ITT: moments that killed a cartoon

ITT: moments that killed a cartoon

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      man, thinking about it, that shit was weird.
      how did it even air?

    • 11 months ago

      How did it end?
      I remember watching a few episodes so I don't know what happened.

      • 11 months ago

        schizophrenically, much how it lived

  2. 11 months ago

    This would have actually been a great meta plot point if they said how old the series was at that point. It wouldn't be a bad plot point to explain the floating timeline.

    • 11 months ago

      The problem is that this plot is poorly executed, half of the episode wastes time, and concepts like Timmy being in Crocker's position/the Island of Forgotten Wishes are not used at all aside from bad jokes.

    • 11 months ago

      FOP's aesthetics were firmly rooted in the 50s, this was even more obvious in the original shorts. I think having it be 50 years makes sense here.

      • 11 months ago

        >FOP's aesthetics were firmly rooted in the 50s
        They're firmly rooted in suburbia. Suburbia just fricking looks like that still in a lot of places. Uhhhhh internet was an original long running joke for the series.

      • 11 months ago

        I was about to argue that it had to be at least the 70s since the pilot used a magic 8 ball parody to introduce Cosmo and Wanda, but looking into it apparently they've been around since '46. Neat

      • 11 months ago

        >mfw this post
        He literally references bill clinton and the internet in like the first episode, the aesthetics were always 1990s california.

    • 11 months ago

      >What!? When did you make this wish!?
      >Since Season 1...

      • 11 months ago

        >When did you make this wish?
        >I think it was right after I made a wish about becoming a grown up...

    • 11 months ago

      Itd still destroy his character, there are a lot of episodes, and particularly the channel chasers film, that are built on the lesson that we all have to grow up some day

  3. 11 months ago

    fop died like 10 times mate
    >the magic cupcake
    >the tv movie trilogy or whatever it was called
    >that one girl
    >every single character disappearing from the show sans timmy, the fairies, and crocker

    • 11 months ago

      That's it, that's when the show died. Adding a third fairy was the worst mistake.

      • 11 months ago

        >previous season dedicated a whole episode shitting on execs adding unnecessary new characters and changes to boost ratings
        >next season and onwards does exactly that

        • 11 months ago

          season 5 was a weird case, hartman was mostly working on DP and had minimal involvement... so you had some episodes that were really REALLY bad (a wishful life), some that were unusually good (presto chango, love at first height, birthday wish, the good old days, future lost), and some that were okay but would've been better with guidance (remy rides again, timmy's 2d house of horror). i'm not sure how much his oversight wouldve helped or hurt the season, if season 6 is any indication when he got his own studio to take control then it probably would've sucked a lot harder than people make it out to be now.

          • 11 months ago

            Could you elaborate on this, I was quite young back when this show aired and I'm pretty sure I experienced it with all the seasons mixed with each other so I don't have a good reference to what episodes where in what season.

          • 11 months ago

            What? I think I wishful life is one of the best fop episodes. Why did you dislike it?

            • 11 months ago

              Because Jorgen?
              >Jorgen von Strangle
              >that digits
              Checked and based!

            • 11 months ago

              it's a wishful life is a good spin on a trope. But takes on a darker meaning after the episode in the OP.

            • 11 months ago

              There are a lot of anons who hate it because it's 'mean-spirited'.

              • 11 months ago

                So autism then.

            • 11 months ago

              >Why did you dislike it?
              It has a shitty lesson of that you should be a doormat for people being buttholes to you.

        • 11 months ago

          There was an episode of Pinky and the Brain explicitly themed around that, and then in the next season the execs demanded they do that for real with a character everyone but them loathed, and the production changed the opening theme song to explicitly state they didn't like it but was a network demand.

          • 11 months ago

            Executives had been pushing for them to add another character to the show for a while so Larry was their way of shutting them up by showing them how it messed up the dynamic. I think Spielberg backed them up on that as well.

            So the executives backed off for about a season or so before going right back to pushing it as a concept. Particularly that one guy who was absolutely convinced Elmyra would be the next big thing.

            By that point, Spielberg had basically lost interest in animation so they won out.

            • 11 months ago

              why elmyra is what i wonder

          • 11 months ago

            Executives had been pushing for them to add another character to the show for a while so Larry was their way of shutting them up by showing them how it messed up the dynamic. I think Spielberg backed them up on that as well.

            So the executives backed off for about a season or so before going right back to pushing it as a concept. Particularly that one guy who was absolutely convinced Elmyra would be the next big thing.

            By that point, Spielberg had basically lost interest in animation so they won out.

            I would have rather had more Larry. How did anyone think Elmyra was more than a one-note gag character?

            • 11 months ago

              She makes my dick hard

              • 11 months ago

                Hello Mr Spielberg

      • 11 months ago

        I can't believe they added a poochy unironically.

      • 11 months ago

        >male pregnancy
        How did they get away with it?

      • 11 months ago

        Poof is when I dropped. I was shocked to discover the show went on for another 10 years after that.

    • 11 months ago

      Magic cupcake was an incredible episode. Channel Chasers could be considered the final one, but the rule-free cupcake one? Great for a single plotline.

      Adding Poof was actually where the show died. Jumping the shark is when they add another random character.

      • 11 months ago

        What does pic rel mean?

        • 11 months ago

          it's the aftermath of one of those "Poo Poo Pee Pee" images where pepe shits on feelsguy/wojak.

        • 11 months ago

          Picture related

      • 11 months ago

        ahhh i remember seeing channel chasers after school. man, that was a good one to this day.

    • 11 months ago

      Magic cupcake was an incredible episode. Channel Chasers could be considered the final one, but the rule-free cupcake one? Great for a single plotline.

      Adding Poof was actually where the show died. Jumping the shark is when they add another random character.

      magic cupcake was great

    • 11 months ago

      The magic cupcake was one of the last times the show was actually interesting though. Gonna ditto Poof being the clear point where the show fell off a cliff though. It was already kind of struggling in the season before that but Poof was like the nail in the coffin.

      • 11 months ago

        It was a magic muffin. Not a cupcake. It looked very tasty when I watched it when it aired.

    • 11 months ago

      honestly only your last one was the true death of this show. it could've weathered off every one of those (besides sparky), but when you take a character-driven comedy show and then remove over half its characters that just kills interest. what came along and killed this show for good? a character-driven comedy show about a boy and his sisters that actually used its cast they had in the fricking theme song! imagine that.

      • 11 months ago

        I miss suave Cosmo and dorky Wanda.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      why do people throw in worthless one offs like anti sparky just to make their list longer? Is it so hard to just say poof, sparky and chloe?

      ITT: moments that killed a cartoon

      the only thing that killed this show was the time between seasons

      • 11 months ago

        >the only thing that killed this show was the time between seasons
        The production hiatus between seasons 5 and 6 really affected the show.

    • 11 months ago

      Magic cupcake was an incredible episode. Channel Chasers could be considered the final one, but the rule-free cupcake one? Great for a single plotline.

      Adding Poof was actually where the show died. Jumping the shark is when they add another random character.

      The magic cupcake was one of the last times the show was actually interesting though. Gonna ditto Poof being the clear point where the show fell off a cliff though. It was already kind of struggling in the season before that but Poof was like the nail in the coffin.

      Why did timmy never use the magic cupcake intelligently?

      He could have made his secret wish using the cupcake and no one could stop him. Or kept a few crumbs. Or wished for more cupcakes.

      • 11 months ago

        >Why did timmy never use the magic cupcake intelligently?

        Because Timmy is a fricking idiot who sucks at making wishes. If he actually used his head and thought before he wished, there wouldn't even be a goddamn show.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, Timmy never thinking properly about his wishes along with DA RULES are like the crux of the show.

    • 11 months ago

      you forgot
      >channel chasers
      >the live action movies
      though this list is kind of a mix of "alright, this is a good way to wrap up the series" like the magic cupcake and "just let it die already" like the seasonal rot characters

      • 11 months ago

        Channel chasers is kino and the series should have ended there

    • 11 months ago

      >the magic cupcake
      First of all, it's a muffin.
      Secondly, that episode was based.

    • 11 months ago

      Faily Oddparents was honestly just a comfy show to watch from like 2001-2005; it jumped the shark with poof but by that point the zillennials it was made for had more or less aged out of it anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        Did you have a mid-stroke?

    • 11 months ago

      >every single character disappearing from the show sans timmy, the fairies, and crocker

      Crocker, Cosmo and Timmy's Dad are funnier to kids than the rest of the cast combined

      • 11 months ago

        even *I* hated the later seasons as a kid and I'm part of the generation who was meant to have grown up with 'em

      • 11 months ago

        They really weren't. Also, I remember you from some of the threads and your opinions were always aggressively bad.
        Stick to Canada shows.

        • 11 months ago

          >They really weren't.
          Not if you're a 6-12 year old boy

      • 11 months ago

        >They really weren't.
        Not if you're a 6-12 year old boy

        Any proof, truleaf? No? Then frick off.

        My counter proof is that the ratings fricking tanked in season 8-10, and the most viewed thing from that era was a Timmy/Tootie romcom.

    • 11 months ago

      In all honesty, the changes that happened between the initial series bible (1999 written by Hartman) and when work on the episodes began in earnest did a lot from securing a more eternal fame and quality for the show. If you don't know the initial bible proposed something much more Simpsons-esque where entire episodes could be dedicated to character other than Timmy or episodes where the fairies were barely involved if they were at all. There were also some characteristics that didn't get through much into or were removed from the final product such as:
      >Timmy being a smart child who adults didn't really listen to due to his age.
      >Chester being mainly defined as a super geek who, besides Timmy and AJ, was a loner.
      >Crocker having a different backstory and motivation (demoted former high school chemistry teacher who hopes finding out Timmy's secret will be a scientific breakthrough that will allow him to get his old job back).
      >Vicky having more potential roles other than the evil, tormenting babysitter (a potential episode description mentions her as a martial arts instructor).

      • 11 months ago

        Can you share some examples related to Chester? I honestly didn't know about that and now feel curious.

      • 11 months ago

        That Crocker would've been cool

        • 11 months ago

          From the way the early bible describes him, I don't think Crocker would've been fairy-obsessed or even thought that Timmy had fairies. He just had an obsession that Timmy had some sort of secret, based on observations, and would do everything to find out that secret in hopes of making a breakthrough. The episode idea they had about him was a Crocker POV episode where it would be Crocker trying to spy on Timmy and failing in a humiliating way each time (due to Timmy and his fairies being in on the know and thwarting Crocker's plans).

          Can you share some examples related to Chester? I honestly didn't know about that and now feel curious.

          The only things that they really describe about Chester in the first bible is that he was supposed to be a massive geek whose only friends were Timmy and A.J. as well that he and A.J. were very imaginative (making it that much harder for Timmy to keep his secret).

          There is also another, later FoP bible from 2000, after they had finished writing S1, where the characterizations are closer to what they were in the final show and there are suggested mandates such as every episode being centered around Timmy or there being a running gag each episode.

