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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Can’t achieving royalty allow you to violate causality, breaking destiny?

    • 2 years ago

      Not even Royalty can free you from METATRON's monomyth. Otherwise, Zoss wouldn't be in the situation that he is in.

      • 2 years ago

        Zoss also says he put himself in that situation so presumably a Royal successor who doesn't make deals with Metatron could work around it.

        • 2 years ago

          If Zoss could just put a Royal successor on the Throne or if somebody who was Royal and didn't make shitty deals with METATRON in the Void came around, then the Wheel would not be as it is. Such is determinism.

      • 2 years ago

        Zoss' journey isn't over. He might be the most Royal but he still isn't Royal.

        • 2 years ago

          Royalty is the journey. There's no end goal of Royalty. It's a path. You either walk it or you don't.

          • 2 years ago

            That's the thing, he's not. Zoss is stuck in a loop instead of continuing on.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not even Royalty can free you from METATRON's monomyth

        This, that's why jagg wanted allisons key, because then it would be possible to do just that

      • 2 years ago

        The problem is that Metatron can force the time rewind and nobody knows how to stop him. Can't break destiny if you always wind up time-rewound. So someone has to negate it.

        • 2 years ago

          Actually it brings up a really interesting point in regards to Jadis' omniscience; we know that time has been reset on multiple occasions with different results happening before the reset, so does Jadis' omniscience only apply to the current iteration of reality?

        • 2 years ago

          Zoss has been the one rewinding time after the universe ends up in a bad state, not Metatron. I don't Metatron can rage quit time rewind like Zoss?

          Actually it brings up a really interesting point in regards to Jadis' omniscience; we know that time has been reset on multiple occasions with different results happening before the reset, so does Jadis' omniscience only apply to the current iteration of reality?

          Jadis can see all that was, is, and could be. Unless prior wheels are literally inconceivable in the current spin, I think she knows about them

      • 2 years ago

        Neither Zoss nor Metatron has perfect royalty. Zoss has the general idea of it down but his understanding isn't quite there. Metatron knows how to do it but as an angel his mind is too rigid to really do it properly.

        Nobody we've seen can actually do Royalty properly. Jadis can see what it IS but she can't act on it. White Chain has some idea of it but is also an angel. Solomon David is too rigid like the angels.

        The only two people who CLAIM to know Royalty properly are Meti and Intra, and they were both miserable drunks who have since died. But given that all the gods who had royalty in the orevious era were ubruly drunks this kind of tracks.

        • 2 years ago

          It may be time to accept that MUH ROYALTY is just in-setting cope.
          >I'm not insane! I'm not trapped in my own misery! I'm ROYALTY! This means destroying myself, being miserable, and drinking till my liver gains sapience is MY CHOICE!

          The more I examine the issue, either there has never been someone truly royal in KSBD's timeline or it's cope by madmen who got ruined simply acting on their material desires.

          • 2 years ago

            >there has never been someone truly royal in KSBD's timeline
            Define being royal in KSBD.
            >madmen who got ruined simply acting on their material desires
            You mean that terrible Blade of Want?

            Royalty is a constantly moving target as you must cut continously yourself into greater and greater shapes. This is partially whey aspirants to royalty are never happy. Royalty also doesn't stop life from fricking you up when the time comes/fate happens.

            • 2 years ago

              I dunno man that just sounds like something a dickhead would scream about to cope.

              • 2 years ago

                The series beats you over the head that Royalty is a paradox of unquenchable desire and not giving a shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, it sounds like madman cope. You can reprhase it, but it's the same thing. It sounds like massive cope from sociopaths.

  2. 2 years ago

    oh shut the frick up ice cube b***h

  3. 2 years ago

    Into the total perspective vortex you go

  4. 2 years ago

    I can't tell if the trippy shit going on is due to them being in the mindscape or due to demiurges being able to warp the space around them.

  5. 2 years ago

    ok we get it already, nothing mattress. Can we get to the point.

    • 2 years ago

      >Jadis: "Nothing mattering is the point."

      • 2 years ago

        Allison has shit to do, this is wasting time.

        • 2 years ago

          ok we get it already, nothing mattress. Can we get to the point.

          >implying the story could go any other way
          You can't choose to speed this along anon, the duration was already set by the churning gears of causality

        • 2 years ago

          >Allison has shit to do, this is wasting time.
          She's been in a comma for how fricking long was it? She's also in a place she doesn't know, with no knowledge of how to leave, or where. Her muscles are atrophied and she can't walk.
          I don't think she can really do much more than to humor her host.

          • 2 years ago

            >Her muscles are atrophied and she can't walk.
            >I don't think she can really do much more than to humor her host.
            She literally has the key of reality bending! Frick her legs!

          • 2 years ago

            >Her muscles are atrophied and she can't walk.
            >I don't think she can really do much more than to humor her host.
            She literally has the key of reality bending! Frick her legs!

            I'm suddenly reminded of her sparring match with Incubus - she didn't know she wasn't supposed to be able to scratch him, and so she could. Jadis is telling her (and probably about to show her) what is going to happen and as Alison is an idot she accepts it, so it is.

        • 2 years ago

          I see you are still thinking in terms of linear time

          • 2 years ago

            >I see you are still thinking in terms of linear time

            • 2 years ago

              It shouldn't be a question mark, it should be an exclamation mark since she already knows that there are in fact no b***hes.

      • 2 years ago

        Why don't you go have a nice day?

    • 2 years ago

      >the point
      Anon believes there is a point

  6. 2 years ago

    KSBD kinda reminds me of the book series Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix.
    >setting is set at some sort of city structure in the center of all creation
    >protagonist has become an unwilling heir to God
    >7 antagonists are each afflicted with one of the seven deadly sins
    It even has a warning about gaining omniscience because it makes one not need to think, which is dangerous.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember that series. Never finished it, but I plan to eventually

      • 2 years ago

        It gets kinda depressing in the last couple books.

    • 2 years ago

      >Garth Nix

      I remember reading something of his ages ago
      not sure what it was

      • 2 years ago

        He wrote a story about someone called Abortion or something idk

        • 2 years ago

          Nah nah it was this
          I was looking through his bibliography and this name clicked, I read it something like 20ish years ago when I was a young fantasy nerd rifling through my local library
          didn't even know this was supposed to be a third book in a series, I should pick it up again sometime
          >writes young adult novels
          >3K+ page long series that gets increasingly more depressing
          wow he sure speaks to his target audience

    • 2 years ago

      Reading that series felt like a JRPG where you end up fighting God and then God wins

  7. 2 years ago

    Stupid sexy Jadis.

    • 2 years ago

      those robes of hers will one day rot and become dust. so in a way, jadis is already naked

      • 2 years ago

        Does that mean that technically everyone is already fapping to her?

        • 2 years ago

          and coming at the same time on her ace and immense breasts. like specs of specs of specs in amber

          • 2 years ago

            I have fapped to her a few times over the course of comic. So you can check at least me

  8. 2 years ago

    She'll go in and it'll be a Zaphod Beeblebrox situation.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope Allison does get a nice serving of fairy cake.

      • 2 years ago

        The lord knows where you can get a good serving of fairy cake in this universe.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sees the wheel
      >Sees how to beat Jagg, writes it down
      >Wipes her memory

      All the fun of omniscience with none of the nihilism!

      • 2 years ago

        I personally expect a Re:creators ending. Jagg cannot be beaten. Trying to beat Jagg is futile, there is no attack powerful enough or plan clever enough to grant you victory against him.

        What you need to do, instead, is find a way to let Jagg "win" in such a way that you still survive. In Re:creators, that was giving Altair something that she wanted more than revenge and which utterly took priority for her over destroying the world, such that she basically just fricked off with no intention of ever coming back.

        Im not sure that that answer looks like for Jagg, but it FEELS right. So much of the comic hits you over the head that the demiurges using their phenomenal cosmic powers for all this destruction is really stupid. Allison resolving things by being the best at violence and obliterating Jagganoth with a super-attack would be missing the point, she would just be perpetuating the same destructive cycles as everyone else.
        What she needs to do is to use her cosmic powers to MAKE something that changes the nature of the game, at least as far as Jagg is concerned.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe he just wants a hug and to be loved? The big tough guys are usually the biggest softies.

        • 2 years ago

          >Trying to beat Jagg is futile, there is no attack powerful enough or plan clever enough to grant you victory against him.

          Abba said in the discord that Jadis does know how to beat Jagg, and "could" easily do it easily if she wasn't stuck reading her script.

          im in ur continuum lookin at ur n00ds

          Perfection But jfc ceiling cat is like what, 15 years old now?

          • 2 years ago

            Though of course Jadis beating Jagg doesn't mean that wouldn't perpetuate the cycle of violence, and Allison has a better way of doing it that Jadis can't

          • 2 years ago

            >old now
            >implying time is linear
            There is no such thing as old or new. She watched you in the future and will watch in the past both at the same eternal moments.

          • 2 years ago

            2006, so by your linear reckoning 16 years ago, same year as Slowpoke, THIS IS SPARTA, Rickrolls, Advice Animals, >:3, Shoop Da Woop, Rozen Maiden tbh, Skub, I'll Take a Potato Chip and EAT IT!, Nyoro~n, and Dickbutt (July 2nd, so exactly 16 years tomorrow). For comparison, Boxxy was Queen of /b/ about 14 years ago, and Nyan Cat was a mere 11 years ago

            It gives me no pleasure to report this, knowing that it will cause irreparable psychic damage. But browsing the ancient memes has given me much joy, so it all evens out in the end.

            I'd look her straight in the eyes as I cum

            She knows.

            >I'd look her straight in the eyes as I cum
            >She knows

            • 2 years ago

              >She knows she's supposed to look back at you
              >She can't do anything about it, because it's predetermined

              • 2 years ago

                >how am I not destined to kill this frick
                >come on universe

              • 2 years ago

                >No Jadis, you're predestined to take the facial
                >Such is the shape of the Wheel

            • 2 years ago

              We didn't even call them memes back then, they were image macros or (I think?) exploitables.

              God there are 20 year olds who have no idea what the frick we're talking about

              • 2 years ago

                Image macros were a picture with something funny written over the top, usually in Impact font. Exploitables tended to be funny pictures that could be repurposed, but usually hadn't been macroed yet or shopped yet. And more! So much variety in those days. The bonkers edits this thread produces is welcome return, quite frankly.

                >God there are 20 year olds who have no idea what the frick we're talking about
                And to them I say: Lolz n00b5 sux0r dont know w3n n3t was kewl. pwned xD
                and furthermoreThe Game. You have lost it.

              • 2 years ago

                I miss them so much
                you Black person

              • 2 years ago

                rage comics used to be the shit I miss them

              • 2 years ago

                I remember getting into MSPaint Adventures thinking it was just going to be a collection of all of those. Was pleasantly surprised until Homestuck ended up shitting all over itself.

              • 2 years ago

                And then Cinemaphile declared them cringe thanks to Reddit (and picked up Wojaks a few years later with absolutely zero sense of irony)

              • 2 years ago

                I've accepted the fact that image macros are called memes now because they are in fact memes in the sense that the humour comes from a shared inside joke.

                But what I don't accept is the fact people are using the word "meme" as an umbrella term for everything on the Internet that's a novelty or weird. Cat videos are memes, all funny images are now memes, doing anything in an atypical is a meme. "Doing it for the memes" has become something expressed by people who are justifying some kind of behaviour without actually thinking about why they are doing it.

              • 2 years ago

                It's called a meme in the hopes it will become memetic

            • 2 years ago

              granted, when I started lurking in times of jessie slaughter these were already old memes, but reading this gave me feels anyway

  9. 2 years ago

    So she's not themed around Sloth just because she was stuck in a block of ice, but also because of her nihilism.

    • 2 years ago

      Not so much her nihilism but the fact she has effectively no agency anymore. She's read the book of her life, and now has to follow it like an actor reading a script.

      • 2 years ago

        But isn't part of that lack of agency because she is acquiescing to the concept of causality, rather than deciding to become royal by not giving a frick about causality's b***h laws?

      • 2 years ago

        In other words she's not nihilistic but fatalistic.

    • 2 years ago

      >sloth themed character has lazy writing
      sasuga, abby

  10. 2 years ago

    Why do ifeel like Allison is still hooked up to Jadis's life support machine and she's still missing an arm and a leg and an eye, and all her scars are still there. Having all that stuff erased seems to go against the flow of the story Abbadon has been telling and its themes.

    • 2 years ago

      That's cause she still is.

