>Joker is immune to the Lasso of Truth because hes LE CURAZYYYY!

>Joker is immune to the Lasso of Truth because he’s LE CURAZYYYY!
Joker becoming the go to villain for bullshit plots was the worst thing to happen to Batman

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  1. 4 months ago

    Him being immune to Scarecrow's fear gas is also fricking moronic. Injustice is all around complete garbage however, it's not so bad it's good, it's so bad that it's embarrassingly bad.

    • 4 months ago

      There are psychopaths who cannot feel fear though

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think that applies to a fear gas or serum that makes you hallucinate, bug the frick out, or even kills you. Joker has also shown fear plenty of times in his history.

  2. 4 months ago

    If he was tossed to the Marvel universe, would the Penance Stare work?

    • 4 months ago

      Realistically it would obliterate Jokers soul because of how fricked up he is. Now if Joker ever comes official into a crossover with Marvel the writers will find a convoluted way to say he is inmune

      • 4 months ago

        More than likely he jizzes his pants and asks Ghost Rider to hit him with it again

        • 4 months ago

          I'd put that under
          >the writers will find a convoluted way to say he is inmune

          • 4 months ago

            Agreed, I'm just saying the writers will add some way to make it even more creepy and disgusting than badass, personally

            Don't be moronic, the Penance Stare literally never works. Everyone who isn't some background chump just finds a way around it like 'oooh but i didnt think it was wrong' or 'oooh im too insane' or 'i like being evil, this feels great, i feel no pain or penance at all'

            That's a Jason Aaron thing, primarily, since he's one of those writers that seems to fundamentally not get how the Penance Stare works. Most just don't have Ghost Rider use it on non-mooks cause it's capable of making Galactus fall flat on his ass.

            • 4 months ago

              >capable of making Galactus fall flat on his ass.
              To be fair, Galactus is the biggest jobber in capeshit history.

        • 4 months ago

          but that's not how the penance stare is supposed to fricking work
          i don't even read ghost rider and i know this, yet there are apparently multiple examples of "OOH DO IT AGAIN IT FEELS GOOD" happening from the penance stare. fricktarded writers.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't be moronic, the Penance Stare literally never works. Everyone who isn't some background chump just finds a way around it like 'oooh but i didnt think it was wrong' or 'oooh im too insane' or 'i like being evil, this feels great, i feel no pain or penance at all'

      • 4 months ago

        This, he'd be immune the same way Castle is immune: He's not pennant of anything he's ever done or some shit like that

        It's really not believable that the lasso wouldn't work on him.
        Joker doesn't really seem insane by any metric. He's clearly lucid enough to pull of extremely complicated plans, and he doesn't seem to lack an understanding of right and wrong (he never seems confused as to why people dislike him for instance).

        >It's really not believable that the lasso wouldn't work on him.
        Because it 100% would, it should also work on any person, lunatic or lucid, so it should work on the fricking joker
        The lasso compels you to tell the truth, but you don't NEED to tell the truth about what they're asking you, the Joker is clearly smart enough to circumvent this without the writer having to go "Oh noooo he's immune :CCCC"

      • 4 months ago

        If he was tossed to the Marvel universe, would the Penance Stare work?

        It definitely wouldn't work, Penance stare has already been abused to hell and back I didn't intend that, where several Marvel characters just noped it because they're crazy or don't give a frick. Joker has done that shit in DC with equivalent forces. Jokerwanking with Ghostjobber is a forgone conculsion.

        • 4 months ago

          can you post the rest?, i am curious.

        • 4 months ago

          Lol, why the hell is Batman arguing against an expression of the ultimate authority? if he does that, what is stopping him from not recognizing the authority of the courts? if not the actual God then who?

      • 4 months ago

        >Realistically it would obliterate Jokers soul
        No it fricking wouldn't, and that's thanks to Marvel themselves. Carol ignored it because she doesn't feel bad, if that ex-alcoholic nightmare can manage it Joker could.

