ITT: Pitch A Show Revolving Around Your Fetish As An Important Keypoint

Hard Mode: Keep it G-Rated

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    An attractive woman exists. Hijinx ensue

  2. 10 months ago

    MC is a cute girl that can detach her limbs and control them with her mind so we get multiple shots of her without arms or legs. Could work as a spy show, or something like that.

  3. 10 months ago

    Two best friends, a guy and a girl, are huge video game fans, and love RPGs. One day they’re transported to a game world, but the girl was turned into a male knight while the guy was turned into a princess who acts as a healer, and the two must save the world. The girl has a blast with her new position, but the guy is rather unhappy and uncomfortable about his position. Features plenty of moments where the girl acts really cool and the finds himself captivated to his immense embarrassment.

    • 10 months ago

      Would watch honestly. Sounds cute.

    • 10 months ago

      > The girl has a blast with her new position, but the guy is rather unhappy and uncomfortable about his position. Features plenty of moments where the girl acts really cool and the finds himself captivated to his immense embarrassment.
      Every fricking show does this now

      • 10 months ago

        Every show does double male/female genderbends where the girl enjoys being a guy and the guy finds himself hating it but thrust into situations where he’s embarrassed about the fact that he’s totally acting like a girl around his best friend?
        I implore you, please list some, because I need to know so I can watch them.

      • 10 months ago

        Every show has ONE episode with that premise. I can't think of a show that has that be the whole setting.

        • 10 months ago

          I feel like every time that happens, usually the girl doesn’t enjoy it and the boy does(although he usually has to come around to it first), with the humor typically coming from the guy’s antics.
          I at least don’t really see it used the other way around as much, even though you’d think it would be.

  4. 10 months ago

    Hot robot chicks

    • 10 months ago

      What’s the plot though

  5. 10 months ago

    male cows (with udders, G-rated) spending all day getting milked

    • 10 months ago

      Didn’t Back at the Barnyard do that already?

  6. 10 months ago

    I have a couple, but
    > wet hair
    > underwater
    Show is set on an island/boat. There, easy.

  7. 10 months ago

    Kids are solving mysteries and happenings going on in a college town. Think Gravity Falls but mixed with Unatrural History. And every episode would would have the characters at a library with sultry librarians, or at the science building with women in lab coats and glasses!
    >"S-sir, the characters are trapped on a deserted island. T-there can't be a-
    >"Mad scientist lady with glasses, ripped coat, and ponytail!"

  8. 10 months ago

    Chubby female barbarian picks fights in search of a worthy husband, regardless of if the man is single or not.

  9. 10 months ago

    Basically this as a cartoon with an attractive female lead

  10. 10 months ago

    The show is about an adventurous femboy and he gets all the girls. You could easily convince people it's a woke thing or some shit
    But yeah, cute boy, dresses a girl, not shy or anything, and all the girls want his absolutely humongous dong (okay that last part is not said on the show but you just know)

  11. 10 months ago

    Cute girl super heroes fight villains who are constantly "hugging" them for minutes on end against their will.

  12. 10 months ago

    I’ve legitimately thought about this before.
    In all likelihood, I’d just design a really sexy hypno villain and play it straight enough that people don’t realize I’m getting off on her.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you think it’d be too OP to make the hero a hypnotist? That’d be pretty unique.

  13. 10 months ago

    A boy has the ability to transform into a highly muscular, super-strong form (think more 90s TAS Black cat than full Shazam), and fights evil as a superhero. His arch-nemesis is secretly his amazonian bully of a gym teacher, who espouses a Darwinian-extremist "only the strongest are fit to rule" mentality and thus constantly tries to lure his powerful hero self over to her side.

  14. 10 months ago

    >Pregnant e-girls
    >G rated
    I am gonna level with you cheif, I can't pull that off. I can't even get away with one of those silly alien pregnancy episodes cartoons used to do since only proper pregnancies do anything for me. I am just going to do my secondary fetish.
    >Ragdoll girls
    A story about a young man who accidentally finds four possessed dolls with paranormal abilities. Together they use their abilities to help people around the town with their ghost problems while trying to help the dolls uncover their pasts and how they ended up the way they are. The structure would be a bit like season one (and only season one) of Steven Universe in terms of structure with a lot of action/mild horror episodes mixed in with more chill SoL episodes with the rare serious episode thrown into the mix to advance the fairly loose plot.