    • 2 years ago

      I just realized how much this looks like a Juan Giménez / Luis Royo artwork

    • 2 years ago

      >Tell your sister, you were right.

    • 2 years ago

      the virtual b***h is dead and digitized. this is why she is always in 3d monitor cube when appearing in real life.

      • 2 years ago

        >virtual b***h

        Do you mean Jadis?

  11. 2 years ago

    Waste of an update.

  12. 2 years ago

    I can't get enough Aesma stories, and there's a great Aesma Meets Sandman's Eternal fic so I'm just gonna storytime it (very lightly edited for typo corrections and character limit)

    OG: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/aesma-kill-six-billion-demons-vs-the-endless-sandman.89542/?post=20018911#post-20018911


    Thus it was that on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the Nameless Century, Pree Aesma, the goddess of want, hubris and stupidity, presented herself before the Palace of the Endless.

    This was before the Endless had broken up their lordly estates and elected to reside alone, in the days when they were as close as kin could be, and so their palace was beautifully carved out of pearl, diamond and bone, and had seven towers that joined in the middle. So forceful was Aesma's knocking on their door that one of these towers, which was home to Despair, crumbled immediately and killed a hundred servants, which was proof of the boundless genorisity of Pree Aesma, as death was widely considered a preferable alternative to service under Despair.

    The Endless immediately hurried in their grand hall and opened the gates to invite in that foreboding visitor before she could do more damage with her furious knocking. Thus Pree Aesma appeared in all her glorious wickedness, night-skinned and ember-eyed with a great cloak of feather. She rose to her full height, which at the time measured four and a half feet, and declared:

    • 2 years ago

      "I have been made to know that you call yourselves the Endless, pillars of Creation, and I have come to show that I exceed all of you and you should all immediately bow and crown me as your queen. For indeed YISUN has named me Master of Want, in which respect I exceed Desire; and it was I who made humanity, the first mortal race, thus being the creator of Death; and I have once held the very rim of Creation's Wheel in my hands and prepared to smash it to splinters, making me the greatest in Destruction; and the master of time and space looked upon me and failed to foresee my future, meaning I am beyond Destiny; and I have been called a mad child whose actions defy sense, making me the very essence of Delirium; and I have shattered the world to obtain my husband love and been spurned anyway, such that none may exceed my Despair; and my Dreams are very good as well."

      This was, by the standards of Pree Aesma, a shockingly eloquent speech; and had the Endless ever cared to learn who she was, this fact might have caused them some dismay and pushed them to act with caution. But alas, there were far too many gods in that age for the Endless to keep track of, and so they had never heard the name 'Pree Aesma,' nor the title of Master of Wants. Thus it was that her words caused great stupefaction in the halls of the Endless, and the seven brothers, sisters and siblings looked between each other, and finally Destiny the eldest stepped forward and spoke thus:

      "This speech is as eloquent as it is stupid, and its eloquence and stupidity are dwarfed by its arrogance. To start with, humans were only the first creature to not be ageless; Death was born with the splitting of YISUN, and long predates you and all your kin. You would know this, if you had the power over Destiny as you claim."

      "Also," Despair said, gloomily as was her wont, "being in love with someone who doesn't love you back doesn't make you special, it makes you ordinary. Which is very depressing."

      • 2 years ago

        "Also," Delirium started, but her worlds would be lost to history for at this point Pree Aesma, who had spent seven entire days working on this speech and had foolishly believed the Endless would take her at her word and make her their queen, was so put out that she elected to engage them in battle.

        Pree Aesma took on the ultimate aspect of those who crave destruction: In this form she had twelve times twelve arms, in which she held the one-hundred and forty-four weapons which were forged at the dawn of creation to be the nails in the coffin of God. She was as tall as a mountain and her hair flowed in rivers of magma, while her eyes were two dim red stars such as will exist before the end of time. She had five faces such as to see her enemy coming from each of the cardinal directions and within (but not from above her or below, because Pree Aesma was very stupid and always left a weakness within her form). Each of her steps caused a forest to sprout out of the ground only for it to be set ablaze instantly, and thus was she perpetually surrounded by a shroud of burning leaves, and her opened mouths streamed rivers of blood. She was met in the field by Destruction of the Endless, who enjoyed nothing more than a good scrap, and which took the ultimate form of those who are destruction, which is that of a middle-aged man in a very expensive suit.

        For thirteen days their battle ravaged the land, burning down the better portion of two kingdoms, causing the formation of five separate doomsday cults which immediately scattered in search of the Son of Devils who would bring about the endtime, accidentally stepping on the millennia-old turtle that was making its slow way to reveal the prophet who would bring peace to all wolds, and generally causing all manners of mischief and disorder to the then-well-ordained course of fate.

        • 2 years ago

          It was Desire who interrupted the battle; indeed, such was the force of Pree Aesma's want that Desire themselves had grown fat on it, stretching their beautiful and endlessly desirable form into new directions never-imagined, yet always-desired by human minds.

          "It is clear that this battle can go nowhere," Desire said, smiling a mischievous smile. "Instead, I offer you to settle this matter with a wager."

          Pree Aesma, who had been addicted to gambling since the first time she'd seen a dice, lowered her twelve times twelve weapons and considered the matter for a while; in considering it, her battle-lust left her, and soon she was standing in the grand hall of the Endless a mere four and a half feet tall.

          "What kind of a wager?" she said, already anticipating the Hundredfold Hands of Cheating Form which she had mastered before knowing how to walk.

          "It is simple," Desire said, sitting down in front of an ornate mat. "I wil reach into your mind and conjure forth your heart's desire, the thing which you crave the most in the world, and I will set it forth before you. You must look deep into this thing, and choose to reject it. If you do, you will win, and prove yourself the Master of Want as you claim to be. If you take that thing, you will keep it - but you will also forever abjudicate your title, and your power will be mine."

          This sent shivers of fear through the Endless, who realized that they now faced the possibility of Desire becoming the most powerful of them all, stronger than Destiny itself, which would send all the words into disarray; but the terms of the wager were set and all they could do was wait.

          Desire smiled cunningly while Pree Aesma furrowed her brow in deep thought, considering his offer, and finally said:

          "I don't see how this is supposed to be difficult at all. Sure, let's do it."

          With this, the hearts of the Endless sank, for they knew what their sibling Desire knew, and were certain of their victory. In this, they were fools.

          • 2 years ago

            Desire's plan was as all of Desire's plans ever were, at once very wise and very stupid. It was wise, because Desire had correctly assessed that Aesma herself was an idiot, incapable of understanding what her own title was supposed to mean; she was the Master of Want in that she most clearly embodied Want, but she did not in fact have any mastery over it in the sense of control; she could no more reject her desires than a man could reject his own mortality.

            It was stupid, because as many had before them and many would after them, Desire had vastly overestimated Aesma and misjudged the depths of her mind. When Desire reached out to her face and pulled out of her ear a shiny little gem, they looked at it briefly, in surprise and confusion, then sighed deeply and put it down on the ornate mat.

            "YES!" Pree Aesma shouted joyfully, "THIS IS IT! IT'S MINE!" And she snatched up the israeliteel in a greedy palm.

            "So," Destiny said bemused, "Desire wins."

            "No," Desire said ruefully, "no I do not. For this miserable's creature heart's desire, in the moment of our bet, was 'I want to beat this smug bastard.' And so since I gave it to her, now she has it, and so I am beaten. Pree Aesma wins."

            The Endless were greatly baffled at this turned of event, and Destiny himself, who was cursed with foresight, mused aloud: "Oh! But to be such a simple creature, blind to anything but the next moment, the next breath, the next meal, the next night's sleep, and to exist this way not as humans do, but eternally. What a wonder that must be."

            "So," Pree Aesma said, "what do I win?"

            "Nothing, you dolt," Desire said ruefully. "You forgot to set your terms."

            "But I defeated you," Pree Aesma said, uncomprehending.

            "Yes, but you forgot to stipulate what would happen in that event. You only agreed to surrender your power if you lost, and nothing else, because you are an idiot."

            • 2 years ago

              Pree Aesma's left eye twitched in anger, which would have been comical, had she not already grown to six feet tall during this short exchange and were her eyes not starting to glisten like solid obsidian slates. Before things could head towards disaster, however, Death of the Endless, who is the kindest of them all, stepped forward and say:

              "I will make you a wager, and this time it will be fair, for I am unlike my siblings and am equal towards all things that were born and will one day die."

              "Speak," said Pree Aesma, though her voice was distorted by the many fangs growing in her mouth and the flames coiling around her tongue.

              "The terms are this: you will incarnate yourself as a human being in a world of your choosing, devoid of your great power and manyfold martial aspects. You will live your life until it reaches its natural end, and then you will appear before me. If you have lived your life without striving to reclaim the power you once held - remained in your appointed station as a mere human, humble and patient - then I will reincarnate you as you are now, save that your death will be taken from you and you will never die. If you have succombed to the fires of Want and made yourself a tyrant upon the world, then however it takes for your long life to end, then that will be your last ending."

              Pree Aesma scoffed at this term. The very thought of being reduced to a human amused her greatly; but then she paused to consider that humans lived for sometimes years (perhaps even decades?) and that this was a very long time to sit around doing nothing. This gave her cause for great thought, and for long hours she stayed there, sitting in the grand hall of the Palace of the Endless, her brow furrowed and her chin grasped in her fingers. Finally she said,


              "Very well," Death said, with a kindly smile. "Allow me to-"

              "No need," Pree Aesma said, "I can do it myself."

              • 2 years ago

                Death paused and watched as Pree Aesma plucked a hair from her head and tossed it into the air, where it squirmed like a snake, contorting into the twisted, pitiful shape of a human being, screaming as it was born in the full cusp of adulthood, naked and helpless.

                In the first second of the new Aesma's existence, she opened her eyes and took her first breath, and awakened to life in a way that she never had in her long existence as a god. The carnal knowledge of her own mortality, the blood pulsing in her vein, the ticking of her heartbeat like a clock counting down how many days she had left to live, it was all excruciatingly painful and achingly beautiful. Each mote of light, each grain of dust was imbued with meaning beyond anything she'd ever experienced as a god.

                In the second second of the new Aesma's existence, she understood that such a life could not be lived without striving to encompass its totality. It was impossible imaging life as a human being, transient, frail and full of untapped potential, as anything but the struggle to overcome that frailness, fulfill that potential, and make every single moment of that transience meaningful. To be human was to strive, and the world had to be one's opponent. In that moment she set her mind on the conquest of everything and the claiming of the throne of God.

                In the third second of the new Aesma's existence, she remembered the terms of her wager, and became aware of several godly presences around her. Aware of her nakedness and powerlessness, she instantly withdrew within herself to find the flame of consciousness and the memories of her past existence. She devised seven hundred seventy-seven lethal techniques which could be performed by the naked human body, and fashioned three war-aspects which could be borne by flesh. She then split her mind into seven ancillary battle-consciousnesses so that she might counter each of the Seven and braced to annihilate all of them at once in her opening strike.

              • 2 years ago

                In the fourth second of the new Aesma's existence, the true Aesma's sword cleanly separated her head from her neck, and she stared at the ceiling in brief confusion as she fell. Her last thought before oblivion was that she'd probably have lost the Throne of Heaven in a drinking contest or something anyway, so it wasn't all that much of a loss after all.

                "There," the original Pree Aesma said, cleaning her sword of blood as the naked body next to her swayed and slowly fell to the ground. "You all saw it. She spent three seconds just standing around and blinking her eyes and I cut her head off when she started to twitch, and you can't prove that twitch was the first motion of an opening strike to kill you all and conquer the universe."

                "I," Death said, "hm."

                "Uh," Destiny eloquently added.

                "Wow," Desire muttered under their breath.

                "I don't think this qualifies as 'natural death,'" Death said, and you would think she'd be an authority in the matter, but Pree Aesma shrugged.

                "The only universal truth is violence," she said. "I learned that from the Master of Aesthetics."

                All of the Endless had to concede that the Master of Aesthetics was, indeed, one of the most reliable sources on the nature of truth.

                "In that case," Death said, "I will abide by my terms, and take your death from you," which was a terrible idea which would go on to cause great trouble across all the worlds. She leaned down (for Pree Aesma was only five foot tall at this time) and plucked the breath from her throat; Pree Aesma gasped, eyes wide, struggling to breathe, and then realized that she no longer needed to. Death put her breath into a little jar, and concealed that jar, which would one day be the crux of a grand and terrible story which would bring tragedy to countless souls.

              • 2 years ago

                "Alright," Pree Aesma said, looking as smug as a peawiener, fists on her hips. "Who's next?"

