

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Lisan al Gaib?
    Jokes aside, I've never played the DLC's. Should I? I've never even met that masked centurion guy during my playthrough.

    • 1 month ago

      Honest hearts is the only good DLC as it's the only one not writen by Avellone

      • 1 month ago

        Chris Avellone came up with the concept for joshua graham in the first place
        He was a companion in cancelled fallout van buren
        Chris avellone Van buren joshua graham was different because was an edgelord
        Sawyer was responsible for the new vegas religous version of ghram

        • 1 month ago

          Sawyer made both Grahams. And he was always religious in design, the Hanged Man was also quoting the Bible back in Van Buren as well. The character has been, since Van Buren, Sawyer's character essay on Luke 15:11-32.

      • 1 month ago

        you obviously need to take a trip to the think tank

      • 1 month ago

        take out your buttplug Josh

    • 1 month ago

      maybe for lore reasons and if you unironically like RIck & Morty (Old World Blues)

      Dead money is basically a pleb filter to the point that they made a mod to skip it

    • 1 month ago

      none of the DLCs are particularly great, they all just have at least one really fun idea that somewhat and slightly justifies their existence

      • 1 month ago

        Fym dead money is amazing. It has great characters and atmosphere. And while I didn’t like OWB and its yapping brains at first, it really grew on me. Lonesome road and HH do suck ass though I will agree.

      • 1 month ago

        I feel Dead Money is the best in hindsight. It's a linear story with a great final act, but unfortunately it was released in the middle of the "muh open world" meme. It's much better to play through nowadays simply because everything in modern gaming is broken down in to open world checklists

    • 1 month ago

      You can actually talk Lanius out of fighting at the end if you've got the speech skillz.

      As for the DLC: Old World Blues is comedy kino. Honest Hearts presents a decent conundrum with Daniel/Graham's choice. Dead Money makes casuals whine like the little b***hes they are.

      • 1 month ago

        I heard someone compare DM to dark souls once, do Redditors play anything besides doodle jump?

        • 1 month ago

          DS is a don't frick up game. Well you can't afford to frick up the moves too often or you die.

          Dead Money works via the oppressive ambience - the PC is constantly slowly losing health due to the poisonous atmosphere at the Sierra Madre. This make casuals anxious and they just can't handle the pressure - like Fallout 1's time limit before the mutants find and take Vault13. There's also a gear gate where all your stuff is removed at the start and you have to build/improve new guns to have a chance at the virtually unkillable enemies. And the 3 companions you have are all shifty and untrustworthy to say the least. There's just no relief at all.

          • 1 month ago

            Dead Rising has a time limit and doesn't make me think "this sucks"
            maybe Dead Money like all the other non-Shivering Isles DLC just sucks

          • 1 month ago

            That deathclaw person is nekkid!! Cover it up!!!

          • 1 month ago

            I know I’ve played it haha I was just agreeing with you it’s silly to call DM exceedingly hard. It’s atmosphere is amazing, only hard part was getting past Elijah and some of the collar stuff near the end in the vault. I never had problems with not having my gear, idk why that’s such a sore spot to so many people. Once you get the automatic rifle you’re good.

            • 1 month ago

              >idk why that’s such a sore spot to so many people
              cause most people use the "mono-build," medium everything in SPECIAL, tagged speech, and maybe tagged guns or repair. this would still give you the ability to exploit reload benches and gets tons of ammo in DM, but normies are too moronic to interact with the game's systems, it is VERY common to see people who have never used reloading benches but complain about having "no ammo" to use in DM. builds with high science and explosives can make useful items at workbenches too, an ACTUAL BUILD will have minimal trouble in the Villa.

              • 1 month ago

                my goto special is
                5 str
                1 per
                6 end
                1 cha
                9 int
                9 agility
                9 luck
                then +10 the 9s with implants
                repair and guns tagged is helpful

              • 1 month ago

                >highly agile blind aspergers moron
                interesting stats, I respect a charisma denial, because it is a worthless stat in the vanilla game, but honestly perception is pretty shit too unless you really want early energy weapon use.

              • 1 month ago

                >10 str
                >1 per
                >10 end
                >1 cha
                >1 int
                >7 agility
                >10 luck
                >character name: CHADICUS MAXIMUS

              • 1 month ago

                While I agree with you in spirit, I also don’t use reloading benches. I do however enjoy making chems on the hot plates. Still I had enough 308 to go full on they live on those ghost people with the automatic rifle.

              • 1 month ago

                >I do however enjoy making chems on the hot plates
                you are already doing more than normies do then. still, reloading benches are free extra damage for guns builds, it is an uncomplicated system, and unlike the rest of the crafting system in the game, requires virtually 0 carry capacity, aside from the actual ammo if you're playing HC.

      • 1 month ago

        >Honest Hearts presents a decent conundrum
        Eh, they could have made it better.

        • 1 month ago

          I never got it. I am not a christian either, but I have heard christians say that Daniel's option is thematic because it's the "christian" option? can another christcuck beat the allegations?

          • 1 month ago

            its ole testament wrath of god vs new testament dindu nuffin god a good boy shit

          • 1 month ago

            death penalty was extremely common until less than 50 years ago, many attribute white iq to the eugenic effects to the culling of dysfunctional people, it's just modern moralgayging everybody is a gay liberal these days

      • 1 month ago

        Who are these people picking Daniel's ending? It's trash. The Dead Horses and Sorrows have to abandon their homes to a bunch of scavengers and rapists and the White Legs continue to shit up Zion. Daniel's choice is moronic. Also directly spits on the grave of Randall Clark.

        • 1 month ago

          >rape and burn zion to the ground
          Actually I fully support Daniel now.

    • 1 month ago

      Yes most definitely. Dead money is pure kino and the best out of all of them. OWB is annoying as frick at first but then it becomes really fun and interesting with great rewards and an awesome house. Honest hearts mostly sucks but you get imo the best medium armor in the game with the desert ranger combat armor, as well as the survivalists rifle and a light shining in darkness. I personally love the lonesome road but a lot of people hate it. It really depends what faction you have pledged to by that point, because Ulysses yaps a lot. But if you do mr house or yes man he actually has some interesting and thought provoking dialogue in regard to those choices. Plus crazy weapons and armor.

      • 1 month ago

        least schizo paid for fallout spammer itt

    • 1 month ago

      I enjoyed them
      >Honest Hearts
      Really good characters. A fun change to be in an environment where nothing is irradiated. Also, the most iconic armor is here. The quests are a little basic though.
      >Dead Money
      Cool plot/environment, but you're stuck, stripped of your gear and weapons, and surrounded by instant-kill traps. Again, good characters, with more of an emphasis on actually analyzing who they are being key to success.
      >Old World Blues
      Pure comedy. Venture Bros is directly referenced. There's a lot of really good equipment And it does explain the origins of a lot of the strangeness in the Mojave. If humor about goofy mad scientists isn't for you, then skip this.
      >Lonesome Road
      The most controversial one, this establishes some things about the Courier, and has a love him or hate him antagonist. I enjoyed it, but I can see why a lot of people didn't.

      • 1 month ago

        >Venture Bros is directly referenced
        Kek, I forgot that James Urbaniak voices one of the brains. I was waiting for him to start whinging about Hank and Dean lol.

    • 1 month ago

      Old World Blues is amazing. People will say "pfft it's just Rick and Morty tier shit" but fail to recognize that Old World Blues came out before Rick and Morty ever aired. But it's the best and most satisfying DLC of the bunch.

      Honest Hearts is extremely 'meh' for me.

      Lonesome Road is also pretty 'meh'. I might rate it a bit higher than Honest Hearts though.

      Dead Money is downright fricking awful. One of the worst gaming experiences I ever suffered through.

      BUT... I say... play all of them. The good one, the ok ones, the bad one, they all make the world richer and add a new layer and a new dimension onto the world itself. They are all worth playing.

      • 1 month ago

        >but fail to recognize that Old World Blues came out before Rick and Morty ever aired
        I don't think many people fail to realize it, it just uses similar "humor" which is pretty grating and not very funny at all. I wouldn't complain about it personally if it was just to accentuate how out-of-touch and crazy the scientists have become, but they are clearly intended to be somewhat endearing, the only one I ended up liking was Mobius.
        >Dead Money is downright fricking awful
        you got filtered like a little reddit-spacing b***h

        • 1 month ago

          No I think people do fail to realize it because I've often seen Old World Blues mocked as a Rick and Morty clone, even though it was made before Rick and Morty. As if Rick and Morty came up with the wacky Mad Scientist trope.

          Also, I did not get filtered by Dead Money. I beat it and I snuck out with the gold too (NOOOO YOU DIDN'T GET THE POINT NOOOO) and I appreciate it for being something different, but it was also godawful. Maybe your taste is just shit.

      • 1 month ago

        >OWB good, DM bad

      • 1 month ago

        >Dead Money is downright fricking awful

      • 1 month ago

        I'm inclined to agree. It's a testament to how great of a character Joshua Graham is that Honest Hearts is only as good as it is because of how charismatic he is. It's probably the most boring of the New Vegas DLCs otherwise, besides Graham.

    • 1 month ago

      Honest Hearts > Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road

      Joshua Graham is one of the greatest video game characters ever conceived. I may even say media characters ever.

  2. 1 month ago

    >le heckin biblerino

    • 1 month ago

      Sacred texts are usually pretty kino.

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    >naked bullet sponge tribals with as much health as a Deathclaw
    >giant yao guai at every single fast travel point

    Nah, it sucked.

    • 1 month ago

      You entered it too high level, thus they became bullet sponges. Enter a NV DLC at the min level recommended instead

      • 1 month ago

        Did the big MT at very low level, the suffering was immense

      • 1 month ago

        No I WILL be level 50 and I WILL have a 12.7mm submachine gun and an anti material rifle and Annabelle with me.

