It's over, lads... Dr Strange is officially a failure.

It's over, lads... Dr Strange is officially a failure.

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  1. 2 years ago

    We can all agree that video essayists should be gassed, right?

    • 2 years ago

      Every last one of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Let's skip the expensive gassing and go straight to open pit trench graves because we don't have to conserve the ammo.

      Just have Steve cover them up with the cat D6 when we are done. Save the lime for something worthwhile, they ain't gonna need it & the stench will warn off the others.

      • 2 years ago

        >open pit trench graves
        >wasting time and energy on digging graves
        Bash their sculls in with something heavy and let wild animals feast on their carcasses.

      • 2 years ago

        why not go with gas trucks where you feed the exhaust into the back so you deal with the problem on the way to the trenches?

    • 2 years ago

      >video essayists

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but not because the medium sucks, it's just that 97% of israelitetubers who do it are immense homosexuals. There's a few rare gems. E;R, for example. I want good video essays bro's.

      • 2 years ago

        E;R is just as shit the only difference is he throws in Cinemaphile memes

      • 2 years ago

        E,R is utter trash. You just like him because he spews out POL shit. sg8wr

        • 2 years ago

          >calling /misc/ POL
          Obvious redditor

      • 2 years ago

        Now they'll tell you they don't like him too.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Anyone who makes a career making "online content". But yes.

    • 2 years ago

      At this point it seems like it's unavoidable, their egos got too big

    • 2 years ago

      I just want Youtube, Twitch, tiktok, reddit, twitter, and facebook to disappear forever. I want the 2003 internet. Is that too much to ask?

    • 2 years ago

      Any use of poison gas post-1918 has been fictional

    • 2 years ago

      god yes

    • 2 years ago

      >We can all agree that video essayists should be gassed, right?
      But first…we need to ask ourselves…what is a video essay?

  2. 2 years ago

    I hate the stupid fricking titles that they constantly come up with
    >The Wanda Problem of Madness - Anatomy of a Failure
    It's always the same kind of smuggy ꜱoy video titles that these gays come up with

    • 2 years ago

      those are the kind of titles that get views. it brings in more viewers than it turns away. the good youtubers learned how to work with the algorithm to get the clicks. the problem is and always has been people.

    • 2 years ago

      most big channels change titles and thumbnails multiple times if they think the algorithm is burying them so a lot of times it comes out bizarre

  3. 2 years ago

    all his videos are hot air and he never genuinely analyses anything. it's like 20 minutes of small talk

    • 2 years ago

      wtf are u talking about, he is one of the only movie essay people that actually provide detailed solutions to specific problems in a movie.

    • 2 years ago

      Seems like a little someone is mad that he called your capeshit bad. Cry more homosexual

  4. 2 years ago

    You see, in the famous and wise 2022 film Morbius, there exists the the eponymous protagonist by the name of Morbius who suffers from a tragic and rare blood disorder. The disorder requires poor Morbius to be interned permanently within some kind of hospital care facility wherein he must intermittently receive blood transfusions. The blood here is used as a symbol in order to convey something. That something that the blood conveys is the feature of consumption. You see, it is not only Morbius that must exist and consume, the audience is meant to empathize with Morbius's plight because the audience too is stuck in a state of consumption. As the audience is viewing the film Morbius, the audience is consuming the film similar to how Morbius consumes blood. Suddenly there is a kinship formed between Morbius and the audience and the audience can reflect on their consumption behavior. For example, when the audience travels to the famous and wise fast food establishment entitled McDonald's and orders from their menu the famous and delicious product entitled the McDonald's chicken nuggets, the audience is meant to question their behavior of consumption similar to how Morbius questions his behavior of blood consumption. You see, when the audience is consuming the McDonald's chicken nuggets that are juicy and crunchy and has been fried to perfection in McDonald's famous and patented McDonald's chicken nuggets frier, there is a sense that the audience must encounter, now having seen and empathized with eponymous protagonist Morbius. That sense is that the audience is consuming, but they are not only consuming the famous and delicious McDonald's chicken nuggets, they are also consuming the labor of the famous and amazing customer service rendering McDonald's employee, they are also consuming the electricity that allows the famous McDonald's location to operate, they are also consuming the hydroelectric powerplant that provides the electricity,

    • 2 years ago

      I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.

