ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests. Used to love Egoraptor.

ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.

Used to love Egoraptor. He went on to do Game Grumps and I lost interest, then he returned for one more music video. I was excited and kinda watched it with a blank face and realized I didn't find this stuff his funny anymore.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Starbomb is so fricking embarrassing. They were both in their 30's and 40's they made this. Think of that.

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't seen RWBY in years but I decided to watch that mid af crossover with the justice league a while ago. Combine with the fact that I've heard the show is dead in the water I basically have no willpower to rewatch the damn thing, not even volumes 1-3.

      Besides the mario rap thing for nostalgia sake, everything else is too cringy and too corny to be looked back fondly upon

    • 11 months ago

      I still really appreciate the animation

      • 11 months ago

        That the animation is good makes it even worse.

        It's not that you outgrew, but that Egoraptor's humor has degraded into screaming like an idiot, doing his "cool rap guy" voice, and a slightly different kind of screaming. He's totally regressed in every way as any kind of creator or artist and he has to rely on far more talented people to try and polish his turds for him. I bet Jon left because he was sick of dealing with Aaron's bullshit and Danny probably wishes he got out years ago, but went and made the mistake of entangling himself with Aaron until the fat moronic homosexual decides to leave on his own or kills himself first.

        I just got a video recommendation for Grumps since my browser spies on me and holy shit did Arin get fat.

    • 11 months ago

      Men in their 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s were the ones who made loony tunes and pretty much every cartoon in the last 8 decades. Think of that.

      • 11 months ago

        children and troons wouldn't know taste

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah but the difference is Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes is actually really good, unlike video game reference millennialslop garbage that Arin makes.

      • 11 months ago

        You are not seriously comparing classic Looney Tubes and Tom and Jerry to Mario talking about his dick in a rap video.

        What were you thinking?

      • 11 months ago

        yeah but those are good and still hold up

    • 11 months ago

      How old were these guys, you zoomer dipshit?

      • 11 months ago

        also fricking embarrassing, will ferrell sucks dick

      • 11 months ago

        you actually eat rocks for breakfast

      • 11 months ago

        That movie is funny due to Farrel's and Reily's unflinching commitment to looking stupid, their chemistry and also you are laughing at these mid 40s men acting like bratty 12 year olds, it's not supposed to be celebrated like th Star Bomb shit

    • 11 months ago

      Duane and Brando is better

      • 11 months ago

        Didn't BrandO cuck Duane and fricked his wife tho?

        • 11 months ago

          Brando is trans now. I'm not kidding, either.

          • 11 months ago

            say what.

            • 11 months ago

              They transistioned a while ago. They go by "La Faye" or something. That's all I got from their discord channel before I left. That, and they were bragging about having big breasts.

              • 11 months ago

                You either die a hero or live long enough to become a troon.
                I guess that's why the 27 Club is a thing.

              • 11 months ago

                It sucks I guess? But they still make music, though it's not DnB styled anymore. The music they make now is pretty okay.

              • 11 months ago

                >Look into his new channel
                >Get flashbanged with troon pics on community tab

              • 11 months ago

                Poor Brando, was hard to read that Duane just took all of the good faith money for merch and shit just to blow it all on drugs. Leaving Brando with so much merch that he couldn't mail it all because he didn't get the money meant to send it out.

                so, what's you spergs opinions on Lyle McDouchebag, or Lyle Wrath, or guitarmasterx7 at his youngest? The other guy oneyplays has on. He made some machinimas, wrote or at least voiced cartoon other people drew and and reads videogame news sort of funnily on pregame discharge.
                I'm not asking for validation, Just sort of curious about the people in this board.
                here's an example

                My earliest memory of Lyle was him making fun of a machinima called "Ex Machina" or some shit. It was filmed like one of the episodes only for the character to turn around and furiously start jerking off. I actually liked the show until I saw that was like "oh yea, this is just stupid shit.". Street Fighter Chode is still gold.

              • 11 months ago

                Some of those pics kinda sexy ngl

          • 11 months ago

            Is there something in the water at game game and anime cons that causes this?

            • 11 months ago

              I don't know. But it does feel like it could explain where the missing money from the aborted tour went to. Though no one will really know for sure, since Duane dissapeared from the internet, and the only explanation we have was from one side.

      • 11 months ago

        Starbomb sucks so fricking bad it's actually incredible.

        Now THIS is based. That Mega Man rap beats the pants off of the "Can't Beat Airman" one.

        Didn't BrandO cuck Duane and fricked his wife tho?

        Just proves they've got what it takes to make it in Hollywood with drama like that.

        I still don't understand why so many people were gushing over his sequelitis vids. They were the beginning of the end for him actually putting effort into his animations and felt barely scripted to boot. Kinda makes me wonder if the reason he posted picrel is because he wanted to justify his own lazy content.

        Because he was reinforcing their preconceived notions. The Zelda one in particular got a lot of air because it gave a voice to all the midwits disgruntled with OoT being frequently in the conversation for "greatest game of all time," rather than whatever their favorite was.

        • 11 months ago

          >OoT being frequently in the conversation for "greatest game of all time,"
          which is the true moron take, because there is no way an n64 game can possibly hold that title. do i have a "personal favorite" that i would rather hold that? frick no. i havent thought that deeply about it, and there is far too much analysis about far too many games to consider. but oot is a janky fricking mess and in no way deserves to be considered "the greatest game of all time". thats just fricking stupid.

          some of his ranting was because he's bad/stupid, but he did also make some really GOOD points about some of the crippling flaws the game has. and a game with that many severe flaws can NOT be genuinely considered "the greatest game of all time", its just nostalgia zealots.

          • 11 months ago

            >still seething about the N64's supremacy all these years on

          • 11 months ago

            > there is no way an n64 game can possibly hold that title
            Why not? The Statue of David was probably as good as humanity ever did at sculpting, and that shit came out hundreds of years ago. There’s no reason to think that newer more advanced work existing makes it better in quality.

            • 11 months ago

              except the statue of david is actually GOOD. n64 games are like kid's playdoh sculptures. they have far too many flaws in comparison.

          • 11 months ago

            List every flaw with OOT and the n64 and maybe I’ll take you seriously homosexual. Otherwise shut up.

            • 11 months ago

              every flaw would be unnecessary. the fact of simply stating a few is more than enough to discredit and disqualify it. opening chests takes too long, and theres no reason to have boxes telling you all about bombs or whatever EVERY single time. dialogue boxes in general could objectively be seriously refined. textures are hideous. the game is easy to break. enemies are too passive and non-threatening, while also being too evasive/invulnerable. a lot of areas are completely empty and pointless. controls are janky. the list goes on an on, and more importantly, every single aspect of the game has been improved upon and/or refined by some other since then. it has aged like milk.

              • 11 months ago

                >enemies are too passive and non-threatening, while also being too evasive/invulnerable
                Only good point. Everything else is asinine.

              • 11 months ago

                This only applies to "big item" chests, most chests Link just kicks them open and you get the item.

                Does not giving a hit about anything anymore count? I can't be bothered.

                Not sure. He made some good points though, and people were probably excited for more egoraptor stuff. He probably quit when he didn't get immediate recognition and money for low effort content.

                >enemies are too passive and non-threatening, while also being too evasive/invulnerable
                >Hold block
                >wait for them to turn/ land /miss an attack
                >hit them
                Played OOT as an adult, never finished because of this.

                Use Deku Nuts then to stun them and cheese them, although the whole point of the combat is built on pattern recognition. For example, Wolfos can be killed in one hit but most people just try to Leeroy Jenkins it. If you smash its back (most easily after Wolfos does its 2-slash combo as the momentum of the second slash turns its back on you) you get a very wide window to go for the kill.

                This applies to the White Wolfos miniboss as well.

              • 11 months ago

                I played all the way through halfway through the water temple and never touched it again. I remember thinking the game felt unfinished.

              • 11 months ago

                Even if it's a recreation, the 1997 demo shows how polished the final release was, though. Remember the year it was released, and compare to prior 3D adventure games. Even Mega Man Legends 2 took elements from OoT.

          • 11 months ago

            except the statue of david is actually GOOD. n64 games are like kid's playdoh sculptures. they have far too many flaws in comparison.

            an n64 game is a serious top contender for the greatest game of all time and your lack of taste will never change that

            • 11 months ago

              i accept your announcement of moronation to be your concession.

              • 11 months ago

                what do you mean concession? there wasnt even an argument dummy

              • 11 months ago

                reading comprehension must be so hard. there, there, sweaty.

              • 11 months ago

                are you okay?

        • 11 months ago

          >That Mega Man rap beats the pants off of the "Can't Beat Airman" one.
          Airman isn't even a hard boss

      • 11 months ago

        For me it's Duck Hunt and Battletoads.

        • 11 months ago

          Mario 3 for me
          Starbomb was gonna cameo in it as hammer bros and I honestly while the crossover is novel the rhymes would've clashed hard with the other duo's

        • 11 months ago

          Those two are excellent, yeah. Duck Hunt in particular is great, since it's short and to the point, with the two bragging and shit-talking each other, only for it to turn out that neither of them managed to shoot down any ducks.

      • 11 months ago

        miss those lil homies like you wouldn't believe

        last thing i heard was that they crowdfunded another reunion, then duane took the money and ran. pretty shitty that duane doing that basically ruined brando's entire career but brando kind of deserved it after fricking with duane for years

      • 11 months ago

        D-d-d-double dragon

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't seen RWBY in years but I decided to watch that mid af crossover with the justice league a while ago. Combine with the fact that I've heard the show is dead in the water I basically have no willpower to rewatch the damn thing, not even volumes 1-3.

      Besides the mario rap thing for nostalgia sake, everything else is too cringy and too corny to be looked back fondly upon

      Zelda Rap still slaps and is funny.

      • 11 months ago

        Navi was cute at least

        • 11 months ago

          Man I want to such on those cute breasts

        • 11 months ago

          That reminds me, way back in the day there was a flash OoT animation series, Navi was a buxom blue skinned named babe in it.

          • 11 months ago

            The Real Legend.
            Still check in to see if the next installment is released. Up to the shadow temple now. Just 2 more left.

            • 11 months ago

              That guy is still at it?

              • 11 months ago

                Holy fricking shit, he never actually stopped? Does it even still look the same?

                I was... I think in middle school when that hit began. Nayru bless his autism.

                Yeah. Last update on NG was April 12th this year when he opened a patreon. They started releasing slower when he decided to focus on the art.

              • 11 months ago

                Damn, this was one of those old Newgrounds shows you naturally assume will never get finished.

              • 11 months ago

                >those backgrounds
                >that beautiful improvement
                I've wasted my youth and life

            • 11 months ago

              Holy fricking shit, he never actually stopped? Does it even still look the same?

              I was... I think in middle school when that hit began. Nayru bless his autism.

    • 11 months ago

      This. What's more, it wasn't up to even Egoraptor's standard of when he WAS a teen. If you go back and watch the Awesome series (barring Poke Awesome 2) you'd probably find yourself chuckling. Starbomb? God no. He's just a dancing monkey now hoping the algorithm makes him a quick buck.

    • 11 months ago

      >invent music that makes you money and entertains many people while in your 30's/40's
      what have you done with your life anon?

      • 11 months ago

        Holy shit, this is the guy that invented music? Huge props

    • 11 months ago

      The Link one was funny enough, but the rest is just so bad.
      I’m not typically an e-celeb guy, but Arin needed Jontron. It seems like Jon was the friend that kept Arin from saying and doing stupid shit.

    • 11 months ago

      I found the Smash bros vid the only thing worth watching. Danny sounded a bit like Freddy Mercury and it was well animated but I am not getting a priapism over it. Their humor is too juvenile in general and it is really grating. Last thing I watched from them was that shitty Bratz looking racing game which was admittedly funny but nothing of value since then, that was probably a decade ago when I was half way through high school.

    • 11 months ago

      >Starbomb is so fricking embarrassing. They were both in their 30's and 40's they made this.
      You know whats even more embarrassing? Posting your opinion on Cinemaphile like if you were a fricking adult. Think of that, homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        >defending e-celebs
        The state of (You)

        • 11 months ago

          pointing out that the pot is calling the kettle a Black person is not "defending" anyone, its just tearing down the other party. its not the same thing.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not even that they wrote a bunch of Nintendo themed songs. The music itself is actually very catchy. It's the lyrics and subject matter that makes it cringey. If starbomb just wrote clever songs about each respective game instead of
      We'd all probably look back on them fondly.

