Just saw the movie.

Just saw the movie. Magnifico was barely a villain until he decided to open the Necronomicon and get possessed by evil magic.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Is this Disney's Ruby Gillman?

    • 6 months ago

      No, just Wanda 2

    • 6 months ago

      I haven't seen that yet so you'll have to explain the comparison if you mean storywise or box office wise.

      • 6 months ago

        >movie where character is framed as the bad guy
        >is not written like a badguy and has multiple scenes where she’s postive towards the mc and is decent
        >secondary character that acts more like an antagonist and does questionable things that aren’t really talked about or brought up
        >instead of just making a plot twist with these questionable characters, write a stupid plot reason that forces the character to become an antagonist.

        • 6 months ago

          It's like they wanted a twist villain but chickened out last minute due to how many people were complaining about twist villains.

          • 6 months ago

            He's still a twist villain, just not a very good one. He doesn't start out as evil and only becomes evil midway through when he does something desperate and dark magic suddenly hijacks his personality. Traditional villains like Jafar, Ursala, Maleficent, Hades, etc obviously intended harm from the very start. They didn't suddenly turn into villians at the end of the second act.

            • 6 months ago

              >He doesn't start out as evil
              Huh? He's threatening Asha like, 15 minutes into the movie.

              • 6 months ago

                All those villains start out being evil the second they appear.That is reflected in his design, personality, motivations, background and in his songs.

              • 6 months ago

                He doesn't threaten her, he punishes her because upon gaining his trust Asha immediately tries to abuse her position to push her family's wishes to the front of the line. She absolutely deserved that.

              • 6 months ago

                >he punishes her
                He punishes her family who were probably taking a dump when she decided to use nepotism to get what she wanted. They didn't deserve it.

              • 6 months ago

                >They didn't deserve it.
                They raised her to be a status abusing harpy.

              • 6 months ago

                What punishment did the family get?
                Not getting the wish they were not going to get granted granted?

                The ensuing Misery wasnt magníficos doing, it was Asha for setting up and old man's hopes. If instead of doing that they had incentivized him to get new dreams (like the movie says they can) all this would have been avoided

              • 6 months ago

                After the ceremony he tells Asha he will never grant her mother's wish either. Without even knowing what the wish is.

              • 6 months ago

                I dont know that her mom didnt wish for something stupid like ressurecting her husband, but we do know that magnífico intensa to protect them and their wishes, and we do know something bad happening to a wish is as devastating as loosing a spouse

                We know canonically stupid wishes like "bird flight" or "a nany for my kids" are a thing that happens.
                (Most rosas really did loose nothing)

              • 6 months ago

                We also know Stupid runs deep in that family

              • 6 months ago

                >Asha goes to her job interview with the king and starts prying into everything in the room. She only wants the job to get her family's wishes granted.

                >Asha tells the king about her dead father.

                >He tells her about the GREEDY thieves that destroyed everything he had (land and family).

                >He thinks he has bonded with Asha over their respective tragedies and decides to show her his secret room with the wishes.

                >He says he'd love if someone wished to be the best apprentice he could ever have. Wink, wink.

                >Asha is holding her grandpa's wish orb.

                >"Hey, Magnifico, why don't you grant my grandpa's wish?"

                >Asha's greed has an effect in Magnifico's but he brushes it aside. They analyze the orb and he explains that Sabino's wish is too ambiguous (inspire people).

                She keeps pushing the issue until he explodes and the worst thing he does is not hiring her for the apprentice position. Where's the threat?

              • 6 months ago

                He raised his voice at her - that's practically assault!

              • 6 months ago

                for a woman it is.

              • 6 months ago

                >>He says he'd love if someone wished to be the best apprentice he could ever have. Wink, wink.
                Like you cannot understate this.
                Magnífico gave Asha a shot to learn Magic, and Grant whatever wishes She wanted herself, but that aparently was too hard bohoo, give wish now

          • 6 months ago

            Honestly, the story didn't even need a villain. For example; Asha wanted to grant everyone's wishes because she's naive and means well. Magnifico tells her the reason why and its because some people have dangerous or destructive wishes. Asha doesn't believe him so she does what she wants anyway. This ends up ruining their kingdom's society. No one wants to work anymore. No one has aspirations or dreams. Asha "learned from her mistake" and Magnifico helps her fix the problem she made. Magnifico even tells her he did the same thing as a kid but people learn from making mistakes and become better. Honestly, the twist could've been "you thought there was a villain but there wasn't one."

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah it could have been a nice movie about people learning that wishing is only the first step to make your dreams come true or some shit.

            • 6 months ago

              Or alternatively: Magnifico has grown cynical and kind of egoistical over the years due to so many people asking him for dumb selfish shit. Enter Asha, a naive, well-meaning girl who thinks all wishes should be granted. Hijinks ensue, they have quarrels and disagreements, and in the end they both become better people, with Magnifico regaining back some humility and idealism and Asha realizing that everybody can make their wishes come true if they work together, rely on other people, and put in some effort.
              A bit generic, but it's a nice message and the audience would have a great time. I hope we'll get some fanfics out of this mess at least.

              • 6 months ago

                Asha is supposed to be Magnifico's apprentice. They're not meant to work together. She's meant to take his place. It only makes sense if Magnifico treats Asha like a parent treats a child. "Don't be there to catch them when they fall. Let them fall. But be there to help them get up."

              • 6 months ago

                >Asha is supposed to be Magnifico's apprentice. They're not meant to work together. She's meant to take his place. It only makes sense if Magnifico treats Asha like a parent treats a child. "Don't be there to catch them when they fall. Let them fall. But be there to help them get up."
                Wtf my parents told me to pull myself up 🙁

              • 6 months ago

                See that could've been fun. We could've had a Maui and Moana thing going here.
                Why is it that the one time I want a twist or a non-villain it doesn't happen?

      • 6 months ago

        >"villain" isn't actually that bad, and the few dubious things and views he has as are generally all completely reasonable
        >then he eats a baby out of nowhere and is suddenly evil for no reason

        • 6 months ago

          >then he eats a baby out of nowhere and is suddenly evil for no reason

          He doesn't even do anything unforgivable until the very end when he's fully possessed and he's punishing Asha for the coup throwing her around at the top of the tower.