                There was a great murmur between the Endless as they discussed what to do next, until finally their ranks parted and Dream stepped forward.

                Dream of the Endless was the most subtle and the wisest of the Endless, and in that time before their splintering, the most respected of their number. This was a time when gods dreamed, and the dreams of even mortal men could shake the foundations of the universe; it was a time when Dreams were more powerful than Destiny, and as such Dream was stronger in this age than he would ever be again in any other age, and also much, much more tired.

                Dream stood there in his midnight-blue cloak, half-slumped on his long staff for his fatigue, but the dark seas of his eyes drank in the gremlin-goddess before him and the fingers of his mind prodded the shape of her soul and there was no thought in the Endless that Dream might ever fail to overcome this challenge.

                "The fruit of my wager," he said, his voice like the wind in the branches at night on the outside of a child's bedroom window, "is not one that can be seen with the open eye."

                "Got it," Pree Aesma said, puffing up her chest and grinning. "What's it? Bird's call? Smell of baked cake?"

                "No," Dream said wearily, "it is within. You must close your eyes, and see the darkness within your own mind."

                Pree Aesma, who at this point was feeling even more smug and headstrong than usual, squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

                Then Dream reached over and knocked her on the skull with his staff-that-makes-people-fall-asleep, and she toppled over, snoring heavily.

              • 2 years ago

                "I do not know what possessed you all to think we should fight someone who can turn into a mountain bristling with swords, but it was an idea very nearly as stupid as Pree Aesma herself. Now let us all run very quickly."

                There was brief consternation between the Endless, who all looked at each other sheepishly, and then they turned around and proceeded to run as quickly as their legs would carry them, which considering that they were the Endless and thus their legs pillars of the foundations of Creation itself, was very quickly indeed.

                And when Pree Aesma woke up from a long and pleasant dream, she wasn't quite sure what she'd been doing here in the first place, but remembered that she'd won a wager that made her double-immortal, which was twice as much immortality as she'd had before, and she thought this to be satisfying enough on its own and left the ruins of the palace.

                Thus ended the challenge of Pree Aesma to the Endless, and we are all poorer for this knowledge.


              • 2 years ago

                pretty good

              • 2 years ago

                >and we are all poorer for this knowledge.

                I think "just knock the b***h out and run" is very useful knowledge.

              • 2 years ago

                The key is to redirect her attention so she wanders off elsewhere and forgets her business with you.

                You could probably trap her for a good while. Have five thousand vineyards, and whenever she drops in for wine have them extremely loudly proclaim "AH IF ONLY OUR VINTAGE WAS AS GOOD AS Vineyard 2", and then when she goes to Vineyard X have them extremely loudly proclaim "AH IF ONLY OUR VINTAGE WAS AS GOOD AS Vineyard 3". By the time Vineyard 5000 redirects her to Vineyard 1 she'll have forgotten she visited it already and the cycle repeats.

                What could possibly go wrong

              • 2 years ago

                >the vintage in vineyard 2 is better than that of vineyard 1?
                >I'll have to compare them myself
                >consumes all of vineyard 1 before moving on
                What now?

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >She had five faces such as to see her enemy coming from each of the cardinal directions and within (but not from above her or below, because Pree Aesma was very stupid and always left a weakness within her form)


            I don't get it, how does creating a gem "set forth" the desire to win the competition?

            • 2 years ago

              The gem was a psychical representation of Aesma's desire to win. So Desire was literally giving her "the win".

        • 2 years ago

          >which took the ultimate form of those who are destruction, which is that of a middle-aged man in a very expensive suit.

      • 2 years ago

        >talking back to Aesma
        No, what the frick are you idiots doing

    • 2 years ago

      Also I just called the Sandman's Endless "Eternals" in this post, oops

      and coming at the same time on her ace and immense breasts. like specs of specs of specs in amber

      >Jadis cat is in your ceiling of spacetime, watching you jerk off

      • 2 years ago

        and coming at the same time on her ace and immense breasts. like specs of specs of specs in amber

        im in ur continuum lookin at ur n00ds

        • 2 years ago

          I'd look her straight in the eyes as I cum

          • 2 years ago

            She knows.

    • 2 years ago

      >I can't get enough Aesma stories
      the aesops are unironically the best part of KSBD

      write more abbadon you c**t

  13. 2 years ago

    Would you stare into Jadis' big gaping hole?

  14. 2 years ago

    I assume it'll turn into "nothing matters, so you can do anything you want" which sounds like a step to royalty

    • 2 years ago

      So can i frick my sister- I mean, frick my demiurge.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes to both, assuming consent.

    • 2 years ago

      I'll be honest I can't think of VA way around this narratively that doesn't boil down to an embarrassingly childish "Nuh uh!"

      • 2 years ago

        >I'll be honest I can't think of VA way around this narratively that doesn't boil down to an embarrassingly childish "Nuh uh!

        • 2 years ago

          He's saying that Jadis' argument is tautological and can't be refuted in any practical way. The best Allison can do is just ignore it entirely, if she wants to believe she's "doing" something.

  15. 2 years ago

    Does Jadis know what the frick is going on with Zoss? Is he a ghost? A mental projection into Allison's mind due to the key in her forehead? What happens when you die? We saw during the heist arc that it's normal in Throne to see the dead shambling around, but some people (like everyone at the stadium when Jagg showed up) are just gone. What happens to them? Are they just evaporated from existence? Do they "reincarnate" like angels or devils? Do they just get jettisoned into the void outside of Throne? Why is Zoss different?

  16. 2 years ago

    >Jadis knows I will fap to her before I do it
    >she knows she can't avoid that future so she tries to tempt me
    >future me can't resist the seduction and I have to fap to her
    I'd like it if she ordered me to cum just at the right moment that she knows I'd cum.

  17. 2 years ago

    >muh "consciousness doesn't exist" pseudo-blackpill

  18. 2 years ago

    Every one of the Demiurges has been some flavor of moron, Jadis is no different. She's a cosmic Emo Kid.

    • 2 years ago

      What about the worm queen? She looks cute and I'd let her worms crawl into my intestines.

      • 2 years ago

        Go back to /gog/

  19. 2 years ago

    >abby really thinks that "le nothing matters xd" is interesting enough to constitute the meat of Jadis' title drop and this entire page after

    Head over heels the shittiest Demiurge in the series so far, can we get back to Incubus?

    • 2 years ago

      >can we get back to Incubus?
      God i hope so.

    • 2 years ago

      She's the personification of Sloth anon

      • 2 years ago

        >Solomon is Pride
        >Jagg is Wrath
        >Mammon is Greed
        >Mommy is Gluttony
        >Incubus is Envy
        Who is Lust?

        • 2 years ago

          Incubus is lust. Gog is envy.

        • 2 years ago

          Incubus is lust. Gog is envy.

          God I wish Gog was Lust

  20. 2 years ago

    This is dumb. Allison has the master key, she's the most important person in the universe even by Jadis's own prophecies. Jagganoth destroying and recreating all realities hinges on obtaining her key.

    You can't do this nihilism and mortal insignificance stuff if your protagonist is a godling fighting in a struggle to determine the future form of the universe's cycles for all eternity.

    • 2 years ago

      >You can't do this nihilism and mortal insignificance stuff if your protagonist is a godling fighting in a struggle to determine the future form of the universe's cycles for all eternity.

      Jadis can and did. What's the difference anyway? Literally what does it matter if the world is destroyed or not?

      Of course it matters to the protagonist, but Jadis gives zero fricks.

    • 2 years ago

      It literally doesn't matter. Allison isn't aware that the Wheel has been destroyed and recreated countless times now and will repeat countless times more for as long as METATRON exists. Her actions are LITERALLY meaningless because Metatron will never let the Wheel go free.

      • 2 years ago

        >Allison isn't aware that the Wheel has been destroyed and recreated countless times now
        I'm pretty sure Jagg spilled that? Or one of the demis.

    • 2 years ago

      There's been more Wielders of the key than there are droplets in the ocean. Allison isn't special. Only METATRON, Zoss and Jagganoth matter in the great scheme of things.

    • 2 years ago

      “YISUN was questioned once by their disciples at their speaking house. The questions were the following:

      ‘What is the ultimate reason for existence?’

      To which YISUN replied, ‘Self-deception.’

      ‘How can a man live in perfect harmony?’

      To which YISUN replied, ‘Non-existence.’

      ‘What is the ultimate result of all action?’

      To which YISUN replied, ‘Futility.’

      ‘How best can we serve your will?’

      To which YISUN replied, ‘Kindly ignore my first three answers.’ ”

      -Spasm 8

      • 2 years ago

        That's very interesting. The liturgy in the early chapters have themes that start making more sense the more we get into the story. Perhaps the universe is a frozen sculpture and all action is futile, perhaps there is no peace to be found in the disharmony of existence and the only way to live is to delude oneself in the search of meaning, yet living in spite of these truths is the one path to Royalty.

      • 2 years ago

        That last answer is heartening.

    • 2 years ago

      You don’t really get it bud. That’s the point, Allison isn’t just fighting against the big red sword guy, she’s fighting against causality itself. That’s not just punching Metatron in the face, that’s somehow overcoming the pretty accurate notion that nothing she does actually matters.

      Because think about it, give Allison the Master Key and make her YISUN and grant her all the Royalty you can, it still doesn’t change the fact that she’s still just a character in a webcomic, frozen in little slices of still time, that you can read front to back a billion times and her story will never change.

      • 2 years ago

        >doesn’t change the fact that she’s still just a character in a webcomic, frozen in little slices of still time
        I want Allison to Looney Toons the whole thing and just step out of the story, call Abbadon a hack and rewrite what happens to herself.

        • 2 years ago

          >Allison pulls a luffy
          Honestly, Id frick with it

        • 2 years ago

          >The story starts over again from book one page one
          >Very slight changes occur
          >5 years later we finally have an ending where Allison beats Jag

          • 2 years ago

            it's all fishing edits now?

            • 2 years ago

              >Abaddon was edit anon all along
              Imagine though

              • 2 years ago

                If he isn't, and he outright plagiarizes them, what would even be the recourse?

            • 2 years ago

              >we will never get an official Abbaddon fishing edit

              At least we got this

              • 2 years ago

                An anon claims they drew it, which if that's not just Abba covering his tracks absolute hats off to them cause it really does look like Abba's LOL

              • 2 years ago

                I always felt like this should have been officially what happened. The idea that the oldest crustiest angel would be down for soda and corndogs like the proper grandpa he is would be absolutely charming. The other angels could be up their asses on tea but the idea that his miniature rebellion is deep fried food would be actually kinda neat.

              • 2 years ago

                I always felt like this should have been officially what happened. The idea that the oldest crustiest angel would be down for soda and corndogs like the proper grandpa he is would be absolutely charming. The other angels could be up their asses on tea but the idea that his miniature rebellion is deep fried food would be actually kinda neat.

                Well now I wanna see a "what-if" of Vigilant as a human-shaped angel.

              • 2 years ago

                Holy shit where can I find more of these?

              • 2 years ago

                there were only a couple by that particular edit-anon, I think.

              • 2 years ago

                >he lost the teddy bear

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Oh yeah Nyave was a character right. I wonder what she's up to.

              • 2 years ago

                Throuple with Zaid and Princess.

        • 2 years ago

          We had that with the Fight Club sequels and they were shit

          • 2 years ago

            >Fight Club sequels
            I'm so glad I have no knowledge of this.

      • 2 years ago

        >You don’t really get it bud. That’s the point, Allison isn’t just fighting against the big red sword guy, she’s fighting against causality itself.
        All Allison has EVER fought is her own pathetic psyche. She was handed the Infinity Gauntlet, yet despite advice from angels, devils, demiurges and the last King of the Universe, she's still Full moron.

        • 2 years ago

          Most heroic figures are Full moron. It's a necessary character trait because, if they weren't, they wouldn't want to get involved with all this bullshit.

          • 2 years ago

            Allison is challenging John Carter the title of "Longest without a clue in a fictional narrative".

        • 2 years ago

          You have not read about based Aesma have you.

          • 2 years ago

            Aesma is an idiot, but she's an utterly confident idiot. Allison is a sputtering, spineless, useless idiot.

            • 2 years ago

              This. Comparing Aesma, Hansa, Meti and Intra to Allison just makes her look even more pathetic. Even Het and Prim had bigger balls.


              • 2 years ago

                >Alison, you're a moron. But that's not the problem, the problem is that you're not moronic enough.