      • 11 months ago

        >The music itself is actually very catchy.
        That's because they hired a producer. Compare the instrumentals of StarBomb to NSP and the quality is night and fricking day.

    • 11 months ago

      Jesus christ what a shit take.
      Dont have a nice day when you turn 30.

    • 11 months ago

      Umm Dan wasn't in his 40s when the first Starbomb album came out

  2. 11 months ago

    fricking hate how the way Peach is animated in that gives me intense dick twitches

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >Panties can barely contain the girth of her ass
        Goodness gracious Arin, what are you doing to me?

        • 11 months ago


          He doesn't do shit. Someone else must have animated it.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      So do I.

      • 11 months ago

        God, why the FRICK did Egoraotor have to get so lazy and quit making cartoons?

        • 11 months ago

          He stopped being funny. Literally look what happened when he returned to it... Poke Awesome 2 is the most stone-faced I've been at anything he's done (though that might be because I was forced to close the tab with any starbomb video from cringe)

          • 11 months ago

            I remember the "Defeated now b***h!" part making me laugh a lot like 7 years ago but when I go back it's just whatever.

      • 11 months ago

        >an actual boob gag
        im disappointed that this is considered impressive to me

      • 11 months ago

        Based, i never would have thought that somebody could draw peach in Arin's artstyle and actually make it hot af

        • 11 months ago

          Why does Peach always look hotter in everu art style that isn’t the usual Mario one?

          • 11 months ago

            Because you don't prefer cute femininity and prefer the shitty "sexy" styles that make every female character look like a raging c**t.

            His problem is he still does his persona when he should've give that up ages ago


            Apparently that's all that counts as attractive anymore.

        • 11 months ago

          I went to highschool with someone that kinda looked like her, she had long blonde hair and also that round head, her breasts were way smaller but she had a good ass it takes me back to simpler times

    • 11 months ago

      You mean love, right?

      • 11 months ago

        >four fingers
        Probably for ease of animation but it still looks off.

    • 11 months ago


      So do I.

      You mean love, right?

      A scat fetishist drew that btw

      • 11 months ago

        I’m gonna need proofs.

      • 11 months ago

        Spazkid didn't animate this one. Spaz only animated the Ryu vs Ken Starbomb

        • 11 months ago

          Ah, could've sworn it was him. I don't see the animator credits on the video description though.

          I’m gonna need proofs.

          Just go on Spazkid's alt, Spazdump

          can you go back to twitter or something?
          this is Cinemaphile not "i'm going to ruin everything you like because im a woman and have no personality" gayspace

          You like Starbomb? Sad, I'm doing you a favour.

          • 11 months ago

            spazkid is the actual definition of based

            • 11 months ago

              >laugh at James for drawing farts
              >draw scat art a few years later

              • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              Cory's the definition of being a troony-fricking mouth breathing homosexual moron that acts like he knows what he's talking about while being wrong about literally every single thing he can possibly be wrong about.

              • 11 months ago

                It's actually kind of amazing how wrong Cory can be. You'd think the law of averages would make him right more even accidentally, but nope.

      • 11 months ago

        can you go back to twitter or something?
        this is Cinemaphile not "i'm going to ruin everything you like because im a woman and have no personality" gayspace

      • 11 months ago

        >they have............... LE GROSS FETISH
        and? good artists are always in some way batshit insane.

        • 11 months ago

          it's gross when they want to push you to accept their fetishes as normal and put it into every work. Like how insecure can you be doing that.

  3. 11 months ago

    This made me realise that I didn't have an actual teenage phase. It all somewhat blended with my late childhood interests and then I turned into an young adult.
    or maybe I'm going through my teenage phase now despite being 22

    • 11 months ago

      I stopped watching tv entirely at around 19 or 20, which coincided with adventure time going downhill.

      Yeah, you're not done cooking. Come back at 25.

      • 11 months ago

        you're still just a child.

        >20 something nowdays
        Do millenials really?

        • 11 months ago

          Thanks for standing up for me, but I do wonder how much of a manchild I am

          • 11 months ago

            You're on here, you're some kind of manchild. Eventually, you stop watching new media and lose interest in the things you've been keeping up with out of habit. Tastes change. I had some college age coworkers and they were all like that, still into anime, vidya and cartoons to the point that they'd try to talk to you about it like it was normal. Over the course of a year or two, it faded as shows ended and the cringe set in.

            There's nothing intrinsically wrong with liking this kind of shit, but context is everything. It has become "normalized" but at some point, you're standing there IRL listening to an allegedly grown ass adult talk about video game youtube clips and shows for 12 year olds. It's gross. Before anyone @s me, there are proper channels for it (here, or with trusted friends in a private setting) and the way it is discussed is different. Don't discuss it like you do here.

            • 11 months ago

              >>@s me
              go back

              I always found it weirdly hypocritical and BS moralising he did a whole Starbomb about Samus not wanting to be seen as just a sexual figure but the only time women are mentioned in most of animations are pretty much always in a sexual context

              He did an unbelievable amount of this kowtowing in his Starbomb shit, which is genuinely sad because it's the last legacy his cartoons are ever going to have given what he's become now

            • 11 months ago

              this seems more like a PSA to not act so autistic above all else

            • 11 months ago

              >Don't discuss it like you do here.
              Oh of course I don't, I didn't say I lacked any self awareness.

        • 11 months ago

          Dude, relax, they're millenials, they are just kids

        • 11 months ago

          It's true, though and since you're here it's more likely than not that you're even shittier/more childish than your peers, an incel with an even lower life experience than the low experience a normal kid your age has.

    • 11 months ago

      you're still just a child.

      • 11 months ago

        except the fun part

    • 11 months ago

      you never grew up, but don't worry most people on Cinemaphile haven't either.

    • 11 months ago

      I didn't have one either. Teenage phases are expensive, and I would get hit if I did anything my mom didn't approve of, so it was just a prolonged childhood until I was 18.

      ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.

      Used to love Egoraptor. He went on to do Game Grumps and I lost interest, then he returned for one more music video. I was excited and kinda watched it with a blank face and realized I didn't find this stuff his funny anymore.

      Game Grumps used to be fun, but after they started doing shit with Ross again, I can't help but see them as a pack of spineless buttholes. Holly Conrad said Ross raped her throughout their marriage, according to a tweet that was up for about 3 minutes. May they all eat shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >Teenage phases are expensive
        what exactly do you mean by this?

        • 11 months ago

          Not him but my in experience things like skateboards, musical instruments or mma classes were unaffordable to my parents

          • 11 months ago

            >Teenage phases are expensive
            what exactly do you mean by this?

            Not him either but my peers were wasting up to the equivalent of 300 USD weekly on parties, clubs, illegally bought booze and the like on weekends alone.

      • 11 months ago

        Holly is a prostitute

      • 11 months ago

        I believe Holly. Jared is innocent and he posted receipts. Ross is an Aussie coward and probably felt like he had to rape his asexual wife to prove he’s a man or something.

    • 11 months ago

      It doesn't really hit before 26-30

    • 11 months ago

      Me too. I still love most of the stuff that I liked as a kid and teen, like stick fights, Evanescence, and Kamen Rider AMVs. My entire life is just one giant teenage phase.

    • 11 months ago

      it is genuinely over for you.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah, man, I get you. I emotionally & mentally mature about a decade later than I do, physically. I am 32, yet I feel like I am in my twenties, whereas I felt like a teenager a few years ago.

  4. 11 months ago

    We will never get Sequelitis and Halo Reach era Egoraptor again.

    • 11 months ago

      Megaman Sequelitis was the single best thing he did, and then he shat the bad by making a Sequelitis about how he sucked at playing OOT. It smelled like complains my some butthole who didn't grow up with N64. It was groundbreaking back then.

      • 11 months ago

        I prefer LTTP to OOT so I was excited for that episode since it was such a rare opinion at the time but he fumbled it hard.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes I also know LTTP fans who'd argue that they weren't statisfied with the high rated OOT (in my case I didn't give a crap about Zelda until everyone hyped OOT when it came out, and really missed out on LTTP... failed several times to catch up on it). But Arins arguments just sucked. He had more of a control issue instead of a 2D vs 3D issue. Nintendo tried to circumvent the issues with auto-jump and auto-aim and this type of 3D controls was very new and experimental at that time. The N64 controller was simply bad for 3D controls with its C-buttons. You can't blame the game for being... well... old. If you want to criticize 2D vs 3D, Mario 64 is a way better topic.

          Which was my thesis, it's fun to write a shitton of text about how 3D sucks in platforming games compared to 2D.

          • 11 months ago

            its so tiresome seeing people unable to differentiate his poor playing from the actual points he's making, as well as understand that a good deal of his statements were exaggeration, instead of getting hung up on the exaggeration and missing the actual point.

      • 11 months ago

        I prefer LTTP to OOT so I was excited for that episode since it was such a rare opinion at the time but he fumbled it hard.

        I was so looking forward to a video exploring the relative strengths and weaknesses of each game or whatever, but instead he just rants and screams and yells about all the shit he personally hates about it because he's butthurt that it got more popular than LttP and (at the time) all subsequent Zeldas copied its style. If you go back and watch his Castlevania sequelitis, you'll see he gives fricking Castlevania 2 a better treatment than he gives to OoT. He doesn't even name a single positive thing that Oot did; that's how biased his "game design analysis" video is.

    • 11 months ago

      Megaman Sequelitis was the single best thing he did, and then he shat the bad by making a Sequelitis about how he sucked at playing OOT. It smelled like complains my some butthole who didn't grow up with N64. It was groundbreaking back then.

      I prefer LTTP to OOT so I was excited for that episode since it was such a rare opinion at the time but he fumbled it hard.

      I was so looking forward to a video exploring the relative strengths and weaknesses of each game or whatever, but instead he just rants and screams and yells about all the shit he personally hates about it because he's butthurt that it got more popular than LttP and (at the time) all subsequent Zeldas copied its style. If you go back and watch his Castlevania sequelitis, you'll see he gives fricking Castlevania 2 a better treatment than he gives to OoT. He doesn't even name a single positive thing that Oot did; that's how biased his "game design analysis" video is.

      As someone who also prefers 2D to 3D Zelda, that video pisses me off because it was a dishonest pile of bullshit, especially with the context of Grumps revealing the truth: Arin lacks object permanence. Something even dogs have. Despite being on a 3D space, he thinks he can still out-screen an enemy and the enemy will "despawn" like on the NES and proceeds to call the game cheap. Or the 3D rooms, you're supposed to look around on first person view (or the camera stick in newer Zeldas) to look at your surroundings... And even then, the camera pans every fricking important room, being like "over here you dumb frick".

      • 11 months ago

        I still don't understand why so many people were gushing over his sequelitis vids. They were the beginning of the end for him actually putting effort into his animations and felt barely scripted to boot. Kinda makes me wonder if the reason he posted picrel is because he wanted to justify his own lazy content.

        • 11 months ago

          the Mega Man X one made a really good first impression, that was the ONLY sequelitis video it seemed like he knew what he was talking about...

          ...Until you realize "MEGAMAN MEGAMAN" interruptions were NEVER a classic Mega Man thing and something Roll never did. They were a Mega Man X5 thing, the first X game outsourced to Value Wave and directed by Koji Okohara. He's praising "X" for being the "evolution of Mega Man" but right after it's first entry it swapped hands 4 times, and got especially worse when Hayato Kaji and Keiji Inafune were checked out of the series given their growing responsibilities at Capcom.

          But that would go against the super simplified narrative, wouldn't it?

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not too sure on the fundamentals of his vidya knowledge (other than the fact he has horrible knowledge of Zelda), it was his janky "animations" and shitty edit comedy that I was mainly getting at

            I think when he gave Danny shit one live stream for being "mean" to something fictional, is when i was officially over it.

            Arin was clearly going through some shit, drinking during the live streams. TRYING to see what would work, and make being an online celebrity fulfilling after 5+ years. I'm only partially sorry for him, but he put all that shit on himself to try and keep his 'business' together, when youtube is a shitty platform to try and maintain a career on.

            So I get it, that he wanted to avoid his channel being demonetized YET again, and had tell his co-star, who is 1000% more put together and mentally stable than him, that he was being "offensive" was so fricking crazy to listen to. Arin doesn't HAVE to do any of the things that he put on himself, but it's Danny's fault for wanting to have fun with his friend.

