Legion of Super-Heroes

Why do they get rebooted so much? Also what would you say is the best version of the team?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Boring as dirt.

    • 3 months ago

      That's an insult to dirt.

  2. 3 months ago

    They're very, very lame.

    • 3 months ago

      Boring as dirt.

      Cinemaphile doesn't read comics

      • 3 months ago

        I've read a couple comics.

      • 3 months ago

        I did. They're boring.

  3. 3 months ago

    >Why do they get rebooted so much?
    DC got rid of Superboy, and the Legion was built on that, they had to accommodate them.

  4. 3 months ago

    >what would you say is the best version of the team?
    They're all fine except for the Bendis version.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Why do they get rebooted so much?

    EVERYTHING at DC is CONSTANTLY rebooted.

    • 3 months ago

      That's just an extremely overblown meme, you'd know if you actually read.

      • 3 months ago

        There are literally less Legion reboots than there are DC reboots overall

        • 3 months ago

          We're talking about in-universe reboots here, DC has only ever really rebooted with Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint.
          Shit like Infinite Frontier and Dawn of DC aren't reboots, they're just rebrands for marketing.

          • 3 months ago

            So when Zero Hour rebooted the Legion that doesn't count, because it wasn't a reboot. The 2004 Legion was just an alternative earth Legion, not a rebooted Legion, being the Legion of Earth Prime. Seems like we are just seeing the various Legions of the 52 Worlds

            • 3 months ago

              >The 2004 Legion was just an alternative earth Legion, not a rebooted Legion, being the Legion of Earth Prime.
              That was a later retcon tho, wasn't it? At the time of their introductions, each of these new Legions were meant to be THE Legion, at least until Johns came along and said that they were all actually from completely separate Earths, which was just so he could get rid of them without completely erasing them from history.

              • 3 months ago

                Retcons aren't reboots, right? I'm just building upon the logic Anon laid out

              • 3 months ago

                It's all the same shit, DCfriends think they can whitewash it by being pedantic.

              • 3 months ago

                Me too thanks

              • 3 months ago

                Logic isn't language, son.

                Pizza is bread with cheese on top. A cheesy bagel is bread with cheese on top but it's made together. Deep friend mozzarella sticks can be breaded but it doesn't make them pizza, either.

                However, yes, all are edible, at least, at minimum, food. And they are all DIFFERENT foods. But that doesn't make a cheesy bagel a reboot of pizza.

              • 3 months ago

                Logic also isn't your strong-point

      • 3 months ago

        There have been what, over 5 reboots/multiverse changing events since Flashpoint alone? Some instances have just been "frick it, everything is legit!"

        And then you have the failed attempts like 5G that failed to see the light of day at the last second.

        • 3 months ago

          >There have been what, over 5 reboots/multiverse changing events since Flashpoint alone? Some instances have just been "frick it, everything is legit!"
          We obviously have different definitions of reboot, I don't consider bringing back old continuity reboots, if anything, those are "deboots", since they specifically reverse what they did with certain reboots like the New 52.
          Again, I only consider Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint actual reboots, everything else is just a deboot or some big event that doesn't actually change anything.
          >And then you have the failed attempts like 5G that failed to see the light of day at the last second.
          Well, yeah, but there's an infinite amount of reboots that haven't actually happened, so I most definitely don't count those.

  6. 3 months ago

    The OG version going from Silver age up to COIE is probably my favorite, but I my consumption of Legion comics is far from comprehensive, so I wouldn't call myself an authority.

  7. 3 months ago

    The one with sexy Dawnstar

    • 3 months ago

      She has big wings.

      • 3 months ago


  8. 3 months ago

    does anybody know whether dc is planning on doing volume 2 of the softcover legion? i can only find the omnibus edition... but they did it for JLA

    • 3 months ago

      The softcover program for the omnibuses got canceled because of fait accompli: everyone bought the omnibuses to keep the line from being canceled due to low sales and as a result, no one bought the softcovers.

      IIRC JLA only got like 4-5 volumes, Teen Titans only gone one, and Doom Patrol stalled at two out of three volumes.

      It's super fricking shitty if you don't want omnibuses

      • 3 months ago

        thanks. yeah, I don't want omnibuses. sucks to be me. I have legion in all other formats. might as well buy the missing back issues

  9. 3 months ago

    The Science Fiction elements are crap
    The aliens are boring crap
    None of the worlds are interesting at all
    Most of the big conflicts are rote "Cosmic Big Bad threatens Everything" which is already done to death the the JL.
    They retell the same bullshit over and over again after each reboot
    Once they've hit all the "classic" stories its just soap opera shit
    It's just a lame concept pulled off really badly. Only Legion nostalgiagays give any shits at all.

