
With under two weeks left, it's unlikely they're going to hit the 2mil stretch goal. Is they hype train dead on this?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Stop spamming this shit you furry shit head. There is no new series right now. Frick off with your crowdfunding scam.

    • 10 months ago

      how about the 1.5 million goal for minisodes? Was more interested in that

      • 10 months ago

        that could be in reach, but donations slowed WAY down after they hit 1 mil which is understandable. They'd still need ~250k at this point.

    • 10 months ago

      >had dozens of successful funding campaigns with I think 3 that are currently being fulfilled
      Go back to Cinemaphile not everything is a scam

    • 10 months ago

      Just for that I updated my backer thing to include the third book as well

  2. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      did you sit on this image by accident

      • 10 months ago

        no, it was on purpose. It wasn't as exhilarating as anticipated

    • 10 months ago

      gato sexo

      • 10 months ago

        I'm in no way a fricking furry, but the design for ivy is pretty effing cute.

  3. 10 months ago
  4. 10 months ago
  5. 10 months ago
  6. 10 months ago
  7. 10 months ago

    It's not unusual for fundraisers to suddenly get a lot of backers in the last week/days. I was following a kickstarter for a game that got like 800k in its last week to reach its 2mill goal.

  8. 10 months ago

    I've never really paid close attention to Lackadaisy. For a while, I kept up with the comic on DA, but lost track of it. Does she even post to DA anymore?

    I always thought to myself, that there was never no way in hell this show would get animated, because it could never match the fine details of Tracy's artstyle. And here we are years later, and its going to be an animated show. I haven't watched the full pilot, and it doesn't have all the visual detail of the comic, but it looks like it moves good.

    I remember Tracy made a Patreon years ago and pull in crazy numbers and hid the amount after. I guess the animated thing was somthing set up a couple years ago? Someone posted here that that Covid may have reduced the amount of people who donated, or something.

    I am sure Tracy is a good person, but to get so much money so fast...its easy for it to go to ones head. I hope they do not loose sight of things. You got one shot at this, and I hope they do it well. I heard from random postings here the voice acting was a bit shit, and the music and writing, but the animation was tops. People are also saying the comic may never get done. How old is she, pushing 50? I know she's been drawing for a while.

    It's nice to see some indie projects like this, the miracle of online fundraising. I wish her the best. Maybe I will give the comic another read, someday. Is the animated show just copying plot points of the comic?

    • 10 months ago

      She's 43. That's not that old. Animation-wise, I think she's smart in the way she's building her team. She seems to be overseeing general art and direction, but she's entrusted a lot of production to Fable Siegel who has worked on a ton of shows. This helps avoid the trap of becoming some sort of crazy vanity project...the story has apparently already been written, the characters were fleshed out in the comic, and no single person is 100% calling the shots. I think that's the best setup.

      I DO hope they tighten up some of the bolts on the next pass, though. The thing is set during prohibition...there was AMAZING music at that time and I feel like they could do more to take advantage of that (though I have no idea what that sort of thing would cost). I don't know who is supervising music, but if it's just an animator I think they'd do well to trust someone who really specializes in that. Either a composer who has done it before or at least someone who really understands the narrative role of sound. The voice acting is unfortunately probably set as I don't see them replacing actors mid stream. Everything else, I only see getting better. The pilot was sort of a test run but now they have a lot of assets created, systems have been tested, and they have a core team that is already familiar with the production pipeline. I'm excited to see what they do with this.

      • 10 months ago

        >the characters were fleshed out in the comic, and no single person is 100% calling the shots. I think that's the best setup.
        So if I didn't read the comic, will I be lost?
        What's crazy to me is that after so many years of people reading the comic and picturing their own voices for the comic, now people will forever associate the animated voices with the characters. I wonder if Tracy already had certain voices in mind.

        >to trust someone who really specializes in that.
        Mark Mothersbaugh maybe? Perhaps Jim Lang of Hey Arnold! fame? The team who does Bluey?

        >The voice acting is unfortunately probably set
        That bad huh? What are they missing?
        Bad voice acting can really be a downer on an otherwise nice project.

        • 10 months ago

          Jim Lang would be an interesting match up.

      • 10 months ago

        >She's 43

        Oh shit, I just realized that in a decade or so every single talented and relevant webcomic and web animator will be middle aged. Most of them were teenagers or young adults when the Deviantart,Newgrounds and Classic youtube era started.

