ITT: Please post your episode ideas for the new King of the Hill revival

ITT: Please post your episode ideas for the new King of the Hill revival

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  1. 6 months ago

    Bobby get ipad

  2. 6 months ago

    boomhauer becomes the president

  3. 6 months ago

    >Peggy gets into the TikToc diy stuff
    >Starts doing her own
    >everyone calling her out on being stupid for things she does intentionally or the shit that goes on in the background
    >Episode's moral is Hank convincing her to stop listening to those over critical buttholes online, but maybe she should learn a few things that would improve his quality of life
    >Peggy just doubles down on ignoring everything and doing her own thing
    >Hank sighs and accepts her because he loves her

    • 6 months ago

      >it's a 'Peggy is a c**t but is let off the hook because she's Peggy' episode
      frick that, that sucks

      i really don't think this show belongs in the modern day, i have never in my life hated anything more than the idea of Hank Hill talking about "the tiktok", but i tell you what, an episode about the internet, how inane and stupid most of it is but also how much you can learn and improve yourself thru it, would be a good idea, delivering the notion that the internet should be used rationally

      • 6 months ago

        >i have never in my life hated anything more than the idea of Hank Hill talking about "the tiktok"

        King of the Hill isn't even that old bro, the last season was like 2009 or something. They even had an episode where Hank deals with social media. Remember when the flash mob attacked Strickland Propane and Donna got fired for it or something? A tiktok episode would only be a small leap forward and we could even have a subplot in the episode where Dale gets all triggered by it being a Chinese app and obsesses over China's influence in American society for the episode in that unique schizo way only Dale can do.

        • 6 months ago

          anon you greatly underestimate how fast today's world moves even compared to the 2010s, and frankly in my opinion KOTH started going bad even back then
          it was really at it's best during the "i just bought a computer for the house that's a crazy new thing hardly anyone has!" era

        • 6 months ago

          >we could even have a subplot in the episode where Dale gets all triggered by it being a Chinese app and obsesses over China's influence in American society
          I thought Dale was usually supposed to be wrong in his theories...

          • 6 months ago

            >I thought Dale was usually supposed to be wrong in his theories...
            You would think that but in the episode "Tankin' it to the streets" Dale actually does sucessfully infiltrate an army base and steal classified intel so Dale gets to be right ocassionally.


            • 6 months ago

              Dale is often right in his own episodes, and a lot of what he said back then ended up being proven right in reality
              That's the funny thing about "conspiracy theorists", there's usually truth to their words and even when they're written by people trying to mock them they'll usually slip in something they know subconsciously is true but don't wanna believe is true, and let the character say it for them

              Remember in the porno episode where Dale described how if you make a purchase you get logged into the network and your data is passed around like a cheap knocked out prostitute to every advertiser? Yeah that's just straight up a fact

  4. 6 months ago

    Hank kicks a furry's ass.

  5. 6 months ago

    The government successfully assassinates Dale.

    • 6 months ago

      You mean Rusty Shackleford. The REAL Rusty Shackleford.

  6. 6 months ago

    >Trip Larsen, Caleb, Big Willie Lane, the dolphin that tried to rape Hank and the Canadians get revenge on Hank
    >They blow up Mega-Lo Mart in a fiery explosion after stealing gallons of propane tanks from Strickland Propane (as well as Thatherton's)
    >Said explosion opens up a portal to hell where HyperKahn destroys the entirety of Arlen
    >Hank goes super saiyan to beat up HyperKahn
    >But Bill gets destroyed by HyperKahn, as well as UltraFry and JoeStan
    >Hank gets reminded by Homer Simpson, Bender Rodriguez, Peter Griffin, Roger Smith, Sterling Archer, Bob Belcher and Korvo about the upcoming JoeStan apocalypse
    >Tom Anderson, Randy Marsh, Carl Brutananadilewski, Dr. Venture, the Robot Chicken and Rick Sanchez also team up to get rid of the JoeStan apocalypse
    >But they are attacked by a Super Apu army, leaving only Dale Gribble as the ultimate saiyan
    >The episode ends with Buckley and Lucky holding hands while Hank smirks before shutting the door
    >A post-credit scene features Cleveland Brown and his Stoolbend crew teaming up with the characters of Bless the Harts, Duncanville, Housebroken, Koala Man, Little Demon and Praise Petey to destroy HyperKahn,UltraFry and JoeStan as the start of the Animation Domination cinematic universe

