Kamen Rider Gotchard - Episode 1


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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    What are your first episode impressions of Gotchard's leads?

    • 9 months ago

      the girl's acting is pretty wooden.

    • 9 months ago

      There's a Gridman joke to be made here probably.

    • 9 months ago

      The girl acting is really bad. Houtarou is fine for his first role. Hope they both improve.

    • 9 months ago

      Not a good first impression honestly. It reminded me a lot of Saber's first episode (not a good thing) in terms of structure, pacing and direction, but with even more wooden acting from the main leads. I'll give it until the end of Q1 to grab me.

    • 9 months ago

      I can fix her.

      Kudoh is honestly not interesting at all. Atropos alone is a better actress than her in terms of line delivery and she's like 7. It's gonna be on her to work on her acting because she's like a dead fish right now.
      Ichinose is whatever, he's got some messy line delivery here and there and can sometimes look like a space cadet but he'll warm up to it.

    • 9 months ago

      Reminded me of Saber’s first episode and not in a good way.

      Pretty much everything but the non-CGI fight was ass. At least it has that.
      I really don’t want to skip this year’s Kamen Rider because it’s a part of my weekly routine, but that was painful to watch

      • 9 months ago

        >letting some minor discomfort to ruin your yearly routine
        Weak ass b***h

    • 9 months ago

      Even LeonCh had a shakey first impression, and he's historically known to be easy to please. At least starting low means the only way is up?

    • 9 months ago

      Occult dude has better acting chops than both of them combined.

      • 9 months ago

        occult dude should have been be the protagonist

    • 9 months ago

      I miss Geats already, but especially its music. None of Gotchard's music stood out to me in this first outing, save from the god damn outro music of all things. Geats' tracks are something else in comparison.

    • 9 months ago

      Not the strongest start to a series. Possibly just the rush to set everything up, but man that acting is weak even for Toku. Also just seems a bit cheap. This drone bit looked worse than normal, like sub phone camera. The greenscreen train station looked so bad they could've at least made part of it a real stage. If it leans into being just a fun show that could be okay, but it wasn't exactly funny like Fourze was out the gate. Couldn't tell you anything about Ichinose outside "nice" and that girl was there too I suppose.

      For some positives, I liked his rider kick?

      • 9 months ago



        Yeah, the drone footage was horrendous. You could immediately see it go from 1080p+ to 240p quality in one scene transition, it was garbage.

        • 9 months ago

          Drone footage is usually lower quality but I've never see it slam on the breaks that hard. Not even sure why a drone was needed for this fight, being shot normally would've looked better. Save it for when there is some crazy hard to follow stunt. Which maybe a first episode should have, not just a pretty okay fight.

          My first though about Ichinose was that he was weirdly driven for the usual "I'm not sure what I want to do" type of character. Not that it's a bad thing

          I think my problem is maybe those contradicting elements just sort of flattened each other out. It can work, just didn't in a first episode which is easy to recover from.

      • 9 months ago

        My first though about Ichinose was that he was weirdly driven for the usual "I'm not sure what I want to do" type of character. Not that it's a bad thing

      • 9 months ago

        They really should've cut this. Being the very first action shot of the main Rider makes it even worse.

        • 9 months ago

          One of these days, someone's just going to get so sick of it they're going to just anonymously gift/fundraise a better quality go-pro to send to Toei free of charge

        • 9 months ago

          If I was the editor or whatever I would've called up and said can we pretend this is like security cam footage or something. Oh its the go-pro chemy watching the fight here's an establishing shot. Genuinely takes you out of the moment.

          • 9 months ago

            >can we pretend this is like security cam footage or something
            that actually would've been a very neat idea

      • 9 months ago

        Okay, so I like a lot of the elements here but the things I dislike are major sticking points

        THE GOOD
        >World building
        >Actual magic system with some thought behind it
        >Music. Yes, including Back-On. If you don't like it, frick you.
        >Chemmies and collectable cards
        >Really good action scenes. The main exception being


        Yeah, the drone footage was horrendous. You could immediately see it go from 1080p+ to 240p quality in one scene transition, it was garbage.

        THE BAD
        >Hotaro overacted badly and Kudou can't act at all and neither character has any real defining traits (major issue)
        >Unconvincing, non threatening villains (major issue)
        >Horrible CGI. Kinda par for the course, I know, but the whole grasshopper form felt unnecessary.

        Overall, not sure what to think. Definitely need to see the next episode to get a full idea of everything.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh wow, I thought my video was messed up.

      • 9 months ago

        Can't believe someone reviewed this footage and approved it for airing.

        What are your first episode impressions of Gotchard's leads?

        They fricked up casting Rinne, it should've been one of the sisters in her role.

    • 9 months ago

      After being miserable with Geats for a year I'm excited for something new, and so far I liked the premiere. I hope it continues that way, I'd like to enjoy Sentai, Ultra, and Rider for the year.

    • 9 months ago

      Ichinose's listlessness in regards to his future aspirations feels a little too much like Sougo's for my liking, but it's a (pardon the pun) timeless concern for the youth. I'm not a fan of how to use the Driver being beamed into his brain with magic, but that was likely done to keep the episode moving at a good pace.
      Kudo helping out when she could with alchemy was fun, and could allow her to legitimately participate in the action even if she doesn't become a Rider. Him going after her to get an apology added some spice, so hopefully they can keep developing decently over the course of the series.

      • 9 months ago

        >could allow her to legitimately participate in the action even if she doesn't become a Rider
        That would require spending CG money on a character that won't generate anyway, so I doubt it's going to keep up.

    • 9 months ago

      BAD but thats a good thing. Gotchard will go up from now.

    • 9 months ago

      It's a very first episode-y first episode. I remember a while ago on /krg/ we had a discussion as to whether we preferred riders that already have their powers before the first episode or ones that gain their powers during it, and Gotchard reminded me that I 100% prefer the former.

      First episodes, especially modern ones tend to juggle a lot of exposition and having to squeeze in the MC awkwardly becoming a rider tends to leave little time to breathe for a pilot.

      The two leads acting skills (particularly Rinne) are really bad. I hope they improve quickly but Rinne just sounds so wooden.

      I think the only thing about this episode that I really liked was Clotho being the first MoTW, that was a surprise, and I think that worked a lot better than shoehorning a victim of the week in the middle first episode exposition.

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly kind of boring. The girl has as much range as a plank of wood and Houtarou is clearly new.

    • 9 months ago

      It was fun but it's definitely a generic premise compared to the past 4, so they'll have to build a good enough foundation to stand out.
      I hated the last month of Geats episodes so I'm honestly fine with anything that's just not that. After the first month though you gotta stand on your own.

      Hotaro is the standard rider protagonist and Rinne was fine, but she did not make an impression on me as the secondary lead as they stated in the production blog.

    • 9 months ago

      I give it a solid alright/10, nothing too crazy so far
      the show's going to probably pick up when spanner shows up

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe I'm just too old for toku, but each series feels more and more aimed solely for kids now, last 2 Reiwa feels very juvenile from the characters and suit designs.
      Rinne is sexable though

      • 9 months ago

        >says the last two series were juvenile
        >proceeds to call the 14 year old actress sexable
        Yeah you might just be getting old for Rider as it is anon, but also what the frick?

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't think Geats was. If anything it seemed like it was taking itself way too seriously than it should have been

    • 9 months ago

      Hotaro's probably gonna have a nice character arc about finding what he wants to do so I can forgive him for being a little bland.
      Rinne seems like discount Tsukuyomi though

      • 9 months ago

        She's actually discount Kiriko and the show itself is discount Drive.

        • 9 months ago

          Kiriko could emote.

    • 9 months ago

      They're inoffensive at worst and kinda endearing at best, still there's nothing to know about either of them aside from Gotcha boy's catchphrase and he makes bento.
      Her spell assists have the potential for some cool action scenes if she doesn't become a rider at the mid-way point.

  2. 9 months ago
  3. 9 months ago
  4. 9 months ago

    Damn even he thinks Bandai made the belt a bit big.