        Also where are the new talented artsts? I no longer see teenagers and young adults doing impressive indie works

        • 10 months ago

          > I no longer see teenagers and young adults doing impressive indie works
          Part of the problem is that it’s harder to impress people these days. In the early 2000’s, simply making multimedia was pretty impressive. Salad fingers was considered good. These days, everything from character design to acting/writing will be picked apart and compared to mainstream pro work. This discourages a lot of would be great creators.

          The other problem is that social media has shrunk attention spans so it’s less frequent that people have the ability to focus on a hobby long enough to get really good at it.

      • 10 months ago

        Amazing prohibition era music sounds like corny great grandpa shindig music. I don't think much of the actual stuff translates well to a modern audience like Charlie Parker era would

        • 10 months ago

          Hard disagree. It has everything to do with what you draw from and context. That’s the shit that a real musician would know as opposed to some random dickhead with a copy of fl studio and the ability to sample horns.

          • 10 months ago

            Anon doesn’t know about jazz manouche

    • 10 months ago

      >I am sure Tracy is a good person, but to get so much money so fast...its easy for it to go to ones head. I hope they do not loose sight of things. You got one shot at this, and I hope they do it well.
      She seems like the most down-to-earth reasonable person you could ever want for this sorta thing. Zero drama, wants to deliver the product, cares about the quality.

    • 10 months ago

      >I heard from random postings here the voice acting was a bit shit

      She's 43. That's not that old. Animation-wise, I think she's smart in the way she's building her team. She seems to be overseeing general art and direction, but she's entrusted a lot of production to Fable Siegel who has worked on a ton of shows. This helps avoid the trap of becoming some sort of crazy vanity project...the story has apparently already been written, the characters were fleshed out in the comic, and no single person is 100% calling the shots. I think that's the best setup.

      I DO hope they tighten up some of the bolts on the next pass, though. The thing is set during prohibition...there was AMAZING music at that time and I feel like they could do more to take advantage of that (though I have no idea what that sort of thing would cost). I don't know who is supervising music, but if it's just an animator I think they'd do well to trust someone who really specializes in that. Either a composer who has done it before or at least someone who really understands the narrative role of sound. The voice acting is unfortunately probably set as I don't see them replacing actors mid stream. Everything else, I only see getting better. The pilot was sort of a test run but now they have a lot of assets created, systems have been tested, and they have a core team that is already familiar with the production pipeline. I'm excited to see what they do with this.

      >The voice acting is unfortunately probably set

      >the characters were fleshed out in the comic, and no single person is 100% calling the shots. I think that's the best setup.
      So if I didn't read the comic, will I be lost?
      What's crazy to me is that after so many years of people reading the comic and picturing their own voices for the comic, now people will forever associate the animated voices with the characters. I wonder if Tracy already had certain voices in mind.

      >to trust someone who really specializes in that.
      Mark Mothersbaugh maybe? Perhaps Jim Lang of Hey Arnold! fame? The team who does Bluey?

      >The voice acting is unfortunately probably set
      That bad huh? What are they missing?
      Bad voice acting can really be a downer on an otherwise nice project.

      >That bad huh? What are they missing?
      >Bad voice acting can really be a downer on an otherwise nice project.
      Please shut up, all of you. The voice acting is great.

  9. 10 months ago

    What's the 2 million dollar stretch goal?

    • 10 months ago

      mini episodes, blu ray release, and beefing up of everything (more detail and longer episodes). They're smart by not promising ridiculous shit that they will never be able to deliver on. Basically, 1mil is the bare minimum for getting the "season" done, so that's happening, but if they can get to 2 mil we might actually see real episodes instead of the 10-12 minute duration they're set on doing right now.

  10. 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago
  12. 10 months ago

    I see them at least getting to 1.5M but to be honest they should spend extra money on the actual series

    Blu-Ray is a stupid goal though, why would I want to pay for something I can watch for free in my hands right now

    • 10 months ago

      >why would I want to pay for something I can watch for free in my hands right now
      Because sometimes people want that psychical media.

    • 10 months ago

      Because physical media is a nice cheap perk to offer people when they’re actually spending the money on the actual series. If they promised real merch, then a lot of those costs would have to be diverted to manufacturing and distribution instead of paying the crew to to more on the actual series.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Oh no, we won't get TWO million
    I mean, they might though. Last second pushes are a thing.

  14. 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    Very dead

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