>Jesse smokes meth. >immediately starts hallucinating bikers and shit

>Jesse smokes meth
>immediately starts hallucinating bikers and shit
Was there something I missed? He didn't even smoke much.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Its to depict how the meth made him paranoid.

  2. 5 months ago

    stress manifested through altered states as paranoia

  3. 5 months ago

    Tv and movies have trouble with drug effects. Especially pot, shrooms, lsd. I have seen stimulants depicted more accurately, because it's easy and the actors know damn well what a person on cocaine acts like, and that seems right and "enough"to lots of directors, who themselves are experienced

    Even if an actor is into pot, or hallucinogens, I think the directors are less experienced and tend to veto and overdirect. At best, it is a case of these drugs not being the Hollywood hotshot director's prefered drugs, which are more likely to be along the lines of cocaine and alcohol. People punch down at drug users who they don't understand, and think of them as silly at best, and uselessly moronic or even dangerous at worst. They see it as an opportunity for comedic relief in an optimistic film, and for cautionary-tale willies in more serious films.

    Usually it is the prior, so when a person takes shrooms they won't say anything that would challenge the writers perspective, social training, intellectual assumptions, etc- when in reality these are exactly the kinds of thoughts and discussions that occur when experienced trippers sit down for a trip. Instead, you get the 85 IQ "he looks up and sees CGI / cartoon antics and/or the face of his friend is warped to look funny". You get stoners laughing at literally nothing instead of laughing at a subtlety in some interaction that occurred. You get played-out, derivative lsd and peyote shamans saying the same thing to the protags as the last shamans in the last movie with lsd/peyote shamans. It goes on and on. For every time I have seen a drug depicted in a mature way, I have seen 10 scenes written by overgrown highschoolers.

    • 5 months ago

      That's because drugs aren't mature and they are for highschoolers and people who never mentally left highschool. They deserve to be depicted in a moronic light, because doing drugs is moronic.
      Pic related. Also I do drugs.

      • 5 months ago

        junkies btfo

      • 5 months ago

        >drugs arent mature
        There are mature ways to look at things, and there are childish ways to look at things. Obviously these attitudes are separate from the things being looked at. Or were you only pretending to be moronic?

      • 5 months ago

        Eh they can definitely be moronic if you abuse them, but they can also be helpful if you only do it once in a while. For example if you have a problem, but can't find a solution because your brain hard-coded only a few solutions that don't quite work you can take mushrooms to think outside the box. Mushrooms work by temporarily severing neural connections allowing you to see things as if they were brand new. Being able to see things in a new light is powerful if used correctly.

    • 5 months ago

      An actual good post on Cinemaphile?

    • 5 months ago

      >People punch down at drug users who they don't understand, and think of them as silly at best, and uselessly moronic or even dangerous at worst.
      Someone that smokes weed or does other narcotics every day is unlikely to defy the stereotype. Outliers do exist, but do not negate the average.
      >when a person takes shrooms they won't say anything that would challenge the writers perspective, social training, intellectual assumptions, etc- when in reality these are exactly the kinds of thoughts and discussions that occur when experienced trippers sit down for a trip.
      99% of the time these thoughts just sound mundane or stupid to everyone else. I've never tripped but have been around tripping friends many times, most of the stuff they say is eye roll inducing.
      >You get stoners laughing at literally nothing instead of laughing at a subtlety in some interaction that occurred
      I've done this many times while high, yet laughing at something minute still looks like you're laughing at nothing to others, which is the intent of the director.

      The points about depiction of the psychedelic experiences with the wavy line distortions/CGI/White Rabbit/etc are legit though, although I think even non-druggies know it's inaccurate by now.

      • 5 months ago

        >Someone that smokes weed or does other narcotics every day
        You think the average drug user is an every day user? Soft drugs are no different than alcohol. The vast majority of users consumes it on occasion while a small minority of morons consume it every day. Super addictive substances like meth and heroin obviously have higher occurences of everyday users, but even cocaine users are mostly weekend warriors

        • 5 months ago

          >You think the average drug user is an every day user?
          No, but if the contention are mockery in movies, then that's almost always targeted at daily users. Stoners, crackheads, hippies, etc.
          >Soft drugs are no different than alcohol.
          They are better than alcohol. Regardless, I'm discussing the anon's contention with drug users being mocked in films.