      • 11 months ago

        Wish I could have seen that FOP

    • 11 months ago

      Died at Sparky, it was a zombie at that last point for sure though. Don't forget animated via flash at the very end. Excited for that rebootquel though.

      • 11 months ago
        /co/‘s cool feminist wine aunt

        I like we’re finally getting a Non-binary protag! Also fart in Butch’s homophobic face. It looks kino

      • 11 months ago

        So Timmy's Dad and Vicky clearly see the fairies wtf.

        • 11 months ago

          Timmy's dad also isn't supposed to know that Vicky is a evil babysitter. Major OOC moment in the show.

        • 11 months ago

          They LONG stopped giving a shit about continuity or the series lore by this point. They even retconned the Crocker's past episode

      • 11 months ago

        The show was at its best in the first season. Still a good cartoon until Channel Chasers. It should've been the end.

        The flash seasons make me want to vomit. Same with Arthur.

      • 11 months ago

        Yep, that image sums it up
        >added characters no one wanted
        >dad see's faries AND vicky being evil
        >vicky not trying to hide her true nature
        >all in flash
        Dam, what a death.

      • 11 months ago

        i hate how foop completely replaced all anti-fairies

        • 11 months ago

          And at one point they wanted Anti-Sparky to be a thing... yay

        • 11 months ago

          Anit faries in general where a stupid concept when the pixies already existed as a antithesis to fairies

          • 11 months ago

            Pretty sure anti-fairies came before pixies.

          • 11 months ago

            Anti fairies were a thing way before the pixies and they both have their own different purposes.

          • 11 months ago

            Pixies were kinda shit and their musical episode was weak.

          • 11 months ago

            is that Ben Shapiro?

    • 11 months ago

      Channel Chasers is the true ending

    • 11 months ago

      Channel Chasers was where it ended.

    • 11 months ago

      Like Family Guy and Futurama it should've never been revived in the first place. Many such cases

    • 11 months ago

      Magic cupcake was an incredible episode. Channel Chasers could be considered the final one, but the rule-free cupcake one? Great for a single plotline.

      Adding Poof was actually where the show died. Jumping the shark is when they add another random character.

      Magic cupcake was decent but 1/3 of the film being about Monkey World deflates it a lot. They had this great set-up but they ruin it by coming up with something that could've easily just been an average episode.

      The final fight saves it though.

    • 11 months ago

      >the magic cupcake
      You mean Abra Catastrophe? That movie was great. Channel Chasers was too.
      Poof was the death.

    • 11 months ago

      the first big issue wasn't the magic muffin, it was Vicky becoming too over the top evil. Even Channel Chasers suffered from her basically being Satan

      Most of the worst stuff really happened around season 6. Before then, the worst was the season 5 episode A Wishful Life, which is considered to be a No Such Luck tier frickup of an episode. However, even the rest of season 5 had a few decent plots.

      Season 6 had
      >Channel Chasers and other things getting retconned by Vicky Gets Fired, an episode that also results in her being phased out as the show's central villain
      >The Pixie's last appearance being in a pointless and dated on arrival Olympics special no one remembers
      >Trixie starts getting pushed hard as a ship again, but with no positive characterization
      >Tootie and Vicky are forgotten to be sisters, eliminating even more chemistry between characters and also making Tootie very one-note
      >this really weird fascination and spamming of that Darth Vader parody character, that was extremely unfunny and too unbelievably "out of this world" to keep appearing in public like that in FOP, seriously everyone shits on Crocker but they spammed this fricker way more
      Just what I can remember. Then the movie trilogy ended up being an aborted series finale that had a Reality Trip tier status quo ending.

      another thing Season 6 did was turn Jorgen into a le-funny-moron instead of the "tough seargant with a soft heart" he originally was. You wouldn't think the Jorgen from It's a Wishful Life is the same Jorgen that's in Season 6, much less Season 8+

    • 11 months ago

      Wishology would have been a fine point to end the series. It had the most action, story and spectacle.

      • 11 months ago

        >made up lore for the movie that trivialized jorgen, worst shipping winning, and absolutely no closure between timmy and his fairies like channel chasers
        how about no

        one phantom planet was bad enough

      • 11 months ago

        >made up lore for the movie that trivialized jorgen, worst shipping winning, and absolutely no closure between timmy and his fairies like channel chasers
        how about no

        one phantom planet was bad enough

        The Eliminators looked nothing like in that poster either. They weren't some cool looking retro robot out of the Jetsons or something like that, but janky CGI mooks that looked like they were ripped out of a PS2 game.

        If Wishology had actually committed to being a finale and addressed that sort of end of show stuff, handled the love triangle more fairly, actually let the side characters do something other than get killed off in part 3, and not have a status quo, it might've been a good finale. As it was though it was really just a one hour special that was extended to three hours through filler scenes and retreading.

        • 11 months ago

          >The Eliminators looked nothing like in that poster either.
          The one in the poster is the eliminator that parodies Terminator. That one absorbs Jorgen's wand and a bunch of weapons, and turns into a robot that resembles that body shape.

      • 11 months ago

        Wishology was too fricking long for it's own good and the Eliminators were fricking boring overpowered villains that are a huge part of why Wishology becomes a complete slog

        Was it Tootie or Trixie?

        I really hope Tootie was used. She's such perfect little sextoy and I've always have been jealous of Timmy over it.

        Tootie makes more sense overall but honestly it's more interesting that they didn't outright say who Timmy ends up with, plus it leads to some fun crack stuff from the fandom like the Timmy/Vicky version Gara originated among others

    • 11 months ago

      Do you mean the Jimmy/Timmy movies, the Drake Bell movies, or the Wishology Trilogy? Because all three were fricking terrible in one way or another.

    • 11 months ago

      >Channel Chasers
      Did people actually like that episode?

      • 11 months ago

        Did you not?

        • 11 months ago

          I don't remember it at all.

        • 11 months ago

          No I preferred wishology

      • 11 months ago

        It's widely considered to be the show at its best, and many wish the show ended with it

      • 11 months ago

        I like to think of it as the actual finale of the show because Timmy does all that aging to see the Fairies will be with him until 18.

    • 11 months ago

      >>the tv movie trilogy or whatever it was called
      that one was kino

    • 11 months ago

      i cannot believe you didnt mention that the shows theme song changed when the girl was introduced

      if your theme song changes thats how you know shits done for

    • 11 months ago

      Magic Cupcake was pretty good. I think the item causes some problems for the FOP universe and rules, since anyone can just take a bite but it gave Crocker a big special for him to wreak havoc. Channel chasers gave Vicky the main stage as villain, then wienerer had his turn.

    • 11 months ago

      >>the tv movie trilogy or whatever it was called
      that one was kino

      >The movies where not-Unicron is literally defeated with the power of friendship
      Damn, imagine if that worked with the real deal. I honesty could have seen that happening in an MLP/TF comic if IDW had the Transformers license longer

      • 11 months ago

        Maaan, people shit on SU for having the main villains be defeated by crying and singing, but Wishology had a ten times worse resolution

        iirc the darkness turned into some smiley face and the real bad guys all along with the robots or something. it was kind of stupid. it was a fun ride for a movie but certainly not LE KINO like some zoomers here are claiming.

        Tootie's on it.

        for a stalker with a crush character, Tootie had way more depth than I remember. Her having to deal with many of the same problems Timmy does but without fairies to tackle them makes it easier to root for her than Trixie. It wouldve been great to see an episode in the vain of The Big Scoop that takes place mostly in Tootie's POV and you get to see how she deals with Vicky, Francis, Trixie and Veronica bullying her and what not.

        • 11 months ago

          Tootie deserves a happy end.

          • 11 months ago

            They fricked up not giving her one.

    • 11 months ago

      Maaan, people shit on SU for having the main villains be defeated by crying and singing, but Wishology had a ten times worse resolution

    • 11 months ago

      the first 5 seasons of FoP are great
      1 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 5
      season 6 is good
      season 7 is okay
      season 8, 9 and 10 are actual garage

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't seen this show in over a decade and it's fricking wild just how insane this shit's gotten since I stopped.

    • 11 months ago

      >every single character disappearing from the show sans timmy, the fairies, and crocker

      You forgot to add in Timmy's dad. Fricker was all over the place.

      I do know that Timmy's mom and Vicky were kind of still around in the end but they really don't take up as much spotlight as they did early on.

    • 11 months ago

      the one where timmy wishes to have never been born predates all that and I believe to have damaged the entire series further

    • 11 months ago

      >TV movie trilogy
      Jimmy Timmy Power Hour? Frick off that shit was good (up until the 3rd entry)
      Yeeahh, Wishology was pretty forgettable even with the guest appearance from K.I.S.S, like why them out of all people?

      • 11 months ago

        >why [KISS] out of all people?
        KISS has this weird reputation for being a dirty, "satanic" band. Cartoons always like to use them as an example of what a heavy metal band looked and I remember being a kid in 90s and there being a mystique about them because my grandparents and other super old people talk about KISS like
        and then my uncles and other grown up (but not the super old ones) would say
        and I never got the chance because I was a child with no money in the 90s so I couldn’t just buy one of their albums, I lived in the south so all the radio stations were country and the few that weren’t weren’t about to play a 20 year old band when they have new shit to play, and my family didn’t get internet until 2003 so I couldn’t even steal it. It created this idea in my that they’re most hardcore band in the universe but always always just beyond my reach.
        Anyway the first time I ever got to really listen to KISS was in THUG 2 where you have to actually unlock the ability to listen to their song and after all that build up I finally unlocked then the first song they play is… this

        And this isn’t terrible or anything but I was kinda expecting something really hardcore, especially considering around this time Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, and Powerman 5000 were still making hits. Anyway the point of this long and boring story is that KISS is a band who has survived off their (completely undeserved) reputation of being "dangerous" and Gene Simmons is a prostitute so they’re easy to get for your cartoon show if you want some child friendly edge.

        • 11 months ago

          Gene Simmons also had his own animated show, I think the guy just likes cartoons

        • 11 months ago

          I'm confused whenever I hear stuff like this. I'm old and I live in the Bible south and have never experienced this. In fact, KISS regularly visited my hometown back in the 80s and 90s. Imagine a bunch of Southern fired white and black (and whoever else, we have Asians) folks dressed in stage makeup flooding the main strip and the McDonald's close to the arena. I miss those days. Also we have plenty of comic book shops and DnD to go around despite the fact that we have 30 church's in our town alone.