    • 10 months ago

      e-girl gifted enchanted tomato soup. Gains power to contain enemies in stomach on contact, neutralizing,incapacitating, or cutifying them before release. Can hold at random 0-100 depending on the stress of circumstance. When enemy stored or vored through lets say pores, e-girl gains body mass in proportion. Perhaps has to navigate the logistics of using her power while living her life, relationships and shit influencing her ability to deal with shit in society. Maybe add in a few psas and shit.

      Maybe give it a surrealist element with all kinds of wacky character types, likes a shota perhaps that's an albino tadpole, type of kid who gets bullied n shit.

      • 10 months ago

        To spice up the social narrative, have it take place under the context of a society amidst war against the equivalent of a Empire of the sun Japan and Mongols. Let's say the raping of nanking equivalent happens around the course of the show, and there's not a lot on the war end beyond hearsay of citizens and occasional soldier invasions the girl works in part to quell. Keep in mind the girl has no secret identity and has to grapple with life falling apart amidst this. And in spite of all of this, the people around her try to see the bright side of life.

  15. 10 months ago

    does anybody have one for diapers

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah. Rugrats.

      • 10 months ago

        hard mode: make it g rated

  16. 10 months ago

    A large woman (who is curved in all the right places), gets into embarrassing situations (stuckage, crushing, bumping into shit). However she is the sweetest person who is also freakishly strong. Think Baby Huey, but not a moronic duck.

  17. 10 months ago

    I’m a foot gay so most of the female cast is barefoot most of if not all the time

  18. 10 months ago

    Muscular women fight each other

    • 10 months ago

      There’s no way that isn’t already a thing.

    • 10 months ago

      Like, fighting each other over a guy or over who's gonna have next set before the gym closes?

  19. 10 months ago

    Headstrong female main character matches wits with villains who all happen to have hypnosis skills/powers. Every episode sees her getting hypnotized despite her always assuring it'll never work on her. Hypnosis effects are always humiliating stuff like acting like a chicken, falling in love with the villain, being made incredibly stupid, etc.

  20. 10 months ago

    Alright we’re stealing from a bunch of stuff here but work with me okay


    A schoolbus of high school seniors, everyone’s 18 frick off crashes- everyone onboard dies.
    As everyone around them ascends up to heaven, only 3 girls are left behind on earth. As they slowly realize that they aren’t getting in the remaining girls are approached by an Angel, who gives them the following offer - work for him, or spend the rest of eternity in Hell. Coerced into taking the first option, the three start their new afterlives as [Title Drop].
    Their job - being sent back through history and making sure that things turn out “the right way” - fixing paradoxes and keeping the timeline stable. However, since they are ghosts, they are invisible and intangible. The only way for them to interact and do their jobs is for them to fly inside and posses the people who are already there (on screen you’ll see a merging of the traits of the girl + the person to represent this). Base rules are don’t reveal what the GOH are, and don’t kill anyone (these will be broken).

    • 10 months ago

      3 protagonists - never actually given names, only called by nicknames - are
      >”Queenie” - the “queen bee” of the school (make her a gyaru/at least pretty tanned for contrast in designs) - vain, arrogant, lazy and far too overconfident. Used to being rich and getting what she wants because of that. Shoulder length blonde ringlets, large (fake) breasts which she intentionally shows a lot of cleavage with, shortest of the three. Fashionable but worn trashy pink cardigan.
      >”Prez” - the school’s SC president. Ostentatiously a huge goodie-two shoes and a brownnoser, which causes some confusion with the other girls as to why she didn’t go up to heaven at the start, but under that mask is a huge ball of every fetish you can think of. Basically a female coomer, but caught with her social image and now her lack of body she’s never been able to act on any of them. Straight, long dark hair, flat chest, large circular glasses which take the place of her eyes, tallest but slim. Might give her suspenders too because those are hot on women
      >(don’t have a good name here off the top of my head, maybe “Smoke” - something edgy) - Obligatory goth/punk girl with a twist - she’s indian (feather). Outcast from most of the school, very into fighting, burning things (including smoking which is gonna be the hardest thing to get past censors these days), and electric guitar. Standoffish, rude, and a bit of bully, generally just pissed to be here. Short cut, dyed red hair. Middling build but is the only one of the three with any definition on her. 2 ear piercings but only on one ear, pierced midriff which is on constant display thanks to a crop top.
      Plus there’s the Angel running the operation, nervously sweating while trying to maintain a cheerful and forgiving attitude as his operation is being scrutinized from up above - as well as the girl’s direct manager, who’s going to be a stereotypical ancient japanese rokurokubi because frick you It’s my show.