              • 2 years ago

                This but unironically. Allison was promising when she was moronic, but then she just had to go and ruin it by trying to be clever and somehow ruined the bug girl that Cinemaphile loved before the Mammon arc.

            • 2 years ago

              But Allison IS an idiot, that's the important thing. You can dislike her personality, but when she wields the blade of want shit goes down.
              If I only told multiple isolated short stories about Allison: her defeat of a black devil, her slapping and punching demiurges in the face, her formation of aspected chaos, you'd think she was a consistent badass. If I only told how Aesma got beaten up by priests one time for being too wienery, how she became a simp who got used, and how she got fricked up by viewing the wheel, you think she was a sputtering idiot too. And she was; both are. Allison is just starting with a disadvantage of not being born one of the most powerful beings to ever exist.

              • 2 years ago

                Aesma was cool during all of those examples tho.

                >It took dozens and dozens of priests to subdue her
                >She simped for Mega Satan, who had to sweet-talk her into doing stuff
                >She saw the Wheel and LIVED

                At no point does Aesma, say, break down and cry a lot because her lesbian devil girlfriend won't talk about her feelings or some shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >>It took dozens and dozens of priests to subdue her
                She's a god, not that impressive. Ver yimpressive that they DID subdue her however.
                >>She simped for Mega Satan, who had to sweet-talk her into doing stuff
                If you read again, he didn't sweet-talk at all. Aesma was just that stupid...ly in love!
                >>She saw the Wheel and LIVED
                so will Allison too perhaps in a few pages if 35 years rings true
                >At no point does Aesma, say, break down and cry a lot because her lesbian devil girlfriend won't talk about her feelings or some shit.

                >“Oh husband of mine, won’t you come back to the temple with me?” said lovestruck Aesma, for the twentieth time. The King looked at her with his terrible red eyes and said, “Get thee gone, gnat! Thou hast served thy purpose, now play in the ashes a while!” And he took his sword that could cut thirty six ways and smote Aesma with a blow so mighty that it sent her hurtling across the world and blew all the love clean out of her. When Aesma landed, she was pouring tears again. She staggered around, sobbing, until she found herself trudging through the ashes of the Temple of the Disc of the Sun. By this point she had been crying for a good day and a half, so her eyes were very sore and blurry with fiery tears.

              • 2 years ago

                >She's a god
                Everyone assumes that the character interacting with each other in the myths are gods unless it's specifically noted otherwise, and I'll clap you upside the head if you assert otherwise.
                >he didn't
                >“Ah, I am so weak,” whispered the Red Eyed King as Aesma carried him out of the cage. And Aesma saw that this was true, for the King’s form was charred and pitifully thin from his confinement, so that he could barely stand. She cradled him and fussed over him. “Oh what can I do for thee, my husband?” she said, desperate for his affection. “Please make for me my favorite meal,” said the Red Eyed King.
                >so will
                I have no faith in Allison anymore.
                >break down
                I'll give you that one, though. Although I'd argue simping for Mega Satan is itself an inherently less pathetic gesture than simping for Cio, on the basis that Aesma's taste in men is so batshit insane that only the most evil, destructive force in the multiverse after YISUN can give her heart-shaped pupils. It's like jerking it to concrete enemas. Yeah, it's appalling but you also kind of have to be wary of a mind that diseased.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'll clap you upside the head if you assert otherwise.
                Not the first, not the last.
                >I have no faith in Allison anymore.
                You don't have to. If Allison gets on the machine...well...Jadis is ALWAYS right, eh?
                >Although I'd argue simping for Mega Satan is itself an inherently less pathetic gesture than simping for Cio, on the basis that Aesma's taste in men is so batshit insane that only the most evil, destructive force in the multiverse after YISUN can give her heart-shaped pupils.
                Depends upon your taste. Clearly you prefer satan over ex-demiurge re-summoned devil bug monster. At the end of it all Aesma considers just getting a dog. I'll refrain from the usual joke here. What kind of dog would she get? I wish we knew.

              • 2 years ago

                Cio was never even close to a Demiurge, considering she got BTFO by angels getting fed up.

              • 2 years ago

                A demiurge is someone who possesses a key, that's it. Mottom got hers by killing her husband in his sleep, Jadis got hers by killing her dad, Mammon bought his, Incubus called dibs when Maya abandoned hers, Solomon and Jagganoth got their's through combat, and Gog ate a guy to get hers. Ebon Devil Cio had a single key compared to the 11,111 keys the Seven Jackasses wield, and even among them they're not equal in power.

              • 2 years ago

                >Incubus called dibs when Maya abandoned hers
                Pretty sure he stole it from her. Possibly almost killed her.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah this

                Aesma was cool during all of those examples tho.

                >It took dozens and dozens of priests to subdue her
                >She simped for Mega Satan, who had to sweet-talk her into doing stuff
                >She saw the Wheel and LIVED

                At no point does Aesma, say, break down and cry a lot because her lesbian devil girlfriend won't talk about her feelings or some shit.

                basically. And it's mostly so annoying because she's not even just college girl levels of annoying instead she's even worse somehow. Allison is consistently so incredibly idiotic in the most annoying ways possible, i know people in real life that i can barely stand that i would still prefer to trust before someone as useless as her.

                If this was a slice if life story where i read about a character like her trying to live being the way she is that would be fine but that's not this story despite what some people i've seen seem to believe. This constantly makes Allison the worst part of her story for me.

              • 2 years ago

                >i know people in real life that i can barely stand that i would still prefer to trust before someone as useless as her.
                I think I've known a few people like Allison in middleschool, if not college. The thing is, they were the ones so annoying they either torpedoed their existing friendships violently or were so shunned they basically gravitated to anyone who wasn't actively trying to shoo them away.

                I agree with the anons saying that this story would have been more interesting with the Demiurges as the main characters. Allison is tolerable in small doses, and I have a feeling she'd be much more liked if we saw less of her and knew her more from how she throws wrenches in the Demiurges' plans.

      • 2 years ago

        If anything, being punched in the face is what METATRON actually wants because it closes his cycle. He's currently crippled because he was beaten to a pulp by Zoss and still remains the most powerful being in creation, with Zoss unable to stop his monomyth.

    • 2 years ago

      >This is dumb. Allison has the master key, she's the most important person in the universe even by Jadis's own prophecies. Jagganoth destroying and recreating all realities hinges on obtaining her key.
      >You can't do this nihilism and mortal insignificance stuff if your protagonist is a godling fighting in a struggle to determine the future form of the universe's cycles for all eternity
      Doesn't mean that anything matters.

  21. 2 years ago

    this brand of nihilism doesn't really seem a good fit for a universe with actual gods and souls and reincernation and literal willpower fueled magic

    • 2 years ago

      >this brand of nihilism doesn't really seem a good fit for a universe with actual gods and souls and reincernation and literal willpower fueled magic
      Why not?

    • 2 years ago

      I agree. It's the most basic b***h "predetermination means nothing matters" shit. I swear every time Abbaddon has to to actually use his own brain instead of lifting from other works, he comes out with the MOST basic b***h shit on the planet and it really, really shows. Anything else would have been better than this. This is highschool level nihilism.

      • 2 years ago

        We are talking about a demiurge here. They're all twisted and un-royal in their own way. Jadis's weakness is sloth. what's so hard to comprehend?

        And it makes sense in the context. She saw everything so she literally has nothing to look forward to.

    • 2 years ago

      I think in general it's a punk ass way to view the universe, most normal people with this viewpoint would be rekt by anyone with even a sniff of Royalty, however Jadis is Extra Omniscient, beyond anyone in the setting, so her having this view of things I feel is a bit reasonable give how extra special her power to see the future/present/past/everything is.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a Doctor Manhattan bit. The godlike omniscience is why it works in the first place.

  22. 2 years ago

    Is there a higher resolution for this page?

    Kinda annoying when we get a solo page for a character and the resolution is barely more than twitter-medium.

  23. 2 years ago

    Something I thought of in the last thread with the talk of Pree Jim and Pree Bart, but couldn't finish before it died.

    God I love Blazing Saddles.

    • 2 years ago

      nice job

    • 2 years ago

      >Incubus....Incubus...Where's my froggy?

      • 2 years ago

        Its a shame pages without any of the speech bubbles are hard to find, Solomon's council is ideal for the "I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy! " scene. Oh well, we'll make do somehow.

        • 2 years ago

          >Incubus....Incubus...Where's my froggy?

          Something I thought of in the last thread with the talk of Pree Jim and Pree Bart, but couldn't finish before it died.

          God I love Blazing Saddles.

          >Jadis: Hey everyone. The Key bearer is a Gi*BONG*
          >Mammon:What did she say?
          >Solomon:She says the Key bearer is a Giant.
          >Jadis: No you morons. The Key bearer is a Gi*BONG*

  24. 2 years ago

    Not going to lie. I find this whole all knowing and condescending thing kind of hot.

  25. 2 years ago

    This comic has really come to a crawl. It used to be fun with each release but it feels like we need to wait for 6 months of new exposition before we make more progress.

  26. 2 years ago

    What she does after she steps into the machine will be Allison's make or break moment. This is when Allison either becomes Royalty or forever remains a peasant.

  27. 2 years ago

    Very curious about what Allison will see in the machine. I doubt she'll get the full picture or she would become a vegetable like Jadis.

  28. 2 years ago

    I've got the Fundamental Power over the Universe? But what do I DOOOoooOOO??

  29. 2 years ago

    Have a new Nedroid edit.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      why does nedroid work so fricking well with ksbd

    • 2 years ago

      God, that's perfect.

    • 2 years ago

      I like it

  30. 2 years ago
  31. 2 years ago

    Allison should ignore the plot, she has a girlfriend to save. Cio was ressurected once, all Allison has to do is gather the pieces of the broken demon mask.

    • 2 years ago

      No, we finally got rid of that distraction, leave that trash in the dumpster

    • 2 years ago

      >>all Allison has to do is gather the pieces of the broken demon mask.
      >needing a mask

      That's peasant talk.

  32. 2 years ago

    I hope Abbadon releases all the supplementary text as its own book once all is said and done.

  33. 2 years ago

    If she knows everything, she should know what Zoss said in Mottom's garden. Fate is not a cage.

    • 2 years ago

      She's perceived the entire shape of the Wheel, but Zoss is outside the Wheel

    • 2 years ago

      She's perceived the entire shape of the Wheel, but Zoss is outside the Wheel

      She literally knows that. Stop pretending she's not omniscient.

      finish the quote: "Fate is not a cage, except..."

  34. 2 years ago

    >character is so stupid they cant grasp the concept of "nothing matters, everything is pointless, and your destiny is predetermined", and thus arent affected by it

  35. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >In the universe there is but one constant. WE BALL

  36. 2 years ago

    A curse?… But only savages in pain
    abuse their god that’s hiding in the air.
    An irony?… but how can you compare
    most dreadful scorns with every day’s disdain?

    Contempt?… but only fools despise the weight
    that is too heavy for their feeble arms.
    Despair?… so hearing danger’s grim alarms
    just like a scorpion we end our fate?

    Struggle?… but how an ant succeed in strife
    when thrust upon a rail before the train?
    Resignation?… but can there be less pain
    when we acquiesce to the butcher’s knife?

    The future life?… The stars who can explore,
    and who can guess the ending of the world?
    Joy?… but at the bottom of our souls lie furled,
    those thoughts that mid enjoyment cry for more.

    So what is left? In all the faiths of yore
    we find no comfort. Things for us are clear.
    What is your shield against the evil’s spear,
    man of the fin-de-siècle?… He spoke no more.

  37. 2 years ago

    we spooky now

  38. 2 years ago

    >waaah the protagonist is boring
    >waaah this comic is slow
    >waaah i don't like nihilism
    stop being such whiny goddamn pussies.
    write your own goddamn comic with blackjack and hookers.

    • 2 years ago

      >don't tell me what happens in my life doesn't matter
      That sounds like someone who was never confronted with various philosophical questions on free will that are so popular in pop culture. Odd for someone with a philosophy degree.

      I don't even have those complaints but shove your stupid "make your own" up your ass. That argument is dumber than Aesma and not in a Royal way.

      • 2 years ago

        >waaah i just wanna consoom

        • 2 years ago

          I can see that you just want to consoom because the mere idea of people actually discussing and thinking about media they read seems to throw you into incoherent terror that makes you desperately try to stop it without understanding why.

          • 2 years ago

            You're not discussing, you're just whining.

