>Kyle stop solving problems I'm bored.

>Kyle stop solving problems I'm bored.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Keep in mind that Kyle was stopping fires, rapes, starvation, and robberies from the comfort of his bed.

      The amount of suffering under Ion was non-existent.

      And Superman was jealous.

      • 12 months ago

        I kind of get where superman was going. That's very close to reaching a god complex and I'm sure superman has struggled with that. Especially when he's seen universes where he takes over the galaxy

        • 12 months ago

          >Some people need to suffer accidents and senseless crimes, sometimes it's better if children dies from cancer because their families can't afford treatments. It's a good thing that people can't get rid of a drug addiction.

          Ion didn't take over anything. All he did was to help people. In fact he readily gave up his powers because of spiels like this.

          There's no way around it. Superman was either pure evil or an idiot in this scene. He literally wanted people to suffer so that he could save some of them.

        • 12 months ago


          >Some people need to suffer accidents and senseless crimes, sometimes it's better if children dies from cancer because their families can't afford treatments. It's a good thing that people can't get rid of a drug addiction.

          Ion didn't take over anything. All he did was to help people. In fact he readily gave up his powers because of spiels like this.

          There's no way around it. Superman was either pure evil or an idiot in this scene. He literally wanted people to suffer so that he could save some of them.


          • 12 months ago

            >Children deserve to be raped and die of cancer because Superman implied it.
            This is your "morality" on comics.

            • 12 months ago

              Why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle, anon?

              • 12 months ago

                >Low IQ statement that's supposed to come across as profound and is completely unrelated.
                Ion didn't kill political leaders, Ion had no intention of creating a police state, all he did was mitigate suffering.

                Child about to develop cancer? Boom! Cancer cell dies.

                Jamal about to rape 8 year old Anna? Boom! Jamal is made conscious of the consequences and suffering and decides to go home and jerk off to porn instead.

                That's all Ion did.

                If you're against that then you prefer the alternate outcomes. And that makes you evil.

                In fact, I'm convinced that if Superman said "white children are a plague" you'd get your father's Glock and go out on a killing spree in the local daycare. You Supergays are completely unable to process moral actions properly, you just accept whatever ideas the writer projects upon your super-daddy. This is why you're so dangerous.

            • 12 months ago

              It's not in Superman's place to do that. He put his trust in street-level heroes like Wildcat to beat up lowly thugs. That is why Nightwing set up shop in Bludhaven. The thing with cancer is not Superman's role, he is out there protecting Metropolis (low crime rate) and fighting heavy hitters, so scientists like Lex Luthor or STAR labs can safely conduct their research. Superman knows that humanity has capabilities rivaling Krypton, but he knows he won't evolve as a species if given the technologies of Kryptons.

              • 12 months ago

                >The thing with cancer is not Superman's role,
                And this is part of the problem. Superman can't stop cancer from developing in people. But he doesn't want Kyle (who can) to stop it.

                >Superman knows that humanity has capabilities rivaling Krypton, but he knows he won't evolve as a species if given the technologies of Kryptons.
                Again, this isn't what Kyle is doing. He's not giving anything to people. He's not coddling them. He's letting them live.

                This is basic philosophy. The Problem of Evil is an argument that's used to refute the existence of God. And no philosopher or theologian is stupid enough to adopt the "humanity thrives under suffering" idea that's being proposed here.

                Frick it, if this is true then Superman shouldn't even be saving people in the first place. He's just doing what Kyle is doing on a less significant scale. Where does he even draw the line? At what point does heroism become evil? It's stupid. There are no excuses here.

              • 12 months ago

                That's why superman speech here is moronic. The draw the line part, ironically the same people defending this shit are the ones asking why batman doesn't kill the joker.

              • 12 months ago

                >And no philosopher or theologian is stupid enough to adopt the "humanity thrives under suffering" idea that's being proposed here

                Blessed the poor/ill/desiring justice/suffering/etc.

                The so called problem of evil comes from people not seeing the insignificance of anything bad that happens in this world, in comparison to a life eternal, and also skipping the part where Jesus explicitly says that you get a throne alongside His for being a saint despite the bad things that happen. Bad things happen to prove we are better than angels, who never had our problems. The worse you have the easier for you is to earn life eternal and sainthood. Doesn't mean we shouldn't uplift other people, but now we need to do better than those who lived 1000 years ago.