            Yeah I forgot what the "offensive thing" was, I think danny called a fictional girl a prostitute as a joke. It was something that when they started doing grumps together was apart of their skits constantly.

            it doesn't surprise me, sadly. The guy genuinely does have a talent for content creation, especially art, he just seems to waste it on stuff he isn't really very good at and then refuse to improve at the same time. Same with the Danny guy and his music, some of the stuff I heard was pretty good but he still insists on doing this gig of playing games and giggling at them all the time for a living. guess I'm in no place to judge.

            • 11 months ago

              >Same with the Danny guy and his music, some of the stuff I heard was pretty good but he still insists on doing this gig of playing games and giggling at them all the time for a living. guess I'm in no place to judge.
              You can listen to his older band Skyhill or his newer band Shadow Academy

            • 11 months ago

              >Same with the Danny guy and his music
              Danny still makes music and, when he isn't paired with Arin, it can be pretty good. I actually like a lot of his NSP stuff and his crossovers with TWRP (stupid names, I know). Admittingly, some of the NSP songs can, in their attempt at comedy, completely fricking miss the mark. I either really dig or really hate their songs. I recently heard this song and I unironically love it.

              So at the very least, Danny seems to still be able to put out decent music at times.

          • 11 months ago

            This. He made a handful of demonstrably good points with MMX. This set the bar high and made it seem Arin knew his shit.
            ...Then he made episode 2, and it was pure taking a shit on a game he didn't grow up with, that he didn't have the patience for because he is diagnosably ADHD. He made the mistake that nobody else wants to read anything ever because he can't be bothered. And the rest is history.

            • 11 months ago

              Megaman X WAS episode 2. Episode 1 was Castlevania 1&2. He also did a shorter one about Super Castlevania before the Zelda one.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh yeah. I barely even remember the castlevania one.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh yeah. I barely even remember the castlevania one.

                Castlevania one was shit, he's a brainlet using food analogies calling Metroidvania game design "fast food" as if that type of game doesn't come with its own hurdle of development difficulties as you have to account for everything the player might do and the gear he may have, while Classicvania relies more on smart enemy positioning so the player can make-do as long as his reflexes are good.

          • 11 months ago

            >But that would go against the super simplified narrative, wouldn't it?
            No not at all. I think you misremembered the series. The episode explained that games continually struggling with designing a way to teach players how to play their game. Old games tended to have no instruction and unintuitive design, new games suffer from informational overload controller schematics. At no point did he says classic mega man suffered from "MEGAMAN MEGAMAN" just that one of the games in the series did that, and it was not good design. In fact he praises the classics because they were simple enough to figure out just by a player being a human being (jump and shoot man). And then Mega Man X added new mechanics while being ingeniously designed in its levels by allowing those epiphanies about the mechanics to come from just playing the game.

            • 11 months ago

              >At no point did he says classic mega man suffered from "MEGAMAN MEGAMAN"
              Then why did the motherfricker use Roll? Why didn't he use Alia? SHE was the one who infamously stopped gameplay every few steps in X5, the lowest-budget X game.

              • 11 months ago

                Because it was for comedic effect. It's not a secret psyop to get the viewers to implant that classic mega man was bad. Because he says classic mega man was really good. He goes back to classic mega man as the foundational example over and over.

              • 11 months ago

                It just doesn't work, even as a joke when there's so many to grab from. X8 alone give us 3 b***hes. I imagine it only works for the most casual of casuals who only play 2, but they again will lean to "haha megaman get bad" as a whole.

              • 11 months ago

                Alright fair enough

              • 11 months ago

                Because Roll is cuter

              • 11 months ago

                Ciel works better if you want a "cute child who interrupts you against you will for the "haha Arin punched a child" joke.

                >Not based because they're not being held to the standard they hold everyone else.
                It's interesting how all these people from the California content creator circle are almost all the same. Normies love talking about the fall of Idubbbz and all the other gays from his circle but most people who have known about the shit regarding the Grumps are already used to the fact that these people are grifters that don't actually care about the "moral standards" they seem to uphold.

                I've seen the comments from "lovelies" (what a fricking disgusting fandom nickname) but it's not even apathy, it's blind wienersucking.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't get it either. He went from a dude with a specific style of content that OTHER people would imitate, to yet another YouTuber who decided to copy the Plinkett schtick.

          • 11 months ago

            It was the case with a lot of NGtubers who were afraid of censorship back then. It's a persistent, but interesting dichotomy between Oney and Arin because they both ended at the same place but Oney kept his style and manner the entire time whereas Arin felt pressured to become what worked best for his fans.

          • 11 months ago

            Animation is hard and takes lots of work with little payoff. Sitting on your ass while cracking jokes with your friends is easy and gives tons of money because you can crank out content so fast.

            • 11 months ago

              I was talking more about Sequelitis and how everyone on YouTube suddenly shifted to reviews with a cartoon persona as content after RLM got big with the Star Wars review. Sequelitis definitely felt like it was bandwagoning off of that.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you mean cartoon personas specifically made for that YouTuber?
                'cause people were using screengrabs of anime and cartoon characters as their personas for videos for a while before RLM did the prequel videos.

        • 11 months ago

          I still don't know what Arin was smoking. Pelo's video was absolutely harmless. He spent so little time shitting on the people and just making a bizarre trip starring a handful of (presumably) familiar story time animators.

        • 11 months ago

          Does not giving a hit about anything anymore count? I can't be bothered.

          Not sure. He made some good points though, and people were probably excited for more egoraptor stuff. He probably quit when he didn't get immediate recognition and money for low effort content.

          every flaw would be unnecessary. the fact of simply stating a few is more than enough to discredit and disqualify it. opening chests takes too long, and theres no reason to have boxes telling you all about bombs or whatever EVERY single time. dialogue boxes in general could objectively be seriously refined. textures are hideous. the game is easy to break. enemies are too passive and non-threatening, while also being too evasive/invulnerable. a lot of areas are completely empty and pointless. controls are janky. the list goes on an on, and more importantly, every single aspect of the game has been improved upon and/or refined by some other since then. it has aged like milk.

          >enemies are too passive and non-threatening, while also being too evasive/invulnerable
          >Hold block
          >wait for them to turn/ land /miss an attack
          >hit them
          Played OOT as an adult, never finished because of this.

  5. 11 months ago

    egoraptor was always a homosexual you just didn't know any better, even back in the day.

    also he's a massive sellout with shit taste.

  6. 11 months ago

    >He went on to do Game Grumps and I lost interest, then he returned for one more music video.

    You skipped the entirety of Grumps and expect to not cringe at Star Bomb? That means you missed out on what a fricking pathetic, self proclaimed pill addict human being Danny Sexbang (yes, his name should always be fully spelled to mock him) is. Who, like Jon, basically ran the whole fricking show while Arin sat next to him saying "Yeh." like AVGN these days. That guy was creative and a voice actor and was neither creative, nor a voice actor on Grumps. And he got even lazier once he realized you can make money while gaming or talking, just like many other animators did (Jellopocalypse, Zone).

    My moment when I stopped giving a shit was when they invited him on stage at some con, maybe it was E3, maybe Penny Arcade, I forgot, to play a game and he was extremely embarassing. You just wondered how such a person got so much fans.

    Also his wife is so fugly it makes me angry, and he tried to shill her hard.

    • 11 months ago

      >My moment when I stopped giving a shit was when they invited him on stage at some con, maybe it was E3, maybe Penny Arcade, I forgot, to play a game and he was extremely embarassing.
      In Arin's defense, the Nintendo World Championship itself was awful. Whose stupid idea was it to host a tournament with random Nintendo games and expect contestants to play them well.
      It also gave us Narcissa Wright.

      • 11 months ago

        I think its a shitty idea to let people play live on stage in general but he just doesn't have stage presence. He just seems like a guy who should have stuck to his goddamn animations. I'm at a point where I even doubt he made them considering he started to outsource them all, and the Awesome series looks vastly different than e.g. Sequelitis in drawing style.

        I know thats not Cinemaphile related but regarding doing videogame stuff on stage... isn't it amazing that we don't have to sit through EA Sports shit and Ubisoft cringe anymore to get to the interesting stuff since E3 is dead?

      • 11 months ago

        I love that it was so shitty it literally broke a man’s brain

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >Narcissa Wright
        The fact that her name sounds like Narcissist makes me laugh. Her parents were psychics.

  7. 11 months ago

    I had the strangest epiphany with this show. I discovered it, I was obsessed with it. I watched all the shorts on their website. Then I finished them all and thought to myself, "That wasn't super great".

    I don't even know why I was obsessed with it. I think it was just that era of the internet where FREE content exclusive to the internet was a rarity, you felt like you had to watch it. It was also way easier to sneak around and watch Happy Tree Friends than South Park on the big TV. Maybe I was just curious about what raunchy cartoons were since I was banned from watching them.

    • 11 months ago

      For me it's the opposite.
      After rewatching this as an adult, I realize it's a timeless masterpiece

  8. 11 months ago

    I'm sure there is stuff I've out grown in terms of content or specific media but I feel like most of the time from my teens to adulthood has been more so just building up on my already established interests

  9. 11 months ago
  10. 11 months ago

    I still regularly enjoy Team Fabulous 2

    • 11 months ago

      As for I anon, along with Mass Defect.

      • 11 months ago

        I love you

      • 11 months ago

        Nice doing business with you

  11. 11 months ago

    It's not that you outgrew, but that Egoraptor's humor has degraded into screaming like an idiot, doing his "cool rap guy" voice, and a slightly different kind of screaming. He's totally regressed in every way as any kind of creator or artist and he has to rely on far more talented people to try and polish his turds for him. I bet Jon left because he was sick of dealing with Aaron's bullshit and Danny probably wishes he got out years ago, but went and made the mistake of entangling himself with Aaron until the fat moronic homosexual decides to leave on his own or kills himself first.

    • 11 months ago

      >I bet Jon left because he was sick of dealing with Aaron's bullshit

      Looking at Jon's videos today (which is a whole different can of worms... sigh...) I'm very sure he wanted to develop Game Grumps further than sitting on his ass and cracking all the jokes, but Arin was either too lazy or mad that Jon would steal his spotlight.

      With Danny, Arin found the perfect person who's shitty at literally anything than sitting around and shows no ambitions. But hell, dare I say it... even Danny eventually got funnier and more active than Arin in the few Danny-starring Grumps episodes I watched. Yeah I jumped ship HARD when it became nothing but Danny proudly telling his drugs and bawds stories as if I'm supposed to know him. I don't want to know a guy who unironically calls himself, and I repeat, Danny Sexbang.

      • 11 months ago

        >Looking at Jon's videos today (which is a whole different can of worms... sigh...) I'm very sure he wanted to develop Game Grumps further than sitting on his ass and cracking all the jokes, but Arin was either too lazy or mad that Jon would steal his spotlight.
        I'm pretty sure videos going over the "controversy" have said the exact opposite. Jon wanted it to be a fun get-together but Arin was interested in branding and merchandising and losing the spirit.

        • 11 months ago

          Arin wanted a business where Jon wanted a channel to be creative. I am certain the bigger issue is Jon wanted to do more fun stuff while Arin wanted to pearl clutch and probably started to push for the things they talked about never doing (shit we are seeing now). I am more certain THAT is what caused the break away than some stupid conspiracy of Jon hitting Susie or some other stupid shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >He went on to do Game Grumps and I lost interest, then he returned for one more music video.

        You skipped the entirety of Grumps and expect to not cringe at Star Bomb? That means you missed out on what a fricking pathetic, self proclaimed pill addict human being Danny Sexbang (yes, his name should always be fully spelled to mock him) is. Who, like Jon, basically ran the whole fricking show while Arin sat next to him saying "Yeh." like AVGN these days. That guy was creative and a voice actor and was neither creative, nor a voice actor on Grumps. And he got even lazier once he realized you can make money while gaming or talking, just like many other animators did (Jellopocalypse, Zone).

        My moment when I stopped giving a shit was when they invited him on stage at some con, maybe it was E3, maybe Penny Arcade, I forgot, to play a game and he was extremely embarassing. You just wondered how such a person got so much fans.

        Also his wife is so fugly it makes me angry, and he tried to shill her hard.

        Dan is quickly getting to an age where it's no longer cute to go by "Danny Sexbang" unironically. I wonder if he's going to try for rebranding soon.

        • 11 months ago

          >Dan is quickly getting to an age where it's no longer cute to go by "Danny Sexbang"
          Anon, that age is 27.
          Dan is 44. And his band is called Ninja Sex Party.
          There's no turning back for him, he's in it to win it.