            • 2 years ago

              Do tell me then. What would according to you a discussion of Allison's apparent lack of exposure and extreme reaction to various ideas of nihilism and lack of free will in light of her philosophy degree or even pop culture exposure which she is established to have would look like? I used no insults, made no claims of general state of the comic. I pointed out apparent discrepancy between recent scene and established character persona. And I told you as a separate point that your argument was stupid and I am willing to make a bet that you do not hold the same standard of "making your own if you don't like it" to anything else in your life.
              It seems to me that the any notion of a discussion will be met with the same knee-jerk emotional reaction from you directed at anything other than manic worship of media.
              Claiming others are mindless consumers while yourself attacking the existence of inquiries in the media rather than their merit and quality makes you a fricking stupid hypocritical twat.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >established character persona
                Outside of saying she's got a degree, her having anything to do with philosophy hasn't been brought up once. Beside that, she's half brain dead from just having woken up from a coma (if she actually has) after her whole world broke down. I can't see anyone seriously discussing philosophy in such a state.

              • 2 years ago

                Frankly is she is royalty, cast reality into nothingness because frick, she’s not even the fun kind of stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                Stop whining.

              • 2 years ago

                Eat shit, I’ll complain as much as I want you wiener sucking b***h

              • 2 years ago

                How about I frick your ass raw so you have a reason to actually whine about your butthurt?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                *if she is

              • 2 years ago

                >established character persona
                Outside of saying she's got a degree, her having anything to do with philosophy hasn't been brought up once. Beside that, she's half brain dead from just having woken up from a coma (if she actually has) after her whole world broke down. I can't see anyone seriously discussing philosophy in such a state.

                Almost like she's a shitty student or something, some dumbass going for a degree in something she doesn't really understand or even care that much about, simply because getting a degree is what she's 'supposed' to do. Really she should be getting a degree in filling paper cups full of coffee, it's the one thing she seems to be competent at besides drinking demons under the table.

              • 2 years ago

                Making her a protagonist was a bad idea.

              • 2 years ago

                Zaid was the correct choice, but we know how that ends.
                Zoss has performed what we called The Idiot's Blow.

              • 2 years ago

                At this point endless status quo would be preferable to her inane stupidity. It’s boring. That’s the greatest sin, it’s predictable and boring.

              • 2 years ago

                >established character persona
                Outside of saying she's got a degree, her having anything to do with philosophy hasn't been brought up once. Beside that, she's half brain dead from just having woken up from a coma (if she actually has) after her whole world broke down. I can't see anyone seriously discussing philosophy in such a state.


                Also have my random schizo take. Alison is going to agree in the way only a modern philosophy major can agree to something so hideously fricking stupid. Allison will get mutilated and become PUNISHED ALISON in an instant. Gain unimaginable power. But not be bound like Jadis was because she's a modern philosophy major and thus too stupid to understand what she saw.

                We've fricking done it, boys. A way for Alison to be SO STUPID she breaks the cycle.

                She doesn't have a degree, she got isekai'd before she could complete it. Her major was business and her minor was philosophy.

                Why do people keep forgetting this?

              • 2 years ago

                > buisness major philosphy minor

                Oh that's even fricking worse.

              • 2 years ago

                No kidding. If you're going to use Allison's choice of major as evidence for how aimless and stupid she can be, at least get it right.

              • 2 years ago

                She doesn't have a degree, she got isekai'd before she could complete it. Her major was business and her minor was philosophy.

                Why do people keep forgetting this?

                Not from the US, what do major/minor mean and why is this combination worse than, let's say, minor medicine and major arts?

              • 2 years ago

                Major is what your main pursuit is in college and the path you go on to get a job in that particular field
                Minor is your backup that is sort of is related to the major
                Business is chosen by those who have no real purist in life and just want a job where ever
                Philosophy is worthless to have on all fronts
                What do they have in your colleges?

              • 2 years ago

                Philosophy is actually a good minor to have if you're doing pre-law or getting in to corporate management, but it's definitely one of those more old-money trust fund majors.

              • 2 years ago

                We have focused study programmes, I think similar to what the major is, but business or philosophy would be too general, broad and without focus - you have areas/programmes like international business, business administration, economic data analysis, applied ethics or semiotics and philosophy of communication. No minors, but the programmes have a few slots for optional courses.

              • 2 years ago

                In the USA business is broken down into several programs. At my alma mater a business degree would mean a major in either accounting, economics, finance, management information systems, operations management, general business, management, and marketing. And before you ask, general business is primarily for people going into law and the difference between operations management and management is that the former deals with resources and systems and the latter with personnel and leadership. Minors are secondary fields of study designed to compliment or expand on a major. The business minors offered at my university were: accounting, actuarial science, economics, finance, personal wealth management, real estate, risk management, statistics, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, general business, human resource management, management, management communications, international business, sales, and services marketing.

              • 2 years ago

                She took mostly business classes, and used philosophy in a way that probably just used uo her elective class slots.

                These are both largely seen as topics for people with no real direction or passion but are being made to go to school, or were pressured into it. Once you combine it with Allison being in a sorority you get the general idea that Allison was a middle to upper class girl who's parents expect her to be a white collar establishment climber and she just goes along with it, which also explains why she was miserable and full of self hate early on and why she was obviously dating Zaid despite not being crazy about him and having to schedule having sex.

                If Allison cared about business or philophy enough to have chosen these things she would be a very different character. She's probably have run some kind of profit racket in Throne or she'd have way more interest in the concept of royalty. But she was clearly a person who was forced through a life she hated against her own inclinations.

              • 2 years ago

                >Why do people keep forgetting this?

                Becuase here

                she says she's a barista with a philosophy degree. I'm not an ameriburger so I don't know if it's confusing for you, but for me it is. Why would you define yourself by your minor and not your major?

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, so Abbadon just can't be consistent.

              • 2 years ago

                Probably because she doesn't think that her business education would be particularly relevant to conveying the pointlessness of her existence to an ancient sorceress queen in this magic metaphysical fantasy world.

      • 2 years ago

        >with a philosophy degree.
        I think we had this revelation last thread but Allison was working on business.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Is that parrot just sleeping?

            • 2 years ago

              As a vet tech, I can confidently tell you it’s dead, birds are pretty particular with how they sit, and they absolutely do not lay down, ever. Ded

              • 2 years ago

                So, not just pining, then?
                Or having a kip?

              • 2 years ago

                Birds are insanely sensitive to stress and disease, or a light breeze. Or smell. It ded

              • 2 years ago

                >birds absolutely do not lay down, ever
                How do they sleep?

              • 2 years ago

                They don't. They stay awake until they die.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                In a sitting position actually

              • 2 years ago

                You have to put a towel over their cage so they think it's nighttime.

              • 2 years ago

                they evolved their feet to latch on to things by force of weight alone. They just fall asleep standing without risk of falling.

              • 2 years ago

                tell that to owls

              • 2 years ago

                naw it's just stunned

            • 2 years ago

              As a vet tech, I can confidently tell you it’s dead, birds are pretty particular with how they sit, and they absolutely do not lay down, ever. Ded


        • 2 years ago

          >Allison was working on business.
          Jag is beast.

          • 2 years ago

            He sure has a lot of cups

      • 2 years ago

        >Odd for someone with a philosophy degree.
        most people who study this shit don't actually put much thought to it.

    • 2 years ago

      >The protagonist is boring
      >The comic is slow
      Eh, I got other stuff to do, it's no biggie.
      >I don't like nihilism
      It's less that I have an opinion about it, and more that I've seen this kind of attitude played out a couple times already (Owlman, Dr. Manhattan).

    • 2 years ago

      >write your own goddamn comic with blackjack and hookers.
      Or fat TF

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Why is his stuff so hard to find. No one is that thorough

  39. 2 years ago

    So with enough change and gay, the nihilistic mechanisms of a multiverse will be solved?

  40. 2 years ago

    Jadis is boring demiurge. Pls bring Salami Dave back.

  41. 2 years ago

    How could everything possibly be set in stone and "destined" to happen, if you are aware of everything that will happen and has already happened? That wouldn't allow you to change things?

    • 2 years ago

      If you have perfect knowledge of everything that will happen, then by definition that means it MUST happen. If you, or anyone else, can choose to change what happens, you introduce an uncertainty (will you change it or not?) which means you didn't actually know everything that will happen all along and thus you're not omnisicent. Hence, the existence of omniscience necessitates a deterministic universe in which your choices mean nothing. Discovering this is what mindbroke Jadis.

      It's assumed, though definitely not certain, that being royal as frick allows you to break the rules hard enough to get around that.

      • 2 years ago

        >the existence of omniscience necessitates a deterministic universe
        Then how come I live in an non-deterministic universe with a omniscient Creator?

        • 2 years ago

          This is a rabbit hole that's been plaguing israeli, Christian and Muslim philosophers and theologians for thousands of years, along with "The Problem of Evil", "The Matter of Grace" and "Who Wore it Best?"
          Also, at the level of physics the universe is pretty deterministic. I spit out the window, said spit will fall to the center of theass of the earth. I slap you, you'll kiss me. I shitpost and you'll shitpost in return. Stimuli. Responses.

          • 2 years ago

            You are what you are because of your own unique experiences in life and the uniqueness of your body. Everything you ever do or think, is always 100% predetermined, because that is how your specific body/chemical//brain/experiences would react to stimuli.

            • 2 years ago

              Predetermined maybe, but predictable? Never

          • 2 years ago

            I don't know much about physics, but doesn't quantum physics tell us that a lot of classical physics that we consider deterministic is actually underlined by a bunch of probabilistic processes that only appear to behave consistently because the chance of something else happening is so small?

          • 2 years ago

            >This is a rabbit hole that's been plaguing israeli, Christian and Muslim philosophers and theologians for thousands of years, along with "The Problem of Evil", "The Matter of Grace"
            This is only a problem if you lack faith in God.

            • 2 years ago

              Demanding God conform to YOUR world view rather than your world view conforming to God means you don't believe in God at all.

              >just ignore the giant hole in our system and blindly believe, bro
              you're not actually solving the problem

              • 2 years ago

                God has already answered these kind of petty questions. People just don't like the answers and demand different ones. Again, if you demand God conform to your world view rather than your world view conforming to God, you are just wrong. You don't believe in God at all. 2000 years of theology and none of it is of any use if it's trying to invent answers to questions we already had the answer to.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                All of that's fine internally, I guess. But if you're trying to convince other people your God is omni-benevolent and Righteous, or consoling a grieving member of your church about a lost child, pulling "He's Righteous because He says He's Righteous" is not convincing. And an obnoxious conversation ender.

              • 2 years ago

                >All of that's fine internally, I guess. But if you're trying to convince other people your God is omni-benevolent and Righteous, or consoling a grieving member of your church about a lost child, pulling "He's Righteous because He says He's Righteous" is not convincing.
                but it is though, you can argue that its dumb that it is, but ultimately Christianity and Islam did become the dominant religions of a good chunk of the worldso something about that appealed to people.

              • 2 years ago

                >so something about that appealed to people.
                Yeah, "something."

              • 2 years ago

                Nta but at that point you’re literally just arguing it’s a popularity contest

              • 2 years ago

                What appealed to people about them initially was their moral universalism and promise of forgiveness. Their prodigious growth after that was due to the fact that they were exclusive monotheist religions and so once they gained some momentum they grew exponentially while the syncretic polytheist religions around then cannibalised each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >What appealed to people about them initially was their moral universalism and promise of forgiveness. Their prodigious growth after that was due to the fact that they were exclusive monotheist religions and so once they gained some momentum they grew exponentially while the syncretic polytheist religions around then cannibalised each other.

                Also, don't forget that once they became the dominant political power, they actively suppressed/persecuted other faiths, as well as in many cases Kings that converted going on to forcibly convert their subjects to their new faith at the point of a weapon...

              • 2 years ago

                You're ignoring the entire point in favor of a fraction of what was said to make yourself convinced you have an argument.

                God already shared plenty of reasons he does things and how he operates. This in the face of the fact it would be fair and just of him to say simply
                >I didn't ask for your opinion. Who are you to question Me?
                Which we should all be grateful for and not ignore those answers because they displease us. Frankly, there's a good chunk of theology across 2000 years of time that IS just that. Second guessing God. Trying to compromise faith with philosophical rationale. You got your answers. You just turn to philosophy or science when they displease you.

                A lost child? That lost child is literally with God now. God is not the god of the dead but of the LIVING. As said by Christ himself. God keeps his own by his side alive and well. Yes, sometimes you have to accept your loved ones are waiting in a place you can't go yet. Yes, sometimes that's the answer to your prayers for them. God still miraculously heals people to this day, as you can find medical records even of spontaneously regrown organs, but yes sometimes God decides to take someone to his side. If we all truly appreciated what was at stake, we'd take preparing for that with unsurpassed seriousness. You are told no less than the world itself will pass away and everything in it. Then where will you and your precious belongings or even loved ones reside? Only God can provide that.

