>killing usually innocent mortal humans in exchange for some bitter dead guy's money is ok

>killing usually innocent mortal humans in exchange for some bitter dead guy's money is ok
>killing confirmed lived sinners to avoid an invasion your utopic society is... bad

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  1. 4 months ago

    wait wait wait is that wolf girl and the one in hazbin the same? wiat minutes it's the same universe?

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, it's a spinoff

    • 4 months ago

      Where have you been?
      Same creator made both series.

  2. 4 months ago

    Get over it angelchud

  3. 4 months ago

    Punching up vs Punching Down.

    • 4 months ago

      her hair is thinning I can tell by the thick skin line

  4. 4 months ago

    >And rape is worse than both.

    • 4 months ago

      EXCEPT when it's with the buttmonkey of the show.
      See Moxxie and Sir Pentious. Then it's funny when they are gang raped!

      But to Angel or Fizz or Blitzo.. bad!
      Domestic abuse is bad, if it's coming from Stella to woobie never did nothin wrong Stolas - BUT Loona can beat up her "dad" Blitzo anytime she likes for "comedy"

  5. 4 months ago

    I had an A.I RP session with Lute who spared me from killing because I promised her a satisfying fight in the next purge.

    If she wins, she gets to kill my ass.
    If I win I get a hug.

    She gave me one for free saying a taste would motivate me to train harder.

  6. 4 months ago

    Huh, OP must be a complete moron to miss the point where I.M.P are hitmen, I mean, Cinemaphile complains about that all the time because a lot of them tunnel visioned hard on that being the ONLY thing Helluva Boss should have been about.
    Also, killing the sinners was a poorly excused population control that secretly was just fueled by a hatred and also laziness for the betterment of Heaven.
    It says a lot when of the angels we know that are behind the extermination, one of them wants to keep it hush hush out of shame while the other two are so shameless you could mistake them for sinners due to their pride and wrath.
    I know angelchuds will never like it, but Viv honestly wrote Heaven's situation pretty understandably, extermination happens because of a few bad apples that are corrupting Heaven's upstanding reputation SO badly that a hellspawn had to spell it out for them that something is fricked up up there.

    Adam completely deserves his downward spiral from likable antagonist due to bashing a naive idealist, to being put in his place because he was actually a pretty shallow extremist who is doing what he does for BARELY any good reasons that he doesn't just asspull.

    • 4 months ago

      Sera approved the extermination.
      So did Lucifer.
      Try again.

      • 4 months ago

        >So did Lucifer
        That's not approval, it's been made very clear no one wants a war.
        Sera and Lucifer are probably why there's a meeting and a cycle/cooldown respectively.
        Sera isn't unreasonable enough to not try and reach some compromise even if she hates it because she wishes to protect Heaven more than find some resolution to the matter, and Lucifer is too cowardly to push for resolution but will do his best to create peace for as long as he can.

        If anything though, Heaven pushed it's weight around too much by cutting the cooldown in half.

        • 4 months ago

          >Sera approved the extermination.
          She was the one who came up with the whole glowBlack person operation in the first place you dumbass
          >so did Lucifer
          >implying he had any choice in the matter

          Luci absolutely had say in it. See:

          didn't he negotiate that only sinners can be killed because hellborn did nothing wrong

          But ALSO see multiple lines in 6-7. Start of 6 confirms they consulted with Luci before starting. The rest of the ep makes it clear he doesn't like sinners to begin with. 7 shows that he isn't a gormless and unwilling participant with Sera concerned that him becoming more involved/invested will scuttle the entire project OR bring bullshit to heaven, implying his consent is the lynch pin between these things not happening or Hell marching on the exorcists.

          Hell is as fricked as it is purely because Luci, rightly, dismisses the sinners as his eternal shame and punishment and doesn't give a frick what happens to them.

      • 4 months ago

        >Sera approved the extermination.
        She was the one who came up with the whole glowBlack person operation in the first place you dumbass
        >so did Lucifer
        >implying he had any choice in the matter

      • 4 months ago

        didn't he negotiate that only sinners can be killed because hellborn did nothing wrong

        • 4 months ago

          Most sinners didn't do anything wrong either, they're just lumped in as "people who need to die because they're sinners". It's a self-serving philosophy and I have no idea how Sera came ot the conclusion this was a necessary good to keep Hesven's status quo.

          • 4 months ago

            The funny thing is that hell wasn’t even doing anything by to heaven because everyone assumed angels were invincible. By creating the exterminations she has already made it so the most dangerous demons in hell are aware that most angels can die

          • 4 months ago

            >Most sinners didn't do anything wrong either
            Well they are sinners.