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly, the fact that the show's motif is supposed to be alchemy, but the alchemic device is this hunking brightly coloured plastic brick is kind of offputting (doubly so due to the clear plastics). Reminds me of how blatantly toyetic Saber's toyline looked, relative to the motif it was supposed to be representing

      • 9 months ago

        >Reminds me of how blatantly toyetic Saber's toyline looked, relative to the motif it was supposed to be representing
        Never seen colorful gimmicky books in your life?

      • 9 months ago

        >hunking brightly coloured plastic brick
        It's a bento box. Hotaru's method of "Alchemy" is cooking. His box comes in two sections just like the driver's two slots.

  5. 9 months ago
  6. 9 months ago
  7. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >the reused base suit is likely supposed to -be- Clotho
      Man I really wanted the generals to not have alt forms and just become the monster of the week

  8. 9 months ago

    Uh, Chemybros? Not a good look for us, how do we spin this?

    • 9 months ago

      Haven't watch it yet. But that one weird CG

  9. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        He'll be Legend and then Tsukasa will appear out of nowhere and take the former's Legend powers

  10. 9 months ago
  11. 9 months ago

    CGI sucks

  12. 9 months ago

    Like or dislike Steamhopper now?

    • 9 months ago

      Firmly in "meh". It's not bad, and I get what they're going for, but it definitely comes across as a template suit with bits just stapled onto it. The only part I particularly like a lot is the design of the eyes

    • 9 months ago

      Firmly in the middle as far as Reiwa base form designs go.

    • 9 months ago



      I don't think I need to redo the others as they only had maybe one line at best that's basically "Here we go" levels.

      The shiny metal plastic they have going looks so awesome in movement. I seriously want them to reboot Battride War now because it would look so good to play as. I thought it looked alright from the images but that paired with the light up orange eyes really sold me on it.

    • 9 months ago

      The basic silver chest plate hurts the design, may have been better if it wasn't so prominent.

  13. 9 months ago
  14. 9 months ago
  15. 9 months ago

    Fukuzawa directing fricking sucks. Bring back Sakamoto and Sugihara please.

  16. 9 months ago
  17. 9 months ago
  18. 9 months ago



  19. 9 months ago



    • 9 months ago

      I guess these witches are going to keep recurring as hosts for whatever chemmy of the week?

      • 9 months ago

        Not all the time it looks like.

  20. 9 months ago



  21. 9 months ago

    That was the most first episode of all time. Kinda weird how this is THE starting point. This would be a like 10 years ago thing.

  22. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Nice bike

  23. 9 months ago
  24. 9 months ago

    Handsome Oji-sans have been fairly trendy in a couple things recently.

    • 9 months ago

      I can't get over how incredible lame they look.

      • 9 months ago

        What do you think is a not lame villain design?

        • 9 months ago

          Early heisei kaijins, with grongi and undead at the top. There's always something terrifying about them.
          Now in reiwa? All of that monster was either colourful, half-assed or just simply not terrorizing enough. The last great kaijin or villain design were another rider in Zi-O.

    • 9 months ago

      Consequence of the aging population I guess. Older housewives either can't into 20 year old twinks anymore or just feel creepy doing so so they started adding more older but still handsome dudes into alot of their things. Like how Sentai now has a token 35 year old as part of the team to round out the usual teens and early 20 somethings.

  25. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      She's no Izu

      • 9 months ago

        Izu wasn't exactly a bastion of good acting early on either but that was the point she was a robot who didn't really have a personality beyond bland pleasantness yet. What Noa did have however was good comedic timing and eventually was able to show off some pretty impressive acting chops as Izu gained more personality.

        The best mascot girl acting early on though was definitely Poppy because Ruka was very good at playing different personalities of the same character so it was quite a shock of her being this hardassed business woman for most of the first episode only to suddenly turn into a pink haired cartoon character.

        This new girl though I don't know, she bland but she's also supposed to be cold and aloof so maybe she'll improve if she's allowed to actually be personable to Hotaro. Tsukyomi was kind of the same way early on and her acting ended up being fairly decent in the end

        • 9 months ago

          >The best mascot girl acting early on though was definitely Poppy because Ruka was very good at playing different personalities of the same character
          Based and nailed it. Poppy/Asuna worked so well because the actress was not afraid to go full ham in the role, while still getting a fair bit of serious moments. Showing hesitance to blend with the role given is basically a shot to the foot.

          • 9 months ago

            I mean she was definitely a better actress but the character was also ten times more annoying. I couldn’t stand this b***h.

  26. 9 months ago
  27. 9 months ago

    Speaking of bad greenscreens, why don't they use a virtual set instead? They seem to have one they use for Sentai.

    • 9 months ago

      Different stuff same result. Bad.

    • 9 months ago

      Even Kingohger only has it for limited periods, which is why a bunch of scenes in Kingohger go back to green screen.

    • 9 months ago

      Didn't they use the mandalorian volume for train station scene? Or is it green screen?

      • 9 months ago

        Green screen, you can see the border on the actors. The lighting at least matched up though.

  28. 9 months ago
  29. 9 months ago
  30. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Rinne is rich?

  31. 9 months ago
  32. 9 months ago

    Holy shit what was with that low bitrate Gopro/drone footage? Did some AD frick up?

    • 9 months ago

      What I don't get is how it's WORSE than the already bad Go-Pro/Drone footage in previous shows. Did they break their previous one and had to pull a relic from the dusty closets?

    • 9 months ago

      What I don't get is how it's WORSE than the already bad Go-Pro/Drone footage in previous shows. Did they break their previous one and had to pull a relic from the dusty closets?

      That legitimately took me out of the fight and I was really enjoying it up to then, the quality drop was so fricking jarring, and for something that barely accomplishes anything but showing off a crazy camera movement.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh my God, what were they thinking?!

        • 9 months ago

          what's wrong with this scene other than the quality?

          • 9 months ago

            Its a weird shot but the biggest issue is the weird quality drop. Are these drone shots?

        • 9 months ago

          That sudden image quality drop on this one scene feels weird. It's like the person who film this forgot to turn it into HQ.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a tribute to Heisei era by mimicking the camera quality.

      • 9 months ago

        This shot was wild I thought I was back in 03 again.

    • 9 months ago

      Someone probably shot it on low quality mode and they didn't watch the footage afterwards, then they said, "Well shit, we can't do a reshoot."

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah they probably didn't notice the quality frick up until it was too late to reshoot the scene because they probably already tore up the monster suit and reused it for something else knowing how they operate

  33. 9 months ago
  34. 9 months ago

    is he going to cameo as a teacher?

    • 9 months ago

      It'd be based if they can get him, but I doubt it. If he ever showed up it would be for a film, not the show.

  35. 9 months ago

    When the alchemists kept flashing their rings and moving it from finger to finger I kept getting Wizard flashbacks.

  36. 9 months ago

    They wasted too much budget on needless CG like the non-humanoid SteamHopper form. I expect most of the Chemies to be floating card art in the future like how some of the random ones were this episode.

  37. 9 months ago

    What the frick was that acting by Kudoh?

  38. 9 months ago

    Rinne's pretty flat but I'm going to cut her some slack given the actress is only 14. Comparatively I think Hotaro's kinda creaky acting in his voice does fit with the idea he's pretty young, although the way they freeze his face during his transformation doesn't look right at all.

  39. 9 months ago


  40. 9 months ago

    It feels too childish. Worse of all it makes me feel like the entire series will be this way.

  41. 9 months ago

    The effects were a bit sketchy though the whole episode but I think the worst of it was this scene where the MC runs and jumps off SteamLiner.

  42. 9 months ago

    any mega link alternative? nyaa is inaccessible in my place.

    • 9 months ago

      or google drive

    • 9 months ago

      or google drive

      Save us, hedge!

  43. 9 months ago

    I remember the go pro they used for Nago Fantasy debut has better quality than this. Wtf happens

  44. 9 months ago

    You can already tell the school elements will be ditched very quickly, plus the main antagonists look horrible (the little girl's design is fine, just not as the leader)
    The second half of Geats was alreadypretty lackluster but this one might be even worse

  45. 9 months ago

    It's a fine first episode. I like that it seems kinda compact, no foreshadowing of a grandiose MC-centric future world altering event... yet. Maybe not the strongest acting in the world but this is the modern Kamen Rider so the bar is quite low. The little girl's performance is definitely a stand out even though she's more cute than imposing in her Yu-Gi-Oh villain cosplay. I wonder if the budgets are shrinking because they're surely trying but they're not quite capable of showing what they want to show.

