ITT: Movies that were too smart for audiences

>Vet that lost his legs? BUT HE HAS A ROBOT ARM!!! THAT'S SO COOL!
>Enemies that did nothing wrong and are obvious scapegoats for war? BUT THEY'RE UGLY BUGS! THAT'S SO DISGUSTING!
>People that are part of an evil society? BUT THEY'RE SO PRETTY!

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  1. 4 months ago

    dont care. still want to know more

  2. 4 months ago

    Still a crap movie.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Enemies that did nothing wrong
    tell that to the people of buenos aires

    • 4 months ago

      The bugs are supposed to be dumb, aren't they?

    • 4 months ago

      The bugs are supposed to be dumb, aren't they?

      >Le bugs are smart enough to launch an asteroid at Buenos Aires from Klendathu thousands of lightyears away
      >Heh don't worry intelligence tells us that plasma fire is random, they're just dumb bugs

      something doesn't track here

      • 4 months ago

        It may have been a false flag.

        • 4 months ago

          It wasnt though.

          • 4 months ago

            Carmen crashes into a meteor, then one hits earth. you think this is just a coincidence?

          • 4 months ago


            >Le bugs are smart enough to launch an asteroid at Buenos Aires from Klendathu thousands of lightyears away
            >Heh don't worry intelligence tells us that plasma fire is random, they're just dumb bugs

            something doesn't track here

            The bugs are accused of launching an asteroid at Buenos Aires, yet military intelligence thinks they don't even have the capability of aiming at their ships above klendathu.

            • 4 months ago

              That man lost his job & was striped of his rank after Klendathu.

      • 4 months ago

        you literally see them launching other asteroids how dumb are you

        • 4 months ago

          >you literally see them launching other asteroids
          Yes at the ships attacking them from space. You think their asses can launch a meteor lightyears through space?

      • 4 months ago

        Stopped reading there. Thanks for typing it first.

  4. 4 months ago

    Stop raiding already you dumb shilling frick.
    >verhooven failed
    >failed satire
    >it makes fascism cool but it's also not fascism
    >nazi apologist
    >conflate book with movie

    • 4 months ago

      >paranoid freaks ranting at nazi phantoms
      Are these "nazis" in the room with you right now?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't care if you're a nazi or not.
        If you think the movie didn't successfully paint the United Citizen Federation as a helpless hellish society that is sending piles of people to die in a pointless war that they themselves started, you're an idiot.

        • 4 months ago

          Why about the society made it hellish? Everyone was a well educated and healthy person. There seemed to be no societal strife or crime or poverty either.

          • 4 months ago

            >Why about the society made it hellish?
            The fact that they obviously exterminated all the poors and genetically inferior and even the ones that stayed were mass conscripted into a losing war with bugs to the point that they had to start conscripting children

            • 4 months ago

              >the society is bad due to this head canon I just made up on the spot
              Lol youre such an idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                >Plenty of veterans with blown limbs
                >People being killed in training
                >Child conscription
                How is "If this society that does these things looks this 'perfect', either it's a lie or they achieved it by murdering the poors" a headcanon? It's simple logic.

              • 4 months ago

                Youre literally making up shit on the spot and youre now justifying it for the most dumbest reasons imaginable. Wow dude, a military veteran was shown missing limbs? That obviously must mean a massive genocide happened!

                Again, youre an idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                You're applying no critical thought beyond "This looks nice".

              • 4 months ago

                No, youre applying no justification for you not liking the society depicted in the show and when I asked you to justify your point you just made up bullshit about the story that doesnt exist. You then justified it on the dumbest grounds, how the frick would a military veteran missing limbs prove the genocide you made up?

                The truth is that youre not a bright person and you just go along with trends without really thinking. You read before that this movie is "le satire" and that the society is bad, but you yourself cant really argue this point yourself because you are incapable of it. Its funny because depsite the movie mocking those who blindly follow the herd, thats exactly what you do.

              • 4 months ago

                I said that either it's a lie that the society is fully clean and that it's part of the propaganda, or that they don't allow ghettos because they exterminate.
                Based on the other things we're shown of this society, either of these options are exponentially more likely than some utopian fantasy.
                And that's not even getting into the fact that even in the extremely unlikely scenario that it's somehow this utopian society as you just take it at face value, THEY ARE STILL CONSCRIPTING CHILDREN TO GO WAGE A POINTLESS WAR THEY ARE LOSING.

                That could be a novel/movie in itself. A perfect clean society filled with happy people, but they all need to go die like lemmings against an unnecessary adversary as a cost for it. It's a far more extreme version of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

              • 4 months ago

                Why do you take it for granted that tax-dependent criminals are allowed to have a section of every city to themselves? Wouldn't it be an improvement to get rid of them?

              • 4 months ago

                depends what makes a criminal. are they criminals for not wanting to partake in the war machine? i mean whats the point of a society that exists only to fight? what are they dying for? a society should not be killing its own people

              • 4 months ago

                it's not illegal in SST to not be a soldier, moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >are they criminals for not wanting to partake in the war machine? i
                No, joining the military is not compulsory. It's just a job.

                > i mean whats the point of a society that exists only to fight?
                The whole society is not made of soldiers. Rico and his friends are volunteers.

                >what are they dying for?
                Adventure, opportunity, conquest. Why does a wolf have big sharp teeth?

                >a society should not be killing its own people
                All civilizations that have ever existed did not believe that.

              • 4 months ago

                He's going to run off and get his streamer daddy to argue his point for him. Frick off DGG idiots.

              • 4 months ago

                >Why about the society made it hellish?
                The fact that they obviously exterminated all the poors and genetically inferior and even the ones that stayed were mass conscripted into a losing war with bugs to the point that they had to start conscripting children

                damn you're dumb
                >exterminated the poors
                remember when Shujumi says that he got into Harvard but his parents said it was too expensive, and he joined up so the Federation would pay his way? Do you suppose the big farmboy came from wealth? frickin hell dude
                also the child soldiers thing is a deliberate exaggeration of both the propaganda and the reality particularly of WW2 volunteers, many of whom falsified their age in order to fight and get paid. remember the kid saying 'I'm doing my part'? This is in part to allude to volunteering, not draft/forced conscription, of which there is no evidence
                furthermore, one of the obvious inspirations of the film is 'Sands of Iwo Jima', which includes the exchange
                How old are you, Junior?
                How old?
                >Well, eighteen.
                >...Goin' on eighteen. We heard some scuttlebutt about the squad leader, that he's tough.

              • 4 months ago

                The child soldiers in mass appear at the end. This is to demonstrate a progression of how they are getting increasingly more desperate.

                >was buenos ares muh false flag????
                No, youre just a moronic "truther" applying this to the movie.

                This movie exposes the psychotic levels of self hatred leftist have. Even in a fictional depiction of a war between humans and space bug monsters who rip people apart on sight, they still defend the bugs because "the other" is always the good guy to them.

                The bugs are not the ones invading. Buenos Aires was an obvious falseflag.

              • 4 months ago

                >The child soldiers in mass appear at the end.
                No they dont. Theres a scene of soldiers handing kids their guns because they think its cool. There isnt a scene of children signing up for the war. The movie ends with Rico leading adults men into battle.

                >Buenos Aires was an obvious falseflag.
                No it isnt. There is literally nothind indicating this its just more headcanon from the brainless morons getting triggered in this thread.

                You clearly didnt watch the movie and are just parroting the "dude its like a satire LMAO!" point without even getting that point. You are insufferable.

              • 4 months ago

                >No it isnt. There is literally nothind indicating this
                How about the fact that the scientists in the movie say that the bugs are barely intelligent yet they were supposedly able to launch a meteor to Earth from the other side of the galaxy?

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah with the help of the BRAIN BUGS

              • 4 months ago

                Maybe you missed it, but theres a part at the end where they find the brain bug. The scientist characters also say that its foolish to underestimate the bugs and the characteres who think they are just dumb animals are depicted as stupid buttholes.

              • 4 months ago

                what do you think the point was of showing them accidentally altering the path of an asteroid?

              • 4 months ago

                more moronic headcanon for which not only is there no evidence, but there is contrary evidence
                we're done here
                find a way to unfrick yourself

              • 4 months ago

                there's no contrary evidence. the ship crashes into a meteor, then a meteor hits earth

              • 4 months ago

                >The bugs are not the ones invading.
                How is that relevant? They are dangerous animals occupying land that could have humans on it instead.