  21. 10 months ago

    A fat female protagonist who goes on adventures that has jokes about her being out of shape but also using her fat in creative ways to help fight the villain of the week. Think Kung Fu panda but not furry bait.

  22. 10 months ago

    Shy, introverted nerdy boy is sent to a fancy boarding school on a full ride scholarship, but as he gets there, oh no, he discovers it’s an all girl school and there was a paperwork error due to his unisex name. School administrator offers to let him stay though if he attends school and lives as a girl, keeping the fact he’s a boy a secret because this is a really good school and the boy can’t afford to go anywhere else. His roommate quickly learns his secret but agrees to keep his secret too cause she thinks he makes a cute girl and she thinks this will make the school year more fun.
    Then add in some long running mystery storyline for plot to drive show forward while still having lots of fun filler

    • 10 months ago

      I’d watch it, networks would surely shill it as being incredibly progressive too even though that’s very likely not your intention at all. With good writing this could be a real winner.

    • 10 months ago

      >My Gym Partner Has a Penis

  23. 10 months ago

    Woman wants to get into the acting business, ends up signing up for a cartoon role. Unbeknownst to her, she has to be turned into a cartoon, she ends up as a cute tiny little squirrel boy. Shenanigans go on with her and the rest of the cast. She tries to still be seen as a girl by crossdressing a lot.

  24. 10 months ago

    Fat hairy neet can transform into a robotic hunky shota with superpowers and has a curvy amazonian tomboy XJ9-esque robot gf that also has superpowers and is oblivious to how repulsive and deranged he is
    Their biggest enemy is a flamboyant cult leader who taunts and humiliates the MC for his masculinity and tries to advocate his robot gf to leave him

  25. 10 months ago

    A yellow skinned, slant eyed chinese girl who eats weird shit and farts a lot and has a massive dumptruck ass uhh … works at a museum?
    And there’s dinosaurs sure

  26. 10 months ago

    Hero has a boner for his nostalgic tulpa and goes on a crusade to kill everyone and reset the universe in his utopian imagery

  27. 10 months ago

    No one would suspect a thing if I said the fetish scenes were funny gags.

  28. 10 months ago

    A fictional cartoon gameshow where characters are stripped and forced to travel a long distance in public. They can get bonus prizes if they agree to do silly, embarrassing things like get wedgies, cover themselves in whipped cream, or get tied up.

  29. 10 months ago

    Main character is a high school boy doing the typical teen-superhero shtick.
    One of the prominent side characters is his cute, frazzled homeroom teacher who at some point becomes a target for the bad guys. He ends up saving her and she becomes privy to his secret identity.
    There's a timeskip episode that takes place several years in the future that shows them happily engaged.

  30. 10 months ago

    Magical girl-esque show but they transform into dragons

  31. 10 months ago

    Human boy and fairy girl are very close and heavily implied to be in love.

    Have them do cute things whenever they meet like her flying up to his face to nose-nuzzle him, or him caressing her cheek with his finger as she sighs happily.

    Maybe give her a "Tinkerbell-complex" where she gets insecure or jealous when human-sized girls interact with him, but he always reassures her she comes first in his life.

