Just finished watching Super Hero

Holy shit wow

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  1. 6 months ago

    >Just finished watching Super Hero: shit

  2. 6 months ago

    >pulled out of ass fanfic tier transformations with no buildup
    modern animu shlock

    • 6 months ago

      Well, Gohan was always a prodigy so it makes sense, but i agree on Piccolo's.

      • 6 months ago

        jobhan was flushed into the gutter post cell, basically filler tier homie for 25 years and counting.
        And no, his new form or whatever doesnt make any sense.
        >didnt train at all
        >muh anger
        >yeat another weirdo color ssj form out of nowhere with 0 buildup
        its so fricking lazt

        • 6 months ago

          You're getting your bias get the best of you. It's perfectly fine for Gohan to reach a new form since he was always the character with the most potential. Specially in an 80 minute movie where you don't get the luxury of have him train for 25 episodes in a time chamber or whatever.

          • 6 months ago

            it should've stayed in SSJ1 level
            all the rest is pure power level wankery
            that's when dragon ball went to shit
            the simpsons went to shit
            naruto went to shit
            pokemon went to shit
            it's all shit

            • 6 months ago

              Super saiyan itself is an ass pull and there's nothing you can do about it. Kick and scream all you want.

              • 6 months ago

                Goku should have never been an alien. He’s not just an alien, but part of a special warrior race that has a genetic cheat code which allows him to become stronger after every defeat and multiple transformations he can unlock. The saiyan wank was ridiculous and ruined everything. And people say DBZ is all about hard work, nah saiyan genes trump all

            • 6 months ago

              guess what moron, turns out that legendary super form that had only been seen once in a thousand years? it was only the tip of the iceberg for this race of monkey men. they in fact had every increasing power levels of ever more legendary super forms hitherto unseen for eons that they could tap into when the need arises, including mystical god level legendary super forms as necessary.
              deal with it

              • 6 months ago

                Which perfectly fits a race of super warriors. Even back in the Saiyan Saga Vegeta was an "elite" saiyan & therefore a more powerful, higher caste. The saiyans that worked for frieza were basically the uncivilized caveman equivalent to what they were meant to be. Now if only they would wish Vegeta back & make the entire planet of saiyans start training properly...

            • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              You got all of these superspics mad at you bro. Keep it up.

            • 6 months ago

              >Everything is shit an only I am right!
              Perspective is everything anon

        • 6 months ago

          It's just cell era nostalgia moron. Just like the freiza movie. You don't have to think too hard about it. Why do you think gohans hair got so big? So he looked smaller by comparison like when he was a kid. Frickin morons here I swear

          • 6 months ago

            At least in the Frieza movie it was actually the fricking lizzard, and he was an butthole like always.
            This Cell reminded me of Bio Broly, an absolute waste of a great villain.

            Honestly, the best DBZ movie I've watched, period. Besides the usual yelling and power level wankery, you can tell the script was made by someone who enjoyed all of Dragon Ball. When Piccolo had to pilot a ship at some point and his driving was terrible, mirroring that one episode where he and Goku went to driving school, I knew I was in for a good time. There's tons of nods and in-jokes.
            Even the more overt ones like Krillin saying "Piccolo, go big! Remember when we were kids and in the tournament you turned into a giant?"
            "Oh, yeah. I forgot I could do that."
            The bad guy designs and the fights are not the best, so if you're watching for that you might be disappointed. But this movie was my jam.

            I don't like 3d animation, though. It looks like a glorified video game. Everything else was fine, and it was a nice way to re-introduce Pan.

        • 6 months ago

          He was supposed to replace Goku post-Cell but Goku proved too popular so that idea was scrapped. Gohan is canonically the strongest Saiyan now though.

        • 6 months ago

          He literally told Piccolo that he's been training at the end of the movie. In fact he learned how to use the Makankosappo.

        • 6 months ago

          He went crazy because he saw a friend closest to death... in a world where everyone can resurrect.

      • 6 months ago

        Piccolo's buff was overdue. He should've either been the main antagonist in the Majin arc or made a GoD in Super.

        • 6 months ago

          Glad you're not in charge of things.

        • 6 months ago

          Vegeta pretty much replaced that archetype slot.

          • 6 months ago

            Goku's rival:
            Tenshinhan -> Piccolo Jr. -> Bejita -> Hitto -> Jiren -> Broli
            Bejita's tenure was longest

            • 6 months ago

              Tien is based, shame he'll probably never get a moment like this again. At least Roshi got some attention as of Super.