            • 4 months ago

              you only think this is bad because you're a poor, genetically inferior person.
              probably a troon

            • 4 months ago

              >exterminated all the poors and genetically inferior
              Why do you want a society of poor and genetically inferior people? Self conscious?

            • 4 months ago

              Did you miss all the hispanics and blacks at boot camp anon? Come on, use your brain.

      • 4 months ago

        Your thread failed yesterday too, moron.

        • 4 months ago

          >going on insane paranoid rants about nazis over a stupid movie about space bugs

    • 4 months ago

      The bugs did nothing wrong.

      The special effects and visuals were great. The premise of the story fell a little flat. If Verhooven actually deigned to read the book from front to back he would've realized that's its more than a fascist utopia. Btw. one thing that the CG anime did better than any of the movies were the mobile battle suits.

      • 4 months ago

        >its more than a fascist utopia.
        the movie goes out of its way to show us its not just a fascist utopia
        >No more racism
        >No more sexism
        >Politcians get punished and replaced
        >You don't need to join the army to be a citizen
        I don't understand how people are getting filtered by a a fun action movie from the 90s.

        • 4 months ago

          >I borrowed from the films of Leni Riefenstahl to show that these soldiers were like something out of Nazi propaganda.
          >I even put one in an SS uniform. But no one noticed
          Yeah totally went over your head.

          • 4 months ago

            The protagonists are healthy, attractive, virtuous, but the viewer is supposed to hate them because of their clothes? Kind of dumb

            • 4 months ago

              >my IQ is so low i can only base if i like someone on their attractiveness
              How are any of these characters virtuous? they are shown to be backstabby, self interested, and vain. the whole love triangle is sociopathic. you're supposed to see that underneath they aren't treating each other humanely. they are shallow people, concerned only with their career and lust

              • 4 months ago

                They volunteer to get mauled by bugs in space for a minimal reward. Let the kids have fun!

                a society that differentiates between civilians and citizens, enacts population control(birthing permits) and the government is nothing but a thinly veiled military dictatorship, i would call that fascist.

                Fascism isn't about birth control and snappy suits actually. Try reading the book, it's short!

            • 4 months ago

              >but the viewer is supposed to hate them
              No you're clearly meant to sympathize for the characters going to endless wars and getting brutally murdered. The movie doesn't outright hate the characters, even Michael ironside is shown to be a cool guy who wants them to survive.

          • 4 months ago

            >Yeah totally went over your head.
            I'm literally saying its more than just an anti fascist movie you fricking idiot. The movie doesn't outright hate fascism. Just has these characters in a bad situation. Like that seen in dawnfall where the dad is telling the nazi kids to go home or they're get killed by the russians.

      • 4 months ago

        >The special effects and visuals were great
        literally the worst part of ST, looks like dogshit even for '97

      • 4 months ago

        i always thought the bugs were cgi, im assuming most of them were and only one was this animatronic

    • 4 months ago

      Yes to all still says and no to everything you said.

  5. 4 months ago

    The bugs did nothing wrong.

    • 4 months ago

      >Violently defending yourself is from an invasion... LE BAD

    • 4 months ago

      How many hitpoints does that damn thing have?

  6. 4 months ago
  7. 4 months ago

    No, it's meant to be dumb fun.

  8. 4 months ago

    Didn't the author of the original book actually kind of support the fictional society he was writing about? He genuinely believed in authority and natural hierarchy. The film is where it became satirical.

    • 4 months ago

      The author of the book was showing through a fictional sci-fi story his ideal of real Democratic Republics. Going back to ancient Athens, only the Hoplites, or heavy infantry, could vote or hold office. They then became a massive naval power and extended the right to vote to rowers on their ships who were poorer. Military participation has been the bedrock of all political power throughout time and regions and this story was meant to appeal to going back to this system. Even now in America, the reason every man is allowed to vote is due to the draft. Nixon lowered the voting age to 18 specifically because at 18 you are elligable for the draft. Before that, every free white man was afforded the vote in early America because they were all expected to serve in the milita.

      This of course goes over peoples heads and they stupidly think its about Fascism, despite the society being nothing like a Fascist system.

    • 4 months ago

      The author of the book was showing through a fictional sci-fi story his ideal of real Democratic Republics. Going back to ancient Athens, only the Hoplites, or heavy infantry, could vote or hold office. They then became a massive naval power and extended the right to vote to rowers on their ships who were poorer. Military participation has been the bedrock of all political power throughout time and regions and this story was meant to appeal to going back to this system. Even now in America, the reason every man is allowed to vote is due to the draft. Nixon lowered the voting age to 18 specifically because at 18 you are elligable for the draft. Before that, every free white man was afforded the vote in early America because they were all expected to serve in the milita.

      This of course goes over peoples heads and they stupidly think its about Fascism, despite the society being nothing like a Fascist system.

      The book and the movie are different things.
      As far as I know, the book doesn't have shit like child conscription, for example. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

      • 4 months ago

        The movie doesn't have child conscription either.

    • 4 months ago

      It's extremely well written satire. In the movie it's a false flag attack. The Mormons colony was actually a military base for instance.
      The book is the same way but there are layers.
      The system clearly works but by the end it's clear Rico is hiding things. Rico in the book has incredibly bad PTSD. He's all scared up and every time he's about to go into combat he starts having shakes. The rest of the veterans are sent on a mission which won't work and the military is going to kill everyone rather than keep the mentally shattered soldiers around. They develop probably anti matter weapins that allows them to blow up planets. It's the last bug world with all the captured soldiers rico is telling his life story before he goes and dies.

      • 4 months ago

        >In the movie it's a false flag attack. The Mormons colony was actually a military base for instance.
        None of this is true.

        • 4 months ago

          It's literally in the movie anon

          • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              The Mormon colony has like military in it. It's clearly a base.

              • 4 months ago

                It's pretty funny how in the movie even the propaganda is incompetent and goes against its own point, yet people still refuse to admit that the movie blatantly paints the human society in the movie as fricked up.

              • 4 months ago

                wait, you mean to tell me that a movie where it's humans VS non-humans, and us, the human audience roots for the humans?
                what a concept!

          • 4 months ago

            No it isnt. Youre an idiot

            Im convinced you reddit dorks are all gay zoomers who have never actually watched the movie and are just repeating memes about it that you saw.

            • 4 months ago

              they say the humans tried to colonize a bug planet. yes thats in the movie

            • 4 months ago

              Just watch the scene idk why you're getting so worked up over this:

              Verhoeven is smarter than you give him credit for. He knows what to and not to show in order to get you to think about what you watch. It's why he doesn't outright say Robocop is a metaphor for Jesus, or if it was all a dream in total recall. He puts ideas in his movies and forces you to think. If he wanted to he would have shown the brain bugs ordering the artillery bugs to target buenos aires but he doesn't because it would have made the movie too simple and boring. I don't know why people in these threads actively demand you stop analyzing movies in a board designed for analyzing movies

  9. 4 months ago

    The film is actually too smart for you, anon. Whether you think it's the bugs or the humans that are mindless monsters, you're right.

  10. 4 months ago

    If I see a bug, I kill it. Not try to understand it, talk to it or set it free. If you don't understand this basic concept, then you're doomed as a species.

  11. 4 months ago

    Leftist creatives are the real idiots. They have passionate political beliefs and think they stand for intellectualism and understanding. The truth is that they don’t understand the first about the people they hate and are so stupid that they can’t defend their ideals without making fools of themselves. So instead they create stories about absurd right-wing strawmen and when we like and embrace those characters which honestly we only do ironically because we know it pisses them off they go apoplectic. “NO! YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO ENJOY THAT! I’M MAKING FUN OF YOU! REEEEE!”

    • 4 months ago

      > which honestly we only do ironically because we know it pisses them off
      Yeah but you only do it because the movie pissed you off. Making yourself look moronic on purpose won't piss anyone off, it will make people perceive you as a clown.

      • 4 months ago

        lmao you for real
        >movie pissed you off
        pew pew die bugs LOL

        • 4 months ago

          If it didn't, people wouldn't need to cope so hard as to deny shit the director himself openly admitted

  12. 4 months ago

    The "satirical" undertones only exist so midwits have an intellectual excuse to enjoy a stupid actionmovie with joke segments cut inbetween. 200 IQ move is to just enjoy a stupid action movie with joke segments.