        • 11 months ago

          You also didn't mention the other big part
          Gene Simmons is a huge marketing guy, KISS was pretty much just a merch/brand for him to shop around
          They went out of their way to sell themselves as much as possible.
          Never forget that shitty cartoon he had, my dad the rockstar or something

        • 11 months ago

          Damn Gene was in a lot of shit huh

        • 11 months ago

          fun post

      • 11 months ago

        >why [KISS] out of all people?
        KISS has this weird reputation for being a dirty, "satanic" band. Cartoons always like to use them as an example of what a heavy metal band looked and I remember being a kid in 90s and there being a mystique about them because my grandparents and other super old people talk about KISS like
        and then my uncles and other grown up (but not the super old ones) would say
        and I never got the chance because I was a child with no money in the 90s so I couldn’t just buy one of their albums, I lived in the south so all the radio stations were country and the few that weren’t weren’t about to play a 20 year old band when they have new shit to play, and my family didn’t get internet until 2003 so I couldn’t even steal it. It created this idea in my that they’re most hardcore band in the universe but always always just beyond my reach.
        Anyway the first time I ever got to really listen to KISS was in THUG 2 where you have to actually unlock the ability to listen to their song and after all that build up I finally unlocked then the first song they play is… this

        And this isn’t terrible or anything but I was kinda expecting something really hardcore, especially considering around this time Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, and Powerman 5000 were still making hits. Anyway the point of this long and boring story is that KISS is a band who has survived off their (completely undeserved) reputation of being "dangerous" and Gene Simmons is a prostitute so they’re easy to get for your cartoon show if you want some child friendly edge.

        don't KISS appear somewhat often in cartoons?
        there was that scooby doo movie and i vaguely remember another cartoon guest starring them.

        >remy buxaplenty
        Yet another character that Hartman forgot about.

        i mean, his arc was finished, he had Juandissimo, he lost it but he found time to spend with his parents, which was the whole reason he had a fairy.

        • 11 months ago

          >his arc
          lmao, they completely misremembered the reason he even lost Juandissimo in the first place. His arc was all over the place going from foe to friend and back again and he was still a non-character in the grand scheme of things mostly other than the very vague indication he might have a relationship with Trixie.

        • 11 months ago

          >i vaguely remember another cartoon guest starring them.
          Family Guy?

    • 11 months ago

      I remember being okay with Poof's introduction, but I didn't really like how central of a character Foop became. I liked Anti-Cosmo's occasional appearances better. Sparky and Chloe were just insufferable though.

    • 11 months ago

      How would nobody notice the passage of time for 50 years?

      I remember the magic cupcake being decent.

  4. 11 months ago

    More like wasted potential.

  5. 11 months ago

    The only fricking smart wish he ever made
    It's almost out of character

  6. 11 months ago

    >Poof's debut episode was the most-watched episode in the history of the series after a 2 year hiatus between seasons 5 and 6.
    I feel like that alone probably killed the series, imagine waiting 2 years for what's basically a shark jumping moment followed by what was at the time the weakest season yet.

  7. 11 months ago

    Nobody ever mentions this episode but this would've been a solid series finale

    • 11 months ago

      It should’ve but instead the real series finale wasn’t any live action movie or tv special, but rather another mediocre episode that ends with cosmo and wanda trapped inside a mansion while Timmy leaves with his parents

    • 11 months ago

      A surprisingly good and earnest episode in a sea of shit.

    • 11 months ago

      i remember there were no new episodes for a long time after this one so i just assumed it was the series finale until they announced they were adding a dog

    • 11 months ago

      People like to talk shit about Poof but he's a fine character, sure, Seasons 6-8 lost some quality but there were still good episodes. Sparky is the point of no return for the show.

      If I had to choose a special as the end, it would be Fairy Idol.

      • 11 months ago

        It's not that poof was bad it's just that they didn't do much with him and what they did do was boring baby shit especially when he started talking, when that happened he had maybe one line an episode. It's the same thing with Chloe and sparky like they're ok characters they just couldn't think of anything remotely interesting to do with them

      • 11 months ago

        its such a shame that Norm never really came back again. He was a great villain for the show.

    • 11 months ago

      I like this episode but does not this break the premise of the show because Timmy likes his parents?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      what's the episode about

      • 11 months ago
        basically timmy’s parents find out about cosmo and wanda and they start making wishes for them too, jorgan finds out about it and timmy and the fairies cry about it and his mom realizes how much they mean to him so she convinces jorgan to not take them away and instead erase their memories and unwish all the wishes, and so he does, I’m not gonna spoil the ending because it’s really sweet, trust me it’s a good and earnest episode in a seat of shit as one anon said

        • 11 months ago

          thanks for replying

          • 11 months ago

            no problem

        • 11 months ago

          Unlike something like Channel Chasers, a mid-season special, the episode was written with the idea that it might've been the final episode made for the series proper (minus the live action movie stuff). The show didn't get announced for a renewal in fact until a few months after Meet The OddParents aired. In fact, a lot of S8 (being heavily focused on sequel episodes, unique team ups, or thematic tie-ups) feels like it was made under the feeling of the crew that the show might be very well over, for real this time, after that season.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          go blame kimcartoon

        • 11 months ago

          Average american streaming quality.

    • 11 months ago

      This was honestly the last episode I watched of the show.

    • 11 months ago

      I thought this WAS the finale for a while so I remember watching it and thinking it was decent

  8. 11 months ago

    Most of the worst stuff really happened around season 6. Before then, the worst was the season 5 episode A Wishful Life, which is considered to be a No Such Luck tier frickup of an episode. However, even the rest of season 5 had a few decent plots.

    Season 6 had
    >Channel Chasers and other things getting retconned by Vicky Gets Fired, an episode that also results in her being phased out as the show's central villain
    >The Pixie's last appearance being in a pointless and dated on arrival Olympics special no one remembers
    >Trixie starts getting pushed hard as a ship again, but with no positive characterization
    >Tootie and Vicky are forgotten to be sisters, eliminating even more chemistry between characters and also making Tootie very one-note
    >this really weird fascination and spamming of that Darth Vader parody character, that was extremely unfunny and too unbelievably "out of this world" to keep appearing in public like that in FOP, seriously everyone shits on Crocker but they spammed this fricker way more
    Just what I can remember. Then the movie trilogy ended up being an aborted series finale that had a Reality Trip tier status quo ending.

    • 11 months ago

      This was also the season where characters such as Mama Cosma and Chip Skylark were written out of the show entirely

      • 11 months ago

        Season 6 is also the last of we see of Veronica and the rest of Trixie's friend group. They appear briefly in a crowd one episode, the haircut one I think, but otherwise Trixie begins to appear with groups of random kids from this point on, and Veronica only rarely appears in crowd shots. Basically, the whole plot of her liking Timmy goes down the shitter.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh yeah, Dark Laser was a thing. Why the frick did they think making a one-off Star Wars ripoff into basically a main villain was a good idea?

      • 11 months ago

        >Why the frick did they think making a one-off Star Wars ripoff into basically a main villain was a good idea?
        It worked for Buzz Lightyear

        • 11 months ago

          Not Really, Zurg appears as a "villain" in one movie and then never returns in the film franchise. (Well, outside of the Lightyear movie in which he isn't really the original star wars parody Zurg he's just future Buzz in a Zurg outfit)
          There's the (apparently non canon) show but I am pretty sure they distance themselves from the "I am your father" thing in that as well.

          • 11 months ago

            >There's the (apparently non canon) show but I am pretty sure they distance themselves from the "I am your father" thing in that as well.
            They did it once, Zurg was goat in the show as well, one of its best characters.

            Seriously, this and Sheldgoose were great, please cast Wayne Knight as more goofy villains in Disney shows.

            • 11 months ago

              that's hilarious, you can tell how much fun they were having with the characters. that delivery at the end is perfect

            • 11 months ago

              using the thingy's metal rods as lightsabers' standins is great. Especially how they have zurg trying to put them back in

      • 11 months ago

        Didn't one of the new show writers used to work on Johnny Test and that also had a Darth Vader parody as a reoccurring character?

        • 11 months ago

          In fact, wasn't Johnny Test's creator a FOP alumni?

    • 11 months ago

      Reminder that Veronica was Trixie's Fairy in disguised.

      • 11 months ago

        Hold up, what

        • 11 months ago

          Actually nevermind, looked it up and it's some schizo headcanon thing.

        • 11 months ago

          it's a theory based on Veronica's design and the fact that she has pupils which is usually reserved for Fairies.

          But that shit was never consistant.

    • 11 months ago

      >Reality Trip tier status quo ending
      Hartman and refusing to let relationships progress until literally the last second. Name a more iconic duo.

    • 11 months ago

      When I say Wishology I mean the aspect of everyone learning about Timmy's fairies. Sort of like everyone learning about Danny's secret. It was an interesting idea that was never really explored much in the movie itself, but would've made great set ups for season 7 episodes if the show continued. Instead it just sort of reset back into a worse version of season 6.

      I didn't really care much for the relationship baiting between Timmy and Trixie in that movie really, so I had no problem with them status quo'ing that. It was clearly being done to bait viewers with all the kissing/marriage scenes between them they were spamming in the trailers and it didn't even work because the movie was a fricking ratings flop compared to FOB. They should've gone with Tootie.

      • 11 months ago

        oops meant for

        >Reality Trip tier status quo ending
        Hartman and refusing to let relationships progress until literally the last second. Name a more iconic duo.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >Vicky Gets Fired
      Oh I remember that, but how did that retcon Channel Chasers again?
      >Olympics special
      Didn't realize that was the final appearance of the Pixies, but I stopped watching around the time Poof showed up.
      >No positive Trixie characterization
      Remember when she was secretly a tomboy but hid that so it wouldn't affect her image? Yeah now she's just a gold digger who loves whoever has the most money at the moment
      >Darth Vader Parody
      When was this? Around the time Disney bought Lucasarts?

      • 11 months ago

        >Remember when she was secretly a tomboy but hid that so it wouldn't affect her image? Yeah now she's just a gold digger who loves whoever has the most money at the moment
        Yeah I don't know why they didn't dig any deeper into her tomboy side after one damn episode.

      • 11 months ago

        Vicky Gets Fired retcons the message Channel Chasers had that Timmy wants to keep Vicky around simply because she guarantees him having fairies. It's also an episode that stretches the realms of believability. Vicky was able to become dictator of the world in Channel Chasers because of a combo of the magic remote and a history channel on TV. In this episode she just sort of becomes it because haha funny, and it trivializes her character even further.

        >Yeah now she's just a gold digger who loves whoever has the most money at the moment
        Trixie was like that in her first episode, hell, in the fricking pitch bible she was supposed to be even worse than she was ever characterized.

        Chester had a loved family and AJ or crocket never was a prick against him(remember when AJ destroyed a Timmy's present because it was outdated?)
        >Francis the bully was bullied at home.
        He could qualify but I maybe he couldn't keep the fairies for a long time because his personality.
        >AJ had a anxiety over constantly trying to succeed academically.
        He probably would have experimented with the fairies.
        >Don't get me started on Tootie.
        She can't keep a secret for a day.
        But yeah, Trixie and Francis could have a fairy if that rich guy got one.

