Just saw the batman (2022)

What did I think of it?

I actually saw it when it came out but it was a shitty CAM rip

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  1. 10 months ago

    Cinemaphile infamously has shit takes on this film. Half of them are blatant misunderstandings of the plot.
    It's kino. But Cinemaphile will never enjoy it.

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much.

      1) it is the best batman movie made for adults

      2) just because it's the best doesn't mean it's all that great.

      5.5/10 any other opinion is misguided, wrong, trolling, irony. etc.

      >any other opinion is misguided, wrong, trolling, irony. etc.
      You say it with such disinterest I wonder if it's only out of obligation. "I'm on Cinemaphile therefore I must demean any opinion that doesn't align with my own like everyone else does".

      • 10 months ago

        >I'm on Cinemaphile therefore I must demean any opinion
        Actually I think it's as simple as this. Cinemaphile has become so reactionarily cynical that everyone is too much of a coward to have an actual individual opinion. It's being dismissive at the very idea of being invested in something, which is a very 14y.o pseud perspective.

    • 10 months ago

      There's nothing to misunderstand. The writing is god awful and the movie is a slog with some cringe inducing performances.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's kino.
      It's fricking trash, and your pseud.

    • 10 months ago

      The cinematography is kino, the casting, music, and plot (particularly the ending), are awful.

  2. 10 months ago

    You probably thought it was weird how the third act ended abruptly and then introduced a second, worse third act

  3. 10 months ago

    The penguin could have and should have carried the movie as the primary antagonist. Everything involving Riddler felt like it was added to the script afterward

  4. 10 months ago

    idk what you thought but it's a lousy movie

  5. 10 months ago

    1) it is the best batman movie made for adults

    2) just because it's the best doesn't mean it's all that great.

    5.5/10 any other opinion is misguided, wrong, trolling, irony. etc.

  6. 10 months ago

    I have no idea how should I feel about The Batman because RLM refuses to review it.

  7. 10 months ago

    Mid shit
    >Shits on whites for no reason
    >Midwit plot
    >The Riddler's plan makes no sense
    >Pattison as Bats is hilariously off tone
    >Dark just for the sake of dark, you can't see shit
    >Slow for the sake of slow, you can get asleep
    >Tries to be TDK so hard its funny
    Bad adaptation of an already good story, being The Long Halloween
    >Zoe Kravitz is a mystery meat girl nepo'd into the role
    >Astroturfed here because it's easier to bot the shit of it instead of organically make it (no DC movie makes it)

    >Penguin was cool

  8. 10 months ago

    the Batman is not only a shit Batman movie but a shit movie in general.
    >bad dialogue
    >Bruce is an emo twink
    >the gimp mask
    >marketed as ultra realistic but fails
    >the flying squirrel suit scene
    >wants to be Nolan 2.0 but failed
    >blacked Gordon for some reason
    >Catwoman is a black transvestite crackhead
    >Riddler is a reddit shitposter
    >Terrible third act
    >Batmobile is a regular muscle car but BLACK

    • 10 months ago

      is a reddit shitposter
      I dont understand why they didn't just turn him into the Jigsaw killer from the Saw movies. Such an easy layup. He acts more like victor zsasz.

  9. 10 months ago

    I love reading the script it's top tier comic book dialogue.

    • 10 months ago

      >they think I'm hiding in the shadows... but I am the shadows
      real top notch writing there Matt

  10. 10 months ago

    Its a boring and dark shit movie for ~~*adults*~~ read: DCucks and manchildren
    I was dissapointed i wasted a good day just to see this.

  11. 10 months ago

    You thought it was a great depiction of Batman as a detective and you liked the over the top noir tone that goes with that, but you thought the Riddler being some zodiac type psycho but also some kind of twisted vigilante but also some school shooter internet incel with a bunch of followers from LE DARK WEB was all very broad, jarring and unbelievable, and also an annoying self-indulgent touch courtesy of the same people who inserted pointless racebait whining in to the dialogue.

    • 10 months ago

      I fricking loved the detective shit. Reminded me of the 60s series with the simple riddles leading to some overly complex end point.

      • 10 months ago

        Any movie can do "detective" shit
        The trick is to make it right. The mystery has to make sense. This mystery made no sense and would be a garbage mid tier movie if it wasn't for the "detective" being an emo twink called Batman

        • 10 months ago

          >The mystery made no sense
          Bro it was genuinely simple to understand.
          Wtf didn't make sense?

          • 10 months ago

            >The Riddler makes a convoluted mess of a plot for Bats to unravel
            >When the whole idea was to just snipe Falcone himself

            >The whole premise seemed Riddler wanted Batman to take Falcone himself, showing he's the one that killed his parents, unaware of Batman's moral code
            >NOPE, just wanted Bats to take Falcone out of his club front to shoot him, which could've been done anywhere, anyhow, by anyone, at any other day or time

            >OH SHIT the movie has no third act!
            >HUUUUUHHHHHHH.... also I planted some explosives and want to sink the city I dunno cuz im evil

            >The Riddler left all his plan under a rug to Bats to uncover it, not knowing if he's gonna help him or not, Riddler is just SO CONVINCED he's truly like him, fricking his work by telling it up front to him

            >The final bad guys are actually 4chins lmao

            >The riddles are as campy and as easy as the back of a cereal box

            It takes half a brain paying attention that the script was rushed and rewritten and rushed again and reshoot many times and it's just a ham.
            Seriously my man, you need to watch more movies, or grow, or just stop watching capeshit because in all honesty, nothing NOTHING good can come out of these. Just stop.