        • 1 month ago

          >Honest Hearts has a max carry req
          >Dead Money takes away all of your items

          • 1 month ago

            >max carry req
            You can just talk yourself out of that lmao

            • 1 month ago

              Nah you only increase the max carry. And I'm pretty sure the methods don't stack.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm pretty sure you are a homosexual b***h

              • 1 month ago

                You're moronic

  4. 1 month ago

    'I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.'

    • 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    Flame on!

  6. 1 month ago

    Aside from the fact this isn’t Cinemaphile, this is genuinely the worst of the DLCs. Once I get all the survivalists shit, I put a bullet in the brains of this annoying tradcath scumbag, and his homosexual friend Daniel who tried to extort you with the map into helping his pathetic tribe.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, there's a reason Graham is the only thing people talk about from HH. It's just total garbage aside from his edgelord coolness.

    • 1 month ago

      he's mormon you moron

      • 1 month ago

        True, but all religions are bullshit so why draw a distinction?

        • 1 month ago

          I dunno, secular humanism seems the most moronic one yet

          • 1 month ago

            >a concept immediately recognizable as mutually beneficial to all is more moronic than noahs ark

            lmao spoken like a true mutt

            • 1 month ago

              Who the frick recognises this as mutually beneficial to man? It also makes less sense.
              >morality is made up bullshit
              >but also you need to adhere to this bizarre modification of christian morality
              >also the universe is based on literal nothingness that somehow gained the attribute of being everything in potentia
              Nothing about it epistemologically makes any sense. It’s also running society into the ground.

              • 1 month ago

                >WRONGLY AGREED
                the absolute state of fedoras

              • 1 month ago

                I’m an atheist and I’m more Christian than you.

              • 1 month ago

                >i’m incoherent

    • 1 month ago

      I've tried this dlc twice and both times stopped playing when you had to go around with Follows-Chalk.

      • 1 month ago

        I shot follows chalk in the face the first two times I played through the game and the dlc because all the indians look the same to me and I managed to quick save after killing him both times so there was nothing to do other than leave the valley both times

        • 1 month ago

          Lmao. One time I was going over a bridge while playing it at a much higher level, and three giant yao guais came out of nowhere and instakilled him. P funny.

    • 1 month ago

      moron atheist

    • 1 month ago

      It's the worst DLC, but it has the absolute best character in Joshua Graham. Ulysses wishes he was as Kino as the Burned Man.

      • 1 month ago

        >It's the worst DLC
        No that's Lonesome Road.

    • 1 month ago

      its crazy how the dlc peaks at the very beginning with the caravan ambush and is utter shit from then on out.

      • 1 month ago

        nah it peaks with the genocide of the white legs

        • 1 month ago

          the white-leg base sucks, literally go down a narrow path and stealth shoot a couple of dudes who are complete pushovers.
          the first encounter is cool because its an actual surprise and there's people shooting at you from prepared positions on top of the canyon and shit. that's what the dlc should have been, moments of carnage like that that actually made use of the environment.

      • 1 month ago

        it is very unfinished which is too bad cause Zion is nice to look at.

        nah it peaks with the genocide of the white legs

        >long uneventful stroll along the river taking potshots at tribals is peak

        >It's the worst DLC
        No that's Lonesome Road.

        LR is pretty meh but OWB is actually bad and HR is unfinished so I don't think it's fair to call it the worst.

        • 1 month ago

          the white-leg base sucks, literally go down a narrow path and stealth shoot a couple of dudes who are complete pushovers.
          the first encounter is cool because its an actual surprise and there's people shooting at you from prepared positions on top of the canyon and shit. that's what the dlc should have been, moments of carnage like that that actually made use of the environment.

          the engine cant handle more than a couple dozen npcs tho you guys are just expecting something that could never happen in a bethesda game
          i agreed that it should have been harder but i'm usually already op by the time i do the dlcs anyway, i just headshot everybody with the gobi

          • 1 month ago

            the engine cant handle more than a couple dozen npcs tho you guys are just expecting something that could never happen in a bethesda game
            as another anon pointed out, the initial ambush was very good, and that was a group of less than 10 guys iirc. the amount of NPCs isn't really the issue, it's just that no encounter is designed as well as the first.

            The pursuit of science with no ethics and no human concern will doom us all. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do something.

            good answer, now how does that have ANYTHING to do with the story of NV? it is a WASTE and a pointless detour from the main theme of the rest of the game.

            • 1 month ago

              >good answer, now how does that have ANYTHING to do with the story of NV? it is a WASTE and a pointless detour from the main theme of the rest of the game.
              Why does every quest have to have the same theme. Why shouldn't a dlc explore a new avenue of thought?

              On a secondary note: How does DM's themes fit into the main theme of NV? Not saying it doesn't, just want to hear you articulate on it.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why does every quest have to have the same theme
                they don't and shouldn't, it has no relation to the main game is the issue. the DLCs are tangents that expand upon lesser themes not directly explored in the main game. the ethics of science have nothing to do with the game, and ultimately serve no purpose in the narrative.
                >How does DM's themes fit into the main theme of NV?
                that letting go of past hatred, greed, and regrets is necessary in order to achieve personal growth, that such cravings lead to misery and destruction of one's humanity, which ties in with the theme of the game being "old world blues," ironically enough, since that dlc has nothing to do with its own name. not only this, but Dead Money telegraphs Ulysses and his fall through showing Elijah's fixation on the past and how he can use it to fix his past frick-ups.

              • 1 month ago

                That is a very, very, very loose connection and is hardly a footnote in the grand scheme of New Vegas.

                BigMT was definitely a tangent. It was it's own storyline and its own world, but if you weren't paying attention to the story, Mobius tricked the Think Tank into believing BigMT was the entire world, but the threat of them leaking out was always present. And you can see what the Think Tank did to BigMT. Just one big science freak show. It's a completely separate storyline, but you had to defeat them.

                And again, I don't see the argument in claiming "a dlc that doesn't have the same themes as the main game is bad". Why? "because it's bad." It's totally fine for a DLC to be a departure and to explore different ideas. And I like that OWB shows us that, while New Vegas has all it's problems with the NCR, and House, and the Legion, there is other shit out there that is brewing and is a potential threat to us. The world isn't so finite. There are other things out there, potentially completely unknown to us, that pose a threat and can shift the balance of the world if we don't do something about them.

              • 1 month ago

                >That is a very, very, very loose connection and is hardly a footnote in the grand scheme of New Vegas.
                wow, I guess I'll just take your word for it from your non-rebuttal you braindead pseud. not going to bother reading the rest of your reddit-spaced homosexualry either, since you refuse to put in a minimum effort to argue with me in the first place.

              • 1 month ago

                >not going to bother reading the rest of your reddit-spaced homosexualry either
                Because you already lost and you seem to be aware of it.

                >remember that one guy that was mentioned once in the main game and has no other presence in the main game at all? Yeah, well, this DLC is HIS story!
                Wow, what a grand and intoxicating connection! kek.

              • 1 month ago

                >duurrr remember HALF of your post that I am fixating on
                you are a pseud tourist and it is obvious, frick off.

                >DLC scale the enemies without scaling the weapons you can use in it
                >"hurr durr it's intended"

                >DLC scale the enemies without scaling the weapons you can use in it
                you the player scale the weapons by increasing your stats and loading better ammo, are you moronic?

              • 1 month ago

                You are obviously an ADHD riddled zoomertard that only placed New Vegas for the first time in 2019. Eat shit and die, kid. Contrarianism is played out.

              • 1 month ago

                played since release, but always nice to see a pseud lose their mind, thanks for the dopamine homosexual.

                it's meant to be a slaughter anon Joshua can do it all by himself if you want to just watch, the game is an rpg, the memorable combat encounters are so because of the role playing options and how they fit in the narrative this isn't halo or some other action oriented fps

                >this isn't halo
                so? that means challenge is irrelevant? what kind of argument is this? the DLC was neat but ultimately very boring and piss easy. it doesn't have to be raping you in all 3 holes at all times but being a cakewalk contributes to most people blowing off HR in its entirety. joshua is a cool character but he can't save HR from being as boring as it is.

              • 1 month ago

                >played since release, but always nice to see a pseud lose their mind, thanks for the dopamine homosexual.
                Like I said, it seems like you are fully aware you lost. Later, kid.

              • 1 month ago

                >so? that means challenge is irrelevant? what kind of argument is this?
                anon i already said i would've preferred if the whole game was more challenging, my point was that the game is an rpg, halo doesn't have any role playing in it's story or gameplay it's an action game and likewise nv doesn't have exceptional gameplay as an action game, turns out you can't have it all and have to spend your time and resources with a focus

              • 1 month ago

                What special ammo? There's limited ammo to begin with. It forces you to unarmed/melee and fricks people who uses guns/ew. The Pitts has a better mechanic that this piece of shit dlc.

              • 1 month ago

                >What special ammo? There's limited ammo to begin with. It forces you to unarmed/melee and fricks people who uses guns/ew
                confirmed casual secondary. if you use guns, get 60 repair or higher, get the hand loader perk, collect all the 9mm and .357 rounds you can, decide which pistol you want to use, use the primer and powder to make hand-loaded rounds that shred the enemies, you can also do this later with the automatic rifle which will make up for the ammo scarcity. if you are a guns build and felt "forced" into using melee, you didn't come prepared.

                >played since release, but always nice to see a pseud lose their mind, thanks for the dopamine homosexual.
                Like I said, it seems like you are fully aware you lost. Later, kid.

                bye bye reddit pseud

              • 1 month ago

                >m-muh reddit!
                kek, you just keep putting a smile on my face

              • 1 month ago

                the spacing doesn't lie, you wouldn't be doing it unless you picked up the habit there.

