I think it's a good thing we don't have Tara Strong anymore

    • 5 months ago

      >Drake Bell and Butch Hartman burn their bridges with Nickelodeon so hard that Timmy gets his bad end.
      You love to see it.

      • 5 months ago

        Butch Hartman is an executive producer on both this and the live-action reboot from a couple years back

    • 5 months ago

      That's an actor in the episode. My guess is that he's gonna be the fake out for Timmy during the first season with Hazel thinking he's Timmy and trying to get Cosmo and Wanda to reconnect, only for Cosmo and Wanda to not know who this guy is.

    • 5 months ago

      Well no, to be fair they're not shitting on Timmy. He's not a bus driver, he's an actor in a movie.
      The new MC walked on the set.

      Calling it now, he's going to appear as a recurring character with a different job every time.

      • 5 months ago

        Probably, that or MC keeps walking on to different movie sets as a running gag.

    • 5 months ago

      Well no, to be fair they're not shitting on Timmy. He's not a bus driver, he's an actor in a movie.
      The new MC walked on the set.

      Why does he have a different eye color, and different eyebrows? And he sounds like he is voiced by a Negachin?

      • 5 months ago

        Artstyle change + cut all ties with Tara Strong

    • 5 months ago

      Oh frick.

    • 5 months ago

      >He became an ugly bastard
      Truly our hero

      • 5 months ago

        Hazel looks like a background character. Wanda is the only cute girl left.

        • 5 months ago

          I found Hazel yearning for her big bro every other second endearing actually. I had given up seeing a female cartoon mc looking up to a male ever again.

        • 5 months ago

          >Hazel isn't cute
          Fricking cringe

          • 5 months ago

            Every relevant OS girl mogs.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      why didnt he wish to grow up hot

    • 5 months ago

      I can’t believe this absolute unit has the best harem in Dimmidalphia.

      • 5 months ago

        The face of a man who cooms too much into his many wives.

    • 5 months ago

      Literally one of us.

    • 5 months ago

      you actually expected Timmy to have a successful life?

      • 5 months ago

        We were shown one, so yeah, kinda.

        • 5 months ago

          which one? the one where he still lives in his parent's house?

          • 5 months ago

            How old or young are you that that isn’t a win?

            • 5 months ago

              already? we were talking about why you thought Timmy would be a successful adult.

              • 5 months ago

                Having a wife, children, a steady job, affordable child care and a home IS being a successful adult.

              • 5 months ago

                Not to mention time and means to achieve a nice physique. Guy was set.

              • 5 months ago

                you just described Timmy's dad and he wasn't successful. DINKLEBERG! was his whole thing.

              • 5 months ago

                Timmy’s dad was a failed boomer. A failed boomer is a successful millennial. Once again, how old or how young are you? Did you miss the financial crisis?

              • 5 months ago

                what does that have to do with Timmy being a bad student leading to a mediocre life? Channel Chasers is not canon, get over it.

              • 5 months ago

                We saw him get one, how is irrelevant.
                >It’s not canon
                No, the rest of this isn’t canon.

  8. 5 months ago

    I cant wait for the fanart

    • 5 months ago

      featuring what? this thing?

      • 5 months ago

        Here is your latinx rep

        • 5 months ago

          featuring what? this thing?

          The show was designed, boarded and animated by a studio in Spain. It’s an all over seas crew with a few exceptions.

          • 5 months ago

            it's weird to be so confidently wrong
            all the vendor studio did was the CG work (modelling and animation, its the same with the other Nick CG productions, the vendor studio does modelling and animation and NAS does the rest), the pre production is all Nick in LA as is usual for NAS productions and this is extremely easy to verify from the credits
            and additionally the vendor studio is based in Ireland and just has a few Spanish remote workers on FOP

            • 5 months ago

              Nu-maniacs crew members.

            • 5 months ago

              “Content creator” they hired tiktokers.

          • 5 months ago

            >no cartoon industry since the 90s
            >the first Spaniard cartoon after 30 years is... THIS
            Being Spaniard is suffering...

          • 5 months ago

            No fricking way.

      • 5 months ago

        fallenjr fanart save me

        save me fallenjr fanart

        • 5 months ago

          I cant wait for the fanart

          the best thing to come of Chloe was her nsfw, and her making a Timmy harem official.

          >Is fallenjr the name of the artist of this pic?

      • 5 months ago

        >no neck
        kek. Just like one of Timmy's old friends, the one with the big acne.

  9. 5 months ago

    Was cosmos voice always this bad? Like no it's not like I was expecting the oh yeah cartoons voice but this sound like twice as high as the original series to me

    • 5 months ago

      sounds like the last seasons

  10. 5 months ago

    Why did they stop using Timmy and other characters we’ve known for so long?

    • 5 months ago

      First they replaced Timmy's friends and classmates with staff self inserts, then they misdiagnose the plummeting ratings as being the fault of Timmy.

      • 5 months ago

        The guy on the left passes as a laidback character. The color girl doesn't.

    • 5 months ago

      you're not tired of timmy yet?

    • 5 months ago

      Using a new main character is what people always wanted instead of dragging out the original show

  11. 5 months ago

    does this mean kids who watch this will have to watch the original fop series first? the lore starts...

    • 5 months ago

      worry not, i'm sure youtubers will make epic 10 hr vids explaining the lore.

  12. 5 months ago

    Do we have an antagonist or at least someone who dislikes the main characters?

    • 5 months ago

      another anon said the dad is going to be the crocker

    • 5 months ago

      yes, it will be the rich kid who has no stakes in anything or any desires/motivations

    • 5 months ago

      Dev is both simultaneously a massive jerk and the only character that talks to or tries to help Hazel

      • 5 months ago

        I hope they go the toxic friendship route.

      • 5 months ago

        I hope they go the toxic friendship route.

        Yeah I found it interesting
        Something like suneo and Nobita in Doraemon

  13. 5 months ago

    FOP was never good

  14. 5 months ago

    FOP was always good

  15. 5 months ago


    the 3d art looks genuinely awful. Max G does better art and he's just one guy.

  16. 5 months ago

    So who did Timmy end up with? With how he looks I really don't want to see it now, kids still watch it? I thought Loud House was the biggest show for Nick next to SpongeBob

  17. 5 months ago

    This feels so safe and bland that it's entirely unremarkable.
    It isn't trying to do anything new or interesting, it's just reiterating on ideas from the original series and trying to combine them with a barebones 'modern' setting.
    It doesn't feel like it's made for fans of the original series or kids today. (Do kids even like television? Cartoon ratings have plummeted and most kids seem invested in the internet and online content.)
    I can't think of anything about this that would be appealing to anyone. It feels like something that was designed by committee to slam together 'FOP but modern' in the most generic way possible.
    I firmly expect this to fade into irrelevance and cancellation.

  18. 5 months ago

    Hazel is cute and funny!!!

  19. 5 months ago

    It's, oddly decent. Not great, but I'd sit down and watch an episode or two if it was on. 6.5/10

    • 5 months ago

      Definitely a step in the right direction compared to the live action series but it's so bland I won't remember it exists in a few years.

    • 5 months ago

      >oddly decent

      Definitely a step in the right direction compared to the live action series but it's so bland I won't remember it exists in a few years.

      >Definitely a step in the right direction
      Do you have holes in your brains?

  20. 5 months ago

    Woke garbage

  21. 5 months ago

    Couldn’t they have just rebooted the series with the old characters? Let the side cast have more prominent roles again and get a new writing staff? I don’t care about any of these people.

  22. 5 months ago

    Cosmo and Wanda were quite entertaining. Wanda is significantly better than I remember her during the series

    • 5 months ago

      Wanda was great, they made her fun again and it really elevated the episode

      • 5 months ago

        Agreed, probably the best character currently

        Honestly the rules of fairies are weird even in a surface level
        >Grow out of fairies
        >memory wipe
        >admit that you have fairies to an outsider
        >memory wipe
        >Fairies quit
        >memory wipe
        >willingly give up, act too cruel or fire your fairies
        >get to keep the memories forever
        It’s weird how that works. It’s not even a matter of being a good kid. If you take the initiative you get to keep your memories

        Even then, memory wipes aren't consistently applied throughout the series. They were first introduced in "The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker!" and were relevant until season 8. Seasons 9-10 seem to have done away with them and function more or less like pre-"Secret Origin" FOP, kids just forget with time (like how it was done in Abra-Catastrophe!).

        • 5 months ago

          There’s also Genies which are a completely different thing. No one gets memory wiped from that unless they ask for it so it’s not like magic isn’t a known phenomenon.

