>"kills" you by sending you back in time where you live normal fulfilling life

>"kills" you by sending you back in time where you live normal fulfilling life
I don't know why people are so scared of Weeping Angels. It doesn't seem so bad.

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  1. 4 months ago

    in the S5 weeping angels story feat. the 11th doctor and river song, the angles snap the necks of the soldiers and kill them. so i think it’s a mix.

    • 4 months ago

      they just copied that off the peanut SCP

      • 4 months ago

        Stealing right back.
        Peanut was a blatant Angels ripoff

        • 4 months ago

          still stealing

        • 4 months ago

          The specific SCP actually predates the episode "Blink" in which the angels were first used.
          Quibbling over theft is pointless in any case. The concept of "monster that only moves if you don't look at it" is an ancient one which likely predates written language.

        • 4 months ago

          SCP-173 predates Doctor Who. Before you cite the SCP article creation date like a lil zoom zoom, 173 originated from /x/ before the SCP website was even created. 173 didn't come from SCP, SCP came from 173.

    • 4 months ago

      They zap people back in time for food (some techonbabble bullshit about feeding on their victim's time energy). In the S5 two parter they had a more viable food source from the crashed ship's radiation (and time energy from the crack which they soon realized was more dangerous than they thought). A lot of Doctor Who fans were pissed they were snapping necks instead of zapping people. Moffat did ruin the angels, but not because of the snapping necks, that was an improvement. There's no way to make a villain who sends you back in time threatening when the hero of the story has a time machine.

      • 4 months ago

        Moffat created the angels.

        • 4 months ago

          Yes and he then proceeded to ruin his own creation by giving them moronic powers like not looking into their eyes or you'll become an angel. The absolute last thing I ever thought while watching Blink was these monsters would be cooler if you turned into an angel for looking into their eyes. Moffat just started giving them the most random moronic powers.

        • 4 months ago

          And then he ruined them. Same as with most of his creations in not only Doctor Who but also shows like Sherlock and Dracula.

    • 4 months ago

      The Weeping Angels featured in that episode were so weak and drained of energy from lack of food due to hundreds of years of statvation that they were unable to summon enough energy to displace someone in time.
      I don't know how much energy it takes to time travel, but I am fairly certain it is far more than the energy required to walk or break a neck.
      Angels were desperate to stop them because if the Doctor or them escaped,all of those Angels who had been slowly starving to death over hundreds or thousands of years would go right back to starving and stuck. Maybe a few would have gotten strong enough to feed on the local population by slowly feeding on the ship's drives, and then what happens?

      • 4 months ago

        They were weak but that made them slow, there was nothing said about them unable to zap people. They thought they had an unlimited food source from the crack so they were snapping necks, because there was no point in giving them a kinder death if they didn't need food.

  2. 4 months ago

    > Leave all your family and friends behind and they don't know what happened unless you send a message using your future great grandchildren.
    Its legit fricking horrible and you are a jack ass if you can't see why. Normally if you die you will be remembered at a funeral but these buttholes take you back in time and make you force your future descendants to be be post carriers.

    • 4 months ago

      I have people who care about me and I care about their feelings so I can appreciate this episode in a way most Cinemaphile incels can't even though I'd frickign love to be sent back in time since I would be a god with all the knowledge I have.

      It's kind of bad if you have a family and/or friends, not that anons will ever be in any danger of that.

      Yeah, that would be a bummer. More so for your friends and family. But at least you doesn't die.

    • 4 months ago

      couldnt you just give your message to church?

      • 4 months ago

        The Church was explicitly created to keep the secret that time travel exists, so they'd just destroy the message.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, going back to the 50s would be alright unless you're in 50s Britain, which is just fricking horrendous. I guess you could hop on a steamer and go check out Roswell

    • 4 months ago

      >Leave all your family and friends
      >family and friends
      Yeah...that's horrrible...

  3. 4 months ago

    I have people who care about me and I care about their feelings so I can appreciate this episode in a way most Cinemaphile incels can't even though I'd frickign love to be sent back in time since I would be a god with all the knowledge I have.

    • 4 months ago

      > I'd frickign love to be sent back in time since I would be a god with all the knowledge I have.
      I don't know if i am mis remembering but how come no one in blink or any weeping angel used their future knowledge to become rich? Like you would be able to invent so much stuff.

      • 4 months ago

        What are you gonna invent? No internet, no money, no friends. If you're very lucky you might be able to speak the language

        • 4 months ago

          All people know about technology.
          Most people have a general understanding of technology.
          Few people are familiar with the particulars of technology.
          Almost no people can re-create technology from scratch.