              • 1 month ago

                >Y-YOU USED SPACING
                You're a moron with no other argument

              • 1 month ago

                you did, and it shows where you come from and why you are the way you are, your lack of an argument is why you're even having this meltdown in the first place

                The legion will die with Caesar. The NCR is gay globohomo, the same type of government that lead to the apocalypse. Mr House is a good option IF you roleplay your character to be a moron. A high INT high science character that isn't a bootlicker would take his place. You accumulate all that knowledge, tech, and influence throughout the game, you go through hell for what? To be a megalomaniac's b***h? Nope. Become the megalomaniac, replicate the tech to live forever, learn from his mistakes, rule the Mojave as you see fit.

                the NCR are imperialist communists complete with bread lines, not really the same thing as the USA, the Legion isn't going anywhere for a while, even though it would be unpleasant to live in light of modern living standards. Mr. House is perfectly competent and fairly moral in his approach to governance, his only shortcoming is his lack of a frickhuge army like NCR or Legion. anarchy is bad, doesn't matter how OP your oc donutsteel character is, the pissant factions of NV will not be able to form a unified government.

                >so? that means challenge is irrelevant? what kind of argument is this?
                anon i already said i would've preferred if the whole game was more challenging, my point was that the game is an rpg, halo doesn't have any role playing in it's story or gameplay it's an action game and likewise nv doesn't have exceptional gameplay as an action game, turns out you can't have it all and have to spend your time and resources with a focus

                I get that, but making encounters more difficult means putting a greater strain on resources, which would help immerse the player more as a survivalist in a far-away place like zion.

                There's only the guns skill. There's no need to switch between rounds. You just wasted a park for a dlc with, again, limited ammo. The difference between the pistol and the auto is minimal to an enemy with 350+ hp.

                >There's no need to switch between rounds
                hand loaded ammo confers at minimum a 35% increase in damage depending on the type of hand load, in what universe is that a wasted perk? it requires repair too btw

              • 1 month ago

                >you did, and it shows where you come from and why you are the way you are, your lack of an argument is why you're even having this meltdown in the first place
                I don't use reddit and I've never posted on reddit, but it's fun to see what depths a Cinemaphile user sinks to when he's been proven to be a moron.

              • 1 month ago

                but you obviously come from there anon, you even structure your posts exactly like they do. not doing yourself any favors by trying to bluster through the accusation.

              • 1 month ago

                I guess you'd know because you probably use reddit more than I do.

              • 1 month ago

                how does it feel to be reduced to "no you" by an adhd zoomer chad?

              • 1 month ago

                how does it feel to have all your arguments eviscerated and just be laughed at for the last 30 min?

              • 1 month ago

                >the NCR are imperialist communists
                moron Alert
                moron Alert
                ! WARNING ! WARNING ! THIS IS NOT A DRILL !
                moron Alert

              • 1 month ago

                >bread lines for squatters in freeside
                >unsubtle red star on the flag
                >female combat volunteers
                >propaganda glamorizing said female volunteers
                >bad logistics
                The People's Republic of California has all the tells

                >only 35% of 30 or 40 per bullet
                >weapon now needs constant repair or lose dmg
                >for a dlc that has limited resources
                >and enemies with 350+ hp
                It's not a one-on-one fight. We're talking about mobs.

                >constant repair or lose dmg
                there's a multitude of 9mm and .357 pistols in the villa, if you can't find any then craft repair kits. again, the reason I bring up hand load is because you can put useless 9mm and .357 ammo clogging your inventory to use by using 1 gun instead that does more damage, being more ammo efficient and having no issue with ammo scarcity since you can just periodically visit the police station and fill your cases with more bullets. I have NEVER had an issue with running out of ammo in DM since my first time playing it, this is a you problem.

                how does it feel to have all your arguments eviscerated and just be laughed at for the last 30 min?

                I don't know

              • 1 month ago

                >I don't know
                Good comeback, but I think you're still crying over the anal raping I did to you.

              • 1 month ago

                >the red star on the NCR flag is a not so subtle reference to gommunism!
                Just have a nice day

              • 1 month ago

                Nah let him cook

              • 1 month ago

                >constantly use cash for repair kits and ammo
                Again, resources are limited. And I finished the dlc at max level in my 1st run. It was just annoying. The Pitts has a better implementation and OWB is more fun.

              • 1 month ago

                >constantly use cash
                you can craft repair kits with 2 scrap metal, 1 scrap electronics, 1 duct tape, and 1 wrench. if resources weren't limited in DM the DLC would be unimmersive and dull. it's a strain for sure, but you never are forced to use melee unless you just aren't familiar with the crafting system.

              • 1 month ago

                Again, those scraps are also limited. Constantly looting shit like alcohol to sell, crafting repair kits, etc to shoot sponges is boring.

              • 1 month ago

                like I said anon, I have never had an issue after my first PT of the dlc, it just requires some preparation with your build and frugality with items you find scattered about. I just click on the ghost people's heads with match load .357 and take my time combing through the Villa. once you get into the casino all your resource troubles are basically over, just deal with Christine first and you can get an auto rifle and hunting shotgun right away in the armory.

              • 1 month ago

                Again, I finished the dlc at max level in my first run, and it was a bog. I play it at lvl 20 at most at my subsequent runs.

              • 1 month ago

                sounds like you corrected the problem to me anon, if you don't like resource management and looking at inventory screens then that is personal taste, not a failing of the DLC.

              • 1 month ago

                Right. The dlc is shit if you're over-leveled. Compared to the others who doesn't frick you up for that, Dead Money is the worst dlc.

              • 1 month ago

                >only 35% of 30 or 40 per bullet
                >weapon now needs constant repair or lose dmg
                >for a dlc that has limited resources
                >and enemies with 350+ hp
                It's not a one-on-one fight. We're talking about mobs.

              • 1 month ago

                >the NCR are imperialist communists complete with bread lines, not really the same thing as the USA
                You mean like the chinese? The same people that lead to the apocalypse along with the US? My point still stands.
                >Mr. House is perfectly competent and fairly moral in his approach to governance, his only shortcoming is his lack of a frickhuge army like NCR or Legion. anarchy is bad, doesn't matter how OP your oc donutsteel character is, the pissant factions of NV will not be able to form a unified government.
                House's shortcomings get solved with the upgraded securitrons + all the tech from the big empty, the Sierra Madre, and Helios. You fill the manpower gaps with your subjects and your allies. It's not about anarchy if you don't want anarchy. It's an rpg and you decide your character's inner workings. What's stopping you from replicating House's immortality? Why can you not be as moral as him? Why not more?

              • 1 month ago

                >My point still stands.
                yeah true but despite their flaws they are still a frickhuge faction with a lot of power and dominance, that isn't going to disappear overnight even if the state goes into decline post NV.

                his shortcomings are alleviated but his fighting force is still dwarfed by both the factions gunning for him, you really have to trust that House will make no mistakes in managing that small army to be able to expand vegas into more than an ineffectual nation-state. the only ally of any consequence you obtain in a House PT is the Boomers, which have just 1 bomber at their disposal, shoot that down and they are a lot less valuable. the other pissant factions like the khans (who leave the mojave if they aren't destroyed anyway) are so inconsequential they might as well not even be a factor in discussing independence. you would have to have absolute faith that the Brotherhood could maintain law and order in the mojave, which neither of the 2 leaders to choose from seem to have an interest in.

              • 1 month ago

                That's where LR comes into play. You nuke the supply lines of both the legion and the ncr. Both are doomed in the mojave and the harder they try the more they strain themselves and accelerate their inevitable collapse. The boomers can be made into a force to be reckoned with if you supply them with big empty tech. Between the Helios station and the Hoover dam you have enough power to erect factories. You also have all the money in the world to get people to fight for you. Spread some propaganda while you're at it as well. I'm not talking about taking over the entire continent overnight. I'm talking about establishing a strong state. After the legion's collapse you will only have to deal with ncr. israelite them as House intended. They can't have a forever war against robots that are better equipped than the brotherhood of steel. Eventually they will see cooperation as the preferable option. Then you get into diplomacy and big time geopolitics but that's too far past the ending of the game. My point is, if House can get shit done then a high INT courier with access to the best power sources and technology can do more.

              • 1 month ago

                >the NCR are imperialist communists
                We seriously need to do something about "boomer truthers".

              • 1 month ago

                >the NCR are imperialist communists
                Next you're going to tell me Bush was actually a socialist

              • 1 month ago

                no he was neoconservative, why does this accusation in particular upset you? have we found the only 2 NCR stans in existence?

              • 1 month ago

                NTA, but I've played through New Vegas 3 times and in none of those times did I end the game with the NCR, you're just a moron.

              • 1 month ago

                thanks for joining me in debunking this chud, comrade

              • 1 month ago

                >no he was neoconservative
                Very adept of you. Yes, the NCR are similar to Neocon bush era America. Very war-hawkish, very hypocritical, corrupt lovers of money and power but carry themselves with a veneer of statesmanship. Where does communism fit in?

              • 1 month ago

                And by the way I hate communism. It's nothing but a israeli lie to kill millions of people once they take over the power of the state.

                If it sounds like I hate Bush, know that I prefer him thousands of times over ~~*communism*~~.

              • 1 month ago

                Only under national socialism can we all be free from the israeli menace.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, I fully support the NatSoc cause. It's the only true system of governance and is the one the israelites do not want us to have.

              • 1 month ago

                Nationalism only works in a real nation, Muttland cannot apply.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, I fully support the NatSoc cause. It's the only true system of governance and is the one the israelites do not want us to have.

                Ironically, natsoc is what they have in Israel.

              • 1 month ago

                I know. China has become Natsoc as well.

              • 1 month ago

                >pinkos and israelites have a stronger national identity than burgers and evropoors

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                you described the Enclave anon, the NCR wears the face of the old world republic of the United States when their practices are all but manchurian. being apt to war is not exclusively conservative or communist, and hypocrisy is not exclusive to neoconservatism. let's just drop bush from this altogether.
                communism is when you breadline and fail to secure logistical assets while advocating for total equality of the sexes even to the detriment of sending women to die in war.

