>lesbian velma. >lesbian buttercup. >lesbian betty. >peppermint patty jokes. >spinelli jokes

>lesbian velma
>lesbian buttercup
>lesbian betty
>peppermint patty jokes
>spinelli jokes
Why are progressives so regressive when it comes to certain characters? They're basically playing off of negative stereotypes.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Because they are the same people who would have called them those things negatively. Who the frick even knows who is gay besides other gays? Homophobia was always just a product of homosexuals complaining about romantic partners.

  2. 5 months ago

    Most millennials still think the world is like high-school, so if you don't fit into the sterotypes of dudebro, stoner or cheerleader you have to be gay.

    • 5 months ago

      It's kinda crazy because these stereotypes (except dudebro, which is a bit more recent but still almost entirely pulls from the jock archetype) comes from some old movie makers interpretation of what school life was in the fricking 60's
      Every piece of media we know is regurgitated ad infinitum

  3. 5 months ago

    Because negative gay stereotypes of old are now considered "gay icons"

  4. 5 months ago

    because these people don't watch cartoons so they only know commonly told memes
    it's like if you asked a basic internet normalgay adjacent coomer who his favorite characters are, it's always "Raven" "Misty" "FOTM character" these people HATE the shows the remake, they don't remake them out of love, they do it out of hatred and a desire to prove themselves better

  5. 5 months ago

    It's not a stereotype if it's true.

    • 5 months ago

      If anything I rarely see lesbian tomboys. They're more common to troon out than date women. They still like and obsess over men.

      • 5 months ago

        >They still like and obsess over men.
        Hentai isn't real life

        • 5 months ago

          I've been with girls like that. So I guess hentai is real life.

          • 5 months ago

            How did their transition go?

            • 5 months ago

              She realized it wasn't right for her.

      • 5 months ago

        Well the lesbians that do end up transitioning often end up attracted to men.
        Most likely cause testosterone increases sex drive and desire to have kids.

        • 5 months ago

          This is also why Uyghur organ harvesting is still a thing, it's much cheaper to steal a dick off a Uyghur then it is to grow one off a lab mouse (lab rat if they're black) and most still use the lab mouse (rat) for ethical reasons.

          Only 3rd world countries still sever legs into dicks and the only trannies who still do that are those with shitty/no insurance and have to travel to said countries (mostly in South East Asia and Central America as Mexico requires sources dicks from lab mice/rats since 2019 and almost all of South America requires sourcing dicks from lab mice/rats for sex changes, the rest of South America will take Uyghur dicks but all of South America forbids severing legs into dicks).

          • 5 months ago

            Hold on, what's happening in this post?

            • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              South Park even did a episode about dicks being grown off of mice called Eek! A Penis".

      • 5 months ago

        Most adult tomboys are bisexual from what I’ve seen.
        The most ironic thing is the most man hating women out there eventually transition into trans men, a la Noelle Stevenson

    • 5 months ago

      don't most stereotypes have some truth to them, otherwise they'd just be lies.

      • 5 months ago

        Stereotypes can come from propaganda as well. So they can also be bald-faced lies.

        • 5 months ago

          not true because:
          a) not all propaganda are lies (that's a stereotype, lol) , it's just "the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person"
          pic related is an example of propaganda about the French British alliance during ww1. It being propaganda does not mean France and Britain were secretly at war with each other.
          b)Not all stereotypes are negative, they are just a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
          "African countries are poor" is a stereotype, this doesn't mean that they are all infact 1st world nations with bustling economies nor is it a moral judgment of African countries, it is a generalization of African states.

          And both aren't mutually ensured, you can have propaganda with no established stereotypes and you can have stereotypes that emerge organically.

  6. 5 months ago

    Why can't we have good lesbian ships which DO NOT include a tomboy? Frick you, Korra.

    Why can't Bubbles x Blossom be paired up?

    >but my Owl House
    Antagonist/Rivals to lovers is a trope as old as time , don't make me bring up the list.

    • 5 months ago

      Bubbles and Blossom are siblings

      • 5 months ago

        >Bubbles x Blossom
        Because they are siblings stupid.

        Please, like that stopped Frozen fans.

    • 5 months ago

      >Bubbles x Blossom
      Because they are siblings stupid.

      • 5 months ago

        Bubbles and Blossom are siblings

        >Bubbles Blossm are sisters
        Even better. Get that Sweet Home Alabama crowd but with Coffin of Andrew & Leyley.

        • 5 months ago

          >Even better. Get that Sweet Home Alabama crowd but with Coffin of Andrew & Leyley.
          Sorry buddy, anyone who implies to the show writers that two underaged sisters should be together would be blacklisted for life.

