ITT: Misconceptions about comics that annoy you

>Stan Lee based Xavier on MLK and Erik on Malcolm X

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Superman is a good character

    • 5 months ago

      thats not a misconception, thats an opinion

      superman being a dumb brick actually is a misconception though
      since he has had super-intelligence as a power since the silver age, and even after post-crisis toned down intelligence as a super power, he is still usually depicted as being a quick thinker and highly perceptive

      its only when he is paired with batman that he is dumbed down to make it easier for batman to be the brains of the two

      • 5 months ago

        I knew the moment I took a small poop on Superman that a Supergay who hates Batman would appear to White Knight for Boring ole Superman whose only where he is now because DC sued anyone with a similar character into the ground.

        • 5 months ago

          thats literally a common misconception of superman
          due to adaptations like the justice league playing up his strength, when in his own comics he has bordered between "regular guy but very sharp" to "actually a scientist"

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Superman wouldn't hold your wrongheaded stubbornness against you, so I won't either. I only hope you can pull the Luthor wiener out of your mouth long enough to be able to build an appreciation for this timeless character.

  2. 5 months ago

    >There are people who genuinely like Captain Marvel

    • 5 months ago

      I like Billy Batson 🙁

    • 5 months ago

      I hate Billy Baston 🙂

  3. 5 months ago

    >the fantastic four are lame and boring

  4. 5 months ago

    >Comics need to let their old characters die already
    >No I still won't buy the new ones I hate them

  5. 5 months ago

    >You need to be a fan of superheroes and licenses to get into comics
    >Marvel, DC, and licenseshit is all there is to comics

  6. 5 months ago

    >marvel has better heroes but DC has better villains

  7. 5 months ago

    Oh boy, where to begin?
    >Stan Lee didn't give credit to his co-creators
    >Wakanda was pretty much always depicted like it was in the movie
    >Brainiac is from Krypton
    >Spider-Man shoots webbing out of his wrists
    >The Adam West Batman show was accurate to the comics at the time
    >Carol Danvers was a popular character before she became Captain Marvel
    >The original TMNT comics were parody

    • 5 months ago

      >>The original TMNT comics were parody
      I mean they were, at least the first issue
      Mate, Shredder's named after a kitchen utensil and leads the Foot Clan because they're a parody of the Hand

      • 5 months ago

        There is a distinct difference between parody and homage. You're meant to get the references but not laugh at them.
        >Shredder's named after a kitchen utensil
        And "Bullseye" literally means the center of a dartboard but I'm not hearing anyone say that's a silly name, nor does "Shredder" as a term only refer to a cheese grater. In fact, if we were to dismiss characters as silly based on their name, we'd probably end up with a rather short list of ones worth taking seriously. Here, have a list of silly supervillain names:
        >Absorbing Man, Abra Kadabra, Arcade, Ape-X, Armadillo, Asbestos Man
        >Batroc the Leaper, Big Wheel, Big Sir, Bizarro, Blob, Blok, Blue Snowman, Bombshell, Bookworm, Bork, Brainiac, Bullseye, Bushman, Bushwacker
        >Cardiac, Chemistro, Composite Superman, Computo, crime Doctor, Cyclotron, Crowbar
        >Deadline, Doctor Death, Doctor Light, Doctor Phosphorus, Doctor Polaris, Digger, Doctor Bong, Doughboy, Dreamslayer, Duke of Deception, Dummy
        >Egghead, Egg Fu, Evil Star
        >Fin Fang Foom, Fiddler, Foolkiller, Flamingo, Funky Flashman
        >Gambler, Gearhead, Gentleman Ghost, Girder, Gizmo, Ghost, Gibbon, Gideon
        >wienerroach Hamilton, Hijacker, Hippo, Human Fly, Humbug, Hunger, Hypno-Hustler
        >Impossible Man
        >Jack O'Lantern, Jester, Jigsaw
        >Mad Mod, Major Disaster, Mirror Master, Man-Ape, Man-Bull, Masked Marauder, Master Menace, Mindworm, Mister Fear, Molten Man
        >Orphan-Maker, Owl-Man
        >Plantman, Purple Man, Polka-Dot Man, Prankster, Psimon, Puzzler
        >Radioactive Man, Rag Doll, Rocket Racer, Roughouse
        >Spot, Shaggy Man, Snowflame, Stilt-Man, Squid, Starfinger, Scarecrow
        >Toad, Thinker, Turtle, Tally Man, Toymaker, Tar Pit

        • 5 months ago

          It's not homage, it's taking the piss.