    • 4 months ago

      It's actually cool to enjoy a movie that is both just a cool action movie and a good parody of fascist propaganda. You can enjoy both aspects together. Neither is contradicting the other. The people and bugs being killed aren't real, so you can enjoy the bloody mess that ensues.

      • 4 months ago

        >fascist propaganda
        Its not though, youre just a paranoid dullard. Did you get the vaxx btw?

      • 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    >This thread again

    • 4 months ago

      Don't you dare

  14. 4 months ago

    its 2024 and people are still trying to "pick a side" with a film that's about the moral miasma and fog of war. was buenos ares muh false flag???? you'll never know frickface which is a microcosm of the entire films themes

    • 4 months ago

      >was buenos ares muh false flag????
      No, youre just a moronic "truther" applying this to the movie.

      I said that either it's a lie that the society is fully clean and that it's part of the propaganda, or that they don't allow ghettos because they exterminate.
      Based on the other things we're shown of this society, either of these options are exponentially more likely than some utopian fantasy.
      And that's not even getting into the fact that even in the extremely unlikely scenario that it's somehow this utopian society as you just take it at face value, THEY ARE STILL CONSCRIPTING CHILDREN TO GO WAGE A POINTLESS WAR THEY ARE LOSING.

      That could be a novel/movie in itself. A perfect clean society filled with happy people, but they all need to go die like lemmings against an unnecessary adversary as a cost for it. It's a far more extreme version of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

      This movie exposes the psychotic levels of self hatred leftist have. Even in a fictional depiction of a war between humans and space bug monsters who rip people apart on sight, they still defend the bugs because "the other" is always the good guy to them.

  15. 4 months ago

    >>Vet that lost his legs? BUT HE HAS A ROBOT ARM!!! THAT'S SO COOL!
    its not just the one recruiter, almost every single person we see older than our highschool heroes is horribly disfigured

  16. 4 months ago

    The book was literally too smart for the director. He couldn't handle such a pro-military book he tard-raged and tried to make it satirical.

  17. 4 months ago

    Ima stop you right there. Starship Troopers is one of the greatest movies of all time.

    • 4 months ago

      >said no one ever
      kys and get filtered

    • 4 months ago

      I'm just glad there's always a thread about Starship Troopers on Cinemaphile, one way or another

  18. 4 months ago

    Did the aliens still bomb South America in the movie?
    I only read the book as a teenager.

  19. 4 months ago

    >This was too subtle for /misc/

    • 4 months ago

      Funny how this supposed repressive fascist society still has journalist who are allowed to carry weight for an arugment like this immediatly after and entire city is wipped out.

      leftist like the bugs because they basically are them. Unthinking automotons who do whatever the "brain bug" tells them.

      • 4 months ago

        So yes it went right over your head.

        • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        he's not carrying weight, he's about to say that bugs are bad because of the way they live and is interrupted.

  20. 4 months ago

    >like the book
    >love the movie
    should i play hell divers or is there something else closer?

  21. 4 months ago

    bugs arent human, i also cannot and dont want to frick them, why should i care about their survival?

    • 4 months ago


      If they can't be fricked, eaten for food, or rendered into fuel what god damned good are they.

    • 4 months ago

      you can frick them, you just have to get a little creative

  22. 4 months ago

    >bug legs typed this post
    Your time will come, bug. Buenos Aires will be avenged.

  23. 4 months ago

    The asteroid wasn't a falseflag
    It was a natural disaster that the army used to their advantage
    We see the asteroid nearly crashing with the spaceship, and if I recall correctly, that ship is even directly responsible for altering its trajectory, which means that, in a weird way, it was them that aimed it at Buenos Aires

    • 4 months ago

      i think that is what people mean when they say falseflag

  24. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Superior version

  25. 4 months ago

    Just kill the bugs

  26. 4 months ago

    if irrefutable proof gets shown that the asteroid was a falseflag then starship troopers is simply a shit movie and I win anyways cope trannies.

  27. 4 months ago

    >this movie predicted the iraq and afghan invasion
    >also israel vs palestine allegory
    Paul was cooking

  28. 4 months ago

    The film itself is open to interpretation. It is androgynous in nature, like all art.

  29. 4 months ago

    At least you had the restraint not to post the actual twitter thread. Still a homosexual though.

  30. 4 months ago

    The fricking Mormons set off the entire war by settling where they shouldn't have. The bugs retaliated. No one thought the bugs were dumb. The science teacher from the very begining tells us that just because the warrior & drone castes can be unintelligent & lack tool use it doesn't mean they should be underestimated. The Sky Marshal who botched the war effort was striped of rank & paid for his incompetence. They changed the way they approached the war. Baiting out the brain bugs & taking on hostage.

    The film depicts a functional fascist Earth. Just like Star Trek does communism

    • 4 months ago

      its functional but requires war. a society running via military wouldn't be one you'd want to live in. i wouldn't really consider it functional when to become a citizen you have to be brainwashed by the military and become a drone for the war machine. it seems to function FOR the military. we never really see what life is like outside of that.

      • 4 months ago

        You don't have to join the military to become a citizen and life for non-citizens is totally fine. Rico's parents can't vote. So what?

        • 4 months ago

          it's not illegal in SST to not be a soldier, moron.

          on the surface, but thats how you get to partake in government. you aren't a full citizen without joining.
          I wasn't saying it was a crime not to, but it could be a crime not to support the effort in some way. thats why i said it depends what makes a criminal. i doubt a society like this is tolerant of much dissenting thought or effort

          • 4 months ago

            and far too many people in real life are allowed to vote whop shouldn't be able to.

            • 4 months ago

              maybe, but i wouldn't want to live in a society where only vets are voting, or generals are calling the shots. its a cool life to watch in a movie, but it wouldn't be enjoyable. look how many vets can barely function.

              • 4 months ago

                i would.
                combat gives you a perspective on life that current congress and the moron voting block doesnt have.

              • 4 months ago

                can't bench at least 2pl8tes can't vote simple as that

              • 4 months ago

                i wouldnt be able to vote, but neither would trannies and liberals, so im cool with that.

              • 4 months ago

                you have to give women at least some way to potentially vote where they don't end up rebelling and poisoning men. I'd institute a restriction for women where you have to have an IQ higher than your weight in order to vote.

              • 4 months ago

                Just stop teaching them to read and drive, problem solved.

              • 4 months ago

                >look how many vets can barely function
                yeah because the government has a great track record of taking care of them after duty.
                you have literally 0 knowledge of anything outside your internet presense.

              • 4 months ago

                shut up, you babbling moron

              • 4 months ago

                not an argument

              • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            >you aren't a full citizen without joining.
            That's not true. You just have to take a government job.

            >it could be a crime not to support the effort in some way.
            Sedition, treason, and sabotage have always been harshly punished. Obviously if someone goes to bat for an enemy species that can't be tolerated.

            >i doubt a society like this is tolerant of much dissenting thought or effort
            Again that is common to all societies.

          • 4 months ago

            >you aren't a full citizen without joining.
            The book implies that there are other ways and that military service is the fastest. The movie sneakily implies that military service is the only way but not mentioning the other methods.
            >but it could be a crime not to support the effort in some way.
            "It COULD be"? That's not a strong argument, nor is that shown in the movie.
            >i doubt a society like this is tolerant of much dissenting thought or effort
            Dude, you did not watch the movie. The news clearly reports on the actual casualties and violence of the battles instead of propaganda, there's open debates about the bugs including "offensive" ideas about them, they let the Mormons go to their settlement despite telling them not to, Johnny's father openly criticizes the military without needing hushed tones to imply even the smallest hint of contradiction to the government lands you in trouble. You're pulling this out of nowhere.

            • 4 months ago

              >"It COULD be"? That's not a strong argument, nor is that shown in the movie.
              my response was to the idea the society was functional, my response is that we don't know enough to know how other people live.
              >The book implies that there are other ways and that military service is the fastest
              this thread is ABOUT the movie. the book is different
              >The news clearly reports on the actual casualties and violence of the battles instead of propaganda
              you have no way of knowing if the news is operating without propaganda. i don't know why you'd assume there's a free press in a government like this

              You need to enlist in government service. If the state needs soldiers and you're a good candidate, you get to go to boot camp. If you're a sickly nervous type, maybe you get to sort trash or learn javascript

              but the government is run by military leaders. thats my point. if you have a government job its a military extension, and this isn't elaborated on in the movie.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't see the problem, historically it's normal for states to be run by the military. In America our last national election ended with the military occupying the capital and people aren't really upset about it. Of course the guys with the guns are in charge.