              • 6 months ago

                Goku's rival:
                Tenshinhan -> Piccolo Jr. -> Bejita -> Hitto -> Jiren -> Broli
                Bejita's tenure was longest

                Yeah Tien is awesome, always been my fav more minor character. Least he never stopped training and started his own school with students despite never being able to keep up he does well for himself anyway.

              • 6 months ago

                The thing is that the gap with the saiyans is so big that it's easy to forget that even minor characters are fricking awesome. Well, except Satan.
                But Krillin or Tien can fly faster than any conventional transportation mean, they each developed their own techniques. I don't know if they are planet busters, but at the very least they can easily erase mountains, cities, even whole countries. They are the most powerful beings that aren't aliens. Krillin is either the most powerful human being, or the second if Roshii is more powerful than him.

            • 6 months ago

              >No frieza

              • 6 months ago

                Freezer was never a rival, nor was Cell.
                Just an enemy

        • 6 months ago

          Piccolo never should have needed a asspull transformation. He never stopped training and was much stronger than a super saiyan by the end of cell. He should’ve already been crazy powerful. He kept up with 17 but for some reason 17 is near god level now despite fricking around in the woods for years. Training and How people get stronger in dragon ball make zero fricking sense

          • 6 months ago

            One half is genetics and the other half is training. For example, Frieza was already genetically gifted and only needed to train for a very small amount of time to be as strong as a Super Saiyan God.
            Namekians aren't on the same level as Frieza's race, but Piccolo is essentially several people put together so that gave him a huge boost.

            • 6 months ago

              hes not just several people put together, he's the most legendary namekian ever

          • 6 months ago

            >How people get stronger in dragon ball make zero fricking sense
            Saiyans only become stronger when facing off against a foe as strong as them or stronger, they learn via mortal combat. During the first super movie they were at a plateau in power level, and they were informed about sharing power temporarilly to boost him further up. He then battled the god of destruction during which he grew as strong as the temporary boost he was given.

            His super saiyan god form uses a lot of energy to maintain not too unlike SSJ3 did. So he trains to have a sidegrade power up which uses way less energy, his super saiyan god-super saiyan, or SSJ Blue for short. For a long time this was his limit. However of course during a life or death battle with Jiren he learns a new sidegrade transformation which uses virtually no energy, it's effortless, the ultra instinct.

            >Piccolo never should have needed a asspull transformation.
            agreed, I see it like

            Piccolo's buff was overdue. He should've either been the main antagonist in the Majin arc or made a GoD in Super.

            does (nice get) Piccolo was left behind for no reason I can fathom besides overplaying just how capable saiyans are in growing. I love that his form is a really far throwback to the lore of dragon balls, they were invented by namekians to obtain power to defend themselves from enemies. It was clutch that he got his power up in that way. However it sucks that's basically at yet another plateau. Goku can just fight Piccolo and probably pull more strength out of his ass now.

        • 6 months ago

          piccolo should be the mage of the group, given his link to kami sama and the dragon balls

          • 6 months ago

            they should've really lean into using special (non-transformation) techniques for the rest of the cast to keep up with the bruteforce SSJ. Too bad toryima and gang became lazy.

        • 6 months ago

          Piccolo deserved a buff during Super because he is the only one with literal god energy already. If Android 17 can get an asspull buff, Piccolo was long overdue

          Tbh he should be Beerus apprentice to be the next GoD. he is the only one with the temperment for it, isn't tied to earth as much as the others with family, and can make difficult decisions for the greater good (ex: telling Buu to kill every mortal to buy time)

          Big missed opportunity

          • 6 months ago

            >Tbh he should be Beerus apprentice

            I don't want to see the Demon King kneel to the two gays like Bejita. He's been humiliated enough as the nanny of the series. Him and Gohan doing their own thing and getting stronger their own way is good enough as it is

          • 6 months ago

            >If Android 17 can get an asspull buff
            17 didn't get a buff he was always powerful but never got to show just how strong he was due to being absorbed.
            He literally has unlimited energy.
            GT (as shit as it was) used this glossed over fact during the Super 17 arc.

            • 6 months ago

              Unlimited energy allowed his chi to stay perpetually the same, but it didn't give him any other advantage. Piccolo was messing him up bad, but was gradually starting to fatigue because all of his moves cost him chi to do and it didn't for 17. He couldn't contest Cell beating him into the ground

              In Super, he's suddenly as strong as SSJ Blue Goku and also trading hits with Jiren. It was really batshit and out of nowhere. That would be like if Monster Carrot came back and can match against SSJ Blue Goku too, plus turn Goku into a helpless carrot

              • 6 months ago

                > That would be like if Monster Carrot came back and can match against SSJ Blue Goku too, plus turn Goku into a helpless carrot

                >implying that wouldn’t be kino

                I prefer my Dragon Ball using more of their charecters with fun asspulls than staying on the “it doesn’t make sense if it’s not Goku” comfort zone

              • 6 months ago

                Goku could have recruited Devilman and won

              • 6 months ago

                Maybe they could have thrown something in to explain why he was more efficient with his energy.
                The tournament of power having the rule of no killing was suppose to give reason as to why characters like Krillin and Roshi were able to hang in there because technically everyone is holding back.
                But there are wild discrepancies.