            • 10 months ago

              >Snipe Falcone himself
              He had to get Batman to bring him out.
              How was he going to get Falcone arrested?
              >could have been done any day
              Why would he do it any day if the point was to schedule alongside the day when the bombs would go off?
              You're mad that THE RIDDLER made a plan involving steps?
              >I dunno why I planted the explosives
              Then you didn't watch or understand basic exposition which goes into his relationship with Batman.
              >The Riddler was so sure Batman would help him!
              You're mad that THE RIDDLER was prideful in his assumptions of his self worth?
              >The final bad guys are 4chin
              Alright. Don't see how that doesn't make sense with the mystery.
              >The riddles are campy
              The Riddler has never been campy before, you're right, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!?!?!
              Just kidding.
              Anyway, in conclusion, maybe watch more movies. You'll see how stories evolve and intertwine pretty often.
              In fact it's how most good movies function.

              • 10 months ago

                >The Riddler has never been campy before, you're right, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!?!?!
                Yeah, but this movie was le ultra realistic and dark take on Batman. It would be acceptable if the tone was lighter instead of this garbage we got

              • 10 months ago

                >Nothing can be funny or campy in a super serious grimdark capeshit movie

              • 10 months ago

                >make super serious dark movie
                >insert campy shit
                literal Joss Whedon quip tier

              • 10 months ago

                You're saying stuff, yet say nothing of value

                Its a shit movie with shit motives and shit exposition and shit characters and shit fanbase and you're full of apologetic shit.

              • 10 months ago

                That's another one for the books.
                >Nuh uh!
                And here I was expecting more.

                >but it's le comics accurate
                you're actually autistic

                Hey chief. I didn't bring it up in the first place.

      • 10 months ago

        >I fricking loved the detective shit
        Now imagine if the writers watched columbo, kojak episodes from the 70s. The mystery and detective work is non existent. He did 0 shaking anyone down and just walked around doing jackshit for almost 3hours.

        • 10 months ago

          >0 shaking anyone down
          Nta but he literally shakes down The Penguin. Twice.

          • 10 months ago

            You mean the scene where him and penguin cause a pile up on the highway killing who knows how many people and gordon and bruce just let him go. Also the information he gets he should already know since bruce knows falcone is a kingpin. Yet he's shocked to learn the most basic shit.
            >falcone and penguin are in control of gotham
            >They use their influence to bribe judges and cops
            Like yeah Black person you literally the greatest detective, how did none of the thugs you beat up at night tell you this shit. You have fricking spy cameras and a friend whos a fricking detective on the force. Why is he leaning decade old information now. Just dumb.

            • 10 months ago

              Uh oh pileup excuse!
              This is a classic.
              Penguin caused it and got let go because, surprise, Falcone had his hooks in the GCPD. They slap Penguin in, he gets out. What's the point?
              >Bruce knows Falcone is a kingpin
              He knows he sells drops. Why would he know he runs all of Gotham?
              Batman even thinks Penguin has secretly taken over to betray Falcone seeing how much he wants to rise the ranks.
              >why didn't dropheads and teens tell you Falcone runs it all
              I wonder why...
              >spy cameras
              Where? He has lenses? He doesn't even have a Batcomputer it's just a couple of monitors.
              Not even Gordon knew.

              People really need to think before critiquing.
              My favorite is the bulletproof bombproof shit.
              Ah yes. Batman has never been bulletproof or escaped a bomb. And his suit certainly can't handle either.
              There's literally no critique that isn't easily refutable by just keeping up with the film's world.
              Goofiness on Cinemaphile
              What's new?

              • 10 months ago

                I honestly can not tell if you like this film or not. Please learn to construct a sentence.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, I want you to look at my reply.
                Take a best guess. Just a piss in the wind, y'know? Go for Double Jeopardy.
                Am I defending the film or critiquing the film?
                Am I replying to a critique of the film, or making my own?

              • 10 months ago

                I shouldn't have to guess. Again, please learn how to construct a sentence.

    • 10 months ago

      I fricking loved the detective shit. Reminded me of the 60s series with the simple riddles leading to some overly complex end point.

      I liked Batman playing around more as a detective doing low powered shit than being Iron Man.

  12. 10 months ago

    I think that DC fans are so tired and so dissapointed that will cling to anything, regardless of its objective quality, such as this movie or BvS or the Snyderverse, which is sad

    The world is a shit. Escapism is the only thing people has left in this shitty time. And then they crap these out. It's a coping mechanism hard embedded in their personality.

    • 10 months ago

      I think it's a more cynical matter of fanboys will cling to something as long as it has the bare aesthetic essentials attached.

      People would love Godzilla 1998 if it were the exact same movie but with a Godzilla who breathed fire and looked like Godzilla. It's an objectively better movie than the 2014 version but the latter gets a pass because despite all that's wrong with it, it technically has a Godzilla who looks like Godzilla and fights monsters.

      The Batman and BvS are both awful movies in their own ways. But they're given more of a pass than say, the Schumacher shit, because they are at least doing gritty/detective Batman.

      The biggest problem with "The Batman" is that it lacks a take. It's generic, flavourless Batman for an endless stream of sequels. Not a Batman that has any individual value.

      • 10 months ago

        BvS shits on the batman in every conceivable way

        • 10 months ago

          I think they're both bad, but I do agree that at least BvS has an identity.

  13. 10 months ago

    So what did you think of it?