              • 4 months ago

                >In America our last national election ended with the military occupying the capital

                that is.. not what happened. the presence of the capital police insuring a confirmation happens after an election is not the military occupying the capital. its also not historically normal for the military to run the state. and we don't really look to the past to find the best forms of government anyways. i don't think you have any idea whats going on in the world

              • 4 months ago

                The National Guard occupied the capital and put up a fence.

                >its also not historically normal for the military to run the state
                Yes it is, whether republican or hereditary.

                >we don't really look to the past to find the best forms of government anyways.
                We obviously do, all the business about republicanism and democracy in the modern era is an imitation of Greeks and Romans from 2000+ years ago.

      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't require war. And you can be a dog walker & still become a citizen

        • 4 months ago

          it does require war because the whole society is ran by military people. if there's no war, whats the point of a military? you can't vote or get any political power unless you enlist and give yourself up to it

          • 4 months ago

            You can be a dog walker & get citizenship

            • 4 months ago

              but what if too many cowardly dog walkers become citizens during times of peace and when war comes they just say no and cause a big stink for everyone involved?

              • 4 months ago

                The entire point of their society is that those who have not served the state & it's people have no idea what it takes to keep that state & it's people healthy, protected & functional. Presumably being a dog walker would instill enough civic virtue to prevent them from acting against the interests of the state & it's people

            • 4 months ago

              the movie implies you need to enlist to vote.

              • 4 months ago

                You need to enlist in government service. If the state needs soldiers and you're a good candidate, you get to go to boot camp. If you're a sickly nervous type, maybe you get to sort trash or learn javascript

    • 4 months ago

      just replace the na'vi with bugs and it's literally the same concept.
      eat shit bugger lover.

      • 4 months ago

        Na'vi never attacked earth

        • 4 months ago

          which makes makes the bug extermination all the more justified.

      • 4 months ago

        if the point of your society is simply to expand damn the expense or sacrifice, you're the bug. the blue cats are clearly in a happier society. life is short, you should be able to enjoy it

        • 4 months ago

          blue cats will always get fricked no matter how many hippie tears you'll shed

    • 4 months ago

      Star Trek does not depict communism.

    • 4 months ago

      >The fricking Mormons set off the entire war by settling where they shouldn't have. The bugs retaliated.
      Yeah, they retaliated by killing the Mormons. And then they sent an asteroid to Earth, followed by more asteroids until Earth was destroyed. This is literally self-defense for the human species.
      >The film depicts a functional fascist Earth
      Just because they wear Nazi looking uniforms and use similar iconography, it doesn't them fascist


      • 4 months ago

        a society that differentiates between civilians and citizens, enacts population control(birthing permits) and the government is nothing but a thinly veiled military dictatorship, i would call that fascist.

        • 4 months ago

          They volunteer to get mauled by bugs in space for a minimal reward. Let the kids have fun!

          Fascism isn't about birth control and snappy suits actually. Try reading the book, it's short!

          just read this article.

          • 4 months ago

            >My first image of American liberators was thus — after so many palefaces in black shirts — that of a cultivated black man in a yellow-green uniform saying: “Oui, merci beaucoup, Madame, moi aussi j’aime le champagne …” Unfortunately there was no champagne, but Captain Muddy gave me my first piece of Wrigley’s Spearmint and I started chewing all day long. At night I put my wad in a water glass, so it would be fresh for the next day.
            Bro this is gay as hell

            • 4 months ago

              >what's that... a Black person speaking french like a 6 year old??? wtf i love my american liberators

  31. 4 months ago

    I just want one movie doing the bugs justice. Imagine the first invasion scene of the movie except the Feds are dabbing on the Arachnids with a few gruesome casualties, they all start laughing and thinking they'll just steamroll the dumbass bugs only for one of their heads to be popped by a laser and suddenly they are being shelled by plasma. Excuse the sloppa but literally no one has made a good depiction of the book Arachnids.

    • 4 months ago

      One more.

  32. 4 months ago

    An obvious Israeli false flag.

  33. 4 months ago

    i don't get it which side is supposed to be israel

    • 4 months ago

      Starship Troopers world is one world government where "Filipino-Argentinians" have the right to vote and carry guns. Robert Heinlein was a libertarian and a swinger and his wife was a israelite.

      • 4 months ago

        You only get citizenship and right to vote if you enlisted and did your duty. It is a meritocracy to its fullest.

  34. 4 months ago

    It's a satire movie.
    Nearly ALL of Paul Verhoeven's movies are exaggerated satire.

    • 4 months ago

      >humanity defends itself from an alien threat
      Where's the satire? Isn't this the correct and rational response?

      If it was satire, the "enemy" would be the fluffy bunny lifeforms from Sector Huggywuggy, there would be a scene where the fluffy bunny is peacefully chewing on some grass and then some insane human army charges in and slaughters them. That's satire. You don't know what satire is.

      • 4 months ago

        humans started the conflict.

  35. 4 months ago

    Verhoeven is just a moronic Swamp-German that wanted to dunk on the Nazis from his childhood.
    Plus the book was way better.

  36. 4 months ago

    I would love for a reboot where the feds are depicted just as they are in the original movie but the bugs are depicted as legit fascists. I want this done solely for the keks and seethe that would ensue.

  37. 4 months ago

    >the bugs are just dumb animals who don't know anything!
    So they should be contained. They can't coexist with humans as evidenced by the Mormon settlement. If your village is being terrorized by wild animals, you do something about it.

    • 4 months ago

      the mormons left because the military took their settlements in utah. then they invaded another nation, despite warnings. so, the humans couldn't coexist with each other, and picked some other species planet to colonize.

      • 4 months ago

        humans started the conflict.

        >humans existed near me, that means I get to murder them all SCREEEEEEEE
        Bugs are not capable of coexisting with humans. Bugs are spreading throughout the galaxy using spores. You are dealing with a galactic infestation of murderbugs that know where you live and are dropping FRICKING METEORS ON YOUR HOMEPLANET. What is wrong with you morons?

        • 4 months ago

          yeah its really interesting that the earth had some defence to stop meteors, but for some reason not for that one. the one carmen crashed into. must be a coincidence

    • 4 months ago

      The bugs are on literally the opposite side of the GALAXY. That's pretty fricking contained. There's trillions of worlds the Mormons could have gone to instead of Bug space.

      • 4 months ago

        >The bugs are on literally the opposite side of the GALAXY. That's pretty fricking contained.
        You got a weird definition of "contained"

  38. 4 months ago

    The bug asteroid would take millions of years to hit earth, even if it -somehow- could travel at the speed of light it would still be thousands of years.
    which means the bugs launched the asteroid far in the past somehow knowing future humans would be hit and retaliate

    • 4 months ago

      It was a natural accident that was then used as a falseflag

      • 4 months ago

        anon you could be an intergalactic lawyer for earthlings

    • 4 months ago

      Are we picking and choosing what is realistic and what isn't now? What about psychic humans? Are those realistic? Or is that another false flag by the evil humans?

      • 4 months ago

        there are plenty of things in the movie that are grounded in reality though as well as not, humans have FTL travel which could imply the bugs do although nothing backs that up. so the bugs either sent a rock through a wormhole or millions of years in the past OR buenos airies was an inside job

        • 4 months ago

          yeah its really interesting that the earth had some defence to stop meteors, but for some reason not for that one. the one carmen crashed into. must be a coincidence

          You really want to betray your species that hard huh

          • 4 months ago

            you really want to be a bootlicking wienersucker that hard huh

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >implying you DONT want to get head so good you frickin die

          • 4 months ago

            betraying your species is sending it off to die for a war when they don't need to

            • 4 months ago

              >they don't need to

              • 4 months ago

                ah yes those super-liminal bug meteors

              • 4 months ago

                Yes, literally. What do you gain from defending bugs other than petty incel revenge against humans?

              • 4 months ago

                >buggerinos lives matters

              • 4 months ago

                Because they did nothing wrong. If you had any sense of honor you'd understand.