    • 9 months ago

      >wonder if the budgets are shrinking
      People have been noticing for a while. Despite decent toy sales it feels like KR's budget either keeps getting reduced or can't keep pace with the production needs. Here it really felt like a mid season "well we can splash on cgi but that's our whole episode budget" not a first episode extravaganza.

    • 9 months ago

      >no foreshadowing of a grandiose MC-centric future world altering event
      anon they already went out of their way to say Hotaro is a chosen one of some sort

      • 9 months ago

        It feels more like they were just looking for someone compatible with them and he was the first Hopper 1 found. Like Gentaro and the Fourze belt where he was the only one of the initial group athletic and healthy enough to use it. Miu or Shun could have probably worked as well but Gentaro met and befriended Kengo and Yuki first.

  46. 9 months ago

    Time to actually watch Gotchard EP 1.

  47. 9 months ago

    this is just late april fools and we're getting more Geats kino next week... right...

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Winter movie and V-cinema will come before we know it, but it's Gotchard's time now.

    • 9 months ago

      Geats stopped being Kino a long time ago

  48. 9 months ago

    it's the one who escaped the three girls right

    • 9 months ago

      Yes it have to be him

    • 9 months ago

      That was Rinne's father, and he seemingly died before releasing the chemies

    • 9 months ago

      Rinne's father is the dude he met, though I can see why you'd connect the dots.
      If that's really him then he has a lot of explaining to do since he has 2 families. I think it's gonna be someone else important down the line.

  49. 9 months ago

    episode is good except girl lead's acting

    • 9 months ago

      If this is your bar for "good", I'd hate to find out what constitutes "bad" in your books

      • 9 months ago

        All of Geats

        • 9 months ago

          your glasses are upside down

  50. 9 months ago

    Aww that cute looking hopper1.

    • 9 months ago

      It was so disappointing when he turned back into a card. I though he was going to be a Pikachu of the series.

      • 9 months ago

        Damn :/

      • 9 months ago

        They wouldn't go to the effort of making a physical model for him just to never use it again. He's totally gonna be Lovekov 2.0.

        The guys hating on Rinne would have a mental breakdown over watching Lijewel not improving a single bit after each episode.

        At least Rinne's voice isn't as grating.

  51. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Oooooooooooo! Clotho's cutie-outie-tummy! So erotic! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

      • 9 months ago

        She's gonna get drawn with the tightest tummy from here on out and I am ready for it.

    • 9 months ago

      So are all the villains just gonna be the two lady minions wearing a chemi as a suit?

  52. 9 months ago

    Let's begin

  53. 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago
  55. 9 months ago

    Just finished the episode. I don't think the acting is as bad as people are saying, Hotaro isn't too far behind most other leads when they start out and while Rinne is bad I think she got across the mysterious vibe decently. They're both so new so I'm willing to cut them some slack. For now.

    I actually enjoyed most of the episode except the transformation scene itself. I never minded Saber's henshins but this took it to a whole new level of CGI Sentai bullshit. Hotaro really needed a better reason to get into the fight and I hope his motivations are fleshed out later. And his acting is at it's worst here, which makes me wonder if it was filmed first. The steam and wind effect was really cool though and I loved the fight except the gopro shit, and the OP is hype as frick.

    Based on first impressions alone these are the most interesting villain faction since Build. And I can already tell I'm going to like Minato-sensei. Overall, I'm excited to see where it's going and have faith the show will be good. Sorry for the blogpost.

    • 9 months ago

      Sometimes you just have to trust a strangely handsome middle-aged man who hands you a weird belt and says that you are his hope for the future, bro. Those bratty Egyptian goth girls need some Rider Kick correction.

  56. 9 months ago

    Damn this is probably the strongest negative reaction I've seen to a series episode one, beating out Saber.

    • 9 months ago

      Geats has burned everyone out so they can't enjoy Kamen Rider anymore

      • 9 months ago

        But I enjoyed Geats, despite its flaws.

        It wasn't as bad as saber, but it wasn't very good either so it was just meh.

        Its not that this is the worst episode ever, just never better than mediocre. With nothing to really latch onto. You can't even go well the action was good, cause it was just sort of okay apart from the truly awful go-pro.

        Seriously I can't get over that, its the first episode if there was a frick up that bad you should do something to fix it.

        Aggressively mediocre as they say, I dunno I feel like it was worse than mediocre, but literally all of the time. You know a state of unsatisfying but not godawful, although the grasshopper form CGI was some shit I want to forget on the level of whatever the hell the Photoshop Tweening Geiz's Ghost form was in Zi-O.

      • 9 months ago

        I enjoyed Geats though. The issue is why in the world would anyone bother openly saying so around here when all you frickers do is dogpile anyone who goes against the /krg/ hivemind at present

        • 9 months ago

          It's not even the /krg/ hivemind, it's literally just one or two ESLs who are scorned by the fact people don't think Saber is a good series, and general consensus is that Geats was fairly decent

          It's almost always exactly the opposite with Rider. The first episode is commonly one of the worst: the acting is comparatively wooden because the lead actors are inexperienced both in general and with the specific characters, the pacing is normally rushed because they have to establish the new setting and introduce the principal cast and have a debut fight, and while the CGI is usually relatively heavy in the first episode, it's rarely the best effects they'll have, just some of the biggest.

          Build is the only show in recent memory where the first episode was really good, and that's because Inukai was one of the best lead actors we've ever had.

          I didn't like Build's first episode at all, Sento pissed me off to begin with. Build however is one of my favorite seasons after the characters really got some time to shine.

          • 9 months ago

            >I-It's the sabergays fault!
            Shut the frick up already.
            t. someone who skipped Saber and is gonna skip Gotchard too

            • 9 months ago

              ESL #1

              • 9 months ago

                ESL #2

                Schizoid shitposting Black person #1

              • 9 months ago

                Schizoid #3

          • 9 months ago

            Take your meds.

            • 9 months ago

              ESL #2

      • 9 months ago

        Revice. The negativity posting hit an all time high with Revice and that seemed to carry over to Geats because it wasn't what some anons wanted it to be. So you end up with what would've been an alright KR series suddenly getting treated like complete trash for stupid babies, as if Kamen Rider ever didn't have weird character arc decisions, (I'm currently watching Drive and what they did to Mach in the thirties is pissing me the frick off, holy shit) iffy writing, bad CG, and terrible acting. And it was getting bolstered by shitposters. Same seems to be getting put on Gotchard already because it's trying to be more kid friendly with younger inexperienced actors, and that just isn't gelling with some anons here.

        Tbh I think some just got their expectations too high and specific again, anons were expecting this to be a lot more Card Captor Sakura before the PV dropped and it being more Yokai Watch meets Pokemon with some Type Moon not-magic secret alchemy society already put some people off from the get-go so they were already going in disappointed. That isn't the show's fault at all though, just people's expectations. That isn't something to fault the show for at all.

        • 9 months ago

          >because it's trying to be more kid friendly with younger inexperienced actors
          I don't think what they did would particularly grab kids either. If it is meant to be goofy simple kids stuff then you need stand out colorful characters. Ichinose and whoever her name is are sort of just there. It was sort of interesting that they didn't get along but I'm not sure a very young demographic would be entertained. Pokemon and Yokai Watch aren't just popular cause monsters. Its to do with spending time focusing on and characterising them. Something that'll likely be hard here when the budget runs dry and we the Q1 gimmick is forgotten. Kids also really like action and I'd hardly call this an action packed show stopper.

          What do you think they really nailed that will get kids hyped for it?

        • 9 months ago

          >as if Kamen Rider ever didn't have weird character arc decisions, (I'm currently watching Drive and what they did to Mach in the thirties is pissing me the frick off, holy shit)
          Oh wow, so you're allowed to complain about Gou's (better written) moronation but we aren't allowed to complain about Keiwa's because ???