          >He shouts at Asha after she behaved greedy, same with his citizens and he's a narcissist. You know, if I had built a kingdom from scratch and people from all over the world wanted to meet me, you can be sure I would put statues of myself everywhere too.

          >He punishes Asha and her family after she steals her grandpa's orb from him.

          >He scares the citizens with his magic but hurts nobody.

          >He threatens the queen with his evil staff for like two seconds and then leaves her alone.

          >He absorbs some wishes, which kinda hurts a little bit, for a little while.

          >All wishes are restored in the end so nobody lost anything.

          >He pushes the queen with his magic after she betrayed him and she's already up in the next scene.

          >He captures the whole kingdom, traps the star in his staff and declares there will be no more wishes. The only one who suffers from this at the end is Magnifico. Everybody looks fine and happy in the aftermath.

          WTF. At least Hans was trying to MURDER the sisters and keep the throne for himself, there were clear consecuences for his actions. Anna was DEAD until she was revived by Elsa's love or whatever.

          • 6 months ago

            disney employees are getting dumber and dumber

          • 6 months ago

            Now now, anon. Let's not pretend that Hans made any sense as a villain either. Dude was a legit better leader to the people of Ariendel than its negligent sister queens.

            • 6 months ago

              Elsa and Anna literally treat their subjects as background to their own stories while Hans handed out food and blankets.

              • 6 months ago

                Hans also
                >Managed the kingdom through a crisis while its rulers were awol
                >got to Elsa in a fraction of the time it took Anna to get there because she's incompetent
                >saved Elsa's life from Weaselton's men even though it makes zero sense for him to do so since apparently he was planning on killing her anyways and this would've been a super convenient excuse
                >successfully returns with a captured Elsa
                >tries to reason with her to stop the storm
                Then his personality suddenly does a 180 when it's narratively convenient. I'm still convinced that he was cursed by troll magic into changing since they shipped Anna and Kristoff.

              • 6 months ago

                Don't forget they also ok a semi-canon backstory that casts him in a a sympathetic light as a man just trying to escape his literary tyrannical's father rule.

          • 6 months ago

            Hans wasn’t even responsible for Anna dying to ice AIDS that was all Elsa. He just villainously revealed he was a sociopath and was going to leave her to die, which is a dick move but honestly not on the same level as Elsa sniping her sister with ice magic and having her snow golem throw her and the smelly reindeer man out onto the harsh snowy mountaintop without ensuring they’d get home safely.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Asha looks Thai with straight hair

    • 6 months ago

      A colossal waste of potential?
      Sure but Disney has plenty of those
      Ruby's a SPECIAL kind of wasted potential

      • 6 months ago

        There was nothing special about Ruby's potential, people just wanted her to frick the mermaid

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah pretty much. I certainly wanted to, couldn't stand the krakens.

      • 6 months ago

        > Ruby's a SPECIAL kind of wasted potential
        Explain I’ve barely heard of it

        • 6 months ago

          I never watched Gillman but I would guess they might be referring to how the movie killed a lesbian ship that could've at least given them a niche fanbase even though the movie would still be a financial flop. Apparently Ariel was an adult woman all along and also pure evil so no one on the internet can even fantasize about that ship anymore without getting called a pedo. Also the real love interest has the most terrifying character design known to man.

  2. 6 months ago

    Watched the movie too Magnifico may have been a little narcissistic with an ego but that doesn’t mean he is a super villain. He-

    1.worked for it
    2. Ppl knew what they signed up for when arriving, they knew their memories would be wiped and knew the outcome of it and yet still come over. Magnifico did not lie!
    3. Worldbuilding is awful, WHY COULDNT THEY HAVE GROUP THERAPY AND “FIND A NEW DREAM” like in Tangled?
    4. Magnifico only became corrupted when he got the forbidden book.
    5. Asha was also tempted by the wishes as well, and why in an interview would you be so rude and accusatory. Also she’s privileged and NEPOTISTIC because Mags knew her father!

    Conclusion: Magnifico did nothing wrong and when the wishes are his, he didn’t steal them, they willingly and knowingly gave it to him. ASHA STOLE THEM FROM HIM!

    • 6 months ago

      Wasn't there a thread storybooking the movie and it mentions how Magnifco only grants wishes that benefit him? Maybe I'm misremembering. I had thought, going into this movie, that his motivation was that he only grants wishes that would lead to things like, "Oh, this lady wants to be a seamstress and will end up making a beautiful cape for Magnifico!".

      They don't really elaborate on his egotistical reasons for WHY he chooses some wishes and not others. He does elaborate why he DOESN'T grant some wishes, and gives a very good reason. He doesn't grant Asha's grandpa's wish because his wish was "to inspire", and that's too vague and thus dangerous. He goes on to explain how "inspire" could be anything, even a revolution. Like, he doesn't know this old man, so of course he has no reason to believe he's just naturally good-hearted or whatever.

      And everyone feels the effects of a wish taken. They feel hollow inside. This shit must spread around the town because everyone acknowledges people change after a wish has been taken. And it's never guaranteed you'll have your wish granted because Asha's grandpa has been waiting for decades.

      I just don't get this motivation. Everyone participates in a lottery willingly while living in a prosperous city for free and somehow I'm supposed to believe they're all being treated like soul slaves that are being duped.

      • 6 months ago

        >Wasn't there a thread storybooking the movie and it mentions how Magnifco only grants wishes that benefit him?
        Didn't he grant a moronic wish like giving someone a giant chicken? Or was that Star or Asha?

        • 6 months ago

          That was Asha

          Wasn't there a thread storybooking the movie and it mentions how Magnifco only grants wishes that benefit him? Maybe I'm misremembering. I had thought, going into this movie, that his motivation was that he only grants wishes that would lead to things like, "Oh, this lady wants to be a seamstress and will end up making a beautiful cape for Magnifico!".

          They don't really elaborate on his egotistical reasons for WHY he chooses some wishes and not others. He does elaborate why he DOESN'T grant some wishes, and gives a very good reason. He doesn't grant Asha's grandpa's wish because his wish was "to inspire", and that's too vague and thus dangerous. He goes on to explain how "inspire" could be anything, even a revolution. Like, he doesn't know this old man, so of course he has no reason to believe he's just naturally good-hearted or whatever.