                Now, the comic (or at least posted pages) don't tackle the idea of the afterlife. So, we have just purely materialistic idea of a living active deity in a superhero form. Putting aside god complex and corruption, we have an issue of becoming too reliant on one person/being. What if Kyle loses his powers, after constantly being the one fixing everything? Still, this issue can be fixed if Kyle encourages humanity to strive for being capable despite him being there.

                Still, where does Kyle stop with ending suffering? Let's assume he is truly omnipotent. Should he stop death and resurrect everyone? Should he reshape the universe to make it capable of hosting endlessl and immoral population? At this point, he should just do what Biblical God does anyway - hide himself and give everyone a chance to do their best without being sure of him going to reward everyone accordingly.

          • 12 months ago

            Some of you guys miss the point entirely. He's explaining how Superman is similar to Ion right now. Clark knows he is essentially an all-seeing god in the flesh. The author may have written this as Superman having a God complex, but that is what it is, a complex given to him not out of choice but out of necessity. Hence why there are cults for him and Diana, and most recently, Ion. He understands that at the of the day, Superman is you mild-mannered journalist Clark Kent, but he chooses not to ignore his godly powers. Kyle, after becoming Ion, even made the same mistake by thinking Superman is jealous or authoritative by the way he treats Kyle after he saves a surplus amount of people. Kyle finally realizes Clark's good intentions by admitting defeat. He knows he can't be the "save all Superhero" because it's not in his place "teach a man how to fish." If he were, the people of Earth would be weaker and be reliant on a God standing beside us.

            • 12 months ago

              Should people NOT worship the guy who eliminated all their suffering? How is that worse than worshiping an ancient fictional desert deity?

              • 12 months ago

                And here comes the anti-Christian /misc/ guy.

              • 12 months ago

                >ancient fictional desert deity
                Why do you beat us over the head with this shitpost incessantly? I don't care if the morals came from the desert, Dixie, or Detroit, it can never be a bad thing for people to have the (actual) teachings of someone like Jesus in their life.

              • 12 months ago

                stop pretending that all thats in the bible are the teachings of jesus.

                and none of what you christgays screech about the most has anything to do with jesus

                maybe 2% of you clowns sincerely follow that directive to be more like jesus bc that actually comes w responsibility and compassion. you'd actually have to step outside yourself and love your fellow man like you love yourself. follow a christian for 3 days and see the bullshit

                the rest of you just play act on sundays and when its convenient, then you choose which parts let you hate who you want to hate and browbeat people and go do what you really want to. frick outta here w that

              • 12 months ago

                All you really had to do was say you grew up around bad Christians and it left you jaded. I would've gotten the same thing out of the post.

              • 12 months ago

                another religious frick lying and deflecting to avoid any accountability whatsoever. almost like a character trait for people who need sky daddies

                i grew up on 3 different continents around 3 different mixed groups of christians muslims buddhists etc

                its not just christgays, its ALL of you. you skip the hard parts that make it worthwhile, cherry pick the bullshit that confirms how you feel

                but you, whats the main cause for you christgays now? and has been since i was a kid?

                is it ending child hunger? no christgays actually just voted against that

                money for the poor? healthcare for the sick? again just voted against that and have my entire life

                no, right now and my entire life YOUR MAIN CAUSE is always about how these people different from you dont deserve shit and how these people who dont follow your orders need to do so RIGHT THIS SECOND

                all these "good christians" sure are an invisible minority in your voting bloc

              • 12 months ago

                You’re dead on the money anon but lose points for being an obnoxious homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                "you're right but you're so meeeeeeaaaaaan to the people who browbeat everyone about morality while believing none of it and ignoring the rampant pedophilia in their churches"

                get in the bucket w them ho

              • 12 months ago

                Ignoring? I take back what I said, you’re just as moronic as the lot you shit on.

              • 12 months ago

                and theres the little flag wave that you're with them. yes ignoring. you know it, i know it. theres literally a case going right now about the southern baptist church ignoring decades of victim reports. the catholic church still has known pedophile bishops

                im sure the christgays are perpetually disgusted

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, they’re disgusted you moron. That’s why they want those people out.

