Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Why'd they kill the shorts channel?

    • 6 months ago

      YouTube rejected their monetization application.

    • 6 months ago

      probably realized it wasn't the effort

  2. 6 months ago

    my guess is they're just making a video to fulfill Mike's contract before he leaves

  3. 6 months ago

    >uploading a vid they’ve already previously uploaded and taken down
    Wow this is a new low.

    • 6 months ago

      They had to remove the plagiarized bits

  4. 6 months ago

    is this pic from when they recorded for the pilot? is there footage?

  5. 6 months ago

    Best of the worst starring zach when?

    • 6 months ago

      Would be unwatchable.

      why didn't they break this video up into 30 parts and release each part every 2 weeks?

      Mike hasn't been on the pulse of anything in over a decade. They are coasting purely on brand loyalty at this stage and because of the user inflation it will work.

      • 6 months ago

        Hating things because they are popular isn’t a personality, chuddy buddy

        • 6 months ago

          I don't hate any thing.

  6. 6 months ago

    what is wrong with the guys face on the right? is he trying to squintmax?

    • 6 months ago

      He looks like he's been bitten by bees

      • 6 months ago

        >bitten by bees

        • 6 months ago

          stung, whatever. I'm druk

          • 6 months ago

            Bees can bite. Though generally what they'll do is swarm all on their enemy buzz their wings and burn them to death via the intense heat

    • 6 months ago

      Unfettered goblin energy made manifest.

  7. 6 months ago

    Review The Batman already, you cowards.

  8. 6 months ago

    Look at Mike's contempt. Mike and Jay really think they're serious filmmakers and above other youtubers lol.

    • 6 months ago

      Imagine being Mike. Completely soulless, drenched with sorrow and smite. Always wondering when he will be rid of this terrible damp, the damp which has weighed down his heart like a waterlogged mattress.

      Imagine being so jaded, so disgusted with yourself, that drinking 5 beers before filming any RLM series is the only thing which will make you feel half the man you think you are.

      'Hahaha, yes that is funny' Mike says, under the intoxication of alcohol. Acting as if it is his natural demeanor.

      His pseudo-smiles grinding together like an un-oiled cog, counting every second it takes to get through another episode of BoTW.

      • 6 months ago

        Mike is constantly crying and breaking down during film shoots, and Rich's absence has led to Jay having to take over "Rich" duties like preparing food for Mike and spending time with him watching Star Trek TNG at the RLM studio. The lease on Jay's new warehouse property has already been repossessed due to Jay's credit rating completely tanking after large amounts of personal debt went to collections and he committed financial fraud to recoup his losses. Jay has become a massive alcoholic since 2022, and doesn't even hide it around the guys anymore. Jack tried to get Jay to attend the same 12 step program he did but Jay showed up drunk and tried to pretend he was just acting drunk "as a joke". Mike's completely broken emotional state has really started to wear Jay thin and he's stopped coming into work to avoid the constant babying he has to do for Mike. This is why you haven't seen Jay in an RLM video for 4 months now. Safe to say, this is probably the end of RedLetterMedia. Just how exactly it ends will be revealed, likely in the coming months or weeks, if not days or even hours.

        Rich Evans ran over and killed a homeless man with his car on August 7th, 2023 at approximately 2:35AM CT. He hasn't been formally charged or arrested yet but has agreed to turn himself in to the authorities. The police found no drugs or alcohol in his system, yet he was observed driving into the opposite lane of traffic and accelerating into the man standing adjacent to the street. The man was clearly illuminated by powerful streetlights, and there are multiple camera feeds capturing Rich's car audibly accelerating. Basically, Rich just straight up killed a hobo for no reason while completely sober and has no other excuse other than murder. His family and friends are completely shocked, Rich just wants to act like nothing happened. His significant other is talking to a lawyer about getting his charges reduced to manslaughter but Rich confessed to doing something similar to another homeless person in Michigan in 2016. Authorities haven't been able to confirm or identify that particular victim at this present time, but it's likely Rich is telling the truth.

        Put this energy into something worthwile and you might accomplish something.

        • 6 months ago

          When future generations sift through the smoldering rubble of postmodern America, they would do well to locate a hard drive with RedLetterMedia content on it. They could study Mike and Jay and, with that thin slice of information, fully understand what it is that killed western civilization.