              • 6 months ago

                >The tournament of power having the rule of no killing was suppose to give reason as to why characters like Krillin and Roshi were able to hang in there because technically everyone is holding back.

                I liked how Frost utilized this so well against Bejita, telling him that if he uses too much power, he might accidentally kill Frost. Then he fricks Bejita over soon after

        • 6 months ago

          I agree, but they went and did it the moronic way. Him asking Shelong to unleash his potential doesn't make any kind of sense. Piccolo is a guy who has been constantly training. He was already at his peak.
          The best opportunity was god ki. Because if he learned to use god ki as well then he could've powered up a lot. In fact they shouldn't have use god ki as a mere multiplier, but as a whole new concept. So some character could've been powered up more by it. That way you could reduce at least a little the gap between saiyans and the rest.

        • 6 months ago

          It's moronic and makes no sense. And your taste is utterly garbage for defending it.

          ironically picolo's power up makes more sense than gohan's asspull. Yeah he cheated with shenron but at least there's an explanation and setup

          Why didn't he think of using Shenron for this powerup earlier, other than because they just pulled this recolor form out for their ass for merchandising?

          • 6 months ago

            >Why didn't he think of using Shenron for this powerup earlier

            Because it is just whatever. How many other times did they have powerups like that which came along to push the story along?

            >The holy water
            >Grand Elder's potential unlocking power
            >Elder Kai's potential unlocking power

            They could sit down and ask Shenron for extremely complex multi-universe damning wishes like Zamus did. They could, but they'd rather ask for cosmetic changes for Bulma, a boyfriend for Bulma, being taller, hot women's panties, etc etc

            • 6 months ago

              >>The holy water
              That had the risk of killing you.
              Elder's potential unlocking power
              Kai's potential unlocking power
              Those were newly introduced characters that the main cast didn't know of before.
              Piccolo always knew about Shenron and he got his powerup without having to take any risks.

              • 6 months ago

                It just seems to be a recurring gag that the characters never utilize the Dragon Balls correctly, which I suppose makes sense or else everybody would be completely broken more than they already are. I think only Demon King Piccolo and a tiny handful of others ever sat down and thought it out well. He was already king of the world and had unchallenged power, but he was old, so he wished for eternal youth

                Jr could have asked for super speed, or x-ray vision, or whatever else he could have ever wanted or needed in the many years the Dragon Balls were sitting around collecting dust and being used for nonsense. Using the Dragon Balls to wish for something to battle Cell Max I'll agree didn't feel so great. Using them at all cheapens the story, really, but that's been a problem since the cast learned they could bring people back to life, I'd say

      • 6 months ago

        ironically picolo's power up makes more sense than gohan's asspull. Yeah he cheated with shenron but at least there's an explanation and setup

      • 6 months ago

        this but the complete fricking opposite, you fricking moron

    • 6 months ago

      >no buildup
      The only power creep with buildup was Gohan transforming into the ape against Vegeta, and that was if you hadn't already seen Dragon Ball. And yet despite the teasing, the show still has THAT scene where Picklericko and Turtlemaster look at the camera and explains the exact events of their encounters with Goku.
      In other words; you're talkin' out your ass, DBZ is the definition of schlock from beginning to... I was going to say end, but it seems like Toriyama is going to milk this garbage until he fricking dies.

  3. 6 months ago

    >we want the mexican audience

  4. 6 months ago

    Orange flavored medicine.

  5. 6 months ago

    Honestly, the best DBZ movie I've watched, period. Besides the usual yelling and power level wankery, you can tell the script was made by someone who enjoyed all of Dragon Ball. When Piccolo had to pilot a ship at some point and his driving was terrible, mirroring that one episode where he and Goku went to driving school, I knew I was in for a good time. There's tons of nods and in-jokes.
    Even the more overt ones like Krillin saying "Piccolo, go big! Remember when we were kids and in the tournament you turned into a giant?"
    "Oh, yeah. I forgot I could do that."
    The bad guy designs and the fights are not the best, so if you're watching for that you might be disappointed. But this movie was my jam.