  23. 5 months ago

    Tootie LOST
    Trixie LOST
    Vicky LOST
    Chloe LOST
    Carly LOST
    Cindy LOST
    Timmy is a fat ugly bastard and you’ve gotta deal with it.

    • 5 months ago

      Don’t forget Veronica LOST too

      • 5 months ago

        Nah, she's gonna give fat timothy a sloppy rimjob...

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody winning is a Tootie win by default. She's racked up the highest score in terms of timeline victories and I could also only conceivably see her as the only character that would still like fat combover Timmy.

      • 5 months ago

        Cope and rope.
        NO CONTEST

        • 5 months ago

          Don't make me tap the sign.
          >Butch has hard confirmed Timmy/Tootie multiple times on his twitter

          • 5 months ago

            And yet, he ends up alone and ugly. Damn, he sold out all his characters.

          • 5 months ago

            In this one specific instance and knowing no other tweets personally, this looks like the same kind of tweet you could make about Chowder and Panini pre-finale, where it's based on the joke of one character being rabidly obsessed with and assuming they are the girlfriend of someone.

            But I mean, they're supposed to have gotten together in the movies at least.

    • 5 months ago

      >Timmy is a fat ugly bastard
      So he ends up with Trixie then.

      • 5 months ago

        >Timmy only gets with Trixie in one of the timelines
        >by becoming an ugly bastard
        Somehow I could see it....

        • 5 months ago

          Trixie would be a good fit for a marvel actress and Timmy would support his hot, nerdy wife.
          It would be funny to portray the Tootie timeline as an endless youth fantasy to save the world and the Trixie timeline as a balding ugly dude making movies lol.
          Guess that means Channel Chasers is the Vickychad timeline, it would explain the robot that resembles their mother.

        • 5 months ago

          >modern cartoon
          Trixie is going to be made gay and will be dating an ugly off-screen character who may in fact be a staff member's self insert.

          • 5 months ago

            Stop basing Molly anon, you suck at this, FRICK YOU

            • 5 months ago

              The e-girl and Todd Mortenson ends tomorrow.

              Its strange how that show went down a similar trajectory as FOP, only they managed to speedrun it in 2 seasons.

          • 5 months ago

            That is the kind of thing they would do if Trixie got referenced, 100%.

            • 5 months ago

              No. Trixie is shelved away and locked from those nu-based unproffesional weirdos.

    • 5 months ago

      These characters wouldn't give a shit about Timmy's outward appearance. They're still easily in the game.

      Anyone notice that every single FOP thread has this guy who comes in and immediately starts complaining about a non-existent Tootie schizo as if they were on the level of the Peridot spammer that everyone knows about?

      I just find it funny because I was accused in a previous thread of being them as well. Is there any sort of word for this type of reverse lolcow (ie a person who obsesses over an alleged lowcow so much they themselves become the lolcow?)

      I've noticed this shit too. It's not even Trixie vs Tootie debates that summon him, but literally ANY sort of Tootie supportive post. He'd do it in stuff like OTP threads too and it just made fans of this show in general look bad, which I'm pretty sure was always the intention.

      >Le Quirk Chungus
      >Le competent one man army businesswoman
      >Le even handed and emotionally available creative father
      >Le offscreen beacon of perfection older brother

      That's just how modern cartoons are these days. There can never be any sort of real conflict. It's boring. It's part of the reason why I've grown to despise rantsonas like Enter. They're the ones who cried about characters getting "torture porn'd", female stalkers and other pearl clutcing nonsense.

      do you like milf Wanda?

      Absolutely. Hazel is cute too. I can't really see myself ever liking the rest though.

      • 5 months ago

        Cosmo and Wanda as rich weirdo early retirees is so great

        >Channel Chasers
        I always thought this future flash forward scene was just about as much showing that the adult future Timmy that was killed off earlier in the movie was doing okay now. It does bring a lot of closure to the story and tries to resolve the shipping thing fairly too.

        I guess some people like this ending, its okay, but everyone learning about magic and no more godparents needed feels like a SvTFOE tier ending to me. Pass.

        >Meet the Oddparents
        A pretty good neutral stopping point, they really didn't need to go beyond here and everything after it arguably damaged the show's brand irrepairably.

        >live movie
        I actually don't think the first live movie was that bad, a bit too sugary of an ending for my tastes where Timmy basically gets his cake and eats it too, and the live action stuff in general sucked, but writing wise this was their last non-fail.

        >OG series ending
        Pretty sure it just ended on a random episode where Chloe was trying to steal a doll from Timmy's dad or something. Pretty bleak.

        >Fairly Odder
        Never knew what happened to Princeton Timmy, but it seems to tie in with the general idea of the later seasons that Timmy never "forgets" his fairies.

        >this shit
        Assuming that Timmy isn't just a placeholder or some shit, yeah, that's pretty lame way to do him, but he is at least an actor in a movie franchise for something he loves so there is that.

        >OG series ending
        Pretty sure it just ended on a random episode where Chloe was trying to steal a doll from Timmy's dad or something. Pretty bleak.
        It ended on Timmy and Chloe's friendaversary. The show basically just ends with them having fun together and I think that's kind of wholesome

        Based does he have a archive? I'd love to see more of it, wish I had been here then

        A lot of his drawings are on DA, you can reverse image search too

  24. 5 months ago



  25. 5 months ago

    >Live action
    Don’t rouse the Tootieschizo. The reboot is bad enough.

    • 5 months ago

      Everyone LOST
      Blackrock-sama, I kneel…

    • 5 months ago

      The reboot isn’t any worse than the last 3 season were.

      • 5 months ago

        A decayed show isn’t the same as botching a revival. This could have been a comeback if they actually had any idea what the fanbase wants.

  26. 5 months ago

    Anyway, watched the episode and I'd say it's somewhat decent: around 6.5/10. There's a lot of stuff yet to do and a single episode (even if it's the first one) is not going to decide the reboot's fate.

  27. 5 months ago

    Anyone notice that every single FOP thread has this guy who comes in and immediately starts complaining about a non-existent Tootie schizo as if they were on the level of the Peridot spammer that everyone knows about?

    I just find it funny because I was accused in a previous thread of being them as well. Is there any sort of word for this type of reverse lolcow (ie a person who obsesses over an alleged lowcow so much they themselves become the lolcow?)

    • 5 months ago

      Don't have any idea for said word. I agree that people complaining about the Tootie complainers are more than the people who complain about her. But, that doesn't mean that they can be annoying, despite what Butch had said at some point in the very distant past, Tootie was always the secondary love interest to the main Trixie one and that's hard facts just by looking who appears the most.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't really care about the status of each girl. I think Tootie probably ended up with the most "points" in the end, but obviously with all the timeline frickery you can really just say whoever you want won. That's pretty much what Butch's official stance has always been, shitposting aside.

        In terms of love interest, yeah, it seems like Trixie was meant to the main one, just going by the pitch bibles (Tootie was originally supposed to have more of a role in season 1 too, but was pushed back to season 2). That doesn't really mean a whole lot though, I'd argue Tootie had way more genuine shipping / "good chemistry" moments while Trixie's increased screentime led to a lot of bad ones.

        • 5 months ago

          I'll agree that Tootie had more good moments with Timmy than Trixie, but Trixie in seasons 1-2 was better than Tootie at her best.

          If we go by "good chemistry" moments with any character, Chloe has arguably surpassed Chester and AJ as Timmy's best friend (probably the best thing about season 10 is how genuine their friendship gets after the more rocky phase of their relationship in the early episodes) and, of course, is shipped with him by some of her fans.

          • 5 months ago

            >Trixie in seasons 1-2 was better than Tootie at her best.

            That's pretty subjective, and I'm a Trixie fan. In her second or third appearance she steals a letter from Timmy, gets mad at its contents, and has him kicked out of a party that she wasn't even in charge of. Instant ship killing move right there, akin to Wendy Corduroy going over her body count.

            On a side note, they really should've killed off Sanjay and Elmer and made Tootie and a de-popularized Veronica part of his friend group instead. Probably would've given a lot more chemistry to the plots, and allowed someone besides Wanda to be catty. God damn looking back they really half assed this show...

            • 5 months ago

              I made another reply but it never got sent apparently. Yeah, I agree about Trixie but wasn't that "Love Struck" from season 3 or am I misremembering? Anyway, I think the main problem is that the show killed of its school characters' potential as early as seasons 3-4. Tootie should've kept her original relationship with Vicky which could have kept Vicky from becoming satan himself as time passed.