        Tootie is made for suffering and her having fairies would interfere with that. Also, that one episode where Timmy lends her Cosmo and Wanda reveals that she’s a dumb b***h who’ll immediately reveal she’s got fairies. Hell, she might have already been given fairies and immediately lost them.

        obsessive stalkers don't deserve happiness

        Nah never give positive reenforcement for negative behavior

        I remember some really annoying autist on one of the old big cartoon forums (probably TroonZone) used to get into these really long winded arguments that took up entire threads with people whenever they suggested an idea for Tootie. I'm guessing you're him, because I have no idea why anyone would give such a shit about disproving a conceptualized idea for this cartoon other than obsessive anti-ism.

        • 11 months ago

          >not liking a character makes you a hyper specific autist from some forum
          meds now

          • 11 months ago

            nta but the "Tootie gets a fairy" thing always seems to attract this guy who starts arguing in earnest that Tootie's birthday episode means it can't happen

            its just a spitball idea, relax

        • 11 months ago

          Geez how bad was she in the bible?

      • 11 months ago

        >Remember when she was secretly a tomboy
        Yeah.... one time

        • 11 months ago

          >Yeah.... one time
          Yeah but it was one of FOP's best episodes, people just long for what could have been.

      • 11 months ago

        Dark Laser first showed up in season 4

  9. 11 months ago

    the show should have ended with the Fairy Idol episode

    • 11 months ago

      some people don't like the episode for it's story, how it's a little bit more mean-spirited than usual and it's over-reliance on the american idol shtick but I'm not one of those people, I think it would've been a good series finale too

  10. 11 months ago

    FOP was shit long before then

  11. 11 months ago

    That actually really caught me off guard, I was impressed by that twist.

  12. 11 months ago

    Did they have this planned the whole time? Timmy said in Channel Chasers to his future self, "I'm not supposed to get older!".

  13. 11 months ago

    >The rules stop mundane shit like not giving someone a crush on you
    >Its a-ok to do world alteri g reality breaking shit on a planetary level like this.

    • 11 months ago

      Fairies are godamn morons more news at 11. They had also made it forbidden in their culture to have babies but never thought of adding a 'no wishing for fairy babies' clause on Da Rules.
      Pixies were the only ones with smart wish laws. Well and genies depending on how you look at it.

      • 11 months ago

        Though Pixies seem to operate on obstructive Beuracracy, so just about any wish ends up getting rejected. I assume any kid that gets a Pixie instead of a fairy would blow theire secret because their unemotional dead weight

    • 11 months ago

      The show makes it very clear that the rules are being made up as they go along. Anything that ends up on Da Rulez is because of some disastrous event that Fairyworld barely made it out of. Hell, Timmy alone has caused a frickton of new rules to be put into place because of his stupidity.

    • 11 months ago

      Tbf while I get what you’re saying in this point timmy also made it so cosmo forgot he ever granted the wish to cover his tracks.

  14. 11 months ago

    How the frick did Timmy even make the secret wish in the first place considering that Jorgen is watching his ass 24/7?

    • 11 months ago

      Bathroom breaks

  15. 11 months ago

    What the frick is up with that dog's face

  16. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      That's one cute Timantha.

  17. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Nah, what killed Rimba Racer was the fricking missing episodes. Seriously, what the frick is up with that? Only a few months ago has there been ANY information regarding the episodes. All social media related to the show has been dead for years. The one guy that somehow got his hands on one of the episodes and posted it on YouTube is one of those annoying homosexuals that likes to play coy and mysterious and refuses to either deliver on more content, lead others to it, or admit they're under some sort of NDA.

      • 11 months ago

        Tariq did a stream of episode 23, but then he was locked out from the studio thanks to scamdemic. Then he couldn't do anything with finished episodes (imo they look like they have been cobbled together , some scenes from the Facebook production info are missing) , and show stayed in limbo for like 3 years, he probably sold the show to some buyer from china, hence we got last episode in Chinese.
        It's a very unlucky show, no merchandise no indiegogo campaign, even release on Netflix didn't help.

        also what's up with sudden surge of Meika porn?

  18. 11 months ago
  19. 11 months ago

    TTS season 3 really nosedived when Cassandra found the obvious deceptive mirror shard and her whole character was replaced with mommy issues
    That's when she ceased to be a person and became a plot device

    • 11 months ago

      Season 3 is so moronic, it also bothers me how they waste time in that season with episodes that are useless!

      • 11 months ago

        >Cass spends literal WEEKS/MONTHS doing fricking NOTHING in the goddamn forest
        How, how did they forget Cassandra's entire motivations so completely? How can you give her a song in the season premier about how she's overbrimming with the sheer freedom that comes with changing the course of her life away from Rapunzel and have her do absolutely nothing on her own?

        >Zhan Tiri steals the piece of the mirror that showed Gothel didn't give a frick about Cass
        >She fricking chucks it out the window
        >Cass finds it immediately two episodes later
        This part completely mindbroke me from its sheer stupidity

        Honestly you also reminded me how they dedicated an episode to Cassandra's adoptive father choosing to face his failures as a parent and try to help her
        Only to, once again, have him do NOOOOTHIIIIIIIIIIING

    • 11 months ago

      >Zhan Tiri steals the piece of the mirror that showed Gothel didn't give a frick about Cass
      >She fricking chucks it out the window
      >Cass finds it immediately two episodes later
      This part completely mindbroke me from its sheer stupidity

  20. 11 months ago

    Allright Cinemaphile
    You got fairies by mistake you get 10 wishes until they figure out they fricked up
    -they have to follow da rules
    -including every new rule added all through the show
    -you don't get to meet other magical creatures
    -after you make the last wish you are stuck dealing with the consequences of what you wished for and you won't get any help

    • 11 months ago

      I wish for a million dollars ten times

      • 11 months ago

        How are you going to explain your income to the IRS?

        • 11 months ago

          Uhmm, Internet?

        • 11 months ago

          The IRS doesn't really care as long as you declare it.

          • 11 months ago

            The FBI/CIA will.

    • 11 months ago

      >mind control powers
      >time stop powers
      >unable to die from anything other than old age
      >can make my body younger or older at will
      That's all I need, really. The rest I can figure out on my own.

      • 11 months ago

        >>can make my body younger or older at will

        this seems redundant anon....

        • 11 months ago

          If I can only make myself younger, people will slowly realize that I'm immortal. If i can only shapeshift, there is no guarantee that I will not die of old age.

    • 11 months ago

      1 - I wish for every knife I own or use to always be as sharp or sharper than I need it to be
      2 - I wish for peak sexual performance and the ability to project an aura of virility
      3 - I wish for immunity to infections
      4 - I wish for total mastery of all the hair on my body including but not limited too how/when/where/if it grows
      5 - I wish for a guide on how best to use my last four wishes

      pic unrelated

    • 11 months ago

      I wish I had a gun

    • 11 months ago

      1. Being able to speak every language fluently
      2. Teleportation(like in jumper)
      3. Shape shifting into anything i want
      4. 15 million in my bank account, without anyone questioning it
      5. Being able to control my virility without limits
      6. Eternal youth
      7. Eternal health
      8. Eternal life, until i purposely kill myself
      9. Jedi mind tricks
      10. Not having to sleep, eat, or drink, but can when i want to

      I'm pretty sure that would make technically a demi god or something lol

      • 11 months ago

        I'm sure if you ask for Jumper's teleportation powers you'll also have to get raped by a trucker and have your dad beat you all the time.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm pretty sure those two things are just unfortunate circumstances and not directly required to get those powers

    • 11 months ago

      1. global warming is stopped
      2. the australian outback is largely replaced with a big bay and fertile soil surrounding it
      3. i go back to dinosaur times very briefly to see what they actually look like
      4. i have complete mastery of drawing in painting, across every single medium and style
      5. i can still die but i respawn with all my memories intact at the physical and mental age of 25 up until the year 2200 after which any death is permanent
      6. elon musk and grimes swap bodies permanently
      i can't think of any others

      • 11 months ago

        drawing and painting* also 7. i have 300 million dollars no questions asked

    • 11 months ago

      1. Have the option to read minds (On/Off)
      2. Have the powers to nude anyone I want.
      3. Telekinesis
      4. Ability to turn invisible whenever I want.
      5. Get the watch to undo and rewind time.
      6. Teleportation.
      7. Be able to find anyone and anything I want.
      8. Ability to temper with time (pause/slowdown)
      9. Be able to change people’s age including mine.
      10. A sack that duplicates objects.

    • 11 months ago

      1. All the powers of silver age Superman
      2. A Time Machine deloreon
      3. Harry Potter’s Cloak of invisibility
      4. Infinite Gumball machine with gum balls that never expire or get moldy
      5. A hoverboard similar to the one from Back to the Future
      6. A real-life Ben 10 Omnitrix that works
      7. Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth
      8. King Arthur’s sword Caliburnus
      9. Herakles’s Nemean Lion pelt
      10. Mighty Max’s cap

    • 11 months ago

      >"I wish for a book called "da guide" which magically tells me how to wish for anything without any negative consequences or da rule breaking"

      • 11 months ago

        >huge magnificent book "Da Guide" drops through the roof
        >anon barely have enough strength to open it
        >instead of pages there are just two thick stone slabs glued to the cover
        >each have nothing but a single short line in capsbold

    • 11 months ago

      >I wish for a fully functional Mr. Meeseeks box from Rick and Morty
      >I wish for the Omnitrix with 10 Aliens of my choosing installed
      >I wish for a Dimmesnional Watch from Spiderverse
      >I wish the Omitrix and the Dimensional Watch were combined into one watch
      >I wish the Dimensional Omnitrix had clear instructions
      >I wish for an App in the Dimensional Omnitrix to help search for dimensions of my choosing
      >I wish the Translation circuit from Doctor Who was installed in the watch with a bubble of 15ft.
      >I wish the Watch had 4tb of storage with universal port extensions and a speaker system
      >I wish I could come up with cool oneliners on the spot
      Boom, I will be a multidimensional Badass action hero with a soundtrack.

      • 11 months ago

        Dude, the fairies are the LEAST of your worries.

      • 11 months ago

        >>I wish for a Dimmesnional Watch from Spiderverse
        Why the hell would you want that dimensional watch? Just wish for Rick's portal gun but with no restrictions or a Tardis instead. You're not in any danger of being scrambled if they got hacked, malfuntioned/broke or if you ever lost either devices. Plus they're more versatile.

        • 11 months ago

          99% sure he only asked for that watch so he could combine it with the omitrix. Dude seemed autisticly obsessed with watches.

        • 11 months ago

          I was going to say a Tardis needs a full crew to fly properly, but the Meeseeks box handles that easily.

          99% sure he only asked for that watch so he could combine it with the omitrix. Dude seemed autisticly obsessed with watches.

          I just thought a cool techno watch would be cool, but now I'm seeing it's too much of a hassle.

          Can I change my wishes for a Tardis, an Omnitrix, and a Meeseks box?

    • 11 months ago

      I’d just wish to erase every horrible mistake I made in the past that can haunt my memory, no matter how minor.