    • 6 months ago

      Not to mention how they made Beerus into a simp, which is the best use of Beerus since... He first appeared.

    • 6 months ago

      You didn't even mention the whole "your kind of my dad, so I used you special move" moment. That was a great follow up to "hey Piccolo, can you make me clothes like your?" moment way back in Cell

  6. 6 months ago

    i think it's good that they're trying to incorporate the other characters back in. super is basically the goku and vegeta show plus one other character that's relevant to the current arc that goes away after it's over.

  7. 6 months ago

    holy bulmass

  8. 6 months ago

    Namekians were always the more interesting alien race. Better mysteries and lore. These frickers can create a dragon that can alter aspects of reality. Would’ve been nice to delve deep into such s vital aspect of the entire series

  9. 6 months ago

    kek why do they look so moronic? gigahomie piccolo and gohan blanco? what is this fanfic tier shit?
    what's the actual explanation for these transformations?

    • 6 months ago

      >what's the actual explanation for these transformations?
      Piccolo got got buffed by Shenron, Gohan snapped again like when he did against Cell and unlocked another Gohan exclusive tranformation because he needed something that isn't SSJB/UI/UE

  10. 6 months ago

    i refuse to watch it for two reasons
    (1) the anime style it's made in make me dizzy
    (2) after facing god tier enemies it is fricking moronic to bring back the red ribbon army

    simple as

  11. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I want to see older Pan already, but Daima cucked my dreams.

      • 6 months ago

        Imagine threesome between all three Pans

  12. 6 months ago

    Someone give me a quick rundown on this film. Is it true that it's Piccolo-centric and gives Piccolo a new golden form? Sounds kino, especially since Super is pretty much just the Goku & Vegeta Show (and I say this as someone who loves Goku).

    • 6 months ago

      red ribbon army comes back and they try to make a new Cell. They succeed and Gohan and Piccolo have to beat him up because Goku and Vegita are training on Beerus' planet and cannot be reached.
      Both Gohan and Piccolo gets a new form.

  13. 6 months ago

    How excited are we for dragon ball babies?

    • 6 months ago

      They had the opportunity to make Piccolo look like he did back in the day, and they just made him chibi.

      Besides that, I'd like to think there is potential, but I just can't... The whole idea indicates they are out of ideas, which is sad considering Super Hero had fresh meat.

      • 6 months ago

        It's just for the meantime so the manga can catch up. I mean it's STUPID but it's so the manga can catch up

        • 6 months ago

          catch up to what?
          Broli and Superhero?

    • 6 months ago

      dragon ball go:
      no thank you

    • 6 months ago

      This is dragon ball returning to its roots, people need to realize Toriyama’s real vision

    • 6 months ago

      Omg I'm dilating right now

    • 6 months ago

      I'd rather have a remaster of the OG than this Daipa slop.

  14. 6 months ago

    Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast are so soulless that they bypass cringe and become based again

    • 6 months ago

      More sovlful than the SS God transformations t b h. Ultimate Instinct is alright since it has its own unique gimmick.

    • 6 months ago

      It's because they feel right out of a Dragon Ball AF Tripod page 20 years ago.

  15. 6 months ago

    I'm gonna need to see that golden /piccolodick/

    • 6 months ago

      no dick nemekians are a sexual also they don't eat food they just drink water

      • 6 months ago

        they can stretch any part of their body so technically they can have BND (big namekian dicks)

        • 6 months ago

          nah i think porn has demolished your brain

        • 6 months ago

          Demon King Piccolo grew another finger for absolutely no reason (Toriyama didn't feel like drawing an abstract hand for beam blasts) so by that logic, he could sprout another head or whatever else he wanted

  16. 6 months ago

    Are these guys strong enough to fight Frost? Or Hit? Or maybe even Ribrianne?

    • 6 months ago

      we have no idea because they only fought Cell Max, and Cell Max only fought them.

      • 6 months ago

        >we have no idea
        We do actually. Beast Gohan is more powerful than Mystic Gohan, who is in a league of his own already, so it's safe to say Gohan is basically on par with Jiren at least.

  17. 6 months ago

    Yeah, Pan was delicious.

  18. 6 months ago

    Did they have to just rehash Gohan from Cell games? I know that was him at his peak, but come on now. Toriyama is one lazy frick

  19. 6 months ago

    It was fun but i liked Broly more

  20. 6 months ago

    What's the explanation for white hair on Gohan? Why not just give him blue super Saiyan god? Why the frick is piccolo orange?

    Someone who watches this crap, explain

    • 6 months ago

      >What's the explanation for white hair on Gohan?

