Lest fix Esteban Galaxias

How would you improve steven universe if you were in charge?
>pic semi related

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  1. 12 months ago

    That pearl is cute

    • 12 months ago

      he made her nose too small

      • 12 months ago

        exactly, he took the israelite out of the universe

      • 12 months ago

        It's facing forward. Optical illusion.

  2. 12 months ago

    You know if you just wanted a lewd gem thread you could have just said it

  3. 12 months ago

    At least involve a fricking government
    I can't believe no one cares that there were alien abduction and invasions like 4 times, and that there is plenty of evidence of them
    And I don't believe that this is ancap utopia, it's really stupid since they stressed that humans are hopeless withouth gems help

    • 12 months ago

      >I can't believe no one cares
      The biggest issues of leftest c**twads

    • 12 months ago

      That's like watching mahou shoujo and complaining if the JSDF never gets involved. It's a show about lesbo rocks, solving the problems created by lesbo rocks, and throwing in men in suits or military fatigues would detract from that

      • 12 months ago

        It's still bad worldbuilding. If you don't want want the story to apply realism of Earth, don't have it take place on Earth.

        • 12 months ago

          What would you have wanted to happen?

        • 12 months ago

          It's an earth that has been fundamentally changed by gem intervention. They didn't just show up when the show started they've been around arguably longer than human civilization has been.

          They royally fricked human evolution by being apart of it and waging a war on the planet.

          • 12 months ago

            >They royally fricked human evolution by being apart of it and waging a war on the planet.
            Earth is just Pink Diamond's plaything. When she discovered humans existed she made The Zoo so she could learn how to frick us.

      • 12 months ago

        I think they were in one of the Precure seasons.
        In Kamen Rider Kuuga, the Japanese national police and JSDF were Kuuga's allies, too, even if they were largely hopeless against the Gronji, they kept making neat stuff for Kuuga to use, as they acknowledged him as their best bet..

      • 12 months ago

        No it's not and it ignoring it detracts from the core premise of the show. Rose starts the war to project the Earth/mankind, Steven is half-human, God knows they wasted enough runtime on townshit episodes.

        Not being able to accomplish something as simple as "a government exists and is interested in the Earth not being destroyed" in their setting is just a symptom of the issue. ALL humans in SU are effectively moronic and don't behave like actual people with thoughts, motives, or any agency of their own unless it is temporarily granted to them through their relationship with Steven.

        It's already a bad combo with the premise, but it's worse when the writers try to tackle serious subjects like mental health and PSTD. It comes across as a joke because they're not only shit at it (see Spinel, SUF), it gets undercut entirely by a setting where humanity is simplistic and inhuman because that's easier to write. It's like when OK KO tried to do a gun control PSA in a setting built around arcade beat em' up violence.

        • 12 months ago

          >ALL humans in SU are effectively moronic and don't behave like actual people
          All the genuinely smart people died and only the stupid, fearful, monotonous people lived.

          I'm not joking.
          Just imagine how many "Lapis Lazuli in a mirror" situations there would be, because someone wandered through some ancient alien battlefield, took something from it, and then a (corrupted) (hostile) gem reforms in the middle of a family gathering in the middle of a city.
          Entire generations and family lines die out because someone was too inquisitive for everyone's health.

          Of course, the show was never going to be -this- rational about the setting. But it could've been, had someone else been in charge of it.

        • 12 months ago

          >ALL humans in SU are effectively moronic and don't behave like actual people with thoughts, motives, or any agency of their own unless it is temporarily granted to them through their relationship with Steven
          You might as well view the Earth as an extended and more subtle version of the Human Zoo. Since gems have been the unseen stewards of humanity for thousands of years, there's no reason for their present day to match ours

    • 12 months ago

      Just establish that multiple townies are actually government plants.

    • 12 months ago

      This is what made Ronaldo episodes so bad. No one cared about all the insane bullshit but we we're supposed to pretend it's special while being told no, none of it is special(but it is).

    • 12 months ago

      Holy shit have a nice day /misc/
      The gorvenment makes no cartoon better.

    • 12 months ago

      The show would've benefit a lot from having a character like Cobra Bubbles that represents the government stance on the events.

      • 12 months ago

        honestly yeah. It needed a bubbles

      • 12 months ago

        Bubbles doesn't have any impact on the alien side of the movie which is why he's better used as an antagonist to the more personal and ultimately more important plot of Lilo's custody.

        • 12 months ago

          And SU:F proves even further why they needed that character. Steven not being raised properly comes out of fricking nowhere at the very end of the series. Nobody gives a shit in the show, it's fricking bizarre.

          • 12 months ago

            Steven not being raised properly comes from Greg being a bum.

            • 12 months ago

              I feel it could have been adressed earlier on by some kind of a government character. Didn't need to be a big thing mind you but some other character that aligns with ranaldo as things get crazier story wise would have worked fine. Just weird it isn't brought up until the last like, 2 hours of the show.

