ITT Food ya wanna frick. (I love you brown fudge poptart please go out with me)

ITT Food ya wanna frick
(I love you brown fudge poptart please go out with me)

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    That background reminds me of aqua teen

    • 7 months ago

      I thought it was some parody character added to the new ATHF episodes

    • 7 months ago

      I thought it was some parody character added to the new ATHF episodes

      it's from an aqua teen pop tart ad

      • 7 months ago

        this new animation is the worst. How could this possibly be easier or cheaper than how the show used to be made?

      • 7 months ago

        I don’t like how the poptarts want to be eaten now.

        • 7 months ago

          same, I can't jerk off to the pop tart nurse eating them if they WANT it.

  2. 7 months ago

    does anyone else think poptarts have a weird... feel... to them when you eat them?
    not only do they have an odd taste that almost feels off, like some really unpleasant ingredient, but there's also a sort of mouth sensation that's kinda offensive to every sense
    am i an absolute sped or does anyone else feel that?

    • 7 months ago

      Im European so i didnt grow up with them, but me and some university buddies ended up buying some in an import store.

      It was inedible. The texture was horrible, and there was no taste but sugar. The jam was tasteless too.

      I recommend getting your hands on some berry cuttings (pic related). Basically the original desert that they bastardised.
      Easy to bake too

      • 7 months ago

        for me the weird flavor is in the bread
        im a europoof too but ive tasted plenty of sugary nonsensical "breakfast" snack foods so i understand the hooge amounts of sugar, but the pastry is what tastes awful to me and no pastry i have ever tasted anywhere else has the same flavor, even our own country's variant of horrible supermarket sweets
        now that i think about it, the only other time i felt a similar "flavor profile" was when i tried a twinkie
        maybe there's a similarity in how the two are made that can explain what i'm feeling

        • 7 months ago

          Im European so i didnt grow up with them, but me and some university buddies ended up buying some in an import store.

          It was inedible. The texture was horrible, and there was no taste but sugar. The jam was tasteless too.

          I recommend getting your hands on some berry cuttings (pic related). Basically the original desert that they bastardised.
          Easy to bake too

          >The texture was horrible, and there was no taste but sugar. The jam was tasteless too.
          As an American, I agree with this. Maybe what you're tasting is just how over-bleached the flour is. So much so that any of the real bread flavor is removed and you end up with what's basically tasteless powder mixed with sugar.

          Not to mention how the filling is just flavored gelatin and not actual chocolate fudge, fruit pectin or really anything genuine at all. That's why I stopped eating them, anyway. I switched to granola/cereal bars. Much healthier if you avoid the ones that are either keto or have sweeteners.

      • 7 months ago

        for me the weird flavor is in the bread
        im a europoof too but ive tasted plenty of sugary nonsensical "breakfast" snack foods so i understand the hooge amounts of sugar, but the pastry is what tastes awful to me and no pastry i have ever tasted anywhere else has the same flavor, even our own country's variant of horrible supermarket sweets
        now that i think about it, the only other time i felt a similar "flavor profile" was when i tried a twinkie
        maybe there's a similarity in how the two are made that can explain what i'm feeling

        >The texture was horrible, and there was no taste but sugar. The jam was tasteless too.
        As an American, I agree with this. Maybe what you're tasting is just how over-bleached the flour is. So much so that any of the real bread flavor is removed and you end up with what's basically tasteless powder mixed with sugar.

        Not to mention how the filling is just flavored gelatin and not actual chocolate fudge, fruit pectin or really anything genuine at all. That's why I stopped eating them, anyway. I switched to granola/cereal bars. Much healthier if you avoid the ones that are either keto or have sweeteners.

        Poptarts are for fricking, not eating. Dumb eurocucks

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Typical Amerimuts seeing the most unfrickable pastry and then saying "hurdur it's fur fricking". Every civilised man knows éclairs are the best choice when it comes to fricking pastries. It is optimally shaped for the hand, has an opening designed for penetration, the cream filling provides a pleasure no other pastry can provide and the chocolate layer provides a level of challenge as you try to keep your hands clean while trying to frick the pastry.

          I pray you develop a modicum of good taste in fricking pastries, you goddamn lobotomite.

          • 7 months ago

            Wow. Europeans are so gay they see a dick and want to frick it.

            • 7 months ago

              It's not dick shaped it's shaped to fit dick, know the difference you poptart fricking homosexual

          • 7 months ago

            For me, it's the simple glazed doughnut.

        • 7 months ago

          That's more healthy, for sure.

      • 7 months ago

        for me the weird flavor is in the bread
        im a europoof too but ive tasted plenty of sugary nonsensical "breakfast" snack foods so i understand the hooge amounts of sugar, but the pastry is what tastes awful to me and no pastry i have ever tasted anywhere else has the same flavor, even our own country's variant of horrible supermarket sweets
        now that i think about it, the only other time i felt a similar "flavor profile" was when i tried a twinkie
        maybe there's a similarity in how the two are made that can explain what i'm feeling

        I'm an Euro too, and I tried Twinkies.
        None of my friends could stomach them: the "cream" inside them is literally a solid lump of marshmallow like those you'd find in a candy store with an extra artificial chemical aftertaste. The dough around it was flavorless.

        • 7 months ago

          It's always interesting to see eurotrash report on the taste of American snack foods and in the process reveal that they ate them while they're expired.

      • 7 months ago

        Burger here the truth is most of our snacks are processed and full of chemicals. It’s why a lot of Americans get so fat. It’s not even the sugar it’s all corn syrup and worse. I didn’t even realize half the shit I was eating as a kid until I got older.

    • 7 months ago

      The pastry itself is really odd yeah. It's almost like a piece of slate.
      I always hated the way it'd stick to your molars.

    • 7 months ago

      >like some really unpleasant ingredient

      It's called high fructose corn syrup

      • 7 months ago

        And basedbean oil since it's cheaper then butter

    • 7 months ago

      It's like I ate a dry slab of powder that's engineered to be shelf-stable, not actually bread-like.

    • 7 months ago

      its the mono and diglycerides. just like canned whip cream vs fresh

    • 7 months ago

      I always thought they looked and kinda felt like starchy, guady panties.

  3. 7 months ago

    Cuter poptart.

  4. 7 months ago

    I'd rather frick the nurse that eats baby poptarts.

  5. 7 months ago

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