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much this

      You thought it was a great depiction of Batman as a detective and you liked the over the top noir tone that goes with that, but you thought the Riddler being some zodiac type psycho but also some kind of twisted vigilante but also some school shooter internet incel with a bunch of followers from LE DARK WEB was all very broad, jarring and unbelievable, and also an annoying self-indulgent touch courtesy of the same people who inserted pointless racebait whining in to the dialogue.

  14. 10 months ago

    riddler's mask reminds me too much of that septic tank video could not finish watching it

  15. 10 months ago

    The movie has no right to be that long, especially when it just boring modern soap opera writing. Literally tells the same plot as batman begins, the villain even has the same moronic plot to destroy gotham at the end.

  16. 10 months ago

    Riddler getting arrested made 0 sense. Reeves just did that because it happened in se7en, not realising john doe , does that so he can get close to his victim and ruin his life.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh also this
      He was so smug about getting captured when it's just a stupid move, whatever the outcome

      Reeves just really wanted to place visual flair (pitch black scenes) over common sense

      >Snipe Falcone himself
      He had to get Batman to bring him out.
      How was he going to get Falcone arrested?
      >could have been done any day
      Why would he do it any day if the point was to schedule alongside the day when the bombs would go off?
      You're mad that THE RIDDLER made a plan involving steps?
      >I dunno why I planted the explosives
      Then you didn't watch or understand basic exposition which goes into his relationship with Batman.
      >The Riddler was so sure Batman would help him!
      You're mad that THE RIDDLER was prideful in his assumptions of his self worth?
      >The final bad guys are 4chin
      Alright. Don't see how that doesn't make sense with the mystery.
      >The riddles are campy
      The Riddler has never been campy before, you're right, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!?!?!
      Just kidding.
      Anyway, in conclusion, maybe watch more movies. You'll see how stories evolve and intertwine pretty often.
      In fact it's how most good movies function.

      >Nothing can be funny or campy in a super serious grimdark capeshit movie

      >Can't even fight incels
      Damn they all got away? He didn't stop them?
      >City gets flooded
      Zero Year. Comic accurate.
      >Catwoman leaves him
      Nearly every time they interact in the comics.
      She even left on their wedding.
      So yeah all those things are comic accurate.
      Like I said alrighty. Whatever floats ya boat.

      >This is the DCuck in his habitat when threatened. Will jump through the fire to defend the multi million dollar company that shits in his plate.

      • 10 months ago

        Hey if you guys can't refute it, don't dispute it.
        Simple and squeaky clear.

  17. 10 months ago

    >I am vengeance
    Literally does nothing the entire movie. Can't even fight incel schizos on Cinemaphile. Lets the city get flooded. Gets cucked by catwoman. I dont get it how can people say hes comic accurate.

    • 10 months ago

      >Can't even fight incels
      Damn they all got away? He didn't stop them?
      >City gets flooded
      Zero Year. Comic accurate.
      >Catwoman leaves him
      Nearly every time they interact in the comics.
      She even left on their wedding.
      So yeah all those things are comic accurate.

      >make super serious dark movie
      >insert campy shit
      literal Joss Whedon quip tier

      Like I said alrighty. Whatever floats ya boat.

      • 10 months ago

        >but it's le comics accurate
        you're actually autistic

      • 10 months ago

        homie is citing Tom King's shitty Batman run as a recourse. LMAO.

      • 10 months ago

        >Like I said alrighty. Whatever floats ya boat.
        like I said they can be campy in a campy movie. This movie had le grimdark ultra realistic tone so the campy riddles felt out of place. But keep defending this shitty flick, tis hilarious

        • 10 months ago

          The issue wasn't that they were campy. It's that they were easy, banal and boring.

  18. 10 months ago

    It's an alight batman movie that is 30 minutes too long. It finds a middle ground between gothic stylistic dark Burton Batman and the cold tech fanatic Nolan Batman. 7/10

  19. 10 months ago

    I can't imagine seeing it on a camrip. I could barely see anything in the theater. Such a ridiculously darkly lit movie.

  20. 10 months ago

    Doesn't him tanking bullets just take away tension from the fights? Hes basically iron man.

    • 10 months ago

      He took an explosion to the face with 0 damage.

      • 10 months ago

        But that shotgun blast was somehow worse than taking C4 at point blank range. Then he got electrocuted but was totally fine to lead everyone out of the flooded building. It's such a dumb movie. I'd like it if it weren't so long.

        • 10 months ago

          >that shotgun blast was somehow worse than taking C4 at point blank range
          Fun fact: small explosives usually kill with shrapnell, not with the concussive blast.

          • 10 months ago

            Then his jaw would have been torn to shreds. It's capeshit and I'll leave it at that and not think about it.

            • 10 months ago

              This only works if the movie isn't trying to real and gritty. Him tanking bullets and surviving a c4 to the face is dumb writing.

  21. 10 months ago

    It sucked.

  22. 10 months ago

    >Was bored the entire movie
    >It's so amateur, so dark, so silly, so dumb but also so self righteously SRS and le MATURE it was a cringefest
    >Pattison really looks like he didn't gave a frick or didn't wanted to be there
    >Leave the theatre
    >Think nothing of it
    >Meet a comic fanboy friend and ask about the movie, what he thought of it
    >tears in his eyes, but not of happiness, as in holding back sometihng, says it's super cool and all he ever wanted from a Batman movie
    >Point out the flaws and how can it compete with the animated ones that are objectively so much better at everything?
    >Starts to get defensive and calls me a Marvel fan (wtf)
    >Can't defend his ground, he just liked the DARK and how SRS DECTETCTIV it was, cuz it's DETECTIV TIME for BATMN
    >Come here and see the EXACT pattern

    Seriously you're all a hivemind and society must get rid of Hollyjew. It's a poison in manchildren's minds.