              • 4 months ago

                Brainbug post

              • 4 months ago

                I apologize for being a superior species

              • 4 months ago

                IT'S AFRAID (also fat)

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I am [chitter] impartial and un[skreet]biased, that's all.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't care if you call it Reddit or not. It was absolutely an inside job.
                The distance between the two planets is easily about 100k lightyears.
                That means the bugs either flung that rock at us long before we existed or the rock was traveling at many times the speed of light which would have destroyed the planet outright.
                It's not like tossing a ball across the schoolyard.

                The bugs colonize planets with asteroids filled with spores. They 100% can direct asteroids where they want & at speeds that are equivalent to human space travel. We literally see the asteroid warp into realspace. They probably have some sort of gravity well bug or some such that acts as an engine

              • 4 months ago

                >The bugs colonize planets with asteroids filled with spores
                Then why didn't that happen on Earth? Why are all the deaths from the impact?
                Almost like it was a natural disaster used as a falseflag.

              • 4 months ago

                Because they wanted to kill Earthlings not colonize them. A colony asteroid would have to decelerate to land & thus be subject to destruction by Earthling defenses. Did you not see the part of the movie where the bugs continue to bombard Earth but our spaceships screen them better?

              • 4 months ago

                humans have a defense system that stops meteors BUT NOT THIS ONE, carmen crashes into one, changing trajectory then one hits earth.


            • 4 months ago

              when another buenos happens you'd be standing with a cardboard saying
              >bugs welcome

        • 4 months ago

          rock flings through your window killing you grandma you run outside and spot a disgusting bug alien flinging rocks in random directions as you are to crush it your libtard sister screams from inside the kitchen
          >leave the poor bug alone he just don't know any better he didn't mean to! I bet you flinged that rock you always hated grandma!
          >I was in the kitchen with you and her when it hapened you fricking moron
          >grandma killer bug murderer fashinazi psycho reeeeeeeeeeeee
          >*crushes the bug* *sister is send to psycho ward

          • 4 months ago

            if i SAW with my own two EYES a rock slinging murder bug killing my grandma i would stomp it without question, the point is no one saw the bugs sling a space rock from a bajillion miles away but blindly believed the gubbament

            • 4 months ago


  39. 4 months ago

    It doesn't matter that the book and even the movie stated that you don't have to join the military to become a citizen, just like it didn't matter that race & IQ was only a small chapter of the Bell Curve. Some ideas are just so heckin bad that once you've voiced them, there's nothing exculpatory you could ever say. Chuds are beyond redemption.

  40. 4 months ago

    >dem bugs just need mo pwogwams deys is good pepoo wit dey monstrous fangs and kill anything that moves cultcha
    Frick bugs and bugger apologists

  41. 4 months ago

    >WWIII happened, planet went to shit, USA was completely fricked
    >Only people who could establish order and restart society were the veterans from those wars
    >They build a new civilization around military doctrine and make it so that only people who are willing to die to defend their beliefs get a say in how that civilization functions
    >Civilization prospers
    >Humanity recovers and reaches out for the stars
    >Bugs detect humans on their frontier
    >Decide to pre-emptively strike them
    >Destroy frontier outposts and colonies
    >Zegema Beach gets fricked
    >Buenos Airies gets fricked
    >Humanity responds using their full military might and plans a counter-attack
    >We get to see that first strike in the movie

    Did you actually watch the movie?

    • 4 months ago

      Buenos Aires was an inside job. Bugs don't have the means to launch a meteorite that far.

      • 4 months ago

        How do you know that?

        • 4 months ago

          he's a bug spy obviously

      • 4 months ago

        Exactly what a bug would say.

      • 4 months ago

        >literally make things up to support your narrative
        Frick off you miserable little shit. There's literally no reason to believe this.

        • 4 months ago

          The movie literally provides you a dozen pieces of evidence to support this conclusion and reject the literal propaganda narrative. And it's been laid out and explained hundreds of times.

          • 4 months ago

            >its like so obvious oh mher gherd like so obvious i can't even provide the slightest reasoning to support my claim

            • 4 months ago

              it literally opens with a propaganda film. its meant to show you not to trust the narrative the military tells you.

              • 4 months ago

                >recruitment videos... le evil!
                If it was a human vs human war you would have some credence but this is about a hostile alien force attacking your home planet. It's not up for debate whether it's a justified war or not. You fight or die, homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                >If it was human v human, I'd get it and agree!
                >But it's NOT! It's human v horriblenastybugewwAAHHHHH, therefore; humans are 100% pure and right and correct and I sympathize with them and them only!!!
                >Also, since a human dresses up in a Nazi-like uniform, then... uhh... THE MOVIE IS MADE BY NAZIS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
                Yes, most people are, indeed, this dumb.

              • 4 months ago

                Gosh guys, if only humans just sat down with the bugs and talked out their differences!

              • 4 months ago

                Or the humans could just not go to their planet and wage war?
                Defending yourself against an alien isn't inherently wrong, it's just that in the context of the movie, the humans were the aggressors.

              • 4 months ago

                >Guys the bugs are expanding just let them have everything they claim and don't ever contest it, the galaxy belongs to the bugs come on!
                How about you frick off bug

              • 4 months ago

                It's fine if you agree with the humans' actions, but then there would also be no need to pretend Buenos Aires wasn't an inside job instead of getting assblasted over that and other actions the humans made.

              • 4 months ago

                No proof, don't care buggay

              • 4 months ago

                How is it an inside job if we see the asteroid warp into realspace inside our solar system & then steer itself right towards earth? Why do we see that the bugs continue to bombard earth & the federation has to step up its defenses to screen against more of these attacks?

              • 4 months ago

                The bugs don't have that kind of tech. They can "launch" some objects into the sky but not to that ridiculous distance. This implies that the bugs are more or less Superman.

              • 4 months ago

                They do have that sort of tech. The science teacher literally tells the characters to not underestimate bugs for their supposed lack of tech. They have highly advanced biotech. I have given proof to back up my claims. Can you please provide some sort of proof that the asteroids MUST be slow?

              • 4 months ago

                >The science teacher literally tells the characters to not underestimate bugs for their supposed lack of tech
                No shit, it's his job to rile them up. He's a liar. As was the announcement of what happened to Buenos Aires.

              • 4 months ago

                That was a woman. A blind woman. Did you NOT watch the movie? Are you fricking moronic?

              • 4 months ago

                Whether it's her or the army general lying to them, they were being riled up. It doesn't matter who it was.

              • 4 months ago

                How was trying to "rile" them up? Use quotes from the science teacher to explain please

              • 4 months ago

                Her telling everyone to not underestimate the bugs.

              • 4 months ago

                What was the quote sir. I want to read this highly volatile & inflammatory rhetoric

              • 4 months ago

                Why not watch the movie instead? It's not my job to remember specific quotes like some autist.

              • 4 months ago

                I did watch the movie. That's why you lying about the movie confuses me.

              • 4 months ago

                What made you assume Buenos Aires wasn't an inside job if you saw it?

              • 4 months ago

                what's easier sending fake transmission to space ship troopers or to kill 8 million people with an asteroid somehow attracted to beunos.

              • 4 months ago

                They viewed the 8 million as collateral that was worth it in the long run. I mean, why not? They got away with it.

              • 4 months ago

                The fact that we see it happen.

              • 4 months ago

                We don't see the bugs make it happen

              • 4 months ago

                dubs override singles, bug bros take another W

              • 4 months ago

                I don't think the bugs are superior to humans when it comes specifically to intelligence/problem solving/IQ.
                The notion that they really launched the attach suggests they are far more capable than humans. So it's ironically an anti-human stance.
                Whichever way you look at it, humans take the L in this movie.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                See the second response

                Because the characters both making the statement & receiving the statement have no reason to be influenced or lie.

                Did you expect a scene of bug engineers pushing buggy buttons to pilot the asteroid through hyperspace?

                A vast waste of resources if so. Occam's razor says that it being a false flag is the most braindead thinking possible

              • 4 months ago

                Whether it's her or the army general lying to them, they were being riled up. It doesn't matter who it was.

                >every single character is lying... because... well just because okay!?!?!?
                You are completely mindbroken

              • 4 months ago

                Not all of the characters are dishonest. A lot of the zogbots earnestly believed they died for a good cause and were not useless pawns.