      • 11 months ago

        Ever since after The Christmas with the Kranks video, his videos all fell over produced but also half assed at the same time. He sleep walks throught making silly faces, shouting and sketches but hey, it's all well lit and 4K

      • 11 months ago

        >who unironically calls himself, and I repeat, Danny Sexbang
        I'm pretty sure it's the very definition of ironic considering the character he plays as part of NSP is a sexless loser who talks about coming infinitely close to scoring before Ninja Brian fricks it up in some way. It's all part of the same long-running joke.

        • 11 months ago

          Depends where on the NSP timeline whichever song you're listening to falls
          Near the beginning where Danny Sexbang is a young sexless loser living at his parent's place or one near the end where he's a super being that rails a million women a day and has infinity dollars and ci-fi adventures

      • 11 months ago

        All evidence points to the opposite but for the reasons you mentioned. Jon wanted to keep game grumps a once a week throw away filming while they both worked on their main things. Arin liked the low commitment high return and wanted game grumps to be the focus. The E3 when they were blowing up Jon got super drunk and missed events they had planned the next day because gg was not a big deal to him. Arin was super straight edge at that time and was pissed because he knew game grumps was the golden egg and thus they fell apart.

    • 11 months ago

      Is Danny still part of the group? I dropped off from Game Grumps and pretty much everything else Arin was a part of I think the year they did the Ryu Vs Ken animation. Not because of it but that's about the last thing I remember watching from them.

    • 11 months ago

      His name is "Arin".
      Spelling his name wrong is a disservice to people actually named Aaron.

      • 11 months ago

        I honestly forgot because I haven't thought about or watched anything Arin/Grumps related in years, until OP reminded me of the Mario video.

  12. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    Yo bawds check out my yacht

  14. 11 months ago

    I remember seeing him do an interview with these two


  15. 11 months ago

    I remember watching the Nintendo Championship in 2017 with one of my friends at the time, and he unironically thought that Arin was going to win.
    Afterwards, the same friend tried to convince me to watch Steven Universe by showing Greg's musical number, and that's when I came to the sudden and aggressive realization that "Wow. I hate everything about this and everyone involved with this fandom".

    Never hung out with him again after that. I can genuinely say it made my life better.

    • 11 months ago

      >convince me to watch Steven Universe by showing Greg's musical number, and that's when I came to the sudden and aggressive realization that "Wow. I hate everything about this and everyone involved with this fandom".
      >Never hung out with him again after that. I can genuinely say it made my life better.
      Did they troon it up after you broke up?

      • 11 months ago

        >Did they troon it up after you broke up?
        No, but he's the type of obnoxious victimized butthole that would have probably gone down that path in a heartbeat if he thought there was a remote chance that he'd pass at all.
        Dude pretty much hit all of the check marks, and he's only gotten worse over time. I'm pretty sure he's just a soulless husk who only exists to consume media and regurgitate social justice at this point.

    • 11 months ago

      >Steven Universe
      The show is so meh. The only reason why it's popular because of the r34 artwork.

  16. 11 months ago

    Arin is somehow a worse rapper than Ronnie Radke

  17. 11 months ago

    Just imagine being a grown man and having to constantly consult a walkthrough to make it through Freddi Fish, a game for actual 3 year olds.

    • 11 months ago

      Unlike some children, he never learned the concept of patience as applied to problem-solving.

  18. 11 months ago

    I haven't changed that much since I was a teenager - maybe I'm a little wiser, is all. I can't really think of any distinct moment where I thought something like, "I've outgrown this." I try to set things behind me and think about them fondly, even absolute dumpster fires like Homestuck have a special place in my heart.

  19. 11 months ago

    Arin's safe White rap about video games is extremely cringy. Most of those Star Bomb songs are pure cringe.
    I'm glad Oney and his current group didn't stoop to making such lowest common denominator media.

  20. 11 months ago

    the only good Starbomb song by virtue of having no tryhard jokes or rapping

  21. 11 months ago

    I stuck with the Game Grumps thing uncomfortably fricking long considering the direction it was clearly headed. I just wanted the edgy humour he used to do, but then I realised that by the time it was completely gone I was regretting having ever wanted it in the first place. He caters a majority of his stuff to kids now from what I've seen.

    • 11 months ago

      I think when he gave Danny shit one live stream for being "mean" to something fictional, is when i was officially over it.

      Arin was clearly going through some shit, drinking during the live streams. TRYING to see what would work, and make being an online celebrity fulfilling after 5+ years. I'm only partially sorry for him, but he put all that shit on himself to try and keep his 'business' together, when youtube is a shitty platform to try and maintain a career on.

      So I get it, that he wanted to avoid his channel being demonetized YET again, and had tell his co-star, who is 1000% more put together and mentally stable than him, that he was being "offensive" was so fricking crazy to listen to. Arin doesn't HAVE to do any of the things that he put on himself, but it's Danny's fault for wanting to have fun with his friend.

      Yeah I forgot what the "offensive thing" was, I think danny called a fictional girl a prostitute as a joke. It was something that when they started doing grumps together was apart of their skits constantly.

      • 11 months ago

        So he is also going the idubz route of cucking himself preemptively, lets see how long until his wife opens an OF

  22. 11 months ago


    >Um, aren't they like, too old to be funny? That's kinda cringe no cap senpai frfr

  23. 11 months ago

    I know there were a lot of youtubers that I lost interest in over the years, but for me, the biggest thing I dropped was when I was a tween. Ironically, it was cartoons. I just could not get into the new crop of toons in the early 2010s like Adventure Time and Regular Show. They all seemed so kiddy and stupid to me. On top of that, the only other toons were the mighty B and Fanboy, which both sucked. It was either that or mediocre shit like squirrel boy. I just could not care, so I stopped watching them and turned to reality TV. I still kept in touch with the community through rebel taxi, but that was it. Ironically, as well, I got more into comics as an adult.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe you could give Regular Show another chance. I was on my 20s when it aired and I related to the characters and woes a lot but at the same time laughed at the out there borderline stoner humor scenarios. I also appreciated the small tidbits like Mordo and Rig owning a Master System.

      And of course, in my 30s I enjoyed Close Enough big time.

      • 11 months ago

        close enough rules. I hate that it was written off for dem taxes because it threaded that needle of 'wacky stoner humor' and 'relatable' so well.

        'Hope you guys like WHEEZER'

    • 11 months ago

      Regular Show was always our hangover remedy when we started drinking as 17 year olds during gaming sleepovers, and it was great

  24. 11 months ago


    How old were these guys, you zoomer dipshit?

    I feel line I see you two every thread.

  25. 11 months ago

    SuperMega was always better than GG.

    • 11 months ago

      Supermega are just a diet coke GG. And are somehow less funny than Arin and Danny. Matt is an annoying zelinnial trying too hard to be like Niel Cicierega and Ryan is is just the butt of every joke like Arin but more boring. Never understood the the appeal of Supermega.

      • 11 months ago

        IMO it feels like they're actually putting a little more effort/creativity into their stuff, GG has stayed with the typical letsplays/animations/shitty game raps meanwhile SM seems to be branching out more.

    • 11 months ago

      supermega are painfully unfunny. they're one of the hard reasons why I couldn't watch GG after barry left. they are horribly untalented, have no comedic timing, and are plainly unfunny, jesus christ.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off ding dong

  26. 11 months ago

    Some of his stuff was fine but I came across it all out of order. So the last of his Egoraptor stuff I watched was probably the nurse joy farting fetish joke thing and that was when I stopped watching the content. Ironically, all these years later, and he's still heavily into joking about women shitting and farting. It's not even just a general issue of staying childish and making lowbrow humor, it's that garbage specifically that made me also stop bothering with Game Grumps, which I enjoyed for his other co-hosts to begin with.

  27. 11 months ago

    I always found it weirdly hypocritical and BS moralising he did a whole Starbomb about Samus not wanting to be seen as just a sexual figure but the only time women are mentioned in most of animations are pretty much always in a sexual context

    • 11 months ago

      I’m convinced Arin is a vrigin even if he’s married

  28. 11 months ago



    • 11 months ago

      what it says behind?

      • 11 months ago

        It’s her siding with the writers having a troony-fit strike despite treating her staff no better and losing creative control of one of her IPs

    • 11 months ago

      Alright but why is she drawn so off model?

  29. 11 months ago

    Ballad of luigi was always egregiously overrated garbage
    "haha what if mario was sexually aggressive and rapped about his wiener hahaha also toad is shaped like a penis cause mushroom lmao"

    frick off

  30. 11 months ago

    Egoraptor LITERALLY sold his soul (animation) to do SHITTY LETS PLAYS
    and EVEN WORSE music

  31. 11 months ago

    >edits "Damn right, homie! Mmm-mmm"
    >leaves in Meryl calling the colonel a gay
    What did he mean by this?

  32. 11 months ago

    >meanwhile, in the stamper universe...

    • 11 months ago

      I'm surprised he isn't dead

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking methheads. Makes me want to frick with the methhead across the street from me rn. Useless parasites.

  33. 11 months ago

    Never liked egoraptor, back when he wasn't a b***h at best I was indifferent to his non-cartoon activities. Still like the starbomb MVs

  34. 11 months ago

    People need to accept that they peaked early with Goof Troop.

    • 11 months ago

      I kind of wonder if the Game Grumps made Goof Troop on SNES a more valued item or less valued.

  35. 11 months ago

    This shit just reminds me about how basic Aron's gaming tastes are and why I hate Nintendo fans

  36. 11 months ago

    I knew he was a fraud when he made that one Megaman x video and then immediately cried about not knowing how to play Nikalodeon G.u.t.s. on snes.

  37. 11 months ago

    Jon and him say homie still the funniest shit though.

  38. 11 months ago

    the only cartoon of his that still make some laugh is the Chaotix one

  39. 11 months ago

    I think the issue is that the production value actually hurt it. It didn't feel like a goofy parody inline with notebook sketches anymore. It pushed it from silly to cringe.

  40. 11 months ago

    Everyone talks about how Jon went on to be more creative and do his own thing, but Jon's content turned into some of the most unfunniest and uncreative shit to ever grace the internet.
    >This thing is WEIRD!
    >Lemme show ya!
    >Have ya heard of X? (You probably have if you've been on the internet since 2000)
    >WHACKY wasn't it?
    >3 minute long skit of a phoned in joke with no punchline

    • 11 months ago

      I miss his video game reviews.

    • 11 months ago

      It works though. Hes not as funny as he used to be now that every video is basically a new Twitter reaction gif every five seconds.
      But while hes breaking millions of views every video, GG still struggles to break 100k. So if thats the trade off then so be it

      • 11 months ago

        Jon can probably sleep at night and not feel like a fricking loser wasting his short time in this realm, so there's that as well.

        • 11 months ago

          Maybe. But then again he'll never get over the fact that he's an Iranian larping as a white man.

          • 11 months ago

            Iranians are white.

            • 11 months ago

              we dont want them

        • 11 months ago

          Id sleep pretty soundly knowing Ive lasso'd a bunch of weirdos who are ok with repetitive jokes that throw free money at me.

        • 11 months ago

          >Jon can probably sleep at night and not feel like a fricking loser wasting his short time in this realm
          Doing what? Reacting to date shows and FlexTape?

    • 11 months ago

      I still watch every one of Jon's videos because he puts time and care into it. And there still seems to be a light behind his eyes because he seems to genuinely be having fun with it. Am I rolling on the floor? Not really. But little does that for me anyway.

    • 11 months ago

      I want Jon to do like 30 more videos interviewing all the other people from Kid Nation

  41. 11 months ago

    It's not as funny as you remember

    • 11 months ago

      how the frick did these two have ANY hope this could be a real show? it's literally just wacky faces and shouting

      • 11 months ago

        The thing is, they actually had momentum to make it happen. If they hadn't fricked up the interview (by their own retelling of how it went down), they probably would have gotten a short show deal out of it. Look at what else has aired on Adult Swim and ask yourself if their bar of quality was really that high in the first place.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm convinced it was Chris who fricked up the interview considering Zach now has a show on AS. I don't think it would have taken off even if it did get greenlit considering Chris isn't the type to be told what to do or working under people.

          • 11 months ago

            I think Zach grew as a person from the experience, and that's how he tells it too. So no, I don't think Chris alone was to blame. And Chris has been a part of some pretty big things since then too, so they both probably have.

            • 11 months ago

              >grew as a person
              If you mean struck gold by getting the SpongeBob gig and then using his friend to his advantage then sure.

              • 11 months ago

                Damn bro, it's not like most industries doesn't already work on connections or something. Can't blame the guy for networking.