    Also maybe there's an episode where he obtains a magical artifact that lets him shrink down to her size, and she turns into a blushing stuttering mess and keeps coming up with excuses to touch and cuddle up to him, like hooking their arms together so she can fly him short distances or latching onto his arm because she's "scared of something"

  32. 10 months ago

    workplace comedy about cute waitresses (and waiters) in bunnysuits with televisions for heads

  33. 10 months ago

    Rugrats but with grown up women instead of babies.

    Super heroine themed after cupid. Basically green arrow but pink and a girl.

  34. 10 months ago

    Why is this board turning into Cinemaphile levels of open fetish threads? You lot used to at least be classy about it and wait until halfway in.

    • 10 months ago

      >You lot used to at least be classy about it and wait until halfway in.
      What do you mean by that?

    • 10 months ago

      >You lot used to at least be classy about it
      this IS us being classy about it

    • 10 months ago

      Are you kidding? This is the board that created bronies and that was almost a decade ago. Cinemaphile has almost always been the massive weirdo board. Was even worse before /trash/ became the official furry/fetish board

      • 10 months ago

        >implying co doesn't have the highest concentration of furries on the site

  35. 10 months ago

    an french adaptation of cinderella boy

  36. 10 months ago

    Attractive women and girls who always fart but they work with musical instruments.

  37. 10 months ago

    It's just like, a show about body positivity or something. Or maybe it just has a chubby main character.

  38. 10 months ago

    Really popular guy at school that takes others for granted ends up angering the wrong person or force and ends up cursed to be a short, dorky, glasses wearing girl that looks like a creepy stalker(lots of long hair that partially covers face, sunken eyes, etc.) that’s at the absolute bottom of the social ladder and gets picked on and ignored by everyone. Not only that, but everyone in his life also believes he’s always been like that. The only way to return to normal is to do enough good deeds for all those around him, slowly beginning to empathize with and learn about everyone he interacts with in his daily life, and improve as a person as well. The MC is also shown to have more depth than is initially believed, and was once a rather good person that slowly changed overtime through various events in life, now relearning how to be more like they were then.
    Not helping his predicament is the fact that he can’t help but feel shy and anxious when interacting with others now.

  39. 10 months ago

    Gay male romance, pretty easy.

  40. 10 months ago

    >mom/son incest
    A teenage boy and his attractive single mother go around solving mysteries and face off against supernatural beings. Think Danny Phantom, but with Danny and Maddie as the two main characters.

  41. 10 months ago

    Characters get tied up in cartoons all the time so just make a detective show where every criminal thinks tying up and gagging the heroes is a better idea than just killing them.

  42. 10 months ago

    A mermaid girl falls for a human boy that lives near the ocean. As he goes to the beach to read, she frequently ogles his feet and sometimes lightly touches them from beneath the surface of the water. The two eventually meet and she is always plotting to play with his mysterious human feet and legs when he least suspects it; often pressuring him into going barefoot even when the situation doesn't call for it. They often find themselves in peril and distress together, with the lad sacrificing his dignity to protect his the mermaid girl.
    I realize that's just the fetish part though. The actual story would be something about him having to keep their secret friendship from their homeland (the fishing town and mer kingdom) and acting as a mediator between humans and merpeople when the secret of their underwater society eventually reaches human society.

  43. 10 months ago

    uhhh introverted skunk girl and extroverted bunny girl investigate supernatural stuff like spirits, possessions, cursed objects etc
    Skunk gets startled and braps at least once per episode (often blasting some poor sod standing behind her) and yuri undertones between the two girls

  44. 10 months ago

    a militia of hot hairy european dudes who can embiggen their body parts kamala khan style and have very erotic interactions with each other, throwing innuendos and eyefricking all the time. bonus points if they keep getting tied up by some sexy grandpa villain

  45. 10 months ago

    Slice of life with some toony hijinks (something like ed, edd, and eddy) in a world where humans and anthros coexist, at least 2 of the side characters are a human male/anthro female couple.
    If it gets more than 1 season they have kids of their own leading to further hijinks.

  46. 10 months ago


  47. 10 months ago

    a show set in ancient egypt

  48. 10 months ago

    Its a show about me having a boner to fanart of Cinemaphile characters

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