          You could play the stock market and make absurd bets on political events.

          • 4 months ago

            How good is your knowledge about the stock market in 50s Britain, dude? Most people's stock market history knowledge only extends as far as "there was a huge crash in the 20s". And where are you getting the money to play the markets with anyway?

      • 4 months ago

        All people know about technology.
        Most people have a general understanding of technology.
        Few people are familiar with the particulars of technology.
        Almost no people can re-create technology from scratch.

        • 4 months ago

          You’d have better luck just marking off spots where oil is and making your fortune that way, then you bankroll inventions or inventors you know are going to succeed. Trying to remember all the complicated moving parts of a steam engine or basic combustion engine would be a fools errand unless you were some sort of savant.

          • 4 months ago

            It wouldn't even matter if you were a savant who knew all the pieces of a steam engine. You still wouldn't be able to build one until the metallurgy is advanced enough to make strong enough steel. They knew enough about steam to make tiny steam engines in Rome, they didn't just miss out on using steam engines to pump water out of their mines because they were morons, it was because their metals simply weren't good enough to contain the pressure needed to build a full-scale steam engine.

            There's about two things I could think of that I could reliable "invent" and have it take off, depending on how far back I'm sent, but even then they wouldn't make me a rich king or anything like that. Just a trusted advisor or well-liked tribesman for having made their life easier. Those things are chimneys and standardised screws and bolts. Chimneys absolutely revolutionised things by getting rid of smoke indoors and making things burn down less often even though it's pretty simple tech to construct once you know how one works. The industrial revolution was like 90% down to standardised screws and bolts unless you count the metal production itself, but if you're sent too far back they'll be fricking useless because nobody's building anything that requires standardised screws when metal is so precious that a town can lease a plot of land from the King by paying in four horseshoes and ten nails per year.

      • 4 months ago

        >so yeah it's called a computer all you need is some silicon and a microchip factory

    • 4 months ago

      >since I would be a god with all the knowledge I have.

      > I'd frickign love to be sent back in time since I would be a god with all the knowledge I have.
      I don't know if i am mis remembering but how come no one in blink or any weeping angel used their future knowledge to become rich? Like you would be able to invent so much stuff.

      >Like you would be able to invent so much stuff
      Not really, unless you're an engineer and / or can craft things.
      And that's if the Angel is kind enough to teleport you in a country at a time where people speak more or less your language.
      Have fun being TPed in -2500 Equatorian jungle.

  4. 4 months ago

    It's kind of bad if you have a family and/or friends, not that anons will ever be in any danger of that.

  5. 4 months ago

    Isn't that show about time travel? So what's stopping Time Lord from going back in time and bringing back the victim of angel to the present?

    • 4 months ago

      He's too busy being zesty

    • 4 months ago

      load of bullshit about it "causing a paradox"
      When Amy and Rory were sent back by one the Doctor couldn't even go back to see them because the paradox would "tear the universe apart" or something

  6. 4 months ago

    i miss that older seasons of doctor who used to be so much darker and take it's more seriously on some level.

  7. 4 months ago

    The bigger question is why does nobody who gets zapped back in time ever use this opportunity to warn their future-selves about the Angel encounter and avoid it?
    >Because muh frickin time paradox LOL WIBBLY WOBBLY WIBBLY WOBBLY
    The consequences of that aren't something a rando human on Earth will know about (let alone care about). Also le fabric of time breaking apart is one of the few things in Doctor Who that can explicitly destroy an Angel, so they're just endangering themselves at that point.

    • 4 months ago

      They do, literally happens in the first episode the angels are ever used in and it ends up setting themselves up.

  8. 4 months ago

    Don't care
    Didn't ask

    • 4 months ago

      Now that right there is a buck with some ZEST

    • 4 months ago

      z e s t y

  9. 4 months ago

    1) You never get to see your friends or family again (under normal circumstances, but Amy finds a loophole to be with Rory).

    2) Everything in your old life is lost to you, for good. Every connection you ever made, everything you left unfinished, everything you worked hard for, you can never go back to it. In it's finality it is just like death and will be as if you died for everyone left behind.

    Now, if you're a total failure and an edgelord without friends who hates their family points 1 and 2 there might seem fine, you might even relish the opportunity to start fresh from nothing, but...