    • 5 months ago

      >>The original TMNT comics were parody
      I mean they were, at least the first issue
      Mate, Shredder's named after a kitchen utensil and leads the Foot Clan because they're a parody of the Hand

      The TMNT were just following Cerebus and Howard the Duck trend of a goofy looking character living in a grounded, darker universe. It just turned into a light hearted superhero story for little kids in the first show and then just a more sonic-like franchise of cool animals jumping around for teenagers in all later versions, comics and movies.

    • 5 months ago

      >Stan Lee was only made EIC because Martin Goodman was his Uncle.
      Uncle Marty wanted his shitty son Chip to take over and was really passed when Stan forced him out.

    • 5 months ago

      By their own admission, yes TMNT was created as a joke by the creators based on Daredevil. They ran with it straight but it was a genuine parody.

      • 5 months ago

        I think that's what makes TMNT different from the "TMNT parodies" that shortly came afterwards
        Mirage TMNT isn't immediately obviously a parody because part of it being a parody comes from it playing such as an oxymoronic concept straight
        The blatantly parodic comics following TMNT were too self-aware and leaned on its satire more obviously

  8. 5 months ago

    Why do they know about what they watch?

  9. 5 months ago

    >Stan Lee based Xavier on MLK and Erik on Malcolm X
    Well, what is it then ?

    • 5 months ago

      They are based(rip offs) on the Chief and Brain from Doom Patrol.

      • 5 months ago

        Magneto is a gay french man's brain in a jar?

        • 5 months ago

          Yes. It's a very nice jar.

        • 5 months ago

          I think Magneto ending up gay is very likely
          >Ian McKellen
          >too old to be in love triangles
          >Pietro and Wanda are not his biological kids
          >His clone, Joseph is quite flamboyant

  10. 5 months ago

    >only muties are hated in marvel universe

    • 5 months ago

      I mean, they are easily more hated than all other groups, although to be fair the anti-mutant hatred makes absolutely no sense in the Marvel universe as a whole when there are 4 other identical "metahuman" subspecies Mutates, Inhumans, Eternals and Deviants walking around plus the alien, undead, supernatural beings and robots.

      • 5 months ago

        It makes more sense because those other groups don't make it a habit to grandstand about replacing humanity, which they consider outdated, and consider "human" an icky word. Mutates are generally freak accidents or sort-of-one-offs like Captain America, Spider-Man, or Luke Cage and are pretty rare due to their relative uniqueness so their receptiveness is based entirely on the individual. The Inhumans keep to themselves, and contact is infrequent, but they are more than open to working with humanity when needed. The Eternals try not to muck things up with humanity and generally act as distant stewards and are even more rarely seen than the Inhumans, and Deviants do nearly frick and all and are more worried about getting their heads punched in by Ikaris than messing with humanity.

        People need to stop thinking that mutant hate in particular is an aberration when they've done far more to earn the ire of humanity as a whole than most subgroups. Yes, the normal Marvel civilian would be fed up with super bullshit in general, but only one group makes it clear their intentions on what to do with them, and they're a lot more common and loud about it.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Stan Lee created every Marvel character

  12. 5 months ago

    >Superman was the first Superhero
    You could argue for The Phantom who debuted earlier in 1936. Doc Savage who debuted in 1933. And also Golden Bat from Japan who debuted in 1930.

    • 5 months ago

      Superman is reverse John Carter (super strong and able to leap due to his adopted world's gravity) who first appeared in A Princess of Mars in 1912.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Inhumans are xenophobic and have slaves

    • 5 months ago

      The other big Inhumans misconceptions are that they're aliens, or that Marvel created them in the 2010s specifically to replace X-Men, and that they're conceptually just off-brand mutants.

      The biggest misconception in comics is that you can't just pick up and start reading, and that the continuity is a burden and not a strength.

      I mean, this is absolutely true.

      It's true that later Claremont would base them on Begin and Ben Gurion, but in the 60s when Stan made them, and Malcolm hadn't yet gone to Africa and come back pacifist... You have to be kidding to pretend otherwise.
      And everyone knew that there would be an ass bleeding batgay getting his ass blood all over this thread

      >You have to be kidding to pretend otherwise.
      Anon, 1960s Magneto is a megalomaniac supervillain who wants to conquer the world, he's got no backstory of oppression or suffering back then, and he's 100% in it for himself, he doesn't care about "his people" except as potential henchmen. When he takes over a nation, he has the soldiers wearing Nazi style uniforms so you know he's a bad guy. Later stories make people WANT to try and force some kind of civil rights analogy onto 1960s Magneto but it just doesn't work.