          And everyone feels the effects of a wish taken. They feel hollow inside. This shit must spread around the town because everyone acknowledges people change after a wish has been taken. And it's never guaranteed you'll have your wish granted because Asha's grandpa has been waiting for decades.

          I just don't get this motivation. Everyone participates in a lottery willingly while living in a prosperous city for free and somehow I'm supposed to believe they're all being treated like soul slaves that are being duped.

          >Wasn't there a thread storybooking the movie and it mentions how Magnifco only grants wishes that benefit him?
          it was only in the book, in the movie he says he only grants wishes that benefit the kingdom.

          >Wasn't there a thread storybooking the movie and it mentions how Magnifco only grants wishes that benefit him?
          one of the(many) issues in the movie is that we never saw this. Only the baker guy seemed depressed, the grandfather seemed normal(he got over 100 years old the way he was) and every other person that had their wish taken seemed completely normal

        • 6 months ago

          That was Asha in the movie and Magnifico in a shitpost.

    • 6 months ago

      There are a billions ways this movie could have been written that could have lent into the antagonist being a genuine villain or a sympathetic redemption story. However instead they opted for a watered down option that does neither.

      • 6 months ago

        There are also a billion ways your parents could have loved you.

        • 6 months ago

          What the frick does his parents love have to do with shit writing, you spinster fricklesuck?

  3. 6 months ago

    I was 100% right about my Gnostic/Satanic Theory.

    Simon apologizing to Asha saying that he wanted to believe in him and trust him sealed the deal. The pentagram yarn from star. The tree being the Tree of Good and Evil. Asha selling her wish/a part of her soul/being tempted to the Lucifer the REFERRED TO AS LIGHT IN THE MOVIE LITERALLY A FALLING STAR/ANGEL Rosas being Eden, Magnifico/Yaldboath/God punishing them for worshipping false idols.

    It is sooooo on the nose, the most clear allegory for losing faith, made out of maliciousness by a company made by Demolay!

    • 6 months ago

      >Disney's 100th anniversary movie is secretly about God vs Satan
      Oh shit...

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Not him but they literally kill Yaldaboath with their indwelling divine spark it's pretty blatant.

        • 6 months ago

          It's almost as if both stories tap into human archetypes that have existed for centuries.

        • 6 months ago

          It's almost as if both stories tap into human archetypes that have existed for centuries.


  4. 6 months ago

    Something something General Ironwood did nothing wrong something

  5. 6 months ago

    This shit looks like it could be cutscene in kingdom hearts 2 lol

  6. 6 months ago

    I haven't seen it but the logic of how and why just seem halfbaked.

  7. 6 months ago

    I just watched this behind the scenes trailer.

    So is the guy as great as he's hyped up to be?

    • 6 months ago

      He's the only good thing in the movie.

  8. 6 months ago

    My niece was questioning the very premise of the film. Why did they have to give up their wish entirely. What's stopping them from practicing to become what they want anyways? What makes the MC so special anyways? She's 5 and thought this movie was dumb as hell.

    • 6 months ago

      They have an entire scene where the citizens ask a bunch of questions about their wishes. They ask:
      >Can we change our wish once we give it up?
      >How come we forget our wishes anyway?
      >Why are we not allowed to see our wishes?
      >How can we trust that our wishes are safe with you?
      >Can we have a second wish ceremony for people who want to change their wishes?

      Magnifico answers none of them obviously but it's just kind of weird that the population has these questions and it's only now do they ALL surface at the same time. Clearly this wish ceremony shit was not brainwash-y enough and was destined to collapse, so I don't know why people kept participating in this lottery with such obvious negative side effects.

      • 6 months ago

        I always hate this shit. It's basically looking at the camera, admitting you have problems but instead of fixing them you treat it as a joke and like you're self aware as if that makes it better.

      • 6 months ago

        >why people kept participating in this lottery with such obvious negative side effects.
        People are moronic. Irl plenty go fricking broke playing the lotto or gambling over and over. Now imagine that but with literally anything you could want instead of just cash.

        • 6 months ago

          >Irl plenty go fricking broke playing the lotto
          Your odds are essentially the same buying one ticket versus buying 100. I still buy three for the billion dollar jackpots

        • 6 months ago

          People fall for the lottery and gambling because they want money in a capitalistic world. In Rosas, they live their for free. I don't know what the financial situation is in that kingdom, whether people are doing well or if they're paying taxes; but any kingdom where you have a roof over your head for FREE is fricking incredible. I don't know if you would still have the desire to gamble if money was a non-factor in your life, unless you're a very bored person who likes seeing numbers go up.

          So what's the motivation for Rosas citizens to participate in a wish lottery other than laziness? I don't know. It's written so fricking weird. Magnifico doesn't have them trapped in some Ponzi scheme. They're free to come and go with free room and board and probably never have to worry about starving. He doesn't constantly instill fear propaganda of YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL everyday in order to keep them coming to him. He doesn't even NEED the wishes to become more powerful. I just don't understand anyone's motivation in this movie.

          • 6 months ago

            >They live for free
            >Old people can reach 100 years of age
            >No oppressed minorities
            >No poverty, crime, or squalor show
            >They can come or leave at any time.
            >Wish giving is voluntary and has a minimum age of consent of 18
            >Everyone including asha's family is conscious of the gift giving effects and are fully capable of living happy fulfilling lives without them

            • 6 months ago

              What the FRICK is the downside of living in Rosas with Magnifico as your ruler? You might become "kind of boring" like that Sleepy knock-off? Asha's grandfather sat there for 82 fricking years accomplishing nothing and internally blaming not winning the lottery because of it. But the movie establishes that wishes can just be resurrected if you believe hard enough.

              Holy frick, it's not that hard to make a sorcerer evil. Why did they try to make him SO neutral in this movie instead of just a secret butthole that Asha accidentally discovers is eating wishes for power?

              • 6 months ago

                If he was absorbing dangerous wishes and he was in league with the book the whole time, he would be way less confusing as a villain. Adding the corruption twist muddies the waters so much.

    • 6 months ago

      How’d the 5 year old see it two days early?

      • 6 months ago

        Uncle works for Disney.
        Source: Trust me bro.

      • 6 months ago

        He didn't say she saw it.

