I've noticed some anons here are hating the mid to late seasons of Gumball for being different

Also most of the "criticism" regarding these seasons seems to be similar to one another in that they don't seem to elaborate further and
over exaggerated the flaws of those seasons, but ignore the early seasons flaws, its like their opinions came from their ass and are just being biased

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    less that they are different but of that they are more cynical in their writing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Another anon puts it perfectly, Gumball and Darwin get less naive and more jaded as it goes and start being able to make commentary on the sociopolitical situations around them in ways that take away from the humor.
      In some regards, he becomes a more accurate depiction of a teenager but it often takes away from the humor.
      You see this happen a lot with shows where the joke is that it's a big political or otherwise adult situation from a kids perspective.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Gumball becomes more social political

        Yeah this one I can somewhat agree Gumball became more political rather than meta or something else, but I think some of the social politics were good and funny the ep the faith teaches the watcher the world sucks but we must get used to that and always think positive and move forward I'm guessing what I'm trying to say is Gumball became more of about the message rather than the humor

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Gumball and Darwin get less naive and more jaded
        I feel like this would've worked a little if the show acknowledged the two were getting older to an extent. Not physically cause cartoon logic, but mentally.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I feel like this would've worked a little if the show acknowledged the two were getting older

          I don't think the concept would really work. Considering shows like Adventure time, Regular show, and Steven universe tried it, and all made the characters from their shows unlikeable and insufferable

    • 2 weeks ago

      >more cynical

      There were alot of times in those seasons that didn't result into just cynicalism the origins, the choices, the parents, the heart are just some examples.

      It's only subhumans. The show is funnier in the later seasons and thr writing gets tighter. What do they want, a cutesy slow Douglike like S1?

      I find the latter seasons more enjoyable than the early seasons but I would put the mid seasons at the best

      >a cutesy slow Douglike like S1?

      They would rather want a consistent mediocre show rather than a show that has highs and lows.

      In simple words they don't like shows taking risk and want "safe" shows

      • 2 weeks ago

        Which is a shame, because The Amazing World of Gumball was one of the few shows that actually captured the shift in humor and attitude of its time. Not even peak Simpsons did that.

        If people want more risky and interesting shows, then why denigrate and insult the show that went from "oooommmph i'm a twelve year old in a magical world and my mom's so annoying but we make up at the end" to "we're doing a parody of The Day Today and you can't do anything about it"?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    It's only subhumans. The show is funnier in the later seasons and thr writing gets tighter. What do they want, a cutesy slow Douglike like S1?

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I wouldn't say I hate the later seasons but I need to be in a certain mood for them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What kind of mood?

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Oval eyes >>>> Point eyes
    Simple as

    • 2 weeks ago

      Anon you do realize there were times at s3 to s6 they went back to their oval eyes right?

      Which is a shame, because The Amazing World of Gumball was one of the few shows that actually captured the shift in humor and attitude of its time. Not even peak Simpsons did that.

      If people want more risky and interesting shows, then why denigrate and insult the show that went from "oooommmph i'm a twelve year old in a magical world and my mom's so annoying but we make up at the end" to "we're doing a parody of The Day Today and you can't do anything about it"?

      >then why denigrate and insult the show

      I'm guessing there just not as open minded as some other people, Gumball in its early seasons was very slice of life something that most people who watch cartoons before can simply can get into but as soon as Gumball tries to be different and be more serious, emotional, more violent, and what not they'll to begin view it as shit in their eyes and always keep posting muh early seasons good mid to late seasons bad.

      Its tiresome tbh

      • 2 weeks ago

        I suppose it's the disconnect between "cartoon fans" and "fans of cartoons." The later stuff has a broad appeal to a lot of people while sacrificing some of the original cartoon slice of life energy, while still having a well told story and never not being an episodic comedy. It managed to make itself deeper without turning into a loredump cartoon that does nothing and goes nowhere.

        But I guess that's not good for your safe cartoon crowd.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Well said anon, Gumball at s3 was becoming more serliazed but not to the point where its overstaurted with melodrama and MUH lore like other CN shows that were airing at that time when Gumball was airing new eps. I also think the lore of Gumball the Void and the backstories of the wattersons were really well made and interesting to say the least. If gumball kept being a slice of life then it would be mostly forgotten and will only be discussed in ITT forgotten cartoons.