  23. 10 months ago

    Penguin good, rest is shit. Incel Riddler didn't land.

    • 10 months ago

      All there is to say
      Penguin was alright, but the movie makes little sense or it's too flat like

      You mean the scene where him and penguin cause a pile up on the highway killing who knows how many people and gordon and bruce just let him go. Also the information he gets he should already know since bruce knows falcone is a kingpin. Yet he's shocked to learn the most basic shit.
      >falcone and penguin are in control of gotham
      >They use their influence to bribe judges and cops
      Like yeah Black person you literally the greatest detective, how did none of the thugs you beat up at night tell you this shit. You have fricking spy cameras and a friend whos a fricking detective on the force. Why is he leaning decade old information now. Just dumb.

      The riddles are dumb
      The whole plan was dumb

      Wasn't all the plot just to shoot Falcone below a lamplight? lmao the frick was that all about
      Why don't just shoot him on the several outings Falcone was? And if you really wanted to go that route, why not write Falcone as a super reclusive man that is seriously hard to get a glimpse of?

      And then flooding the city with bombs? why not just blow the frick out of the city altogether anyways? Killing Falcone like Riddler did made no sense, no point or no statement to anyone. And since you're drowning every sinner in Gotham, what gives?

      Batman running around in circles wasn't that interesting either. Mostly boring shit.

      like have you any homies watched this? it's basically the same plot, but better written, albeit the Holiday Killer still being kinda stupid in the reveal

      For comic homosexuals, you aren't really good at comic homosexualry

      • 10 months ago

        You're right. You shouldn't. But God makes all of us who we're meant to be, and I don't look down on the intellectually impaired.
        That's why I'm putting it into a way of learning that is universal.

        >Under a lamplight
        So Riddler could kill him himself and know he was dead.
        >Why not shoot him on the several outings
        So that his death would coincide on the day of the city's death.
        >Why not write Falcone as reclusive?
        They do.
        He literally says he's reclusive. To Bruce Wayne. An actual line of dialogue.
        >Why not blow the city
        Because he couldn't make a million bombs and plant them everywhere. He could only make a few and what better way to hurt the whole city than flood it? It's also a biblical way for people to pay for sin.
        >No sense or statement
        Yes it did. It was for him, and to reveal to Gotham who the cause of corruption was.
        >What gives?
        Riddler exposes corruption and destroys the city before it can elect a new person to be corrupted.
        And the only folks he wants alive are his followers and Batman.

        How do you guys struggle so hard with such basic ideas?
        I'm flabbergasted every time people bring this movie up and claim to have seen it.
        Can you guys just not keep up with a basic storyline?

        >Like I said alrighty. Whatever floats ya boat.
        like I said they can be campy in a campy movie. This movie had le grimdark ultra realistic tone so the campy riddles felt out of place. But keep defending this shitty flick, tis hilarious

        >tis hilarious
        Keep critiquing it pal. Ditto for me.

        • 10 months ago

          >So that his death would coincide on the day of the city's death.
          That's your headcanon. The stated reason in the movie was that he needed Batman to get him out but he didn't. He could've sniped him any time.

        • 10 months ago

          >Can you guys just not keep up with a basic storyline?
          Dont you realize by now, at this point, everyone pointing the same stupid flaws is because they are stupid AND true snd you're the only one headcanoning the plot holes? As in there's no dialogues, narrative or true support to anything you say, you're rewriting the holes for yourself. You say they're logical outcomes of the plot, yet the plot is comically uneven and illogical at every turn. Everyone watched it. Everyone knows its amateurish. Youre a fanboy cuck. Get cucked.

          • 10 months ago

            Except I have backed everything up with a basic understanding of the plot and the information the film shows and tells me.
            Meanwhile you all repeat the same easily refutable nonsense and pretend that your collective moronation's size grants you anything but many keks from yours truly.

            >You're telling me Riddler would shoot Falcone in daytime in front of all his goons and men, no one would catch him
            He could call the police or just go to the police station and surrender. You know, like Jonh Doe did in the Se7en.

            Oh so he could shoot Falcone and get arrested?
            Or were you sad because he didn't do it in daylight?
            Or are you going to change it to him shooting Falcone in daylight, getting himself arrested, telling Batman about the bombs, and have them NOT rigged to blow that night?
            But if they are rigged to blow that night...guess what?
            You're gonna love this.
            You really are.
            YOU just came up with the plan he did! The plan you said was dumb.

            • 10 months ago

              Can't make this up guys.
              >Riddler shouldn't have shot Falcone and gotten arrested at night!
              >He should have done it days earlier in the day and told Batman so he could stop the bombs!
              Cinemaphile never ever fails to give me a good time.

              • 10 months ago

                >>He should have done it days earlier in the day and told Batman so he could stop the bombs!
                >Cinemaphile never ever fails to give me a good time.
                The desperate samegayging aside(yeah, it's that obvious), Riddler thinks Batman is working with him, why should he assume he would stop the bombs before it goes off?