    • 4 months ago

      Won't work. But the joker would hate spiderman.

      • 4 months ago

        And he’ll also hate (You)

      • 4 months ago

        Didn't the Spider-Man/Batman crossover have Peter blowing off how dangerous Joker is until he causes a massacre, gets Carnage PTSD flashbacks, and nearly beats Joker to death?

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone hates Spider-man. Peter's, at least.

        Joker would love Miles, because, eh.

        Didn't the Spider-Man/Batman crossover have Peter blowing off how dangerous Joker is until he causes a massacre, gets Carnage PTSD flashbacks, and nearly beats Joker to death?

        Spidey literally slapped Joker a single time in the end and he's down.

        If he was tossed to the Marvel universe, would the Penance Stare work?

        >Penance Stare
        It baffles me that GR's main power became just some shit trick everyone can ignore.

    • 4 months ago

      If it worked how it's supposed to, yes it would probably fry him.
      Actuallu speaking no considering the Penance Stare has been rewritten to be completely useless against the primary things it's meant to be used again.

  3. 4 months ago

    Because if it worked on him, everyone would just ask why Batman doesn't simply use it to expose his identity and plans.

    • 4 months ago

      One of the few things I thought made sense in the Nu52 where Batman sits on the chair of knowledge to become Batgod.
      The first thing he did was ask who the Joker really was. And of course that led to Three Jokers

      • 4 months ago

        Whatever happened with the Three Jokers stuff

  4. 4 months ago

    It's really not believable that the lasso wouldn't work on him.
    Joker doesn't really seem insane by any metric. He's clearly lucid enough to pull of extremely complicated plans, and he doesn't seem to lack an understanding of right and wrong (he never seems confused as to why people dislike him for instance).

    • 4 months ago

      There's also the fact that it's magic and called the Lasso of Truth, not the fricking Lasso of Opinions. It's just there to wank off Joker and Batman and try to make them seem cooler than the other characters because that's what Injustice's primary target audience is. morons that self-insert as Batman.

      • 4 months ago

        Go frick yourself. You insecure blind moron.

        • 4 months ago

          >Insecure blind moron.
          I didn't come here to read your autobiography.

          • 4 months ago

            Hahaha don’t project your shitty bat issues onto me.
            You insecure frick.

            • 4 months ago

              You're the one who got insecure thinking I was calling you out specifically. So much so that you felt the need to defend one of the laziest, unintentionally funny comics of all time.

              • 4 months ago

                I forgot to remind you that I'm trans and like BBC

              • 4 months ago

                Not defending this shit comic, you’re just an insecure dipshit seething over the same damn panels like matters when it fricking doesn’t.

              • 4 months ago

                I will continue to seethe about being insulted with garbage writing and you will continue to seethe at my posts.

              • 4 months ago

                Continue to burn than b***h

              • 4 months ago

                >lying about defending the company I'm paid to defend

  5. 4 months ago

    >"Dude you can't beat him in a fight, he's too unpredictable"

    • 4 months ago

      Then the only solution is to be even more unpredictable.

    • 4 months ago

      This shit in particular fricks me up. Batman, a trained ninja, with advanced technology, one of the smartest people in the DC Universe, who has detective skills that rival sherlock holmes can't beat a clown armed with a knife, a gun, and fart gas.
      At least in both The Batman and The Dark Knight Joker and Riddler surround themselves with goons who either weaken Batman or have arms to subdue him.

      • 4 months ago

        You can make that argument for all the heroes in capeshit comics.

  6. 4 months ago

    Joker was turned into a villain sue out of sheer popularity.

  7. 4 months ago

    This Wondergay b***h is getting on my nerves with these ass low quality insecure posts.

  8. 4 months ago

    It was a bad excuse because the Lasso of Truth would reveal that he has been letting the Joker eat his ass for 4 years.

  9. 4 months ago

    How did Joker get his hands on a nuke exactly

    • 4 months ago

      There's an Injustice prequel where Joker finds a magical amulet and takes over Jay Garrick's body. Somewhere along the way he steals a nuke.