      Ditko left Marvel because of a dispute that he and Lee had over the Green Goblin's secret identity.

      In fairness, Marvel themselves seem to be partially to blame for perpetuating that story over the years rather than talk about behind the scenes dirt.

      • 5 months ago

        >and that they're conceptually just off-brand mutants
        I mean technically they kinda are, Marvel was constantly reusing the same ideas over and over and over at the time with very little changes. Several alien species are nearly identical as well, just like several cosmic beings and organizations.

        • 5 months ago

          No, mutants were born to human parents in normal human societies, but gain powers during puberty, and back then this was because of radiation. The Inhumans were one of Marvel's hidden lands, an super-powered offshoot of humanity with their own culture. They've got more in common conceptually with the Atlanteans and later Kirby concepts like the Eternals, both the Inhumans and Eternals make use of "ancient aliens" concepts, with the Kree and the Celestials respectively creating them from normal humans.

          • 5 months ago

            The only difference between inhumans and mutants is that inhumans were able to have what Magneto was trying to do even before their first cameo. Magneto was sure mutants were in fact a sub species that would be able to reproduce on their own if they had their own nation and identity. And yes, conceptually Eternals are also Mutants and Inhumans "cousins".

            • 5 months ago

              This is your brain on X-homosexualry, seeing everything Marvel only in terms of mutants. Actual Silver Age Marvel has Magneto repeatedly trying plots that would turn people into mutants, one time he tried to use Angel's parents as genetic material to create a slave-mutant army from. He didn't care about mutants forging their own cultural identity and didn't want to wait for them to breed naturally.

              Have some more X-gay misconceptions:
              >The 1975 relaunch of X-Men "sold like gangbusters" and X-Men was Marvel's top selling book ever since
              It actually took until the early 80s for it to slowly build up sales and a good reputation through word of mouth, during the time John Byrne was on the book he's said they were in danger of getting cancelled more than once.

              >The entire line of X-books outsold everything else Marvel did in the 90s and kept the company alive during the bankruptcy years
              While it's true that Uncanny X-Men, X-Men and Wolverine were Marvel's top 3 books for most months in the 90s, by the second half of the decade, the years there are clear records of online, the other X-books are outsold by the Heroes Reborn / Heroes Return books, and some of them by the Spider-Man books as well.

              >Iceman was always meant to be gay, and an out of context panel is "proof"
              >Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were always meant to be Magneto's children and it's the whole point of them
              >Cable was always meant to be Nathan Summers
              >Gambit was meant to be the third Summers Brother, AND was meant to be the X-traitor but he got too popular for Marvel to allow it
              >Kwannon existed as a character before Psylocke became a ninja

              • 5 months ago

                >Cable was always meant to be Nathan Summers
                Has Liefeld ever said who he originally intended Cable to be or if he even had a plan for who Cable was going to be? I used to listen to his podcast but got sick of him jerking himself off over Deadpool’s creation

              • 5 months ago

                >Has Liefeld ever said who he originally intended Cable to be or if he even had a plan for who Cable was going to be?
                Not that I'm aware of, just that he wasn't meant to be Nathan Summers.

              • 5 months ago

                >implying anyone actually cares about Kwannon

    • 5 months ago

      >Inhumans are xenophobic and have slaves
      If this were true I’d actually read Inhumans tbqhwy

      • 5 months ago

        Give them mutant slaves
        That's a nice addition

  14. 5 months ago

    >comics should be silly

  15. 5 months ago

    >if you like DC that means you love the movies and hate Marvel

  16. 5 months ago

    >Cinemaphile is for comics and cartoons, not revolving generals about show of the month here

    • 5 months ago

      that's a callback to when Cinemaphile was all generals, and posting threads outside of a general could catch a ban. These were back in the Hirsch, Manzi, Collingo, and Jones days.

  17. 5 months ago

    Ditko left Marvel because of a dispute that he and Lee had over the Green Goblin's secret identity.

  18. 5 months ago

    >Batman is a cool and good character and the Bat-family is memorable

    • 5 months ago

      is there a single good story that uses the Bat-family well? Every Batman story I like has him more or less working solo and maybe calling in a single Robin at most

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