    3) You might get sent to a complete shit hole in a shit time. This is serious. There is almost no place or time period that is actually nice to live in (last few years of the 20th century in Western Europe and North America is probably the closest, The Matrix got that right as luck would have it). Sure some time periods might sound kino, but they have serious downsides. For example Tudor England; sounds cool right, it would be fun running around in a ruff, maybe even making a load of money by singing the king of Spain's beard... Lol now, good luck not dying before you're 45 of disease and enjoy living in mud and poverty in the cold and wet. Enjoy the back breaking farm work because you don't have skills for anything else, or getting burned as a witch if you think you can make money by "inventing" something like a lighter or central heating. Your life will be a litany of shite in the past and you know it.

    It's one of those things that seems like it's a lucky escape but is in practice a really cruel fate. "Well that's alright then" as the Toymaker might have said if he had a Kathy Nightingale puppet.

    • 4 months ago

      >le past was grey and everyone was le stupid, you could NEVER have invented anything in Tudor england!
      You are the kind of moronic that watches Doctor Who

      • 4 months ago

        You could have tried, but anything remotely useful that they don't already have in most time periods is going to get you killed, either by nuts who start saying it's the devil's work or "not right" or people who see an opportunity to take it for themselves by killing the weird guy with no friends..

        • 4 months ago

          >either by nuts who start saying it's the devil's work
          holy reddit

      • 4 months ago

        OK, what could you invent in 1200 in England ?
        How do you plan to acquire money and compounds ?
        What if the angel teleports you in a non english-speaking country ?
        Have fun with Australia's bushmen.

    • 4 months ago

      if you can read and do basic math, you already have a headstart over 90% of the general population in tudor england
      also the idea that everyone died at 45 is horseshit, you are an healthy adult from the 21st century and will likely be in better nutritional and athletic shape than most other people here, you'll easily make it to 65 if you dont contract some shit like tuberculosis.
      you dont have to invent the steam engine to make a decent life for yourself. just go to some large city, pretend to be israeli and work with money, you're comfortable and set for life. no need for back breaking field work

      • 4 months ago

        >pretend to be israeli
        big disadvantage, better to claim to be sent by a Bishop from the far east as a diplomat

      • 4 months ago

        Also: you will tend to live longer than the locals because of simple practices like keeping yourself clean, drinking boiled water, and not using contemporary medical treatments like putting cow dung on open wounds

    • 4 months ago

      Hypocaust. Look it up.

    • 4 months ago

      > you're 45 of disease and enjoy living in mud
      >getting burned as a witch if you think you can make money by "inventing" something like a lighter or central heating.
      You're so clueless, it hurts. Next time just shut the frick up.

      • 4 months ago

        Isekai rotted your mind.

      • 4 months ago

        >either by nuts who start saying it's the devil's work
        holy reddit

        yeah Europe totally didn't have so many witch lynchings that the church had to create inquisitors just to make the peasants stop killing each other and rioting over petty slights and envy. No one would EVER have called someone a witch because they had valuable shit and no one to vouch for them, no way.

  10. 4 months ago

    Finally, a normal Doctor Who thread.

  11. 4 months ago

    I hate these dudes because they unintentionally spawned a whole generation of gay horror videogame baddies.

  12. 4 months ago

    the last time I watched a doctor Who episode was 38 years ago.
    I don't remember the season but I have a vague recollection of the doctor looking like Willy Wonka.
    Have I missed anything?

    • 4 months ago

      Not really.

    • 4 months ago

      That would be Colin Baker. You missed quite a lot, the next Doctor was the best if the classic era, with adventures like Delta and the Bannermen which had a cameo in it from Ken Dodd, which was awesome to the max. Also the Happiness Patrol serial which was the deepest and most philosophical the doctor ever was and had the most sinister bad guy if the whole series, The Candyman. The Candyman inhabits the uncanny and unnerving zone between childhood innocence and adult terror and had so many children cowering behind their sofa the BBC was inundated with complaints, to this day it ranks an impressive 2nd place on the number of complaints the BBC ever received for a tv show, just after Ghost Watch and before that time BBC news photoshopped a communist style hat on Jeremy Corbyn.

      Those complaints, and the fact that the Happiness Patrol disrespected Margaret Thatcher led to the Director general cancelling the show, despite the fact it had become their most popular drama show again.

      The new run has its moments too, for example there is one episode with Jenna Coleman in it that contains a lot of nudity and there is some hot lesbian stuff with the 13th Doctor and an Asian policewoman.

      So yeah, you missed some good bits.

  13. 4 months ago

    That's because they target people who enjoy their lives and will have a great one, feeding on the lost potential. Not losers like you.

  14. 4 months ago

    >back in time where you live normal fulfilling life
    If you can't have a "normal fulfilling life" now, then what makes you think you could have one if you were sent to the past?

  15. 4 months ago

    I prefer the original

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