                Face the reality that every moment not spent preparing your wedding garments might very well be a moment purely wasted. God is not immune to witnessing our pain. He even knows the number of hairs on our head and every single thought. Yet only God truly appreciates what is at stake here. Eternity itself is at stake.

                We are at war, and there will never be another one when it is over.

              • 2 years ago

                That was a very interesting to read. It gives an incredible structure and rationale to the Christian faith. It really nails the core justifications for the religion that I've never really read before and really makes a lot of anti-Christian and pro-Christian people I've encountered in the past to be really ignorant of the subject.

                It's weird you summed it up so well when so many people can't even scratch the surface of what you've said.

              • 2 years ago

                Apologetics is a massively overlooked field of theology.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm even further enlightened that it's a whole discipline.

                But the problem with these "core justifications" is that they only really work in the context of an immanent eschaton. "Don't think about things, don't question, just do exactly what god said to do and prepare for judgment" only gets you so far if judgement day stubbornly refuses to arrive and people need to live their lives and navigate the world around them.

                I'm not endorsing or disagreeing with what was said there. I was just very satisfied to see it expressed in a clear foundational way because I've never seen it so clearly explained. I think it's important that people in a discussion agree on the same shit and I really wish that something like this was made clear to me years ago.

                Most conversations about religion are over the small stupid details like dietary prescriptions, which real or not is a conversation that isn't worth having. The shitflinging when it comes to religion has often never been productive and I've been on the anti-religion side of it enough times to know it's often incredibly non-productive.

                I agree that living your life as if Armageddon was just around the corner is problematic. We know the apostles all basically thought Judgment Day was going to arrive in their lifetime and so do many others to this day. But this isn't brought up that often and it ought to be because it's so important because it's this kind of belief that underscores everything else someone says. In fact, just a week ago I was listening to someone explain the impact of prophecy on a political event and it really floored me because in the public conversation it was about politics but this person was explaining through popular book sales, actual sermons being given, and religious forecasting that this political thing happened BECAUSE a significant number of people viewed it as divine intervention.

                I mean shit, if I knew some people thought it was divine intervention from the beginning it would have saved me a lot of effort thinking about it. Because the divine intervention perspective is an explanation of motive that explains a lot when without it everything just seemed crazy.

              • 2 years ago

                But the problem with these "core justifications" is that they only really work in the context of an immanent eschaton. "Don't think about things, don't question, just do exactly what god said to do and prepare for judgment" only gets you so far if judgement day stubbornly refuses to arrive and people need to live their lives and navigate the world around them.

              • 2 years ago

                I read the gospels. I studied the NT. I paid attention to what Christ taught and read it myself several times now. I've also gone through a lot of lectures and audio books looking at the subject through various perspectives. Though would it surprise you to learn I've not even finished the OT? I've studied Genesis and Job a lot, but that's about it for the OT. There will be people even more well versed by far. I'm weak by comparison.

                If this reflects on the modern state of the west in some way, reflect on that.

                If you want a place to start yourself, just read the gospels. No church or priest needed. If you need a modern thinker to help argue against yourself for you, or to simply sum it up, CS Lewis has Modern Christianity and many other helpful works. Though ironically the most helpful was eventually just listening to a lecture on Kierkegaard and his utter madness. Having the choice be laid out so simply to me
                >Athens or Judea? You must choose one. They are mutually exclusive. Refusing the choice means you choose Athens by default as that is your default state.
                and how 2000 years of theology might simply be FRICKING WRONG helped most. That is kind of like a mental atomic bomb.

                Though I should say I wouldn't go as far as he did. God did leave us plenty to grasp on to, but frankly it's far easier to work from a standpoint of assuming you are wrong first then working out from there rather than bending yourself over backwards to make a theory that agrees with God.

                But the problem with these "core justifications" is that they only really work in the context of an immanent eschaton. "Don't think about things, don't question, just do exactly what god said to do and prepare for judgment" only gets you so far if judgement day stubbornly refuses to arrive and people need to live their lives and navigate the world around them.

                Kierkegaard had a point in pointing out both Philosophical Rationality and Faith have no basis but self justification. You must merely choose. Reason finds itself reasonable. You have faith because God says to. You need to accept the core concession of either one with no delusions. Both are a blind leap.


              • 2 years ago

                But you do see the point that you can't base a large, stable society purely on the gospels, they simply aren't designed for it. Early Christianity was a doomsday cult, the apostles and their followers thought that Christ would return in their lifetimes. The literal instructions of the gospels only make sense in the context of small religious communities that do nothing but subsist, pray and wait for judgement and for recruiting to said communities. External metaphysics and ethics needed to be grafted on for Christianity to become a religion that could govern cities and empires, either it remained on the fringes of civilization or it compromised with civilization, that was the inevitable outcome.

              • 2 years ago

                There's the trick. The israelites got angry at Christ precisely because they assumed he came to do something like overthrow all governments and establish an entirely new one and thus new society based only on God. When he said he did not, they murdered him for it. This is something you should be wary of politicians throwing around in their speech to this day. Christ did not take part in politics and even avoided it. And even left teachings to indicate to simply FOLLOW our leaders or other worldly masters (like say if you are a slave or simply have a boss that orders you around) so long as doing so does not betray God in some other way.

                This is for individuals to follow and to help other like-minded individuals. It is a society within a society. That was always it's intention. The teachings even have advice exactly to that effect on how to exist in this state. Wordly Kings can have their power all they want. Christ's own carry his word wherever they are and despite whoever rules them.

                Trying to make Christianity a LITERAL EMPIRE was probably one of our biggest mistakes as a species.

                >Though would it surprise you to learn I've not even finished the OT?
                Not really. While I am not as educated on the subject as you I don't think citing the OT is going to get you very far in many conversations or be very useful for the amount of effort you have to put into understanding it. I don't think we live in a world where that amount of depth is as important when a minority of people who are interested are just struggling to grasp elementary things and the majority kinda just don't care at all. Like, I'm just not ready to engage with the OT and I really don't think I'm going to have enough time or incentive to get there.

                I read Bart Erhman as a study guide for when I read the gospels. He's been a straight forward honest religious scholar. I'll be pretty happy to listen to this lecture on Kierkegaard. I've had CS Lewis to read recommended to me already so thanks for confirming it's worth my time - I'm going to start with his article "Learning In Wartime", which I don't even remember why I'm supposed to read it but it's sitting there for when I want to get off my ass.

                Well, the funny thing about Christ is the pattern of his life and teachings and structure of the gospels strangely mimics the OT anyway. Just in condensed form. You can gain a lot studying the OT, but in a weird way the whole OT is in the gospels. It's some weird baked in shit that's fascinating. Makes sense when you consider all human history was just leading up to Christ's coming. Since without that we are all completely fricked anyway.

                Patterns within patterns. Fractal truth. The shape of things looks the same no matter how far you zoom in or out. Reading both OT and NT just helps you appreciate this on a more complex level.

                But equally you could just decide to trust God absolutely and smile. If you are able. Harder than it sounds.

                >If Orthodox or Catholic disagree with the gospels, they are wrong.
                The gospels disagree with each other.

                This is why apologetics is shit - it's rhetorical posturing trying to string together rational-sounding arguments in defence of positions which weren't arrived at through rational principles in the first place. It's tedious, intellectual dishonest, and, importantly, appears to have little or no influence over what the vast majority of people actually believe. I have more respect for a Christian who flatly claims their beliefs are faith-based and therefore suprarational than one who gins up thousands of words of pseudo-logical garbage to defend pre-existing beliefs.

                >The gospels disagree with each other
                No one who claims this has ever been able to back this up.

              • 2 years ago

                >No one who claims this has ever been able to back this up.
                The accounts of Easter morning, alone, are irreconcilable, and I invite you to read them side by side to see for yourself. In Matthew Jesus declares Mosaic law won't change at all, in Mark he declares all foods clean. Mark says no sign will be given to Jesus' generation, Matthew says only one sign, John mentions at least two. Et cetera, et cetera.

                An apologist might ackchyually this or the dozens of other inconsistencies with reasons why no, the gospels are totally in accord, by beginning with that dogma and then trying to find plausible sounding justifications for it. As I've said I'm not interested in that arguing with that sort of fatuity so you can save yourself the trouble.

              • 2 years ago

                So the same out of context quoting and half reading of the gospels that is always at the core of this accusation? There's nothing interesting here. No apologist needed. You pretend to by right by ignoring what the gospels say. Mathew says something far more specific than that, and it too declares all foods clean in it's own pages. No mark needed. Yet it also bridges the gap between these on it's own terms. All in Mathew. As for signs, you are wrong on a combination of misquoting or oversimplification or both. The Easter morning accusation is left so vague as to be no accusation at all.

                There's no elaborate counter needed here. You likely got these ideas second, third, or forth or fifth hand and haven't read the gospels yourself.

                >The gospels disagree with each other
                John 7:53, the story where Jesus tells the men about to stone a woman "let he who is without sin cast the first stone at her" is made up, as it does not appear in the oldest manuscripts of the gospel of John. The last 12 verses of Mark are additions by scribes. I can't remember which Gospels but two have contradictions about who Jesus claimed the High Priest was.

                I can't really defend these points further than just saying them. I just have them noted on post-its in my bible so at one point I learned these differences. I also don't really feel these inconsistencies matter personally, I wouldn't bring them up to use against religion. I mean, I can understand they would be relevant if you believe the bible like God to be inerrant but I'm willing to let it slide because I think what matters is the meaning behind the words, even if they're editorial additions made hundreds of years after Jesus appeared.

                Yeah these issues are a big nothing, as you say. They aren't as clear cut as you claim here, but in either version of the gospels it changes nothing at all. What people mean, like the other anon, is that the bible disagrees with it's own teachings. Though on the high priest you'd have to be specific and point to passages.

                I'll be honest to both of you, though. I'm going to bed. I doubt this discussion will be here. Just keep this in mind. The gospels recount the same events in different levels of detail. Some complaints would ring as hollow as saying a summary of a movie is different to watching the movie. No shit. Equally, Jesus and his disciples were traveling for LITERAL YEARS cross country. These are not detailed, dry, historical recounting. Such a thing would take a library to contain itself. And the bible admits as such too. Jesus' deeds are without counting and omitted by it's own admission.

                What you are getting is the GOSPEL. Not a historical library. It's concern is being sure you are armed with the knowledge of what Christ wants from you and the truth God wants you to know.

                I'd wonder if some people take issue with the fact Jesus is never depicted as taking a piss.

              • 2 years ago

                >No one has ever backed up claims of the gospels being inconsistent
                >Here are some inconsistencies in the text of the gospels
                >well ackchyually
                Pretty sure I specifically said I wasn't interested in arguing fatuous bullshit about ancient scriptures. It doesn't matter to ME whether the gospels are inconsistent.
                >The accounts of Easter morning, alone, are irreconcilable, and I invite you to read them side by side to see for yourself.
                I've merely read the gospels, if I believed them to be the word of God I'd know those suckers off by heart. Check them out, or don't, but the sheer laziness with which people can approach something they believe to be the most important documents in the universe never ceases to baffle me. You should already know who saw Jesus, and where, and who they told, and so on, according to each gospel's differing account.

              • 2 years ago

                >The gospels disagree with each other
                John 7:53, the story where Jesus tells the men about to stone a woman "let he who is without sin cast the first stone at her" is made up, as it does not appear in the oldest manuscripts of the gospel of John. The last 12 verses of Mark are additions by scribes. I can't remember which Gospels but two have contradictions about who Jesus claimed the High Priest was.

                I can't really defend these points further than just saying them. I just have them noted on post-its in my bible so at one point I learned these differences. I also don't really feel these inconsistencies matter personally, I wouldn't bring them up to use against religion. I mean, I can understand they would be relevant if you believe the bible like God to be inerrant but I'm willing to let it slide because I think what matters is the meaning behind the words, even if they're editorial additions made hundreds of years after Jesus appeared.

              • 2 years ago

                >Though would it surprise you to learn I've not even finished the OT?
                Not really. While I am not as educated on the subject as you I don't think citing the OT is going to get you very far in many conversations or be very useful for the amount of effort you have to put into understanding it. I don't think we live in a world where that amount of depth is as important when a minority of people who are interested are just struggling to grasp elementary things and the majority kinda just don't care at all. Like, I'm just not ready to engage with the OT and I really don't think I'm going to have enough time or incentive to get there.