  7. 6 months ago

    Bobby becomes a gooner

    • 6 months ago

      Why not Bill?

      • 6 months ago

        Bill would most likely be a groomer while Bobby would be more of a doomer

        • 6 months ago

          >...those pretty, pretty boys!
          >I'm sorry, Hank! I just can't deny it, anymore!

    • 6 months ago

      Feels more like a Joseph plot. After the death of his father Joseph finds comfort in porn and locks himself away in his room jacking it non stop to forget the pain. In the end John Redcorn connects with Joseph and helps him through it.

  8. 6 months ago

    >Dale Gribble get iPad
    >Bill Dauterive creampies his own butthole

    • 6 months ago

      >Hank...did you know you can eat things with your COLON?!
      >*pulls out megalo-mart 64 pack of little debbie cream pies*

      >...Bill. You are ah'bout to be banned from the alley.

  9. 6 months ago

    Junichiro visits Hank with his new wife and young son.

  10. 6 months ago

    Bill get ipad

  11. 6 months ago

    Hank becomes a weeb
    Bill becomes a furry
    Boomhauer becomes a gooner
    Dale stays the same

  12. 6 months ago

    >Bobby gets invited to Connie's wedding in California and finds out her fiance is just like him
    >he's upset that a girl he used to date is getting married to a guy who's the same 'type' and he's still single
    >any time he brings this up, people admonish him for being selfish and trying to sabotage the wedding
    >in the end, he chats with 'Bobby 2.0' and finds out that he's a total bro - episode ends with them drinking beers and saying 'yep'

    >Luanne invents a new hairstyle only for an influencer whose hair she cut to claim credit
    >she tries to prove it was really her, but the influencer's followers don't care
    >when the influencer comes back for another haircut, she sabotages it by dying the hair a crazy color
    >this new color becomes even more popular than the first style and Luanne gives up

    >Peggy tries to create a virtual school program and pre-records lessons
    >but Hank keeps doing yardwork in the background so she buys a 'sensitive' mic to drown out his noises
    >when she posts her lessons online, they get popular from the ASMR crowd
    >Peggy struggles with whether or not to take down the videos knowing how they're being used
    >she eventually decides to keep them up because some of her listeners are actually learning things

    >Hank joins a group of 'propane enthusiasts' he meets at a grilling show
    >they meet up once a week to talk about their work selling propane and propane accessories and he tells them stories about Buck Strickland
    >they tell Hank they want him to be a keynote speaker at a 'barbecue' they're hosting later that month
    >as it turns out, he was actually hanging out with the Propane Union and they're using Hank as an example of the conditions non-union workers had to work under
    >he ends the episode giving a speech about how hard work is its own reward and that unions are for people who only care about money and not propane
    >this results in record sign-ups for the union as nobody wants to wind up like him

    • 6 months ago

      >Dale now speaks with a voice box after his throat gave out from cancer
      >he buys a new voicebox, hoping to have a 'sexier' tone
      >his new voicebox glitches and starts to pick up nearby radio signals
      >gets him into (and out of) trouble as the radio voices start to speak for him
      >the episode ends with him pulled on-stage at a concert for his beautiful singing voice

      >Bill notices the plants in his yard are unusually healthy
      >finds out his foot fungus from walking around barefoot is working as a fertilizer
      >offers to walk on people's dead lawns to revitalize them
      >his foot fungus starts to attract wild animals to the yards he's walked on and he's forced to quit when a family of deer moves into his house