      • 5 months ago

        So you're worried their children will be inbred? dude lol

    • 5 months ago

      a lot of the time blossom is shipped with princess morebucks

      • 5 months ago

        It’s a pretty good dynamic.
        But it only works when they’re older as a good girl/queen bee thing

        • 5 months ago

          No they don't work together. Morbucks is a spoiled ugly brat that needs to be killed off the show for good. She's an embarassement to villain kind.
          Bubbles is a better villain than Morbucks.

          it feels disgusting to have this noble intelligent bookworm upholding her morals to befriend this wreteched amoral disgusting ignorant richkid obsessed fangirl fundbaby that won't frick off already and take no for an answer.

          • 5 months ago

            Ok, but have you considered who they might develop into as they grow older

            • 5 months ago

              Superman steals Lex Luthor's money and that's the end of it. Lex goes back to Africa and Morbucks goes back to Ireland like the ginger Black person menace she is. Blossom doesn't have time to lecture a parasite and be her caretaker.


              • 5 months ago

                Where’s the fun in that? Why not spend the necessary time to make her emotionally dependent on Blossom.
                Her father only shows affection through money and gifts, so she’s probably starved for a proper hug

              • 5 months ago

                >to make her emotionally dependent on Blossom.
                Because she is an undesirable, she's not a dog, she's a hyena, nobody wants her as a pet. She's a mongrel complete with her ugly freckles and curly carrot cake.
                Blossom is the superior redhead without any freckles and straight hair. Blossom is basically the degingerfied redhead unlike Morbucks that just like Lex Luthor is still a Black person.

                >Her father only shows affection through money and gifts, so she’s probably starved for a proper hug
                Because again she's also a vapid personalityLESS animal, she's an animal like all richkids. Richkids are animals with no moral compass, no personality, no

                This is why most yanderes are undesirables, they have no common grounds, no intelligence, nothing appealing about them, they're just creepy emotional leeches, like most animals lost in the rain.
                Except that when you grab an animal from the rain you grab a cute puppy and kitten and you MOLD HER into what you want.
                But a richkid that already got taught a certain way ... you know those dogs you get from the pound? those are abused, used up, prostituteD UP dogs, those dogs already have a set in personality, there's no more fixing them, you are adoptiong somebody's sloppy seconds just like Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. You are adopting a MUTT that was already taught a certain way and it's next to impossible to deteach her, plus her awful genes, mutts have awful genes in them.
                What purpose would let's say myself have for a richkid without money? does the richkid deserve me? no. Do I need the richkid AFTER I stole all her money? no. She's a tool and nothing else. She's not even a trophy waifu cause she looks disgusting, she's ugly as a mutt. We go back to step 0 of why nobody wants her; she's unappealing, she's an undesirable, A MUTT, a stray, a ginger Black person and a prostitute who can't even prostitute out correctly.

                Will somebody please award me that "Wow Anon you sound like you're talking from personal experience" medal?

              • 5 months ago

                No, quite frankly you don’t seem to be talking from personal experience. Your ravings seem to in fact be in direct conflict with my personal experiences.

                I’ve met your sort. Raving self righteous lunatics who cling to the belief that they are good and all others are bad. On top of that, you seem to be quite racist, and against the Irish which is something I did not expect to see here.
                So, Miss Thatcher, I do not regard your rant as particularly valuable

              • 5 months ago

                Ohohoho you wanna talk realism?
                You want to talk the positive richkid diva like Rarity/Pipp/Pacifica/Rapunzel/Chris Thorndyke/Batman/Token, that one rich girl from Princess and the Frog?

                Richkids usually have loneliness problems cause of how introverted they are cause their parents are never there to father and mother them, they often get taken care of by babysitters, maids, the grandparents, etc. this creates a serious affection problem and lack of relating to other people, often times they become indifferent or overly attached, often times a combination.
                I knew a dumb b***h and she is a dumb b***h that was obsessed with money like her parents taught her, her parents were some of the coldest c**ts I've ever met.
                She had this creepy shallow "got to satisfy everyone, but especially the new friend of the week", she had this natural "Oh you don't have any money? here let me give you some and remind me if I forget" now just from that line you'd think she's a nice person... she was insecure and desperate and treated her "friends" as confidence boosters. She tried to buy them and was obsessed with popularity(because she was ugly and lacking in breasts and ass) and she did not want to have poorgays as bfs, poorgays turned her off. She had that creepy bus tourist guide demeanour, she had no idea how to be a friend. She collected friends like groupies.
                She was depressive, insecure, shallow and felt devastated whenever someone told her to frick off and she felt irritated, in denial and confused when somebody told her she can't buy them and to keep her money to herself.
                She was clingy, but in an indifferent shallow way.
                She cared about you, but in a weird shallow way like a diva looking for your approval.
                She was overall an "interesting" but emotionally detached and creepy weird experience to have.
                And that was just one example of the richkid archetypes. But almost all of them have some form of antisocial issue and do not make for good friends.