          >But I guess that's not good for your safe cartoon crowd.

          Wait till they bash the upcoming new series of Gumball and the movie I think there was news recently about the new series of Gumball and will get to have public news about it this June

          • 2 weeks ago

            None of the "progressive darling" low stakes slice of life shows had the guts to make an episode about gluttony for the sake of a goal, corporate greed, the rise of populism, internet vanity, the empty empowerment of anonymous reviews, classism, or even the compounded consequences of your actions coming back to haunt you (which is a S2 episode). Gumball did.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Agreed, Gumball was always a show about doing different things and giving different messages its morals and messages were straight forward and simple so everyone can understand and not deep and complex for it to make it not seem to have its head up its own ass.

              And even then the humor was still good but then again humor is subjective so people can laugh at something while others wont find it funny

      • 2 weeks ago

        You imply that someone like me would hate the show because they tried to do something different later. But that's not true, I love when cartoons and honestly everything change the formula because doing the same thing for many years will result in the show becoming irritating and boring. That's one problem Cinemaphile has and I'll never criticize vidya for trying something new, with a different genre. But gumball never had many changes, and the ones it had weren't very good or significant. Family issues and the void, that was all. These changes were about 4th wall lore which is the most annoying lore that you'll find everyone nowadays enjoys.

        Anons, people here have told you already many times why they don't like the later half of the show and you people come out with blind arguments so you can think that we are plebs with prejudiced opinions. I could continue talking, but this post

        Gumball by S5 was painfully formulaic, not even in the tone of the show being always cynical take on cliche plot > wacky car race > lacklustre resolution with a dishonest attempt at good feels, they literally started to redo plots from older episodes except just worse and less interesting. They also failed to capitalize on any effort to evolve characters to have new plots to begin with. Gumball got together with Penny and instead of making stories about them she almost never showed up again. Richard met his real dad and Nicole's parents returned and frickall changed.

        The visual spectacle of the show started to get watered down too. Early seasons had amazing looking backgrounds, a lot of mixed mediums including photography and even some real sets and miniatures, by S4 almost everything not 2D was very obvious and bland CG that was all in roughly the same consolidated style. Just compare the sheer amount of shadows and lights and the very artsy compositions of S1, the sorta underground trashy city feel of some episodes vs the evenly lit suburb feel of later seasons.

        explains well some of my problems. Only that season 4 was the one with highs and lows, and seasons 5 and 6 were the mediocre ones.

        >more cynical

        There were alot of times in those seasons that didn't result into just cynicalism the origins, the choices, the parents, the heart are just some examples.

        I find the latter seasons more enjoyable than the early seasons but I would put the mid seasons at the best

        >a cutesy slow Douglike like S1?

        They would rather want a consistent mediocre show rather than a show that has highs and lows.

        In simple words they don't like shows taking risk and want "safe" shows

        It's ironic.

        Oh and by the way season 1 isn't actually good. But it felt special in some ways. They later improved everything in season 2, and even more in season 3.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >But gumball never had many changes, and the ones it had weren't very good or significant. Family issues and the void, that was all.

          Anon Gumball changed look at s1 and then look at s2 to s6 and don't tell me there's a huge difference and not just the Void stuff and family backstories were different the humor was changed and Gumball was becoming more socialpolitical.

          >These changes were about 4th wall lore which is the most annoying lore that you'll find everyone nowadays enjoys.

          No its not lmao Gumball's Void lore isn't common at all your mistaking that type of lore for the multiverse lore which the only CN cartoon that does that is adventure time its shit btw my guy have you been living under a rock for the past 2 decades or what?

          >Anons, people here have told you already many times why they don't like the later half of the show and you people come out with blind arguments so you can think that we are plebs with prejudiced opinions.

          Other way around you people seem to come up with blind arguments and don't elaborate or give examples you say "trust me bro" without saying it

          Stop being a hypocrite

          >season 4 was the one with highs and lows, and seasons 5 and 6 were the mediocre ones.