              • 10 months ago

                Because in the end, he doesn't think he will.
                What that anon has said is essentially
                >make it daytime and make Falcone leave on his own
                So what? Riddler gets arrested and this time there is no map and he tells Batman about the bombs and Batman stops him and he doesn't even leave a fricking riddle like his namesake is all about?
                If Riddler's choices are
                >Have Batman come to me in prison on the same day I detonate the bomb and tell him about the bomb
                >Have Batman come to me in prison on the same day I detonate the bomb but this time don't leave riddles and sacrifice one of my targets for a daytime sniper shot
                Why would he choose 2?
                Why would it matter that Batman brings him out to him, and why would he sacrifice killing Wayne to do something early?

              • 10 months ago

                >Because in the end, he doesn't think he will.
                No he doesn't. It requires Batman literally telling him to his face for that him to believe it. That's post execution of the plan.

            • 10 months ago

              >Oh so he could shoot Falcone and get arrested?
              >JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE?
              Yes but in a less convoluted and moronic way, without the ad hoc justification that he needed Batman to bring him out which directly contradicts the information we've been given. You don't seem to understand why people are mocking this. It's because like with everything else in the film The Riddler's reasoning for including Batman in his plan(that he is physically weak) is comically contrived and makes little sense.

              • 10 months ago

                your wasting your time anon, hes either too stupid to get it or just trolling.

              • 10 months ago

                And we're right back to the beginning.
                We only see Falcone leave TWICE.
                You've got two choices.
                1) Daytime before the funeral
                2) The night Batman brought him
                You obviously choose 1.
                So, again, how does Riddler escape and blow up the seawall destroying Gotham if he immediately gets arrested and tells Batman his plan before killing Wayne?
                And if you're fine with him both getting arrested and blowing up the bombs on the same day, what are you changing besides the day and the means of making Falcone leave?
                He's sacrificing his plan so Batman won't bring a man to him?
                What the frick is the point of that?

              • 10 months ago

                >We only see Falcone leave TWICE.
                Unless, Falcone is magically teleporting between places he is most definitely leaving more than "twice". Btw, it's not just two times we seem him outside the club. It's thrice.
                1) He leaves to kill Annika.
                2) The funeral
                3) In the Riddler's pics

                The movie tells you ons thing while not backing it up with anything that happens in the plot.

              • 10 months ago

                >Leaves to kill Annika
                homie they bring her to the CLUB
                >The funeral
                Yes, once.
                >Riddler pics
                What Riddler pics?
                Riddler never took pics of Falcone.
                He took pics of Penguin and the Mayor.
                He's a recluse, like he said. He lives in the fricking club.
                The pics of Falcone Riddler has were from when Thomas Wayne was alive.
                His evidence for Falcone is in ledgers.
                Are you guys moronic?
                Did you ever watch the movie?

                >Because in the end, he doesn't think he will.
                No he doesn't. It requires Batman literally telling him to his face for that him to believe it. That's post execution of the plan.

                Bro, I'm saying Riddler doesn't think Batman will stop the bombs. I'm agreeing with you.
                It just doesn't change anything from the end result.
                Whether he knows it or not, having his plan be DIRECTLY TELLING BATMAN will end with Batman having more time to find the bombs.

              • 10 months ago

                >homie they bring her to the CLUB
                They took her to the club and then gave her the phone to record the conversation. The room showed signs of struggle when Catwoman returns.

              • 10 months ago

                Bro they kidnapped her at the apartment. You're telling me they killed her at the apartment, took her body and took her phone she was recording on for some reason in her apartment?
                They bumrushed her in her apartment and no one saw her whip out a phone and call someone?

              • 10 months ago

                >It's because like with everything else in the film The Riddler's reasoning for including Batman in his plan(that he is physically weak) is comically contrived and makes little sense.
                It was so weird. Riddler got to most of their targets without much help from Batman and based on what we're shown, could kill most of his targets without any need for brute strength.

              • 10 months ago

                Its a dumb ass movie, thats why

                I thought the whole point was to make Bats kill Falcone himself. Using him to just drag him out is tard.

              • 10 months ago

                And the reason he comes out isn't even because Batman forced him to but because the police now have evidence to arrest him lol. Batman was quite literally irrelevant to the whole thing, lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh shit you're right, in the end it was just overwhelming evidence what got him out

                The guy defending the movie still has a hard time trying to convince himself its not a moron movie for capeshitters

                Its like a toddler playing to be dark and serious cause he watched a noir tv show twice

              • 10 months ago

                Bro Riddler didn't know that Annika called Selina.
                To him Batman getting him out was the only way. He didn't know the GCPD would have anything to pin on him legally.
                He wanted Batman to crack the riddle and bring him out himself.
                How do you guys not get this?
                Batman ended up not being needed for that, and only needed to be there to stop Selina from killing him.
                I'm arguing the same thing we argued about the bomb.
                Yes, Riddler didn't think Batman would be against the bombs. But just because it didn't work out in his favor doesn't mean it wasn't planned for a logical reason.
                It wasn't sloppy.

              • 10 months ago

                >He didn't know the GCPD would have anything to pin on him legally.
                Outside of the evidence he published through the fricking news.

              • 10 months ago

                >To him Batman getting him out was the only way. He didn't know the GCPD would have anything to pin on him legally.
                By your own admission earlier in the thread, the Police being there to arrest him was part of the plan and an essential one at that. Now you're arguing he didn't know the police would be there?