                That's where LR comes into play. You nuke the supply lines of both the legion and the ncr. Both are doomed in the mojave and the harder they try the more they strain themselves and accelerate their inevitable collapse. The boomers can be made into a force to be reckoned with if you supply them with big empty tech. Between the Helios station and the Hoover dam you have enough power to erect factories. You also have all the money in the world to get people to fight for you. Spread some propaganda while you're at it as well. I'm not talking about taking over the entire continent overnight. I'm talking about establishing a strong state. After the legion's collapse you will only have to deal with ncr. israelite them as House intended. They can't have a forever war against robots that are better equipped than the brotherhood of steel. Eventually they will see cooperation as the preferable option. Then you get into diplomacy and big time geopolitics but that's too far past the ending of the game. My point is, if House can get shit done then a high INT courier with access to the best power sources and technology can do more.

                anon, if you nuked the NCR in an independent ending, you killed any economic advantage might have had. both factions are not doomed in the mojave, and this is clear when you side with either, every empire collapses, it's just that the one the courier can try to create will collapse the fastest.
                > The boomers can be made into a force to be reckoned with if you supply them with big empty tech
                this is oc headcanon, the courier is a wandering mercenary not a statesman, I get that you can spec into having 10 INT and all but that doesn't make you as smart as house, or even caesar for that matter.
                >You also have all the money in the world to get people to fight for you.
                again, you don't, your personal wealth pales in comparison to the wealth of NCR (that you will no longer get a taste of if you nuke the Long 15), and to the slaves of the Legion.
                >After the legion's collapse
                the Legion's collapse is not a foregone conclusion, they might splinter and fracture, but that army is going to be a problem for its enemies for a long time, remember, it's bigger than NCR.

              • 1 month ago

                >the NCR wears the face of the old world republic of the United States
                the old world republic of the United States is also nothing but a mask. The NCR replicates it all successfully.

                >communism is when you breadline and fail to secure logistical assets while advocating for total equality of the sexes even to the detriment of sending women to die in war.
                I don't think you know what communism is. Any state's failure is = communism? Your definition makes no sense. We have "breadlines" in the USA too, and most countries have it in some form or the other.

                The NCR does however send women into the frontline and encourages women to enlist. Yeah that is a failure on their part, sure. I don't think this fact makes them communists though.

              • 1 month ago

                >We have "breadlines" in the USA too
                yeah and we're run by boomers who were subverted by soviets via the hippie movement. if total equality is not communism, then what is communism in your view? I am a fashy washy too so you can be level.

                Right. The dlc is shit if you're over-leveled. Compared to the others who doesn't frick you up for that, Dead Money is the worst dlc.

                nah the enemy scaling in OWB is bad too, you just don't notice it as much because you retain your equipment, it's even more ridiculous in HR seeing tribals tank .50 cal rounds to the face while ripping you up with shitty pistol caliber weapons.
                >Dead Money is the worst dlc
                I believe this except I think it's the best DLC

              • 1 month ago

                I'm just saying, almost every country on the planet has some form or another of a breadline, it's not exclusive to Communism. Women serving combat roles in the military? Sure. But that alone doesn't make you communist.

              • 1 month ago

                If you retain your weapons and ammo for OWB and LR, it's a skill issue. 50 cal is a sniper gun. Use an auto or a shotgun for close range.

              • 1 month ago

                LR is supposed to be the final challenge so I don't care about the late-game sponginess as much, but OWB is a slog at high level even with tons of ammo and good weapons, it's just hordes of enemies with no story to speak of, like fallout 3.

              • 1 month ago

                The divide is filled with nukes, deathclaws and high ranking ncr/legionnaires. It's environmental storytelling done right. BigMT has multiple sections and each one has a different story. And again, you have your resources. The problem is skill issue.

              • 1 month ago

                >this is oc headcanon
                Everything past the ending is headcanon. If we can theorize that the legion will stand strong or turn into a republic or collapse then we can theorize that the courier will use the resources he has collected.
                >anon, if you nuked the NCR in an independent ending, you killed any economic advantage might have had. both factions are not doomed in the mojave, and this is clear when you side with either, every empire collapses, it's just that the one the courier can try to create will collapse the fastest.
                The ncr drops hints constantly that they can't keep this up for much longer. They are bleeding money and manpower in the mojave. If an army of robots shows up and wipes the floor with them then the brahmin barons are guaranteed to abandon it. If you kill Caesar and Lanius then the legion absolutely will fracture.
                >the courier is a wandering mercenary not a statesman
                Caesar was not a warlord and House was not a statesman either. People can and do rise to the occasion.
                >I get that you can spec into having 10 INT and all but that doesn't make you as smart as house, or even caesar for that matter.
                >your personal wealth pales in comparison to the wealth of NCR (that you will no longer get a taste of if you nuke the Long 15)
                I will admit nuking the ncr is fun for the memes but it's not a smart move. You keep them as customers. As I said, they can't sustain the ear effort for much longer. After the legion has been driven back and an army of robots has taken over they will back down. You keep trading with them. You sell them your power. They want it. You keep letting them vacation in Vegas to bleed them dry. You don't have to be frickhuge to be a secure economic powerhouse. In fact, I'm betting the ncr would eventually cave in and recognise your authority as long as you act as a buffer state and repel the raping morons with your robots while they expand in other directions. Mutually beneficial.

              • 1 month ago

                >The ncr drops hints constantly that they can't keep this up for much longer. They are bleeding money and manpower in the mojave. If an army of robots shows up and wipes the floor with them then the brahmin barons are guaranteed to abandon it. If you kill Caesar and Lanius then the legion absolutely will fracture.
                you missed my point, nuking the L15 destroys the only road to the NCR (since the divide is also destroyed), meaning you have no supply lines to NCR to get rich from in the first place. even if the Legion fractures into a million pieces, that horde of legionnaires turned raiders or what have you will continue to be a threat for years, can the Courier's ragtag militia fend off constant raider attacks while also lacking resupply from the western economy? I doubt it.
                > People can and do rise to the occasion.
                I'll give you this
                because the courier has no solid plan for his society, what are the values of it? by its very nature it is disunified due to the necessity of gathering disparate groups of allies with very different cultures and goals from the player.
                >You keep them as customers
                okay good, so you understand then. however, all you will accomplish is maintaining a secure nation-state, House's dream of space colonies and a space economy almost certainly dies with him, you are not a roboticist or economic visionary, you are a mailman.

              • 1 month ago

                >the courier has no solid plan for his society, what are the values of it?
                >you are not a roboticist or economic visionary, you are a mailman.
                I don't think we will see eye to eye on this. The way I see it, since it's an rpg where you get to create your character, whatever he knows and however he feels is headcanon. Especially if you can achieve an ending where he gets to rule. The courier's inner workings, his thought processes, his morality, everything about his personality are up to the player's headcanon. So, if House can do x then there is absolutely no reason another genius with access to all of House's stuff plus a lot more. If you see the courier as just a gunslinger that's fine but that's your headcanon. No more nor less right from my megalomaniac or some legion gorilla.

              • 1 month ago

                I've been neglecting to mention this, but House is also functionally immortal, he will rule for hundreds of years if not more, avoiding Caesar's Legion's problem of having to figure out a way to function without Caesar's guidance. the Courier's death would likely spell the end for his little nation state too if we assume a nation as large as the Legion would over losing its leader too.

              • 1 month ago

                Is there any reason to believe House's immortality method isn't replicable? Even if it isn't, you still have the think tank option to immortalise your brain. And all that without even going into the various methods that other characters have achieved immortality in the franchise. Keeping the brain alive is almost trivial in the Fallout franchise.

              • 1 month ago

                >you still have the think tank option to immortalise your brain
                and become a true lobotomite that lacks all humanity, truly a leader fit to rule for all time

                The divide is filled with nukes, deathclaws and high ranking ncr/legionnaires. It's environmental storytelling done right. BigMT has multiple sections and each one has a different story. And again, you have your resources. The problem is skill issue.

                >skill issue
                >in NV
                anon, the game is pretty easy, I just said the DLC is a slog, because it is. I hope you are not the same anon that couldn't figure out inventory management and crafting.

              • 1 month ago

                Not a lobotomite, an advanced robobrain. There are many ways to keep things functional. If you can't go full House then you can turn into a think tank like machine, you can preserve your brain like the scientist from Point Lookout, you can experiment with the FEV or ghoulification, many ways to keep your brain. The courier would lack humanity about as much as House. If he is a good option then there is no reason that the courier isn't.

              • 1 month ago

                no I mean, you are lobotomized in the sense you lose all of your biological urges i.e. your humanity. house is a fully intact conscious human being, without the rest of your body and hormones you would be a subhuman that lacks good judgement.

              • 1 month ago

                Again, is there a reason why House's method isn't replicable? There is also the option to study the FEV and ghoulification. There are many examples of characters who kept their sanity and brain functions. In the Fallout universe it is almost trivial. You can't go half a game without meeting some immortal dude from the old world.

              • 1 month ago

                >Again, is there a reason why House's method isn't replicable?
                I dunno, guess the courier can brush up on their knowledge of cryogenic cybernetics, and FEV and ghoulification has other risks that would probably frick your mind up.

                OWB and LR are easy. I have no idea what's your problem with .50 cal.

                none at all, reading comprehension

              • 1 month ago

                You were whining about killing enemies

              • 1 month ago

                you were whining about killing enemies in DM then, see how moronic that is?

              • 1 month ago

                DM has limited resources, the other dlcs don't have a restriction.

              • 1 month ago

                I guess it helps that DM is actually good then

              • 1 month ago

                It's because you have shit taste.