                I read Bart Erhman as a study guide for when I read the gospels. He's been a straight forward honest religious scholar. I'll be pretty happy to listen to this lecture on Kierkegaard. I've had CS Lewis to read recommended to me already so thanks for confirming it's worth my time - I'm going to start with his article "Learning In Wartime", which I don't even remember why I'm supposed to read it but it's sitting there for when I want to get off my ass.

              • 2 years ago


                All of that's fine internally, I guess. But if you're trying to convince other people your God is omni-benevolent and Righteous, or consoling a grieving member of your church about a lost child, pulling "He's Righteous because He says He's Righteous" is not convincing. And an obnoxious conversation ender.

                anon, which was my first post in this chain)

                I understand that God (in your view) does not need to justify Himself: He is as He is, take it or leave it bub.

                But like, Allah also dictates something close to that, and the Orthodox church has radically different views on nominally the same God, and the Catholic Church and the twenty trillion Protestant denominations have pretty strong disagreements on what exactly your God want and exactly we ARE "take it or leave it"'-ing.

                So what happens when you all say something along the lines of "God is this, take it or leave it", who do I put my faith in? And I assure you my first thought if I lived in e.g Iran is not going to be Christianity, Islam seem pretty genuine about the whole thing.

                Perhaps all that "second guessing God" isn't useful once you've found your faith and don't need logic, but until then it seems like useful external PR if nothing else!

              • 2 years ago

                If Orthodox or Catholic disagree with the gospels, they are wrong. The line of logic is very simple. They both gain their authority from Christ. Christ's words and teachings are faithfully preserved to this day world wide in any language you want and a range of translations from easy to read to literal. Whatever your pleasure. All maintained outside denominational lines.

                If a denomination disagrees with Christ, their own foundational authority, they thus have no authority.

                If you disagree with GOD, you are JUST WRONG.

                I read the gospels. I studied the NT. I paid attention to what Christ taught and read it myself several times now. I've also gone through a lot of lectures and audio books looking at the subject through various perspectives. Though would it surprise you to learn I've not even finished the OT? I've studied Genesis and Job a lot, but that's about it for the OT. There will be people even more well versed by far. I'm weak by comparison.

                If this reflects on the modern state of the west in some way, reflect on that.

                If you want a place to start yourself, just read the gospels. No church or priest needed. If you need a modern thinker to help argue against yourself for you, or to simply sum it up, CS Lewis has Modern Christianity and many other helpful works. Though ironically the most helpful was eventually just listening to a lecture on Kierkegaard and his utter madness. Having the choice be laid out so simply to me
                >Athens or Judea? You must choose one. They are mutually exclusive. Refusing the choice means you choose Athens by default as that is your default state.
                and how 2000 years of theology might simply be FRICKING WRONG helped most. That is kind of like a mental atomic bomb.

                Though I should say I wouldn't go as far as he did. God did leave us plenty to grasp on to, but frankly it's far easier to work from a standpoint of assuming you are wrong first then working out from there rather than bending yourself over backwards to make a theory that agrees with God.

                Kierkegaard had a point in pointing out both Philosophical Rationality and Faith have no basis but self justification. You must merely choose. Reason finds itself reasonable. You have faith because God says to. You need to accept the core concession of either one with no delusions. Both are a blind leap.


                Kierkegaard borderlines on being a madman, but sometimes the Jester exists to point out what everyone is too afraid to see.

              • 2 years ago

                >If Orthodox or Catholic disagree with the gospels, they are wrong.
                The gospels disagree with each other.

                This is why apologetics is shit - it's rhetorical posturing trying to string together rational-sounding arguments in defence of positions which weren't arrived at through rational principles in the first place. It's tedious, intellectual dishonest, and, importantly, appears to have little or no influence over what the vast majority of people actually believe. I have more respect for a Christian who flatly claims their beliefs are faith-based and therefore suprarational than one who gins up thousands of words of pseudo-logical garbage to defend pre-existing beliefs.

              • 2 years ago

                And I understand this wasn't your main point, on the Problem of Evil:

                >A lost child? That lost child is literally with God now

                A slain child will be fine, but how about a more literal lost child? Imagine if your young child was kidnapped or otherwise brought away from your ideal Christian community and into a far less moral one, where at the very least he won't be brought up as strictly understanding the gravity of the eternity at stake here. Is that not a grave Tragedy, in that you're less likely to spend eternity with your loved one?

                You can't sidestep the Problem with Evil by saying death and suffering are temporary inconveniences, there are actions and events and misfortunes that affect the eternal stakes at hand. There are actions people take (with free will, right?) that affect or restrict how OTHER people can use their free will, possibly to their eternal doom.

              • 2 years ago

                Also mods have mercy on me. Philosophy and Religion go hand in hand with KSBD. This shit is going to happen. Please don't give me a half week time out like last time.

                This is a bit much to tackle on this subject in one post, and I'm kind of already derailing the thread. I will throw out a single word for you to consider:
                God wants to grant it by all means. Very much wants to give it away. God is more clever than us. More grand. More wise than any serpent. To doubt God's ability to redeem a person through any means, even impossible ones, is to doubt God himself. Mercy is so important we are told to judge NO MAN unless we want to be judged. Condemn no one unless we want to be condemned without question. To make amends and forgive debts and come to peaceful terms with even our enemy is one of the most important parts of Christ's teachings.

                Consider our world has Spiritual Law as it's underpinnings. This has a metaphysical importance we CANNOT truly appreciate. God's ways are higher than our ways. Christ spells out his expectations of us in this life VERY CLEARLY, but there's equally as clearly something big going on under that surface we have only been allowed the barest peek of.

                Regardless, do not doubt God's ability to reach His children by any means. Being a prostitute, a thief, a murder, or all three hasn't stopped anyone from salvation. One of God's own prophets stumbled in to becoming an adulterer and murderer (yes these are related to the same act). This wasn't exactly a deal breaker. After all, there is only one unforgivable sin.

              • 2 years ago

                >believing in immediate resurrection
                fricking casual

              • 2 years ago

                >God still miraculously heals people to this day, as you can find medical records even of spontaneously regrown organs,
                No, no you can't, you gullible frick

        • 2 years ago

          Who's to say that the universe isn't deterministic? How would you know? And on the other hand, who's to say that the all powerful Creator can't choose to forget?

          • 2 years ago

            >How would you know?
            I just do. Free will is real.

        • 2 years ago

          G-D is separate from the universe and thus not beholden to its laws of causality. The Demiurge isn't omniscient so that's not an obstacle.

          • 2 years ago

            >G-D is separate from the universe
            I disagree. God is both within everything, and also apart from everything.
            >not beholden to its laws of causality.
            I agree.
            >The Demiurge
            Don't believe in him.

            • 2 years ago

              Then you'll just have to cope with an unresolved paradox at the core of your worldview. Explaining these unfortunate gaps in theology is literally what Gnostisim was made for.

              • 2 years ago

                God is an paradox any way you slice it. Gnosticism is an meme religion for people who think you can understand God with just your brain.

              • 2 years ago

                Demanding God conform to YOUR world view rather than your world view conforming to God means you don't believe in God at all.

        • 2 years ago

          Both of your claims are untrue

      • 2 years ago

        >which means you didn't actually know everything that will happen all along and thus you're not omnisicent. Hence, the existence of omniscience necessitates a deterministic universe in which your choices mean nothing. Discovering this is what mindbroke Jadis.

        Im guessing Jadis just "thinks" its true omniscience and that nothing can be changed. She got mindbroken and gave up on attempting to change destiny/fate and just assumes its all predetermined no matter what. Some kind of unexpected outside force, or just TRUE ROYALTY will somehow change things and blow Jadis mind because she didnt see it coming.

        • 2 years ago

          Word of God from Abaddon says she has true omniscienceand the universe of KSBD is deterministic

    • 2 years ago

      An observed future becomes a set one. The universe probably wasn't deterministic until Jadis looked at it, the idiot. Sure, Aesma saw it too, but was so dumb and in the moment that they forgot what it looked like, so that doesn't count.

  42. 2 years ago

    Wait a second.

    Aesma saw the wheel and lived, but part of that is only because she was too fricking stupid to understand what she saw. Is it going to happen? IS IT? Then again, Aesma got fricking mutilated from doing that. So much for being healthy and whole again. Lasted all five seconds.

    • 2 years ago

      I like your bunny picture

      • 2 years ago


        Also have my random schizo take. Alison is going to agree in the way only a modern philosophy major can agree to something so hideously fricking stupid. Allison will get mutilated and become PUNISHED ALISON in an instant. Gain unimaginable power. But not be bound like Jadis was because she's a modern philosophy major and thus too stupid to understand what she saw.

        We've fricking done it, boys. A way for Alison to be SO STUPID she breaks the cycle.

        • 2 years ago

          >tfw too stupid to be affected by fate and destiny

    • 2 years ago

      She saw the wheel twice, if I recall. The first time she saw it, she didn't grasp what it was and used it to bludgeon someone to death. Second time, she intentionally looked at it and that's what got her.

      • 2 years ago

        I think YISUN like, rubbed it in her face the second time. Abba actually described this second wheel viewing a bit more in the discord

        "and even Aesma looked just a little bit, kind of a little side glance, and was also protected by being a thot"

        (as opposed to Jadis who took it head on and was one of the most learned beings in the multiverse)

        • 2 years ago

          She saw the wheel twice, if I recall. The first time she saw it, she didn't grasp what it was and used it to bludgeon someone to death. Second time, she intentionally looked at it and that's what got her.

          I still hold out hope for my schizotheory that Allison is a very bastardized retelling of Allison's struggles. Though frankly being TOO STUPID to understand what you saw but still gaining from it would be the one way I see out of this that matches KSBD's style of doing things. This may be how we break the trap of knowing existence.

          An anon last cycle pointed this out. The entire trap with Jadis may only be happening precisely because Jadis did it. If not for a mortal trapping everyone in repeating events by mistake, free will WOULD matter. We're stuck in an endless loop of Metatron's victory condition. We're not trying to stop Metatron from making the world an infertile cycle. We're already in his fricking victory lap. The trick here is just undoing it. But how do you do that when the lock is on the outside of the cage?

          It's not an impossible problem. It's just going to take some unlikely solutions.

      • 2 years ago

        My image of the first time she didn't "look" at the wheel she attempted to pick it up, which I viewed kinda like somebody grabbing a piece of the Earth but in doing so actually picks up Earth, like from orbit, with the intent to throw Earth at someone standing on Earth. She and the Red King were having a huge-contest and he went XXL DX huge and in response she grabbed creation to hit him with and in grabbing creation everything shook as you'd expect if reality was grabbed. And the Red King realized that she was going to actually destroy creation just to hit him so he backed down.

        I still hold out hope for my schizotheory that Allison is a very bastardized retelling of Allison's struggles. Though frankly being TOO STUPID to understand what you saw but still gaining from it would be the one way I see out of this that matches KSBD's style of doing things. This may be how we break the trap of knowing existence.

        An anon last cycle pointed this out. The entire trap with Jadis may only be happening precisely because Jadis did it. If not for a mortal trapping everyone in repeating events by mistake, free will WOULD matter. We're stuck in an endless loop of Metatron's victory condition. We're not trying to stop Metatron from making the world an infertile cycle. We're already in his fricking victory lap. The trick here is just undoing it. But how do you do that when the lock is on the outside of the cage?

        It's not an impossible problem. It's just going to take some unlikely solutions.

        I don't think it's a crazy or bad theory you have, Aesma is definitely meant to be an prescient for what Allison has done. Similarly Hansa's story is an allegory for how to defy death once your body is spent, whoever you want to apply that to.

        I know we're all waiting for the punchline here with Jadis but I fear, given Allison's previous doings, that Allison might just destroy Jadis's machine that took the sacrifices of generations of individuals to build. Because that's kinda what the writing is like in this story, people breaking shit just like White Chain just wanting to frick up Solomon's autocracy, or Allison fricking up Mottom's tree, Mottom fricking Mammon's shit - like it's kinda not in service to anything. It's like Magic the Gathering - here's this wonderful world we've built and in 3-9 months we've burnt it into fine ashes.

        I want to believe that there is a reason why every Demiurge has dealt in bargains with Allison and how none of them outright fought her (except Mottom but that was post-refusal). I want to believe there's a reason why they just LET her pump iron, eat pussy and ramen for a whole year uninhibited. Like, is this meant to be like the temptations of Christ where the devil/Demiurges offer Allison the dominion over the land and she, like Jesus, says "frick off?"