              Haters gonna hate, but Season 10 with the addition of Chloe is the only season after season 3 to actively try to solve the problem by massively changing the status quo and finally making a kid character besides Timmy to actually matter (even though we would still need other kid characters for Chloe herself, it was at least a bandaid fix). The fact that it happened so late is why it didn't succeed.

          • 5 months ago

            Chloe definitely has the most chemistry with Timmy in the series, and I wish S10 at least got more recognition for that

            I made another reply but it never got sent apparently. Yeah, I agree about Trixie but wasn't that "Love Struck" from season 3 or am I misremembering? Anyway, I think the main problem is that the show killed of its school characters' potential as early as seasons 3-4. Tootie should've kept her original relationship with Vicky which could have kept Vicky from becoming satan himself as time passed.

            Haters gonna hate, but Season 10 with the addition of Chloe is the only season after season 3 to actively try to solve the problem by massively changing the status quo and finally making a kid character besides Timmy to actually matter (even though we would still need other kid characters for Chloe herself, it was at least a bandaid fix). The fact that it happened so late is why it didn't succeed.

            Season 10 felt like it understood the problems with seasons 7 to 9 and tried to fix them. The show needed kids to work

          • 5 months ago

            >Trixie in seasons 1-2 was better than Tootie at her best.
            Trixie also had the advantage that you could easily use her to create an episode by having Timmy do whatever he thought would make Trixie like him. Want Timmy to make a movie, he's doing it because Trixie likes directors.

            Though not following up on picrel aspect of Trixie was a major missed opportunity.

            >Chloe has arguably surpassed Chester and AJ as Timmy's best friend
            Well Chloe did know about the fairies, so she could go on more adventures.

            • 5 months ago

              >Cosplays the blind girl
              Of course

            • 5 months ago

              Why does this thot's apologists always obsessively diss Tootie? They never had any interaction ...

              • 5 months ago

                I usually witness the opposite. Tootie fans frothing at the mouth over Trixie.

              • 5 months ago

                Are you really trying to whataboutism me over nicktoons? Man you really are obsessive over that chick.

              • 5 months ago

                Saying that the opposite is more often the case is not the same as whataboutism.

              • 5 months ago

                Point it out happening in this thread then.

              • 5 months ago

                Neither has taken place ITT

              • 5 months ago

                Other than you calling Trixie a thot, the conversation has been relatively civil in regards to the girls.

              • 5 months ago

                No it wasn't. You were just being backhanded until you got called on it.

              • 5 months ago

                False, you’re just projecting as an excuse to sperg out over Trixie.

    • 5 months ago

      Can confirm this, it's been going on for years too

    • 5 months ago

      Anyone notice that every single FOP thread has this Tootieschizo who comes in and immediately starts complaining about a non-existent Tootieschizo-schizo as if they were on the level of the Tootieschizo that everyone knows about?

      I just find it funny because I was accused in a previous thread of being them as well. Is there any sort of word for this type of double reverse lolcow (ie a person who obsesses over an alleged reverse lowcow so much they themselves become the lolcow?)

      I don't care what you gays are talking about, I want this ugly b***h out of this thread.

    • 5 months ago

      Anyone notice that every single FOP thread has this Tootieschizo who comes in and immediately starts complaining about a non-existent Tootieschizo-schizo as if they were on the level of the Tootieschizo that everyone knows about?

      I just find it funny because I was accused in a previous thread of being them as well. Is there any sort of word for this type of double reverse lolcow (ie a person who obsesses over an alleged reverse lowcow so much they themselves become the lolcow?)

      Hey there, you fricking pedophile. Which number waifu is this now? I've lost count.

      Haven't been on Cinemaphile in years, heartwarming to see all mention and discussion of the fairly odd parents is still dominated by this weird shipping war

      You can't fight a war with only one man.


      What is funny is that most of the "brown girl" shows were created by white people. It's a nice way of thoughtless pandering, while at the same time also getting those woke points on twitter, along with a higher social credit score.

      pic related is the creator of owl house

      And here you are dragging off-topic culture war garbage into the FOP thread! Guess things never change here.

      Can't believe they made Fairly Oddparents political.

      You should see season 2.

      • 5 months ago

        Tweenkle is 16

        FOP never had an identity. All it ever did was move to the one thing in pop culture that was known or popular, then quickly move on to the next thing. If it even had an identity, I'd describe it as a goldfish stuck in a fishbowl.

        Did FOP even do pop culture gags outside of Star Wars / capeshit (Butch's personal obsessions) and the occasional odd boomer shit like Billy Crystal?

  28. 5 months ago

    Im suprised it took this long to make a follow up show. The premise is preety much timeless since there will never not be children with terrible parents and lifes.

    • 5 months ago

      They had a failed attempt at a live-action sequel just 2 years ago and it was cancelled after 1 season. This will likely suffer the same fate since it's being shoved to Netflix rather than Paramount+ or Nickelodeon proper

  29. 5 months ago

    >n-not him!

  30. 5 months ago

    >y-yes him!

  31. 5 months ago

    Anyone notice that every single FOP thread has this Tootieschizo who comes in and immediately starts complaining about a non-existent Tootieschizo-schizo as if they were on the level of the Tootieschizo that everyone knows about?

    I just find it funny because I was accused in a previous thread of being them as well. Is there any sort of word for this type of double reverse lolcow (ie a person who obsesses over an alleged reverse lowcow so much they themselves become the lolcow?)

    • 5 months ago

      Can confirm this, it’s been going on for years too

  32. 5 months ago

    >phoneposter competely shits up another thread
    like Clockwork from DP: ultimate enemy

  33. 5 months ago

    The beauty of the Timmybowl is that we know Timmy won and you can insert any girl you want as the victor. Naturally every follow-up has disrupted this, but that’s franchise rot for you.

  34. 5 months ago

    Tootie has the most annoying fans and haters. Everyone else is pretty chill for such a ship-centric fandom.

    • 5 months ago

      Those haters are the other waifugays, who else is going to put that much energy into hating a tertiary character that, at worst, slightly irritated the main character in half an episode per season?

      • 5 months ago

        I mean, maybe? Tootie haters tend to be people who claim she’s ugly because Timmy avoided her. Her fans are annoying because they’re the ones who insist they won the most, her haters are annoying because they have weirdo NTR or hate fantasies about her. Rest of the girls are fairly uncontroversial on either side (Vicky haters are a distant second place, but her fans tend to own her flaws).

        • 5 months ago

          This post really didn't age well... shouldve known there would be a Trixiegay to shit all over it.

          • 5 months ago

            Obsessed for years. Permanent victim complex. Sad.

            • 5 months ago

              But enough out of your autobiography

  35. 5 months ago

    Haven't been on Cinemaphile in years, heartwarming to see all mention and discussion of the fairly odd parents is still dominated by this weird shipping war

    • 5 months ago

      It's because Vicky, Tootie, and Trixie are unironically the most interesting and least explored characters on the show. The shipping wars are really just a side effect of waifugays posturing themselves, pretty much all but the most diehard haters agrees that they don't really work as well without each other.

      Thats what these reboots don't get, those three girls get most of the fanart and fanfic from fans besides the main trio. Imagine an Amphibia reboot with just the frogs, way fewer people would watch that shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh I'll agree with that, but often times what a fandom wants is different (or diametrically opposite) to what the network/creator/writers want. I'd kill for the show to have explore Vicky's past like how it did with Crocker, the latter's episode already feels like a fanfic with how bizzare it is, so why not the former as well?

    • 5 months ago

      Unmet potential + literal (probably accidental) harem style bowl potential + uniquely satisfying but inconclusive ship conclusion = eternal bowl forever

      It's because Vicky, Tootie, and Trixie are unironically the most interesting and least explored characters on the show. The shipping wars are really just a side effect of waifugays posturing themselves, pretty much all but the most diehard haters agrees that they don't really work as well without each other.

      Thats what these reboots don't get, those three girls get most of the fanart and fanfic from fans besides the main trio. Imagine an Amphibia reboot with just the frogs, way fewer people would watch that shit.

      FoP fans LOVE the side characters. If they ever want to make the fans happy, that’s how you’d do it, fleshing out the cast and having a little bit of status quo progression beyond adding a poochie.

  36. 5 months ago

    >It was always bad
    The final move, always. Why are Cinemaphile fans such cucks?

    • 5 months ago

      I say this as a fan, FoP was never amazing. It had a few decent seasons, a couple of stand out episodes, a cool artstyle and a few great specials (School’s Out the Musical is my favorite) but for the most part it was always kind of mid. Carried hard by the premise.