  9. 6 months ago

    What happened in the movie
    >King Magnifico suffered a great tragedy in his youth and so decided that he should make it so there was a way for nobody else to have to go through what he did
    >He studied and mastered the power of magic then went to a deserted island in the middle of the sea and raised a prosperous city
    >People from all over the world voluntarily moved to his dope ass Rent Free magic kingdom
    >Magnifico creates a ceremony for *minimum 18 year olds only* (old enough to be a grandmother in this time in history) where if they want, they can give Magnifico their wish instead of doing what he did and chase it on their own, for the oportunity that maybe more than once a month he might magically grant them that wish himself
    >Such wishes include the opportunity to serve others as a knight or a master tailer, but also stupid shit like flapping your arms and fly like a bird, or a nanny for your kids that you cant be bothered to parent yourself
    >Still having your wish die, which is a possibility in the real world, is an incredibly violent act whose grief is comparable to the loss of a spouse, and thus magnifico, to no benefit to himself keeps all wishes safe in his castle.
    >in the beggining of the movie all the king wants is to find someone who believes like he does so that they can continue on his legacy of protecting his people at any cost
    >Magnifico and Asha literally have a touching duet about it, and how he's only looking for someone who'se wish is that altruistic
    >Asha imediately tries to use nepotism to promote her family's wish
    >This visibly breaks his heart he thought he had found someone but still hears it out
    >When confronted by Magnifico's reluctance to make a malformed vague and potentially dangerous wish immediately commits treason
    >Turns to the Darkhold only after asking for his people's help first but they can know how to beg for gibs
    >In the end the day is saved by the revelation the people could have MADE NEW WISHES ALL ALONG

    • 6 months ago

      If anything he's a tragic character. First his whole family gets massacred, which inspired him to create this safe haven for people. Then, it's not like he went out stealing everyone's wishes. They voluntarily gave them to him because they were too lazy or incompetent or afraid to fulfill them themselves. Then he gets corrupted by evil magic when literally everyone turns on him and he has no other options. Then he gets locked away forever in the nightmarish scenario of being trapped in a mirror. His worst crime is being a bit too egotistical. What was Disney thinking?

      • 6 months ago

        >Then, it's not like he went out stealing everyone's wishes.
        He went out of his way to go somewhere empty and deserted.
        Literally every one in Rosas is someone who goes out of their way to beg Magnifico to please, please take their wish.

        Someone who could have just "wait I'm my own star I can just wish again" but never did because life under magnifico was just so damned cozy they never had a want for anything else.

      • 6 months ago

        a magnifico Wicked would probably be pretty cool.

        Maybe even have good songs, instead of this cringy imagine dragons and antifa shit

      • 6 months ago

        It's like if they did Emperor's New Groove, and the movie ended with Kuzco suddenly turning evil via Ezma's magic and being trapped as a nonsapient immortal animal for all eternity, then Ezma along with Kronk and Pacha all quip over it.

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          >haha oh no I'm just a little crystal guy now i sure wish someone doesn't put me somewhere nasty haha i can still smell in here

          • 6 months ago

            Kek, he did say he can still smell

            • 6 months ago

              >haha oh no I'm just a little crystal guy now i sure wish someone doesn't put me somewhere nasty haha i can still smell in here

          • 6 months ago

            Are we sure this whole movie isn't just his weird fetish play?

        • 6 months ago

          This is actually cruel. What the frick, man?

          • 6 months ago


            What the actual hell were the writers thinking?

          • 6 months ago


            What the actual hell were the writers thinking?

            To be fair "trapped in some small prison" is a classic kid friendly way of defeating villains. Aladdin did it. You're just not supposed to think about how it's actually a fate worse than death.

            • 6 months ago

              Well yeah but Jafar deserved it, that's the issue.

              • 6 months ago

                Was Jafar spending his whole time in the lamp seething, or did he conjure himself some harem babes to keep himself occupied? Genie did a bunch of shit without an explicit wish.

            • 6 months ago

              He isn't a villain though. He's a fricking victim.

        • 6 months ago

          So the real plot of wish is about a misguided man whose evil wife gives up on him and betrays for a bunch of greedy dumb people? Wow thats dark

      • 6 months ago

        >"Men bad."

    • 6 months ago

      If anything he's a tragic character. First his whole family gets massacred, which inspired him to create this safe haven for people. Then, it's not like he went out stealing everyone's wishes. They voluntarily gave them to him because they were too lazy or incompetent or afraid to fulfill them themselves. Then he gets corrupted by evil magic when literally everyone turns on him and he has no other options. Then he gets locked away forever in the nightmarish scenario of being trapped in a mirror. His worst crime is being a bit too egotistical. What was Disney thinking?

      This dude is a more sad version of Viva La Vida, damn...

    • 6 months ago

      To be fair he did troll Asha and her grandpa as a big dick move early in the story

      • 6 months ago

        b***h (who got an jnterview from a family connection privilege) didnt even wait to get the job before she started abusing magníficos trust panhandling for special Privileges for her family.
        You could see his heart breaking.

        Im glad she got humbled.

        • 6 months ago

          Grandpa got done dirty though

          • 6 months ago

            Eh. Magnífico was right, he had a bad wish.
            Too vague, unfocused, easily abused. This dude could start some BLM riots on his city. Why would magnífico ever Grant that wish over someone who would do the same except didnt spazz out worthless platitudes like "I want to write a book", and something like "i want to write the best book on fighting Multiplex sclerosis that exists"

    • 6 months ago

      Don't forget about the loving queen.

      • 6 months ago

        This fate is just too cruel for the guy.

      • 6 months ago

        This is so wrong. The queen should has tried to rescue him! She should had been sad and crushed at him being locked away forever. This kind of reaction makes her a terrible person, yet the movie tries to say she's good.

        • 6 months ago

          don't forget, she in the movie recognized that he only became really evil after the book brainwashed him. Instead of mourning of never having her old husband back, she with a smile banished him to the dungeon forever trapped in a crystal. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN indeed

        • 6 months ago

          don't forget, she in the movie recognized that he only became really evil after the book brainwashed him. Instead of mourning of never having her old husband back, she with a smile banished him to the dungeon forever trapped in a crystal. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN indeed

          Frick husbands am I right kweens?

      • 6 months ago

        Truly nightmarish.
        Unashamedly betrayed by everyone, even the people that theoretically should be the most loyal.