              • 4 months ago

                >The bugs don't have that kind of tech.
                Source on that? They seem to have at least some kind of FTL-Capability, else they would not spread in the Galaxy at noticable speeds

              • 4 months ago

                >Source on that?
                The fact that they're clearly more primitive in their capabilities. There's nothing to suggest they'd be able to hurl that rock at such a distance. If they were actually capable of that, they would've destroyed the humans easily from distance.

              • 4 months ago

                We get told that they DO have this ability long before the attack. We SEE the attack happen. We SEE the federation mobilize to create a better defensive screen against future attacks in this fashion.

                So don't post stupid lies bro

              • 4 months ago

                >We get told that they DO have this ability
                And you believe it because? They could say literally anything, moron.
                >We SEE the attack happen
                We don't see the bugs do shit.
                >We SEE the federation mobilize to create a better defensive screen against future attacks in this fashion.
                All part of the ploy.

              • 4 months ago

                Because the characters both making the statement & receiving the statement have no reason to be influenced or lie.

                Did you expect a scene of bug engineers pushing buggy buttons to pilot the asteroid through hyperspace?

                A vast waste of resources if so. Occam's razor says that it being a false flag is the most braindead thinking possible

              • 4 months ago

                its not a waste because the society is controlled by the military. so it needs to justify its existence. of course it has a reason to lie

              • 4 months ago

                They are not controlled by the military. They are controlled by the civic servants of Earth. Is your mailman fascist sir? Is your dogwalker a mindless war hungry madman, sir? Does the BMV thirst to conquer ugly bug planets with no useful resources?

              • 4 months ago

                the government is run by military leaders. 700 generals or whatever. the guy at the top is a military leader. what you're saying is just wrong.

              • 4 months ago

                Literally EVERY government is running by a military leader its called the Executive branch. Did you not pay attention in school?

              • 4 months ago

                no. the structure of this government is that generals of the military run it. the executive branch can have control over the military but that is not the same as the military BEING in charge. not even remotely the same thing

              • 4 months ago

                Sir, what was George Washington's profession before becoming President? What was the Black Prince of Wales doing in France before he was crowned?
                What was Teddy Roosevelt upto before being President? Sir, please don't speak out of your ass, you have a tendency to spit

              • 4 months ago

                >The fact that they're clearly more primitive in their capabilities. There's nothing to suggest they'd be able to hurl that rock at such a distance.
                The bugs are an interstellar species capable of FTL-Travel so sending an asteroid through a wormhole seems to perfectly in their estimated capabilities. There are no hints in the movie itself that this would be impossible for the bugs to accomplish
                > If they were actually capable of that, they would've destroyed the humans easily from distance.
                We do not learn how FTL-Travel works in this Universe neither do we know abouts its limitations so this is nothing but speculation without anything in the movie backing it up

              • 4 months ago

                If the bugs were capable of doing that they would've won quite easily. Fact of the matter is, they're simply not.

              • 4 months ago

                we don't know if they have FTL travel. they shoot spores into space, who knows how long it takes for them to get from point a to point b. we don't know how far away their colonies are, we know they have a zone they control. we don't see them with technology.

          • 4 months ago

            It doesn't really , it's just fan speculation. It could be an inside job. BUT... The bugs are also an interplanetary species which means they must be have a means of travel somehow.

            It's basically so poorly thought out that it leaves room for either possibility. Sci-fi writers have no sense of scale etc.

            What evidence in the film suggests it's an inside job?

  42. 4 months ago


    That's right. Aesthetics matter.

  43. 4 months ago

    I don't care if you call it Reddit or not. It was absolutely an inside job.
    The distance between the two planets is easily about 100k lightyears.
    That means the bugs either flung that rock at us long before we existed or the rock was traveling at many times the speed of light which would have destroyed the planet outright.
    It's not like tossing a ball across the schoolyard.

    • 4 months ago

      It's not "reddit", it's literally the point of the movie. Whether it's a good/bad movie is up to anyone to decide for themselves.

    • 4 months ago

      you're acting like the bugs don't have the FTL travel. I can excuse it because the movie doesn't expressly show it, but how then did the bugs colonize other planets, which the movie does show?

      • 4 months ago

        >have FTL travel
        >use it to make a rock go really far

      • 4 months ago

        >you're acting like the bugs don't have the FTL travel.
        Did you write that reply halfway through reading the post?
        A rock that size traveling THAT fast would have reduced planet Earth to some weird matter state they didn't teach us in school.

        • 4 months ago

          They shot it through hyperspace or a wormhole

          • 4 months ago

            How did it conveniently rip off that comms dish then?
            And why launch only one?

            they put inertial dampeners on the rock so that it wouldn't disintegrate during space travel. same tech they'd have so their bug-ships wouldn't also disintegrate

            Would the dampeners reduce damage to Earth? If so, why not switch them off when you got close?

        • 4 months ago

          they put inertial dampeners on the rock so that it wouldn't disintegrate during space travel. same tech they'd have so their bug-ships wouldn't also disintegrate

        • 4 months ago

          >ftl space near earth
          >fling big rock
          >ftl to home
          >antihumans spread rumors about inside job "they wouldn't just throw a rock look at my dichotomy either A happened or B but either way hecking bugs are based leave them alone and just let them kill you

      • 4 months ago

        we don't know how close the colonized planets are to their homeworld or how long they've been around. they put eggs on asteroids to send them to other planets, maybe it takes billions of years. no bugs on the buenos meteor though FOR SOME REASON

      • 4 months ago

        >have FTL travel
        >use it to make a rock go really far

        If the rock travels at one hundred thousand times the speed of light it will still take a year to reach Earth.
        The energy released on impact would probably destroy the solar system, not just a city.

  44. 4 months ago

    >there are redditors out there arguing the bugs are the good guys
    Why are people like this allowed to even breathe? I genuinely don't understand why a person like this would even exist in the first place. Who are they virtue signaling to by trying to sell out their own species and planet?

    • 4 months ago

      bugs have a lot of skills that are useful in this economy anon. many have risen to very high positions in the tech industry.

    • 4 months ago

      Like I said earlier, it's petty incel revenge.
      >humans didn't like me dressing up as a woman and i wasn't given free sex, all of humanity should die. trillions should die. bugs should kill all the humans and then me. that will show them.

      • 4 months ago

        On paper it's right, but it feels like a conflation.
        One is ugly by nature, the other is ugly by nature and then made worse by choice. it's not the same.

    • 4 months ago

      Bugs are not the good guys. They're people that we shouldn't and have no reason to be involved with. Let them be morons on the other side of the galaxy.

      • 4 months ago

        >They're people
        Freudian slip? See, even subconsciously you admit the bugs were the real people in the movie

      • 4 months ago

        Distance doesn't matter, FTL travel exists and the bugs know where you live and are currently blowing up your planet. You don't have the luxury of pussing out and calling for a timeout.

    • 4 months ago

      well starship troopers is fictional. so no one is selling out anyone, because its a fake universe. we are talking about the narrative of the movie, and what happened in it. not real life

    • 4 months ago

      they aren't saying they are the good guys. no one is saying that, there's just a question if the meteor was really sent by them, and if the objective is thus warranted, and if humans didn't invade their planet if this all would have happened the same way. saying there's an implication the asteroid wasn't sent by bugs is not saying they are the good guys

  45. 4 months ago

    I think that in the plot of the movie as originally intended, the attack was as a response of the "Mormon" base, but the bugs would have let go if humanity fricked off.

    Either ways, not only is the war an over aggressive move, one thing that cannot be denied is that it's a bad move. The humans are objectively losing the war and just wasting resources on it. It's the equivalent of Germany invading Russia. THAT should not be up for debate.

    • 4 months ago

      >Guys the bugs just flattened one of our cities and killed millions, let's all give up
      Brainbug post

  46. 4 months ago

    All they needed was one scene of the bugs eating a dog or something and all these homosexual ass losers pretending the bugs are the good guys would be all on board with wiping them out.

    • 4 months ago

      or if one of the bugs had been homophobic or something.

  47. 4 months ago

    Go back to twitter, also remember to do your homework you have school on Monday!

  48. 4 months ago

    Memes aside, Aliens by Cameron is a better example of a straightforward "bugs vs humans" storyline. Starship Troopers works on a superficial level but it also has a different subtext.

  49. 4 months ago

    >Bugs murdered the Mormon settlers in cold blood.
    >Terrans conduct no reprisals
    >Bugs attack anyway

    • 4 months ago

      The mormon extremists didn't murder any bugs. They simply settled in their back yard. If you view that as a crime then you're enti-semetic!

