>le soviet union bad!

>le soviet union bad!

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    How does an RBMK reactor core explode?

    • 1 month ago

      It doesn't

    • 1 month ago

      It's impossible, and as we know, it never happened.

    • 1 month ago

      something, something, lies

    • 1 month ago

      Real nuclear has never been tried.

    • 1 month ago

      israelite magic

    • 1 month ago

      He's delusional.

    • 1 month ago

      it doesn't, RMBK are the reactors of peace

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          tunak tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun

  2. 1 month ago

    Ivan, don't you have to storm some Ukrainian village? What are your priorities.

    • 1 month ago

      I am not Russian.

      • 1 month ago

        Well, at least you have one nice thing to say about yourself.

        • 1 month ago

          I should clarify I am not a Russian citizen but am ethnically Russian. I also do live in the former Soviet Union.

          • 1 month ago

            >ethnically Russian
            No such thing. It's like saying someone is ethnically Canadian.

            • 1 month ago

              >It's like saying someone is ethnically Canadian
              Which if Canadians had been around for hundreds of generations building and maintaining an ethnic phenotype (like Russia), you could.

          • 1 month ago

            So you have no good things to say about yourself, that's a pity. But thanks for clarifying.

    • 1 month ago

      > Fentanyl Floyd Jnr dissing other people's nations.
      > Ever.

      Sit the frick down, clown.

  3. 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    It was a reddit show. The generals here proved it. But, yes the USSR was bad. Just look at the current population it produced.

    • 1 month ago

      Russians are always backward and moronic, it doesn't matter what the system is.

    • 1 month ago

      /rmbk/ threads were peak tv and you exposed yourself as a netflix shill with sexual dysmorphia by claiming otherwise, sucks to be you I guess!

      • 1 month ago

        I bet you thought The Terror was also super neato because it gave you an excuse to regurgitate unfunny memes with your pretend internet friends. You fricking homos are so transparent and predictable it's sickening.

        • 1 month ago

          He still makes more sense than you cursing you pretend internet enemies lmoa

          • 1 month ago

            >cursing you pretend
            You're not doing a very good job at what you're attempting, Rajeesh.

        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            >why yes, i did like Le Terror
            Thought so, b***h.

            • 1 month ago

              You sound like a Hickey.

        • 1 month ago

          >I bet you thought The Terror was also super neato
          Why yes I did, I also didn't read the rest of your HRT induced schizo ramblings sorry about that 🙁

          • 1 month ago

            Spotted the gay.

    • 1 month ago

      What made it a reddit show

      • 1 month ago

        people watching it

    • 1 month ago

      the ukrainian population

    • 1 month ago

      if it was a reddit show, then why did Cinemaphile shit out so many organic memes?

      • 1 month ago

        this post made me realize that for all these years i've spent on this site, i have never seen the report page until now

    • 1 month ago

      By this logic any country that will produce a moronic population in 40 years is bad.
      t. based understander

    • 1 month ago

      Name a non Reddit show from the last 10 years that was successful
      No animes

  6. 1 month ago

    Yes, yes we know, Ivan nothing actually happened at Chernobyl and it was actually Western propaganda

    • 1 month ago

      >nothing actually happened
      I didn't say that
      >it was actually Western propaganda

  7. 1 month ago

    >at LEAST 70% of the people who lived through the last part of the soviet era and what came afterwards claim the soviet era had better life standards
    >across the board including countries that are now in the EU
    Capitalistsisters............ that's a big of a big black L we're taking there........

    • 1 month ago

      >in soviet russia we didn't have to cite sources

      • 1 month ago

        sounds familiar

    • 1 month ago

      >across the board including countries that are now in the EU
      like who?

      • 1 month ago

        Poland. Everyone in Poland loved Soviet Union.

    • 1 month ago

      Old people will naturally be nostalgic about the past. That's all there is to it, unironically.
      The singular thing that was better about those days were cleaner overall streets but you don't need communism for that. Not to mention this wasn't even proper communism but a totalitarian system where a single joke about the state could land you in jail.
      I don't see why anyone would miss a time where your own fricking family could rat you out to the state and get you killed.
      And Chernobyl was very much a human error. It's not nuclear technology that is bad, it's actually quite safe under optimal circumstances. But the morons fricked it up and then shamelessly pretended nothing was wrong as people were marching on the streets breathing this shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >>at LEAST 70% of the people who lived through the last part of the soviet era and what came afterwards claim the soviet era had better life standards

      >never mind the oppression, torture and mass murder
      >polls are what really matter!

  8. 1 month ago

    Yes, it was a really bad place where if you didn't betray your friend, you both would get sent to gulag.

  9. 1 month ago

    Whatever you say snow Black person, don't you have a state to attack or something?