          Those two are bitter, cynical nihilists. They have devoted their lives, the prime years of productivity, to pithily lampooning cultural ephemera and implying "we could do better than these idiot filmmakers, but we're too cool to actually try."

          They are every strain of societal AIDS melded together into a super AIDS of cultural death...

          Well into middle age, they're still obsessively analyzing adventure stories for children. They're childless, unmarried, stubbornly avoiding an actual profession, opting instead to beg for Patreon donations. They are subsisting on the patronage of even more embittered, more lonely, more cynical losers who need virtual friends to swim in their vast Petri dish of misery with them.

          Look in their fricking eyes, man. It's a joyless, pointless existence they're living.

          They are so afraid of sincerity or honest artistic effort that they'll leave behind hours of footage of them chuckling about Tommy Wiseau. They are artistic cowards and abject failures in every respect.

          Each time you catch a glimpse of them, you're reminded that we peaked as a civilization a long time ago. We're done creating. We're done feeling real emotions. All we can do now is analyze, criticize, and ironically pick through the desiccated corpse of our once great nation.

          I hope on the day that footage is uncovered by future archaeologists, they resolve to never repeat the mistakes we made.

          • 6 months ago

            nice reddit post

            • 6 months ago

              nice autism post

      • 6 months ago

        ...all the way to the bank. The blood bank.

  9. 6 months ago

    wtf is up with squinty there

    • 6 months ago

      Best of the worst starring zach when?

      >newchuds don’t know Zach
      Yikes, couldn’t be me!!!!!!!!

    • 6 months ago

      He"s green and retired.

    • 6 months ago

      his peanuts went sour.

  10. 6 months ago

    I'm surprised they included drunk Jack "Daniels" Packard. Hope he doesn't relapse when he watches this.

    • 6 months ago

      i would if i was him. id have a nice cold beer.

  11. 6 months ago

    >there was too many white people in this movie
    >it was really lacking a sense of diversity and that, sort of, progressive direction we expect in movies these days
    Holy shit Mike has turned into such a homosexual it's unreal

  12. 6 months ago

    why are they uploading patreon tier extras as main content now? what’s happening behind the scenes

    • 6 months ago

      Rich Evans ran over and killed a homeless man with his car on August 7th, 2023 at approximately 2:35AM CT. He hasn't been formally charged or arrested yet but has agreed to turn himself in to the authorities. The police found no drugs or alcohol in his system, yet he was observed driving into the opposite lane of traffic and accelerating into the man standing adjacent to the street. The man was clearly illuminated by powerful streetlights, and there are multiple camera feeds capturing Rich's car audibly accelerating. Basically, Rich just straight up killed a hobo for no reason while completely sober and has no other excuse other than murder. His family and friends are completely shocked, Rich just wants to act like nothing happened. His significant other is talking to a lawyer about getting his charges reduced to manslaughter but Rich confessed to doing something similar to another homeless person in Michigan in 2016. Authorities haven't been able to confirm or identify that particular victim at this present time, but it's likely Rich is telling the truth.

      • 6 months ago

        Mike is constantly crying and breaking down during film shoots, and Rich's absence has led to Jay having to take over "Rich" duties like preparing food for Mike and spending time with him watching Star Trek TNG at the RLM studio. The lease on Jay's new warehouse property has already been repossessed due to Jay's credit rating completely tanking after large amounts of personal debt went to collections and he committed financial fraud to recoup his losses. Jay has become a massive alcoholic since 2022, and doesn't even hide it around the guys anymore. Jack tried to get Jay to attend the same 12 step program he did but Jay showed up drunk and tried to pretend he was just acting drunk "as a joke". Mike's completely broken emotional state has really started to wear Jay thin and he's stopped coming into work to avoid the constant babying he has to do for Mike. This is why you haven't seen Jay in an RLM video for 4 months now. Safe to say, this is probably the end of RedLetterMedia. Just how exactly it ends will be revealed, likely in the coming months or weeks, if not days or even hours.

