ITT: Post plotholes or other headscratchers in?

Why didn't they equip the Guren with two energy arms instead of just one? The argument that doing so would deplete its fuel too fast doesn't stand since the Guren Seiten can literally shoot beams from its chest and spit lazers from both of its wings

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  1. 10 months ago

    ITT: people who don't pay attention.

  2. 10 months ago

    Look you can say a lot of shit about that shit shows written, but when you're gonna purposely ignore any answers it gives you then you're just being a twat on purpose.

  3. 10 months ago

    Ribbons in S2 of G00 is easily the dumbest and worst written Gundam antagonist pre-IBO. He has every advantage and just keeps inventing new ways to lose.

    • 10 months ago

      He wasn’t dumb, he just had a god complex and unfortunately the kid who gave it to him and the person he wanted to submit to him the most wasn’t having it. His plan wasn’t stupid and neither was he because the only reason things failed for him was because he happened to choose the wrong war orphan to pilot the Gundam.

      • 10 months ago

        I swear modern idiot audiences are so desperate to try and prove they ONE UP'd the story that they either don't pay complete attention or fail to understand the very basics of character fatal flaws and how they often lead to their own downfalls.

        • 10 months ago

          He wasn’t dumb, he just had a god complex and unfortunately the kid who gave it to him and the person he wanted to submit to him the most wasn’t having it. His plan wasn’t stupid and neither was he because the only reason things failed for him was because he happened to choose the wrong war orphan to pilot the Gundam.

          There was no reason for Ribbons to shoot the ALAW forces retreating from the last engagement before the finale. There was no reason for Ribbons to send the Innovator forces piece meal to fight CB throughout the season. In general Ribbon's plans are easily answered by CB's limited state of function let alone what it could have been.

          • 10 months ago

            >There was no reason for Ribbons to shoot the ALAW forces retreating from the last engagement before the finale
            Are you forgetting how controlling he was about media regarding the state of the fighting? He wanted absolutely 0 people left to comment anything about it and A-laws had served its primary purpose and would have been reformed in a tighter way afterwards.
            >There was no reason for Ribbons to send the Innovator forces piece meal to fight CB throughout the season.
            He needed to gauge their fighting strength and keep track of the development of the Twin Drive System. Again, this guy is incredibly controlling so it makes sense he’d want to keep an eye on celestial Being and directly test their capabilities through the team he trusted could consistently beat them.
            >In general Ribbon's plans are easily answered by CB's limited state of function let alone what it could have been.
            Only because the Meisters are more resilient than what he anticipated and he doesn’t have a full grasp on their fighting power at any point. The issues he runs into are because of his god complex and very clearly underestimating Celestial Being. In the final fight when he has a good assessment of their capabilities and man power, he very nearly comes close to taking them out, but Setsuna going above expectations as an Innovator and showing that it wasn’t a fluke ruins his plans on top of Tieria and Regene managing to out maneuver him because his fatal flaw is thinking too highly of himself at that point in the show. Once he was out from under Alejandro and stopped needing to act like an assistant, he started overestimating himself and not thinking that anyone could ever outdo him. He would have won if he had been more careful and had less of a complex.

            • 10 months ago

              Why were the clone operated MS not armed with even railguns? Surely the ALAWs would have metric tons of those just laying around to let Ribbons use for his suicide division, and it was shown in S1 that CB's MS could be beaten through attrition.

              • 10 months ago

                Now that I’ll give you but it’s probably another case of Ribbons underestimating them so he doesn’t think it’s necessary. Pretty much every mistake he made regarding the destruction of Celestial Being can be tied back to him not taking them as a serious enough threat when they showed time and time again that they were. That’s just the downfall of a man with a god complex. It’s sad when you realize he ended up that way because he thought Aeolia didn’t care about the Innovades compared to human.

  4. 10 months ago

    Where does the frick does the Mugen Calibur's armor come from?
    Once it gets introduced, the Calibur's transformation happens off-screen and it suddenly wears all that shit.

    • 10 months ago

      It was in the trunk

    • 10 months ago

      And while we're at it: where is the Laser Orb Gun stored on the Garland?

  5. 10 months ago

    Why didn't they just fricking kill that guy and why did he never really bother again with the enemy base after episode 1?

    • 10 months ago

      >Why didn't they just fricking kill that guy
      The villains were a bunch of dumb teenagers (and a few manchilden) larping as the illuminati so they could play with their robots in the real world, not exactly a gang of hardened killers. Not sure why didn't just gang up and kick his ass though
      >why did he never really bother again with the enemy base after episode 1?
      I got nothing

      • 10 months ago

        >Not sure why didn't just gang up and kick his ass though
        Because they were all competitive buttholes.