    • 11 months ago

      >wish to be magically persuasive, no matter what I ask of anyone it goes
      >use my power to overturn any of da rules I break
      >become unstoppable

    • 11 months ago

      >1 million dollars in my bank account every year
      >ability to change my age at will
      >immunity to all diseases
      >fluency in all languages
      >my waifu to become real
      >invisibility powers
      >expert cooking abilities
      >mastery of all art forms
      That's all I really want

    • 11 months ago

      Couldn't I just wish for superpowers I can control at will, health, and information that could benefit me non-competitively?

    • 11 months ago

      I'd just find nine busted CYOAs, choose to have my choices in them actually affect me, and then use the final wish to be isekai'd into a setting that doesn't suck like Pokemon or Animal Crossing and then just spend the rest of my life living in luxury.
      >I wish my choices on the comfy trailer cyoa were real and affected me
      >I wish my choices on the Worm CYOA v6 were real and affected me
      >I wish I had infinite points to spend on both cyoas
      >I wish every piece of fiction I currently (and would potentially) enjoy is real and has it's own multiverse I can access and explore
      I can't think of anything these four wishes wouldn't already cover that I'd want. Only getting the worm cyoa with no infinite points would already make me a god.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ability to change height and age
      >10 million in cash
      >+80kg added to max pr to all gym exercises
      >Loved ones will all die in peaceful ways

    • 11 months ago

      >1. everyone who's ancestors hail from below the 40th parallel north 30 generations back is vaporized
      >2. all surviving humans gain 100 IQ points
      >3. the technology to construct and run muon-catalyzed and other fusion reactors becomes apparent
      >4. the technology to construct and run artificial uteruses becomes apparent
      >5. the technology to induce and maintain biological immortality becomes apparent
      >6. the technology to construct and run reactionless space drives becomes apparent
      >7. the theory of everything in physics becomes apparent
      >8. I gain Omniman's superpowers
      >9. I become completely immortal
      >10. I gain the ability to reverse entropy
      It's in the balance of taking for oneself and giving back to the hood.

      • 11 months ago

        What is the point of the first one if we can solve all of earth's overpopulation problems with the latter ones?

        • 11 months ago

          >What is the point of the first one
          Not too fond of ethnics. Also clearing a good part of the globe so it can be rewilded.
          Da rules apparently also state you can't kill people outright so it might have to teleport them to Mars without a suit.

      • 11 months ago

        What’s the point of 8 if you have 9?

        • 11 months ago

          Immortality in itself is pretty weak. You can't do anything spectacular and you have to practically hide and move around at a given interval of time since you are always at risk of being eventually discovered and probed/imprisoned by the glowies. Actual planetary-scale powers are a must.

    • 11 months ago

      Wish for power to take media from alternate universes.
      Wish for pizza that regenerates and never expires
      Wish for immortality that I can turn off when I want to die
      Wish for shape-shifting
      Wish for healing factor
      Wish for a book with the awnser to all cold cases and weird cryptid shit
      Then use the remaining wishes to fix whatever is wrong with earth.

    • 11 months ago

      i wish to hold a girl's hand

  21. 11 months ago

    I saw School's Out the Musical was in YouTube and haven't seen that since like 2005 but man it brought back some hard memories

    Epsecially this song, it's still as much of a banger as I remember it being

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >HP YO! YOU IN CHARGE!

    • 11 months ago

      >I know my actions werent ideal
      > But howd your clowny parents feel?
      > About the path you chose?

      >maybe you're right, could be a giant mistake
      >ha ha ha ha
      >But changing my life is a risk I'm not ready to take
      > This nose, pants, hair, and shoes
      >their all my past and now I choose
      >To wish for a world

      • 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    Damn...Fairies look like THAT

    • 11 months ago

      What was with his obsession with buff guys

      • 11 months ago

        there was none Mark, that's just you

      • 11 months ago

        I was pretty funny sometimes.

      • 11 months ago

        I feel like people are unnecessarily piling shit up on Hartman because of that failed Christian channel thing. He already gives people enough ammo, so I don't know why they have to make things up.

        • 11 months ago

          there was none Mark, that's just you

          that was such a nitpick, the entire video was just
          >uuuh that joke couldn't been made today
          >oh my god he really likes buff guys

      • 11 months ago

        what is the problem with buff guys?

      • 11 months ago

        t. dyel gay

      • 11 months ago

        that was Marmel's obsession not Butch

    • 11 months ago

      you know it's kinda messed up that fairies can be tall and buff and what not but they're all just kid sized with some exceptions

    • 11 months ago

      I want to frick that Wanda, I want to frick her bad

      • 11 months ago

        We all do Sport.

    • 11 months ago

      Why would Cosmo want to look like Wandisimo?

  23. 11 months ago

    is that noita

    • 11 months ago

      Their fight would be amazing

  24. 11 months ago

    I'm pretty sure killing the show was its intention.

  25. 11 months ago

    status quo cartoons are so fricking boring
    how can anyone stand watching them after the age of 10?

    • 11 months ago

      Can you call FOP a status quo cartoon when multiple casts were introduced and forgotten about over the course of the runtime?

  26. 11 months ago

    Fairly Odd Parents was always mediocre.

  27. 11 months ago

    Where it actually should have ended.

  28. 11 months ago

    when did you realize this show was just western Doraemon?

    • 11 months ago

      It isn't. Child gets essentially a wish granting entity is a stock plot and Doraemon and FOP have different story structures, with Doraemon often being built around Aesops whereas...let's be honest, most FOP episodes are just dicking around or have deliberately backward Aesops if they have one at all.

      • 11 months ago

        >miserable kid gets in problem
        >fantastical creature gives him a solution using magic/gadgets
        >the kid abuses it and gets in more trouble
        >in the end, he usually learns nothing

        • 11 months ago

          >the kid abuses it and gets in more trouble
          That's only a fraction of FOP episodes. Most of the time it's completely unforeseeable consequences relative the setup of the wish or the faeries fricking up or weird interactions with old wishes coming back to bite them or the wish is just fundamentally hard to control.
          >in the end, he usually learns nothing
          The difference between Doraemon and FOP being that even if Nobita learns nothing there's still takeaways for the reader/viewer. FOP's generally pure fluff. That's a pretty big difference as far as children's media goes.

          If you want something FOP *actually* ripped off, it's pic related.

        • 11 months ago

          >the kid abuses it and gets in more trouble
          That's only a fraction of FOP episodes. Most of the time it's completely unforeseeable consequences relative the setup of the wish or the faeries fricking up or weird interactions with old wishes coming back to bite them or the wish is just fundamentally hard to control.
          >in the end, he usually learns nothing
          The difference between Doraemon and FOP being that even if Nobita learns nothing there's still takeaways for the reader/viewer. FOP's generally pure fluff. That's a pretty big difference as far as children's media goes.

          If you want something FOP *actually* ripped off, it's pic related.

          The Great Gazoo is also why the FOP float. Butch Hartman based them off him directly and has said as much.

          Anyone thinking this shit has frick all to do with Doraemon is lost in the woods.

  29. 11 months ago

    >OP asks for other examples in cartoons
    >Rest of the thread just goes on about cartoon in OP's image
    Why is Cinemaphile like this

    • 11 months ago

      99% of moments that killed cartoons look like this.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not just Cinemaphile. Other boards do it too.

    • 11 months ago

      I've rarely seen a fairly odd parents thread that wasn't about the porn comic. The last time was when they did the live action show where Crocker married Vicky

      • 11 months ago

        Cinemaphile was created around the time FOP started to go down hill. It was a fun and popular subject to talk about early on, season 8 and beyond straight up deleted Trixie, Vicky, Tootie, and Veronica from the cartoon. Try to imagine how popular a cartoon like Amphibia would be here if they brought back the show and the calamity trio weren't there. It would be Kiff tier, at best. So the only FOP threads that ever lasted in the later years of the show's run were purely doomposting or just waifubros shitposting at each other.

  30. 11 months ago


  31. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      homosexual. That was the best moment.

      • 11 months ago

        >Killed all future discussions of the show
        >Is more than likely is the reason the show was canned

        • 11 months ago

          hilarious, because the next season was absolute garbage and is the reason i would have stopped watching it, not the third season.

          whoever got offended at that is chickenshit and fricking moronic

    • 11 months ago

      He got what he deserve.

  32. 11 months ago
  33. 11 months ago

    thinking about how bad this show got and how crazy butch is makes me think back on it and man.

    Everyone was just kind of a fricking irredeemable butthole INCLUDING TIMMY! Maakes me think this show was headed for disaster regardless since the writers would write stories that would shit on their already bad characters for laughs/plot progression. I remember watching it for the wishes but would get frustrated by the characters.

    Its weird that I feel bitter about that when Tamers sonic underground and ATHF do the same thing, maybe its that theres no defined protagonist that were supposed to root for.

  34. 11 months ago

    damn Fairies look like THAT

  35. 11 months ago

    I don't know if this is controversial but revisitng it like a year ago, FOP wasn't as good as I remember. I'm not gonna be one of those gays that say "It was never good" but the jokes simply didn't hit as hard as something like Spongebob. The appeal really feels like it comes more from the creativity of the synposis and general feel rather than actual comedy.

    Most people say the show turns to shit around season 6 or 7, but I think it was alread running out of steam when characters, especially Cosmo and Wanda, start becoming one-note flanderizations and they give up doing moral episodes which happens around season 3/4.
    I don't recall exactly when but the season it feels like Coasmo and Wanda don't even like each other anymore is when it just stops being worth watching with the exception of the Hour Special episodes.

  36. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Nah it was the entirety of Volume 4

      • 11 months ago

        As bad as the Mistral arc was at least all of the girls actually felt like characters and had their own stories going on
        From Adam's death onward it was so transparent none of the writers had a fricking clue on what to do with either Blake or Yang
        >Yang yells at her sister and is more concerned with what Blake thought of her for doing it
        >Yang literally watches her sister commit suicide with the most minimal reaction possible

  37. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I too stopped watching after it qas heavily implied that Finn put his entire arm into a bears butthole, as per picrel

    • 11 months ago

      ya it was pretty lame he got his arm back like 2 eps after losing it after YEARS of predictions that Finn would get a robot arm. that said it worked out really well afterwards with Finn's theme as a grasslands hero, it got Huntress Wizard into Finn because she's got plant powers too, when he got the grass sword it clicked with everything and the way it "sheathed/unsheathed" was cool every time imo. kicked off a lot of plot points later too, I think it became Fern at one point? shit now I can't remember, I think Prismo and an alternate finn/jake were involved too

      • 11 months ago

        TL;DR: The demon parasite in the grass sword fused with the Finn inside of the Prismo sword and became Fern. He still got a robot arm.

    • 11 months ago

      This, ironically one of my favorite episodes was when he was building a tower out of whatever he could find in a pure blind rage to tear his dad's arm off.

      • 11 months ago

        Then they dropped that plot for the rest of the season right? Did Martin ever even show up again?

        • 11 months ago

          No not really if I remember. they made a big deal about finn finding out about his father but they only spent a handful of episodes on him.

        • 11 months ago

          he had a couple of appearances throughout the season. There was an episode where he was trying to trick Finn into pitying him and getting on his good side, there was an episode all about him on a teddy bear planet I think, and then in the finale he had a quick appearance and disappeared into another dimension or something.