    • 3 months ago

      Adam Warren or someone like him could do well with “teen superheroes in the far future” concept.

      • 3 months ago

        Probably the best Titans story.

      • 3 months ago

        Damn shame DC never picked up his pitch for a Teen Titans ongoing.

        Though given how crazy his Dirty Pair series went with the Sci-Fi gadgets and setting, an Adam Warren LoS would’ve been insane.

    • 3 months ago

      The entire Legion are literally a team of nostalgiagays as characters.
      >Hey 'member Superboy?

    • 3 months ago

      Go home Ennis

      • 3 months ago

        Damn, Ennis is right for once.

  10. 3 months ago

    Cause it’s hard to break a habit. Once COIE screwed up Superboy, the team was on borrowed time.
    Five Years later was so miserable they started over, ending the classic legion era.

    Personally, The Reboot Legion is a personal favorite. It’s got a decent issue count for a ten year run. Everything up to the Blight Arc is good clean fun. Solid art, likable characters. Very manga-like in the expansive cast.

    But they wanted a change up. So they three-booted. Then Johns tried to fix it, until the new 52 screwed it up. Now we’ve got the Bendis legion that no one asked for.
    The constant reboots have killed any meaningful fanbase, since each generation has their favorites.

  11. 3 months ago

    The homosexual Mark Waid. Seriously, ALL of the reboots are Waid's fault.....

    >>Even though the israelite Mike Gold tried to kill the Legion like he later killed Hawkman, Byrne and Levitz spited the israelite by coming up with a servicable workaround to preserve Legion continuity and respecting Byrne's reboot of Superman. Then Byrne and Levitz leave, Waid (who openly shit talks the Superman reboot) becomes editor of Legion and lets TMK turn the Legion into a soulless grimdark book. Superman editorial isn't thrilled by can't do much, until Waid takes his vendetta against the Byrne reboot to greenlight a story that shits all over it and explicitly brings back Pre-Crisis Supergirl as a ghost who interacts with Deadman. Superman editorial is livid, forcing the Mordruverse reboot and remove of all Superman lore from the book save for Brainiac 5 and Mon-El (who has to be rebranded Valor).

    >>Waid gets pissy that he's told he has to abort a C-Plot where a D-List Legion hanger on is now made up of Green Lantern energy because of Emerald Twilight/can't reference any GL stuff and declares, on the spot, that he's killing the classic continuity and rebooting purely out of spite.

    back to the 94 Reboot, which has been retooled to be grimdark under DnA and after a bit of a rough start, has found it's footing and even found a workaround to restore a version of Superboy to the series. For Waid, this is unacceptable since the book has "strayed" from his original vision and demands to be allowed to reboot it.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, I always thought it was odd that Waid had his hand in two of the Legion reboots. If the first reboot wasn’t enough, he had to have his own version.

    • 3 months ago

      >>Waid's reboot is a pathetic attempt to ape edgy teen shows like Skins that Grant Morrison has loaned him to watch and is widely reviled even with Waid calling in favors to Wizard to shill his reboot as the second coming. It's so reviled that DC says "frick it, we're doing it...." when Brad Meltzer announces he wants to do a Legion/JSA/JLA crossover but with the REAL IE classic Legion, not the Waid Legion. And for added "frick you homosexual", Geoff and Brad explicitly use Legion members for the crossover that Waid DESPISES and constantly shits on if not refusing outright to use (Sensor Girl, Wildfire, Timber Wolf, Karate Kid, and Dawnstar). And it's such a hit we get a restored classic Legion ongoing.

      >>Waid makes such a public stink and goes so fricking insane targeting Comicgate types for harassment that he gets sued and forced to settle out of court for a couple hundred thousand dollars and made to give Richard Meyers a private groveling apology in exchange for Richard agreeing to an NDA that keeps him from saying how the case got resolved so Waid can lie to his friends in private that he "won". Waid's descent into madness is blamed by Geoff on Trump derangement syndrome and this causes Geoff to derail his big continuity fixing story arc Doomsday Clock because he rewrites it to be less about fixing canon and more about how the left needs to shut the frick and stop making shit worse for everyone and because of the delays, Bendis steals control over the Legion and Geoff is forced at gunpoint to have the classic version of the Legion cease to exist.

      sheesh, I've always liked the classic and 90s Legion, but I had no idea what spiteful comic writers would end up doing with it down the line.