          • 9 months ago

            Not the point I was making at all but I don't really want to bother anymore, you guys are such fricking wet blankets, I give up. Frick you.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm not sure why you're surprised given Whale, the guy who was upset when his subs found traction outside of Cinemaphile, said he opted out of Gotchard in large part because of how awful this place has been for years on end. I didn't even bother coming here the last few months of Geats

              • 9 months ago

                And you were not missed (especially if you thought anyone criticizing Geats was too much for your delicate sensibilities).

              • 9 months ago

                >getting genuinely offended over someone saying a general sucks
                dont worry im sure you're really popular during pride month anon

            • 9 months ago

              Frick you too.

            • 9 months ago

              The point you're making is that we shouldn't complain about bad shit in Geats just because it happened in some other shows, while you complain about that bad shit in another show. You're excusing Geats because you're a butthurt Geatsgay, that's it.

              • 9 months ago

                No, I'm fricking pissed because your double standards are complete fricking bullshit for this franchise. I used Drive as an example because it's a show I'm currently finally watching that made a frustrating character decision, but I don't hold it against the show as a whole for a miss step, I just think it was disappointing, but I also understand I am not the target audience as a 27 year old adult. If anything, it puts this shit into perspective for me because I'm reminded that they do this shit all the fricking time with secondaries so the Riders can fight each other for the kids watching. The reasoning is always contrived bullshit most of the time like Gou being brainwashed by 001, but that's me as an adult overthinking everything, and I realize that so I don't really think it's actually worth complaining about either. You guys b***h and moan about these things endlessly though and have been for most of Reiwa and you use that as excuses to shit on these shows as a whole for making the exact same mistakes, but you don't fricking do that for the previous shows. The double standards are clear and it's really fricking obvious you have zero fricking self awareness to the fact you're b***hing and crying about shows for elementary schoolers.

              • 9 months ago

                There's no double standard, butthurt Geatsgay. You're trying to generalize every show's flaws to make Geats look better, when the story context of every situation is important and can make X thing better or worse in the eyes of people, on top of ignoring that other shows might have other stuff going to make up for their missteps.

                You're talking as if Dark Keiwa was Geats' sole issue, when that shit also happens in one of its worst arcs, as it piles up many other issues. Drive makes up for Gou's not so moronic rage by making it happen during a period that contains some of its very best arcs (the Chase redemption, Freeze and Nira arcs).

                >The reasoning is always contrived bullshit most of the time like Gou being brainwashed by 001
                Gou wasn't brainwashed, he's serving as a double agent to help the Special Investigation Unit. It's contrived, yes, but miles better than Keiwa's edgy moronation.

                >muh it's a kids show
                Of course you would pull this one. Let's just ignore that the target demographic barely understands anything that happens in the shows, that it's the parents who are engaged on the story, and that Toei and Bandai are very aware of the adult audience to the point of catering to them at many points.

              • 9 months ago

                Frick off. You're not going to shame me for liking a show for what it is. We are watching shows made for children that air between precure and super sentai, that is what they are first and foremost and I for one fully understand that. Either cope with that or frick off already.

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but these are shows made for families, this isn't Peppa Pig we're talking about here. They sell $500 toy belts for grown ass men and ultimately when other KRs are able to do these kinds of arcs better or at the very least have some kind of satisfying payoff I think it's kind of disingenuous to use the "IT'S FOR KIDS" argument. Geats was average, a 6/10 at best and felt like it had no idea what it was doing for most of it. I don't think it's exactly unfair to consider Keiwa done dirty as a character nor blame negative comments on Revice being bad, if anything wouldn't it make more sense for people claiming Geats as anything better than average being the ones with a bias caused by Revice?

              • 9 months ago

                I don't think it's disengenuous at all though. There're a lot of parts in Geats that actively feel like they were done for the kids watching, Takahashi's writing is generally more light novel-styled too in terms of ideas and execution, which is something that appeals to younger demographics. It's generally what I remind myself every time I'm watching Toku and there's a bit that makes me either cringe or go "what were they thinking?", that I am watching a show for kids, even if it is also made with the parents watching in mind to be entertaining, as well as otaku who will want to buy the more expensive merchandise, it is still trying to be a show that appeals to kids first and foremost, so I just take it as it is and focus on the aspects I do like instead which are also there for the adults like you and I.

              • 9 months ago

                Light novels are popular with teens and young adults, not toddlers, dumbass.

              • 9 months ago

                And as far as demos are concerned there's pretty much no difference between 15 year old viewers and 30 year old ones beyond which shows they watched as kids and would be nostalgic for. There's either the kid target audience, and older viewers with little distinction between them.

              • 9 months ago

                The point is that the writing in them has always been simpler in terms of concept and execution, also the fact that LN writing also gets a lot of criticism from adults for that. But it also makes it easier for younger kids to follow as a result. I realize I'm doing a terrible job of explaining, but I'm just trying to put this into the perspective that I maintain so I can continue to enjoy these shows for what they are.

              • 9 months ago

                Dunno, Geats felt like it was trying hard to be more complex and appeal to the older audiences than the usual Rider show, with the trendy death games, deception, gray morality (at least until the last arc), its cautionary tale about morally bankrupt dystopias, and all that meta commentary on the entertainment industry and fanbases (even Rider's own one) that little kids won't pick up on, yet they're big parts of the show. So pulling the "it's just a kids' show" non-argument for it feels especially wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                I get and agree with that, my original point though was that Keiwa's dark arc was more or less a thing just to have him fighting with everyone because kids like Rider VS Rider fights. That and Buffa's actions in the JGP being glosed over for a period. Those did feel like decisions that were made for the kids watching.

              • 9 months ago

                Dark Keiwa was something that was planned, and it tied to one of the more serious and gray moments of the show when Ace asks Keiwa early on if he'd still care about the rest of the world as long as he and his sister were happy. Heel turns have been done better in other Rider shows, I'm not gonna excuse the edgy Keiwa arc's poor execution like you do, especially when it felt like it was tailor made to appeal to the older audiences who really liked edgy shit like Arkruto (all of Bujin Sword's toys are P-Bandai, btw).

                Also, it's far from the only problem Geats had.

              • 9 months ago

                Fair. I can admit I was wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                Right those kids and totally not adults are buying the p-bandai DGP exec belts or buying multiple desire drivers.

                The fact that the v-cinema comes with plosion rage should tell you that they wants the money of adult fans and not just kids.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're not going to shame me for liking a show for what it is
                I'm not, I'm shaming you for being a butthurt fanboy homosexual who uses poor generalizing arguments to defend your shitty show instead of defending it for what it is and letting it stand on its own.

        • 9 months ago

          I think the issue with bad character arcs is moreso the lack of payoff with these recent ones. Mach goes through the wringer, sure but it's more forgivable when he got the fantastic payoff at the end. Daichi's arc basically goes fricking nowhere and has no payoff, same with Keiwa, despite the show telling us he's grown from it all, he still feels the same just with a new buckle and jobs just as much. It's more tolerable to have those arcs there when it feels like it's there to build up to something instead of just creating an artificial conflict because otherwise the protagonists would essentially never lose due to the current power structure by that point in the show

          • 9 months ago

            I mean I get the criticisms, I also thought Daiji's arc fricking sucked but part of that also comes from how generally frustrating that part of the show as a whole was. I actually wonder how Revice did with kids overall because a lot of that got pretty depresing in terms of nihilism because the general scenario was made to seem futile and hopeless up until Giffard Rex with Akaishi. I can see the drama between Daiji and his siblings being pretty upsetting to kids watching, too, while as an adult for me the whole drama just felt forced and drawn out. You're right though, the payoff isn't really great since they don't really change all that much, other than overcoming their specific issues. Though, isn't that character growth in and of itself?

      • 9 months ago

        The funny thing is that with all the complaining about Geats' cast being selfish buttholes and not really being heroic, you figure it would have been pretty easy for Gotchard to win people over if they just went for a standard heroic introduction episode.

        But they didn't. Houtarou didn't really save anyone, and the episode was pretty self-indulgent about simply positioning him as the 'chosen one' instead of as an actual hero.
        But with the Legend Rider stuff, maybe that's the point. Still pretty disappointing for now though.