    • 11 months ago

      I dropped the show a few episodes after this because life got in the way but also it felt very loose with conseqeunces. But what confuses me is how the writers went in a circle with Finn in future episodes
      >Loses arm
      >Gets arm back
      >Get's cursed grass sword
      >Thanks to interdimensional shenanigans, gets Finn Sword
      >Finn Sword breaks
      >Pieces of the sword get corrupted by the cursed grass sword
      >Cursed finn sword/grass sword becomes Grass Finn named Fern
      >Fern get's turned into a candy person
      >After being turned back to normal goes through self doubting and corruption
      >Finn still loses his arm and get's a robo arm inbetween all of this
      Such a headache, should've just gone the Phantom Pain syndrome route

  38. 11 months ago

    Wait, is that what happened to Detective Conan? Is that why he's managed to have so many Christmas specials despite time seemingly not passing in the story?

    • 11 months ago

      It's called fiction

  39. 11 months ago

    Did they just give up when Crash Nebula didn't get picked up?

    • 11 months ago

      I would’ve preferred a Crimson Chin show.

      • 11 months ago

        That’s quite the tongue twister

  40. 11 months ago

    So maybe I’m missing something. How was he able to do that? You’re telling me Da Rules don’t have anything regarding a wish that drastic? Jorgan’s entire purpose is ensuring disasters like that don’t happen.

    • 11 months ago

      apparently it's because he got Cosmo to do it then wished Cosmo would forget immediately after
      but that just opens up a million other plotholes

      • 11 months ago

        But how was Cosmo able to do it. Whenever Da Rules are broken isn’t Jorgan immediately notified? Isn’t there usually some type of magic vortex or other side effect that kicks in? The wand didn’t crap out?
        It seems odd to me that Cosmo has the power to grant the wish. Usually there’s failsafes for that stuff.

        • 11 months ago

          The rules are entirely made up and put in the book by Jorgen. If he hasn't thought of a scenario to outlaw, it can be wished for. Timmy just makes a lot of insane wishes.

          • 11 months ago

            It seems really stupid that not a single kid has ever wished for something like that. Or that it never crossed anyone’s mind. I just don’t see how any of the top level fairies didn’t catch or anticipate it.

  41. 11 months ago

    If not killed, pic related definitely marked a point of diminishing returns.

    • 11 months ago

      I dropped the show after season 3.

    • 11 months ago

      Eh, I didn't really like him at first but he has a lot of good quotes. Like when he takes Hank to his church, introduced Kahn to the stick fights, his code of honor, or asking Luanne's dad if he was at the state or federal Oil Rig. Eventually I came to like his character, although it was a shift, but Luanne wasn't fleshing out meaningfully anyways.
      The one that really had the teething issues for me was Peggy. She went from relatively grounded but kind of stupid to insufferable, then you realize that that was the plan all along and enjoy hating her flaws and active pompous stupidity.
      It gets a little hit or miss near the end, and rehashing the episode formula was getting a little too noticable, but I'd put the major distinction in change about the season where it went from drawn and scanned to fully digital in the intros where you don't know if you're going to get a meh episode or a good one.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah I thought the hate Cinemaphile had for peggy was overblown but then I noticed how bad she gets in later seasons.
        My biggest pet peeve was cotton's death
        They walk back all of his development there i m o
        Peggy lying to protect hank is a good moment though

    • 11 months ago

      KOTH never truly died, not in the same way South Park or Simpsons did. The later seasons were pretty inconsistent and threw out alot of character traits for the plot but they're still watchable from time to time, still has some memorable ones like the Bill-Peggy pyramid scheme and the one with the flood. I think they knew exactly when to end the show and I can't think of any other Cinemaphile-related media that did so aside from Ed Edd n Eddy maybe.

    • 11 months ago

      Lucky is at least not a horrible addition to the cast. he works fine for being paired up with a character for a side plot

  42. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Tootie looks loads better without those tights/hose

      • 11 months ago

        Where did the image go?

        • 11 months ago

          iirc the darkness turned into some smiley face and the real bad guys all along with the robots or something. it was kind of stupid. it was a fun ride for a movie but certainly not LE KINO like some zoomers here are claiming.

          for a stalker with a crush character, Tootie had way more depth than I remember. Her having to deal with many of the same problems Timmy does but without fairies to tackle them makes it easier to root for her than Trixie. It wouldve been great to see an episode in the vain of The Big Scoop that takes place mostly in Tootie's POV and you get to see how she deals with Vicky, Francis, Trixie and Veronica bullying her and what not.

          It’s kind of implied Tootie has to go and wets self at the end of home wasn’t in the original episode though so wonder why they changed it. Typical cartoon fashion it’s done fast

          • 11 months ago

            Timmy I gotta go potty. Oops now I don’t-

        • 11 months ago

          ToonBabifier knows his Tootie lore. I actually love some of his non-fetish FOP art but its rare.

          The mere concept of this show and it’s comedy already had a limited shelf life to it.

          Pretty fricking long shelf-life then if it took until like the 15th year (plus TLH premiering) for ratings to plunge.

          Chester had a loved family and AJ or crocket never was a prick against him(remember when AJ destroyed a Timmy's present because it was outdated?)
          >Francis the bully was bullied at home.
          He could qualify but I maybe he couldn't keep the fairies for a long time because his personality.
          >AJ had a anxiety over constantly trying to succeed academically.
          He probably would have experimented with the fairies.
          >Don't get me started on Tootie.
          She can't keep a secret for a day.
          But yeah, Trixie and Francis could have a fairy if that rich guy got one.

          Tootie is made for suffering and her having fairies would interfere with that. Also, that one episode where Timmy lends her Cosmo and Wanda reveals that she’s a dumb b***h who’ll immediately reveal she’s got fairies. Hell, she might have already been given fairies and immediately lost them.

          Wasn't that episode just Tootie throwing a banger party for Dimmsdale since her party sucked? But she wanted to thank Cosmo and Wanda publicly and Crocker kept encouraging her to do it or something like that. I don't think disproving Tootie had or can have a fairy was that point there.

          Either way its just a headcanon, no need to get mad at us or the character.

  43. 11 months ago

    as soon as they spoke in the cuphead show

  44. 11 months ago

    When Mrs. Crabtree was removed from South Park

  45. 11 months ago

    i still remember seeing an episode where timmy's dad is so dumb he literally has to wear a moron helmet and be kept on a leash by timmy, and so moronic that the fairies just poof out in front of him and it's never acknowledged to be an issue

  46. 11 months ago

    in that last panel only one of the characters, the small purple haired one on the right, looks anything like a normal butch design for FOP. the rest are ridiculously unappealing and the dog doesn't even have a proper mouth. the tall one with the bandaid looks like a pre-Bunsen is a beast version of butch's deteriorated style

  47. 11 months ago
  48. 11 months ago

    why do people like the ending of channel chasers? it literally just ends with showing Timmy becoming an identically oblivious moron to his parents showing he effectively learns nothing and doesn't really develop at all from having godparents

    • 11 months ago

      That makes sense I guess, since the kids are supposed to forget everything about their godparents once they’re gone right?

      • 11 months ago

        What makes it suck is that it implies Timmy makes his kids so fricking miserable that the qualify for Fairy Godparents.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah that’s true

  49. 11 months ago

    Wait this actually happened? When?

    • 11 months ago

      Timmy's Secret Wish! season 8 episode 2

  50. 11 months ago

    They had the full on ending of him growing up and forgetting who the fiary odd parents were

  51. 11 months ago

    I'm always surprised when reminded that this show didn't end when I was a kid after like 3 seasons or something but instead just kept going and going and going.
    It's like finding out Doug or Hey Arnold went on for 20 years.

  52. 11 months ago

    The revival of Family Guy to make Season 4. Season 3 isn't the best, but after the revival, Family Guy becomes the "Celebrity Guest" and cutaway gag show. Its just back-to-back celebrity guest voices or complete references to just some famous person in the 2005 era.

    • 11 months ago

      Even in the second half of Season 3, you start to notice things like the rawness of the show that it would adopt later.

  53. 11 months ago


  54. 11 months ago

    Why does this look like the first episode of the Fantastic Four cartoon? Was it a parody?

    • 11 months ago

      What? It's just some fancy courtroom with marble pillars, similar scenes are in countless shows. Why the frick would it be a parody of that one specific episode of that show? They don't even look similar.
      Are you autistically obsessed with this Fantastic Four cartoon and feel the need to find whatever excuses you can to bring it up as much as possible?

    • 11 months ago

      I guarantee you no one has ever thought of this specific F4 cartoon and FOP in the same sentence before you just now.

  55. 11 months ago

    Was it Tootie or Trixie?

    I really hope Tootie was used. She's such perfect little sextoy and I've always have been jealous of Timmy over it.

    • 11 months ago

      Tootie saved Timmy and his parents relationship that movie while Trixie wasn't even featured, or for that matter did anything resembling that for Timmy. I get the feeling they were heading towards some resolution in season 5 for this in the FOP theater movie but it got canned along with the show because of an exec shake up at the time.

    • 11 months ago

      who gives a shit? it was recotnned anyways

  56. 11 months ago

    Did Cinemaphile really hate Wishology, the original Poof trilogy and the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hours? All of those were kino.

    • 11 months ago

      The second Jimmy/Timmy was okay. The first and last were abysmal with people acting out of character for no reason.

      • 11 months ago

        I never like The Pizza is Aggressive show so FOP was carrying it hard.
        Power Hours were fine.

        Wishology and Poof were bad but at that point is your fault for still tuning into FOP.

        • 11 months ago

          I was never a big Jimmy Neutron fan either. Even going back to watch it it doesn't hold up. I always saw at as a rip off of Fairly Odd Parents and Johnny Test.
          >boy has problem
          >Boy makes something that should fix problem
          >actually makes things worse
          >boy undoes the damage by the end and solves problem the normal way
          at least the means are good

          • 11 months ago

            >and Johnny Test.
            Dude, Calling Jimmy Neutron a Johnny Test ripoff is a real stretch. JT borrowed more from Dexter's lab than Neutron ever did. Hell, the characters from JT were far more static and never changed.

            • 11 months ago

              >Calling Jimmy Neutron a Johnny Test ripoff is a real stretch
              Especially because didn't Jimmy Neutron come out like 4 years before Johnny Test?

            • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Deepest lore

                Hold up, what

                Actually nevermind, looked it up and it's some schizo headcanon thing.

                Yeah sorry I was just shitposting, but it was funny if it was actually true.

          • 11 months ago

            >I always saw at as a rip off of Fairly Odd Parents and Johnny Test.
            I really don't have the words to encapsulate how stupid you are

            • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Johnny Test was after Jimmy Neutron, dumbass

    • 11 months ago

      Wishology sucks, Poof's movie was okay, and the first two Jimmy/Timmy were kino the last one was mediocre.