              • 5 months ago

                My personal experiences are different, but I guess you just didn’t interact with good people

              • 5 months ago

                I'd love to hear your positive experiences with role model rich people. It might open my mind.

              • 5 months ago

                Well, truth be told my experiences are admittedly quite simple.
                I’m friends with a semi large group of Christian rich kids who I met through my sister. They’re all super nice and supportive of one another. And every Sunday, we go out and give food to the homeless.
                We don’t really do it for thanks, and the group is honestly a bit poorly organized with little backup plans or support beyond the group itself. It was just a thing they decided to do. And eventually my sister and I were invited to join

              • 5 months ago

                That's the impression people get out of Mormons too.
                You don't truly know a person until you live with them in the same house.
                Most bfs/gfs realize this too late.

              • 5 months ago

                I feel like you’re unwilling to change your opinion. Regardless I really know these people are they’re genuinely going out and trying to build a charity from the ground up just because they like to help people

              • 5 months ago

                You sound like you're hiding something, or extremely shallow, extremely robotic or extremely easy to manipulate. You don't talk in a natutal way.

              • 5 months ago

                I’m just tired dude

              • 5 months ago

                There was nothing wrong with that post femanon, you just don't have a response to it

              • 5 months ago

                Wishful thinking, anon. Wishful thinking.

              • 5 months ago

                And this creates a cycle of dysfunctional parents creating dysfunctional kids that grow up into dysfunctional parents and so on.
                Rich people are also obsessed with loyalty and are often paranoid, they want to feel true unconditional love, but often cannot give themselves or end up contradicting themselves like morons by trying to buy you because that's how their parents treated them.
                As such richkids are almost the easiest to manipulate morons there are and are often depressive suicidal morons... and of course very contradicting and hypocritical.
                They dob't know how to behave like a moralistic social friend that gives love. They can often turn into bipolar tsunderes and yanderes obsessed with you, but paranoid and indifferent and they try to push you away to not steal their money and hearts and break their little pessimistic unfeeling hearts.
                Rich people are naturally smart at making money and dumb at everything else which makes them insecure and personalityless and incompetent.
                Rich people can often have this "free as a bird" demeanour to them and this turns into a problem because they grow into depressive "I need to affirm myself" so they poke their noses where they don't belong, they want to belong even if they know 0 methods about how they belong.
                They are schizo indifferent hypersensitive or hyperindifferent boring walking moneybags and they know that, that's why they always feel so irritated, unsatisfied and paranoid. They turn into control freaks. "HE MUST LOVE ME", their understanding of love is lesser than a 5 year old cause they were taught to contrsdict unconditional love, they NEED TO PROVE they love you by being materialistic towards you just like their parents taught them, it's all they know.

                You probably find the concept of abusing an emotionally stunted richgirl exceptionally tittilating in a depraved degenerate way, but us benevolent moralgays would rather not abuse people.

              • 5 months ago

                Not particularly no. I prefer to help people.
                But from my understanding it seems like you are implying that there doesn’t exist redemption, which I know not to be true.

                When I look at Princess I see a little bit of Tony Stark. Not the modern incarnation, but rather the original idea plus the original movie and armored adventures version as potential

    • 5 months ago

      >That was a joke, it's not meant to be taken seriously.
      >Betty is straight and her husband's name is Barney. Seriously you never watched The Flintstones?!?
      >If you ever bother with anything Peanuts related you will know that both Peppermint Patty and Marcy have crushes on Charlie Brown.

      >Why are progressives so regressive when it comes to certain characters? They're basically playing off of negative stereotypes.
      This, it's like displaying all black characters like they're Stepin Fetchit or Al Jolson (the later is actually white).

      Korra was made for horny men who fap to Rule34, PalComix and Sad Panda on a daily bases.
      Bubbles and Blossom are sisters.

    • 5 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 5 months ago

      I am with you

      • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    >pro regressive

  8. 5 months ago

    These are the same people who want to indirectly bring back Jim Crow Laws, only black people can do certain things and only white people can do certain things.

  9. 5 months ago

    What's regressive about making Velma an actual lesbian instead of just making jokes about it? Is Scoobert-Doobert a trustworthy barometer for culutral attitudes towards sexual orientation? I thought it was just an IP farm pimped out by the powers-that-be because they can't come up with anything new.

  10. 5 months ago

    Have you ever noticed that when progs make a "non-binary" character have a relationship its always a gay one?
    They treat pretty much everyone as a homosexual.