        • 9 months ago

          He was fighting to save the chemies though? Also I don't get what the problem is with the driver showing him a vision of Gotchard, it sets him up as this mythical figure he's inheritating the powers of, which both informs Hotaro of what he's inheritati g and what he should do, and makes for a really cool scene. The music they chose really set the tone appropriately too.

          • 9 months ago

            Which is currently as effective as Aruto fighting for Humagears.
            Having a cause isn't really enough if you can't believably sell it as sensibly virtuous. Especially with the city destruction scene that followed.

            >self-indulgent about simply positioning him as the 'chosen one' instead of as an actual hero.
            this is the same as kuuga.

            You at least had the Spider Gurongi attacking officers to show the broader scale of conflict.
            Here you just had the villain trio terrorizing a single man, and then Houtarou himself.

            • 9 months ago

              >You at least had the Spider Gurongi attacking officers to show the broader scale of conflict.
              I mean, we got the shot of the town being attacked due to the chemmies being released. They just didn't bother showing actual victims, probably since they wanted at the same time to establish the threat but also avoid making them chemmies unlikeable... which I guess is running into the issues Zero-One had with Humagears. Although later episodes probably only will have Chemmies rampaging with human hosts powering them.

              • 9 months ago

                >probably since they wanted at the same time to establish the threat but also avoid making them chemmies unlikeable... which I guess is running into the issues Zero-One had with Humagears.

                That's my main problem in all of this really.
                It could've easily been overshadowed by having the villains act more nefarious, like also rampaging on innocents as a threat in order to draw out the Alchemist out of running/hiding, but they were relatively 'civil' in their evil.

              • 9 months ago

                They don't really seem to care about the alchemists, just the driver and chemies. Also are we just ignoring the fact that guy seemingly died?

              • 9 months ago

                I mean a bunch of highschoolers got hit by fricking train and they seemed absolutely fine. The trains weren't exactly going slow either, something of that size or mass travelling at that speed directly at you isn't something you can just whimsically dodge to the side and then grab onto the side without doing some serious damage to yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean... Houtarou's immediate reaction to having a man die in front of him was pretty damn tame so in all honesty, it might be better to ignore it.

              • 9 months ago

                Maybe should've had him transform there. Also would've led to a good

              • 9 months ago

                Like as relatively "civil" as they were as far as being evil they still declared themselves completely evil to Hotarou and killed the guy who entrusted him with the driver, Clotho clearly intended to attack people as a Malgam too, they just didn't show that.

                I mean a bunch of highschoolers got hit by fricking train and they seemed absolutely fine. The trains weren't exactly going slow either, something of that size or mass travelling at that speed directly at you isn't something you can just whimsically dodge to the side and then grab onto the side without doing some serious damage to yourself.

                Only Hotarou was "hit" by the train, and he caught onto instead. It's not real world logic, but who cares? They're not really being realistic with the chemies at all. We still watched Oji-san get vaporized by the sisters, he was literally falling apart right before Hotarou was sent back with the chemies. For all we know, and as far as Hotarou knows, he just watched them kill that man.

              • 9 months ago

                And his reaction to seeing a stranger get vaporized in front of him was simply "Wuh, I Rider Kamen? I Ride a Kamen maybe!?" and after a few minutes of fumbling around "I am Kamen Ride... I think"

              • 9 months ago

                Houtarou may indeed be a bit of an idiot but in fairness I won't hold that against him since it did all kinda happen very quickly. Also it's probably going to come back around when he learns of Rinne's father, and that it was him.

              • 9 months ago

                >they just didn't show that
                And they definitely should have.

                I actually enjoyed the episode (didn't even mind the acting much), and there's a lot of potential in how they've set up the premise and setting of the show to come, but the actual execution of a number of elements throughout has me disappointed in how they've chosen to frame and portray Gotchard's debut.

              • 9 months ago

                the chemmies, at least before them being unsealed, were definitely good creatures loyal to Rinne's dad. its probably them causing all that havoc is just them being all confused/scared from what just happened. not because they are evil. not much different from a wild animal out of its habitat.

                also, teacher was there probably keeping things in check, helping possible victims and wiping out peoples memories in the process. so no harm no foul.

              • 9 months ago

                >also, teacher was there probably keeping things in check, helping possible victims and wiping out peoples memories in the process. so no harm no foul.
                Yep, we see what looks to be him readying to capture them with a blank card.

            • 9 months ago

              >Here you just had the villain trio terrorizing a single man, and then Houtarou himself.
              Houtarou watched that man get vaporized.

        • 9 months ago

          >self-indulgent about simply positioning him as the 'chosen one' instead of as an actual hero.
          this is the same as kuuga.

        • 9 months ago

          Speaking of Legend Riders, one thing I noted is that everyone here seems to immediately know what a Kamen Rider is rather than be confused or only have one character know like in most first episodes. Houtaro was immediately just "Kamen Rider? Shit I'm gonna be pretty important then. I need a Rider name how about uh....Kamen Rider Gotchard....yeah"

      • 9 months ago

        But Geats is a good show outside of the Keiwa stuff towards the end and maybe some the Michinaga stuff in the middle due to the reveals later in the show because that's a whole can of worms unto itself. It's an arc that should have been dealt with earlier and in a better way because as it is it's just not enjoyable to watch at all, Keiwa as a character has spent like 30 episodes being laughed at, ridiculed, and insulted for just trying to be hopeful, and it feels like a complete 180 in his belief system and attitude. It's like watching Faiz again with Kiba going full "Salt the earth" after spending all season trying to mend ties with everyone and it feels very unsatisfying.

        • 9 months ago

          I honestly don't get the hate with Dark Keiwa's arc honestly. My only grevience is that it would've been better given more time/build-up, but he was always going to snap eventually. Tensions were already building in Q3 because he was projecting his hatred of the Goddess onto Ace and going on and on about happiness getting robbed from people (him included). I didn't see it so much as a 180 of his beliefs/attitude, and moreso just him snapping into pure desperation and plugging his ears

          • 9 months ago

            >Tensions were already building in Q3 because he was projecting his hatred of the Goddess onto Ace and going on and on about happiness getting robbed from people (him included).
            That's where the problems started, he was already acting like a moron at his point, even after he was shown proof that he was wrong and that the ones he should hate are the guys he ended up joining.

        • 9 months ago

          I've been watching rider weekly since wizards airing, and nothing prepared me for the level of disappointment and frustration I felt seeing Keiwa be humiliated for all thst time just for that 'payoff'

        • 9 months ago

          At first Takahashi planned the "Dark" Keiwa arc to be started way earlier. That explained the setup of Keiwa hating Ace's mom.
          But Takebe want to push it back to Q4.

          • 9 months ago

            >But Takebe want to push it back to Q4.
            Is this seriously another Takahashi show where the producer makes a stupid call and he has no idea how to work around it

            • 9 months ago

              At first Takahashi planned the "Dark" Keiwa arc to be started way earlier. That explained the setup of Keiwa hating Ace's mom.
              But Takebe want to push it back to Q4.

              Takahashi needs to reach Inoue status where Toei just lets him do whatever the frick he wants already

              • 9 months ago

                Nobody not even Inoue had carte blanche especially once the script left his table. He's even talked before how he was told to GTFO by directors shooting his scripts because they didn't want him nosying in and interfering despite the script being writen by him. The directors always had the perogrative on how to implement the script. In particular Shirakura-Takebe productions really bent over backwards for the head director (especially for Ryuta Tasaki) at the expense of the writer in allowing them greater creative input regardless of what the writer wanted.

            • 9 months ago

              Guy's doing what he can. Say what you will about his shows, but they have always, ALWAYS kept me entertained week to week and I have never felt like dropping them, even with all the warts

              • 9 months ago

                This was me with Ex-Aid but Zero-One Job Arc-onwards and Geats are some of the most boring rider shows I've watched

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, he's not a particularly flexible writer unfortunately.

            • 9 months ago

              Definitely explains why for the middle portion of the show it felt like they had frick all for him to do besides be a bunching bag. Also confirms the original rumors that "Shogun" was supposed to debut earlier. Interesting it came from Takebe though, nothing to do with Bandai allocating more budget to Q4 of Q3?