          Not even true season 5 & 6 were the highs and lows ask a Gumballgay who doesn't live on his/hers own world like you do season 4 was good tho

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh anon, why do you defend gumball so madly? Really, why? Explain yourself, ive received criticism of my favorite show and movie and I accepted them as interesting opinions. Even taking some points as correct and changing my points of view. Why is everyone who doesn't shares your opinions a moron for you?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Evading my previous post and wont comment about it
              >Begins to gaslight and act oblivious to what I've said

              Anon I'm no longer gonna entertain with you, You and some other anons here are so ignorant and illogical that its just not worth trying to talk too I'm not gonna give you a reason because your just gonna find a reason to bash me even further.

              Talking to you is like talking to an object this is my last post to you

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Oh well sorry for being a cllpwatching homosexual.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Gumball by S5 was painfully formulaic, not even in the tone of the show being always cynical take on cliche plot > wacky car race > lacklustre resolution with a dishonest attempt at good feels, they literally started to redo plots from older episodes except just worse and less interesting. They also failed to capitalize on any effort to evolve characters to have new plots to begin with. Gumball got together with Penny and instead of making stories about them she almost never showed up again. Richard met his real dad and Nicole's parents returned and frickall changed.

    The visual spectacle of the show started to get watered down too. Early seasons had amazing looking backgrounds, a lot of mixed mediums including photography and even some real sets and miniatures, by S4 almost everything not 2D was very obvious and bland CG that was all in roughly the same consolidated style. Just compare the sheer amount of shadows and lights and the very artsy compositions of S1, the sorta underground trashy city feel of some episodes vs the evenly lit suburb feel of later seasons.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Gumball by S5 was painfully formulaic, not even in the tone of the show being always cynical take on cliche plot > wacky car race > lacklustre resolution

      So eps like the best, the console, the choices, the faith, the parents, and the heart are to you "cliche" when in fact they do something completely unique in plot and had a good resolution as well

      Also whats wrong with the wacky races of Gumball? they were detailed and intense it made feel like I was part of the action and they always come up with new ways of how each action scene plays out

      >literally started to redo plots from older episodes except just worse and less interesting.

      Give examples, since this is my first time seeing this opinion since nobody has complained about this till now

      >Gumball got together with Penny and instead of making stories about them she almost never

      They did in season 6 in the ep the transformation it was also good and out of the norm as well but I do agree they need more eps

      >Richard met his real dad and Nicole's parents returned and frickall changed.

      Richard got better as a character he was way dummer in earlier seasons than in latter seasons he became smarter his last major role was him being the smart one in the family in the ep the master.

      For Nicole's case her parents are abusive monsters it changed her to forgive give them but not really love them back for what they do to her.

      >The visual spectacle of the show started to get watered down too. Early seasons had amazing looking backgrounds, a lot of mixed mediums including photography and even some real sets and miniatures,

      That was all season 2, season 1 does not look like anything like that if anything its the worst looking season by far also how are you gonna shit the mid to latter animation and lighting when it usually looks like this?
      (Pic related)

      These opinions seems very nitpick or extremely bias I don't think you watched the show at all...

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I hate Gumball. Season 1 is all I can tolerate.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Or maybe, just MAYBE Gumball's show sucks ass in general and you should have watched Regular Show instead?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The regular show autist that keeps tribegayging

      KEK, Regular show gays are absolute mutts and this autist just proves this

  9. 2 weeks ago

    You are not changing anyone's minds, your thread it useless.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Are you referring to op and his samegay posts/only person who agrees with him itt, or to the anons criticizing the show.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was referring to the anons criticizing the show considering most of them are tourists, or just simply moronic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the anons criticizing the show considering most of them are tourists, or just simply moronic.
          >If you criticize my show instead of mindlessly consuming you're bad
          Piss off.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >tourists or just simply moronic
            >disliking a modern show is a sign of being a tourist
            >patiently explaining criticism without relying on insults is a sing of being moronic
            lol, using this one to troll on other boards. Thanks anon.

            You could see some anons who clearly are just hating the show without any form of criticism, and to those who have its just: wahhh show bad in this section here's why. Don't get me wrong OP is very defensive about Gumball but I could see his points and understand even if its just shilling a this point.

  10. 2 weeks ago


    >tourists or just simply moronic
    >disliking a modern show is a sign of being a tourist
    >patiently explaining criticism without relying on insults is a sing of being moronic
    lol, using this one to troll on other boards. Thanks anon.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >TAWOG thread filled with rage and shitflinging
    Actually, that's a legitimate improvement over previous TAWOG threads that were filled with pedos.
    Carry on.

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