              • 11 months ago

                That’s fine but mythologize the homosexual just cause he got lucky. Zach would be still schilling his half assed podcast if he none of his friends went to bat for him.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                I'm going to choose to believe he worked hard and tooled his shit with Mike Cusack because they're both talented, funny guys. But if you want to shrug all that off, fine bro.

              • 11 months ago

                And if you want to believe appealing to lowest common denominator as hard work, then sure.

              • 11 months ago

                Damn bro, guess that's why you don't have your own show then? Too much integrity?

              • 11 months ago

                No, it was that fricker Genndy tartakovsky, he cucked me out of my one chance in the industry

              • 11 months ago

                >well you don’t have show
                Lol what an argument.

              • 11 months ago

                When someone is this mad over someone they've never met, jealousy is definitely a factor.

              • 11 months ago

                More like there autistic fanbase is bunch of mouth breathers with no standards and literal plague on medium of television.

              • 11 months ago

                I lack the networking and nepotism It saddens me, I always wanted to pitch something cute like Mina and the Count.

          • 11 months ago

            They've told the story about fricking up the interview a couple times, it sounded like they just weren't prepared for something that professional. Zach specifically said they didn't compromise on anything (In regards to it being a show about hell but AS already had one of those, even though their show barely even seems hell-related)

          • 11 months ago

            I agree because Chris is kind of a fricking basketcase I've noticed. He hides it pretty well but he's a fullbore manchild when he gets going. It's his way or the highway and he will complain every step of the way if you actually get him to agree to something he doesn't want to do.

            • 11 months ago

              If you ever watch Oneyplays where Chris is playing some online game with strangers he gets his panties in a big knot when someone tries to police fun. The Harry Potter VR is a good example of that
              He also enjoys engaging with people's autism and thinks it's cool when people do whatever they want, like when he played Second Life

      • 11 months ago

        >it's literally just wacky faces
        To be completely fair, those are some high quality wacky faces. Ground breaking for their era even.

      • 11 months ago

        That's literally smiling friends.

      • 11 months ago

        Man, like 99% of shows that happen during that time were wacky stupid shit happening.
        You think the show about the dog eating pickles was any better?
        At least with Hellbenders, they had actual joke, pickles was basically "GORE, BESTIALITY, SEX, WATCH YOUR OWN BUTTHOLE".

    • 11 months ago

      Even if it's not, it still breaks my heart that we didn't get more.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, it is.

    • 11 months ago

      Funnier than smiling friends by a large margin.

    • 11 months ago

      I watched one recently and I totally forgot how unfunny it really was, I thought to myself "did I really enjoy this when I was younger?". I quoted the DBZ one to a friend at work who understood it and we had a laugh about it but I wouldn't go back and sit through these over all, they're too akward and genuinely not funny

    • 11 months ago

      Of course not.
      It probably doesn't help that ive watched/listened to endless hours of animations, podcasts, and oneyplays by these guys now. Im just more desensitized to their sense of humor. So its not going to be as piss your pants funny anymore, but its still obviously good.

    • 11 months ago

      I still like this one

    • 11 months ago

      The shorts are really funny, but the leaked pilot was pretty bad.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            Wasn’t that bad

    • 11 months ago

      I love Oney to death but Hellbenders always kind of sucked, I never hated it though and I'm happy he keeps making cool and new stuff.

    • 11 months ago

      1st episode still stands up and is a blast to the past
      Christmas episode sucked even back in the day.

    • 11 months ago

      I didn’t think it was funny back then. Oney is a really funny guy but I’ve never liked his animations.

    • 11 months ago

      Eat shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Smiling friends turned out pretty good

  42. 11 months ago

    I'm not gonna pretend I have good taste but "video game parody music" is where talent goes to die, it's never good, ever, it's probably one of the most hacky ways to make content

    • 11 months ago

      You mean you aren't a huge fan of the hit band Rex Viper?

      • 11 months ago

        Not the biggest fan, I have to admit
        Now Racist Mario on the other hand, THAT's quality parody content

    • 11 months ago

      Video game parody in general is bottom of the barrel entertainment. I'd sooner click on a "Cats doing funny things compilation" than look at another animation of Pokemon killing each other like a real wiener fight or Mario getting high on shrooms. So much of these punchlines are just the same fricking thing to the point where I ALMOST found DiggedyDemon's "Luigi's Day Out" to be funny just on the virtue of it being different and unexpected.

      • 11 months ago

        This and why is it always the same stupid games being parodied? It's almost always a Nintendo or Nintendo adjacent franchise like there's really nothing else to make parodies of

        • 11 months ago

          Because no one would care about a Vectorman parody no matter how funny.

        • 11 months ago

          >It's almost always a Nintendo or Nintendo adjacent franchise like there's really nothing else to make parodies of
          If you're a hack going for low hanging fruit to parody, nintendo is what gives the clicks

        • 11 months ago

          Nintendo is popular. Nintendo gets easy views+upvotes+likes+whatever. Nintendo games are very cartoony and silly, so real world logic or shock humor applied to Mario or Pikmin is an easier punchline.

          The only time I've liked video game comics is when they reference TF2, but that's just because TF2 is inherently funny on its own.

      • 11 months ago

        my biggest problem with these comics is that they feature people pretending that new horizons was a good game

  43. 11 months ago

    He should've finished Girl Chan in Paradise.

  44. 11 months ago

    It was when the early 2010's era of game grumps, lets plays, animation, YTPs and weird angry game reviewers made way for stuff like FilthyFrank, drama and H3H3 in my recommendations that it sorta dawned on me that I was done being a terminally online teenager
    I still spent too much time on forums and Cinemaphile though, even way past the honeymoon phase when it just felt depressive to go on these boards anymore.
    In my defence though I had to stay sane in college through other means than work and drinking

  45. 11 months ago

    I remember really enjoying this when I was around 12 or so. I came around to it during the submarine arc and periodically checked the website for new episodes. I even remember showing my friends and looking back, I can't remember if they thought it was cringey and were just humoring me, or if they were also dumb kids who thought it was funny. I can't remember their reaction at all.

    Anyway, I got older, forgot about it. Thought about it randomly, tried to go to the website and of course the website was gone and the episodes were no where to be found. Then time passed, I discovered all the episodes were re-uploaded and on YouTube, and got hit with a huge wave of reality as I thought to myself how much this web series fricking sucked. The only good episode is the LAN one and that's just because half the jokes are stolen.

    • 11 months ago

      what is the name of this, I'm drawing a blank here

      • 11 months ago

        Bonus Stage

    • 11 months ago

      Literal same. I remember being upset for a week when he stopped.

  46. 11 months ago

    I used to think his loud, ranty voice was just a schtick he did for characters, it took me much later to realize it was legitimately how he talks and only way he knows how to sound funny.

  47. 11 months ago

    >49 Million views
    >37 Million views
    >Fifty-fricking-nine million views
    >17 Million views
    >15 Million views
    >All this over videogame characters rapping
    Gaijin Goombah got crucified for his cringe sins, i know Arin didn't got the same treatment becouse it was better animated and the music was better, but he still belongs in a cross

    • 11 months ago

      >Gaijin Goombah
      That's a name I haven't heard for a long time.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m sorry but nothing Arin has ever done can compare to pic related.

      • 11 months ago

        That hurts just looking at it. Post the vid please, I’m in the mood for some crap kino.

        • 11 months ago

          May god have mercy on your soul for wanting to watch something so cringe

          • 11 months ago

            Hard mode fap. I can do this.

            • 11 months ago

              I failed and blew my load on a sandwich from Charlies instead. I'm sorry.

          • 11 months ago

            Man the man must be happy he's hardly remember about this

      • 11 months ago

        Remember when they tried to wipe that video from the internet?

        • 11 months ago

          This is why you keep your online and offline lives totally separate.
          Can't imagine what would happen if people tied the Gangsta Paradise parody I did when I was a brony.

      • 11 months ago

        ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.

        Used to love Egoraptor. He went on to do Game Grumps and I lost interest, then he returned for one more music video. I was excited and kinda watched it with a blank face and realized I didn't find this stuff his funny anymore.

        >49 Million views
        >37 Million views
        >Fifty-fricking-nine million views
        >17 Million views
        >15 Million views
        >All this over videogame characters rapping
        Gaijin Goombah got crucified for his cringe sins, i know Arin didn't got the same treatment becouse it was better animated and the music was better, but he still belongs in a cross

        Both of these videos give me second hand embarrassment jesus christ.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't forget his mario themed wedding.

      • 11 months ago

        I know why this video exists.

        Do you motherfrickers remember psyguy? That scummy sonic dude that used to run fireball20xl? Before the site went down and he got canceled for being a sex creep?
        I used to follow all that sonic sprite comic shit like a hawk back in the day.

        Anyway, he used to have a really crappy podcast called wha-chow, And Gaijin Goomba was a guest on one of the later episodes. And psyguy actually fricking comes up with the idea for the video, says out loud "you should make a baby got back parody but with your hot goomba babe oc" and this dumb motherfricker Gaijin Goomba goes "That's a great idea!" and actually does it like 2 weeks later.

        tldr: Gajin got the "Goomba got back" idea wholesale from a completely different but equally autistic lolcow, psyguy.

        • 11 months ago

          Is Gaijin Goombah a lolcow? What did he do? I haven't watched him since 2014, around the release of Gunvolt.

          • 11 months ago

            Gaijin Goombah is cringe but I don't consider him a lolcow. He doesn't have that many controversies under his belt aside from the Baby Got back video, and I think he acknowledges how dumb that was a makes fun of it himself

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, figures. Like he was also mad by people b***hing about him modifying his voice in his earlier videos but I don't blame the guy for wanting to keep privacy. In fact, I think he should've never stopped, given this era of cancelations and doxxings.

        • 11 months ago

          Holy shit lmao. That's amazing. I used to watch some psyguy stuff but it all got purged when he got outed as a sex pest.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, I've still got some of the podcasts he did with LittleKuriboh.

            • 11 months ago

              That's a fricking blast from the past.

            • 11 months ago

              Whatever happened to LittleKuriboh? His stuff was interesting with the abridge stuff and he had s good voice for voice acting.

              Also a shame how team four star went down the tube. Nobody likes their stuff besides their DBZ abridged content, would have been nice if they ended it at the Buu saga since nobody likes GT

              • 11 months ago

                >Also a shame how team four star went down the tube. Nobody likes their stuff besides their DBZ abridged content, would have been nice if they ended it at the Buu saga since nobody likes GT
                It's what they deserve. They ruined the DBZ fanbase, which I thought is impossible because it's already pretty bad, with the abridged. The last few seasons weren't even that funny because those cucks kept putting in their politics, calling random shit sexist and making gay shipping fanfics. I like to imagine that it hit them like a truck when the view counts on all their non-abridged content was a tiny fraction of what the main series was raking in.

              • 11 months ago

                What kind of politics? All i remember were the Dende gay jokes towards Gohan, i never dug deeper as to why they just didnt continue into Buu, I bet their patreon took a massive hit when after the Cell Saga ended.

              • 11 months ago

                The official reason is because "everybody hates the Buu saga, right? SSJ3 Goku was never popular!"

                The real reason was because they want to become professional voice actors and became threatened with blacklisting if they kept doing DBZA.

              • 11 months ago

                Threaten by companies that would hire them, people in the industry or who?

                Also Buu saga is the most ridiculous one, that one is a goldmine of untouched content they could have lambasted. DBZ is still popular nonetheless and they could have squeeze what was left of that series before disappearing into the void of irrelevance they are now.

              • 11 months ago

                Also they were on the cusp of getting sued for selling copyrighted symbols. How Abridged lasted as long as it did I'll never understand

        • 11 months ago

          >and actually does it like 2 weeks later.
          Sounds like bullshit, it would take longer than that for LivingTombstone to animate the video. Basically you should frick off trying to make this about some lowcow, you fricking troony.

    • 11 months ago

      Video game references sell, anon.

      • 11 months ago

        Most of those views are from unsupervised 2nd graders on their tablets.

        • 11 months ago

          And the views exist because FNAF sells because it's a video game and video games have a high chance of being mega popular.

      • 11 months ago

        Reminds me of that Undertale parody of that Steven Universe song absolutely crushing the latter in viewer counts.

    • 11 months ago

      >>All this over videogame characters rapping
      The raps kind of suck compared to like Duane and Brando, who did it long before Starbomb

    • 11 months ago

      >Gaijin Goombah
      haven't heard that name in years lmao. I was a child at the time, what the frick did he do apart from the thing below

      I’m sorry but nothing Arin has ever done can compare to pic related.