  57. 11 months ago

    Enough FOP talk.
    Frost and Fire

    Adventure Time went down FAST from this point and I hated how Finn was turned into a bad character only to have a story or an arc.

    Finn was never given a gf in order to have some other bullshit in the show, I do not know if was Adam Muto projecting all his crap onto Finn, just terrible.

    • 11 months ago

      Both are Frederator shows that went down a similar descent to hell and relied too much on status quo. Though FOP's descent started after they left Fred.

      Did Cinemaphile really hate Wishology, the original Poof trilogy and the Jimmy/Timmy Power Hours? All of those were kino.

      Wishology had potential, but it was rushed to completion in under a year and needed major rewrites and time to actually make set pieces that weren't CGI vacuum rocks the heroes should be suffocating standing on. Otherwise, it was the last real attempt at this show at doing something Abra-Catastrophe or Channel Chasers tier, it just didn't deliver ratings wise and the show never had that sort of budget again.

      I don't know what the "original Poof trilogy is" do you mean the one hour special where he was born? It was pretty eh. Male Mpreg and hard retcons being thrown around right at the beginning of season 6 wasn't a good way to start off the show's revival.

      Never cared much for Jimmy so I didn't really watch those crossovers. It was funny how one seemed to revolve around Timmy cucking the main character's girl though. Only Hartman would come up with some shit like that.

      • 11 months ago

        Wait, was Poof's birth not a trilogy? I haven't seen it since it literally came out, but I remembered it being one

    • 11 months ago

      Frost and Fire is indeed shit, however I don't think it was bad enough for me to drop the show because it removed any chance that Flame b***h, Sugar's OC donut steel, had of being an actual main character.
      The episode that truly made me stop following the show for a long time was Breezy. They undoubtedly jumped the shark in this episode and quickly learned the consequences of their actions judging by how they tried to undo the damage with the miniseries later on. Sadly for them, in a show like that, you really can't really un-jump the shark. Most viewers already lost any trust they had on them, so even with this AT's popularity keep going through the floor.
      They even tried to pander to bubbline shippers in a last-ditch attempt to gain any viewers because these were the only ones desperate enough to still watch the show. What a pity.

      • 11 months ago

        I kept watching until the end... but it was more out of obligation than actual enjoyment. I remember the last season they had to start this whole half assed war subplot just so there would be something to fight over for the movie since they decided they wouldn't bring the lich back for some reason. then the war goes nowhere and golb is the main villain.

        • 11 months ago

          Kek by then, the show became a fanfiction of itself (just like incoming Fionna spin-off). The only good thing about all of this is that normalgays seem to ignore the existence of the later seasons, most dropped the show at season 6, so with the exception of the miniseries the later seasons are looked down upon by your average normalgay fan of the show

  58. 11 months ago

    >Moments that killed a cartoon

  59. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Their decision to not have Kraang but still keep the Utroms was fine. They were following the comic. Hell they even had Shredder come back thanks to magic worms. But then they pull this shit. And follow it up with Karai trying to defend him.

  60. 11 months ago


  61. 11 months ago

    Medical specialist would notice some screwy going on your RNA as it isnt getting any genetic damage this is literally the cause of aging

  62. 11 months ago

    Lower Decks S2 finale

  63. 11 months ago
    Dorothy Anne
    • 11 months ago

      that's the one saving grace of that episode, that the daughter the Turners have instead of Timmy is a cute design

      • 11 months ago

        A way cute design.

  64. 11 months ago

    Fairly OddParents is one of those shows I remember watching very often when it was on, yet I remember 1, maybe 2 episodes total.

  65. 11 months ago

    Did the Fairies know their kids were not getting older or we're they just that stupid?

  66. 11 months ago

    Why are the council of fairies full bodied men instead of small floating midgets?

  67. 11 months ago

    I think I asked this before but is Vicky Asian? Otherwise, I think her and Tootie are step-siblings.
    >Vicky and her Dad are both Gingers.
    >Tooties and her Mom are clearly bispeckled Oriental Ladies.
    That would help to subtly explain why she's so vicious; she's lashing out because she can't handle her father remarrying.

    • 11 months ago

      No, unlike Trixie, there is nothing in the FoP pitch bible that says Tootie is Asian. You're just projecting your fetish onto them.

  68. 11 months ago

    I miss when Jorgen von Strangle was just a straight Arnold Schwarzenegger parody with a strong military bent. The De Facto head of the Fairy Government by sheer brutality. The disco part makes sense because Germans love disco.

    • 11 months ago

      I know, and then he turned into a blatant plot device who only showed up when the writers needed to bend the show’s rules around.

  69. 11 months ago

    when the paladins turned on Lotor

    when Kuvira was made in to an antagonist when she did nothing wrong

  70. 11 months ago

    I've only seen up to season 5, I'm an adult now, is it worth it to go back and see the rest of the show?

  71. 11 months ago

    Tootie's on it.

  72. 11 months ago
  73. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      trixie's VA is blind

  74. 11 months ago

    claim your favorite side character
    i don't know why but chester being the nexus for all poor kid jokes cracks me the frick up and i love him

    • 11 months ago

      It's funny how despite having a worse life than Timmy he didn't qualify for Fairy Godparents because he simply had a positive outlook. Hell when you think of it every kid had a reason to get fairies. Francis the bully was bullied at home. AJ had a anxiety over constantly trying to succeed academically. Trixie was simultaneously caught between being pretty and popular and also wanting to do nerd shit. You wanna talk about kids no one understands? Trixie is that. Don't get me started on Tootie.

      • 11 months ago

        If Remy Buxaplenty gets a fairythen Trixie should as well.

        Allright Cinemaphile
        You got fairies by mistake you get 10 wishes until they figure out they fricked up
        -they have to follow da rules
        -including every new rule added all through the show
        -you don't get to meet other magical creatures
        -after you make the last wish you are stuck dealing with the consequences of what you wished for and you won't get any help

        I wish for a supply of the fairy foot sweat lemonade

        • 11 months ago

          It's funny how despite having a worse life than Timmy he didn't qualify for Fairy Godparents because he simply had a positive outlook. Hell when you think of it every kid had a reason to get fairies. Francis the bully was bullied at home. AJ had a anxiety over constantly trying to succeed academically. Trixie was simultaneously caught between being pretty and popular and also wanting to do nerd shit. You wanna talk about kids no one understands? Trixie is that. Don't get me started on Tootie.

          The ultimate plot twist: every kid had fairies at some point but lose them one way or another before Timmy got C and W because he was always at the bottom of the list regarding who deserved them.

          • 11 months ago

            And, somehow, is the only one who deserves to actually keep them.

      • 11 months ago

        Chester had a loved family and AJ or crocket never was a prick against him(remember when AJ destroyed a Timmy's present because it was outdated?)
        >Francis the bully was bullied at home.
        He could qualify but I maybe he couldn't keep the fairies for a long time because his personality.
        >AJ had a anxiety over constantly trying to succeed academically.
        He probably would have experimented with the fairies.
        >Don't get me started on Tootie.
        She can't keep a secret for a day.
        But yeah, Trixie and Francis could have a fairy if that rich guy got one.

        • 11 months ago

          I think they actually had an episode about this where timmy loses his fairies and they're given to each kid. Francis fed them to his dog every day. Chester made the world a better place. He fixed his teeth and made it so his dad could show his face. I forget why he couldn't keep them though.

          • 11 months ago

            iirc Chester's way to fix things in the world was assbackwards. Like there was a part where he visits Antarctica and sees the penguins "freezing". I think he melts the ice caps after to "fix it".

        • 11 months ago

          >Trixie can have a fairy but Tootie can't
          Peak shipperbrain. Why in a fricking dead fanbase are people like you still alive?

          • 11 months ago

            Tootie is made for suffering and her having fairies would interfere with that. Also, that one episode where Timmy lends her Cosmo and Wanda reveals that she’s a dumb b***h who’ll immediately reveal she’s got fairies. Hell, she might have already been given fairies and immediately lost them.

            • 11 months ago

              Which is why Timmy will eventually step in and give her the happiness that she deserves.

              • 11 months ago

                obsessive stalkers don't deserve happiness

              • 11 months ago

                Yes they do, once Timmy feeds her with enough love, She'll slow down with the stakerish tendencies.

              • 11 months ago

                Nah never give positive reenforcement for negative behavior

              • 11 months ago

                Her negative behavior was caused by neglect and abuse, giving love will fix that~

              • 11 months ago

                Nah never give positive reenforcement for negative behavior

                Once Tootie finally realises he truly does love her, she'll settle down.
                They can begin to build a happy relationship. and the end of Channelchasers is in sight.

              • 11 months ago

                But enough about Trixie in Just the Two of Us, aka the only actual instance of stalking on this show

              • 11 months ago

                obsessive stalkers don't deserve happiness

            • 11 months ago

              So you're admitting that everything in Fairly Oddparents must be taken at hard canon face value, and that Tootie ends up with fairy Timmy as an immortal lover as the official ending to FoP's timeline?

          • 11 months ago

            >but Tootie can't
            bro, tootie literally can't have fairies, there was a whole ep about that, she ratted them out in less than a day.
            now, trixie having fairies is a bit of a stretch, besides the fact that her niche is already occupied by remy buxaplenty

            • 11 months ago

              >remy buxaplenty
              Yet another character that Hartman forgot about.

            • 11 months ago

              Tootie never exposes C&W in the episode. She made a 300 IQ play to kiss Timmy, keep up.

              Aside form that, why are some of you being autistic about this? It's entirely up to the writers whether or not a character can get a fairy or learn about them.

              • 11 months ago

                stop making shit up, the only reason she didn't lose them is because timmy tried his damn hardest to help her, and even then he barely managed.

                don't blame me for the autism, i just joined in on the conversation.

                Tootie learns about them in the live movie and just becomes a pal. Truthfully they should've just done that in the cartoon instead of inventing Chloe.

                the drake bell one?
                considering that it has timmy fricking dying and coming back as a fairy i wouldn't take it anywhere near canon

              • 11 months ago

                You misremembered the episode. It's okay, we've all done it. No need to start screeching about "canon" in fricking fairly oddparents of all things.

              • 11 months ago

                i have the episode playing in another tab, now kindly shut the frick up

              • 11 months ago

                Timestamp when Tootie actually reveals C&W

              • 11 months ago

                The goalposts are on the move repeat the goalposts are on the move

              • 11 months ago

                So it never happened. Got it.

              • 11 months ago

                the entire major conflict is Timmy stopping Tootie from blurting the secret like a massive moron

              • 11 months ago

                why are you so obsessed with this one talking point?
                no one cares
                imagine if every time Trixie's tomboy side is brought up, someone shows up to argue in length why it cant happen
                that's you
                the fop version of the no fun allowed ADVENT Soldier

              • 11 months ago

                why are you so obsessed on insisting people who point this out can only possibly be one single person?