  10. 1 month ago

    This show was overrated to the fricking moon

    • 1 month ago

      Name a better one

  11. 1 month ago

    It’s anti-Russian propaganda and adds a female scientist who didn’t exist in real life who moves the plot forward by being the first person to determine the reactor had a meltdown, and actually puts a lot of focus on her. There were so many real people they could have embellished for the sake of entertainment yet they chose to create a fictional woman. Thats truly propaganda.
    Before nafocucks jump on this post, obviously this was a true event that shined poorly on Russia, it’s the addition of revisionism and timing that made it NATO propaganda.

    It’s amazing, it’s supposed to be anti-Russia/USSR, yet has absolutely zero issue with egregious revisionist history designed to brainwash.
    I actually really enjoyed it but the in your face revisionist history is just so off putting. Other than that it’s very engaging and well made, almost shockingly so. Probably the only TV series in the last 20 years I actually enjoyed.

    • 1 month ago

      Ridiculous isn't it, Russia needs no ''anti-Propaganda'' as most nations have been aware of their snow Black person behaviours for centuries now, shitting on russians is just beating a dead horse at this point.

      • 1 month ago

        >adding another 20 russian scientists named boris/ivan with 1 line each would've benefitted the quality of the show
        absolute moron, you have no idea how narrative pacing works. SOME historic accuracy ALWAYS has to be sacrificed in a production like this, for the sake of timing and audience attention. you are just butthurt about this because the condensed character happened to be a woman

        >seething about nafo
        buck broken homosexual

        Hello NAFO, thanks for defending adding a literal mary sue fictional woman to further the conditioning of the populace, you’re totally the good guys. Calling Russians “snowBlack folk” definitely isn’t D&C. Hope you guys had a good independence day (frick you).

        I’m pretty sure in the end credits it even says “we added a woman to the story who’s the best scientist in the world even though she didn’t exist because we think women are totally awesome and could have done this.”
        She shows up her doofus fellow scientist who was male like “you’re a moron here let me show you how smart I am” and then has her interact with actual people who really existed.

        >but muh Titanic did it!!!
        They didn’t alter the true history of what happened that day, they were your window into the event. Rose and Jack weren’t calculating if they were about to hit an iceberg and warn everyone. They were actually part of the background.

        • 1 month ago

          Also she's a composite character you moron, go get drafted so we can laugh at your death in a drone drop compilation.

          • 1 month ago

            I’m American. If I get drafted I’m shooting the draft officer.
            Deal with it.

            • 1 month ago

              >> whinging about NAFO, but I'm totally American you guys!
              Sure you are, John Smithski of Ohio oblast. Prepare your anus for the dedovschina. See you in the next golf cart assault!

    • 1 month ago

      >adding another 20 russian scientists named boris/ivan with 1 line each would've benefitted the quality of the show
      absolute moron, you have no idea how narrative pacing works. SOME historic accuracy ALWAYS has to be sacrificed in a production like this, for the sake of timing and audience attention. you are just butthurt about this because the condensed character happened to be a woman

    • 1 month ago

      >seething about nafo
      buck broken homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      >oh no not a heckin woman

    • 1 month ago

      Using a single person to portray a wider community is a reasonable step for television
      It's not exactly possible to shoe horn 50 hours of community meetings into the show
      Also, it's not some major issue that it's a woman
      The soviets were very pro women in science and medicine compared to the west.
      It's a shit show, but having a prominent female character isn't the reason why

      • 1 month ago

        You know why it’s bad, don’t lie. It’s another cog in an enormous machine that is having cataclysmic consequences.

        • 1 month ago

          I know this might be hard to wrap your schizo brain around, but women in media are not part of some global conspiracy to destroy the human race

          • 1 month ago

            Now you’re misrepresenting the issue and claiming I’m crazy.
            I didn’t say women in media is bad. I said revisionist history with an offensive agenda is bad.

        • 1 month ago

          I mentioned in the post above why I don't like it:

          reddit types absolutely love that show and constantly name it as some super realistic show
          reality is that it is incredibly inaccurate and some of the radiation medicine stuff is laughable
          stuff on a par with saying "don't touch that burns victim who got burnt in a fire or you'll be burnt in a fire too"
          absolute failure to understand the fundamentals of how radiation works
          lots of shit invented that never happened like the bridge scene
          lots of cliched portrayals of USSR
          Made in English language as target audience too dumb to read subtitles
          Absolute shit tier TV

          I hate DEI casting, but this isn't an example of it

    • 1 month ago

      >adds a female scientist who didn’t exist in real life who moves the plot forward by being the first person to determine the reactor had a meltdown
      fricking autist, read ending notes, they explain she is conglomerate of all others scentists noticing and pushing for truth
      >anti-Russsian propaganda
      are you Soviet-sexual, anon? because it is about Soviet Union, not Russian Federation
      and more like bad corrupt and inefficient political system is le bad, not Soviet per se; as you are autist you may miss such nuances

  12. 1 month ago

    I find it crazy that in the era of massive peer review and loads of information being out there that details the truth, we still get depictions of history in media that are full of complete hogwash. The argument is always "It's a better 'story' that way." And yet people forget, the story only got made because the actual event was so encapsulating.
    How can you look at a historical event and say "erm I'm gonna change some things so it sells better."
    Just depict it truthfully, omitting truths is better than just making up fake shit that never happened.