    • 11 months ago

      >Gaijin Goombah
      My god I haven't thought about that homosexual in a very long time. He made some video explaining some japanese "concepts" that didn't "exist" outside the japanese language and regarded that shit with reverence. His fade into obscurity was well earned.
      >Imagine convincing your wife to have a Super Mario wedding

      • 11 months ago


  48. 11 months ago

    Everything. It if doesn't have Jesus Christ in it, then it is a heartless monster of a product rejecting our true God.

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  49. 11 months ago

    You outgrew nothing, you're just lamenting your anal tastebuds changed otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.

  50. 11 months ago

    >ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.
    I'm still on fricking Cinemaphile ain't I

  51. 11 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't care for Doug Walker anymore.

    • 11 months ago

      I wish he'd just do what he does without the fricking BS personalities. That's why I could never really warm up to him. He has interesting things to say, but his shtick ruins it for me.

      Lindsey sort of had the same problem.

    • 11 months ago

      I used to watch so much NC back in 2012-2014 but the skits and shit got too annoying. Even then, the his opinions sound too moronic, like he literally doesn't understand the media he's reviewing (like the treasure planet disneycember). I don't even really watch YouTubers anymore, other than some animators

    • 11 months ago

      I just find it bizarre that out of the so many content creators, especially of the old Channel Awesome days, Doug Walker came out to be the most well rounded individual of the bunch with minimal skeletons in the closet

      • 11 months ago

        Not really that surprising since he was older than a bunch of them and had been "in the world" a bit more.

      • 11 months ago

        Not really that surprising since he was older than a bunch of them and had been "in the world" a bit more.

        CinemaSnob is just as old I think but damn his life is such a trainwreck in comparison to Doug. I mean sure the guy is a raging liberal and kind of a piece of shit but damn all the alcoholism and drug abuse along with getting cheated on just sucks I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself.

        • 11 months ago

          Isn't Brad a happily married author dad now?
          I mean, RIP Lloyd the cat, but he seems to be in a better place.

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself
          Not for a lack of trying

        • 11 months ago

          I'm surprised the Brad defenders didn't swarm your post

      • 11 months ago

        He's biggest crime is being really annoying, self indulgent and uninterested to grow or learn as a person
        Sometimes that's worse than being a manipulator or coniver. If I'd to have someone as a next door nieghbour from CA, I wouldn't mind living next to him as long as he kept to himself but I'd to be stuck on a 4 hour bus trip with anyone from CA, he'd be bottom of my list

    • 11 months ago

      His problem is he still does his persona when he should've give that up ages ago

      Why does Peach always look hotter in everu art style that isn’t the usual Mario one?

      • 11 months ago

        He tried. His views plummeted and he was forced to bring the Critic back to keep the ad revenue up. He does to his credit do some out of character content for more serious discussions, much like AVGN does for movie talk.

    • 11 months ago

      This, I loved him religiously when I was a teen back in the late 00s/early 10s, around 20 I realised he was never funny or insightful, it's honestly my darkest secret

      • 11 months ago

        i can't watch any reviews about cartoons anymore. you start getting close to the age of the adults reviewing cartoons and you realize that these people are actually pathetic (i.e. RebelTaxi)

        • 11 months ago

          >says this but still most likely browses and posts on this board
          Do you honestly want to convince us you’re “normal”?

          • 11 months ago

            no. but that doesn't change the sad feeling i get when i see someone reviewing The Powerpuff Girls finale in 2023

    • 11 months ago

      >Loved edgy Newground shit when a preteen, grow out of it
      >Get nostalgic for it when I was college age
      >Get into YTP when I was a teen
      >Grow out of it when college aged
      >Get nostaglic for it in my mid 20s
      >Get into Channel Awseome late teen/early college years
      >Grow out of it in my early 20s and never look back
      Please don't tell me I'm gonna get a soft spot for it soon. It's one of my austisic internet humour obessions I look back on with zero fondness

    • 11 months ago

      Peak NC was the AVGN vs NC arc, everything after that is garbage

  52. 11 months ago

    bro fell off when he sold out not to mention clinging to a dead type of youtube content not many people watch lets plays anymore
    i watch the 10 minute power hour but thats it

  53. 11 months ago

    > ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.
    imma be real with you dawg, i still enjoy 90% of the same shit that I did when I was a teenager

    • 11 months ago

      i've entirely lost interest in video games, primarily b/c the target audience are teenagers who are willing to dump well over two hours a day on a game and it all seems like a mediocre waste of time by this point. that being said, i spend an inordinate amount studying the board game Go

  54. 11 months ago

    so, what's you spergs opinions on Lyle McDouchebag, or Lyle Wrath, or guitarmasterx7 at his youngest? The other guy oneyplays has on. He made some machinimas, wrote or at least voiced cartoon other people drew and and reads videogame news sort of funnily on pregame discharge.
    I'm not asking for validation, Just sort of curious about the people in this board.
    here's an example

    • 11 months ago

      I like Lyle. 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      I like Lyle as a person yet I can't say if I find his brand of humor funny anymore. Most of his solo stuff sounds like he's tired and he's definitely sounds out of it whenever he's in an Oneyplays episode. Sanity Not Included has not aged well but I can confidently say I'd prefer that over any of the newer stuff.

    • 11 months ago

      I think he's one of the better OneyPlays guests. At his worst, he's inoffensive. At his best, he's carrying an entire bit (i.e. him describing why Rouge the Bat is so attractive).

  55. 11 months ago

    The Lazer collection. Some of it still gets a chuckle out of me today but you can tell it's pretty flat humor.

    • 11 months ago

      To be honest almost 90% of old internet humor is pretty cringeworthy looking back. sure there was a charm in it's simple and wild community which is completely gone now, but the actual quality of those videos and series are a lot worse than I remember.

      You are not seriously comparing classic Looney Tubes and Tom and Jerry to Mario talking about his dick in a rap video.

      What were you thinking?

      this. It's amazing how cartoons literally decades old are still more fresh and funny than something like starbomb

      • 11 months ago

        Like any of the old Mr. Weeble videos could easily apply to this.

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Like any of the old Mr. Weeble videos could easily apply to this.

            Weebl basically just makes synth music now doesn't he?

      • 11 months ago

        >To be honest almost 90% of old internet humor is pretty cringeworthy looking back. sure there was a charm in it's simple and wild community which is completely gone now, but the actual quality of those videos and series are a lot worse than I remember
        Almost all of it was bad because most internet people back then thought being loud equaled funny. I always look back on the hypocrisy of people who used to watch Newgrounds stuff saying it was peak comedy while shitting on guys like Fred saying how gay that shit was when they were basically the same things: being loud and autistic/spastic

        • 11 months ago

          Hell people STILL think being loud equals funny, instead of screaming they just replace it with clips of memes screaming

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah the autistic screaming has been replaced with sound clips but distorted or bass boosted to blow your eardrums out.

        • 11 months ago

          >while shitting on guys like Fred saying how gay that shit was when they were basically the same things: being loud and autistic/spastic
          You're not getting it.
          The problem with Fred was that it was low quality effortless trash.
          The reason Newgrounds stuff got a pass is because animation at least took effort, and there was a funny aspect to seeing art reduced to something so derivative.
          It wasn't just loud screaming. It was screaming with a passion. And the better that animation was, the screaming unironically became funnier.

        • 11 months ago

          Loud can be funny (looney tunes and SpongeBob even did it at times with the screaming) but it’s all in the execution and the amount they did it

      • 11 months ago

        >To be honest almost 90% of old internet humor is pretty cringeworthy looking back. sure there was a charm in it's simple and wild community which is completely gone now, but the actual quality of those videos and series are a lot worse than I remember
        Almost all of it was bad because most internet people back then thought being loud equaled funny. I always look back on the hypocrisy of people who used to watch Newgrounds stuff saying it was peak comedy while shitting on guys like Fred saying how gay that shit was when they were basically the same things: being loud and autistic/spastic

        Hell people STILL think being loud equals funny, instead of screaming they just replace it with clips of memes screaming

        The reason Loud was equal to Funny back there is because the internet wasn't all over the place. So when it happened it was actually funny because it wasn't all over the place.

        Look, imagine a meme spreading in 2010 and one spreading in 2020, the one in 2010 people would just laugh, it would stay for 2-3 years and people would just forget about it (or not, some still holds ground to this day.) now in 2020, people will literally overuse them, post in every way possible, companies will spam them to increase customers and the memes in itself will have thousands of explanations about them, and then in 1 week it just goes away, forever. Remember all the dream memes of him cheating? Or the Among Us silhouette that appeared everywhere? Don't you think of them as being cringy? Sure you could say the old ones also are cringeworthy, but as

        >To be honest almost 90% of old internet humor is pretty cringeworthy looking back. sure there was a charm in it's simple and wild community which is completely gone now, but the actual quality of those videos and series are a lot worse than I remember
        Almost all of it was bad because most internet people back then thought being loud equaled funny. I always look back on the hypocrisy of people who used to watch Newgrounds stuff saying it was peak comedy while shitting on guys like Fred saying how gay that shit was when they were basically the same things: being loud and autistic/spastic

        said, there was a charm in it's simple and wild community that simply won't exist ever again. Something that I also enjoy is how Cinemaphile's memes (even if annoying) like Sneed or Basedjaks or Pepefrogs simply won't die, they aren't forced by any company and only used by users.

        Hell, even thinking back, most genres that were popular on the internet in 2000s-2010s were also loud, or agitated, like Nightcore.

        >Unrequired Verification

        • 11 months ago

          *So when it happened it was actually funny because it wasn't so overused as it is, and it took actually time for people to post things them.


        • 11 months ago

          This is also true. The mainstream rise of the internet thanks to social media and smartphones really destroyed the humor

        • 11 months ago

          >Something that I also enjoy is how Cinemaphile's memes (even if annoying) like Sneed or Basedjaks or Pepefrogs simply won't die, they aren't forced by any company and only used by users.
          That's the fricking worst part of this website at this point.
          Memes aren't supposed to last forever.
          The reason those ones have lasting power is because their users are stuck in a permanent newbie mentality.
          It feels like people used to come here on their own accord.
          Now people come here because they have no where else to go.

          • 11 months ago

            Although I agree that memes aren't supposed to last forever, I have to explain that, while annoying, it won't stop until new communities arrive. As yourself said and I couldn't say it better, the only reason people still come in here is because there is nowhere to go, and it keeps attracting new people, because there really is no community around the internet and Cinemaphile is the only reminiscing thing about the Internet.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm still hoping "kino" dies someday.
            I find it really obnoxious.

            • 11 months ago

              Kino is good, obnoxious is the idiots that use it for anything other than cinematography.

        • 11 months ago

          Although I agree that memes aren't supposed to last forever, I have to explain that, while annoying, it won't stop until new communities arrive. As yourself said and I couldn't say it better, the only reason people still come in here is because there is nowhere to go, and it keeps attracting new people, because there really is no community around the internet and Cinemaphile is the only reminiscing thing about the Internet.

          >confidently pretends to be an oldgay
          >while calling the site "Cinemaphile"

          • 11 months ago
            • 11 months ago

              You have no idea of who that character is.

  56. 11 months ago

    Arin has become such a hypocritical butthole that the majority of former Newgrounds animators don't want to have anything to do with him and Danny, who used to be a pushover of the highest caliber, started giving Arin shit during playthroughs. Egoraptor is the prime example of someone who pushes everyone away because of his own inflated sense of self worth

  57. 11 months ago

    I will never hate Arin. He got me into voice acting and animation.

  58. 11 months ago

    The Protomen > Duane and Brando >>>>>>>>Big Bad Bosses > Brentalfloss > The Megas >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starbomb

    I frickin hate the completionist but that band is still better than frickin sexbomb.


    • 11 months ago

      >Brentalfloss > The Megas
      Can’t hide your shit taste from me, heretic. The Protomen rock though, props there.

  59. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Is this really any different to the 2D>3D stuff here? Other than the cringey singing

    • 11 months ago

      honestly, did grew out of domics. Plain ass white void backgrounds and bad, inconsistent thumbnail designs

  60. 11 months ago

    I used to like Jhonen Vasquez' stuff.
    It does nothing for me nowadays.