    • 5 months ago

      to be fair, if the director wanted a realistic depiction of a meth user it would just involve jesse furiously jerking off the whole day

    • 5 months ago

      You're right on the money, anon. Granted, I only have experience with DUDE, but oftentimes in film it's the same ol' bullshit of color distortion and cartoon character hallucinations, no matter the drug (save for coke for obvious reasons, like you said). The reality of it is, it's a much more tame and, for lack of a better term, boring experience. Though, the "stoners laughing at literally nothing" point is somewhat grounded in reality, and the munchies are a very real thing, so points for that I guess.

  4. 5 months ago

    Go smoke meth for a couple years and find out what you're missing.

  5. 5 months ago

    Hollywood have me sick a warped view of how pot works until I tried it myself.

    They made it seem like you hallucinate and go moronic. All I do is feel comfy.

    • 5 months ago

      Movies and film are propaganda. On a background level the brain does not differentiate efficiently between memories of video and real memories. When they show a stoner freaking out or hallucinating, it goes into you and digests in your brain like a cookie in your tummy, unless you very pay very deliberate and critical attention to what you witnessed

  6. 5 months ago

    Doesn't meth make you feel euphoric and make you want to get extremely active and hyper? They make it seem like it's heroin.

    • 5 months ago

      Never did meth but used to snort coke.

      Upfront euphoria on the come down feeling cold and thoughts of "what an I doing with my life? "

      I imagine meth is even worse

      • 5 months ago

        most people that do heroin or opiates in general you would have no idea. Most druggies do it in secret and you can't tell.

        Only reference I have are some meth heads that live down the road and they're always outside in their massive junkpiles moving shit around, walking around like weird creatures. No matter the time of day or night, no matter the weather. They are constantly outside fishing around in their junk.

        • 5 months ago

          It’s weird how immediately obvious it is someone is on meth. It really turns them in to a different species

          • 5 months ago

            Never taken meth but speed does just give you that feeling of adrenaline and the ability to hyper focus like a mega autist. It's a double edged sword ultimately, if I take it and go to the gym straight away then I could work out for hours and have a great session. If I sit down on my phone then I could be on Cinemaphile for ten hours straight without eating or drinking. Once you start something, its incredibly difficult to stop even if you consciously think about it. I obviously don't have a degree in pharmacology or anything but I assume it's just as a result of speed causing a massive dopamine release which leads to your brain thinking it's the activity that you're currently engaged in making you feel shit hot.

            • 5 months ago

              That's just how amphetamines work and that's why you always see morons bragging about taking adderall then cleaning their entire house. You're supposed to take it while you're doing or about to do the task that your mental illness typically prevents you from being able to focus on long enough to execute. Instead they take it and then wait around for it to kick and their mind hyperfocuses on something random and they can't stop until it wears off.

    • 5 months ago

      most people that do heroin or opiates in general you would have no idea. Most druggies do it in secret and you can't tell.

    • 5 months ago

      never done meth but i imagine its like a more euphoric version of adderall. i hate the way amphetamines make me feel anyway so id probably hate it

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah but not necessarily hyper, just everything seems very interesting and you get obsessed with something usually

  7. 5 months ago

    Normies think meth itself makes you crazy when its actually the sleep deprivation that comes with it.

  8. 5 months ago

    He never hallucinated them. Someone knocked at the door and his crazed paranoid mind imagined the worst case happening.

  9. 5 months ago

    breaking glass windows

  10. 5 months ago


  11. 5 months ago

    He had likely been up several days. The hallucinations and paranoia are a result of delerium from lack of sleep, not actually the drug itself.

    t. Former meth user 😉

    • 5 months ago

      Another druggy making excuses for the drug. It's so tiresome

  12. 5 months ago

    It was written by people who have never done drugs before.

    • 5 months ago

      >heavy users dont experience psychosis
      the irony in your post

  13. 5 months ago

    i can't even imagine doing meth. i'm already so high-strung and naturally paranoid and zooked out. it sounds so fricking unappealing

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