            The funny thing is that hell wasn’t even doing anything by to heaven because everyone assumed angels were invincible. By creating the exterminations she has already made it so the most dangerous demons in hell are aware that most angels can die

            >dangerous demons
            Proactive demons perhaps. The most dangerous demons are the sins who are/were close enough with Luci, an angel, to know what the hustle is really about. Sinners are just shitters hoarding mortal souls. Most Overlords are just businessmen using economic leverage to dominate weaker sinners. Radio demon is unique in that he didn't establish himself as an Overlord and just fricking killed a bunch of established ones. He's a mob-boss by proxy. Radio is a gimmick for him rather than a vector of influence, profit or control.

            • 4 months ago

              >Well they are sinners.
              t. Sera

          • 4 months ago

            .Most sinners didn't do anything wrong either, they're just lumped in as "people who need to die because they're sinners"
            That's what you get for eating prawns or being a homosexual I guess

            Luci absolutely had say in it. See:

            But ALSO see multiple lines in 6-7. Start of 6 confirms they consulted with Luci before starting. The rest of the ep makes it clear he doesn't like sinners to begin with. 7 shows that he isn't a gormless and unwilling participant with Sera concerned that him becoming more involved/invested will scuttle the entire project OR bring bullshit to heaven, implying his consent is the lynch pin between these things not happening or Hell marching on the exorcists.

            Hell is as fricked as it is purely because Luci, rightly, dismisses the sinners as his eternal shame and punishment and doesn't give a frick what happens to them.

            I don't think he could negotiate anything more considering how heaven treated Charlie too. And I don't think he hated sinners from the very beginning, he made his mind when they turned hell into a shithole with his gift of free will

            • 4 months ago

              >I don't think he could negotiate anything more
              Then why does Sera explicitly show concern with his and only his involvement? It's because he does have power at the negotiation table. Luci accepted the extermination plan because frick sinners - and sure he cared initially but he's as depressed with heaven as he is with sinners.
              >his gift of free will
              That's not what the fricking apple was.

              • 4 months ago

                Hm, you might be onto something then
                >That's not what the fricking apple was.
                I meant this line specifically

              • 4 months ago

                >Then why does Sera explicitly show concern with his and only his involvement? It's because he does have power at the negotiation table. Luci accepted the extermination plan because frick sinners - and sure he cared initially but he's as depressed with heaven as he is with sinners.
                Lucifer has power but the dude wouldn't be scared of Heaven's high council breaking Charlie like they did him if he was actually willing to act on it.

                >That's not what the fricking apple was.
                What are you even talking about? It's made very clear that Lucifer gave humanity free will which caused this whole mess.

    • 4 months ago

      But the threat of Hell is still real especially when someone well meaning like Sera runs the operation. What should they do? Should they do better? Heaven doesn't even antagonize Hell as far as we know but heaven's residents are kept in the dark about it. Would an average heaven citizen be on board with Hell if they knew hitmen are commonplace there, and many other things that gave them a hard time when they were alive but amplified and much worse?

      • 4 months ago

        (2/2) Anyways, frick Charlie's idea of afterlife globalism. She should make her own Heaven in Hell and not force heaven's people who hardedly earned their peace to put up with sinners again, and only if Hell is made harmless then those exterminations can cease.

        • 4 months ago

          Lots of people that are not evil get sent to Hell in Hazbin Hotel. Most souls go there, it's not just serial killers and cannibals. Husk and Nifty were not even close to being monsters where they were alive. Here's my alternative for Charlie

          1. punch angels that come to hell until they stop moving
          2. forgot about making niece with genocidal glowing pricks
          3. make your own heaven in hell, but with blackjack and hookers

          I would not at all be surprised if this is where Charlie's mindset goes after seeing that she should not at all be bothering with Heaven in the slightest and instead make Hell a better place.
          I don't entirely see the best cases when it comes to eradicating the purpose of Hell in the first place even if it's for a noble goal of redeeming people who CAN change.

          Where as, just making Hell better while also keeping it peaceful with Heaven is just a win win for everyone.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah that's how I feel. This version of hell is a lot like Earth. You could easily try to reform it and start getting people to act more normal. Again, *most* people go to hell. There is no reason to think that most people couldn't just be normal like they were on Earth, it's just that hell is so anarchic. Charlie should institute her own divine law

            • 4 months ago

              If they really wanted to sell that idea then they should have what are basically armed, gated communities in hell where everyone is more or less a normal person stuck defending their group from the rest of hell.

              • 4 months ago

                You would need someone with enough power to control the overlords and greater demons. The only one capable of that really is Lucifer/Charlie

              • 4 months ago

                That doesn't work when any Overlord can just tear through everyone who isn't one of the Goetia, the Sins, or Lucifer himself like tissue paper.

      • 4 months ago

        Lots of people that are not evil get sent to Hell in Hazbin Hotel. Most souls go there, it's not just serial killers and cannibals. Husk and Nifty were not even close to being monsters where they were alive. Here's my alternative for Charlie

        1. punch angels that come to hell until they stop moving
        2. forgot about making niece with genocidal glowing pricks
        3. make your own heaven in hell, but with blackjack and hookers

        • 4 months ago

          >Lots of people that are not evil get sent to Hell in Hazbin Hotel.
          Who are the not evil people that get sent down there? We know nothing about what Husk nor Nifty did to get sent to Hell.