      Going in, I thought it was just going to be your bog-standard, formulaic capeshit. The trailers certainly gave that impression, so imagine my surprise when after the condensed origin story in the first 15 minutes, it totally stepped away from Morbius and became something more like a series of vignettes where random New Yorkers would just be going about their days only for Leto to show up, go balls deep with some ace one-liners, and then just morb the frick out of somebody. The best part was you never knew who it would be - the focus character or some random person in their presence. I liked watching them struggle to live some semblance of a normal life after having borne witness to such brutal morbings.

      I was on the edge of my seat, trying to guess who was going to get morbed next. And in what way. Absolute kino.

    • 2 years ago

      they are also consuming the laws of gravitation and hydrodynamics that allow the hydroelectric powerplant to function by exploiting the tendency of river water to flow down towards the sea, they are also consuming the tendency of that water to evaporate, they are also consuming the tendency of water to move in clouds and to condense into water or snowflakes, they are also consuming the melting behavior of glaciers, they also are consuming the labor of the chicken delivery truck driver, they are also consuming the engine of the truck, they are also consuming the labor of the inventors of the internal combustion engine, they are also consuming the laws that make combustion possible, they are consuming the labor of the offshore drillers who drill oil from deep down under the sea floor, they are also consuming the deaths of dinosaurs that died and whose carcasses slowly over time turned into that oil, they are also consuming the system of exchanges formed by a SOCIETY, they are also consuming the coincidences of evolution that led to flesh and systems of flesh. Eponymous Morbius's rival, the main antagonist of Morbius is a figure that is an abstraction. An identity without identity. Supposedly that antagonist has a name, but it impossible to determine its name. It says its name, but how is the audience to know that that name is not a lie just like the simulated name or any other simulated name. Morbius gives that antagonist a name. Morbius is deluded. It is Morbius's subconscius anxiety about the unknown that causes Morbius to give the thing its name. The name that Morbius gives it is the name of the antagonist's predecessor. The antagonist is a symbol. It represents the eternal cycle of death and rebirth, or Samsara. It must have sex and carry on this eternal cycle of death and rebirth. It must consume and consume to no end. Consumption motivated by the consumption of its predecessor, and the consumption of its predecessor and the consumption of its predecessor.

      Doctor Strange looks like he's morbin'.

      I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.

      Going in, I thought it was just going to be your bog-standard, formulaic capeshit. The trailers certainly gave that impression, so imagine my surprise when after the condensed origin story in the first 15 minutes, it totally stepped away from Morbius and became something more like a series of vignettes where random New Yorkers would just be going about their days only for Leto to show up, go balls deep with some ace one-liners, and then just morb the frick out of somebody. The best part was you never knew who it would be - the focus character or some random person in their presence. I liked watching them struggle to live some semblance of a normal life after having borne witness to such brutal morbings.

      I was on the edge of my seat, trying to guess who was going to get morbed next. And in what way. Absolute kino.

      Please, I want to get out now!

      • 2 years ago

        But we want you to stay, fren!

        >tfw they re-release Morbius so many times it becomes it’s own cinematic universe

    • 2 years ago

      they are also consuming the laws of gravitation and hydrodynamics that allow the hydroelectric powerplant to function by exploiting the tendency of river water to flow down towards the sea, they are also consuming the tendency of that water to evaporate, they are also consuming the tendency of water to move in clouds and to condense into water or snowflakes, they are also consuming the melting behavior of glaciers, they also are consuming the labor of the chicken delivery truck driver, they are also consuming the engine of the truck, they are also consuming the labor of the inventors of the internal combustion engine, they are also consuming the laws that make combustion possible, they are consuming the labor of the offshore drillers who drill oil from deep down under the sea floor, they are also consuming the deaths of dinosaurs that died and whose carcasses slowly over time turned into that oil, they are also consuming the system of exchanges formed by a SOCIETY, they are also consuming the coincidences of evolution that led to flesh and systems of flesh. Eponymous Morbius's rival, the main antagonist of Morbius is a figure that is an abstraction. An identity without identity. Supposedly that antagonist has a name, but it impossible to determine its name. It says its name, but how is the audience to know that that name is not a lie just like the simulated name or any other simulated name. Morbius gives that antagonist a name. Morbius is deluded. It is Morbius's subconscius anxiety about the unknown that causes Morbius to give the thing its name. The name that Morbius gives it is the name of the antagonist's predecessor. The antagonist is a symbol. It represents the eternal cycle of death and rebirth, or Samsara. It must have sex and carry on this eternal cycle of death and rebirth. It must consume and consume to no end. Consumption motivated by the consumption of its predecessor, and the consumption of its predecessor and the consumption of its predecessor.

      Morbius... More BS.