  37. 5 months ago

    FOP was never a great show but the first few seasons are good, the show gets bad a lot faster than I remembered though.

  38. 5 months ago

    Can't believe they made Fairly Oddparents political.

  39. 5 months ago

    Honestly the rules of fairies are weird even in a surface level
    >Grow out of fairies
    >memory wipe
    >admit that you have fairies to an outsider
    >memory wipe
    >Fairies quit
    >memory wipe
    >willingly give up, act too cruel or fire your fairies
    >get to keep the memories forever
    It’s weird how that works. It’s not even a matter of being a good kid. If you take the initiative you get to keep your memories

  40. 5 months ago

    +Art was good surprisingly. I really like Butch’s style and I’m not a CG guy but I liked how loose they were shot to shot, sorta felt like mixed media
    +Cosmo and Wanda have a good characterization. Cosmo is the right amount of stupid, and while Wanda feels a tad OOC I think she plays off Cosmo well here. Reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokemon in a good way.
    +I like the city setting
    ~Not sure how I feel about a LOT of the cynicism taken out of the show. Timmy’s cynical side was a big part of the vibe and helped balance the kiddie parts. Hazel feels a lot more saccharine. I do like some of the earnest beats though, indicates a bit more depth potentially coming.
    -Parents are boring and not a great replacement for Timmy’s parents. I think it’s interesting to have a well meaning Mr. Crocker but otherwise they’re both just blah.
    -None of the students seemed interesting to me. Dimmadome kid can’t touch Vicky or Crocker
    -Some cringy political stuff like Obama “those were the days” or the value of taxes, not a good sign for some of the sensibilities

    Has potential, has stuff to be concerned about. Wish the revival could have just built on what the original series was and done more with characters we already like, but intriguing at least. Production wise is the big draw for me right now.

    • 5 months ago

      Show feels very milquetoast. Everyone sans Cosmo and Wanda who are also quite diminishes is just really low energy and normal and safe. I guess maybe cartoons these days just don't have the wackiness of the 90s
      Also why does her dad look exactly like Irwin from Billy and Mandy

      • 5 months ago

        It’s definitely pretty safe-spacey.

  41. 5 months ago

    My favorite part of the episode were retired Cosmo and Wanda. I hope their human forms continue to play a part in the show moving forward.

  42. 5 months ago

    where is the Ugly Bastard Timmy molesting Hazle art?

    • 5 months ago

      Give Gara some time.

  43. 5 months ago

    Did they retcon Timmy’s time warp? They mentioned only working with Timmy for 7 years.

    • 5 months ago

      Probably, but that's because it essentially had already been retconned by seasons 9-10 existing. It was meant to be a finale alongside the rest of season 8 with "Meet the OddParents" being the final episode.

    • 5 months ago

      I think explaining Secret Wish is a mess do they're just going with "Timmy lost then at 17"

    • 5 months ago

      Probably, but that's because it essentially had already been retconned by seasons 9-10 existing. It was meant to be a finale alongside the rest of season 8 with "Meet the OddParents" being the final episode.

      I think explaining Secret Wish is a mess do they're just going with "Timmy lost then at 17"

      They stated they have been expending their retirement traveling through Space and Time, going back to the Stone Age, Rome, and the mid 00s again. A weird choice that it had to be 10 thousand years, but in short, in justify having them completely out of practice, while being a relatively speaking "short" time skip in the human world.

  44. 5 months ago

    britney britney was pretty cute and her being hypnotized was just a bonus
    wish she had more art. she's the only character i have any sort of "feeling" towards in this show. i dont care about any of the girls like regulars in fop threads would. i don't even think of BB when this show comes up and only remembered her because someone in the leak thread posted an image of her

  45. 5 months ago


  46. 5 months ago

    Human Wanda sexo

  47. 5 months ago


    Timmy would never...

    • 5 months ago

      He just did

  48. 5 months ago

    Learn your fricking lesson anons!!!

    This bullshit will be just as terrible as the live-action one.

  49. 5 months ago

    Cosmo and Wanda are confirmed Aryan.

    • 5 months ago

      BTW, did anyone notice the new Wanda design? Her pants used to be black but now are the same colour as her hair.

    • 5 months ago

      I thought they were israeli…especially wanda for some reason. Huh.

      • 5 months ago

        Wanda is Italian.

        • 5 months ago

          Meanwhile Cosmo has an overprotective mother and his brother's name is Schnozmo, a name that is a pun on a Yiddish word.

  50. 5 months ago


    I guess my wish was granted, thanks cosmo and wanda

  51. 5 months ago

    >I wish I had a glock

  52. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >Huge Canon Bush

  53. 5 months ago

    Am I the only one that noticed that Ashleigh Crystal Heirston is credited as a co-executive producer, series developer, story editor (along with another co-executive producer) and VA for Hazel? She is practically running the reboot all alone with full creative control.

    • 5 months ago

      Definitely a vanity project

  54. 5 months ago


    I don't care how much the studio pays you to post here, frick off.

  55. 5 months ago

    You know, watching this leak a few times, and thinking about the Non-Timmy parts of FoP, I've grown on the idea of following Cosmo and Wanda as they help GodKids get over certain life problems so they can grow and develop into good people, something akin to Uncle Grandpa but with more emphasis on wishes and magic. I also like that they characterized Wanda back to her AW Yeah!/Season 1 version where her and Cosmo are "two halves of a whole idiot".

    I also don't think Hazel is a bad character, but her reasons for having Cosmo and Wanda don't make much sense, and how she got them felt unrewarded, as well as their introduction to each other as memorable as Timmy wanting to call the cops on Cosmo and Wanda when he first met them.

    • 5 months ago

      To be fair to Hazel, Timmy only got them because he had a bad day with normal Vicky. All the added stuff only came later

    • 5 months ago

      I never got arguing over the depression Olympics behind which kids deserve or do not deserve fairy godparents the most never made sense to me, realistically Timmy would never get fairies over the kids starving in a sweatshop in thailand where the head of the orphanage beats them while he rapes them. It's not really supposed to be measuring stick for misery that you take seriously.

      And that aside, the show sidesteps it anyway with Cosmo and Wanda basically being her godparents of their own free will, and not being assigned to her.
      Anyway I like that they have a disguise as next door neighbors this time. Means they can interact with the parents easier.

  56. 5 months ago

    if i was gonna reboot FOP, i'd stick to the original characters and make it a reverse take on "why did Timmy's friends all disappear"
    instead it would be Timmy disappeared, and all his friends (mainly Chester, Aj, Tootie, and Trixie) are searching for him

  57. 5 months ago

    i feel like the only person who finds it entertaining that adult timmy just becomes james gandolfini

    • 5 months ago

      I did too. Self-inserters are malding just like they did when the LA show had Vicky simping for Crocker

  58. 5 months ago

    Lol I knew the second I saw the MC they would turn it into a hugbox show. All the edge has been sucked out.

  59. 5 months ago

    Why is every single main character besides Cosmo and Wanda a Mary Sue?

    • 5 months ago

      >Le Quirk Chungus
      >Le competent one man army businesswoman
      >Le even handed and emotionally available creative father
      >Le offscreen beacon of perfection older brother

  60. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      It would be entirely in character for Timmy to wish to essentially wear blackface instead of wishing to get rid of racism.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, the latter would be against da rulez. Fairies cannot erase blacks from existence.

        • 5 months ago

          They turned everyone into gray blobs my guy

          • 5 months ago

            That episode had one of the best blank stare+line deliveries.

            >"YEAH, that's vibrant and noticeable."

    • 5 months ago

      I want to see this as a short video with the wish granted sound effect thatd be funny

    • 5 months ago

      They made him indian instead so he can now shit in the streets.

  61. 5 months ago

    Of fricking course the main character is black. Of fricking course.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly I don't give a shit about her being black, I'm more bothered by the "non-binary" 10 year old character in the show.

  62. 5 months ago

    >They’re cool
    >Single person
    NOPE, I’m out.

  63. 5 months ago

    dicky game kinda weak

  64. 5 months ago

    Im really surprised Viacom hasnt nuked this shit yet. Have they given up trying to fight these leaks?
    When the pitch bible for this leak I got a DMCA warning just for replying to some leakyhomie kek.. didnt even know Cinemaphile gave those

    • 5 months ago

      They're too busy DMCAing the hundreds of people talking about this on Twitter right now

  65. 5 months ago

    Wasn’t bad, but the ‘they’ kid drove me away after watching the whole thing. It’s a red flag. If things don’t get worse I’ll give it another go.

  66. 5 months ago

    They fricking fixed them!