              • 1 month ago

                anon, I'd like to take this back before the thread closes, Dead Money is the best DLC, I got filtered. I promise to use the crafting system in my next playthrough, thank you for your wisdom and guidance.

              • 1 month ago

                >I dunno, guess the courier can brush up on their knowledge of cryogenic cybernetics, and FEV and ghoulification has other risks that would probably frick your mind up.
                Well, the tech is right there. All you need is computers and scientists willing to put in the work. Just thinking "nope, can't do it" and destroying the machinery sounds a bit moronic. In the Sierra Madre there are automated machines that can perform surgery on your vocal chords. The followers of the apocalypse would probably give you scientists to study the process in exchange for old world medicine tech and resources to save lives. Maybe you could even strike a deal with some less stuck up BoS scribe in exchange for laser axes and roboscorpions. Hell, in this setting you probably don't even need to know and do shit. Just hack the computer and press the immortality button lmao

              • 1 month ago

                There's only the guns skill. There's no need to switch between rounds. You just wasted a park for a dlc with, again, limited ammo. The difference between the pistol and the auto is minimal to an enemy with 350+ hp.

            • 1 month ago

              >as another anon pointed out, the initial ambush was very good, and that was a group of less than 10 guys iirc. the amount of NPCs isn't really the issue, it's just that no encounter is designed as well as the first.
              i disagreed that the opening ambush is well designed i usually kill all the enemies before the caravan dies and then they die anyway to a heart attack or something, honestly i don't see how the final encounter is designed worse than any other encounter in the game

              • 1 month ago

                the opening at least on paper has a good design, you have half your normal amount of gear, you're wide out in the open with well-armed enemies having a beat on you, and you HAVE to beat the encounter to progress, meaning you will expend some of that precious cargo you brought to the DLC. if more encounters were like it and some ambushers didn't have scripted heart-attacks, it would at least make the DLC more challenging and encourage you to take different paths besides the main walkways and rivers to avoid further ambushes. the last encounter is just uneventful, the few enemies that you do encounter just get sniped by Joshua anyway, it's pretty lame.
                >I wouldn't mind the ending, but the ending slide was emotional that he died as if we cared about him.
                nta, but I didn't get that impression personally, none of the characters seemed worthy of mercy to me, aside from Christine whom you only have to kill if you refuse to be nice, no skill checks required.

              • 1 month ago

                it's meant to be a slaughter anon Joshua can do it all by himself if you want to just watch, the game is an rpg, the memorable combat encounters are so because of the role playing options and how they fit in the narrative this isn't halo or some other action oriented fps

    • 1 month ago

      It is the ugliest DLC by far. Actually it's a toss up between OWB and this. But man I really hate the theme park look of the area. Lonesome road looked really nice though.

  7. 1 month ago

    <there's a chance that the burning man will appear in season 2 of the Fallout show.

    please no

  8. 1 month ago

    >He's... LE BASED MORMON

    • 1 month ago

      >LOOK OUT, UTAH!

  9. 1 month ago

    >survivalist's rifle
    >graham's 45
    yeah i'm thinking it's quarry time

    • 1 month ago

      The regular 45 with attached silencer is also kino

      • 1 month ago

        silenced 45 is an amazing sneak weapon, but i like that graham's 45 has glowing sights and is literally a light shining in the darkness

  10. 1 month ago

    The last thing Christcucks have to cling to is a character in a video game.
    Lads, just let it go.

    • 1 month ago

      israelite, all we need is Jesus Christ. Everything else is a bonus.

    • 1 month ago

      I don’t know, I think having bach and dante and shit gives them more than atheists will ever have culturally

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          >first thing I see is the magazine shilling Black person homosexuality in africa

          • 1 month ago

            Yes because unlike God, homosexuality is real.

            • 1 month ago

              i’m saying it’s funny how an atheist magazine is immediately in support of gay africans spreading aids. either way I don’t see how posting that refutes my post anyway, the christian contribution to world culture is a lot bigger than the secular one.

              • 1 month ago

                You might have 90% of classical music, baroque art, gothic and the greatest period in literary history but atheists have hazbin hotel. Checkmate.

            • 1 month ago

              you sound like one of those morons that whine about "prejudice" even tho you're a nihilist lmao
              also kys

            • 1 month ago

              Unperceivably based

              • 1 month ago


            • 1 month ago

              valid af

    • 1 month ago

      you are literally fuming and posting redditfrog in rage because a character people like from a video game adheres to a religion that upsets you. you need to let it go lmfao

    • 1 month ago

      Frick off, Mormons are based as shit and some of the last hold outs of basedness in Christianity.

      Apart from them and the Amish though frick American Christians.

      • 1 month ago

        All americans are israeli.

  11. 1 month ago

    Darkman's bretty gud tbqh

  12. 1 month ago

    Sorry bud. Real kino coming through. So good you can get rich af from doing it.

    • 1 month ago

      DM is better than a lot of the main game tee bee aitch.

    • 1 month ago

      someone dying trying to get all the gold out of the vault would be a kino scene in live action, to be fair

      • 1 month ago

        >Elijah turns around to see a shimmering invisible force pulling 37 gold bars in a mattress covering
        >instantly vaporizes them

      • 1 month ago

        A skeleton near a doorway with a ton of gold layed around it would be pretty funny.

    • 1 month ago

      Just remember at the end:
      1). decapitate Elijah
      2). stuff his head with all the gold bars
      3). run out of the vault carrying the head in your grasp
      4) groan with derision at the vendors who don't have enough caps to buy the bars

      • 1 month ago

        The Black person at crimson caravan and the sink both have enough even with 100 barter. Also the better way is to get the bars, use a stealth boy and the pylon and trap Elijah in the vault. You have to do it right but once he’s on the computer you can just walk right out essentially

    • 1 month ago

      >set enemy perception to -1/10
      >it glitches and makes it 11/10
      >now they know where you are all the time no matter how high your sneak skill is
      Nothing personnel kiddo

      • 1 month ago

        Wasn't this the same error that made Ghandi nuke happy in Civilization? How would a programmer make a mistake like that again?

      • 1 month ago

        his perception is 8 though

        • 1 month ago

          anon was talking about Ghost people.

          >you still have the think tank option to immortalise your brain
          and become a true lobotomite that lacks all humanity, truly a leader fit to rule for all time
          >skill issue
          >in NV
          anon, the game is pretty easy, I just said the DLC is a slog, because it is. I hope you are not the same anon that couldn't figure out inventory management and crafting.

          >shooting at the enemies is a slog compared to being a loot goblin, and going back and forth with a vendor
          You are a clown.

      • 1 month ago

        from the wiki
        >The notion that ghost people have infinite Perception due to a supposed bug in their AI is inaccurate. Their base Perception of 1 is reduced to 0 through gameplay modifiers, but this does not cause any changes in how they detect the player. Sneak calculations do not allow for enemy Perception to go below 1, and even if an NPC's Perception is reduced to 0, this would not cause an overflow.

        • 1 month ago

          if I had to wager a guess why this happens, it's because DM looks virtually the same at day as it does during the night, but the player can't tell and light level from the sun is still taken into account. I haven't played vanilla in a long time though and haven't experienced this issue so I assume YUP fixes it.

          anon was talking about Ghost people.
          >shooting at the enemies is a slog compared to being a loot goblin, and going back and forth with a vendor
          You are a clown.

          loot goblinism is like half of what you do in these games anon, learn how to press E on crafting stations you casual lol

          • 1 month ago

            Learn how to shoot or use a shotgun moron. It's left-click on the mouse.

            • 1 month ago

              I do that with really strong bullets and breeze through the DLC you struggle with so much. it's so easy even a moron like me can do it

              • 1 month ago

                OWB and LR are easy. I have no idea what's your problem with .50 cal.

    • 1 month ago

      >player.additem f 99999999
      OH NIG-

    • 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago

    >Bethesda is somehow able to make better DLC

    • 1 month ago

      "You want to save the baby? So you're pro-slavery?"

      • 1 month ago

        honestly pretty crazy they made brutal slavery morally ambiguous nu-bethesda could never

        >Literally just a fetch quest in a thps level with a little gang war to remind you you're in Pittsburgh at the end

        THE worst DLC for any fallout.

        yeah the gameplay is pretty boring the setting is kino tho

    • 1 month ago

      I'll defend Mothership Zeta to the rest of my days, it was a nice change of pace from the constant ruins and mutants, the characters were cool and the quest were fun.
      Only negative is that it was super short, but that's most Fallout DLC for ya.

    • 1 month ago

      Artificial difficulty due to your weapons getting taken.

      • 1 month ago

        you immediately get an assault rifle and the enemies are all jobbers, if this is difficult for you then you got filtered hard

      • 1 month ago

        >they disarm me
        >mfw I have an Unarmed build and am basically Ip Man and Kenshiro if they did a fusion dance

    • 1 month ago

      That one was quite decent but let’s not get too far ahead right now

    • 1 month ago

      >Literally just a fetch quest in a thps level with a little gang war to remind you you're in Pittsburgh at the end

      THE worst DLC for any fallout.

      • 1 month ago

        The setting was nice, but bethesda got lazy and made the map too fricking small, the hunt for ingots would be much cooler on a bigger map.

    • 1 month ago

      >NV dlc
      All mediocre in general with some good to great shit sprinkled throughout.
      >F3 dlc
      Either total dogshit or all time greats for the franchise.

      How did they do this?

    • 1 month ago

      What? The Pitt was moronic as frick. It's also far shorter than even HH if you skip the iron bar collecta-thon.

    • 1 month ago

      The atmosphere of this place fricking ruled. Truly felt like you left the Wasteland and were somewhere completely different.

    • 1 month ago

      Operation Anchorage was so terrible that I did not bother with any of the other FO3 dlcs.