              • 9 months ago

                Q3 always has like at least 2 form debuts but Geats is the only case where only Geats 9 was introduced. I guess Bujin suit was done and ready at that time but it got pushed back because of Takebe.

            • 9 months ago

              At first Takahashi planned the "Dark" Keiwa arc to be started way earlier. That explained the setup of Keiwa hating Ace's mom.
              But Takebe want to push it back to Q4.

              Takebe probably wanted a Gaim type ending where you had Kouta and Baron facing off in the end. There's a few unresolved bits that were dropped in Gaim (Yoko being the "most powerful" of the Energy Riders according to Ryoma and also series mid finale talking about destroying the rule that hopes requires sacrifices) that in retropsect post-Geats were cleary pushed by her and also repackaged in Geats (with Beroba and Ace being a Kami to break the rule that happiness is finite respectfullt)

              • 9 months ago

                Tycoon was never gonna be the final villain of Geats, in no one’s mind was that true. You are just trying to force the narrative that Geats is a Gaim-clone because it has plants and Gods in it.

              • 9 months ago

                No one forcing keiwa as a final boss. The comparison between geats and gaim stopped when archimedel died and suel revealed to be a bigger bad. If suel got away like sagara, then yes it really is a gaim clone.

              • 9 months ago

                It also has the same toei prodcuer and also has the serialized battle royale with a similar arc structure that Gaim started newbie-kun. Geatsgay like you should realize that your show is a watered down Gaim, which was a watered down Ryuki. A copy of a copy is always going to be shit.

              • 9 months ago

                >Rider vs Rider battle royale
                >POV character is a job hunter living with his older sister
                >monsters are plants but the show barely focuses on them as MOTW
                >villains are an evil corporation who want to use these plants for their own ends
                >edgy rival Rider who turns into a plant
                >character called Michy
                >MC and heroine get god powers and are dressed in all white
                >show ends with the MC becoming a god and leaving this world
                Yeah Geats is nothing like Gaim

              • 9 months ago

                Plus the Edgy Rival also has a one sided relationship with the evil female rider ending in her death.

          • 9 months ago

            To absolutely no surprise Takebe's has no creative instincts and is just terrible at managing the story and the writers.

          • 9 months ago

            Honestly, Dark Keiwa was gonna suck no matter what, but if it had happened earlier it would have probably been less horrendous.

          • 9 months ago

            >Takebe pushed neon to be a central part of the plot
            >Pushed Keiwa's plot to late into the show
            >The 2 neon arcs take place when keiwa's arc was meant to.

            Does this mean that Takebe is the source of most of geat's problems?

        • 9 months ago

          >the Keiwa stuff towards the end and maybe some the Michinaga stuff in the middle
          >ignoring the worst arc in the show

          • 9 months ago

            Neon's arc was whatever. She should have seen very early on that Keiwa and Ace were the "True love" she was looking for because they genuinely cared for her as a person outside of any sort of romantic aspect, and then Keiwa's sister added onto that even though she was a fangirl for her. Instead they pushed Keiwa offering her a hand like what, late 20s? 30s? Then she goes off on her spirit journey and realizes mom and dad loved her. I don't take as much issue with it compared to Keiwa's evil arc.

            I honestly don't get the hate with Dark Keiwa's arc honestly. My only grevience is that it would've been better given more time/build-up, but he was always going to snap eventually. Tensions were already building in Q3 because he was projecting his hatred of the Goddess onto Ace and going on and on about happiness getting robbed from people (him included). I didn't see it so much as a 180 of his beliefs/attitude, and moreso just him snapping into pure desperation and plugging his ears

            It's dumb because half the crap he rants about regarding Ace's mom he himself hears is not true. He himself hears that she didn't do anything out of malice or intentionally tried to kill people but they spend like 10+ episodes on him ranting about this only to then have him "Nuh uh" and plug his ears while going "I'm right, you're all wrong". If you were gonna Dark Keiwa he should never have been there to hear stuff that she didn't do any wrong and only heard snippets that she was involved in everything. Because as it stands everything surrounding that event makes him out to be extremely unreasonable simply because he's delusional.

            • 9 months ago

              >She should have seen very early on that Keiwa and Ace were the "True love" she was looking for because they genuinely cared for her as a person outside of any sort of romantic aspect,
              To be fair, they didn't really have many scenes of them acting close so I'm not surprised she never saw them as anything other than rivals in the DGP. But I think that's just because Takahashi has issues writing close friendships.

      • 9 months ago

        I liked Geats just fine, easily my favorite reiwa.

        As for Gotchard, it reminds me a lot of Phase 2 heisei, with the sentient toys. takes me back to drive wanting me to believe knock off hot wheels were the coolest shit ever.

      • 9 months ago

        It's the opposite, had Geats not been so horrendous the past 5 episodes, I probably would have been dissapointed with Gotchard. But because its last arc was such a pile of dogshit that tarnished what was a great show, I happily accept Gotchard in order to move away from whatever the frick that was. I'm all over Gotchard, disgusting CGI and all.

      • 9 months ago

        >tfw this is my first currently rider show in like 15 years

        I guess...Im going to enjoy it then

    • 9 months ago

      We are probably more negative because we know bad starts like saber stay bad for the rest of the show.

    • 9 months ago

      It wasn't as bad as saber, but it wasn't very good either so it was just meh.

      • 9 months ago

        It felt very... by the numbers? Like, there is nothing to be intrigued by in this episode.

    • 9 months ago

      Its not that this is the worst episode ever, just never better than mediocre. With nothing to really latch onto. You can't even go well the action was good, cause it was just sort of okay apart from the truly awful go-pro.

      Seriously I can't get over that, its the first episode if there was a frick up that bad you should do something to fix it.

      • 9 months ago

        That's what has me worried, they probably had a lot of extra time to work on episode 1 to make sure it came out right because filming for this stuff starts way before the previous series ends, and an episode 1 is extremely important to leave a lasting positive impression.

        And this happens. Yeah I just dunno...

        • 9 months ago

          It's almost always exactly the opposite with Rider. The first episode is commonly one of the worst: the acting is comparatively wooden because the lead actors are inexperienced both in general and with the specific characters, the pacing is normally rushed because they have to establish the new setting and introduce the principal cast and have a debut fight, and while the CGI is usually relatively heavy in the first episode, it's rarely the best effects they'll have, just some of the biggest.

          Build is the only show in recent memory where the first episode was really good, and that's because Inukai was one of the best lead actors we've ever had.

        • 9 months ago

          Filming a show ain't easy and sometimes there really just isn't a way to fix stuff. But I really doubt they couldn't at least just have them fall in an alchemy hole to another location (even just a green screen location) and back again. Episode was already playing it fairly fast and loose with location. Which is totally fine if it improves the episode.

          It's almost always exactly the opposite with Rider. The first episode is commonly one of the worst: the acting is comparatively wooden because the lead actors are inexperienced both in general and with the specific characters, the pacing is normally rushed because they have to establish the new setting and introduce the principal cast and have a debut fight, and while the CGI is usually relatively heavy in the first episode, it's rarely the best effects they'll have, just some of the biggest.

          Build is the only show in recent memory where the first episode was really good, and that's because Inukai was one of the best lead actors we've ever had.

          First episodes are generally hurt by those factors, but at the very least there is a goal to make it something that'll really grab you. It doesn't define if a series will be good or bad but shows if they have a solid hook and can sell it. Already shrugging and having to go with a truly awful shot is just kind of an oh moment.

          • 9 months ago

            Just everything hit wrong, not only the actors felt a bit gormless, but the suit actor too came off as a little... lifeless?

            • 9 months ago

              >but the suit actor too came off as a little... lifeless?
              Definitely not his fault. Eitoku is a known quantity, and a great one at that. If he came off as lifeless, it's because of the director

            • 9 months ago

              >but the suit actor too came off as a little... lifeless?
              Definitely not his fault. Eitoku is a known quantity, and a great one at that. If he came off as lifeless, it's because of the director

              I've never loved Eitoku to be honest, especially in recent years. Him becoming main rider seems more like a "it was due" thing. All the other Reiwa main suit actors were better.