    • 3 months ago

      >>Waid's reboot is a pathetic attempt to ape edgy teen shows like Skins that Grant Morrison has loaned him to watch and is widely reviled even with Waid calling in favors to Wizard to shill his reboot as the second coming. It's so reviled that DC says "frick it, we're doing it...." when Brad Meltzer announces he wants to do a Legion/JSA/JLA crossover but with the REAL IE classic Legion, not the Waid Legion. And for added "frick you homosexual", Geoff and Brad explicitly use Legion members for the crossover that Waid DESPISES and constantly shits on if not refusing outright to use (Sensor Girl, Wildfire, Timber Wolf, Karate Kid, and Dawnstar). And it's such a hit we get a restored classic Legion ongoing.

      >>Waid makes such a public stink and goes so fricking insane targeting Comicgate types for harassment that he gets sued and forced to settle out of court for a couple hundred thousand dollars and made to give Richard Meyers a private groveling apology in exchange for Richard agreeing to an NDA that keeps him from saying how the case got resolved so Waid can lie to his friends in private that he "won". Waid's descent into madness is blamed by Geoff on Trump derangement syndrome and this causes Geoff to derail his big continuity fixing story arc Doomsday Clock because he rewrites it to be less about fixing canon and more about how the left needs to shut the frick and stop making shit worse for everyone and because of the delays, Bendis steals control over the Legion and Geoff is forced at gunpoint to have the classic version of the Legion cease to exist.

      Screenshoting for future reference.

  12. 3 months ago

    >>Waid's reboot is a pathetic attempt to ape edgy teen shows like Skins that Grant Morrison has loaned him to watch and is widely reviled even with Waid calling in favors to Wizard to shill his reboot as the second coming. It's so reviled that DC says "frick it, we're doing it...." when Brad Meltzer announces he wants to do a Legion/JSA/JLA crossover but with the REAL IE classic Legion, not the Waid Legion. And for added "frick you homosexual", Geoff and Brad explicitly use Legion members for the crossover that Waid DESPISES and constantly shits on if not refusing outright to use (Sensor Girl, Wildfire, Timber Wolf, Karate Kid, and Dawnstar). And it's such a hit we get a restored classic Legion ongoing.

    >>Waid makes such a public stink and goes so fricking insane targeting Comicgate types for harassment that he gets sued and forced to settle out of court for a couple hundred thousand dollars and made to give Richard Meyers a private groveling apology in exchange for Richard agreeing to an NDA that keeps him from saying how the case got resolved so Waid can lie to his friends in private that he "won". Waid's descent into madness is blamed by Geoff on Trump derangement syndrome and this causes Geoff to derail his big continuity fixing story arc Doomsday Clock because he rewrites it to be less about fixing canon and more about how the left needs to shut the frick and stop making shit worse for everyone and because of the delays, Bendis steals control over the Legion and Geoff is forced at gunpoint to have the classic version of the Legion cease to exist.

    • 3 months ago

      You skipped over a lot near the end, since not everyone follows Waidgaygtry.

      >Bendis steals the spotlight, Forcing Johns to destroy the classic legion forever

      You can really feel the 180 from Rebirth’s Retroboot Irma just fricking disintegrating so Bendis’s smilers can save the day. I bet Johns is still seething over his years of fighting editorial being thrown down the drain.

      • 3 months ago

        >Forcing Johns to destroy the classic legion forever
        Not forever forever, specially since no one liked the Bendisboot, Johns is clearly using his JSA book to try to bring the Classic Legion back.
        Let's just hope he gets to do it before he fricks off to Ghost Machine.

        • 3 months ago

          Holy shit a Lion.

    • 3 months ago

      >Doomsday Clock because he rewrites it to be less about fixing canon and more about how the left needs to shut the frick and stop making shit worse for everyone


      • 3 months ago

        Doomsday Clock is all about how the left needs to shut the frick up and stop being monsters (Wonder Woman at one point goes on a rant at the UN screaming BOTH the left and right has gone off the rails, before Black Adam shows up to beat the shit out of her to the point that she doesn't appear for the rest of the series) and outright refuting the ending of Watchmen and Moore and his ilk's idea that Veidt was right to kill millions like he did and to have Dr Manhattan realize he's history's greatest monster for enabling Veidt like he did when he murdered Rorschach.

        • 3 months ago

          >Moore and his ilk's idea that Veidt was right
          This is false.