              • 10 months ago

                Holy frick, the more I think about this the more brilliant it is.
                Batman gives the phone to Gordon thinking the "bring him into the light" is referring to that.
                But Riddler had it be the streetlamp because he literally thought Batman would have to wrestle Falcone out into the street without the GCPD.
                Then, in prison, Riddler thinks the GCPD had nothing to do with anything, and commends Batman saying they were a team, and explaining his point on physicality.
                Batman tells him, literally, "I didn't help you. We're not a team." Because he literally didn't help him. Riddler just thought he did.
                Riddler thought Batman would have to bring Falcone out because Riddler couldn't take out all the goons.
                But it turns out, the GCPD could have done it, but since Batman was there, Riddler misunderstands.
                Fricking HELL this movie is good on so many levels.
                Great fricking writing.

                >He didn't know the GCPD would have anything to pin on him legally.
                Outside of the evidence he published through the fricking news.

                You mean the evidence GORDON published that he didn't know existed?

                >To him Batman getting him out was the only way. He didn't know the GCPD would have anything to pin on him legally.
                By your own admission earlier in the thread, the Police being there to arrest him was part of the plan and an essential one at that. Now you're arguing he didn't know the police would be there?

                I'm saying the cops were essential to arrest him. Not get Falcone. The cops didn't have to be there right away, Riddler was literally sitting in a cafe waiting for them.
                And obviously, if Batman is there making a ruckus the GCPD would show up.

              • 10 months ago

                >You mean the evidence GORDON published that he didn't know existed?
                No, it's the later evidence of him being involved with politicians and bureaucrats.

              • 10 months ago

                The evidence that Thomas Wayne turned to Falcone and Falcone killed Elliot?
                That was a story on the news.
                That's why Bruce literally went to Falcone and asked him if it was true.
                Because Riddler showed a death certificate for the Arkhams, a cease and desist letter, and a photo of Thomas Wayne and Falcone, and nothing else.
                What evidence was there?

              • 10 months ago

                >The evidence that Thomas Wayne turned to Falcone and Falcone killed Elliot?
                Yes, that's why they were there. They weren't there to arrest him for Annika like you claimed. Penguin even confronts him for it.

              • 10 months ago

                Bro what?
                Penguin confronts him because he killed Maroni. You know for being a RAT. LIKE WHAT ANNIKA REVEALED.
                Are you guys blockheads?
                How the frick does Falcone killing a reporter for Wayne make him a rat?
                Jesus there needs to be an IQ captcha.
                Then again, no.
                I enjoy these conversations.

              • 10 months ago

                Not killed. Got Maroni arrested.

              • 10 months ago

                And you have the gall to say others are low iq. Kek.

              • 10 months ago

                >Penguin confronts him because he killed Maroni. You know for being a RAT.
                And that's part of the info he leaked moron. You understand that he leaks everything right?

              • 10 months ago

                What info?
                The only info Riddler leaks about Falcone is the Elliott thing.
                He doesn't leak the phone call. He doesn't know it exists.
                Him being the rat wasn't a part of the Elliot scandal.
                Do you know what you're talking about?

                And you have the gall to say others are low iq. Kek.

                You know you've lost when criticizing a simple mistake is all ya got, kek.
                Run along now.

              • 10 months ago

                >He doesn't leak the phone call. He doesn't know it exists.
                The phone call is leaked(supposedly by Gordon which would be moronic irl but still) and it's all over the news. How would the Riddler not know about it when it's on mainstream news channels?

              • 10 months ago

                Because he isn't watching the news?
                He's sitting at his window with a sniper rifle.
                Even Falcone only sees it about ten or fifteen minutes before his death.
                You think Riddler was watching the nightly news, checked his watch and said
                >OH SHIT that's right the whole gun thing tonight is the night!!!

              • 10 months ago

                >Because he isn't watching the news?
                The leaks happen even before the fights begin. It's absolutely hilarious you think he wouldn't have known.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm saying the cops were essential to arrest him. Not get Falcone. The cops didn't have to be there right away, Riddler was literally sitting in a cafe waiting for them.
                Plotwise they were essential to both. Why would he assume they would arrive a few minutes later if he wasn't sure they would arrive at all?

              • 10 months ago

                You don't think he wasn't sure the cops would arrive after he shot Falcone?
                They weren't essential to Falcone at all. Batman was, in Riddler's head.
                They were only essential to him and he could wait in a cafe for them to arrive.

              • 10 months ago

                >You don't think he wasn't sure the cops would arrive after he shot Falcone?
                How would they know? Was Bruce bringing him out to shoot him in broad
                day light and then call the cops? Will they both be arrested? But then how would Bruce solve the final riddle.

                Batman wouldn't have brought him out if he knew Gordon and crew won't be there to arrest him.

              • 10 months ago

                How would Riddler know cops would come after he shot a wealthy mobster?
                I wonder why...
                Didn't really matter when Batman brought him out as long as it was that day.
                Batman brings him out, Riddler shoots him, Riddler sits in the cafe while cops arrive, Riddler gets arrested.
                >How would Bruce solve the final riddle.
                He'd do what he did in the movie. Go into his apartment with the cops. Like he did at all crime scenes.
                >Batman wouldn't have brought him out without Gordon
                Why not? He went to the Iceberg Lounge to find people and bring them out without Gordon.
                Sure maybe if he figured it out he'd call Gordon, and Gordon could bring backup, but the point is that Riddler only needs the GCPD after. Not during or before.
                It doesn't hurt, like we see, but either way he's going to get arrested.
                And he thinks, in his head and in the film, that Batman solved and did everything himself and the cops just happened to come along.