      • 4 months ago

        >Year Zero
        Even the fricking name is moronic. This company will not let go of the mediocre success of Batman Year One and thinks putting the word "Year" in the title guarantees a good comic

  10. 4 months ago

    I like the jokers greatest weakness is making him sane

    • 4 months ago

      I thought his greatest weakness was the IRS because he can't plea insanity on tax evasion.

      • 4 months ago

        >If I can’t go I’ll I go

      • 4 months ago

        Now I have to defend The Joker. Why would a career criminal/mobster give a frick when he can cheat the books or intimidate people

        • 4 months ago

          I assume you've never heard of this man.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes but the Joker is mot a real person. He can actually get away with insane crimes that don't directly involve Batman.

            • 4 months ago

              The whole reason Joker is even alive is because Gotham's state doesn't practice capital punishment. If the IRS were to sniff a single fishy cent out of him, he can actually be tried at a federal court where he'd also get charged with everything else he's done, which would get him the chair.

              • 4 months ago

                Gotham is in south Jersey. New Jersey had the death penalty until 2007. Meaning all those years prior that Joker wasn't getting executed was horse shit.

              • 4 months ago

                I've heard there's this extremely rich and influential philanthropist who has a thing against death period. Surely he wouldn't...influence things, right?

              • 4 months ago

                Batman exists in a world where joisey never had the death penalty actually.

        • 4 months ago

          Because it's funny.
          Also it'd be more likely they'd take him to a regular max-security prison somewhere instead of a madhouse loony bin like Arkham, which would probably be harder to escape AND would be less entertaining for him to stay in, on top of being nowhere near Gotham and being far away from his BatBoyfriend.

          I thought his greatest weakness was the IRS because he can't plea insanity on tax evasion.

          I miss when Joker was funny.
          Joker's at his best when he's a silly goober with silly spins on crazy plots, not just shooting people with regular-ass guns.
          I want boxing-glove guns, I want fake bombs to distract from plots elsewhere, I want Joker gases that make people smile and laugh for however long it takes to find a cure (not smiling so hard their jaws pop off or whatever), I want silly clown cars with goons that come out by the hundreds, I want him to drop banana peels during an escape, or use his acid flower for something other than melting some dude's face off (or pretend he's gonna melt some guy's face off, but it's just an awful-smelling liquid or something.)
          Even Heath Ledger Joker had some funny gags despite looking fricky as hell and dipping his toes into WHOOOAAA EDGY JOKER with the mouth cutting. The pencil trick was silly, the dressing like a nurse thing was silly, that photo going around the internet showing him kickflipping over Batman was great

          moronic. They say the truth if they actually know it. If they're insane or in denial they'll say what the real truth is they're ignoring. If they truly don't know because of an actual lack of knowledge they'll say they don't know.

          >didn't read the TL;DR, despite the fact I included one
          We've had stories with the lasso where people can resist it, stories where it works without question; even stories where getting wrapped in it just makes you blurt out random truths on a whim, listing off people you had crushes on, your favorite color, what color your underwear is, your real name, your bank account info and so on.

          • 4 months ago

            I read the tl;dr. It's just telling us that it's inconsistent and badly written. We knew that, it doesn't make the OP example any less egregiously stupid.

          • 4 months ago

            The comic where Joker is worried about the IRS is pretty funny. He actually gets inadvertently humiliated by every character, like when he tries to play out a regular crime in disguise instead of one his insane characteristic plots, he still gets found out because he didn't know he was stealing Pagliacci opera tickets, which the entirety of Gotham immediately realizes it must have been him. Basically, even when he tries to not be a clown, he still ends up making a clown of himself by pure accident.

          • 4 months ago

            Agreed. you can make the joker a threat and still make him funny, just look at JLU and Batman Beyond.

            what he did to Tim in RotJ was edgy, but still felt thematically as something the joker could come up with. not just 'i will kill everyone and no one can stop me because im CUHRAZY!'