    • 5 months ago

      Give 5 examples

      • 5 months ago

        Two on hand right now is Halo from young justice and that one Vee dates in the Owl house

  11. 5 months ago

    Man, I only just caught that two of the items listed in OP are jokes, and one of those jokes is a line people have been repeating for at least 30 years. So that's one canonical item, two jokes by creative teams, and two jokes any normie on the street might tell you. I feel like a dumbass. Hope you get AIDS and the coof, OP.

    • 5 months ago

      Buttercup was made a dyke in the CW pilot and Betty from Rugrats was made lesbian in the soulless reboot no one watched.

      • 5 months ago

        Buttercup is 5 years old, also OP was talking about Betty RUBBLE, not Deville.
        I don't care how hot you find Wilma and Betty, they have husbands fore a reason, and Wilma's husband is pretty GRAND for being a DAD.

        • 5 months ago

          Buttercup was older in the pilot.
          And I am OP, and I meant Deville.

          • 5 months ago

            You're not OP, OP was CLEARLY talking about Rubble.

            Yes it's hypocritical since people fought against gender stereotypes. I'm reminded of Betty DeVill being turned into a lesbian, when the entire point of the character was to show a more masculine women married to a womanly man.

            They always ignore the good lgbt representations like pic related

            OP was talking about Betty Rubble from the Flintstones and get your mind out of the gutter.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not OP, OP was CLEARLY talking about Rubble.
          OP was talking about Betty Rubble from the Flintstones and get your mind out of the gutter.

          Didn't they make her kiss another girl in the reboot cartoon and we're planning on making her a lesbian in the CW show?
          Pretty sure OP was talking about the Rugrats Betty, no one ever unless you're Dobson tier coomer for lesbians ever thought Betty Rubble was gay

          He wasn't, it was clearly Rubble because he likes jacking off to Wilma and Betty lezzing out.

          I thought he meant Archie Betty.

  12. 5 months ago

    The same reason all cartoon mexicans must be brown

  13. 5 months ago

    They are a set of setbacks

  14. 5 months ago

    The p is silent in progressives
    They think in stereotypes and must assign every individual into a box.
    You are black, you are white, you are lesbian, you are gay, you are trans
    They can't comprehend people are actually unique. Everyone is a label.
    They profess to be the opposite of this but if you pay attention you see the hypocrisy

  15. 5 months ago

    Velma was basically a joke with how much she simped for the villainess

  16. 5 months ago

    Yes it's hypocritical since people fought against gender stereotypes. I'm reminded of Betty DeVill being turned into a lesbian, when the entire point of the character was to show a more masculine women married to a womanly man.

    They always ignore the good lgbt representations like pic related

    • 5 months ago

      Wait Cortney was implied to have the hots for Ginger?
      >Same time implied Trixie Tang had the hots for Timantha as well for FoP
      Man Nick was kind of subtle about the lesbian ships I guess.

      • 5 months ago

        It's not very explicit in ATBG and requires you to read into it quite a bit. In reality, Courtney was someone who saw Ginger as a project to mould into her image, but ends up enjoying Ginger's realness, with the two essentially becoming best friends and bringing out the best of each other. I can see the romantic dynamic between the two, but I always thought Courtney was too autistic and divorced from reality to actually understand romantic feelings.

        • 5 months ago

          >but I always thought Courtney was too autistic and divorced from reality to actually understand romantic feelings.
          Think just her being a snooby although more kind variety rich girl if anything. Plus wouldn't exactly be a good look to basically show a rich girl being gay toward a lower middle class, especially in 2001-2004 era.

  17. 5 months ago

    Are you moronic?

  18. 5 months ago

    >lesbian buttercup

    • 5 months ago

      Didn't they make her kiss another girl in the reboot cartoon and we're planning on making her a lesbian in the CW show?
      Pretty sure OP was talking about the Rugrats Betty, no one ever unless you're Dobson tier coomer for lesbians ever thought Betty Rubble was gay

      • 5 months ago

        OP was talking about the reboot, it was a gag and it got retconned.

        • 5 months ago

          >got retconned.

      • 5 months ago

        He wasn't, it was clearly Rubble because he likes jacking off to Wilma and Betty lezzing out.

  19. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    If you spend your time calling someone a homosexual, don't clutch your pearls when you eventually find them sucking dick.

    Pop Culture was full of nothing but jokes about how those characters were lesbians for not being feminine enough, so don't be surprised when the generation that has no problem with queers decides to full see them that way.

  21. 5 months ago

    Because characters are badly represented when you include them for the sake of representation instead for the sake of actually giving the show some value due to the inclusion of such a character.

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