  50. 4 months ago

    >bug sympathizers itt

    The only GOOD BUG is a DEAD BUG!

  51. 4 months ago

    could a starship reboot that is faithful to the books work?
    >power armor
    >jet packin around droppin nukes
    >bugs are sentient humanoids (plenty of material to work with on morality, etc)
    >first hour is the viewer being hammered over the head by heinleins political theory via the classroom chapters

    • 4 months ago

      no because every original idea in it has been exhaustively mined. that's why adapting it as a satire instead was such a good idea.

  52. 4 months ago

    The director made a deliberate effort to draw direct comparisons between both the humans and the bugs. Both are subject to mind control (Harris’ character). Both utilize hordes of mindless drones. Both mercilessly rip eachother to shreds. Both experience emotions (“it’s afraid!”). Both symbolically rape the other.

    The point of the film wasn’t to make the people evil. The point was to show the dangers of (what the director identified as) cultural fascism, turning everyone into mindless insects.

    The film makes it a point to not show any redeeming qualities of the bugs. No big puppy eyes, soft skin, or anything like that. Until the end. The brain bug has enormous eyes that show emotion and soft, vulnerable skin. In any other context, the thing would look downright sad. When we are told it was afraid, we cheered. Triumphant music played.

    • 4 months ago

      >defending yourself from a hostile species is... le bad!
      Fricking pseud post. You brainbugs are getting dumber every minute.

    • 4 months ago

      >The brain bug has enormous eyes that show emotion and soft, vulnerable skin.
      >Completely ignores the fact that it looks like a giant maggot and sucks the brains of its victims out to learn from them
      What kind of onions chugging take is that? Are you actually moronic?

    • 4 months ago

      >The brain bug has enormous eyes that show emotion and soft, vulnerable skin.
      Good point, I rarely see it brought up in these threads. Genius movie.

      • 4 months ago

        And a fragile brain sucking needle for interrogating humans plus a cohort of bug slaves to carry it around

        • 4 months ago

          If the bugs looked like cute animals the whole point of it being a satire would go in the bin. May as well literally spell everything out for the slowpokes.

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is that the humans are not mindless. Every step of the way the humans are doing things for emotions & high ideals. Rico joins the military, not because he is brainwashed by propaganda but because he's thinking with his dick. When his actions lead to a squad mates death the brass send him packing even though they know he'd still be a good soldier. When they are called to war minutes later they then refuse to let him rejoin even though they could use a warm body in the meat grinder. It's only after he tells them that his family is dead & there is nowhere for him to go that they literally turn a blind eye & break regulation for him to rejoin. The federation CARES about its people. They have draconian policies because they CARE. Human life is not to be wasted. Soldierd who don't want to fight will not be used to fight. It's about civic fricking service & fighting for an idea higher than yourself. Be be a part of humanity in a larger sense.

      • 4 months ago

        They are mindless Zogbots. Rico is a tragic figure because he falls for the dupe too.

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            They are mindless Zogbots. Rico is a tragic figure because he falls for the dupe too.

            They are fricking not. They routinely try to get civilians to understand civic duty & to discourage those who don't care to sit on the sidelines. The science teacher tells them not to believe in Human Superiority. Rasczak tells them that only those who care should have a say in government & discourages the disinterested away. It's not propaganda.

            • 4 months ago

              No, they're the definition of zogbots.

              Everyone was in full agreement that the humans were in the right up until the fedora redditors started screaming about false flags (with no evidence). Take it up with the redditors.

              How could anyone be in agreement if the director himself disagrees?

              • 4 months ago

                The director is also moronic, he doesn't even know what satire is.

              • 4 months ago

                No, it's legit one of the best examples of satire in existence.
                Whether purposefully or not, it hits the nail on the head and manages to filter the kind of people it's making fun of at the same time.

              • 4 months ago

                And yet you can't produce proof of your moronic claims.

              • 4 months ago

                You just didn't get it and it's fine.

  53. 4 months ago

    that bug pussy just hit different

  54. 4 months ago

    >it was a false flag
    >my proof is that it was a false flag

    Redditors have been doing this for years.

    • 4 months ago

      The bug asteroid would take millions of years to hit earth, even if it -somehow- could travel at the speed of light it would still be thousands of years.
      which means the bugs launched the asteroid far in the past somehow knowing future humans would be hit and retaliate

      • 4 months ago

        That's not proof. You know what proof is, right?

        • 4 months ago

          The director has confirmed the movie's purpose ages ago so it's not even worth discussing at this point. If you watch it for the action scenes or whatever, that's fine.

          • 4 months ago

            Answer the question.

            • 4 months ago

              Prove it was them that did it first. They're never directly shown doing it.

              • 4 months ago

                Answer the question

              • 4 months ago

                The burden of proof is on you, because there's nothing to suggest bugs are capable of that

      • 4 months ago

        The bug asteroid would take millions of years to hit earth, even if it -somehow- could travel at the speed of light it would still be thousands of years.
        which means the bugs launched the asteroid far in the past somehow knowing future humans would be hit and retaliate
        its a FALSE FLAAAAAAG

        Starship Troopers is not hard Sci-Fi (FTL-Travel, psychic humans) and the avaible technology is not flashed out either so any arguments about the "impossibility" of bugs flinging the asteroid at earth completly meaningless.

        On the other hand the following scene makes it seems that the bugs are "throwing" the asteroid through something like a wormhole at earth. Which would explain why the asteroid hits earth timely and with relativly slow speed thus not completly shattering it.


    • 4 months ago

      The fact that it's a satirical piece on jingoism and it was in the humans' interest to stage a false flag in order to justify an attack on the bugs for their own selfish needs.

      • 4 months ago

        Not satirical.
        >false flag
        Made up Reddit meme.
        >selfish needs
        Defending your world is "selfish" according to the Redditor

        • 4 months ago

          >Defending your world is "selfish" according to the Redditor
          That's what the bugs were doing. I get you're LARPing as a moron to farm (You)s but even then you should put a hint of effort into it.

          • 4 months ago

            >Humans encounter bugs
            >Bugs immediately exterminate humans
            >Bugs then attack human homeworld
            Uh yeah guys the humans were the baddies here, not the evil fricking bug monsters who violently attack everyone they see

            • 4 months ago

              encounter bugs
              lol the "Mormon" base was heavily militarized from the get go. Why would it be militarized like that if they thought they weren't gonna find resistance? You see our space missions carrying machine guns and bazookas?

              Damn, almost as if the narrative of how, when and why the war started is only told to you through propaganda!!!

              • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            >just put yourself in the shoes of this sweetheart

            • 4 months ago

              Yes, why not? When you watched Alien and put yourself in Ripley's shoes, did you become trans perchance?

              • 4 months ago

                there's people who can only understand a movie if it starts a human character who is their gender

              • 4 months ago

                when I watched alien I wanted Ripley to frick aliens shit up with flames and lead and she did that your point?

              • 4 months ago

                The difference between the two is that the Aliens in that franchise were the antagonists. The line is blurred in Starship Troopers, since it was the humans who were the aggressors.

    • 4 months ago

      whats your proof that it wasn't a false flag?
      >the government SAID it was the bugs so it WAS

      • 4 months ago

        That's not proof.

        • 4 months ago

          and i ask again, what is the proof that the bugs were responsible?

          • 4 months ago

            You're supposed to figure it out for yourself. This notion of holding the viewer's hand on every turn is an invention of modern movies/games/literature. It's "easy mode" for people who aren't smart enough, but it also results in low effort writing.

            • 4 months ago

              >You're supposed to figure it out for yourself
              Yeah, that it was a falseflag
              Unfortunately, you didn't

              • 4 months ago

                >Yeah, that it was a falseflag
                It was, yes. What I'm saying is that a modern movie would show that explicitly since it would adjust to a modern viewer's intelligence, which, let's face it isn't much.

  55. 4 months ago

    If the bugs are smart enough to throw an asteroid from the other side of the galaxy towards Earth, then they are smart enough to do diplomacy with.

    If it's not a falseflag, it was still a response from Humanity's encroaching on their area.

    Diplomacy is preferable both from an ethical standpoint and from a pragmatic standpoint, since humanity is losing the war.