              • 10 months ago

                >How would Riddler know cops would come after he shot a wealthy mobster?
                Someone needs to call them. I wonder who's going to do it if Batman stealthily kidnaps him for the riddler?
                > He'd do what he did in the movie. Go into his apartment with the cops. Like he did at all crime scenes.
                He wouldn't be able to. He would be arrested for being an accessory to murder. You're low iq.

              • 10 months ago

                Hmm. Maybe the other PEOPLE AT THE CLUB?
                People in the apartment complex. Literally anyone within a mile radius? You think Carmine Falcone is going to be shot outside his place/booming nightclub and no one is going to see or report it within the hour?
                What a bizarre criticism.
                >He'd be arrested for be an accessory
                Why? He's an accessory to murder anyway in the film and they didn't arrest him.
                You're low IQ.
                You think with the commissioner gone and Gordon in charge Batman won't be able to walk around a crime scene?
                He was involved in Colson's death and was still allowed to walk around Riddler's apartment.
                Who's gonna fricking arrest him with Gordon on his side?

                You all aren't just slow.
                You're SLOW, slow.

              • 10 months ago

                >Hmm. Maybe the other PEOPLE AT THE CLUB?
                You need to read.
                > Batman stealthily kidnaps him for the riddler?
                Do you understand what stealth means.
                >Why? He's an accessory to murder anyway in the film and they didn't arrest him.
                That's a plot hole. If your argument is that X was allowed because of sloppy screenwriting then Y should also be allowed is absolutely hilarious. The entire plot hinges on everyone being dumb. Including moronic consoomers like you.

              • 10 months ago

                >You need to read
                Read what? People wouldn't be at the club in the day? Of course they would. His goons would. Someone would see and call. And that's all that is needed.
                >Batman steathily-
                Where did this shit come from? Riddler never needed or asked for stealth. He just needed Falcone outside.
                Weird goalpost shift.
                It's a plothole that the GCPD can't arrest Batman because of Gordon's presence?
                So I guess you hate the Nolan movies too? And most Batman media where Batman isn't arrested when he should be because he either escapes or Gordon bails him out?
                Christ you guys are pathetic.

                >Because he isn't watching the news?
                The leaks happen even before the fights begin. It's absolutely hilarious you think he wouldn't have known.

                It's shown on the news a few seconds before Selina tries to kill Falcone.
                Riddler in your headcanon right as the nightclub is being swarmed with cops is watching the news and not sitting at his window having everything prepared?
                Woo wee.
                Talk about headcanon.

              • 10 months ago

                I just wanna say before we continue, I'm fricking unstoppable tonight.
                This is a great self esteem booster.
                If I was baiting I'd have a new record.

              • 10 months ago

                >Where did this shit come from? Riddler never needed or asked for stealth
                What does Batman usually operate? Is Riddler moronic? Why would he assums he was going to drag him to the streets with hundreds of witnesses?
                > It's a plothole that the GCPD can't arrest Batman because of Gordon's presence?
                Yes, it's a plothole because an entire plot point gets forgotten after a few minutes.
                > So I guess you hate the Nolan movies too?
                You mean the movies where Batman stops working with the GCPD when they turn on him at the end of TDK?

                I can see the moronic angle you're going for. So let me pre-empt your homosexualry in advance.
                1) The GCPD at the start of the film is reluctantly allowing Gordon to work with Batman despite him being an outlaw vigilante because he's useful(the status quo which is maintained in many Batman works including Nolan's).
                2) These privilges are revoked during the midpoint of the film(like it is done at the end of TDK).
                3) Then said plot point is completely forgotten a few minutes later.

                So yes, it is in fact a plothole and yes it does make your subsequent argument even more moronic.

                I just wanna say before we continue, I'm fricking unstoppable tonight.
                This is a great self esteem booster.
                If I was baiting I'd have a new record.

                The fact you think admitting to getting an ego boost from internet arguments is something to brag about and not something that inherently pathetic is telling, kek.

              • 10 months ago

                >explains how moronic and contrived the plot is

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah. Independent characters with twists within the plot and their worldview is moronic.
                Talk about bad writing...making a character and subverting his goals...

      • 10 months ago

        >Why don't just shoot him on the several outings Falcone was? And if you really wanted to go that route, why not write Falcone as a super reclusive man that is seriously hard to get a glimpse of?
        We even see him get that guy in the car then strap a bomb to his chest. Hes stealthy yet chooses the most moronic way to kill Falcone.

  24. 10 months ago

    Is the deleted Joker scene still considered canon?

    • 10 months ago

      Probably not. That was releases just to see if people liked that Irish actor as the Joker and the design and it didn't seem like people liked it that much. You just can't beat Heath.

    • 10 months ago

      A Joker could actually work in this universe bruce is a wimp.

  25. 10 months ago

    The many times the movie tried to bait the viewer with Batman "dying" to inject some tension in the movie got fricking ridiculous. I've never seen something like that before. It was so forced, hack-ish, and cheesy. They play sad music and everything trying to create some suspense.

    • 10 months ago

      The worst fake out was the scene of Alfred getting the mail bomb. They make you think that Bruce has to race to get there in time but then it's like oh wait it already happened tricked you lol. Then it turns out Alfred is completely fine because there's no actual consequences in this movie because it has no fricking balls and is terrified of committing to any idea that might piss of autistic fanboys.

  26. 10 months ago

    I saw it and it was garbage imo.

    • 10 months ago

      Garbage seems a little harsh. It's a 6/10 at best.

      • 10 months ago

        I stand by what I said.