  61. 11 months ago

    Any internet stuff that’s aged well?
    I can only think of are some original animated shorts

    • 11 months ago

      >Any internet stuff that’s aged well?
      Pretty much anything coming out of the demoscene if you count that.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm not sure how well it aged, but Neurotically Yours is still a thing that regularly gets new videos. It's one of the rare survivors of old internet

      • 11 months ago

        It hasn’t get well at all, but it’s that same kind of Hot Topic crowd of a fanbase who will simply never let it go.

    • 11 months ago

      Super Mario Bros. Z was pretty cool for just being another Mario/Sonic crossover, honestly. That big three-way fight scene on Yoshi's Island is still extremely fun to watch to this day, and it also introduced me to this song which is a bonus.

  62. 11 months ago

    Everyone's talking about shitty VG Parodies and how they're practically the lowest form of comedy, never forget Dorkly is still somehow following this same formula.

    • 11 months ago

      Holy shit I thought they died like 4 years ago


  63. 11 months ago

    I remember being in middle school and imaging how cool it would be to make these videos and show it to my friends. Thank god I never made an attempt like that

  64. 11 months ago

    This probably goes in the Harry Partridge thread but I tapped out here. Guy's too good an animator to recycle jokes from 2007.

    • 11 months ago

      He takes so long to make these I wonder if the jokes are outdated because he made them back when they were still somewhat popular

  65. 11 months ago

    Which of these old YouTubers do you recognize besides the Grumps? Do you think you'd still find any of them funny today?

    • 11 months ago

      I used got into his videos back around 2016 when he reviewed tech. He was funny and would take off his shirt and moan about some iphone or something sometimes, but mostly played his videos straight. Stopped watching around 2020 when all he did was make Le Random meme references. Good guy, bad channel direction.

    • 11 months ago

      I like how much he mellowed out over the years. He doesn't do LPs anymore but still uploads video game essays occasionally, they're alright.

      • 11 months ago

        His obsession with Eggman was kind of cringe to me

        • 11 months ago

          I can understand that, but on the other hand, Eggman is like the least cringe Sonic character to be obsessed with.

    • 11 months ago

      >the amazing atheist
      I 'member..

    • 11 months ago

      >Remember Cadicarus still exists
      >Somehow still have millions of views
      >Latest video is a short tittled "I apologise."
      >It was actually just a joke add for his live show

    • 11 months ago

      AVGN, Yahtzee, Civvie, LGR back when he still talked about games.
      I'm aware of others but these are the only ones I'd still watch.

    • 11 months ago

      I still like AVGN. Even if some of the post movie episodes have been very much hit or miss (mainly miss during the Screenwave period), his presence is like comfort food. I liked the Darkman video.
      ProtonJon I havent seen in well over a decade, ditto Pat the NES Punk.
      lol Doug Walker
      Who even is iJustine? I've heard her name before but no idea otherwise.
      RWJ, now that's a manlet artifact of the elder YouTube days.
      I miss Spoony. IHE and Guru Larry are hacks.
      ProJared might be a crossdresser but Now in the 90s is a fun show.
      Completionist is still the same, so that's good.
      Brutalmoose, Ian changed a lot but for the better I believe. I like Brutalfoods a lot.
      I haven'tseen Markiplier since the release of the first Five Nights at Freddy's.
      JesuOtaku remains irrelevant. So does GradeA.
      I recognize a bunch more but don't really care about them.
      I miss 2006.

    • 11 months ago

      I still watch Vinesauce. I honestly think he's funnier now that he doesn't sound perpetually depressed.
      Whatever happened to that guy?

    • 11 months ago

      AVGN is still good, but didn't care for the movie.
      Nostalgia Critic is not watchable.
      See some of NitroRad from time to time and is good for game recommendations.
      Chuggaconroy's Wind Waker playthrough got me into let's plays, but haven't seen anything since.
      Dashie is fun to watch.

    • 11 months ago

      I think I know almost everyone here but I never liked any of them that much.
      The only one I still watch from time to time is yms but the guy is too much of a homosexual for my taste.

    • 11 months ago

      back when bullying DA idiots was still kinda fun

    • 11 months ago

      Holy frick whatever happpened to him?

      >Classic Game Room
      When the world needed him the most, he returned.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember that Luiz took massive hiatuses because of money problems, I remember liking the New Super Mario Bros LP he did with his sister. And of course the waddle dee video is still fun. But for me it's

        • 11 months ago

          Holy frick whatever happpened to him?

          >Classic Game Room
          When the world needed him the most, he returned.


          I pity kids growing up with sanitized era corporate youtube

    • 11 months ago

      >grade a under a
      Ah damn. I still watch some rebel taxi sometimes

    • 11 months ago

      Man I remember those ...

    • 11 months ago

      >Nostalgia Critic
      I liked his first 100 reviews, struggled to keep watching his later stuff when they double down on the skits
      Most of the hate he gets seems a bit overblown honestly

      • 11 months ago

        Well he did frick over his “friends” and sign his ip away to some fricking weirdo. Then again, some of his friends are hacks while others moved on to better things.

      • 11 months ago

        I agree the hate is overblown. Some episodes and all Editorial videos don't even have skits anyway.

        Tamara a qt tho

        • 11 months ago

          I'd smash the frick out of young Lindsey Ellis and I'm not afraid to admit it

          • 11 months ago

            Don't put your dick inside crazy, anon.

    • 11 months ago

      Sometimes I put on old clemps videos to fall asleep to

    • 11 months ago

      >Mues Production
      Your quintessential youtube ranter now twitter troony. I regret ever thinking he was cool back then, and retrospectively find his old shit lame and have no respect at all for how he is now

  66. 11 months ago

    How many of these old Newgrounds guys actually "made it" in the industry?

    • 11 months ago

      I think only Andrew Dickman. And yet he hasn't done anything that has surpassed A Dr. Wily Hokey Christmas Special, and that was in 2003 or 2004 on Planet Mega Man, pre-YouTube era..

  67. 11 months ago

    It's not Cinemaphile but for me it was revisiting Artix Entertainment games.

  68. 11 months ago

    The only thing I outgrew was youtube channels like LeafyisHere, GradeAunderA, I Hate Everything, etc.

  69. 11 months ago

    Arin is the embodiment of wasted potential.

    A guy that used to make good funny animation, could have found success in this day and age if he kept at it like Justin Roiland (minus the crime allegations) or Viziepop.

    Youtube has always been an unstable platform, like frick man, the way Youtube is ran goes harder on being safe for brands to the point content homosexual creators self moderate words more than TV at this point.

    Filthy Frank was right to get out when he did, you was out like Arin, be forgotten like Ray William Johnson or you turn into a homosexual like iDubbbz. Pewdiepie seems to be the only one that got a happy ending.

    • 11 months ago

      He could’ve at least had a job to fall back on too like vivzie blart

      Alright but why is she drawn so off model?

      It happens

      • 11 months ago

        Arin always felt he's smarter than the average joe and proud of being a high school dropout. A regular job is below his ego.

        Arin is the embodiment of wasted potential.

        A guy that used to make good funny animation, could have found success in this day and age if he kept at it like Justin Roiland (minus the crime allegations) or Viziepop.

        Youtube has always been an unstable platform, like frick man, the way Youtube is ran goes harder on being safe for brands to the point content homosexual creators self moderate words more than TV at this point.

        Filthy Frank was right to get out when he did, you was out like Arin, be forgotten like Ray William Johnson or you turn into a homosexual like iDubbbz. Pewdiepie seems to be the only one that got a happy ending.

        >Implying Arin isn't a homosexual just like idubbbz
        I find it funny how he agreed to voice a boss in Luminous Avenger iX2, since it was a Mega Man-like from the developers of MMX2, MM7, the entire Zero+ZX series, but proceeded to NOT play it on his show and NOT even promote it the slightest bit despite promising Matt Papa (Inti Creates' ex-Producer) he would because he got scared pic related would turn his audience against him.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, that’s the problem with this whole damn generation, really: excessive pride.

          I’m convinced Arin’s still a virgin.

          • 11 months ago

            Unfortunately, there was a photo from back 2018 of him eating up his disgusting pig of a wife. So chances are he's not.
            Also, excessive pride combined with thin skin. He got too paranoid about Kohaku, methinks he just was an inti loyalist purely for their Mega Man credits and failed to see what they do when they're not under contract by another larger company.

            • 11 months ago

              I couldn’t believe how ugly she was without makeup and she scams people, why?

              What’s Kohaku

            • 11 months ago

              Post it or it’s not real

              • 11 months ago

                Do you think I saved that and kept it? Of course not, it's the same reason I don't have ProJared's dick pics, I already saw them on /b/ and didn't need them any further.

              • 11 months ago

                Post it or it’s not real

                Thats on KF, I can grab it real quick if you really wanna see that nasty Mongolians booba

              • 11 months ago

                Do it, anon. For great justice.

              • 11 months ago

                If you insist. Jannies forgive me!

              • 11 months ago

                Why would you frame this shot, take it, and post it under any circumstances? She's playing DS while he's eating her out, it's like those 'bored sex' tags you see on r34 but someone replicated it IRL.

              • 11 months ago

                To make Jon jealous, idk

              • 11 months ago

                So who took the photo and how did it leak? I know Ding Dong talked about someone inside the office leaking his number out to people online so they could harass him and out him to his parents.

              • 11 months ago

                YES, that's the one!

              • 11 months ago

                wasnt this disproven? especially given the fact of "who took the picture then?"

              • 11 months ago

                Reminds of that photo of moot getting his dick touched

                I'll also add this before the banning


              • 11 months ago

                wasnt this disproven? especially given the fact of "who took the picture then?"

                also what makes you think those are suzy's breasts? they look WAY too big to me. when girls lay back, boobs tend to flatten out, and those are still way bigger than how suzy looks standing up.

        • 11 months ago


          How would that character affect his image? He’s played lewd borderline hentai games on his channel like Gal Gun.

          • 11 months ago

            Turn his audience against him how exactly? Is that character controversial?

            Kohaku is very clearly designed for the e-girlcon audience (NOT surprising, Inti themselves are very much e-girlcons to the point they mention being disappointed when Dominique was aged up when the illustrator Natsume pitched her as a e-girl) and goes around on panties and top crop, with only a front skirt and the jacket covering her. In the iX OST booklets, Toshiaki Tai even call the series "The Gunvolt spinoff aimed at adults".

            The character is controversial within the western GV fandom because a lot live on some weird denial that this is real CP and Inti are somehow forced into doing them. The preorder poster where Kohaku is nude, having a bath with the android girl Null outright broke minds in that cursed fandom.

            I couldn’t believe how ugly she was without makeup and she scams people, why?

            What’s Kohaku

            Kohaku is pic related both on my previous and this post.

            • 11 months ago

              This was the preorder poster for Luminous Avenger iX2 in Japan and I'm sure the reason Arin freaked out and refused to play the game on stream. Kohaku's ass somehow fricking mindbroke homosexuals so much they were constantly pulling it in and out (heh) of the wiki


            • 11 months ago

              Oh, like that. Yeah I can definitely see morons getting upset over this design but to ignore the game entirely because of it seems very strange.

              This was the preorder poster for Luminous Avenger iX2 in Japan and I'm sure the reason Arin freaked out and refused to play the game on stream. Kohaku's ass somehow fricking mindbroke homosexuals so much they were constantly pulling it in and out (heh) of the wiki


              Christ this is what the big fuss was about?

              • 11 months ago

                When it becomes a source of money, one becomes spineless to protect the income, I believe. Gal Gun streams are also most likely demonetized but I'm 100% sure his new zoomer fans would've thrown a shitfit.

                >Christ this is what the big fuss was about?

                >fine she’s 18 or a 300 year old android
                Kind of difficult. iX was when producer Matt Papa began translating the games himself so they wouldn't be censored (the first GV1 translation was some 4kids level of shit, he retranslated the whole first game solo), and the story revolves around her and a group of (much younger) children she takes care of, as they're the remains of a human resistance surpressed by the Adept government (the inverse of the X-Men, where mutants rule the world and humans are the surpressed minority, so much they are now called Minos).

                I’d slap a label on it for the AmeriBlack folk, fine she’s 18 or a 300 year old android, and keep it as is for everywhere else in the world, Burgerland is easy to appease so long as you keep other cultures away from their dumb bullshit. They are still on a long cope on both side of their political spectrum about Brigette from Guilty Gear “NOOOO SHE’S NOT TRANS” and “YEEEEES, SHE IS TRANS, IGNORE THE ORIGINAL CANON GOY”

                Kohaku is central to the plot and you can't really write around her age as she's the heroine/love interest to the titular iX, Copen as he's established as being 14 in GV1 and GV2 and making her 100 years would cause a massive plot hole. (This was before the Vice President of Inti became insane and GV3 fricked up everything). You either accept or tolerate Kohaku for what it is. But that's not how people are on social media.