    • 5 months ago

      >It's the character dynamic you know and love, except we took opposing traits that made them work and swapped them around!
      Are there literally no qualifications to get a job at Viacom, or is "dick sucking" a required skill?

  67. 5 months ago

    Holy shit her mom is hot

    • 5 months ago

      >blacked main character
      >non-binary friend
      >shits on the original main character who happens to be white
      >lists out the races of every character
      >property of Netflix

      Holy shit, it all makes sense now. I thought this was going to be on nick or something. Well, Netflix will do what Netflix does best then.

      • 5 months ago

        This is another series made by people who don’t care about the source material, like PPG 2016.

    • 5 months ago

      Why does the dad look like the grub hub guy

      • 5 months ago


  68. 5 months ago

    This is the best piece of FOP media released since the original show unceremoniously ended. And it's just mediocre okay. At least it's something technically new. Hazel is prob the best main character this show has had since Timmy himself, but eh, not like they tried in the past...

    • 5 months ago

      Hazel is fine but that’s about it, her being black is on purpose and not incidental. I know this because we have xir-is-great and LATINX REP teacher.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's the best thing since the last time it was good!
      Wow, what a high-reaching bar...

      • 5 months ago

        That's the thing, this mid ass thing is the best they've done in like a decade. The bar is that low...

        • 5 months ago

          I don't want a mid-at-best show that's passable next to a bunch of shit, I want a good show.

          • 5 months ago

            Then why are you looking for it in the FoP franchise

            • 5 months ago

              You know, this attitude really annoys me.
              You're asking "why should I look for quality?" I don't expect quality. That's part of the problem, and expecting mediocrity AT BEST is a sad bar for the current state of the franchise.
              Forgive me for hoping for something I would actually want to watch, I guess.

              • 5 months ago

                You all care more about the non binary character than the show does

                I'm asking you why you're looking for expectations beyond what this franchise has ever given. It's always been an okay show with a good premise and wasted characters. This is fine which is good as the show has always been, is my point.

              • 5 months ago

                At this point you're just disingenuously trying to appeal to apathy. Don't hit me with that iT wAs aLwAyS tHiS bAd load of shit either.

                Let me flip the question: why are you okay with shit?

              • 5 months ago

                I think it's fine and don't care if my opinion lines up with Cinemaphilegays. I don't wait for cartoons to be 10/10 in their pilot episodes to give them a chance

                Playing bad faith apologist for brownwashing is defending this show.

                Brownwashing is when you make a new character in a new setting after a different show also made a new character in a new setting. Soon brownwashing will be when one of the best friends is black, and then it will mean when someone on the production staff is black

              • 5 months ago

                See? Bad faith. Implying that the slippery slope is getting more sensitive instead of the reality that encroaching is getting more blatant.
                >MC LITERALLY REPLACED by black family, made to be a fat ugly bastard, Cosmo and Wanda suck off Obama and one of the school friends is a 10 year old non-binary
                >Nope, no woke here

              • 5 months ago

                Fairly Oddparents ended years ago a on, this is a different show. When the original ended, it wasn't to shove out this a year later. There was literally an show between this and the original with a bunch of white people. You're just a seething angry moron punching the air

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but you're very blatantly moving the goalposts.

              • 5 months ago

                How? People always say to make new characters instead of change the old ones, this show made new characters and came out half a decade after the original, something everyone wanted to end, ended. It came out after a different show with a white cast. Can new cartoons in a franchise only happen if the characters are the same race? Was it bad when Young Justice used a black Aquaman? Wa Korra blackwashing because she wasn't a scrawny Asian boy? I really don't see how I'm being inconsistent here. I realise you will probably say that Korra IS blackwashing and at that point I feel like we will just fundamentally disagree and there no point in arguing further

                Im not memeing here, anon's point makes no sense to me

              • 5 months ago

                >People always say to make new characters instead of change the old ones
                That's not what anyone meant and the pushback against Miles Morales shows why. They don't mean a different name behind the raceswap, they mean a new identity that has something completely different to offer to justify their existence beyond "thing you like, but with a minority instead of previous."

              • 5 months ago

                Well now this just feels like moving the goalposts. But even then, literally Spider-Man is a bit different from just "another kid with Cosmo and Wanda" which is something we've gotten 3 times before this (they were all white so it was fine those times)

              • 5 months ago

                They were not fine those times, all the new MCs sucked. Anyone who’s spent even a second in the FOP fandom knows that that two things the show had going for it are the premise and the characters. The artstyle change and switch to serialization, and the walking back of flanderization was enough to get people excited. It’s like replacing the Scooby-Doo team (oh wait).

              • 5 months ago

                >Well now this just feels like moving the goalposts
                Let's have a thought exercise: if the names of the characters are all swapped to their prior iterations, how much of the story changes? In this case... what... Crocker is Timmy's dad and.. well... not much else that can't work in the original framework. From an audience perspective it's the same thing because the only changes are superficial (name changes are superficial, yes, especially since there are franchises out there that will have main characters change names mid-series).

                >literally Spider-Man is a bit different from just "another kid with Cosmo and Wanda"
                Uh... yeah... "literally" they're different, but in terms of the story, they're the same as their prior counterparts. Same dynamics with key characters, similar roles, same abilities...

                >they were all white so it was fine those times
                Who is arguing that? What kids? The blonde girl that got people sperging because she was unnecessary? The live action show that got canned? Yeah, shut the frick up.

                If you want to say "you would be okay with it if she were white," then outright say it so that people can call you a racebaiting dipshit and hit you with an expected "it's going to suck because it's an uncreative corporate reboot that doesn't need to exist."

              • 5 months ago

                >People always say to make new characters instead of change the old ones
                People don’t want the same show to change its characters, FOP would have benefited greatly from a reboot that readjusts the current characters instead of poochie spam. Grow Timmy up a little and have the side characters matter again and you immediately have a banger.
                >Was Korra blackwashing
                For all of Korra’s problems, no, Korra being a water tribe was built into the next Avatar and isn’t a case of blackwashing.
                >Then how is this blackwashing
                Look at the creator, the pitch, the sensibilities (Obama, non-binary girl) and how they chose to treat Timmy and there’s your answer. The worst part is these wokoids can’t write black characters too flawed so of course the Dad and Mom and MC and her brother are just wonderful people, when the entire premise of the previous series had a cynical edge to it as a basis for the comedy. Just another vanity project ala Velma.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't think they treated Timmy badly. But also I prefer they just go away from the original cast completely and just bring in cameos

              • 5 months ago

                The fan favorite conclusion was ignored to reference his nightmare scenario for growing old as a gag.

              • 5 months ago

                He's an actor in a movie instead of a shitty neglectful dad, aw shucks

              • 5 months ago

                Bad faith, as expected.

              • 5 months ago

                Why would you want me to think they treated Timmy badly? Why would I want to think that? To be upset at the show? What's the end goal?

              • 5 months ago

                >Why would I want to think that? To be upset at the show?
                Is this the homosexual that typed

                >who's getting upset
                Shrugging my shoulders and saying it was okay is being mad but throwing out buzzwords at someone who isn't as angry as you about this cartoon isn't. Cinemaphile classic


              • 5 months ago

                It’s not about what you think, it’s about what they did. They replaced him and chose to cameo him in an irreverent way. This was done with knowledge too. It would be different if it was “just” that the reboot was a race swap, but the sensibilities surrounding it are clear, it has all the patterns of the cringy californian cult mindset.

              • 5 months ago

                I thought it was a funny cameo, Timmy wasn't even the butt of the joke in the scene. If it wasn't the episode 1 design I don't think people would be mad

              • 5 months ago

                If Timmy looked well put together people wouldn’t be mad, no.

              • 5 months ago

                kek he looks like he did in the series
                Get a time machine and go back in time and point your fingers at Butch Hartman for not making adult Timmy your perfect fantasy Chad self insert back during the second episode of the series in 2001 or whenever

              • 5 months ago

                Bad faith, as always.
                >If you want legacy characters treated with reverence you’re a self inserter
                >The gag about the potential horrors of growing up should supersede any other interpretation of the character’s future because I said so

              • 5 months ago

                Now he can neglect dozens of adopted children.

              • 5 months ago

                >Wa Korra blackwashing because she wasn't a scrawny Asian boy?
                No, she wasn't blackwashing because she was a b***hy teenage girl who had a completely different story from Aang.

                I hate Korra, both the show and the character, but THAT'S the type of thing most "make new characters" people are okay with: a new protagonist to fit a new story.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't think we agree on what that term means, and that's fine

              • 5 months ago

                The sensibilities are obvious and distracting, and you are a drone for blackrock.