  57. 9 months ago

    I'm normally a fan of Fukuzawa, but this is his worst directed premiere fight by a county mile. If the fight was better, people wouldn't be complaining. Saber at least had a good first fight with a lot of acrobatics, the real fire on the sword, and the giant scale monster to make it interssting. Even among Fukuzawa's own work relatively recently, Zenkaiger's first fight had a lot of nice wirework and the cool shot of the double giant/ground kill. Fukuzawa CAN do better than this.

  58. 9 months ago

    I liked Gotchard's fighting style. And the shininess of his suit makes it pop. Otherwise, just okay. Didn't love all the CG. Characters don't seem like the best actors, but sometimes it takes a few episodes for them to find their groove, so I'm hoping they'll improve.

  59. 9 months ago

    I don't even see what was wrong with the fight. I guess it was less flashy than Geats and the rest of Reiwa but it felt like something out of Heisei to me. I liked the use of the powers.

  60. 9 months ago

    Reminded me a lot of Wizard

    • 9 months ago

      Wizard had an amazing first episode though, I remember when Haruto fricking kickflipped into the warehouse with the soundtrack playing for the first time (that eventually got overused) and spraying bullets all over the place. I'll ignore the quality of the rest of the series though.

      However this was just... it was a big whatever.

  61. 9 months ago

    Y'all are panicking too much. Gotchard is a healing season - It's not going to be flashy or over the top. It's going to be a very by the books, normal, if not a bit boring, heisei-era styled show.

    It's what Kamen Rider has needed for a long time now after a continious string of frick ups with the Reiwa era. At the end of the day Zero-One, Revice and Geats all had pretty great starts and all ended up completely shitting the bread. I don't want to promise you guys that things are going to get more exciting and more over the top - Because they won't. But that's exactly what Kamen Rider needs right now. To just slow it down, chill out and most importantly; heal.

    If you can't see from the get-go that this series set out to be a healing series, I don't know what to tell you.

    • 9 months ago

      >heisei-era styled show
      but this is reiwa
      we want reiwa shows
      we had "heisei style" shows in FRICKING HEISEI that were so far already better than this episode
      do you want showa style shows in current era too???

      • 9 months ago

        >do you want showa style shows in current era too???
        NTA but yes.

  62. 9 months ago

    This feels like Saber but much worse.
    >Fantasy-ish setting
    >Unlikable main character
    >Ugly-ass driver
    >Lame aesthetic for the villains - a black veil with low budget stickers.
    >Mentor figure looks much better in his normal-civilian form.

  63. 9 months ago

    >Another season of "beating the monster of the week turns everything back to normal"
    Are they really that afraid of consequences? At least Geats made it pretty clear that if you die in the game you die in real life so there was some kind of stakes to it.

    • 9 months ago

      >there was some kind of stakes to it.
      Everyone got revived. Multiple times.

      • 9 months ago

        The reviving happened later, the start of the show had people die left and right.

      • 9 months ago

        The game only revive civilian.
        Dead riders got revived like once thanks to Keiwa's wish.
        Don't talk about shit you didn't watch homie.

        • 9 months ago

          They were all killed off again permanently though, including Keiwa's parents (even though they immediately died after Keiwa's wish was fulfilled) when the wish was reverted by Ace.

      • 9 months ago

        >Everyone got revived. Multiple times.
        It was once during a period where it was obvious they'd gone too far and had to walk it back, the only other time they literally brought back everyone who died the world got reset to them being dead again because certain dead Riders started going on mass killing sprees to show Keiwa he was a reckless idiot. And no, Sara doesn't count because she never died, just turned into a tree. Geats did not revive people *THAT* much, if anything it tries to make more of a general thing out of respecting the dead and by not undoing it when all is said and done.

        • 9 months ago

          >Geats did not revive people *THAT* much
          Ace died and came back in some way twice, not to mention all his previous lives
          Keiwa died and came back
          Michinaga died and came back
          Neon's backstory basically involves a resurrection even though they say it isn't
          Sara not only has her tree "death" but her death in Keiwa's world, and comes back from both
          Then there's all the civilians who revive from every world reset.

          • 9 months ago

            >Ace died and came back in some way twice
            He died once and was revived at the end of the JGP, he died again at the end and became a full on deity after fully attaining Mitsume's and Tsumuri's creation powers, he wasn't revived.
            >Keiwa died
            Previously stated "oh shit we went too far" moment that also killed Ace, and also Niram
            Eliminated but kept alive by the Zombie Buckle. Effectively a zombie up until he becomes Jyamashin and gets his humanity back.
            Sara melted into the ground, it wasn't actually clear if she died to the viewers, then she was shown in the tree, though we wouldn't find out she could be saved until they got it out of Daichi. Her actually dying along with her parents in Keiwa's world isn't really a revival, it just reverts that failed world to what it was before Keiwa forced his wish.
            >all the civilians who revive from every world reset.
            That's accurate, I should've worded it to say the RIDERS who died don't get revived permanently that often. It really is just those 4, for 2 instances, and one's the start of a major character arc (Michinaga), while Ace's is the start to him turning against the DGP entirely, and also the first instance of Tsumuri using her latent powers.

            • 9 months ago

              >Eliminated but kept alive by the Zombie Buckle. Effectively a zombie up until he becomes Jyamashin and gets his humanity back.
              He basically died and resurrected, don't be such a pedantic frick. Also, Michinaga keeps the zombie resurrection effect between world resets, as Jyamashin his body makes zombie moves and sounds when he gets hit point blank by Ziin's finisher, and Kekera still calls him an immortal zombie right before his last fight with Beroba.

              What Michinaga lost was the Jyamato infection, not the Zombie bullshit powers.

              >Her actually dying along with her parents in Keiwa's world isn't really a revival, it just reverts that failed world to what it was before Keiwa forced his wish.
              Again, you're missing the trees for the forest here.

          • 9 months ago

            it's honestly different in Geats because the centre piece of the entire plot from episode 1 is that they are fighting over a means of granting literally any wish and the DGP is abusing their world with its powers

        • 9 months ago

          >Geats did not revive people *THAT* much
          The biggest lie ever told in any kamen rider thread ever

          >Ace died and came back in some way twice
          He died once and was revived at the end of the JGP, he died again at the end and became a full on deity after fully attaining Mitsume's and Tsumuri's creation powers, he wasn't revived.
          >Keiwa died
          Previously stated "oh shit we went too far" moment that also killed Ace, and also Niram
          Eliminated but kept alive by the Zombie Buckle. Effectively a zombie up until he becomes Jyamashin and gets his humanity back.
          Sara melted into the ground, it wasn't actually clear if she died to the viewers, then she was shown in the tree, though we wouldn't find out she could be saved until they got it out of Daichi. Her actually dying along with her parents in Keiwa's world isn't really a revival, it just reverts that failed world to what it was before Keiwa forced his wish.
          >all the civilians who revive from every world reset.
          That's accurate, I should've worded it to say the RIDERS who died don't get revived permanently that often. It really is just those 4, for 2 instances, and one's the start of a major character arc (Michinaga), while Ace's is the start to him turning against the DGP entirely, and also the first instance of Tsumuri using her latent powers.

          it's honestly different in Geats because the centre piece of the entire plot from episode 1 is that they are fighting over a means of granting literally any wish and the DGP is abusing their world with its powers

          All cope

  64. 9 months ago

    Slow for a new show/episode 1 thread. Not even filled to the brim with shitposts or anything

    • 9 months ago

      Try look at the general after the episode air my homie. Literally all kind of shitposting happened thanks to the 2 autistic shitposter.

  65. 9 months ago

    Just saw Ryuta Tasaki directed Gotchard's debut. I think this explains why it was underwhelming visually. He used to be great but has been at best inconsistent for a long time now. With modern Tasaki, it feels like if he personally isn't into the project he just half-asses it.

    • 9 months ago

      Thankfully episodes 3 and 4 will be directed by Yamaguchi.
      I loved his Gazer debut so much. It still my favorite Geats episode.

      • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      The script didn't give him a massive amount to work with honestly. It's pretty paint by numbers compared to his last pilot episode on Donbrothers.

      • 9 months ago

        Directors work around the script too? i never knew about that wow.