            The Joker ruined DC, if it wasn’t for his gay actor getting so much attention then TDK would’ve borderline flopped and WB wouldn't have chased after its success.

            i agree too. this movie and Ledgers death were the factors that made DC believe 'the joker HAS to be this ultimate apex predator, the lord of all killers, this invincible master of trickery, always 100 steps ahead of everybody, who could level cities without impunity on a bored day'. and not only that, he created all sorts of copycats who are the same as him (danganronpa anybody?)

          • 4 months ago

            >Because it's funny.

            The Joker ruined DC, if it wasn’t for his gay actor getting so much attention then TDK would’ve borderline flopped and WB wouldn't have chased after its success.

            I wish Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman Begins had never been made

      • 4 months ago

        Now I have to defend The Joker. Why would a career criminal/mobster give a frick when he can cheat the books or intimidate people

        Because every once in a while Americans must be reminded that the IRS is undefeatable and WILL take your money and put you in jail, even if you're the goddamn Joker, so you'd better just pay up, bucko.

  11. 4 months ago

    didnt know king bumi posted in Cinemaphile

    • 4 months ago

      He and the Joker do love their jokes!

  12. 4 months ago

    I understand why Batman doesn't kill the Joker. He shouldn't. At least not in cold blood. What I don't understand though is why nobody else doesn't kill the joker. Some cop just puts a couple in him during transport. Everyone on the force would cover him to their graves. Some other villain just getting sick of his shit. Bane or Croc could just rip him in half. Of course any of this would probably just result in some enraged Harley wankery but she should suffer the same thing. They're not new gods or galactic warlords. They're just hoods.

    • 4 months ago

      When was the last time Joker did anything outside the comics? Appearing in a shit DOA game?

      You can’t question comics because there is no logic there and it’s dying anyways.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >Denying the truth

          • 4 months ago


            >He is still making his low quality bait

            >recognizing bad bait
            Not sad!

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >no argument

              • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >When was the last time Joker did anything outside the comics?
        Appeared in a minor budget billion dollar movie.
        Before that it was appearing in a major budget major hit game.
        Before that it was appearing in a decently high budget and for some fricking reason 800 million dollar movie.
        Before that it was appearing in a different major budget mega hit game
        And another one
        And before that it was the third billion dollar movie since Titanic.

        He appears a lot and most of the stuff he's in is stupidly successful. In fact Gotham Knights without him was drastically less successful and Harley Quinn is just bomb after bomb when he's not present.

        • 4 months ago

          >Old ass shit with most of it barely mattering

          • 4 months ago


            >lying and samegayging
            Sad and Sadder!

            • 4 months ago

              >Lying and gaslighting

    • 4 months ago

      The whole “If I kill you I’ll become just like you” thing is a worn out excuse when it always leads to letting the Joker live to break out if Arkham in two weeks and commit mass murder again

    • 4 months ago

      every cop in gotham not named gordon is either horribly corrupt or the worlds most useless human being.

  13. 4 months ago

    >bats and clowns
    >Moral enemies!

    • 4 months ago

      Personally I always thought Scarecrow was more fitting as a thematic opposite for batman. Bats and Scarecrows aren't so much directly related but they both got that halloweeny vibe to them and both their shticks is fear.

      • 4 months ago

        He's got the same issue as the Riddler, it's hard to write for them.
        Scarecrow's a bit easier, sure, but if he was a major recurring villain, you'd get tired of SPIDERS, OH SHIT IT'S DARK, MORE SPIDERS, A DEAD FAMILY MEMBER repeating forever, and half Scarecrow's defeats being him getting gassed himself and scared to tears by bats/Batman.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm assuming this is why Scarecrow had little screentime and presence in the Nolan films. Even in a grounded real world setting, Scarecrow wouldn't be that much of a pervasive threat

        • 4 months ago

          I think the problem is writers acting as though Scarecrow's fear gas is his #1 tool and the only thing that makes him an actual threat. Fear gas should be as important to him as laughing gas is to the Joker; a very useful tool in his arsenal, but not so vital that depriving him of it renders him a powerless non-threat. No Man's Land was a great example of him taking advantage of a shitty situation and using his knowledge of the psychology of fear to spread terror, all while he no longer had access to his fear toxin.