              • 5 months ago

                >this is a different show
                That uses the same branding, same characters, same canon, and even references the original show in its design documents.
                You know, not everyone here is as stupid as you.

              • 5 months ago

                >I think it's fine
                Then you're a moron. Worse, you're a moron who's getting upsetti spaghetti with people who don't think the show's going to be good, and asking them to have as shitty standards as you.
                It doesn't look "fine," dude. It looks BAD.

                You are exactly the type of bugman consooomer who clapped in the theaters at the Star Wars sequel series. Holy shit you're a fricking homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                >who's getting upset
                Shrugging my shoulders and saying it was okay is being mad but throwing out buzzwords at someone who isn't as angry as you about this cartoon isn't. Cinemaphile classic

              • 5 months ago

                >I just don’t care maaaaan , like nothing matters Morty, we’re all piss in the wind broooo

              • 5 months ago

                No dude, you can't play this "Ackshually, I'm apathetic, YOU'RE the mad one" this far into the argument where (you)'re trying to be a contrarian. That's pathetic and lame.

              • 5 months ago

                Apathy isn’t a virtue in a forum for cartoon enthusiasts. You cared enough to tell others to stop caring.

              • 5 months ago

                People can care if they want, this all started because someone else was telling me to care though. Also I'm not trying to be virtuous or cool, just honest with myself, I don't see the big deal. It does feel like people want me to be more upset that this exists than I do

              • 5 months ago

                >because someone else was telling me to care though
                It started from you asking someone to not care.

                Then why are you looking for it in the FoP franchise

              • 5 months ago

                I'm talking earlier in the thread with the anon telling people not to get invested because of Thundercats Roar or something

                Let’s do a Phineas and Ferb reboot but make them mexican and Ferb can cameo as a homeless man on the street.

                That would be funny though

                >Well now this just feels like moving the goalposts
                Let's have a thought exercise: if the names of the characters are all swapped to their prior iterations, how much of the story changes? In this case... what... Crocker is Timmy's dad and.. well... not much else that can't work in the original framework. From an audience perspective it's the same thing because the only changes are superficial (name changes are superficial, yes, especially since there are franchises out there that will have main characters change names mid-series).

                >literally Spider-Man is a bit different from just "another kid with Cosmo and Wanda"
                Uh... yeah... "literally" they're different, but in terms of the story, they're the same as their prior counterparts. Same dynamics with key characters, similar roles, same abilities...

                >they were all white so it was fine those times
                Who is arguing that? What kids? The blonde girl that got people sperging because she was unnecessary? The live action show that got canned? Yeah, shut the frick up.

                If you want to say "you would be okay with it if she were white," then outright say it so that people can call you a racebaiting dipshit and hit you with an expected "it's going to suck because it's an uncreative corporate reboot that doesn't need to exist."

                This is a different convo now, I'm not talking about the quality, just if this is blackwashing, I don't think it is, since she isn't Timmy.

                I don't think the dynamics are the same. In fact the pitch is all about how they're trying to make her different from Timmy. But to be clear even if the dynamics were the same I think it's a different character so its fine.

              • 5 months ago

                >The dude asking people not to shit on the series and consoom it is also trying to gaslight about "blackwashing"
                That scans.

              • 5 months ago

                >just if this is blackwashing, I don't think it is
                Well, you've lied numerous times in your past arguments with other anons, and tried to outright imply that anyone who disagreed with you was only doing it because they were racist, so why does your alleged opinion matter? You want to fall back on your character and opinion, but you keep falling back to disingenuous shit. I've given you examples and demonstrated my point, and here you are with this "uh, nuh uh"-tier shit.

                >I don't think the dynamics are the same
                I like the backpedalling here from "just "another kid with Cosmo and Wanda"."

                >In fact the pitch is all about how they're trying to make her different from Timmy
                Okay... but are they doing that? I really hate to go back to Miles Morales so often here, but Marvel said the same thing about him, and that turned out to be a complete load of shit.

                >But to be clear even if the dynamics were the same I think
                Make a fricking counterargument holy shit.

              • 5 months ago

                >why does your alleged opinion matter
                it doesnt.

                >Okay... but are they doing that?
                I think they're doing that. Hazel is weird, she sat alone at school because she embarrassed herself in front of the class, and was talking to rocks at the start. Timmy wasnt explicitly weird, just unpopular.

                >Make a fricking counterargument holy shit.
                my take has been the exact same from the start, it's a different character so its fine. We may disagree on that, but this is all I've said the whole time.

              • 5 months ago

                >it doesnt.
                Okay. Then knock it off. Type something of goddamn value instead of "I think" over and over again.

                >I think they're doing that.
                jfc, this is the exact shit I was just talking about. You're not making a counterargument.

                >Hazel is weird, she sat alone at school
                Yeah, and Timmy's just an average kid who no one understands. Frick off.

                >Timmy wasnt explicitly weird, just unpopular.
                The show regularly made fun of his pink hat and buck teeth. Serious question, did you watch the original series, or are you only giving these piss-poor shill arguments because there's a brown girl?

                >my take
                I love how you're only pretending to address my point here. I honestly do.
                I asked for a COUNTERARGUMENT, not your opinion/take.

                >it's a different character so its fine
                According to you.
                But you're also a homosexual who tried several times to gaslight the people calling you out for being moronic and keeps pulling very transparently bad faith arguments.

                Since you tried to call everyone racist earlier, I'm going to turnabout and outright state what you are: You're a typical leftygay migrant from some homosexual website (/co/mblr, plebbit, twatter, take your pick). You know exactly what people are talking about with their criticisms of racebaiting media, but you're okay with the blackwashing, so you pretend to not understand any logic thrown your way in order to frustrate critics, hoping you can report them to the mods, all while you try to just restate your opinion ad nauseum in order to force it without actually saying anything worth reading under a facade of civility.
                You struggling now because that's not working, so you only have your words, which suck because you're not used to actually defending your position. So, you do what you know, hoping that the bluff sticks instead of just making you look like a stubborn moron.
                An annoyingly common archetype.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yeah, and Timmy's just an average kid who no one understands. Frick off

                >it's a different character so its fine
                According to you.

                followed by a wall of text I wont real.

              • 5 months ago

                >I agree with myself and won't read the rest
                You know, if you're butthurt you can just leave. There's no accounts here. Nobody will dig through this argument a month from now and use it to embarrass you.

              • 5 months ago

                >I agree with myself and won't read the rest

              • 5 months ago

                >You know, if you're butthurt you can just leave. There's no accounts here. Nobody will dig through this argument a month from now and use it to embarrass you.

              • 5 months ago

                Well except for the tbh schizo.

              • 5 months ago

                he only cares about shipping

              • 5 months ago

                Well, to be fair we do have a lot of autists on this board that can't help but post the same shit over and over again.

              • 5 months ago

                >Soon brownwashing will be when one of the best friends is black, and then it will mean when someone on the production staff is black
                How does the character cast getting replaced by blacks lead to minorities getting so excluded that people are looking at the staff for something to be racebait over?

  69. 5 months ago

    I find LS mark's obssesion cringe to the escale of infinity, the cartoon aged like milk to me, too stupid

    • 5 months ago

      What did LS Mark do again? Did he do a reaction to the leaked episode or something?

  70. 5 months ago

    My main theory is that Timmy is also a fairy disguising himself as an ordinary human.

  71. 5 months ago

    Will Crocker show up?

    • 5 months ago

      probably not because hazel's dad replaced him
      and even if he does, he's either old as shit in this timeline or he's fricking dead

      • 5 months ago

        He's definitely not dead. The reboot should take place around the time a supposed reboot with Timmy's kid would. Crocker is supposedly around 40 in the original series, so he would be around 65 in this one.

    • 5 months ago

      Make Crocker fix all the shit frickfest that is the reboot. It's his time to be a(n) hero, whichever fulfills his job.

  72. 5 months ago

    Why is Cinemaphile such an apologist for shitty reboots?

    • 5 months ago

      High industrygay population + stockholm syndrome pathological apologists + highest % of unironic woke (blackrock) fans outside of /lgbt/

    • 5 months ago

      literally who the frick is defending this shit you moronic mutt

    • 5 months ago

      There will always be some people who take it in a political/tribal direction.
      There are also shills and storyboarders from these shows who reflexively defend their work.
      But mostly, despite what media thinks, the majority of Cinemaphile are reasonable people who are willing to give things a chance. Even though we should know better. I gave nuPPG, nuManiacs, and nuRama a chance, and I will extend the same courtesy to nuFOP.
      Giving a show our grace only costs Cinemaphile a few weeks of time. We have the rest of eternity to condemn it.