  13. 3 months ago

    How would Cinemaphile reboot LOSH?

    • 3 months ago

      Hell yeah, just what the Legion needed, another reboot.

    • 3 months ago

      Make them more alien.

  14. 3 months ago

    All that green text feels wrong but I don’t have anything to disprove it. Only Legion I would call bad is Bendis and post Giffen 5YL. Though there’s some Bronze Age stuff before Levitz starts cooking that’s rough

  15. 3 months ago

    pre flashpoint runs were good.

  16. 3 months ago

    Reboot is my favorite. It had lots of different and imaginative Legionaries.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh my God, how grimdark

  17. 3 months ago

    Outside of the fact that they're THE most Silver Age Scifi team?
    It's because DC's editorial is super territorial about stuff and you have to make some pretty wild concessions about LoSH.

    Green Lantern shows that there's leagues upon leagues of actual alien races, while the Legion basically says that most aliens are literally just humans with abilities that count as superpowers compared to humans on Earth. Their planets also obviously exist in modern times, yet none of them of every been involved in crazy universe spanning events.

    • 3 months ago

      >Green Lantern shows that there's leagues upon leagues of actual alien races, while the Legion basically says that most aliens are literally just humans with abilities that count as superpowers compared to humans on Earth. Their planets also obviously exist in modern times, yet none of them of every been involved in crazy universe spanning events.
      The humanoid alien aspect is one thing I've never been fond of- and in my Legion
      expy concepts (for nothing in particular, just world building practice in case I want to do an RPG or comic) I took a thing from Power Rangers Time Force- basically all births are controlled in the future. So I had the idea that all the Legion would be designer babies engineered to be superheroes.
      But furthermore, with Superman being the model for the Legion- it lead to other alien races coming under Eath's direction and being engineered into more humanoid forms and looks- some voluntarily and others pressured. Not necessarily as a dystopian portrayal but an uncomfortable one.

    • 3 months ago

      >Green Lantern shows that there's leagues upon leagues of actual alien races, while the Legion basically says that most aliens are literally just humans with abilities that count as superpowers compared to humans on Earth. Their planets also obviously exist in modern times, yet none of them of every been involved in crazy universe spanning events.
      The humanoid alien aspect is one thing I've never been fond of- and in my Legion
      expy concepts (for nothing in particular, just world building practice in case I want to do an RPG or comic) I took a thing from Power Rangers Time Force- basically all births are controlled in the future. So I had the idea that all the Legion would be designer babies engineered to be superheroes.
      But furthermore, with Superman being the model for the Legion- it lead to other alien races coming under Eath's direction and being engineered into more humanoid forms and looks- some voluntarily and others pressured. Not necessarily as a dystopian portrayal but an uncomfortable one.

      They have tried to retcon explanations for why so many of them are just people, the one I remember is a Valor issue where some alien had kidnapped a ton of people from Earth and Mon El rescused them and they all went to start colonies on Braal and Winath and so on.

      The one thing I'll give Bendis Legion points for is more of the Legion looked alien, even if a lot was just Star Trek style different color skin and face makeup, even though everyone else on Cinemaphile hated the designs.

      • 3 months ago

        Hell, that makes sense; especially since DC pretty much pretends that no Earth heroes exist outside the Legion 1000 years from now.

  18. 3 months ago

    Even by comic standards the Legion is super confusing to figure out with all the reboots. Are there collections for each run that make it easier?

    • 3 months ago

      Not really since some of the series ran for something like 44 years and Reboot ran for 10.

      Oh my God, how grimdark

      The Legion could be dark as you like. Here's where one of their villains was murdered in prison due to carelessness in incarceration.

      • 3 months ago

        Oh my god, she didn't realize how her own power worked?

        • 3 months ago

          Her power was involuntary IIRC.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh my god, she didn't know how her involuntary powers worked?

            • 3 months ago

              I guess she didn't think her cunning plan through to the end.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh my god, the Legion really made a blunder there

      • 3 months ago

        What in the frick were they thinking with this costume??

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >look at my crotch

          • 3 months ago

            My crotch is amazing.

        • 3 months ago

          Sex and liberal approaches to eroticism in everyday life. It was the 70's. Shooter had whole write ups for the sexual preferences of all the Legion. Them all showing off their bodies and having less nudity taboos is in the same zeitgeist.

  19. 3 months ago

    LoSH are slaves to Superman continuity, any changes to Superman requires Legion to change in response.

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