      • 1 month ago

        anchorage is good because it's 30 min and gives you the best gear in the game, the pitt and zeta have fun settings the last one i forget the name of is just mediocre

        • 1 month ago

          >a dlc is so bad that it's good that it's only 30 min
          I don't like that sort of logic.

          • 1 month ago

            it's good because you can get the best gear in the game whenever you want you can just skip it otherwise, i would probably feel scammed if i bought it back in the day tho but i only played the goty edition

    • 1 month ago

      Great setting, but as other anons said the dlc being mostly shitty fetch quest and being so short overall makes it shit. Point Lookout is one I would consider on par New vegas dlc

  14. 1 month ago

    It's nice to see 4reddit finally turning on Troon Vegass. This game sucked. It took what sucked from Fallout 3 and then made it worse with even worse writing and worse characters.
    The standards for this game are so unbelievably low. The most popular character in the game is Mr House, a boring non-character who just goes ''muh chip'' and just wants to control his little town. There is nothing interesting about this guy, no cool story line, no interesting quests, no interesting conversations. People just overhype him because he chooses to represent himself as a green jpeg on a monitor.
    Then the second most popular character is this edgy OC donutsteel guy who got burned but he heckin' survived so now he acts like a wannabe badass and quotes random bible verses. This guy doesn't do anything, doesn't have an interesting story, has no character. His DLC sucked.

    It's insane how this game managed to not have a single interesting story or character. There isn't one faction you'd be interested in joining. The only reason to play is getting dopamine hits from leveling up and collecting bottle caps.

    • 1 month ago

      good morning, sir

    • 1 month ago

      Is this pasta? Also mr house isn’t the most popular character. He should be but the Redditors who worship NV simp hard for the NCR. Must remind them of the US insofar as being controlled by pedos and constantly fighting wars they invariably lose.

      • 1 month ago

        troony reading comprehension. Character, not faction. NCR doesn't have a single character anyone can name. Mr House is the face of the game because his jpeg is eye catching. What other characters are there? Random soldier nr 251? Random soldier from the train station or random soldier from solar power plant? NCR doesn't have a face even though it's the big major faction of the game.

        • 1 month ago

          >massive faceless bureaucracy doesn’t have a face

        • 1 month ago

          >NCR doesn't have a single character anyone can name
          Boone, Cass, Hanlon, kimball, Oliver (the fricking general you throw off a bridge)

          • 1 month ago

            The only ones I recognize are the first two and there is nothing memorable about these characters other than them being your companions.
            >b-but you remember this guy who follows you the entire fricking game
            >b-but you remember that this guy hates the legion because his perk ''I fricking hate the legion'' makes you do +1% damage to all legion soldiers

            • 1 month ago

              Then you haven’t played the game you moronic Black person lmao

          • 1 month ago

            I looked up who the other 3 are and this is really grabbing for straws. This is pathetic
            >NRC non-character, only namedropped because the game says his ranking is high
            >the president, a non-character who is just ''the president''
            >an annoying guy people just kill when they see him

    • 1 month ago

      >worse writing and worse characters
      I know this is a bait pasta, but I'm going to list characters I can remember by name from both games off the top of my head just to see for myself. Played both many times since they came out.
      Fallout NV:
      >Doc Mitchell
      >Sunny Smiles
      >The King
      >Mr House
      >Yes Man
      >Father Elijah
      >Joshua Graham
      >Vulpes Inculta
      >Julie Farkas
      >Mick and Ralph
      >Gloria Van Graff
      >Red Lucy
      >Saint James
      >Dean Domino
      >Sink, toaster, light switches, fertilizer, muggy
      >8, Zero, Klein, Dala, Mobius
      >the survivalist from Honest Hearts
      >Jason Bright
      >Papa Khan
      >Pearl, Loyal
      >Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, and Gary
      Could list more but this is already too long.
      Fallout 3:
      >Three Dog
      >Dr Braun
      >Dr Li
      >president Eden
      There are more NPCs I remember from the game, but I couldn't remember their names for the life of me.

      • 1 month ago

        >preston garvey

        • 1 month ago

          that's F4

          • 1 month ago

            Another thread needs your (you)!

      • 1 month ago

        The Garys are all from FO3, but totally with you on this. The only other characters I could name from 3 are Paladin Sarah Lyons and Liberty Prime. It really is fricking meh regards story. 4s not much better either

        >Nick Valentine
        >Paladin Danse
        >the actor guy with Strong
        >the Mayor (synth)
        >Shaun & robo-kid Shaun
        >mad robot captain on the Constitution
        >Pesto Gravy
        >Russian bar dudes
        >The Storyteller (Old World Tunes radio mod)

        The show did quite well with the characters.

    • 1 month ago

      This might be the single worst opinion I've ever seen. Congratulations, anon. I have no idea how people can play FO3 and NV and say with a straight face that the characters are more interesting and the narrative better written for the former instead of the latter. Bethesda has seethed for 14 years that Obsidian made a much better Fallout game than they ever have.

  15. 1 month ago

    >Sneering Imperialist activated

  16. 1 month ago

    Mormons are the dumbest most corrupt people in the country and make up the vast majority of the IRS, cops, FBI, and CIA. If you aren't a mormon you are a subhuman to their cult that unironically believes Jesus Christ taught in Pre-Columbus Mexico and performed miracles at Tenochtitlan.

  17. 1 month ago

    I wanna play van buren

  18. 1 month ago

    >it's, Nightma'am

    • 1 month ago

      Hello again dear, it’s always so nice when my little pumpkin spends time with his grandmother

  19. 1 month ago

    He'd have been hotter if Sony hadn't demanded the devs censor his appearance with the bandages though.


  20. 1 month ago

    It was the best DLC

  21. 1 month ago

    >the pure seething about religion in this thread
    kek, is this a Cinemaphile phenomenon?

    • 1 month ago

      it’s a minority of mentally ill people who spam threads even religion (really only christianity) is tangentially mentioned in any capacity. i’m guessing some mutt “traumatised” by his evangelical parents

      • 1 month ago

        Eat a bullet you mentally ill pussy this is a Fallout thread Paki Muslims aren't relevant here only Christcuckery is. I'm sorry the snake religion from Fallout 2 isn't more relevant to New Vegas

        • 1 month ago

          case in point, autistic low IQ meltdown when christianity is mentioned in a fricking video game

          • 1 month ago

            Holy digits brother.

  22. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      probably intentional but it looks like a bit of Tetsuo Hara's faces in there, pretty fitting

    • 1 month ago

      that image looks soulless as if a Japanese npc drew it

  23. 1 month ago

    I want to rape his christisraelite israelite Canaan town. I am the mailman!

  24. 1 month ago

    Order to play:
    >Honest Hearts: Ulysses trained the White Legs
    >Old World Blues: Traces of Ulysses, Elijahs Gun and his concentration camp
    >Dead Money: Standoff with Elijah
    >Lonesome Road: Confrontation with Ulysses

    The whole DLC story was miles better than whatever happened in mojave and I´m tired of pretending its not

    • 1 month ago

      No, they're meant to be played in release order for the story to make sense. DM, HH, OWB, LR

      • 1 month ago

        "release Order" and "logical" is something different, chuddie

        • 1 month ago

          Please learn English before posting

      • 1 month ago

        I agree but personally I don’t think it matters if you play HH or dead money first. The main mention of Ulysses in HH is by Joshua when he said you aren’t the courier he was expecting.

    • 1 month ago

      No, they're meant to be played in release order for the story to make sense. DM, HH, OWB, LR

      >DM: low skill check req
      >OWB: mid skill check req
      >HH: 90 speech check
      >LR: op perks for survival

      • 1 month ago

        >op perks for survival

        Anybody who doesn`t play the dlcs endgame is lost. LR just need the .50 cal with explosive ammo and something for the runnelers

        • 1 month ago

          >Anybody who doesn`t play the dlcs endgame is lost.
          I'm not fighting those sponge zombies in DM with a peashooter and a stick.

        • 1 month ago

          Maybe LR, but why would a borderline demigod who’s about to fight at Hoover dam for mr house suddenly decide to follow a radio signal to a casino, or go on a caravan expedition to Utah? Nah they’re best mid game, heck maybe even earlier so you can get the 21 neutral duster from Ulysses, instead of him just assuming you’re going all in on a certain faction.

          • 1 month ago

            Proper order:
            Right as you pass by that border outpost with the ranger memorial. Get randomly abducted. You're probably underleveled so it's challenging. Get the comedy put of the way before the story gets too serious. Get hints about Elijah, the mute BoS girl from DM, and Ulysses + some lore for the state of the Mojave. Now you have levels, gear, and a base. You're a badass ready to take Vegas by storm.
            After the Helios station and after you have recruited Veronica. Confront the legendary Elijah and find Veronica's lover. Get vibe checked by the difficulty spike and loss of equipment so it's another challenge.
            Before you enter Vegas. All the hard earned caps went to the clinic outside so you need a well paying job. Finally meat Gaham, take a much needed break from the hellscape that is the Mojave. Get a lesson on the far reaching consequences of one man's actions from the survivalist's tale to reflect on everything you've done up to that point.
            While you're wrapping up the Wild Card quests. You have killed Caesar and Mr House and are getting ready to btfo everyone at Hoover Dam but just before the end the past comes back to haunt you. Face Ulysses, nuke the shit out of your enemies and cripple them before the final blow at Hoover Dam.

            • 1 month ago

              Good Lord what a homosexual you are.

        • 1 month ago

          >something for the runnelers
          Light Machine gun with Armor piercing ammo works well for me

          • 1 month ago

            do tunnelers even have dt?

            • 1 month ago

              tunnelers are pretty tanky yea, not as much as a deathclaw afaik but they do have hefty dt for how fast they are.

              • 1 month ago

                upon checking the wiki they have 0 DT and 0 DR, maybe a mod I have is giving them DT, but still, using AP rounds causes that broken shield icon to appear, maybe AP rounds cause their DT to go negative?