        • 2 years ago

          Way I figure it, in the reinterpretation of events, you have to ask how Aesma is so destructive wherever she goes. At what point do you resolve it had to be pure spite? Look at Allison from the outside. Hell, White Chain nearly took her out on the basis she HAD to have the mindset of a Demiurge. Worm also had a totally backwards idea of how Allison was. Hell, every Demiurge has.

          But have another thought.

          the virtual b***h is dead and digitized. this is why she is always in 3d monitor cube when appearing in real life.

          the idea Allison merely destroys the machine goes well with this. That Jadis herself is long dead and the illusion is maintained by a digitized copy. Which, naturally, is only a mass of data on everything and thus no free will either. It's just data. Literally. Destroy the program and free the wheel. Making the whole thing less spooky than it actually sounds on the surface. In the end just overblown bullshit. Like very Demiurge's issue has been overblown.

          The faux presentation of things has always been a major player here, hasn't it?

          > Like, is this meant to be like the temptations of Christ where the devil/Demiurges offer Allison the dominion over the land and she, like Jesus, says "frick off?"
          We don't need a Christ reference for that kind of issue, and none of this story really wraps up in nice Christian manner. It's absolutely more pagan.

          There's only two people who could have taken Allison's key without issue. That would be Solomon Grundy and Jags. Neither of which actually needed the fricking thing. Not really. Everyone else was absolutely at a tier where Allison might just become a living nuke out of pure mindless desperation. Particularly if they know what she did to fricking Vladok. b***h doesn't even need to follow the rules. That's kind of intimidating.

          Or the simple fear of the old man crawling out of Allison's butthole any moment.

          But I don't know. Simply put, if they had simply killed Allison we'd have no story at all?

          • 2 years ago

            >pure spite
            Wasn't it just pure spite? The whole reason why YISUN was overjoyed to have Aesma in his speaking house was because she was just an unrepentant shitter and apparently that's criteria for royalty much in the same way YISUN's final lesson to Hansa before he died was to convince Hansa to spitefully refuse to let bodily death get in the way of continuing to exist and Hansa's ability to flip off the rules of creation in this moment (among others) is why he too is a candidate for royalty. I don't want to retread this whole discussion about what is or isn't royalty but pure uninhibited spite seems to be the driver for a lot of "miracles", such as the ones performed by Allison like when she lances Incubus or headbutts the ebon.

            >if they had simply killed Allison we'd have no story at all
            We have to have some reason for why that isn't the case. We know Solomon could have just killed Allison before she could blink much in the same way Incubus would have succeeded in doing so were it not for Maya's intervention.

            The counterfactual to not killing Allison is that in every other iteration of the story they did fight Zaid and Zaid beat all of them only to lose 1v1 vs Jag. Now, does that mean they offered Zaid the same deal but he hero-antagonized all of them so they had to fight? Is Allison just so fricking weird that ultimately she never resorted to violence? There's a really good fricking story that isn't getting told. Zoss definitely crawled out of Zaid's ass and I'm sure the Demiurges feared that.

            The ONLY parts of this story where the story is advanced is when the Demiurges sit around a table and talk. It really feels lacking that they perceive Allison and do nothing about it on-camera. Like what the frick is the point of these rare-ass meetings that dictate the direction of the multiverse if you people aren't going to hand out some kind of homework, especially as it pertains to fricking Zoss poking his head out of Allison's ass?

            • 2 years ago

              >Wasn't it just pure spite?
              Sorry for being unclear. I mean Allison, as Aesma's inspiration, might look spiteful from a distant view and events get twisted very easily. One important thing to know about history is ancient writers were criminally guilty of 'elaborating' on things unnecessarily or filling gaps. So it kind of fits. Dry accounts with sparse info and lack of anyone who actually knew "Aesma" personally. So the writer fills in the gap with natural assumptions.

              But now I'm just being a schizo.

              >such as the ones performed by Allison like when she lances Incubus or headbutts the ebon.
              I suppose the ATUM of KSBD is really just the power of "because I say so". Allison could hurt the head of john nonsense precisely because that was her intent. Being oblivious to the impossibility is just convenient. You could reach the same point with enough raw confidence in intent.

              >Is Allison just so fricking weird that ultimately she never resorted to violence?
              this honestly may be part of it. Allison shows up in throne, causes a scene, vanishes without a trace. Shows back up causing more trouble in a random time and place. b***h could be anywhere. Any time. Ready to show up and throw spears at your sacred tree or some shit. Has a former ebon on a leash. Doesn't kill several demiurges despite having them dead to rights. Worse, her patron is the boogeyman who himself has unclear goals.

              What do you even THINK at this point? Maybe try negotiating first. Except no one knows they are trying to negotiating with a modern American Business Major. So that's totally fricked and no one even knows that. It is actually pretty funny when I put it this way.

              No wonder everything's such a mess.

              • 2 years ago

                >Allison has fought Incubus more than the other Demiurges, and it was just a sparring match

  43. 2 years ago

    Stupid sexy predetermination.

  44. 2 years ago

    >tips fedora
    so deep. such existential dread.

  45. 2 years ago

    The machine is so cool. Abaddon has a terrible habit of introducing something cool and interesting, only for it to last a few short pages. Remember Himself? The strongest ego in all of creation who could possibly rival Metatron and Jaggy who decided to imprison himself because he likes formalities? Less than 10 pages of screentime, and we never encounter him again - not even in psalms or anything
    I really wish Abaddon would focus on fewer story elements and expand more on them

    • 2 years ago

      >imprison himself because he likes formalities?
      He imprisoned himself to reinforce his existence, as otherwise he'd stop existing if he ever stopped thinking about himself.

  46. 2 years ago

    I hate to state the obvious, but Allison is totally going to break this b***h's foresight by being a chaos-factor. Probably through sheer stubbornness.

    • 2 years ago

      Jadis knows she will do it. Fate is only a cage for those who fear it

      • 2 years ago

        I get that she's eternally damned by her infinite knowledge, but she could at least have some fun with it.

    • 2 years ago
  47. 2 years ago

    Is that a Daughters reference?

  48. 2 years ago

    Now this is interesting. Earlier, Jadis implied that reality is immutable because that is "just how reality works". But now she's saying it's immutable because every individual that lives inside it is a programmed robot. So which is it? If reality itself isn't the thing following a script, then all it takes to break the program is not be a robot. That sounds a lot easier than changing the very fabric of reality and its rules itself.

    • 2 years ago

      Reality only exist through the individuals. Them being robots IS reality being immutable, there is no "not being a robot", unless you're got a programmation so stupid it tells you to be a robot that isn't a robot, but even then you're not shattering reality, you're stepping halfway out of it

  49. 2 years ago

    Okay but can Aesma beat Jesus in a fistfight?

  50. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Idiot, it doesn't matter if you give up or not.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely don't understand people's obsession with that show. I watched it and it didn't register on any level. It was just a thing that happened. I've seen more impactful youtube animations.

      • 2 years ago

        I think at any given time in cartoon history, there has to be something that introduces a person to lolrandom.

        Like, cartoon taste progression for everyone goes something like this:
        - Sesame Street and Disney
        - Saturday morning cartoons like Samurai Jack, Gargoyles, and superhero cartoons
        - Family Guy/Simpsons
        - lolrandom

        I think all older people think lolrandom is just fricking stupid but I think everyone who thinks it is stupid at some point loved one cartoon that introduced it to them. It could be Ren and Stimpy, Spongebob, Superjail, or browsing Newgrounds. It's something you grow out of.

        I think Smiling Friends is just that product at this moment. It's just as fricking moronic as Ren and Stimpy if you ask me and I have to admit I thought Ren and Stimpy was funny at one point.

        • 2 years ago

          You know what, fair enough. I too once enjoyed Smosh and Cracked.com a long time ago when I was a wee lad, and had nobody around to teach me any better. All I can even attempt to say in my defence, is that I think the things they were riffing off and the way they did it were more interesting than the ones Smiling Friends were.

          It's not as though I can't enjoy a good lolrandom shitpost. I can dig a good Joe Haver video.

  51. 2 years ago


    >Why does God let infants and children get raped and tortured?
    Because it's funny

  52. 2 years ago

    What does it mean if you have infinite knowledge and see the future of someone proving you wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      You don't. It's like the question about an irresistible force meeting an immovable object, it's not a paradox it's an invalid question.

      • 2 years ago

        The object stays right where it is and breaks. It was immovable, not indestructible.

        • 2 years ago

          How do you destroy something without moving it.

          • 2 years ago

            You damage it's sense of self worth

            • 2 years ago

              Ah, but isnt that moving in itself?

  53. 2 years ago

    What if Metatron is facilitating the whole "reset the timeline" thing because they are trying to break free of the deterministic universe that Jadis created by seeing the entirety of the Wheel?

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, metatron LIKES the pure and infertile circle. It's ultimate order. Nothing ever changes and the angels don't even have to do anything to accomplish it. It's already done.

      She took mostly business classes, and used philosophy in a way that probably just used uo her elective class slots.

      These are both largely seen as topics for people with no real direction or passion but are being made to go to school, or were pressured into it. Once you combine it with Allison being in a sorority you get the general idea that Allison was a middle to upper class girl who's parents expect her to be a white collar establishment climber and she just goes along with it, which also explains why she was miserable and full of self hate early on and why she was obviously dating Zaid despite not being crazy about him and having to schedule having sex.

      If Allison cared about business or philophy enough to have chosen these things she would be a very different character. She's probably have run some kind of profit racket in Throne or she'd have way more interest in the concept of royalty. But she was clearly a person who was forced through a life she hated against her own inclinations.

      There's also all the modern bullshit that modern academia is eager to shovel in to people's brains under the guise of higher education and degrees. It is self destructive in it's nature. The goal is precisely to make sure you DON'T have a handle on who you even are. Then there's philosophy probably filling her full of empty, paper thin, reassurances that yes she totally understands life and the men making these philosophies totally weren't broken men themselves.

      If you had to pick anywhere in all of creation to find someone who is secretly batshit but has learned to conceal it, it would have to be modern western academia. It's too perfect. Throw in some weeabooism for that extra dash of flare and we're set.

  54. 2 years ago


    >Stab someone to death
    >Regret it
    >So riddled with guilt you may just have a nice day
    >...Wait second.
    >I didn't do this crime.
    >GOD DID!
    Just human things.jpg. Twist the situation to make the consequences of our actions God's fault. Yes yes, protect the rapist and blame God instead.

    Consider this, the leper sitting outside the church ultimately died forgotten by man and went in to the Father's arms forever. The rich man who walked by him each day went to hell and begged for even a single drop of water to cool his tongue. This was refused.

    Again, these things have answers direct from God and most simply reject them. God will wipe away all the tears and comfort his children for eternity, and the downtrodden and forgotten are some of his favorite children. Yes, those who simply got an unfortunate lot in this world are some of the most beloved by God. In God's eyes, they are owed this for what they went through in this life. It's their proper reward. You can get the same through a humble life of repentance in this temporary world. You MUST choose. The ultimatum is clear. God has already declared this world itself is awaiting it's death sentence. God will not abandon us in this temporary life, but equally understand His priority is absolutely in delivering an ETERNITY to you.

    God still helps us in the now, but consider where the ultimate priority in this situation is.

    • 2 years ago

      You do know that you'll be instantly reminded of evils that humans don't do like diseases or natural disasters, right?

      • 2 years ago

        Actions have consequences, anon. It's the same thing all the way down. Consider this. Genesis has God drive Adam and Eve out of Eden on the basis they may also eat of the tree of life and make a FURTHER mistake. Yet moments before eating it would have been fine. What's different? They are no longer connected to God. Not like they should be. They hid themselves in shame and mask themselves from God. Thus our current state abstracted out. Put more simply, imagine being as shit as you are now and everyone else as shit as they are now except immortal. When people say immortality would be a great punishment, they usually do so from the perspective of our current world and hangups.

        An immortal eternity with NO HOPE to be improved or rescued from sin. Can you imagine? No hope of human kindness, compassion, or world free from greed. God made the call this is a worse fate than our current temporary suffering.

        Granted, you are free to disagree with God, but that's not wise.

  55. 2 years ago

    >BURRRP... Allison... BURRP... Nothing matters Allison... the universe isn't real, it's all just neurons in your brain. BURRP... You better rip that bandaid off early
    Real original

    • 2 years ago

      Hopeless nihilism predates R&M.

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