      No explanation given

      >Why the frick is piccolo orange?

      Toriyama had difficulty making a transformation for Piccolo that would be easy to visually notice. His answer was to make him huge and make him orange

    • 6 months ago

      It's not white it's grey

  21. 6 months ago

    Isn't this anime?

    • 6 months ago

      Anime janai

  22. 6 months ago

    they made Gohan Blanco canon?

  23. 6 months ago

    >ugly 3D
    >villain is a recolor of an older character
    >new saiyan form is the blanco meme (again)
    >Piccolo has now entered the rainbow dye transformations orgy through one of the laziest asspulls possible
    >final fight rips off the original Gohan vs Cell and makes Gohan look like a shitty Gary Stu
    This was actual garbage, holy shit. Can't believe dbtards ate this cancer up.

  24. 6 months ago

    I can maybe get used to Gohan Blanco but Orange Piccolo looks completely fricking stupid.

    • 6 months ago

      You don't think both of them look stupid as all hell?

      • 6 months ago

        No more so than SSJ3 and people love that shit

        • 6 months ago

          SSJ3 definitely didn't look as moronic as pineapple Gohan.

          • 6 months ago

            The hell it doesn't.

  25. 6 months ago


  26. 6 months ago

    >Gohan Blanco is a real form

  27. 6 months ago

    You frickers will never appreciate the next movie DragonBall Super: Dragon Bald when krillin unlocks his new transformation, Tall Krillin!

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know why Krillin never gets any taller. When Goku got his growth spurt, it was considered abnormal, since it was only three years. Krillin got as big as you'd expect in three years, only he never stopped growing. Now he's a midget. I figured Krillin would look something like Tienshinhan, or young Master Moshi when he was fully grown, but he really got fricked over

      • 6 months ago

        >Krillin got as big as you'd expect in three years, only he never stopped growing

  28. 6 months ago

    Worth watching?
    I like cool shounen movies, but my main complains of past movies are: Goku is beyond moronic, even for shounen standard, he acts more stupid the more he ages.
    2nd, that fricking JAPANESE HUMOUR Vegeta dancing or something in the frieza or broly movie, dont remember which one, holy frick, even my butthole tightened from the cringe.

    • 6 months ago

      You have shit taste if those are the only problems you had with the past movies, so this is one will probably be pretty good for you.

  29. 6 months ago

    why don't they just farm the dragon balls and keep wishing shit like "I wish Yamcha/Tien/Yajirobe was stronger than Goku" then Goku could train to beat them rather than leaving it to chance with genocidal maniacs who are using the balls in exactly this manner anyway

    • 6 months ago

      Are you really trying to apply logic to fricking shonen, you inbred moron?

    • 6 months ago

      Because the dragon has very limited power and it can't affect those stronger than itself (ie the entire named cast).

      • 6 months ago

        "I wish for a stronger dragon" then start juicing the next cycle

      • 6 months ago

        didnt he unlocked piccolos potential in this movie?

        Are you really trying to apply logic to fricking shonen, you inbred moron?

        Id ask for pan / bra / e-girl chichi harem btw.

        • 6 months ago

          My three wishes:

          >Pan as my e-girl wife
          >Pan has eternal youth and will never age
          >I have unlimited stamina

          • 6 months ago

            didnt he unlocked piccolos potential in this movie?
            also [...]

            Id ask for pan / bra / e-girl chichi harem btw.

            seek help

            • 6 months ago

              Obviously, I wouldnnt be able to restrain Pan while penetrating her.

        • 6 months ago

          My three wishes:

          >Pan as my e-girl wife
          >Pan has eternal youth and will never age
          >I have unlimited stamina

          Pan, Bra, Mai, & an IV of Sensu Beans

    • 6 months ago

      "I wish for a stronger dragon" then start juicing the next cycle

      Doesn't work. The Dragon can't do anything beyond its own power, including upgrading itself. Antagonists used the dragon balls to make themselves younger, not exactly stronger. Piccolo only asked for his potential to be unlocked.
      Super did introduce a new set of dragon balls that can do what you ask, however it only grants those kinds of wishes at the cost of lifespan. One character wished to be the strongest in the universe and he lost such a massive chunk of lifespan that he died not too long after. The humans would likely die a bit later.

  30. 6 months ago

    >Driving Pan to school
    >Kissing Pan on her forehead
    >Buying Pan ice cream
    >Bathing Pan
    >Tucking Pan into bed
    >Cooking a nice breakfast for Pan
    >Fussing with tying Pan's bandana correctly for her

  31. 6 months ago

    >cartoon cape shit
    ywnbaw, now get out

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