    • 2 years ago

      We have to break the wheel of capeshit.

    • 2 years ago

      >The blood here is used as a symbol in order to convey something.
      every time

      • 2 years ago

        Blood, never a real woman.

  5. 2 years ago

    they are also consuming the laws of gravitation and hydrodynamics that allow the hydroelectric powerplant to function by exploiting the tendency of river water to flow down towards the sea, they are also consuming the tendency of that water to evaporate, they are also consuming the tendency of water to move in clouds and to condense into water or snowflakes, they are also consuming the melting behavior of glaciers, they also are consuming the labor of the chicken delivery truck driver, they are also consuming the engine of the truck, they are also consuming the labor of the inventors of the internal combustion engine, they are also consuming the laws that make combustion possible, they are consuming the labor of the offshore drillers who drill oil from deep down under the sea floor, they are also consuming the deaths of dinosaurs that died and whose carcasses slowly over time turned into that oil, they are also consuming the system of exchanges formed by a SOCIETY, they are also consuming the coincidences of evolution that led to flesh and systems of flesh. Eponymous Morbius's rival, the main antagonist of Morbius is a figure that is an abstraction. An identity without identity. Supposedly that antagonist has a name, but it impossible to determine its name. It says its name, but how is the audience to know that that name is not a lie just like the simulated name or any other simulated name. Morbius gives that antagonist a name. Morbius is deluded. It is Morbius's subconscius anxiety about the unknown that causes Morbius to give the thing its name. The name that Morbius gives it is the name of the antagonist's predecessor. The antagonist is a symbol. It represents the eternal cycle of death and rebirth, or Samsara. It must have sex and carry on this eternal cycle of death and rebirth. It must consume and consume to no end. Consumption motivated by the consumption of its predecessor, and the consumption of its predecessor and the consumption of its predecessor.

  6. 2 years ago

    i liked the first one

  7. 2 years ago

    Doctor Strange looks like he's morbin'.

  8. 2 years ago

    >This movie is bad because I say so
    YouTube was a mistake

  9. 2 years ago

    I can't watch them anymore even when they're directed by raimi

  10. 2 years ago

    Filmento huh

  11. 2 years ago

    It was a good movie

  12. 2 years ago

    top gun chads stay winning

    • 2 years ago

      it's unfair you guys got tom cruise

  13. 2 years ago

    So you have a movie review for me?

  14. 2 years ago

    Can this homosexual not make an effort to at least mask his accent? He speaks English for a living ffs, there are ways to get rid of it

    • 2 years ago

      His accent is part of his charm, chud.

  15. 2 years ago


    >he believed those were a thing
    kek all the way to the bank
    those were obviously anti-"fossil fuel" propaganda
    if not impossible they'd also say the nazzies forced them to work in unshielded nuclear generators
    that's what the ukranians made them do

  16. 2 years ago

    >Snyder Cut
    Success because I ignored the plot holes
    Failure because I can't ignore the ignored plot points
    He wasn't kidding when he said he was sponsored by WB

    • 2 years ago

      >Snyder Cut
      Compared to the original release. But you already know that since you watched the video and don't just post out of ignorance like a little homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      There are no plot holes in the Snyder Cut

      • 2 years ago

        no, I'm not going down that road again, google that shit if you turned off your brain when you watched it

  17. 2 years ago

    this guy is a simpleton but he makes people on twitter seethe for some reason so I guess he's ok

  18. 2 years ago

    It doesnt take much research to make a video essay. Its people trying to make their stupid opinions seem smart. I remember watching a video about Bloodborne where the guy said it does Lovecraft better than Lovecraft... the game where you slash monsters with a giant sword.

  19. 2 years ago
  20. 2 years ago

    Yeah, it's fricking shit. I don't thing I need a 20-minute YT essay to tell me that.

  21. 2 years ago

    What's MauLer's stance on this? If MauLer backs it up I'll agree with it, but I need his permission.

  22. 2 years ago

    If you're thinking about movies enough to make videos like this you should just start reading books

  23. 2 years ago

    It was a correct showing of insanity, though? She literally goes mad because she is a career woman Superhero instead of being a mother, like she's supposed to be. When she realized her eggs had dried up, and seeing what she will never create, she ropes (basically).

  24. 2 years ago

    Sorry I need a video from Mauler and critical drunkard guy and of course AVGN to see what my opinion is

    • 2 years ago

      honestly I don't know how anyone enjoyed films before there were 12+ hours of high quality content telling them if it was enjoyable or not

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