              • 11 months ago

                ok fine the dozens of people in this thread obsessed over this one nitpick that always post 1 minute apart from each other

              • 11 months ago

                now you're putting words in my mouth and making shit up flagrantly

              • 11 months ago

                The goalposts are on the move repeat the goalposts are on the move

                I still think it was mostly miscomunication from Cosmo and Wanda, sure Tootie didn't let them finish their introduction, but they also didn't try telling her after that, really the whole mess could have been avoided if Wanda had stepped in instead of Timmy.

              • 11 months ago

                and 90% of conflicts could have been fixed if Timmy just said "i wish i hadn't said that" when specific wording fricks him over

            • 11 months ago

              Tootie learns about them in the live movie and just becomes a pal. Truthfully they should've just done that in the cartoon instead of inventing Chloe.

        • 11 months ago

          >Trixie can have a fairy but Tootie can't
          Peak shipperbrain. Why in a fricking dead fanbase are people like you still alive?

          Well before you guys go at each others throats over which waifu should have a fairy, honestly the better answer is "none" ... the show doesnt need to start spamming fairies for every character. And the idea was tried to Chloe, and sure the writing was so abysmal it was going to fail anyway, it at its core the same problem was just recycling Timmy except this time a girl.

          i think a better idea would be to allow Tootie, Trixie, Chester and a few others to just learn Timmy's secret without him actually losing the fairies. that would shake things up. they were barely maintaining the facade of keeping them secret in later seasons anyhow

    • 11 months ago

      He’s the PG Kenny.

    • 11 months ago

      Gah, I have a soft spot for most of the supporting cast. AJ and Chester, Trixie, Veronica, Tootie, Mark Chang, Mandie, Norm, the Pixies, Anti-Cosmo, Juandissimo, Jorgen, Mama Cosma, Wanda's dad, Chip Skylark, Crimson Chin and the other comic characters...I could go on. the show had so many entertaining characters and I hated how they all vanished by the end.

  75. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Poof honestly wasnt bad in concept. THe issue is everything else Poof brought, like Foop basically being the herald of the end of the show's quality.

      • 11 months ago

        i second this, Poof maybe could've worked and he definitely isn't the worst thing to happen in the show, but i can understand why some people might see him as the sign/hint that would soon be the unfortunate downfall of the series

    • 11 months ago

      The problem is most of the decisions Nick made that year were fricking awful. Disney XD and Cartoon Network were killing it. Cartoon Network in particular with Batman Brave and the Bold and Ben 10 and Flapjack. Meanwhile Nuck had to contend with Rugrats Preschool Daze, The Penguins of Madagascar and probably the worst season of Spongebob that was so bad it was the first time people started questioning if the show was any good. To top it all off they gave us fairy odd baby with pregnant Cosmo as the promo. They were desperate.

      As for the in universe reason Poof sucks. This homie Timmy Turner gets 2 fairies while everyone gets 1. Okay fine. Whatever maybe his life is just that bad. Now he gets THREE? Poof should have immediately been shipped off to fairy school the second he was capable of magic. And the whole multiple fairies is a bigger problem. The whole reason the episode in OP was allowed to happen was because he asked one fairy if he could do something and when she said no he went to the other. Let's not forget that when Chloe Carmichael shows up instead of giving her cosmo or wanda they just share both fairies with Timmy. Show is pants on head moronic.

  76. 11 months ago


    Real answer is when the Library blew up. There was still hope until then. Beyond that, no hope, no quality.

    • 11 months ago


      Were the wings really that hated? I watching the show at the height of its popularity, but I thought the ascension was the natural course to continue.

      I was in the show’s original demographic though.

      • 11 months ago

        It was hated as it was clear that the decision was made just to sell more toys.
        It also goes against Faust's wishes just to milk the cash cow.

      • 11 months ago

        The fandom (and to a lesser extent, the show) had viewed alicorns as being legit goddesses, actual deities, so having the main character become one rubbed people the wrong way.
        Plus it kinda made her even more OP and trivialized a lot of the challenges the show had, which is probably why the show itself ended up getting a ton more side characters and other distractions, and how several Big Bads were defeated by randos.

      • 11 months ago

        >Were the wings really that hated?
        I dropped it because of them. Looking back, I think that was the right choice. Having returned and finished it since, that was where it plummeted.
        I should have stopped at Magic Dual. That was a warning sign.

  77. 11 months ago

    The mere concept of this show and it’s comedy already had a limited shelf life to it.

  78. 11 months ago

    Star Vs fell apart after Toffee's death.

    • 11 months ago

      Big time. This and Ludo's disappearance marked an almost instant drop in quality, nothing after the "movie" was good

    • 11 months ago

      it was already shit before then

  79. 11 months ago
  80. 11 months ago

    >ITT: moments that killed a cartoon

    • 11 months ago
  81. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Watching "Yes Dude Yes" again makes it painfully obvious that she was only meant to be a one-shot character.

      • 11 months ago

        Glad they brought her back. Should've been endgame though.

    • 11 months ago

      Either the episode where Mordecai ruins Muscle Man's wedding or the first Dump City episode almost ruined the show. It got silently better after Rigby and Eileen started dating. But then the A W F U L space tree saga. That shit was a chore to sit through sometimes. I think I actually skipped some eps. They should've just shaved it down to the Pop's and Anti-Pops stuff. Remember that episode where Benson was about to frick a meteor? Frick terrible.

  82. 11 months ago

    Unironically killed my interest and made me realise anything past season 1 is a reheated episode or bad.


    Were the wings really that hated? I watching the show at the height of its popularity, but I thought the ascension was the natural course to continue.

    I was in the show’s original demographic though.

    >show about everyone being friends and facing mundane shit or whatever
    >hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii let me upgrade you to royalty/godhood/immortality with a clipshow going in the background
    >don't worry you can still have mundane adventures with your mundane friends
    Almost every beat of that episode just felt like "And then the story ended and everyone lived happily ever after". I seem to remember a villain appearing but just being discarded immediately.
    Next season's setup was an extremely obvious off-the-shelf conundrum.
    >we must find the color coded macguffins to put them in this magic tree we just found
    I've never met a child that found that setup interesting.



  83. 11 months ago

    Should've ended at the movie.

    • 11 months ago

      It basically did.

  84. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      pretty accurate example. didn't seem like it at the time, really the moment iself is what put Amphibia on a lot of people's radar, but they fricked up the follow up so badly that in retrospect the whole thing would've been better off not happening and Marcy/Sasha just get captured.

  85. 11 months ago

    >Dark Laser became a recurring character
    >When he already got undone at the end of the magic copy printer episode
    >And then he got a happy end in the episode with the island of Timmy's bad wishes, when he technically wasn't even a wish to begin with
    This always autistically bothered me

    • 11 months ago

      >Dark Laser became a recurring character
      One of the top five most moronic decisions made by the writers, you're not alone at that.

  86. 11 months ago
  87. 11 months ago

    The waffle song in teen titans go

    • 11 months ago

      I think you should have said "The Night Begins to Shine" instead

  88. 11 months ago
  89. 11 months ago

    All of Hartmen's shows are absolute ass and it baffels me that any of them had more than 2 seasons. FoP was novel but the humor got stale quick and was already pretty dated even in the first season. Anyone who claims they like Danny Phantom is a fricking liar who really only knows the series from the god awful porn.

    • 11 months ago

      Hartman's shows were only good when Marmelwas at the wheel and tard wrangling Butch
      Notice the moment he leaves Danny Phantom S3 and all the other garbage Butch made happens

      • 11 months ago

        The pitch bible and its revision for FOP have kind of cast a lot of doubt on this.

        The first pitch bible was a little after the oh yeah cartoon series and was written by Hartman. It was mostly stuff from the pilot season but had a few things that season 1 would have like Chester, Aj, Trixie, an early version of Francis, Crocker, etc. A lot of characters had a bit more depth to them. Trixie was a new girl. Tootie is a few years younger than Timmy, and Timmy himself was described as being smart but not taken seriously for being a kid. There is an emphasis on character driven episodes, the show was going to have a lot more focus than just Timmy and his fairies.

        The revised pitch bible was by Steve Marmel, and cuts down a lot of that stuff. Some characters are gutted, if not removed, and the show has stricter demands on it to make it louder, funnier, and with access to a time machine. Also a weird rule literally ingrained in the pitch bible that a running gag must happen... I swear we used to joke about shit like that.

        I don't think the second revision is actually 100% on Marmel, it was ultimately just him writing it. Could've been Butch standing over his shoulder, or some exec's black claws digging in him. But it goes to show somewhere early on Butch had the right ideas but was corrupted.

        • 11 months ago

          >and was written by Hartman
          A lot of things were supposedly written by him but a quick lookup says otherwise

        • 11 months ago

          >Trixie was a new girl.
          Wasn't this retconned?

  90. 11 months ago

    How do you guys feel about the live action? Fairly Odder

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone thought it was weird that Crocker married Vicky. She was 16 when he was in his 40's.

      I think they also had a short where Crocker was a kid and he looked like Mandark.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Never once watched it, but it's impressive that they're still managing to squeeze money out of this franchise.

  91. 11 months ago

    The problem I had with the Jimmy/Timmy movie is that Timmy goes to Jimmy's world and he acts like a fricking butthole. And I suppose it's fair because when Jimmy went to Timmy's world everyone was an butthole towards him...but only because they thought he was Timmy. That shit turned me off. They made Timmy into this bad boy and he goes around wreaking havok

  92. 11 months ago

    >people saying Poof killed it
    Issue with Poof is that he literally does next to nothing after they introduce him. If you sit down and watch it, he straight up disappears in a bunch of episodes right after they introduce him

    • 11 months ago

      He was a ratings trap. His biggest contribution was the episode he was introduced in. It had shock value since it involved mpreg and I remember how heavily advertised it was at the time because it was a big moment for the show after increasing stagnation.

    • 11 months ago

      its just easier to say it was "when poof was introduced" than to say it was various retcons, flanderizations, mid specials/trilogy, etc

  93. 11 months ago

    This show sucks so much

    • 11 months ago

      Or maybe it was earlier. Some might say it was Pickle rick. But i don't know. They keep shitting on fans for wanting the show to feel like first 2 seasons. I guess what they mean, is that they want the show to be just Rick and morty's crazy adventures, scrap developement, scrap Smiths, some hints of lore are fine.

      • 11 months ago

        I guess it was the contrast of gullible Morty vs Cynical and all-knowing Rick, that created the fun dynamic. Now both of them are somewhat cynical, and shows cynical grit is kind of gone now. Also the fact they dedicate time to Smith family, which are all their own sort of obnoxious. I guess we lucky that we got solar opposites, which is wacky scifi hijinks, but with its own flavor

  94. 11 months ago

    The thing that really killed it is when they turned Timmy into an aloof jerkass. That's when they started phoning it in and getting sick of the show.

    Everything after that was inevitable but a good time if thumb is adding a new character is a sign the creatures have lost all ideas for the show. Kind of like the Poochy episode of the Simpsons (ironically I think they did add a diff at she point.)

  95. 11 months ago
  96. 11 months ago

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