        • 4 months ago

          I mean you say that but what even is Joker's shtick anymore? I don't see how laughing gas that kills you is any more interesting. Joker's not even a real comedian anymore just a killer in clown make up.

          • 4 months ago

            Joker doesn't have a shtick anymore at all, he just kills people with regular guns while driving regular cars, while fricking Harley who's now just some generic college dorm bawd (that uses a big hammer once or twice), and Joker laughs sometimes, but often not.
            Superhero villains in general are way toned down, and that's a shame, they're all just "kill tons of people and pull off big heists while doing [x] sometimes, or their henchmen are [x] themed" villains, most of them are pretty interchangeable too.

          • 4 months ago

            You know what would be interesting, if the Joker decided to adopt Batman’s no kill rule but in a sick twisted way. He’ll do things to you that would bring you to the brink of insanity and all that jazz but he won’t kill ya

            • 4 months ago

              Wasn't that just The Killing Joke

  14. 4 months ago

    He's also shrugged off psychic attacks multiple times.

  15. 4 months ago

    you cant tell someone who doesnt understand the concept of truth to tell the truth.

    • 4 months ago

      Joker does understand that. He's literally LARPing as a moronic clown

  16. 4 months ago


  17. 4 months ago

    I hate Joker so fricking much. He personally hasn't had a good story in YEARS despite DC making one at least every year and every time he shows up, everybody else gets significantly dumber and OOC.

    • 4 months ago

      Then don’t read the comics?

    • 4 months ago

      Remember when Joker scared a bunch of superpowered people because he killed a guy with a rock? When half of them have done something worse? Like Cheetah is here and she straight up killed and ate people during this time period.

  18. 4 months ago

    >He is still making his low quality bait

  19. 4 months ago

    It's not that much of a reach, most media can't figure out what "the truth" means, or more specifically to the lasso itself or the mechanics of how it works and what limitations it has.
    Do you speak a lie if you BELIEVE it's the truth?
    If a person is hypnotized, confused, or drunk, will they still give the same answer?
    Can you wear clothing thick enough to block it?
    Does it work if the person is completely batty bananas koo-koo pants?
    Can something be so alien that it simply fails?
    Can someone be so religious or fanatical to the point where a truth simply doesn't compute in their head?
    Can someone be conked on the head hard enough before the lasso, and say something incorrect?

    TL;DR: The lasso, like all other gadgets and gimmicks in media, is as powerful or as weak as a given writer/plot wants them to be, and are often vaguely written in a way to allow for shit to be pulled out of asses whenever needed.

    Kinda like how one story might have Batman break Darkseid's neck in hand-to-hand combat, whereas another story might have Superman job to Darkseid and get evaporated by him blinking too hard.
    Kryptonite's a big one, one story will have it give Supes SuperCancer by exposing it to him once, whereas another plot might have him resist the effects and chuck it into the sun.

    • 4 months ago

      moronic. They say the truth if they actually know it. If they're insane or in denial they'll say what the real truth is they're ignoring. If they truly don't know because of an actual lack of knowledge they'll say they don't know.

    • 4 months ago

      >t. Tom Taylor
      Don't give DC more bad ideas

  20. 4 months ago

    Batman was the worst thing that happened. Because of his ridiculousness his main adversary has to be as fricking ridiculous

    In about 80yrs you people will notice that Batman ruined DC

    • 4 months ago

      *Harley ruined DC

    • 4 months ago

      The Joker ruined DC, if it wasn’t for his gay actor getting so much attention then TDK would’ve borderline flopped and WB wouldn't have chased after its success.

  21. 4 months ago

    That's crazy!

  22. 4 months ago

    Is Deadpool imnune to the lasso of truth too?

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