      >Hank and Bobby go to a microbrewery in Austin
      >Hank hates all the beer he samples there for not being Alamo
      >people overhear him trash-talking the beer and ask him for more opinions, eventually winding up as a beer critic
      >everybody loves his negative reviews as he's the only critic not afraid to speak his mind
      >until people catch him drinking Alamo in the alley and he's called out for being a poser
      >he writes a passionate article defending the brand that he's been drinking since his teens, but everybody has already stopped paying attention

      >Kahn, now retired, joins a mall-walking club
      >gets hypercompetitive with the other old men there and starts racing them
      >he and another racer are neck-and-neck for hours, eventually being thrown out by the mall cops when their fast-walking causes a string of mild inconveniences

      >John Redcorn takes a DNA test and discovers that he's 1/8th white
      >starts trying to embrace his white heritage but struggles to fit in with white people
      >takes his frustrations out by screaming at a Whataburger employee when his order is messed up
      >all the white ladies there nod in approval

    • 6 months ago

      >Dale now speaks with a voice box after his throat gave out from cancer
      >he buys a new voicebox, hoping to have a 'sexier' tone
      >his new voicebox glitches and starts to pick up nearby radio signals
      >gets him into (and out of) trouble as the radio voices start to speak for him
      >the episode ends with him pulled on-stage at a concert for his beautiful singing voice

      >Bill notices the plants in his yard are unusually healthy
      >finds out his foot fungus from walking around barefoot is working as a fertilizer
      >offers to walk on people's dead lawns to revitalize them
      >his foot fungus starts to attract wild animals to the yards he's walked on and he's forced to quit when a family of deer moves into his house

      >Hank and Bobby go to a microbrewery in Austin
      >Hank hates all the beer he samples there for not being Alamo
      >people overhear him trash-talking the beer and ask him for more opinions, eventually winding up as a beer critic
      >everybody loves his negative reviews as he's the only critic not afraid to speak his mind
      >until people catch him drinking Alamo in the alley and he's called out for being a poser
      >he writes a passionate article defending the brand that he's been drinking since his teens, but everybody has already stopped paying attention

      >Kahn, now retired, joins a mall-walking club
      >gets hypercompetitive with the other old men there and starts racing them
      >he and another racer are neck-and-neck for hours, eventually being thrown out by the mall cops when their fast-walking causes a string of mild inconveniences

      >John Redcorn takes a DNA test and discovers that he's 1/8th white
      >starts trying to embrace his white heritage but struggles to fit in with white people
      >takes his frustrations out by screaming at a Whataburger employee when his order is messed up
      >all the white ladies there nod in approval

      always nice when you can tell someone was an actual fan.

      I especially like the dale talks with a voice box idea as a means of getting around the VAs passing.

      • 6 months ago

        The voice box isn't a bad idea for a recast. I thought they were still like Ned on South Park but the modern version almost gives people their voice back.

        I don't think the way they work now would make the radio bit make any sense but Dale probably wants the old kind so the robots will think he's one of them when they take over.

    • 6 months ago

      >Dale now speaks with a voice box after his throat gave out from cancer
      >he buys a new voicebox, hoping to have a 'sexier' tone
      >his new voicebox glitches and starts to pick up nearby radio signals
      >gets him into (and out of) trouble as the radio voices start to speak for him
      >the episode ends with him pulled on-stage at a concert for his beautiful singing voice

      >Bill notices the plants in his yard are unusually healthy
      >finds out his foot fungus from walking around barefoot is working as a fertilizer
      >offers to walk on people's dead lawns to revitalize them
      >his foot fungus starts to attract wild animals to the yards he's walked on and he's forced to quit when a family of deer moves into his house

