ITT: Cape tropes you hate

>comic has 6/7 heroes with the same superhero name
>to differentiate them they call each other by their actual names even though they're supposed to be under secret identities

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  1. 12 months ago

    name 6/7 times

    • 12 months ago

      Green Lantern
      Batman kinda

      • 12 months ago

        To be fair, Green Lantern is basically a job title rather than a superhero name. It would be like calling somebody "Policeman" or "FireFighter". Once you get two or three of them together, it doesn't make sense to call all the Green Lanterns by their job title.

        Many of the other situations just involve alternate dimensions or some kind of explainable frickery. There are so many Supermans running around because they all specifically wanted to be "the Superman" at the time. There are so many Spidermans running around because it's all different dimensions and so different people got bitten by the spider.

        I'll admit, I've not followed The Flash enough to know what's going on over there. I just know there was an older Flash and a new Flash, and that's as far as I understand.

        • 12 months ago

          >Clean it up, Lantern

  2. 12 months ago

    >comic tropes
    >starts thread off with something that isn't a trope at all and is only done with literally 3 heros

    yknow if you wanted to make a thread b***hing about miles you couldve just posted in one of the millions of threads that are up about spider-man.

  3. 12 months ago

    >"I could kill you right now, but why bother"

    • 12 months ago

      >I could save millions of people if I just killed you
      >But then I'd be no better than you

  4. 12 months ago

    >non-superpowered bank robbers in a city with a known superpowered hero
    >bank robbers, even with powers, in a city full of superheroes
    >bank robbers running out of a bank front door with money bags, especially in more recent comics

    • 12 months ago

      There will always be some idiot who tries it because he thinks he's too low level for the superheroes to worry about.

  5. 12 months ago

    Frick it
    I don't like quips
    It's mean spirited

  6. 12 months ago

    I think I'm always annoyed when I'm reading a collection and see that the villain of the next issue is gonna be some generic D-Lister who doesn't have a memorable design or powerset. I can't come up with any names, but it feels like there's a lot of one-issue stories where those types of villains appear.

    • 12 months ago

      I love d-listers and below
      >"The accident gave me the ability to shoot my nails like bullets THERE'S NOTHING I CAN'T DO! I WILL CONGUER THE WORLD!"

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          This could have been so good. It's the closest a JoJo series came to being good.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Super powerful hero jobs because

  8. 12 months ago

    >superhero can run x500 faster than light
    >can't dodge for shit

  9. 12 months ago

    >Humourous villain or anything less than a B list villain
    >Writer decides to "save" them and make them threatening by giving them a come back a serial killer or a rapist
    There's nothing wrong with a villain who kust has a creative gimmick or does it for the money.
    Chameleon can be a secret operative guy who might occasionally take an assassination job, he doesn't have to go cutting off people's faces and dumping them in acid.

    • 12 months ago

      I hated a lot of post-OMD Spider-Man villains for doing this. Vulture was just a guy in a bird costume then he became this creepy raw meat eater. We're never going back to the days where you could imagine villains just shooting the shit with each other.

  10. 12 months ago

    >enjoying a comic
    >suddenly crosses over into another character's book, the next issue skips past the event with a blurb telling you to read Other Book to find out what you missed
    This is why manga is winning
    Even the full moron series like Fate or Gundam don't stop you in the middle of Apocrypha to force you to read the Zero light novel.

    • 12 months ago

      >suddenly crosses over into another character's book, the next issue skips past the event with the mc saying "so sad mr superhero had to die but those skretans really didn't like my new blast power!"

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I never liked that either. If I'm going sequentially and I'm still missing info because it's in another series, that's dumb. Now I have I can never be sure where this info is being sourced from.

  11. 12 months ago

    >story starts out with cool attention grabbing event that has a lot of potentially interesting implications and ramifications
    >actual story is trite and rote
    >ends with a celebration of the status quo because no state of being could ever be preferable to being middle class in the US of A

  12. 12 months ago

    Heroes or villains taking the explanations and exposition to 11 when they should be beating the shit out of each other.
    >You can't resist this, Captain homosexual! You see, I've updated the tech in my gun to fire pure wienersinmouthium, which your are DEATHLY WEAK to!
    >Ah, but it is you who are in trouble homosexualus Maximus, for I shed that weakness weeks ago after I got space AIDS from my trip to the Club CyberSyphilis! I was given the cure and now wienersinmouthium has no effect on me!

    • 12 months ago

      they have to give you the illusion that something interesting is happening somehow

  13. 12 months ago
  14. 12 months ago

    Delivering long stretches of dialogue in the middle of a fight.

  15. 12 months ago

    I'm not sure this is entirely a cape trope but it bothers the hell out of me.
    >Character/object is drain the the characters' powers
    >"Let's feed it all our powers to overload it!"
    >It fricking works
    It really bothers me. I don't know which is more stupid, the thing doesn't have an emergency shut off that the heroes are fricked if said thing can handle their powers.

    • 12 months ago

      >"feed him everything we got!"
      >*aaaagghhhh* I'M STRONGER THAN EVER
      >destroys the planet, brutally murdering the depowered heroes
      Someone needs to make a What If? storyline with this happening. Maybe Parasite killing the Justice League.

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