        • 6 months ago

          Rich Evans ran over and killed a homeless man with his car on August 7th, 2023 at approximately 2:35AM CT. He hasn't been formally charged or arrested yet but has agreed to turn himself in to the authorities. The police found no drugs or alcohol in his system, yet he was observed driving into the opposite lane of traffic and accelerating into the man standing adjacent to the street. The man was clearly illuminated by powerful streetlights, and there are multiple camera feeds capturing Rich's car audibly accelerating. Basically, Rich just straight up killed a hobo for no reason while completely sober and has no other excuse other than murder. His family and friends are completely shocked, Rich just wants to act like nothing happened. His significant other is talking to a lawyer about getting his charges reduced to manslaughter but Rich confessed to doing something similar to another homeless person in Michigan in 2016. Authorities haven't been able to confirm or identify that particular victim at this present time, but it's likely Rich is telling the truth.


        • 6 months ago

          >Jack tried to get Jay to attend the same 12 step program he did but Jay showed up drunk and tried to pretend he was just acting drunk "as a joke".


      • 6 months ago

        Mike is constantly crying and breaking down during film shoots, and Rich's absence has led to Jay having to take over "Rich" duties like preparing food for Mike and spending time with him watching Star Trek TNG at the RLM studio. The lease on Jay's new warehouse property has already been repossessed due to Jay's credit rating completely tanking after large amounts of personal debt went to collections and he committed financial fraud to recoup his losses. Jay has become a massive alcoholic since 2022, and doesn't even hide it around the guys anymore. Jack tried to get Jay to attend the same 12 step program he did but Jay showed up drunk and tried to pretend he was just acting drunk "as a joke". Mike's completely broken emotional state has really started to wear Jay thin and he's stopped coming into work to avoid the constant babying he has to do for Mike. This is why you haven't seen Jay in an RLM video for 4 months now. Safe to say, this is probably the end of RedLetterMedia. Just how exactly it ends will be revealed, likely in the coming months or weeks, if not days or even hours.

        Is this true?

        • 6 months ago

          The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
          Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

      • 6 months ago

        Mike is constantly crying and breaking down during film shoots, and Rich's absence has led to Jay having to take over "Rich" duties like preparing food for Mike and spending time with him watching Star Trek TNG at the RLM studio. The lease on Jay's new warehouse property has already been repossessed due to Jay's credit rating completely tanking after large amounts of personal debt went to collections and he committed financial fraud to recoup his losses. Jay has become a massive alcoholic since 2022, and doesn't even hide it around the guys anymore. Jack tried to get Jay to attend the same 12 step program he did but Jay showed up drunk and tried to pretend he was just acting drunk "as a joke". Mike's completely broken emotional state has really started to wear Jay thin and he's stopped coming into work to avoid the constant babying he has to do for Mike. This is why you haven't seen Jay in an RLM video for 4 months now. Safe to say, this is probably the end of RedLetterMedia. Just how exactly it ends will be revealed, likely in the coming months or weeks, if not days or even hours.

        Wait did Rich really kill someone?

        • 6 months ago

          Afraid so.

  13. 6 months ago

    why didn't they break this video up into 30 parts and release each part every 2 weeks?

  14. 6 months ago

    >Green Bay Packers
    I can no longer watch RLM, absolute scum.

  15. 6 months ago

    Jay is pouring shots of Maker's Mark?

  16. 6 months ago

    Plinkit was a mistake. Oh I'm sure they meant no harm. I'm sure it was all good fun. But the fools in their hubris completely failed to realize the dangers of what they were doing. The threat of how the internet latches onto things and drives them into the ground. Like giving matches to a child.

  17. 6 months ago

    Dude on the right has very dishonest physiognomy

    • 6 months ago

      you are a crazy person

  18. 6 months ago

    So I met Mike and Jay at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Mike looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The frick you doing with this stupid c**t? Get with this dick or get raped you prostitute.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Mike you found another goofball?", "Yeah Jay, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd frick her butthole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment Mike jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Jay jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Mike undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Mike just kept pushing her head down. Mike looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Mile then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Jay who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Jays boner pushing into my back... I blacked out.

    • 6 months ago

      This easily happened by the way.

    • 6 months ago

      This easily happened by the way.

      sounds plausible

  19. 6 months ago

    I really feel like they're my friends now!

  20. 6 months ago

    Why did they buy a motorized wheelchair with the Patreon money?

    • 6 months ago

      >Why did they use money from the patreon that supports their videos to buy a prop for use in their videos?

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