      • 6 months ago

        Is he turning into the magic mirror from snow white or something

        • 6 months ago

          Unironically yes. The movie is meant to be origin stories for various Disney shit.

          Asha becomes the Fairy Godmother. The star becomes the famous star from Pinocchio (and by extension the star above the castle that opens every Disney movie). Magnifico turns into the Magic Mirror. The goat says he wants to found Zootopia. Bambi and Peter Pan cameo. Etc.

          • 6 months ago

            >Peter Pan cameo
            If it could get any worse!

            • 6 months ago

              It could.

          • 6 months ago

            Oh and in a post credits scene it's revealed that Asha's grandpa was the one who composed When You Wish Upon A Star

            • 6 months ago

              >in a post credits scene it's revealed that Asha's grandpa was the one who composed When You Wish Upon A Star
              lmao, frick off Disney

          • 6 months ago

            So i guess Kingdom Heart's "meddling" bullshit doesn't matter anymore now that every movie is apart of the same world.
            Honestly i'd feel bad for Nomura if Disney forces Wish into the game.

            • 6 months ago

              Wish ir really easy to integrate

              • 6 months ago

                >Xigbar shows up
                "Wow, I wish this guy was a bit more evil. Makes things too complicated for me."
                >Riku summons keyblade
                "Stop right there, Organization!"
                >Xigbar smirks
                >drops darkness juice on Magnifico who is now all evil and stuff

              • 6 months ago

                Nah, have the evil book have some story significance and magnifico is already in league with the orginization. Makes it easy too.

              • 6 months ago

                Organization is actually gone, currently the villains are Xigbar, who was secretly cloak guy from X (the phone game) and Unicorn man and pals.

              • 6 months ago

                I still call it the org because they still have the cool coats. I don't care the the real org is gone.

              • 6 months ago

                I meant due to the reception of the movie and the characters.

    • 6 months ago

      This is one Disney villain who actually deserved redemption at the end.

    • 6 months ago

      this is the worst Disney film ever made. worse than Raya. its message is absolutely horrendous for kids, it is in no way moralistic. what the hell were the writers thinking?

      • 6 months ago

        >what the hell were the writers thinking?
        men bad, slay kween

      • 6 months ago

        You have only seen two movies.

        • 6 months ago

          why defend this film? it's bland and generic. you're wasting your life by grasping at straws

    • 6 months ago

      If anything he's a tragic character. First his whole family gets massacred, which inspired him to create this safe haven for people. Then, it's not like he went out stealing everyone's wishes. They voluntarily gave them to him because they were too lazy or incompetent or afraid to fulfill them themselves. Then he gets corrupted by evil magic when literally everyone turns on him and he has no other options. Then he gets locked away forever in the nightmarish scenario of being trapped in a mirror. His worst crime is being a bit too egotistical. What was Disney thinking?

      This could actually be considered an interesting metaphor for why helping third world countries is a bad idea: they'll take and take and then also sabotage it for everyone else. But jokes aside, it's kind of a shitty message. It's basically showing you'll get fricked over for trying to help people. But I guess that's a good lesson to learn at a young age too, since that's how it actually is.

      • 6 months ago

        >You'll get fricked over for trying to help people with stated boundaries for where that help begins and ends, on your terms
        >If you help people by giving them enough rope to hang themselves (and potentially others) with, nobody will blame you

    • 6 months ago

      This makes Twisted feel tame in comparison even though the ideas of a man knowing suffering and trying to improve the lives of the proles gets no respect, no gratitude, and ultimately becomes the scapegoat to a vapid selfish society that happily stomps him underfoot happens in both stories. At least in that story Jafar had a happy ending remaining in his lamp with Sherezade (real or fake he’s happy) meanwhile Magnifico is just fricked and betrayed by his subjects and his fricking wife.

    • 6 months ago

      Maleficient but it's Magnifico's revenge story

    • 6 months ago

      Don't forget about the loving queen.

      You know, I used to hate Enterbots for worshipping a guy who thought that terrible writing can hint at someone being a terrible person, but now I kinda get it.

      How did this shit get greenlit. Did nobody look at it and realize how fricked up it is, expecting people to cheer for it?

  10. 6 months ago

    sooooo... could Disney milk this movie further by making a prequel that focuses on whoever made that evil book?

  11. 6 months ago

    Did the wishes that Magnifico crushed and absorbed end up being restored by Star at the end? Or no? Cause I feel like at the very least, he needs to be punished for that. Some dude's wish was to find true love and Magnifico fricking abolished it so it would never happen, that's sad as frick.

    • 6 months ago

      Anon, not only is that a wish to make someone fall in love with the guy, it's not even specific, any random person could be magically compelled to love him if that wish were granted.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm not saying the wish should be granted, I'm saying it should've been returned so the dude would have the chance to find it himself. I assume once the wish is crushed, it won't happen in reality.

        • 6 months ago

          If you want it bad enough you can just wish again, its how the movie climaxes

      • 6 months ago

        This. Magnifico doesn't use wishes as a date rape drug.

    • 6 months ago

      Just dont give away your wish bro

      • 6 months ago

        The couple at the beginning got duped by Asha's propaganda of, "You'll forget with no regret". And whoever told Asha that catchphrase duped her. I don't know why she's giving advice on something she's never personally experienced (giving up your wish), but whatever. Someone in Rosas is spreading lies about giving up wishes being great.

        • 6 months ago

          >Got duped by bring told the truth
          Okay Wagner

          • 6 months ago

            We saw Sleepy, Grandpa, and the migrant couple have visible regret about losing their wish. It's not the truth.

            • 6 months ago

              We saw the Rosas literally just come up with more wishes to defeat the villain, it doesnt happen until they are finally inconvenienced for the first time in their lives in Rosas
              Forbids being reminded of his wish, he doesnt want to remember, and magnífico was right to keep it from him
              Sleepy gets his wish and turns out: Didnt make him happy. His wish was bad for him, and Magnífico was right to keep it from him
              >The migrant couple
              Its high speculation. They just go numb about that wish, not regret, which they knew would happen.

              Just dont give away your wish if you didnt want that bro

    • 6 months ago

      Everything was restored except Magnifico's sanity. Even Asha's mom orb, which they didn't even bothered to animate. Seriously, you never find out what her wish was.