                Threaten by companies that would hire them, people in the industry or who?

                Also Buu saga is the most ridiculous one, that one is a goldmine of untouched content they could have lambasted. DBZ is still popular nonetheless and they could have squeeze what was left of that series before disappearing into the void of irrelevance they are now.

                Apparently anime dub VAs are extremely petty and despise Abridgers and fandubbers and push for them to be blacklisted if they don't stop.

              • 11 months ago

                I believe they are petty after that whole Vic drama from Full Metal Alchemist.

              • 11 months ago

                I want to say the drama started with the Dragon Ball Super Broly giving Vic top billing because he, y'know, voiced Broly.
                And some other VAs took umbrage to that

            • 11 months ago

              I’d slap a label on it for the AmeriBlack folk, fine she’s 18 or a 300 year old android, and keep it as is for everywhere else in the world, Burgerland is easy to appease so long as you keep other cultures away from their dumb bullshit. They are still on a long cope on both side of their political spectrum about Brigette from Guilty Gear “NOOOO SHE’S NOT TRANS” and “YEEEEES, SHE IS TRANS, IGNORE THE ORIGINAL CANON GOY”

        • 11 months ago

          Turn his audience against him how exactly? Is that character controversial?

    • 11 months ago

      >Pewdiepie seems to be the only one that got a happy ending.
      He's not dead yet. There's still plenty that can come back to bite him in the ass.

  70. 11 months ago

    Cake is a lie.

  71. 11 months ago

    >grew out of game grumps and all the bullshit surrounding it
    >cant stomach the old edgelord moron flash animations i used to love
    >still watch old youtube poops and quote them regularly
    >still go on gmod machinima binges every month

    • 11 months ago

      >still go on gmod machinima binges every month
      what makes gmodkino so timeless?

      • 11 months ago

        The pizza is aggresive.

  72. 11 months ago

    I didn't, but he stopped making shit. I know he did some shitty cartoon pitch that wasn't the least bit entertaining. But Siivagunner made a Grand Dad Awesome parody and it fricking slaps. So it's not the matter of the humor getting stale as much as he just changed.

    I feel the same way for most creators. They have a weird drive to try and "out do" their prior works, and it burns them out. Yu-gi-oh Abridged is a good example of this. He should just go back to doing 2 minute audio dubbed episodes instead of doing the "We're still here" shit where he cries into a camera for 20 minutes. I'm pretty sure those 12-20 minute episodes he's doing are just fricking soul crushing.

    As an artist myself, I think people need a reality check. Especially if you're not a team or studio, just make shit that's small. It's healthier and frick anyone who complains it's not bigger or "better". The audience is fricking stupid and doesn't really know what they want until you give it to them.

  73. 11 months ago

    Never happened. I still pull up the AMV Hells on occasion and laugh my ass off to them. And now that 8 is in the works I'm hoping to get a few of my own clips in.

  74. 11 months ago

    I don't even know where to begin with this as someone who still enjoys some of the creators that have come out of Newgrounds.

    Egoraptor was always a c**t. Granted, he was someone who made us get a couple of laughs with the awesome series just for a few shits and giggles but that's really about it.

    Starbomb has some decent animation at the very least, the thing is, it's the same shit he always did. Nothing new or exciting and between him fricking over who he works with and shooting down other creators I just can't help but hate him at this point.

    The thing that bugs me is that he's the least sincere creator out of everyone that has come out of NG and it's not going to pass me if he does something that will cause him to lose all the clout he ever got as a result from Game Grumps because to me, it just seems like a ticking time bomb given his history of BS.

    • 11 months ago

      Its an easy job for a slacker like him to just play video games and pass the editing, rendering and everything else to whatever staff he has.

      Danny is a harder worker than Arin on his own but I doubt he’d give up getting paid for sitting around watching Arin play video games.

    • 11 months ago

      Somehow when all his dirty laundry got exposed like how he locked himself in his car to scream "NIGGEEEEEER!!" over and over after meeting a black fan, his own fandom jumped to shield and defend him that "he's changed and grown as a person".

      Fricker was already 30.

      • 11 months ago

        >like how he locked himself in his car to scream "NIGGEEEEEER!!" over and over after meeting a black fan

        • 11 months ago

          He admited to it back in... shit, I want to say back in 2013 or 2014 in a video he did with his wife, VERY early into the Game Grumps thing in his wife's channel as both talked about their Con experiences and such.

      • 11 months ago

        His having once been friends with dinocity dude makes a lot more sense.

        • 11 months ago

          I can not tell if this is legit or just the guy shitposting.

          • 11 months ago

            I guess I should've watched the whole thing first before posting...

        • 11 months ago

          I found it


          Lol what the frick. I haven't followed the guy actively since 2012 or so but I feel like I should have heard of this, maybe I did and just forgot.

          • 11 months ago

            And somehow he got by unscathed. Fricking hypocrite zoomers.

      • 11 months ago

        >like how he locked himself in his car to scream "NIGGEEEEEER!!" over and over after meeting a black fan

        He admited to it back in... shit, I want to say back in 2013 or 2014 in a video he did with his wife, VERY early into the Game Grumps thing in his wife's channel as both talked about their Con experiences and such.

        I found it


        • 11 months ago

          >Has to scream Black person 30 times to get it out of his system after meeting a black guy
          This just strikes me as some bizarre OCD over correction to try and prevent saying it in front of blacks.
          Because I'm one of the most racist people you'll ever encounter and I don't do anything like this.

          • 11 months ago

            Not like Suzy is any better. This is from 2010 when she was trying to be a Gravure or some shit in Japan.

            • 11 months ago

              unexpectedly based

              • 11 months ago

                Not based because they're not being held to the standard they hold everyone else. I don't care they said Black person, I care they're hypocrites who act high and mighty over others, while hiding their shit under the sand like cats. Jon wasn't a hypocrite and look, his career is at the highest in subscriptions and viewership.

              • 11 months ago

                >Not based because they're not being held to the standard they hold everyone else.
                It's interesting how all these people from the California content creator circle are almost all the same. Normies love talking about the fall of Idubbbz and all the other gays from his circle but most people who have known about the shit regarding the Grumps are already used to the fact that these people are grifters that don't actually care about the "moral standards" they seem to uphold.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm guessing since you're calling yourself a huge racist, we have similar traits where we just casually say slurs to our friends who are also comfortable saying slurs back without a second thought. I probably say Black person in jest at least five or six times a day. It's already out of our system.

            Though, even when I wasn't a racist, I didn't have to urge to scream it in private because I HAD to get it out of my system. So I dunno.

            • 11 months ago

              The word Black person is inherently racist.

              • 11 months ago

                Anyone who claims to not have a racist, sexist, homophobic, or prejudice thought of any kind in their adult lives is just straight-up lying. You can be a pretty tolerant and accepting person and still see a video of people acting rowdy at a McDonalds and thinking, "Of course it's a black neighborhood".

                Though, Arin does strike me as a genuine racist who just conceals it due to the crowd and friends he attracts.

              • 11 months ago

                Underneath all that Californian attitude and lifestyle still beats the heart of a Floridian

              • 11 months ago

                I'm black.

              • 11 months ago

                Contrary to what anyone might tell you, that doesn't exempt you from being racist.
                Or from anything else, except wearing sunscreen.

              • 11 months ago

                But i'm not. Even if I were, I'd at least be justified by slavery.

              • 11 months ago

                This is pretty off-topic at this point, so I won't go further than this;
                >But i'm not.
                Didn't say you were. Just that your race has no bearing on whether or not you can be racist.
                >Even if I were, I'd at least be justified by slavery.
                That's a moronic eye-for-an-eye line of thinking, every group of people on earth has been enslaved at some point, often by foreign groups.
                Africans enslaved other Africans and sold them to Europeans.
                Hell, Africans enslaved and sold Europeans, look into the Barbary slave trade/pirates.
                If you were justified in being racist, so would everyone else - and pulling that thread leads to the collapse of every multiethnic state.

              • 11 months ago

                You were never a slave. And if any of your ancestors were truly slaves, they'd probably kick your ass and spit on your face for that comment.

              • 11 months ago

                I never claimed that. all i'm saying is the past treated my ancestors more like animals than people.

              • 11 months ago

                And you're a fricking idiot for trying to pull that card. Like

                This is pretty off-topic at this point, so I won't go further than this;
                >But i'm not.
                Didn't say you were. Just that your race has no bearing on whether or not you can be racist.
                >Even if I were, I'd at least be justified by slavery.
                That's a moronic eye-for-an-eye line of thinking, every group of people on earth has been enslaved at some point, often by foreign groups.
                Africans enslaved other Africans and sold them to Europeans.
                Hell, Africans enslaved and sold Europeans, look into the Barbary slave trade/pirates.
                If you were justified in being racist, so would everyone else - and pulling that thread leads to the collapse of every multiethnic state.

                said, slavery is not exclusive to African history. And most people today in America and their ancestors had nothing to do with plantations, so it makes no sense to believe you they owe you anything just for not being black.

      • 11 months ago

        People remember this clip
        way more than

        But Jon and Arin were both pretty guilty

        • 11 months ago

          >They're only saying "homie"

          Yawn. Wake me up when they decide to use the hard-R just because their black friend did it first and that gave him a silent pass.


          • 11 months ago

            They said it before though.

            I found it


      • 11 months ago

        >Somehow when all his dirty laundry got exposed like how he locked himself in his car to scream "NIGGEEEEEER!!" over and over after meeting a black fan,
        Hearty chuckle

  75. 11 months ago

    >Danny was born in 1979
    Holy fricking shit my mom is barely older

  76. 11 months ago

    Phil used to kick ass

  77. 11 months ago

    I'll also add this before the banning

  78. 11 months ago

    I used to laugh my ass off with these when I was younger, nowadays I just come back to it out of nostalgia every few months and every skit feels like the totakeke one

  79. 11 months ago

    >ITT: The moment you knew you outgrew your teenage interests.
    Watching kids obsess about stupid meme games then realizing I spent Months fishing and chopping wood along with other people who spent months fishing and chopping wood just to see a number go up and it hit me I was just as moronic as them and the next generation will be just as moronic as me and the previous generation spent their time watching garbage tv designed to never end and the previous generation spent their time reading garbage novels and had to order their porn by mail or drive to another town to buy it because they didn't want anyone knowing they owned porn and before then they would get older relatives telling them stories that were completely moronic and eating out of cans made out of lead when they should have known better

  80. 11 months ago

    The Sonic shorts videos used to make me howl with laughter as a kid
    Revisiting them and they're genuinely difficult to sit through

  81. 11 months ago

    I'm not sure which one was the last straw, but I'm sure it happened with South Park. Still has some funny moments I remember.
    Also, while Starbomb Peach is cute, I never see anyone talk about Zelda on this part from the Zelda Rap.

    • 11 months ago

      >I never see anyone talk about Zelda on this part from the Zelda Rap.
      she's present for like 5 seconds during the whole thing and shows up with ganondorf in a bath tub, it's not hard to figure out why that's the case

      • 11 months ago

        Never doubt coomers and their fixiation to make a whole sub-fanbase about some random character that barely appears on the source material.

    • 11 months ago

      That's because Zelda rap is only the 2nd best song where one guy sings while the other raps about dicks

      If you insist. Jannies forgive me!

      Was this ever confirmed them? I remember seeing some real CSI birthmark analysis way back when. Are missing areolas a symptom of FAS?

  82. 11 months ago

    All of LegendaryFrog.

    I used to be jealous of this dude's talent when I was a little kid.

  83. 11 months ago

    >WHAT UP, b***h I GOT A 1 UP b***h
    Wow, such good lyrics

  84. 11 months ago

    I was super into edgy cartoon shit. Like, fanfics about Dib going postal and shooting everyone and then shooting ZIM kind of edgy shit. Bleedman was peak for me.

    I already long grew out of it by the time Undertale came around, but I didn't realize how embarrassing this taste was until I saw people in their mid-20's gushing over the genocide run.

    • 11 months ago

      How is PPGD comparable to Undertale?

      • 11 months ago

        I'm talking about the genocide run specifically. The aspect of cute little cartoon characters mixed in with grimdark story elements.

  85. 11 months ago

    To summarize this thread I think we all agree that Newgrounds animators by and large haven't reacted well to getting older.

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