  13. 1 month ago


  14. 1 month ago

    Relatively speaking compared to western powers, yes absolutely.

  15. 1 month ago


  16. 1 month ago

    >Shin Godzilla was anti-japanese propaganda

  17. 1 month ago

    It was written by a israelite hack who was previous most notable for a corny dog movie starring Owen Wilson, of course it's cartoonish trash.

  18. 1 month ago

    reddit types absolutely love that show and constantly name it as some super realistic show
    reality is that it is incredibly inaccurate and some of the radiation medicine stuff is laughable
    stuff on a par with saying "don't touch that burns victim who got burnt in a fire or you'll be burnt in a fire too"
    absolute failure to understand the fundamentals of how radiation works
    lots of shit invented that never happened like the bridge scene
    lots of cliched portrayals of USSR
    Made in English language as target audience too dumb to read subtitles
    Absolute shit tier TV

    • 1 month ago

      >constantly name it as some super realistic show
      It is, in all the ways that matter. If anything I'd say they went a bit lite on some of this stuff.
      t. former member of the soviet union

      • 1 month ago

        lol, it absolutely isn't

        • 1 month ago

          It is. The female scientist notwithstanding.

  19. 1 month ago

    why is keevland so fail?

  20. 1 month ago

    Now let's see the realistic Russian version where it's all CIAs fault.

  21. 1 month ago

    >t. sirgay gayorgyavich sneedinov

  22. 1 month ago

    I love comrade Dyatlov so much.
    He's the funniest character I've seen in any western TV show ever.
    My favorite character, and it's not even close.

  23. 1 month ago

    >be vatnik union
    >get broke
    >*refuses to comment further*
    bravo marx

  24. 1 month ago
  25. 1 month ago

    The fact that it basically slanders Dyatlov and all the other technicians is disgusting, Dyatlov was like the only one that refused to throw his men under the bus.

  26. 1 month ago

    Yeah wtf is with all the hate against the Soviet Union? Kinda weird, you гuys.

  27. 1 month ago

    Forty-Five Things I Learned in the Gulag

    1. The extreme fragility of human culture, civilization. A man becomes a beast in three weeks, given heavy labor, cold, hunger, and beatings.

    2. The main means for depraving the soul is the cold. Presumably in Central Asian camps people held out longer, for it was warmer there.

    3. I realized that friendship, comradeship, would never arise in really difficult, life-threatening conditions. Friendship arises in difficult but bearable conditions (in the hospital, but not at the pit face).

    4. I realized that the feeling a man preserves longest is anger. There is only enough flesh on a hungry man for anger: everything else leaves him indifferent.

    5. I realized that Stalin’s “victories” were due to his killing the innocent—an organization a tenth the size would have swept Stalin away in two days.

    6. I realized that humans were human because they were physically stronger and clung to life more than any other animal: no horse can survive work in the Far North.

    7. I saw that the only group of people able to preserve a minimum of humanity in conditions of starvation and abuse were the religious believers, the sectarians (almost all of them), and most priests.

    8. Party workers and the military are the first to fall apart and do so most easily.

    9. I saw what a weighty argument for the intellectual is the most ordinary slap in the face.

    10. Ordinary people distinguish their bosses by how hard their bosses hit them, how enthusiastically their bosses beat them.

    11. Beatings are almost totally effective as an argument (method number three).

    12. I discovered from experts the truth about how mysterious show trials are set up.

    13. I understood why prisoners hear political news (arrests, et cetera) before the outside world does.

    14. I found out that the prison (and camp) “grapevine” is never just a “grapevine.”

    15. I realized that one can live on anger.

    16. I realized that one can live on indifference.

  28. 1 month ago

    17. I understood why people do not live on hope—there isn’t any hope. Nor can they survive by means of free will—what free will is there? They live by instinct, a feeling of self-preservation, on the same basis as a tree, a stone, an animal.

    18. I am proud to have decided right at the beginning, in 1937, that I would never be a foreman if my freedom could lead to another man’s death, if my freedom had to serve the bosses by oppressing other people, prisoners like myself.