      >Hank and Bobby go to a microbrewery in Austin
      >Hank hates all the beer he samples there for not being Alamo
      >people overhear him trash-talking the beer and ask him for more opinions, eventually winding up as a beer critic
      >everybody loves his negative reviews as he's the only critic not afraid to speak his mind
      >until people catch him drinking Alamo in the alley and he's called out for being a poser
      >he writes a passionate article defending the brand that he's been drinking since his teens, but everybody has already stopped paying attention

      >Kahn, now retired, joins a mall-walking club
      >gets hypercompetitive with the other old men there and starts racing them
      >he and another racer are neck-and-neck for hours, eventually being thrown out by the mall cops when their fast-walking causes a string of mild inconveniences

      >John Redcorn takes a DNA test and discovers that he's 1/8th white
      >starts trying to embrace his white heritage but struggles to fit in with white people
      >takes his frustrations out by screaming at a Whataburger employee when his order is messed up
      >all the white ladies there nod in approval

      Beautiful... just, beautiful...

    • 6 months ago

      >Dale now speaks with a voice box after his throat gave out from cancer
      >he buys a new voicebox, hoping to have a 'sexier' tone
      >his new voicebox glitches and starts to pick up nearby radio signals
      >gets him into (and out of) trouble as the radio voices start to speak for him
      >the episode ends with him pulled on-stage at a concert for his beautiful singing voice

      >Bill notices the plants in his yard are unusually healthy
      >finds out his foot fungus from walking around barefoot is working as a fertilizer
      >offers to walk on people's dead lawns to revitalize them
      >his foot fungus starts to attract wild animals to the yards he's walked on and he's forced to quit when a family of deer moves into his house

      >Hank and Bobby go to a microbrewery in Austin
      >Hank hates all the beer he samples there for not being Alamo
      >people overhear him trash-talking the beer and ask him for more opinions, eventually winding up as a beer critic
      >everybody loves his negative reviews as he's the only critic not afraid to speak his mind
      >until people catch him drinking Alamo in the alley and he's called out for being a poser
      >he writes a passionate article defending the brand that he's been drinking since his teens, but everybody has already stopped paying attention

      >Kahn, now retired, joins a mall-walking club
      >gets hypercompetitive with the other old men there and starts racing them
      >he and another racer are neck-and-neck for hours, eventually being thrown out by the mall cops when their fast-walking causes a string of mild inconveniences

      >John Redcorn takes a DNA test and discovers that he's 1/8th white
      >starts trying to embrace his white heritage but struggles to fit in with white people
      >takes his frustrations out by screaming at a Whataburger employee when his order is messed up
      >all the white ladies there nod in approval

      I wanna see this guy go for a season arc or something with Bobby maybe dealing with adult struggles? Maybe get Joseph his arc of learning about the truth and him getting a girl pregnant.

      Oh and maybe Bill goes to therapy

  13. 6 months ago

    <koth character> gets a/n <electronic device invented after 2000 but before 2008>

  14. 6 months ago

    shut it down and never speak of it again

  15. 6 months ago

    I'm just glad Dale's VA is dead because I'm absolutely certain they'd end up making an episode where he becomes an alt-right conpiracy theorist stand-in until Hank convinces him to listen to reason.

    • 6 months ago

      Bill is more likely to become alt-right
      just mainly to "fit" in with a new group

      • 6 months ago

        That's more likely. Dale would write off all those conspiracies as false flags to dsitract from the real stuff. Think of him as a conspiracy hipster, the more people believe his theories, the less likely he is to follow them.

  16. 6 months ago

    The Hill family is investigated by the FBI for being involved in several terrorist level bombings, multiple murders (several of people of importance or heads of the local economy, IE Larson pork products), and other things

  17. 6 months ago

    Mike judge will sell out and thell be an episode where its just shitting on trump and anyone whos not liberal and the moral is biden is always right

    • 6 months ago

      You want this to be an episode or you expect it will be an episode?