          • 4 months ago

            >Who are the not evil people that get sent down there?
            Literally anyone for anything. You can get damned for being a completely good person who does a single bad act as Helluva Boss shows. "Boozers and bawds" also end up there, despite their crimes not being anywhere near the level of literal serial killers and rapists. Watching porn also damns you. Etc.

            People presuming it's a place for ONLY genuine bad people need to actually watch the show. It's spelt out that the MAJORITY of souls are damned and Heaven is only judging souls by the rare few who get in under unknown criteria by Heaven's own unknown automated process.

            • 4 months ago

              Having never watched the show but willing to comment on it anyway, it seems to me that there are three major issues at play: the show does a bad job of informing the audience that there is a categorical difference between a sinner and a bad person, most of the setting is uninvolved with the plot despite being the most fertile ground for story complexity, and by delving into the wider issues of the setting Vivzie has reveal how shallow her worldbuilding is.

              • 4 months ago

                >Having never watched the show
                Your opinion is irrelevant.

              • 4 months ago

                >Having never watched the show
                why are you here?

          • 4 months ago

            Husk was a gambler and a drunk. Nifty was a bawd with issues. But as the other anon said we see lots of people being sent to hell 'sins' that are only a bit bad at most. Like does being a depressed alcoholic warrant your soul being destroyed? It's like...no right?

      • 4 months ago

        Anon, the VAST majority of souls in the setting go to Hell. It's an automated system of which ones go to Heaven and Heaven uses that as an excuse (since they don't know the conditions of who gets sent to Hell or why) to arbitrarily damn everyone on false grounds. You and your family would be damned even if you all lived a mostly upstanding life.

        There is no purpose to not only damning mostly good people - who only end up worse because Hell is a barren shithole - but then EXTERMINATING THEM FROM EXISTENCE afterwards.

    • 4 months ago

      I think Anon's point is that demons still are a threat even without Angels to provoke them and there are some points. But this only matters if Helluva Boss is still "canon" to the main universe. I think Helluva Boss screws up a lot of the very thin characterization and plotting Hazbin has going on anyways.

  7. 4 months ago

    I haven't seen Helluva but from what I understand I don't think they're supposed to be "ok"

  8. 4 months ago

    Unironically yes
    Adam is in charge of a system, his actions have more conseqences
    The HB guys are just part of a corrupt system born as a result of his actions
    It's like comparing a politician and a common thug
    One's actions have more consequences and if the first one's policy would change the second one might not have to be a criminal anymore (depends on their own personal qualities)

    • 4 months ago

      >One's actions have more consequences and if the first one's policy would change the second one might not have to be a criminal anymore
      Lmao. Nothing is ever truly the shithead crook's fault. He's only a piece of shit because society made him that way. He had no agency in robbing that liquor store at gunpoint or pushing that old lady down the stairs because she wouldn't give up her purse. He didn't have any other choice, bro.

      • 4 months ago

        If he is 14 and was made to do this by his abusive stepdad then yes

  9. 4 months ago

    Why did they make the top exterminator Adam and not Michael?

    • 4 months ago

      The extermination wouldn’t stop if it was Michael

  10. 4 months ago

    If souls existed then killing someone on Earth is a lot less serious than destroying their soul yeah. A lot of the people they killed were clearly happier in hell, like Lyle Lipton. Some presumably went to heaven too

  11. 4 months ago

    >Usually innocent
    I mean the main targets we actually see are
    >A satanic cannibal that drove a schoolteacher to murder-suicide her husband after catching them cheating in front of her class
    >A corrupt, decrepit old billionaire that was begging for death anyway (his buddy just wanted him in Hell so they could hang out)
    >A camp counsellor that murdered another after he was caught smuggling drugs
    Spring Broken I'll give you but most of the kills we see are on nameless nothing characters anyway so it's kind of a moot point.

    • 4 months ago

      It is spelled out pretty explicitly that most people go to hell. Most people don't deserve to have their souls destroyed.

      • 4 months ago

        >Most people don't deserve to have their souls destroyed.
        Says you

        • 4 months ago

          Shut up Adam.

  12. 4 months ago

    fricking idiot

  13. 4 months ago

    >killing innocents
    They weren't exactly no
    They're rounding out Hell's numbers if you think about it.
    >killing confirmed sinners >utopic society
    What are you smoking? It's Hell.

  14. 4 months ago

    Adam and Blitzo are the same

    • 4 months ago

      Shut the frick up, CHADam is /ourguy/ and Blitzo is a whiny homosexual moron

  15. 4 months ago

    >Two shows have entirely different themes and goals
    And? You'll do anything just to get mad at shit.

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