  66. 9 months ago

    what did he mean by that

    • 9 months ago

      It's like when twitter uses the word "comfy"

  67. 9 months ago

    Pretty weak start, honestly. I already didn't really have high hopes for this one and the premiere didn't do much to reassure me.

  68. 9 months ago

    >think the new driver looks kind of lame
    >episode comes out
    >he's making weird bento
    >See the driver again when it's handed to him
    >It clicks
    He's bringing a lunch box to school. I fricking love shit like this

    • 9 months ago

      What the frick, it actually is a bento box, holy shit.

      • 9 months ago

        Right? With this in mind I imagine the berserk/dark form, if there is one, involves gluttony. He transforms by filling his bento, so a berserk form might involve over-eating or something. In alchemist symbology there's the whole "Lion eating the sun" thing, too.

        • 9 months ago

          >Hazard Trigger-type driver attachment lets Houtarou just slam a whole bunch of cards into it like he's making an overflowing hot pot
          I could see it. I really do hope they have Houtarou come at the concept of alchemy from a cooking angle, it was a trait that really stood out to me even if he was a bit more generic for the rest of the ep.

        • 9 months ago

          >Kamen Rider Body Positivity

    • 9 months ago

      would be more interesting had the last series not had the same concept

      • 9 months ago

        That's a lootcrate

    • 9 months ago

      Not only that the weird bento was weird food combinations.

      His moms restaurant is also teal and orange which is probably more obvious but I just thought it was neat.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh shit I hadn't even noticed that. Good eye

  69. 9 months ago

    Is there any reason to not use the Tornado over the Gun? Seems Tornado would be more versatile for usage given it can be a ranged and melee weapon

    • 9 months ago

      Gun looks cooler. Also having a free hand might be useful.

    • 9 months ago

      I can't get over how this is just Gaim's suit

  70. 9 months ago

    Rinne using her powers to save Gotchard was nice, I like it when non-Riders help out in fights.

  71. 9 months ago

    I like how "wild" Gochard's fighting style is so far

    • 9 months ago

      I don't like how goof he's at fighting already after just a vision. Aruto had a lot of training pushed into his head in 10 seconds and still fudged the landing from the kick.

  72. 9 months ago

    think they'll do something like this for Atropos?

    • 9 months ago

      There's no way Gotchard's going to fight a kid for the final boss, so yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she randomly gets a sudden growth spurt

      • 9 months ago

        She will likely transform into "adult" kaijin form and will be defeated in it.

    • 9 months ago

      hopefully with a better actress than Rije's adult form

      • 9 months ago

        that goes without saying, crazy how much better the child actor was

      • 9 months ago

        The guys hating on Rinne would have a mental breakdown over watching Lijewel not improving a single bit after each episode.

  73. 9 months ago

    So this was a rushed intro episode, much like most other recent Riders. I wish Toei/IshiPro would hold back on the transformation some, or just lead up to it for the next episode. The problem with Rider stories is that they try to get out too much at the door, and then have nothing to work with to pace out the 50 episodes a year.

  74. 9 months ago

    this first ep was awful compared to geats 1st and revice 1st
    >saber writers
    ruh roh

  75. 9 months ago

    This episode was fine. Most of the complaints ITT are Geatshitters b***hing because it's different from Geats.

    • 9 months ago

      No, this episode was genuinely bad, especially for an episode 1

  76. 9 months ago

    the whole GOTCHA thing just reminds me of yugioh gx and might prefer to watch that again over this if the next few eps are stinkers

    • 9 months ago

      If they do a gatchard dark contient arc I will forever celebrate this show.

  77. 9 months ago

    Houtarou is so lucky

  78. 9 months ago

    >Rinne's dad died protecting Hotaro
    that's gonna be awkward

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think he's actually dead. They left enough ambiguity that they can bullshit him being saved by something at the last moment

    • 9 months ago

      No one’s ever really gone

  79. 9 months ago

    >Gotchard episode thread
    >most of the thread is still arguing about Geats
    Geats shitflinging wa never end.

    • 9 months ago

      Not for a while anymore. Most of the early Geats was people still b***hing about Revice.

    • 9 months ago

      Slopshart is so boring people have moved on already

    • 9 months ago

      Because people keep comparing the first episodes

    • 9 months ago

      As with most first episodes, there's not much to talk about aside from the acting being poor and then a bunch of baseless speculation about where the series might go, so everyone's just going to get the last bits of last year's topics out of their system in the mean time

  80. 9 months ago

    so ichinose came up with the name gotchard, what did he combined gotcha with to get gotchard?

    • 9 months ago

      Card I would imagine

    • 9 months ago


  81. 9 months ago

    why can't KR main lead get a haricut?
    also we finally back to having sexy villianess

    • 9 months ago

      More cleavage would've been nice.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think there are any

  82. 9 months ago


  83. 9 months ago

    So what's the plot of gotchard's enemy and clear goal? Don't say the trio girls are the controlled opposition for the organization who is controlled by the true mastermind again....

    • 9 months ago

      All will be explained in Episode 10

    • 9 months ago

      They want the secret for turning common and blank RideChemmy cards into UR and Parallel ones.

    • 9 months ago

      They keep talking about opening The Door to Darkness, and that the driver and chemies are the key to it. Definitely reminds me a lot of FMA so could be drawing from the same source: the Sephirothic Tree of Life. (Pic related is the modified version of it from FMA)

      Also probably ties into the Ouroboros in the center of the sky in the chemy world.

      • 9 months ago

        >door to darkness

    • 9 months ago

      They want the belt and the Chemies. I assume what they want them for is the ability to be able to transmute atoms into whatever they want instead of being bound by alchemic rules.

      • 9 months ago

        They keep talking about opening The Door to Darkness, and that the driver and chemies are the key to it. Definitely reminds me a lot of FMA so could be drawing from the same source: the Sephirothic Tree of Life. (Pic related is the modified version of it from FMA)

        Also probably ties into the Ouroboros in the center of the sky in the chemy world.


        All will be explained in Episode 10

        They want the secret for turning common and blank RideChemmy cards into UR and Parallel ones.


  84. 9 months ago

    >Sexchan doesn't talk
    >also won't stick with us

  85. 9 months ago

    Just watched this and Gaim's first episodes for the first time, I think you guys are overreacting (Gaim was better though)

  86. 9 months ago

    >arguing about a kids show that also made for adults
    >both demographics nowadays got bored when seeing showa series

  87. 9 months ago
  88. 9 months ago

    I said this somewhere else but it's really funny how WiZ, the artists of Tamagotchi, Digimon and Legendz merged with PLEX and now we get a monster collection Kamen Rider. It might just be a coincidence though. But I either way I love the premise and art for all the Chemmies.

    Also Alchemy plus Cards reminds me of Cardcaptor Sakura lol.

  89. 9 months ago

    >was expecting gacha stuff/theme
    >turns out the japs found out about the word "gotcha" instead

    • 9 months ago

      You actually wanted gatcha? Those suck, we dodged a bullet

    • 9 months ago

      You actually wanted gatcha? Those suck, we dodged a bullet

      what is gatcha but trading cards in a digital format?

    • 9 months ago

      Think of it like Ape Escape where the protag is catching wild creatures and going "Gotcha!" each time.

  90. 9 months ago

    If IzuSubs did Gotchard it would get wanked just as hard as Geats

    • 9 months ago

      It just started, chill

  91. 9 months ago

    Evil sisters stole the show this ep (I swear I'm not just being horny), rest of the episode was pretty standard set up rushing to get the toys shown. The Steamhopper mode Gotchard has looks shit, hope they don't use that too often.

  92. 9 months ago
  93. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


  94. 9 months ago

    After watching it with subs I feel much better about the first episode. It's still a little bit fast for a first episode but everything pretty much made sense, I guess besides the Alchemy Academy's entrance being so out in the open and how Houtarou's nerdy friend knew to find him at the baseball stadium for no real reason. Looking forward to episode 2 a lot more now, also can't wait to see the OP visuals for CHEMYxSTORY.

  95. 9 months ago

    It was okay

  96. 9 months ago

    Already looking forward to next year. I hope toei can get all this ugly cg creature shit out of their system and sober up.

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