      • 6 months ago

        I guess it's one of those "It's whatever the audience interprets it to be" kind of things but it just backfires.

  12. 6 months ago

    Does that still make him a villain if he was possesed?

  13. 6 months ago

    >Use Magnifico for his magic until he becomes inconveniently bonkers
    >Lock him in a mirror for the rest of time
    The Kingdom of Rosa are all those greedy thieves he was worried about!

  14. 6 months ago

    So I think we all agree that that actual solution is Magnifico just tells the population to frick off and rules uncontested as an immortal wizard king, but without using the evil green magic. No more wishes for anybody. All magic spells are public works projects.

  15. 6 months ago

    >Magnifico tells 1rst-day corrupt official that her family is off welfare
    >Gets locked in a mirror forever

  16. 6 months ago

    Is there a MEGA?

    • 6 months ago

      camrips rn

      • 6 months ago

        and a DVD!

  17. 6 months ago

    Does he get a nude scene?

  18. 6 months ago

    They never really explained why he went on a power trip. They just gave him a tragic backstop, then in his first scene he just snaps at Asha for asking about wishes. Then his fall into evil is done over a couple of lines in a peppy dance number.

    • 6 months ago

      They could have also said that his tragic past was a lie he made up, but I don’t think they did

    • 6 months ago

      Everytime someone acts greedy, he snaps. And when he sees a rebellion coming and fears he will lose everything again, he goes to the only book he hasn't checked, the evil book, you know, the book that turns you evil (unless you have Amaya's special oil).

      • 6 months ago

        Is he a Castillan talking about when the Muslims invaded Spain? Is that why Rosas is on an island off the mainland?

      • 6 months ago

        Seriously though, why didn't Magnifico also use the special oil first? It adds another point to the "queen is secretly evil and wanted him removed" idea. She also brought a witness to see the evil book says the evil is permanent so the king has to be removed.

        • 6 months ago

          Kek, and get this: When they are reading the book, the queen claims it says that no metal can destroy the king's staff, so they think it's unbreakable.

          Then, at the end of the movie, the queen finds the piece of the BROKEN staff where Magnifico's trapped!

          • 6 months ago

            The loyal queen

            • 6 months ago

              Bruh I thought he was a wallet

            • 6 months ago

              Kek, and get this: When they are reading the book, the queen claims it says that no metal can destroy the king's staff, so they think it's unbreakable.

              Then, at the end of the movie, the queen finds the piece of the BROKEN staff where Magnifico's trapped!


              I'm not a woman hater by nature but

      • 6 months ago

        >Everytime someone acts greedy, he snaps
        Hes already letting people live literally rent free in his place and giving them a chance to get a wish via the magic he had to work for, so honestly, thats a fair reaction.

    • 6 months ago

      >then in his first scene he just snaps at Asha for asking about wishes.
      I think he was excited because he thought he finally found an apprentice he could relate to, and then the first thing she does is selfishly demand he grant her Grandpa's stupid and vague wish.

      • 6 months ago

        Poor guy thought he'd finally found someone as passionate about protecting the kingdom and its hopes and dreams as he is, and then she turns around and immediately begs for nepotism benefits. I'd be pissy, too, if I were him.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah this fricking peasant is on the first day of her job still in her trial period and the first thing she does after he shares his secret wish room with her is demand he fulfill her grandpa's moronic Wish. Then in revenge for not granting the Wish, Asha leads a peasant uprising against him and launches a coup. Magnifico was done so dirty in this movie.

  19. 6 months ago

    Wish feels like a setup to create a whole cast of villains.

    A Wish 2 should be about Magnifico shitting on everyone

  20. 6 months ago

    >evil wish czar?
    sounds like the WW:1984 sequel fail

  21. 6 months ago

    My Little Mirror Demon can't be this CUTE!

    • 6 months ago

      He's not that brown

    • 6 months ago

      This will sell more than shitty star blob

      • 6 months ago

        still hilarious this is nips merch
        >Make the little Japanese kids Magnificogays

        • 6 months ago

          He will win at the end

        • 6 months ago

          Wait until his twisted version

        • 6 months ago

          I'll keep an eye on pixiv when the movie releases in Japan.

  22. 6 months ago

    I want a Wish 2 where everyone dies but Magnifico

  23. 6 months ago

    >Disney's 100 Anniversary film is going to be what kills Disney for good

    • 6 months ago
  24. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Sorry anon but he never had a chance, not!Maui and Lucas Lee are too strong.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            he’s hideous

  25. 6 months ago

    We went from family issues back to twist villains, which people don't even like and this time the twist was spoiled by the marketing

  26. 6 months ago

    So, is it as shitty as it looks?
    I'm talking both technically and plotwise

  27. 6 months ago

    >Turns to the Darkhold only after asking for his people's help first but they can know how to beg for gibs

    So...they confirm that Wanda WAS a villian in the MCU, because this is exactly what she did.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah but at least Wanda is given a chance to turn around and stop herself/save the multiverse from the Darkhold

      In Wish, Magnifico is defeated by the combined power of his Kingdom revealing they could always have made new wishes all the time, and there really was no harm in him keeping their original wishes safe from harm, they just lacked the incentive.

      • 6 months ago

        Also King Magnifico did literally nothing wrong, he absorbs a couple of wishes to fuel his Darkhold Magic but defeating him reatores those wishes, so there is really nothing to pay back, he is condemed to live in the phantom zone for eternity for the crime of a light show and shoving Asha twice.

        • 6 months ago

          >and shoving Asha twice.
          seriously, what was up with the final "battle"?
          He was already a powerful sorcerer, then he gained an even more magical evil staff, and all he does to the protagonist is...throw her around a bit, that doesn't even leave a scratch on her.
          Even with his most evil and powerful, he was still kind to the traitorous b***h

          • 6 months ago

            I mean they give her a fricking Magic wand during the Chase Scene that is entirely fricking useless gets imediately broken by the bad guy and then give her a new one at the end.

            They could have just let her keep the wand, have a Magic Battle at the top of the tower, and then let her earned ability with the collective Magic of the rosas Turn it into a super wand for the future.
            But no they went out of their way to make sure that didnt happen

            • 6 months ago

              >gets imediately broken by the bad guy
              Asha breaks her own wand?
              Do she feel entitled to a newer, better one?
              Figures with this movie.