  73. 5 months ago

    Listen up, anons!!!

    This second failure will just as fail as the live-action reboot. reconsider before going thru with it by not listening the reason. Don't support greedy mistakes.

  74. 5 months ago

    >Cosmo is a lovable ditz as opposed to a braindead butthole
    >Wanda is a fun and affectionate wife as opposed to a boring nag
    >Hazel is a sweet kid with a torally different dynamic than Timmy, so it's not just FOP again and has a reason to exist
    >Douchey rich kid for a regular antagonist as opposed to Vicky again and Crocker again

    We are so back

    • 5 months ago

      Don’t ignore the they/them fetish character

  75. 5 months ago

    modern cartoons are so depressing like this was literally made to make no one happy, it's just intentional slop made to check quota boxes.

  76. 5 months ago

    Bland and forgettable. Watch the original 1st season to remind yourself what a good show looks like.

  77. 5 months ago
  78. 5 months ago


    You have a weird definition of defending. Some aren't even about FOP.

    • 5 months ago

      Playing bad faith apologist for brownwashing is defending this show.

      • 5 months ago

        Could have easily had a transsexual character for Thai representation and didn't.

  79. 5 months ago

    well Cinemaphile, do we?

  80. 5 months ago

    Anyone have a copy of the pitch bible?

  81. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      holy nice
      better be careful otherwise viacom's gonna kick your door in though

      • 5 months ago

        it goes to goodwill.
        Paramount global doesn't know who made the dvd

  82. 5 months ago

    How long can they keep milking this shit? Is it really still profitable?

    • 5 months ago

      It is a tax write-off.

    • 5 months ago

      FoP has an eternal premise engine (ala Scooby-Doo) and it has the important franchise potential of having a lot of room to improve. I have no doubt that in a better cultural climate the best FoP show would be yet to come not a few seasons in the early 00’s.

      • 5 months ago

        >What if Cinderella, but the fairy godmother was a moronic couple?
        Nah. It only worked because they advertised the frick out of it and even then was second fiddle to Spongebob.

  83. 5 months ago

    Why is she black?

  84. 5 months ago

    >Get a serialized FoP show with Cosmo and Wanda written well and a good art style
    >It’s a self-insert californian hugbox wet dream
    Owari da…

  85. 5 months ago

    does it take place in the future?

  86. 5 months ago

    Let’s do a Phineas and Ferb reboot but make them mexican and Ferb can cameo as a homeless man on the street.

    • 5 months ago

      The creators care about it, so that won't work.

  87. 5 months ago

    The tragedy of Fairly Oddparents was a show that lost its identity. They constantly tried to change it, adding new annoying characters and turning everyone into parodies of themselves. A reboot was an opportunity to return to the heart of the series, not abandon it for something else. Just another layer of mismanagement of the franchise.

    • 5 months ago

      FOP never had an identity. All it ever did was move to the one thing in pop culture that was known or popular, then quickly move on to the next thing. If it even had an identity, I'd describe it as a goldfish stuck in a fishbowl.

  88. 5 months ago

    >black fairly oddparents spin off
    >not an edgy comedy about a black e-girl living in the ghetto

    • 5 months ago

      There is no cynicism in ba sing se.

    • 5 months ago

      Shows like The PJs flopped. Audiences don't want characters that will make them feel bad.

  89. 5 months ago

    I warned you about Netflix, dawg.

  90. 5 months ago

    Every single character design in this picture is better than every single character design in the reboot.

    • 5 months ago

      Because it doesn't have Elmer and Sanjay.

  91. 5 months ago

    >*reboots your show*
    Now it’s art!

    • 5 months ago


  92. 5 months ago

    Cinemaphile will defend 22 minutes of feces being thrown at the screen if it features a black/brown underaged girl

    • 5 months ago

      I see this board is making up imaginary opponents in their head again. No different from twittergays

      • 5 months ago

        what's funny is that twitter is mostly positive on the episode and seem more hopeful now. It almost feels like the episode was leaked to get people excited for the show

      • 5 months ago

        what's funny is that twitter is mostly positive on the episode and seem more hopeful now. It almost feels like the episode was leaked to get people excited for the show

        have a nice day

  93. 5 months ago


    me (

    This is the best piece of FOP media released since the original show unceremoniously ended. And it's just mediocre okay. At least it's something technically new. Hazel is prob the best main character this show has had since Timmy himself, but eh, not like they tried in the past...

    ) was less defending and more introspection over how mediocre this is and somehow it's the best these frickers have made in years. It's a lament over how deep down this franchise has fallen...

  94. 5 months ago

    Tootie will never be catholic.

    • 5 months ago

      What else would she be?

      • 5 months ago

        Thought so.

        • 5 months ago

          So is she actually israeli or something officially?

    • 5 months ago

      Trixie will never have her aborted redemption plot. Thank God.

  95. 5 months ago

    >do nothing
    >my point gets proven and I win the argument

  96. 5 months ago

    >Tootieschizo shows up

    • 5 months ago

      >5 posts that are all markedly different
      Every accusation from a Trixie simp is a confession.

      • 5 months ago

        >Markedly different
        Tootie will never be Catholic.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh God, it's the tbharchive autist again.

      False, you’re just projecting as an excuse to sperg out over Trixie.

  97. 5 months ago

    Vicky is best girl anyway, you’re all fighting for second place.

    • 5 months ago

      She's too old for Timmy. Also abusive.

      • 5 months ago

        When Timmy’s 18 she’ll be 24, it’s really not that crazy.
        >She’s abusive
        True, but hate is closest to love. She’s just got a bug up her butt, I think the twerp can manage.

    • 5 months ago

      The only way Channel Chasers doesn’t end on Timmy being a bad parent is if he ended up with Vicky.
      >Vicky created the babysitting bot company and is busy being a CEO that gets up bright and early every morning.
      >Timmy trusts his wife’s invention to take care of the kids while he works (it’s like she’s really here!)
      >They don’t look like Vicky
      Same genetics as Tootie.

      • 5 months ago

        Still a bit neglectful, but supporting his wife’s invention would take the edge off a little.

      • 5 months ago

        >marrying the woman who has tried to outright murder him on multiple occasions
        maybe in your porn fantasies

        • 5 months ago

          Apparently didn’t scar him too badly considering he doesn’t even recognize the issue with the Vicky-bot.

      • 5 months ago

        Now that I think about it, why would Tootie agree to have the Vickybot babysit their kids? She of all people should not want that in their home, and she doesn’t have the excuse of memory erasure.

        • 5 months ago

          Cosmo says “like father like son” as Timmy walks away. Timmy’s father got with Timmy’s mom after trying to impress her. That’s a Trixie signal.

          • 5 months ago

            Well, it was also the product of time travel, so it could be a Vicky signal.

          • 5 months ago

            Well, it was also the product of time travel, so it could be a Vicky signal.

            I'd make a pro Tootie counterpoint, but I don't feel like having a metaposter instantly derail the thread.

      • 5 months ago

        Now that I think about it, why would Tootie agree to have the Vickybot babysit their kids? She of all people should not want that in their home, and she doesn’t have the excuse of memory erasure.

        Because Vicky died and Tootie made her broken corpse into a robot, duh. She's canonically a scientist too

        • 5 months ago

          A scientist that lives in a rustic old fashioned home while the rest of dimmsdale is in Jetsons mode? And she’s still cool with her sister’s corpse raising her kids? Hmm… we can get more autistic about this.

          • 5 months ago

            Would a CEO Vicky live in a home that small? Doubt it, she values her stuff.
            Would a Trixie live in a house that small? Hard to say, she’s loaded, but at the same time I could see her settling down away from that based on the glimpse of her inner personality.
            Tootie is an easy sell for a modest home, but I agree the vicky bot is odd for her in a way it isn’t for the other two.
            The only item we see in the house is a stack of books. Could just be for decoration, but I don’t see Vicky becoming a reader. Maybe Timmy is the reader though.
            That autistic enough or do you want to go deeper?

            • 5 months ago

              I'd make a pro Tootie counterpoint, but I don't feel like having a metaposter instantly derail the thread.

              >Cinemaphile autistically logics out an intentionally ambiguous ending
              Frick it, go.

            • 5 months ago

              Taking inflation into account, maybe the house isn’t modest.