    But the point of the movie, whether it was a falseflag or not, is that the regime NEEDS an enemy. It needs a reason for the military to keep feeding itself. The leaders of humanity are literally taken from the military. So they created an enemy in the bugs and were very joyful when the Buenos Aires shit happened, whether they caused it or not.

    • 4 months ago

      Can you tell us how a diplomatic mission would work out? Enlighten us, go through every step.

      • 4 months ago

        >build a giant ant farm for the bugs
        >bugs: thanks 🙂
        >peace amongst the stars, we become friends and destroy other bugs that aren't nice and smart

    • 4 months ago

      >If the bugs are smart enough to throw an asteroid from the other side of the galaxy towards Earth, then they are smart enough to do diplomacy with.
      "Oh hey buggo! You ready for some heckin diplomacy!?"
      "Oh! hahah! yeah that's a really great argument! can I have my arms back?"

  56. 4 months ago

    Humans dissect bug corpses (and small ones, at that; juveniles, perhaps?) in school, suggesting plentiful access to dead bugs and a total disregard for any kind of sanctity of their bodies. Human thinkers find the very idea of bugs as a sentient or intelligent species anathema. We're never given any indication of bug FTL or cloaking technology, and yet they're somehow supposed to have snuck an asteroid attack past the military forces of humanity's very homeworld. And on planet after planet, we see humans invading worlds already occupied by bugs, but never vice versa. The bugs are presented as fighting an entirely defensive war, against an enemy that doesn't even recognize them as a sentient life form, blamed for an attack they seem incapable of actually conducting, and subject to regular dissection en masse.

    Can you think of any actual evidence in the film that suggests that the bugs aren't the victim of an expansionist, xenophobic, militaristic human state?

  57. 4 months ago

    >movie has a point that everyone involved in it understood, the screenplay writer, the director, the actor, the original writer of the franchise, all agree on
    >mutt moronic americans:
    >uuhmm actually its about the exact opposite and they were too stupid to realize that im really the super smart one 😀

    • 4 months ago

      The real moron is the director. The book had none of this invisible satire nonsense.

      • 4 months ago

        The book is called Star Ship Troopers you fricking pseud moron.

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, it is. The book also says the bugs attacked Earth and the bugs also FRICKING ENSLAVED OTHER ALIEN RACES YOU FRICKING moron STOP DEFENDING EVIL BUGS

          • 4 months ago

            The book is irrelevant. We're talking about the movie. Adaptations can be different from the source.

      • 4 months ago


  58. 4 months ago

    Okay but who cares about reddit's opinion on a good movie?

  59. 4 months ago

    The bugs do not have access to FTL, they have been colonizing planets for millions of years but through proximity.
    The planet were the attack supposedly happened is on the other side of the galaxy.
    It was obviously a falseflag.

    • 4 months ago

      >they have been colonizing planets for millions of years
      so we should just let them still do it and wait till they knock to our doors? yeah great idea

    • 4 months ago

      >The bugs do not have access to FTL

      and i ask again, what is the proof that the bugs were responsible?

      That's not proof.

  60. 4 months ago

    Redditors ITT don't realize that the Bugs just don't pose a threat to humanity but to every other sentient species in the galaxy. The Bugs are irrational, violent, and cannot be reasoned with. You think if you homosexuals were all bald and blue-skinned they would give a shit and stop trying to kill you?

    No, the Bugs evolved wrong and we're going to teach them how to act civilized. Mind your manners, Brainbug. We use the salad fork.

    • 4 months ago

      If there's anything that is not up for debate in Starship Troopers, is that the humans lost the war

      • 4 months ago

        *touches post*
        IT'S AFRAID

    • 4 months ago

      You're on the right course, just replace "Bugs" with "Humans" and you'll get it. Your brain circuits are beginning to fire up synapses.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, we get it. You view brown people as bug monsters. Dumb redditor.

        • 4 months ago

          I know you're baiting but you don't bring up a bad point. It doesn't even need to leave the confines of the movie. Brown people IRL can be the worst thing in the world.
          The bugs in this context did nothing wrong but defend themselves against pesky parasites.

          • 4 months ago

            >brown people

            reddit going mask off again

            • 4 months ago

              >it's reddit to comprehend a movie's intent
              Why is Cinemaphile hellbent on giving Reddit good PR?

        • 4 months ago

          >brown people

  61. 4 months ago

    everyone laugh at the third world trash that identifies with the bugs over civil society

  62. 4 months ago

    Zoomers will never understand trying to pause the vhs at the right time in the shower scene jerk it while their parents were at work.

  63. 4 months ago

    Reminder that, canonically, and even in the movie itself, Buenos Aires was not the start of the conflict. And neither was the Mormon base, for that matter.
    There had clearly been skirmishes between both sides for a long time.
    The only attacks we see as a matter of fact are when humanity is attacking the bugs. The bugs are defending themselves in every scene of the movie.

    • 4 months ago

      Those warmongering mormons and their windmills!! Frick!!

      • 4 months ago

        What part of "And neither was the Mormon base" did you not understand?
        You think the military men in the movie that lost limbs to bugs over a decade ago were mormons?
        The fact that the propaganda focuses on Buenos Aires and has that as the starting point should be more than clue enough that the bugs are not any more bad guys than humanity is.

        • 4 months ago

          >aggressive violent species that attacks everyone in close proximity with it
          >also it's growing rapidly throughout the galaxy and populating new planets
          I speak for every sentient alien species in the Milky Way and the bugs are in the wrong and should be dealt with for safety reasons

  64. 4 months ago

    If Earth is incapable of defending itself from the meteors, then why were they just hit with one?
    If they are capable of defending themselves from meteors, why didn't they?
    Buenos Aires was obviously a falseflag.

    • 4 months ago

      It was an asteroid that teleported into a portion of space near our outer planets & then drove straight towards earth.

    • 4 months ago

      defence system was built after being attacked by FRICKING COSMIC SPIDERS THAT WANT TO DESTROY EVERYTHING

  65. 4 months ago

    I'm convinced the Bugs have Brainstealer Cults and are in this thread RIGHT NOW

  66. 4 months ago

    why are you spamming the board so hard with these threads? why won't you talk about these movies without culture war bullshit?

    • 4 months ago

      Everyone was in full agreement that the humans were in the right up until the fedora redditors started screaming about false flags (with no evidence). Take it up with the redditors.

      • 4 months ago

        >Everyone was in full agreement that the humans were in the right
        but OP you were just saying in the op post that the humans were actually in the wrong. Did you forget which side you were trying to bait?
        >up until the fedora redditors started screaming about false flags (with no evidence). Take it up with the redditors.
        but there was one in starship troopers 3

        • 4 months ago

          I thought we weren't allowed to reference anything outside of the original movie. You really want to go down that road, reddit boy?

          • 4 months ago

            >I thought we weren't allowed to reference anything outside of the original movie
            I never said you weren't threadspamming twitter immigrant

            • 4 months ago

              you lost

              bug mad

              • 4 months ago

                no arguments

    • 4 months ago

      it's a meme, any starship troopers discussion is bait

  67. 4 months ago

    you don't need a false flag just show people these fricking bugs any sane person would love to detroy them

  68. 4 months ago

    Kill bugs. Behead bugs. Roundhouse kick a bug into the concrete. Slam dunk a bug baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy bugs. Defecate in a bugs food. Launch bugs into the sun. Stir fry bugs in a wok. Toss bugs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a bugs gas tank. Judo throw bugs into a wood chipper. Twist bugs heads off. Report bugs to the IRS. Karate chop bugs in half. Curb stomp pregnant brown bugs. Trap bugs in quicksand. Crush bugs in the trash compactor. Liquefy bugs in a vat of acid. Dissect bugs. Exterminate bugs in the gas chamber. Stomp bug skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate bugs in the oven. Lobotomize bugs. Mandatory abortions for bugs. Grind bug fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown bugs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize bugs with a ray gun. Kick old bugs down the stairs. Feed bugs to alligators. Slice bugs with a katana.

    • 4 months ago

      you lost

  69. 4 months ago

    i do not give a shit about anything you guys are arguing about, i thought this and the fourth movie were pretty cool. 2 was absolute boring dogshit the movie felt like 5 hours long because of how boring it was.

  70. 4 months ago

    >It's not my job
    Admission of defeat. You're done.

    • 4 months ago

      The movie is too smart for you to understand.

  71. 4 months ago


    >Why would they easily win?
    Because it would mean they have the tech to do so, moron.

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