  6. 10 months ago

    Frick off zoomer.

  7. 10 months ago

    Why don't they just put locks or passwords on gundams?

    • 10 months ago

      This. In code geass, the mechs had their own car keys. Given the high percentage of MS theft why can't Gundams do the same?

      • 10 months ago

        Lol that didn't stop them from getting stolen

        • 10 months ago

          Only Lelouch, a guy with mind bending powers. Mechs in gundam get stolen by random npcs which isn't as justifiable

          • 10 months ago

            Lelouch directed resistance fighters to raid automated trains carrying spare Sutherlands. He wasn't there in person to hypnotize someone into giving up the keys.

            Didn't Kallen also steal her own machine back after the enemy upgraded it? And wasn't there a few times that a Knightmare Frame was stolen while active because the key was already plugged in?

            • 10 months ago

              It's a matter of principle, you dumb c**t. It's absolutely absurd how these expensive and highly advanced Gundam mech suits can be stolen so easily by just about anyone. At least in Code Geass, they showed some effort in providing the mechs with security, even if that wasn't always the case in the show. It's just poor worldbuilding

              • 10 months ago

                >they showed some effort in providing the mechs with security, even if that wasn't always the case in the show. It's just poor worldbuilding
                There's no fricking point to the key. Isn't it literally a fricking plot hole of their own creation to intentionally show a security feature but never have it actually stop anyone whenever the show's writing dictates that a machine be stolen because it's convenient? What, you want to give them props for a good idea that the writers functionally ignored whenever the exact thing it was meant to prevent occurred anyway? "At least they tried"?

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, it was a good idea that gave their universe some believability as far as worldbuilding goes, despite the fact that the writers conveniently overlooked this at times. Moreover, the KMFs were actually portrayed to have start-up security, which stands in contrast to Gundams that lack such a built-in feature in their OS....which is completely illogical given how expensive and important they are. On paper, KMFs make more sense than Gundams

              • 10 months ago

                So how come real world multi-million dollar military vehicles don't have startup security or keys?

            • 10 months ago

              >He wasn't there in person to hypnotize someone into giving up the keys.
              Yes he was though. They said in the next couple episodes, those were Sutherlands stolen from other pilots that he used Geass on. And even then, the tipoff in that episode itself was that the IFFs were stripped out, as in Lelouch took them out.

              You are just a speed watcher

              • 10 months ago

                I'm referring specifically to the trains, not the later episodes.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm referring specifically to the trains, not the later episodes.
                No, I realize that.

                I'm telling you that Lelouch captured Sutherlands by being "in person to hypnotize" the pilots into giving up the keys as you put it, and then loaded them onto that train for his plan.

      • 10 months ago

        speaking of code geass
        >lelouch randomly says, for no reason whatsoever, says 'For example, if I told you to KILL ALL THE JAPANESE'
        >for no reason, randomly, despite never happening before, he accidentally geases her in that moment and she massacres the japanese
        maybe its not a plothole maybe its just some of the worst writing ive ever laid eyes on

        • 10 months ago

          It's a contrivance

        • 10 months ago

          Should have said "Slowly take all of your clothes off Euphy".

    • 10 months ago

      Military equipment rarely has key starts because you're adding a huge point of failure to a machine that frequently needs to be ready to do something immediately.
      Like compare the amount of times a gundam gets stolen to the amount of times they have to emergency launch now or die. It's frequent enough they should probably be doing a little more about it, but it's not stacking up.

    • 10 months ago

      This. In code geass, the mechs had their own car keys. Given the high percentage of MS theft why can't Gundams do the same?

      Most US military vehicles are locked with padlocks at best with them being unlocked when being used or transferred. The main difficult stealing military equipment tends to be just getting to it.

    • 10 months ago

      GP02 is a piss poor example of this because its inception and theft was an inside job anyway.

  8. 10 months ago

    One use of the Radiant Ave Surger uses an entire Energy Filler, thats why. That thing it ejects after using it is the energy filler. Meaning it also has to carry additional energy fillers on it and then reload them

    You are just an idiot.

  9. 10 months ago

    Pick any topic from WFM. That thing is more hole than cheese

    • 10 months ago

      Frick h

  10. 10 months ago

    Where did the Japanium/Chogokin Z for Great come from in the series? (or hell, where did ANYTHING from Great Mazinger come from)
    Only Photon Labs was supposed to have it and IIRC no one of those guys there was aware of Kenzo's shenanigans.

    • 10 months ago

      >Chogokin Z
      For Great It a new type called "New" Chogokin Z

  11. 10 months ago

    Why is there chalk in the first place when the board is just a giant screen.

  12. 10 months ago

    Where did it come from?
    And why can the cat talk without any special doodads but Popoider needs a mech suit?

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