            • 5 months ago

              >The only item we see in the house is a stack of books.
              Chloechads stay winning

  98. 5 months ago

    >shotashitter thinks they are, or were ever, welcome here
    have a nice day

  99. 5 months ago

    Timmy is ALONE and CHILDLESS

  100. 5 months ago

    >shotaGOD correctly thinks they are, or were ever, welcome here
    Enjoy yourself

  101. 5 months ago

    holy shit they're milking this dead cow right to the bone
    they couldn't at least make new godparent characters?

    • 5 months ago

      Cosmo and Wanda are the only thing making this bearable, honestly. Best they’ve been characterized in a while.

  102. 5 months ago

    Timmy takes his time capsule to work with him, maybe he works with his wife?

  103. 5 months ago

    >Shipping wars over a fricking slapstick comedy show
    There is something wrong

    • 5 months ago

      Why are you acting like this is a new thing?
      SvTfoe, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Pedo House, Other Pedo House, all had similar shipping wars
      or are you acting le above the noise

      • 5 months ago

        The worst thing is that those ones occurred later.

  104. 5 months ago

    cute girl
    I just wish she wasn't tied to a dead IP like FoP

  105. 5 months ago

    Why is Cinemaphile obsessed with ugly black little girls

  106. 5 months ago

    I hate this reboot shit so much bros

    • 5 months ago

      Tell all these anons to not support that bullshit and stop shitfantasing!

  107. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This is canon for me, too
      Some kween making an AO3 saltfic where Timmy gets Finncel'd isnt canon, sorry Cinemaphilemblr !

  108. 5 months ago

    do you like milf Wanda?

  109. 5 months ago

    It's a fine pilot, but it just feels like a really convoluted way to explain why Cosmo and Wanda are this kid's fairy godparents. Like, did we really need 22 minutes to explain, "Girl has magic fairies"?

    • 5 months ago

      It's still just a pilot, so hard to tell if trying to sell it to us, the new audience or the Board, but still, things have changed since Oh Yeah Cartoons. We already went through the premise of Kid with Fairy Odd Parents, which was all what the original Pilot had to sell. This one focused more on introducing the new lead, her supporting cast, and reintroducing Cosmo and Wanda to new and old audiences. And I even appreciated the later, as the overall pilot was just fine as it is, but seeing them act as in the early seasons, more like a team actually like each other, may be the strongest selling point to me. Hell, Cosmo's stupidity isn't even overwhelming as a joke, and it's even useful, like in the old times.

  110. 5 months ago

    >the pilot episode is literally a recycled plot

  111. 5 months ago


    >C&W are a retired couple and they "adopt" a godchild to relive their fairy godparents days
    I liked it. Hazel is cute and I hope Timmy is a running gag and gets his child voice back as part of the joke.

  112. 5 months ago

    >Channel Chasers
    I always thought this future flash forward scene was just about as much showing that the adult future Timmy that was killed off earlier in the movie was doing okay now. It does bring a lot of closure to the story and tries to resolve the shipping thing fairly too.

    I guess some people like this ending, its okay, but everyone learning about magic and no more godparents needed feels like a SvTFOE tier ending to me. Pass.

    >Meet the Oddparents
    A pretty good neutral stopping point, they really didn't need to go beyond here and everything after it arguably damaged the show's brand irrepairably.

    >live movie
    I actually don't think the first live movie was that bad, a bit too sugary of an ending for my tastes where Timmy basically gets his cake and eats it too, and the live action stuff in general sucked, but writing wise this was their last non-fail.

    >OG series ending
    Pretty sure it just ended on a random episode where Chloe was trying to steal a doll from Timmy's dad or something. Pretty bleak.

    >Fairly Odder
    Never knew what happened to Princeton Timmy, but it seems to tie in with the general idea of the later seasons that Timmy never "forgets" his fairies.

    >this shit
    Assuming that Timmy isn't just a placeholder or some shit, yeah, that's pretty lame way to do him, but he is at least an actor in a movie franchise for something he loves so there is that.

    • 5 months ago

      So my overall assessment is... Timmy didnt really get "bad endings " on this show... even the worst you can think of, he falls into a volcano and DIES, he returns as a fairy and his sexy adult PAWG is still willing to bang him.

      These people say Timmy was always intended to have a bad end because it is le realisms are full of it

  113. 5 months ago

    >this Timmy has a billion different jobs including movie actor
    my headcanon until proven otherwise, he's also married to Chloe

    • 5 months ago

      I actually hope that's the running gag. And he's always a moment away from seeing Cosmo and Wanda again but keeps missing them. But it doesnt matter because his life is actually going great

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, Timmy being a running gag would be fun. Every time we see him we get more lore that just adds more questions. Also he references the wife and kids but we never find out who. That would be ideal.

        • 5 months ago

          Now we're cooking. Just constantly tease the wife he ended up with but never show her, throw in some conflicting stuff too since his timeline is all messed up

          • 5 months ago

            The idea of the team teasing the fanbase with hints is fun. I’m worried this might be the last we see of Timmy though, that it was just a minor passing of the torch. We’ll have to see.

            • 5 months ago

              There's a leaked screenshot of him as a janitor in another episode. I suspect they'll never say it's Timmy though

              • 5 months ago

                That’s fine, makes the teasing better. Gag potential is better if he’s kept more in the background, drops a speck of Timmy lore then leaves.

  114. 5 months ago

    if that fat Timmy is for true, then it's most likely Tootie. She is shown to be a feeder and she also uses "snuggleBEAR" as a nickname for him....

    • 5 months ago

      True but Timmy having a hot wife looking like this would be great. Have we ever seen canon adult Tootie?

  115. 5 months ago

    this is the bad future Timmy in the revised timeline, he's not our Timmy.

    • 5 months ago

      this was always your canon adult Timmy, shipgays

      I don't understand why these two can't coexist at different stages of his life tbqhdesu
      Ignoring the live-action stuff the original series takes place in some sort of anachronistic 50s/90s hybrid so it's perfectly reasonable for Timmy to be like 40 by this point

      • 5 months ago

        The sci fi future would have to be retconned though (but that's a good thing)

      • 5 months ago

        also i actually watched the pilot and Timmy has some weird wigger voice so there's a good chance it's just a callback and not actually Timmy

  116. 5 months ago

    this was always your canon adult Timmy, shipgays

    • 5 months ago

      Hot. I want to see him with his harem.

    • 5 months ago

      Snugglebear natty achieved

    • 5 months ago

      Trixie’s asian genes can’t resist her destiny.

      • 5 months ago

        She'd be an old woman too though, not a e-girl.

  117. 5 months ago

    Cindy was unironically a good pairing for Timmy

    • 5 months ago

      I really like Cindy X Jimmy so I can’t support it, but that aside you’re right. She’s got the spunk of Vicky but without the age and violent tendencies.

    • 5 months ago

      There, i fixed for You.

  118. 5 months ago

    Master Chief? Mind explaining to me why bus driver Timmy's eyes and eyebrows are a different color and he sounds like a black dude?

    • 5 months ago

      Sir… the showrunner isn’t white

    • 5 months ago

      He's Tommy Turner.

  119. 5 months ago

    Conflicted. It’s definitely woke on the face of it but it was a good pilot. Cosmo and Wanda were great. Kid was fine. Dad has potential. Weakest aspect are the school kids but maybe they’ll be better in an episode. Has potential.

    • 5 months ago

      We really need a full school episode to see how thats gonna go. I like the bad kid with his personal drones though

  120. 5 months ago

    >FoP wasn't woke

    • 5 months ago

      FoP was acceptably woke. I don’t mind AJ, at least he wasn’t annoying or shoved in our faces too much. He was still able to be arrogant (shown in the wrong) and do dumb shit with the boys. Not the kind of know it all that imbues wisdom to the white people around him by virtue of his black excellence.

      • 5 months ago

        >FoP wasn't woke

        Enough fake woke debate. y'all lame

    • 5 months ago

      I think that in this point of the show's run, Butch was barely in control and just didn't care what writers did with the characters.

      FoP was acceptably woke. I don’t mind AJ, at least he wasn’t annoying or shoved in our faces too much. He was still able to be arrogant (shown in the wrong) and do dumb shit with the boys. Not the kind of know it all that imbues wisdom to the white people around him by virtue of his black excellence.

      >acceptably woke

      Kill. Yourself.

    • 5 months ago

      Nerdy black kids wasn't woke at the time at all.

    • 5 months ago

      As a Black person hater myself I didn't mind AJ

  121. 5 months ago

    >timmie is a Black person now
    Really groundbreaking stuff here homielodeon. He even got the racist Black person hair. Is cosmo gay now?

  122. 5 months ago

    >Timmy becomes Homer
    there's worse endings

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