              • 1 month ago

                ap ammo is bad on anything that's not full auto and if you use it on enemies with no dt then you're losing even more damage

                They are bullet sponges every time I play the dlc too and I don’t have any mods installed

                you're suppose to use hp ammo on them or any of the op guns in the game it's literally the highest level area in the game

              • 1 month ago

                >ap ammo is bad on anything that's not full auto and if you use it on enemies with no dt then you're losing even more damage
                I C, I typically just switch to HP or hand load for unarmored targets anyhow, it was just odd recalling the broken shield on tunnelers.

                Proper order:
                Right as you pass by that border outpost with the ranger memorial. Get randomly abducted. You're probably underleveled so it's challenging. Get the comedy put of the way before the story gets too serious. Get hints about Elijah, the mute BoS girl from DM, and Ulysses + some lore for the state of the Mojave. Now you have levels, gear, and a base. You're a badass ready to take Vegas by storm.
                After the Helios station and after you have recruited Veronica. Confront the legendary Elijah and find Veronica's lover. Get vibe checked by the difficulty spike and loss of equipment so it's another challenge.
                Before you enter Vegas. All the hard earned caps went to the clinic outside so you need a well paying job. Finally meat Gaham, take a much needed break from the hellscape that is the Mojave. Get a lesson on the far reaching consequences of one man's actions from the survivalist's tale to reflect on everything you've done up to that point.
                While you're wrapping up the Wild Card quests. You have killed Caesar and Mr House and are getting ready to btfo everyone at Hoover Dam but just before the end the past comes back to haunt you. Face Ulysses, nuke the shit out of your enemies and cripple them before the final blow at Hoover Dam.

                >While you're wrapping up the Wild Card quests

                No I think people do fail to realize it because I've often seen Old World Blues mocked as a Rick and Morty clone, even though it was made before Rick and Morty. As if Rick and Morty came up with the wacky Mad Scientist trope.

                Also, I did not get filtered by Dead Money. I beat it and I snuck out with the gold too (NOOOO YOU DIDN'T GET THE POINT NOOOO) and I appreciate it for being something different, but it was also godawful. Maybe your taste is just shit.

                Dead Money has a great ensemble of characters and its villain is the best written out of any of the antagonists in New Vegas, it helps that his VA is fantastic too. OWB's characters are fricking terrible and dull, Mobius is the only one you can interact with on any meaningful level in terms of the questions you can ask him, but even then it is a single drop of water in the most dry story content DLC of the lot.

              • 1 month ago

                >Dead Money has a great ensemble of characters and its villain is the best written out of any of the antagonists in New Vegas, it helps that his VA is fantastic too. OWB's characters are fricking terrible and dull, Mobius is the only one you can interact with on any meaningful level in terms of the questions you can ask him, but even then it is a single drop of water in the most dry story content DLC of the lot.
                I wasn't talking about the story when I said Dead Money was terrible, and I said it was worth playing through because of the value it adds to the world and how it adds a new layer of dimension to NV.

              • 1 month ago

                not only is DM superior in terms of writing to OWB, it also has better balancing and pacing. OWB spams dozens of enemies at you to serve as padding for content that would otherwise take a couple hours to complete.

                >Dead Money has a great ensemble of characters and its villain is the best written out of any of the antagonists in New Vegas, it helps that his VA is fantastic too. OWB's characters are fricking terrible and dull, Mobius is the only one you can interact with on any meaningful level in terms of the questions you can ask him, but even then it is a single drop of water in the most dry story content DLC of the lot.
                Also, the story in OWB is not that bad. You hate it because it just tends to be the most popular dlc of the bunch.

                >You hate it because it just tends to be the most popular dlc of the bunch.
                no homosexual I dislike it because it has no point, the story of OWB means nothing, not even the ending slides narration legitimizes how much of a waste of time going to Big MT was. you get some good perks and equipment out of it and that's about it.

              • 1 month ago

                The writing is not superior. You just have to realize that Rick and Morty killed that kind of humour a bit and play OWB through a "pre-Rick and Morty" lens. But that's asking too much of a homosexual like you. You have too much of a low IQ.

                It's like trying to watch an old movie with a dumb person and they comment on how bad the special effects are. "Try to imagine this was the peak of cinema at one point" it doesn't work on the stupid mind.

                Also, the scientists of BigMT were a threat to the whole world if they ever leaked out of BigMT and you didn't stop them then and there. How does DM's story matter so much and OWB's story not matter at all? What about DM makes it so much more important? You're just a homosexual contrarian. Most people tend to say OWB is the best one and DM is the worst one so you've taken the opposite stance because you probably have no interesting qualities as a human.

              • 1 month ago

                >You have too much of a low IQ.
                Hats off, this bait is supreme.

              • 1 month ago

                >look, look, this DLC has no tension and is easier for me to beat!
                >more NPCS
                2 more NPCs, wow, and I bet all of them are interesting charact- oh wait, no, only 1 has anything interesting to say that isn't a gag.
                >good ending
                killing Dean is the good ending, he is a scheming rat
                like the anon below pointed out this reads like fricking bait lol

                >i-it's just bait
                I accept your concession.

              • 1 month ago

                redditanon, what is the theme of OWB? here's an extra challenge, no quoting the ending slides.

              • 1 month ago

                The pursuit of science with no ethics and no human concern will doom us all. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do something.

              • 1 month ago

                >what is the theme of OWB?
                Fricking pseuds I swear. It's just a comedy that makes fun of old sci-fi and weird fiction. Not everything has to be deep in order to be good.

              • 1 month ago

                >what is the theme of OWB?
                Fricking pseuds I swear. It's just a comedy that makes fun of old sci-fi and weird fiction. Not everything has to be deep in order to be good.

                unironically, theres themes of the loss of humanity, ethics in the crazed pursuit of advancement. Pretty of the doctors express loss. Borous is deeply upset when he remembers the fondness his dog Gabe had for him before he mutilated the dog for experimentation. Dala obviously expresses profound loss for lack of tactile sensation, she delves into an almost fetishistic desire to feel senses. Her humanity was stripped away into cold sensors.
                The entire main plotpoint was orchestrated by Doctor Mobius, who realised their work was unchecked and needed to be contained, so he took on the role of a villain to keep the Think Tank in check.

              • 1 month ago

                As someone who used to hate OWB at first, I can tell you the reason some people hate it has more to do with the 30 minute long yap sesh you have to do with the brains at first. It’s very different from the base game, but yeah once you get the hang of its humor it’s actually really good.

              • 1 month ago

                >Dead Money has a great ensemble of characters and its villain is the best written out of any of the antagonists in New Vegas, it helps that his VA is fantastic too. OWB's characters are fricking terrible and dull, Mobius is the only one you can interact with on any meaningful level in terms of the questions you can ask him, but even then it is a single drop of water in the most dry story content DLC of the lot.
                Also, the story in OWB is not that bad. You hate it because it just tends to be the most popular dlc of the bunch.

              • 1 month ago

                The legion will die with Caesar. The NCR is gay globohomo, the same type of government that lead to the apocalypse. Mr House is a good option IF you roleplay your character to be a moron. A high INT high science character that isn't a bootlicker would take his place. You accumulate all that knowledge, tech, and influence throughout the game, you go through hell for what? To be a megalomaniac's b***h? Nope. Become the megalomaniac, replicate the tech to live forever, learn from his mistakes, rule the Mojave as you see fit.

              • 1 month ago

                >realize all the factions and would be rulers of New Vegas are bat-shit crazy
                >have to do it yourself
                Yes Man is the true irl main protagonist's route.

              • 1 month ago

                It's Benny's plan you end up following there with Yes Man. When he spelt it out I was honoured to put a bullet in his brain with the gun he shot me with and then take over the Mojave.

              • 1 month ago

                >Kill Benny with his own gun
                >Kill House with his own golf club
                I fricking love this game man. Redownloading NV now kek.

              • 1 month ago

                When the achievement popped up for killing House with his own golfclub, I think it was then that I decided NV was one the best games of all time. (Obviously, not the only reason). I just thought it would be funny to kill him using something with his name on it, and clearly the devs thought about it too. True quality is revealed in all the finer details.

              • 1 month ago

                A slave chooses
                A man obeys

              • 1 month ago


                They are bullet sponges every time I play the dlc too and I don’t have any mods installed

              • 1 month ago

                They are bullet sponges every time I play the dlc too and I don’t have any mods installed

                I just swing a fully modded Katana at them.
                Fricking annoying things.

            • 1 month ago

              Their attacks are easy to dodge. Just walk back before they swing.

    • 1 month ago

      that only works if you care about Ulysses, and he's way too overdone for me to give a shit about him.
      That's why Lonesome Road is by far the worst DLC in New Vegas, low enemy variety, boring setting, moronic villain with a stupid motivation, all the other DLC got those aspects right.

    • 1 month ago

      nah the whole ulysses story is the gayest thing in the game, magical Black mary sue self-insert for the cuck israelite writer

      • 1 month ago

        This. homosexuals who like ulysses belong on the cross.

  25. 1 month ago

    fallout dust is the best dlc

  26. 1 month ago

    terminal stage coomer?

  27. 1 month ago

    This is better

  28. 1 month ago

    I literally finished playing this for the first time yesterday. It was okay.

    Dead Money feels like it's going to be a pain in the ass.

    Also I hope you idiots didnt spare the white legs.

    • 1 month ago

      the white legs get rekt no matter what, Caesar is especially harsh when he integrates them into the Legion. letting zion get trashed and raped is really fricking gay tho.

      • 1 month ago

        They just add a new layer of basedness when the legion rapes and crucifies the rest of commiefornia after taking the dam.

  29. 1 month ago

    Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobblediasiatic here.