      • 6 months ago

        I expect it i dont want it to happen but it probably will

  18. 6 months ago

    >Connie and Joseph go off to college academic and sports scholarships respectively
    >Bobby didn’t manage to get into any and has a shitty job at an ice cream shop
    >after a fight about not being treated like an adult Bobby joins the army behind Peggy and Hank’s back
    >they expect him to come back or ask them to pick him up any day
    >no word
    >they go to Bill and ask how he’s doing but he’s tight lipped before being bribed
    >he says that Bobby is excelling and is a model recruit
    >this shocks Hank and Peggy and they think he’s lying
    >they finally get a letter from Bobby saying that he’s finished training
    >graduation time
    >Hank and Peggy go to see and comfort Bobby
    >they can’t find him
    >they go up to one of the soldiers and hugs them saying he’s happy they came
    >they see Bobby has lost a good amount of weight and to both (especially Peggy’s) shock looks just like a young Cotton
    >Bobby then apologizes for the way he acted hopes and asks if they’ll forgive him
    >it shows a full body shot of Bobby first as he was then changed
    >Hank shakes his hand says he’s proud of him
    >Peggy finally breaks and with tears of joy says how happy and proud she is of her little man.
    >He heads home with them on a short leave and they have a Barbecue
    >everyone comes to celebrate and Bobby is at the grill but no one recognizes him until Bill greets him
    >and everyone has similar reaction to Hank and Peggy
    >episode ends with everyone commenting on how good he looks and being shocked.

    • 6 months ago

      >Bobby is later killed while trying to help children evacuate a school during Israeli missile strikes

      • 6 months ago

        Frick off doomer

      • 6 months ago

        >Bobby is later killed in a motorcycle accident while stationed in Germany.
        Make it believable.

        • 6 months ago

          What the frick is wrong with you guys?

          • 6 months ago

            You're right, Bobby's death should be saved for the reboot's series finale. Anytime sooner and we will just lose viewers.

  19. 6 months ago

    Who's gonna sue when these episode ideas show up in the actual show?

    • 6 months ago

      Why would we? That’s like suing for someone taking your fanfic idea. If anything I would be stoked to see my idea become an episode.

  20. 6 months ago

    a holiday episode where a beloved community event is about to be cancelled because people don't want to wear medical masks anymore...

    people are still getting sick in Arlen Texas...

  21. 6 months ago

    bobby I am vaping propane in my urethra

  22. 6 months ago

    There should be an episode where hank finally resolves the issue of his narrow urethra.

    • 6 months ago

      >hank learns about sounding

      • 6 months ago

        >"Hank, you alright in there? I got your ointmen- SWEET NELLY HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!"
        >"P-Peggy, i-it's not what you think!"
        >"I-I think I need to bleach my eyes dear..."

  23. 6 months ago

    Hank gets propane in his urethra.

  24. 6 months ago

    >Peggy starts a mommy blog on Facebook about bobby
    >It gets popular
    >People reading think bobby is a dog

  25. 6 months ago

    Hank circumcises Bobby with two ice skates.

  26. 6 months ago

    >After having been rejected by another woman and knowing he'll never get close to Peggy, Bill develops a strong lust for Ladybird after stopping by the Hill house.

  27. 6 months ago

    is there a chance that a KOTH reboot won't mention plump

    • 6 months ago

      Nope. Best case scenario is you get a throw-away line from Hank about how moronic the Republican party has gotten. Worst case if whole episode(s) where someone in the cast wears a MAGA hat and goes around being a moronic mouthpiece until they get corrected.

  28. 6 months ago

    >its an episode where Boomhouer is exposed for toxic masculinity, and Bill is the sensitive coach in charge of reforming him.
    >plot B has Dale stalking his kid because he suspects he might be juicing for an upcoming tournament of some kind but it turns out hea just going through puberty and hes naturally jacked.
    >minor role has bobby working a job at some store and hes pretty good at it.

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