              • 12 months ago

                >reddit spacing

              • 12 months ago

                "line spacing is a mark of my identity and selfworth and i avoid legibility bc people might think i use reddit"

                look inside yourself and realize you're a b***h

              • 12 months ago

                Don't care. Didn't read.

              • 12 months ago

                lol of course you did. but you have to respond that way because you're a b***h from root to leaf

                enjoy being you ho

              • 12 months ago

                You sound like an early 2000's vegan who doesn't understand that by coming across as a sperging super gay, you just make more people interested in what you're against. Thanks for motivating me to go to church tomorrow, my man

              • 12 months ago

                >I had mean parents that made me go to Sunday school
                Literally all you had to say homosexual, no need to write out a novella

      • 12 months ago

        99% of the time this leads to the power going to the hero's head or something else going wrong.

      • 12 months ago

        >And Superman was jealous.
        Citation? Looks like he's just doing his usual "we shouldn't control every aspect of people's lives" speech.

        • 12 months ago

          >Are you saying I shouldn't stop people from committing crimes like rape? What if it was you, Clark? Should I just let you get raped?
          >Kyle, c'mon. I'm Superman. I'd never get raped or allow myself to be raped!

  2. 12 months ago

    Superman on a bath robe looking bored was so funny

  3. 12 months ago

    >Superman didn't save you from being raped because then you might rely on him too much

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    Whys he wearing white

  6. 12 months ago

    I just think this was bad writing, so I blame the writer.

  7. 12 months ago

    >we can't prevent suffering because... we just can't, okay?!
    I get that fiction is based on conflict and therefore suffering. And comic books can't distance themselves too far from the status quo of reality or else they stop being relatable to the reader.
    But do they really need to make stories like this? This is just calling attention to how ridiculous superheroes are as a concept, especially Superman.
    If anything it's a profoundly immoral message. "Suffering is not something we should seek to address, it's necessary and inevitable." The definition of psychopathy. The kind of thing that makes kids become lawyers, business majors, and crypto enthusiasts.

    • 12 months ago

      Considering Superman hangs out with Gods and is regarded as a modern myth, I believe so.

  8. 12 months ago

    "No Kyle you're saving too many people"

  9. 12 months ago

    The funny thing is that Ion used his powers to save the Earth in a tie-in...and the Earth would've been destroyed if it wasn't for him.

    • 12 months ago

      >saving just earth
      That's a Tuesday for most superheroes.

      • 12 months ago

        In this case the others heroes couldn't do it. Ion had to sweep in and Deus Ex Machina the threat.

        In other words, if Kyle took Clark's word earlier they would've all died.

        • 12 months ago

          Sure if you want to ignore that two teams of the Justice League members were carrying out Manitou's thousand year plan. Kyle didn't do that alone. He spent a good chunk of that arc as a ghost.

  10. 12 months ago

    You realize this is the same argument as to why Bruce shouldn't just pour money into Gotham?

    • 12 months ago

      But he does. Anyone who says otherwise either don't read comics or pretend they don't. Bruce has been funding things for the poor, opening orphanages, and employing people that can't get a job anywhere else. And the worst part is that even if you bring it up in those threads it'll be ignored and then another thread is made the next day.

  11. 12 months ago

    It's a bad argument because Kyle isn't actually stopping kids from getting raped, the writer is just saying he is and you realize this is fiction and the writer is just being sanctimonious.

    • 12 months ago

      Like OP can whine all he wants but the fact of the matter is that OP isn't stopping any kids getting raped either and OP can actually do something about that because he's a real person.
      Does that mean OP is inherently immoral for not doing so?

      • 12 months ago

        >Does that mean OP is inherently immoral for not doing so?
        No. What a moronic question.

        • 12 months ago

          But that's the exact logic OP is using though.

          • 12 months ago

            I disagree with your interpretation. Point to a post from OP that supports your claim.

  12. 12 months ago

    This is a great microcosm of the problem with the Big 2. You can't have Kyle make an actual difference because then it's "harder" to come up with stories so instead they need to have Superman threaten him into doing less.

    • 12 months ago

      It's only a problem when a writer does something like this.

  13. 12 months ago

    I should think this Superman's Clark Kent ought to write about how the welfare state leaves people dependent.

    • 12 months ago

      It does in the current form when mixed with wages being as low as they are.

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