  30. 1 month ago

    I don't think a character in a video game will ever so personally call me out like Joshua Graham

  31. 1 month ago

    I JUST played through this yesterday and dude didn't stand out at all. But then I've been in I-give-no-shits-just-end-already mode since like hour 20 (but still burning through the DLC for some reason). Just not feeling NV like I did 3

  32. 1 month ago

    I never understand why this dialogue was kept so hidden when you first talk to Daniel. I remember managing to access it by repeating some dialogue options, but it helps to understand the motives behind Daniel's actions

    • 1 month ago


  33. 1 month ago

    go back to Cinemaphile you troony homosexuals

  34. 1 month ago

    >mini open world
    >can rest in base
    >no pink shit on the screen
    >doesn't take away your inventory
    >can bring better weapons for enemy scaling
    >doesn't force you to use shitty weapons on sponges
    >better loot
    >more npcs
    >better rewards
    >can go back after finishing the quest
    >doesn't have suck Dean's dick to get the good ending
    OWB >>>>> DM

    • 1 month ago

      >look, look, this DLC has no tension and is easier for me to beat!
      >more NPCS
      2 more NPCs, wow, and I bet all of them are interesting charact- oh wait, no, only 1 has anything interesting to say that isn't a gag.
      >good ending
      killing Dean is the good ending, he is a scheming rat

      The writing is not superior. You just have to realize that Rick and Morty killed that kind of humour a bit and play OWB through a "pre-Rick and Morty" lens. But that's asking too much of a homosexual like you. You have too much of a low IQ.

      It's like trying to watch an old movie with a dumb person and they comment on how bad the special effects are. "Try to imagine this was the peak of cinema at one point" it doesn't work on the stupid mind.

      Also, the scientists of BigMT were a threat to the whole world if they ever leaked out of BigMT and you didn't stop them then and there. How does DM's story matter so much and OWB's story not matter at all? What about DM makes it so much more important? You're just a homosexual contrarian. Most people tend to say OWB is the best one and DM is the worst one so you've taken the opposite stance because you probably have no interesting qualities as a human.

      like the anon below pointed out this reads like fricking bait lol

      • 1 month ago

        >DLC has tension because they gave you a peashooter and a stick oooohhhhh
        Nevermind that the indended scale was only up to lv 30 as the first DLC, making the weapons useless in higher levels.
        >better npcs
        Which ones? The mute lesbian? The schizo? Dean is obviously out.

        >doesn't have suck Dean's dick to get the good ending
        this complaint immediately outs anyone who says it as a completionist autist.
        the fact that it makes you crybabies shit your pants is if anything a reason to praise DM.
        >b-buh it tricked me into not getting the optimal good ending, now i have to restart!

        I wouldn't mind the ending, but the ending slide was emotional that he died as if we cared about him.

        • 1 month ago

          >Nevermind that the indended scale was only up to lv 30 as the first DLC, making the weapons useless in higher levels.
          then don't go in at level 30, they even put a message at the beginning telling you when to go in ffs.
          >Which ones?

          • 1 month ago

            >then don't go in at level 30, they even put a message at the beginning telling you when to go in ffs.
            There's only a min level recommendation
            The book chute was a better npc than the three companions

            • 1 month ago

              >There's only a min level recommendation
              and that's when you should go in, that's the level they designed the encounters to play well in.

              • 1 month ago

                >DLC scale the enemies without scaling the weapons you can use in it
                >"hurr durr it's intended"

    • 1 month ago

      >doesn't have suck Dean's dick to get the good ending
      this complaint immediately outs anyone who says it as a completionist autist.
      the fact that it makes you crybabies shit your pants is if anything a reason to praise DM.
      >b-buh it tricked me into not getting the optimal good ending, now i have to restart!

    • 1 month ago

      >no chance to repair your mojave armour without paying ridiculous amounts
      >no chace for ordinary ammo nor weapons to repair yours
      >forced to used the shitty pseudo sci fi gear you get in the facilities

      I never go back and stock up, so thats my fault, but the rate your weapons and armour break in Owb is always off putting.
      In the end, I run around like a clown with that shining double halo thing, a talking suit and a barking gun

      • 1 month ago

        owb is total reddit rick and morty shit. literally unplayable.

        • 1 month ago

          >literally unplayable.
          Works on my machine.

  35. 1 month ago

    got bored and annoyed by everyone sitting on their high horses 2/10
    nice little camping trip to the valley, got to kill some wildlife and indigenous people and leave the zionists to get raped and beheaded 8/10
    reddit overload, couldn’t wait to kill everyone and everything which felt so fricking good at the end 3/10
    again with the high horses, nuking things was kino but ulysses sucks 3/10

  36. 1 month ago

    I reinstalled it for the first time in years today and the recommended mod guide requires 17 mods before you even get to the ones that do anything. Utilities and frameworks to make the mods that do shit function. I've got like 40 mods installed now and that's literally just performance and bug fixes.

    • 1 month ago

      I do hope you're following Viva New Vegas, anon.

      • 1 month ago

        Yes, I've done the basic install with none of the extended parts. I swear there wasn't this much to do when I last set it up 6 or 7 years ago.

        • 1 month ago

          Well, you're about halfway through. I had the misfortune of having to do it a few weeks ago after I uninstalled Steam because it was exam season at my university, and I didn't expect Steam to delete all of my games with it.
          What a headache.

    • 1 month ago

      last time i played i used gophers ttw collection that said just use a wabbajack modlist instead of spending 2 days looking at mods

      • 1 month ago

        >spending 2 days looking at mods
        NEETs stay winning

    • 1 month ago

      i’m waiting for all the fallen to come back to the public but I fear it never will.

  37. 1 month ago

    Been playing fallout 4 on survival and its a nice change. Always thought 4 was brilliant exploration game. I cant remember the quests. Probably ass

    I even went console this time because id spend more time modding it than playing it.

    Gonna give fo2 a real go at somepoint

    • 1 month ago

      >kill the first merchant in the Den with no consequences, get his entire inventory
      >bee-line straight to New Reno, break into basement of gun merchant steal everything there including Electronic Lockpicks
      >go back to Klamath, you can now access the bunker in the Gecko Caves
      >cheese way past combat robot
      >now have high-level equipment

      • 1 month ago

        Ill keep this in the bag incase i get shagged. My last play through had me getting killed in a cave because i didnt realise i was getting irradiated. No backups

  38. 1 month ago

    From memory, vegas got the best radio.

    Big Iron slaps anything 3 and 4 has

    • 1 month ago

      I agree, although I am disappointed they couldn't get the license for Elvis music like they wanted to, mostly because of the presence of The Kings.

    • 1 month ago

      I miss "I don't want to set the world on fire" but other than that yea, NV no contest. The host is better too.

  39. 1 month ago

    Do you think Todd Howard is seething that they teased New Vegas at the end and that'll be the plot point for season 2.

    I bey Todd forced them to have New Vegas be what looks to be destroyed at the end when he found out. The fricker.

  40. 1 month ago

    This get up in live action would be pretty sweet. His backstory would be pretty sweet to show.

  41. 1 month ago

    Post your IRL special

    S 4
    P 3 ( half deaf )
    E 6
    I 6
    A 4
    L 1

    • 1 month ago

      S 10
      P 10
      E 10
      C 10
      I 10
      A 10
      L 10

    • 1 month ago

      S 1
      P 1
      E 1
      C 1
      I 1
      A 1
      L 1

    • 1 month ago

      S 4
      P 9
      E 2
      C 1
      I 5
      A 6
      L 0

    • 1 month ago

      S 4
      P 10 (hypersensitivity)
      E 4 (lazy)
      C 6
      I 6
      A 3-6 (depends on if I'm physically active or not at the time)
      L 2 (I am chronically unlucky)

      Extra traits:
      Schizophrenia: see/hear shit others don’t (does not mix well with hypersensitivity)

    • 1 month ago

      S 8 Circus Strongman (Bench 225, handstands, board breaking punches. Worked construction. Was a top tier worker. Certified big guy despite being 5'11.99999999")
      P 6 Alert Coyote (superb eye sight but bad at baseball)
      E 6 Hardy (dont sunburn easy despite being huwhite)
      C Cheery Salesman (actual job)
      I Gifted (130 IQ but a b*siness degree instead of engineering)
      A 5 Under Control (lead legs with two left feet but stout in stance)
      L 1 13 pitch Black Cats (Im the closest thing to Guts from Berserk most people I know have ever met. Third world Mexico misfortune nonstop)

      • 1 month ago

        It doesnt take a Stallone to be Circus Strongman

    • 1 month ago

      S - 5 (fatass)
      P - 8 (I notice things before most people)
      E - 3 (fatass again)
      C - 6 (polite but generally introverted)
      I - 7 (smart, definitely above average but also not genius level)
      A - 2 (fatass again again)
      L - 4 (unlucky but not extremely so)

  42. 1 month ago

    > The dialogue with Doctor O getting pissed off because his name is actually Doctor Zero but everyone kept calling him "Oh" for the letter O.
    > The courier reminding him that slashed zero (Ø) exists
    These brains in jars are pretty dumb ngl

  43. 1 month ago

    Bull or Bear?

    • 1 month ago

      > Choose between the already corrupted and bloated America 2.0 or some bald dickhead who read some history/philosophy books and his merry band of raping roman LARPers
      A slave obeys, a man chooses.

    • 1 month ago


  44. 1 month ago

    The Legion >>>>>> Neolibtard Cuck morons

  45. 1 month ago

    Ave, true to Caesar


  46. 1 month ago

  47. 1 month ago


    Here's a tip: use vats next time if you have a problem with aiming.

  48. 1 month ago


    No way you can't blame this on your mouse. Are you using a touch pad?

  49. 1 month ago

    I win

    • 1 month ago

      nah, I'd win

      • 1 month ago

        Yes, you'd win. If it weren't for me. Sucks to suck.

  50. 1 month ago

    Dead Money = Good
    Old World Blues = Reddit

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