    19. Both my physical and my spiritual strength turned out to be stronger than I thought in this great test, and I am proud that I never sold anyone, never sent anyone to their death or to another sentence, and never denounced anyone.

    20. I am proud that I never wrote an official request until 1955.

    21. I saw the so-called Beria amnesty where it took place, and it was a sight worth seeing.

    22. I saw that women are more decent and self-sacrificing than men: in Kolyma there were no cases of a husband following his wife. But wives would come, many of them (Faina Rabinovich, Krivoshei’s wife).

    23. I saw amazing northern families (free-contract workers and former prisoners) with letters “to legitimate husbands and wives,” et cetera.

    24. I saw “the first Rockefellers,” the underworld millionaires. I heard their confessions.

    25. I saw men doing penal servitude, as well as numerous people of “contingents” D, B, et cetera, “Berlag.”

    26. I realized that you can achieve a great deal—time in the hospital, a transfer—but only by risking your life, taking beatings, enduring solitary confinement in ice.

    27. I saw solitary confinement in ice, hacked out of a rock, and spent a night in it myself.

    28. The passion for power, to be able to kill at will, is great—from top bosses to the rank-and-file guards (Seroshapka and similar men).

    29. Russians’ uncontrollable urge to denounce and complain.

  29. 1 month ago

    30. I discovered that the world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. Ninety-five percent of cowards are capable of the vilest things, lethal things, at the mildest threat.

    31. I am convinced that the camps—all of them—are a negative school; you can’t even spend an hour in one without being depraved. The camps never gave, and never could give, anyone anything positive. The camps act by depraving everyone, prisoners and free-contract workers alike.

    32. Every province had its own camps, at every construction site. Millions, tens of millions of prisoners.

    33. Repressions affected not just the top layer but every layer of society—in any village, at any factory, in any family there were either relatives or friends who were repressed.

    34. I consider the best period of my life the months I spent in a cell in Butyrki prison, where I managed to strengthen the spirit of the weak, and where everyone spoke freely.

    35. I learned to “plan” my life one day ahead, no more.

    36. I realized that the thieves were not human.

    37. I realized that there were no criminals in the camps, that the people next to you (and who would be next to you tomorrow) were within the boundaries of the law and had not trespassed them.

    38. I realized what a terrible thing is the self-esteem of a boy or a youth: it’s better to steal than to ask. That self-esteem and boastfulness are what make boys sink to the bottom.

    39. In my life women have not played a major part: the camp is the reason.

    40. Knowing people is useless, for I am unable to change my attitude toward any scoundrel.

    41. The people whom everyone—guards, fellow prisoners—hates are the last in the ranks, those who lag behind, those who are sick, weak, those who can’t run when the temperature is below zero.

    42. I understood what power is and what a man with a rifle is.

    43. I understood that the scales had been displaced and that this displacement was what was most typical of the camps.

  30. 1 month ago

    44. I understood that moving from the condition of a prisoner to the condition of a free man is very difficult, almost impossible without a long period of amortization.

    45. I understood that a writer has to be a foreigner in the questions he is dealing with, and if he knows his material well, he will write in such a way that nobody will understand him.


    For fifteen years the writer Varlam Shalamov was imprisoned in the Gulag for participating in “counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities.” He endured six of those years enslaved in the gold mines of Kolyma, one of the coldest and most hostile places on earth. While he was awaiting sentencing, one of his short stories was published in a journal called Literary Contemporary. He was released in 1951, and from 1954 to 1973 he worked on Kolyma Stories, a masterpiece of Soviet dissident writing that has been newly translated into English and published by New York Review Books Classics this week. Shalamov claimed not to have learned anything in Kolyma, except how to wheel a loaded barrow. But one of his fragmentary writings, dated 1961, tells us more.

    Official NKVD photo from Varlam Shalamov’s 1937 arrest.

  31. 1 month ago


    >Danzig Sergeyevitch Baldaev, a Soviet KGB officer who worked in the Siberian GULAG system secretly made a series of 200 drawings , outlining scenes he had witnessed during his term of office. The GULAG system was in operation until the 1980s when Gorbachev finally closed them down.

    >The drawings are uncomfortable and shocking. Yet also a reminder of the horrors of Stalinist Russia, lest we forget.

    >Conditions in the Soviet GULAG were worse than in Hitler's camps, according to those inmates who had been in both.

  32. 1 month ago
  33. 1 month ago

    OP got banned from /k/ and is maudlin here instead. Kek.

  34. 1 month ago

    delusional psychopathic commies

  35. 1 month ago

    >>le soviet union bad!

  36. 1 month ago

    The soviet union is bad

  37. 1 month ago

    can't believe a tv show dramatised a real life event, i'm so mad right now about it, 5 years after the broadcast! rrrraaaaaaarrgh!

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