            • 6 months ago

              Now that you mentioned it, a wand magic battle would have made the most sense. Not only would it be cool, but also since they loved to reference stuff in this story, it would have referenced the infamous magic battle of the sword in the stone
              what a wasted opportunity

              • 6 months ago

                You could even have all the Key jangling you want by having the spells randomly hit magníficos books and shit and Turn into things from precious movies who then start fighting at each other like Beauty and the Beast furniture vs Lion King Hyienas

              • 6 months ago

                You could even have all the Key jangling you want by having the spells randomly hit magníficos books and shit and Turn into things from precious movies who then start fighting at each other like Beauty and the Beast furniture vs Lion King Hyienas

                >Execs reading this thread on suicide watch as they realise just how badly they fumbled an easy win.

          • 6 months ago

            This shit looks like it could be cutscene in kingdom hearts 2 lol

            Kek he had a more visually impressive battle in KH BBS, and all he does there is just fly around and bump into the player.

          • 6 months ago

            Almost like he never wanted to hurt anyone.
            Even at his worst.

  28. 6 months ago

    It's gonna have a good opening week it seems, despite bad reviews. How well it does after that will depend on word of mouth.

    • 6 months ago

      >only technically not black protagonist
      >visuals are dogshit
      >you're expected to root for the wrong team
      People won't be too kind.

    • 6 months ago

      It's confusing
      If you confuse them you lose them

    • 6 months ago

      It is 60% bigger than elemental

      • 6 months ago

        Elemental was carried internationally and I don't know if that's gonna happen with Wish

  29. 6 months ago

    Reminder this b***h killed a main character and got redemption while Magnifico gets stuck in a mirror for eternity for not granting enough wishes.

    • 6 months ago

      the different is that she is a women and magnifico is a man, so he is evil no matter what.

    • 6 months ago

      So let me get this straight, they:
      >made an extremely sympathetic villain with good intentions
      >he even has to get "corrupted" by an even greater evil to justify his defeat...and his corruption doesn't even make him all that bad
      >his fate is left to be imprisoned in some solitary mirror dimension for eternity
      >his wife even makes a smug smile at his demise and they all live happily ever after?
      I know that recent disney movies have been shying away from villains for a little while now, so it's been some time since they pulled a "surprise" Hans from frozen but this is just silly. It would be like if they took they grandma from encanto and made her go to literal hell for not liking her family who doesnt have powers

      The real villains are the writers at Disney, holy shit.

    • 6 months ago

      To be completely fair, Nemaari only canonically "kills" Sisu because Raya sees her trigger finger itching and tries to disarm her, which inadvertently sets the crossbow off. There's enough plausibility there that Sisu may have been able to talk Nemaari down had Raya not intervened.
      Also, Sisu recovers anyway

      • 6 months ago

        Just think about the scenario they were in for one second
        Imagine being you, being religious, seeing your god materialize in front of you. Your god asks for your cooperation for world peace, what do you do? Let me guess, you pull out your gun, point at your god and start to pull the trigger.
        And you blame the other person for trying to stop you from finishing pulling the trigger?! What in the frick, how can you defend this shit?

        • 6 months ago

          Nobody said Nemaari was smart

        • 6 months ago

          >Imagine being you, being religious, seeing your god materialize in front of you. Your god asks for your cooperation for world peace, what do you do? Let me guess, you pull out your gun, point at your god and start to pull the trigger.
          Or you crucify him.

      • 6 months ago

        >Nemaari only canonically "kills" Sisu because Raya sees her trigger finger itching and tries to disarm her,
        This makes things worse, since she was pointing her gun at humanity, and she caused the apocalypse in the first place.

  30. 6 months ago

    So let me get this straight, they:
    >made an extremely sympathetic villain with good intentions
    >he even has to get "corrupted" by an even greater evil to justify his defeat...and his corruption doesn't even make him all that bad
    >his fate is left to be imprisoned in some solitary mirror dimension for eternity
    >his wife even makes a smug smile at his demise and they all live happily ever after?
    I know that recent disney movies have been shying away from villains for a little while now, so it's been some time since they pulled a "surprise" Hans from frozen but this is just silly. It would be like if they took they grandma from encanto and made her go to literal hell for not liking her family who doesnt have powers

    • 6 months ago

      A lot of people really wanted that granny to go to hell, let's be fair.

    • 6 months ago

      Just watched the camrip and what the frick, Magnifico is literally just a worse written Abuela. The movie as a whole is soulless, but the best part (Magnifico’s backstory and initial drive) is essentially copied from Encanto.

    • 6 months ago

      That movie was hypocritical as frick since they only showed that affected the MC and her sisters exclusively and nobody else.

    • 6 months ago

      I think Abuela is unironically more evil than Magnifico because she treats her own granddaughter like complete shit since the age of 5 years old, no corrupting ebul book required, and only apologizes when their damn house is destroyed and the family appears to have lost everything. Frick the entire family is actually more unlikable than Magnifico
      >no one makes the disabled child her own room or even offers to share one of their comically huge rooms, they're so big her roommate probably would never even notice she was there
      >her parents don't confront Abuela about not putting a picture of Mirabel on the wall with the other grandkids
      >her own parents don't even notice that she isn't in the family photo they take
      >the weather controlling aunt is a c**t who yells at her
      >Isa is a c**t to her for literally no reason
      >none of her family stick up for her when Abuela is giving her a verbal smackdown and yells that she ruined their family, they all stand in a circle and just watch

      • 6 months ago

        She became the new designated hatesink because Bruno got hit so hideously bad with it that it broke his mind, notice his weather controlling b***h sister made his name persona non grata and Mirabel’s mom never speaks of him despite Bruno not doing anything specifically to her. And even more damning, Bruno being the only one to try protecting Mirabel from Abuela’s impending wrath for apparently destroying their little miracle they had going on for them.

        The undercurrent of the movie just casually ignored is its run like a mafia. Perpetuating ‘the gift’ is to keep the Madrigals in power over the community that sprung up around their enchanted home and it’s really the thing everyone is worrying about losing.

        • 6 months ago

          It’s pretty egregious that the one time they can do subversive recycling shit they don’t. They could have easily had Rosas run like a mafia-esque dystopia, or use Magnifico’s trauma to redeem him, but they chose to do NEITHER.