  27. 10 months ago

    >the Riddler hid under his carpet a map of the city with lightbulbs and everything showing all the places he'd bomb
    Really? REALLY?

    • 10 months ago

      Dahmer was turning his victims' skulls into art pieces while drinking copious amounts of hooch so who knows. Crazy people do shit like that but Dano Riddler wasn't shown to be crazy enough to do anything like that.

      • 10 months ago

        He strapped a bomb to a man and sent his car flying into a cathedral during a funeral.
        He isn't crazy enough to make a MAP?

        >So that his death would coincide on the day of the city's death.
        That's your headcanon. The stated reason in the movie was that he needed Batman to get him out but he didn't. He could've sniped him any time.

        Why do you think he chose to get Batman to bring him out on that night?
        The only other time we see Falcone leaves is during the funeral in the daytime. Why didn't he shoot him then?
        Was it because...oh...I don't know...he'd immediately be caught and his bomb plan would be a bust before he even finished his regular killings? You know, his ENTIRE plan?
        Or is it because Reeves is lazy?
        Which one anon?
        And please by all means let's avoid headcanon and look right at the facts.

        • 10 months ago

          >Was it because...oh...I don't know...he'd immediately be caught and his bomb plan would be a bust before he even finished his regular killings? You know, his ENTIRE plan?
          Why wouldn't the plan work? The police never found out his plan, Batman did. He assumes Batman is working with him anyway, so killing him and then asking Batman to meet him to tell him about the flood in daytime would've had the same result.

          • 10 months ago

            > Or is it because Reeves is lazy?
            And yes, he is lazy and dumb.

          • 10 months ago

            You're telling me Riddler would shoot Falcone in daytime in front of all his goons and men, no one would catch him, no one would see where he was, the cops wouldn't search his apartment, get any prints, and then he'd...do what?
            Call Batman on the Batsignal and get arrested by Batman, who would stop the bombs?
            And that's forgetting why he's getting arrested in the first place:
            So he can be across the bay from Gotham in a safe location while his goons get their own retribution.
            But no, him randomly betting his whole plan on the idea that Falcone would leave that one day for the funeral so he could shoot him in front of his crew in broad daylight, and evade EVERYONE on his payroll during the daytime and send Batman the Batsignal to tell him about the bombs that would...uh oh...HAVE TO BE ignited on the same day unless he were to evade Batman and the cops for what an entire week?
            Now that's a good plan!

            • 10 months ago

              >You're telling me Riddler would shoot Falcone in daytime in front of all his goons and men, no one would catch him
              He could call the police or just go to the police station and surrender. You know, like Jonh Doe did in the Se7en.

  28. 10 months ago

    Batman checking that bullet for prints and chasing down the chinese guy to hong kong is still the best piece of detective work in these movies.

  29. 10 months ago

    The shot of upside-down penguin in the car with batman slowly walking up to him was kino af.

  30. 10 months ago

    >"what's a rat with wings?"
    >bruce ponders this while standing in a garage wearing a bat costume

  31. 10 months ago

    Riddler from the WB animated series has 10x better riddles than this movie. HOW THE FRICK IS THIS POSSIBLE?! Shit was made for kids but treated them like adults, now its made for adults but treats them like kids.

  32. 10 months ago

    Unironically too much Batman and not enough emo Bruce Wayne. I like the shut in weirdo who doesn't do the playboy routine in public take of Bruce a lot.

  33. 10 months ago

    >white men are... le bad

    • 10 months ago

      That scene was so out of place
      They're talking and suddenly RACISM
      >Yeah frick these withe rich people
      >Now come here and frick me, my withe rich conquistador

  34. 10 months ago

    >The Riddler makes all these bombs and people get killed every time and turn with magical elipses
    >But to kill his main target he de iced the most convoluted plan, drawing inspiration from cereal boxes riddles and the lucky charms midget to make fricking Batman drag Falcone out of his night club
    >Nothing even assures hes going to walk out the front door
    >Nothing certain of secure exits like every hiding hole irl
    >Nothing assuring Batman is going to work by the plan
    >Nothing to sustain why magical elipsis don't work on Falcone or his goons
    >Falcone walks through the city like a champ every day, even in the news
    >Riddler never thought of straight up shooting this guy
    >And suddenly hes also got manual labor at his disposal again to blow the entire city, making all these plans very redundant anyways

    • 10 months ago

      You forgot the worst part. They planned this on not-Cinemaphile. Post about how you're going to assassinate an American politician or some high ranking government official and see how soon the feds are on your ass.

  35. 10 months ago

    But why making riddles to spoonfeed batman instead of just telling him what he knows?
    Works for a Zodiac killer, not for this kind of villain in this scenario

  36. 10 months ago

    My main gripe with the movie was the camera. It had this weird focus, showing clearly the center of the image, and ungodly blurring the rest. Like wtf was with that?

    Also I didn't like that part with Riddler's followers, which looked a jab towards January Capitol riot which I've found to be in bad taste.

    Batman suit being bulletproof was also a weird decision.

    Other than that I quite enjoyed the film.

  37. 10 months ago

    >gordon uses his personal laptop to view the "thumb" drive
    >sends his nudes to all departments and city offcials

  38. 10 months ago

    >be batman
    >riddler presents you with a riddle
    >fail to solve riddle
    >gotham is destroyed
    >end of film

  39. 10 months ago

    Batman is incredibly incompetent in the film, not something that makes sense if you are trying to universe build, Batman needs to be hyper competent super genius to make sense in a pantheon of superpowered beings as the only non powered one.

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