          • 6 months ago

            Meant for

            I think Abuela is unironically more evil than Magnifico because she treats her own granddaughter like complete shit since the age of 5 years old, no corrupting ebul book required, and only apologizes when their damn house is destroyed and the family appears to have lost everything. Frick the entire family is actually more unlikable than Magnifico
            >no one makes the disabled child her own room or even offers to share one of their comically huge rooms, they're so big her roommate probably would never even notice she was there
            >her parents don't confront Abuela about not putting a picture of Mirabel on the wall with the other grandkids
            >her own parents don't even notice that she isn't in the family photo they take
            >the weather controlling aunt is a c**t who yells at her
            >Isa is a c**t to her for literally no reason
            >none of her family stick up for her when Abuela is giving her a verbal smackdown and yells that she ruined their family, they all stand in a circle and just watch

        • 6 months ago

          >Perpetuating ‘the gift’ is to keep the Madrigals in power over the community that sprung up around their enchanted home and it’s really the thing everyone is worrying about losing.

          I'm sorry but that's stupid, delulu is not the solulu.

          The movie circles back over and over again how the Madrigals have a culture of service to the town, obsessively, to the point of it breaking their family apart.
          When they loose everything the town doesnt go "Finally, we're free!"
          They go "lay your burden low, we dont have gifts but we are many and we'd do anything for you" and they all work together to rebuild the madrigal's home

          >Luisa has a crisis if she ever takes a break
          >Abuela intro song says "we have to be dedicated to deserve this miracle"
          >Isabela perpetuates her state of a virginal flower brat because she feels like she only has a role as a fertility godess to make babies for the miracle that serves the town and doesnt deserve a life and identity of her own

          The family doesnt apologize because they lost everything, the family learns that not apologizing cost them everything.

          You're right that bruno was done dirty though. He's made to feel like he has something to apologize for, and gaslit into "no one has nothing to apologize for" when truth is "We dont talk about Bruno" is a villain song, and the villain is the Madrigals

          Yo Encanto was a dope as hell movie

      • 6 months ago

        >>no one makes the disabled child her own room or even offers to share one of their comically huge rooms, they're so big her roommate probably would never even notice she was there
        This is how you notice that the movie wasn't written by a genuine Hispanic.

        • 6 months ago

          I mean the grandmother actually apologized and admitted she was in the wrong. So yeah?

          • 6 months ago

            Mine only amended bridges during her deathbed days.

      • 6 months ago

        I found it weird how she got of so scott free compared to her actions and they even tried to make you feel bad for for her turning her grandaugter into a pariah because she went through a tragedy once. Even the siblings were scared of losing their powers because they knew that the monarch of the family would turn on them if they stopped being useful. It's all kinds of fricked up

      • 6 months ago

        >weather controlling aunt is a c**t who yells at her
        I'm glad someone else noticed how much of a b***h Pepa is to Mirabel in the movie. She's a shitty Aunt who plays favorites just like her mom. Still cute though

        • 6 months ago

          Huh I was aware of the colour schemes used to distinguish family branches but I hadn't noticed Bruno being a mix of his two sister's colors.

  31. 6 months ago

    Imagine the Magnifico movie
    >story about a man formed by tragedy deciding to use his power of good
    >power slowly corrupts the initially likable character and both audience and supporting role worry about him
    >him going the deep end isn't despicable but sympathetic
    >rest of the movie is about the characters trying to save him
    >emotional climax is him realizing his mistakes and being saved
    A falling of grace story by Disney would genuinely be better received than Wish.

    • 6 months ago

      It would've but alas... they are allergic to Magnifikino...

    • 6 months ago

      Nah, magnificent should’ve been the hero trying to keep his kingdom in check while asha was the real villain with her star boyfriend

    • 6 months ago

      It was weird. When they explained how the kingdom was formed. Hell, 80% of the way though the film I kept thinking to myself 'this guy is going to have to do some pretty evil shit for me to root against him' and the moment never came. I still don't get why he's evil. If anything he's the good guy who did so much good that it ended up being... too much?

      • 6 months ago

        The closest thing to evil I know of him doing is not being explicit about the whole "memory loss" part of the wish shtick, but then again he didnt supress info about that either so

      • 6 months ago

        I don't want to be THAT guy but this is modern disney. The bad guy being irredeemable was shouldve been obvious because he's a man. it's just that the writers lack so much skill that they didnt know how to make an antagonist be evil or at the very least create a convincing downfall. So now we got a guy who wasnt even all that bad a person being sent to damnation because he's a dude.

        • 6 months ago

          He was sent to damnation because they wanted this to be their 100th anniversary celebration with a "return to form" and have some iconic charismatic villain who dies or gets punished at the end. They wanted this to be their Jafar, or Scar, or Gaston, or Hades. The problem is modern writers think that "GUY IS EVIL CAUSE HE WANTS POWER" or something is one-dimensional, so they try to add depth by making him sympathetic or show the cracks of his corruption forming or make the villain seem kind of justified. It's like they heard that, "A villain is just a hero of their own story!" line and took it to the nth degree: They accidentally made him SO reasonable that it makes our hero and the supporting cast look like a bunch of buttholes for defeating him.

          There's nothing wrong with "MAGNIFICO IS EVIL CAUSE HE WANTS POWER" and I'm sick of Disney acting like they're too good for simple fairy tale writing.

  32. 6 months ago

    It's like a bunch of parts of a script, chopped and formed to resemble a story

  33. 6 months ago

    It's a psyop. They're making smart people look bad so we can always discredit them and never rely on them. It's the same shit with Across the Spiderverse.

    • 6 months ago

      What about when scientists tell us to mask up or something?

      • 6 months ago

        This psyop is to vindicate black people and other minorities into always being right, doing whatever they want, and they can't do no wrong.

        • 6 months ago

          >Damn, I wish i wuz rich. Imma wish reel hard jus like dem peepo in dat wish cartoon

        • 6 months ago

          Isn't Magnifico a minority himself?

  34. 6 months ago

    Keep licking those boots.
    Put all your hopes and dreams on politicians and just sleepwalk through life.

    • 6 months ago

      Oh look, /misc/ arrived.

      • 6 months ago

        Oh yeah, my comment (perfectly descriptive of the villain's villainy) heralds /misc/, not the comments above about psyops and black people and minorities.

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