              • 12 months ago

                Did it need to be a government character? Have one of the Mareh-Mare- have Connie or her parents mention it.

        • 12 months ago

          He's the one that convinced the aliens that mosquitos are an endangered species

    • 12 months ago

      I just imagine the government is really decentralized or just otherwise too weak to really factor in. I would like if they shown that aspect of the worldbuilding more and give us an exact idea of what's going on however.

    • 12 months ago

      I think having a Mayor episode with his incompetent local-only FBI team investigating the gems would be funny as frick

    • 12 months ago

      It could be something like this
      >character that Stevens known for years and was introduced as Chuck the pretzel shop guy who works next to the Frymans
      >Chuck and Steven a pretty tight usually makes him a specialty Pretzel dog but Chuck is closer to Greg
      >Chuck always talks about things like weather pattern, techs he’s heard about on the news, martial arts,or space
      >constantly beefing with Ronaldo and shooting down his theories
      >Amethyst is chill with him because he gives her the stale pretzels
      >Garnet is weary but courteous towards him
      >Pearl is extremely suspicious, something about seeing nothing behind his eyes
      >Pretty chill background character gets an episode with Steven where they go on an adventure and he gives him some advice for Connie while dealing with a Gem monster
      >when Ocean gem happens he rallies some of the towns folk and helps them say calm while also making a few phone calls
      >after when Steven comes back he notices that Chuck is very dour and less talkative plus he has two new employees who match his mood Mary and Harry
      >they have another episode where Steven confronts Chuck and he asks why he’s been so cold lately
      >Chuck realizing what he’s been doing apologizes to Steven and offers him a pretzel dog they accept
      >have another episode where Steven tries to befriends Mary and Harry they talk about the history of the town as well as “magic”, “monsters”, and space Steven is intrigued
      >when the gems find out they meet it with a mix of apathy and suspicion
      >Pearl they accompany Steven Amethyst is bored because nerd stuff, Garnet is just keeping quiet, and Pearl is weary at first but them becomes rather curious and talkative after seeing their knowledge of “magic” the episode ends with them all parting amicably
      >Mary and Harry proceed to look at each other and then head back to the shop Chucks there about to close up

      • 12 months ago

        >they open a trapdoor in the floor of the shop and enter a cellar it’s an operations room it’s shows files, books, and a cork board with all of the towns residents at the top is Steven and the Gems they add a note to the picture of Steven that says “Threat status unknown”
        >Time passes and Chuck and Steven are doing there own things until Peridots Robotnoids appear
        >The pretzel trio go to investigate but find Steven and the Gems
        >the gems are confused as to why they’re there and Chuck explains he’s been following them for a bit
        >this causes alarm among the Gems since they didn’t even notice they were there
        >Mary apologizes and say they hope that they will allow them to continue and even work together
        >the gems are hesitant until Steven convinces them
        >things continue and Chuck reveals a bit of his past to Steven like how he used to be in the military
        >things build up until Jaspers ship arrives
        >Chuck see it and immediately tell Mary and Harry to call the cavalry while he goes to Check on Steven to his surprise he’s gone and it only the Gems
        >They’re extremely surprised and worried to see him and are going to tell him to leave until the ship lands
        >Jasper, Peridot and Lapis come out to greet them they see the Gems with Chuck and are confused
        >Chuck tries to reason with them but Jasper just calls him a primate and dismissed him
        >things go on as they do and a fight ensues Jasper is going to attack Pearl when Chuck pulls out a device and fires it at Jasper stunning her
        >he asks if everyone’s alright and tries to rally but then Jasper breaks free and knocks him out
        >things go on as they do and Steven and the Gems end up Captured
        >Jailbreak happens and they make it home and Malechite appears then disappears
        >Steven notices Chuck still on the ground still unconscious and with a broken arm but otherwise fine
        >they wake him up, heal his arm, and thank him for helping
        >Chuck thanks Steven for healing his arm

        • 12 months ago

          >Steven and the Gems then ask Chuck what he was doing and if he was insane
          >Chuck looks away pensively, sigh and finally starts talking
          >he says that he’s not who he says he is and has been hiding something he’s says that he works for a government organization who’s job it is to monitor and regulate extraterrestrial activities
          >at first Steven and the Gems think he’s hit his head until he goes to pick up his jacket from the ground
          >he puts it on to reveal the letters AOA emblazoned on the back in bright orange
          >he then turns to them and takes a badge out of his breast pocket an bares it to them and says
          >Special agent Charles Martel Alien Observation Agency
          >as he finishes a whole group of SUVs show up lights flashing and stop a dozen feet away from Chuck
          >Marry, Harry and a AOA task force file out brandishing the same kind of devices as Chuck
          >Chuck looks at them and their faces are a mix of shock, betrayal, confusion, and anger except for Steven who is just hurt
          >Chuck says “I’m sorry”
          >Star fade credits
          There’s more but I’m not up to it right now.

  4. 12 months ago

    >Amethyst is basically the same
    the truly perfect gem

  5. 12 months ago

    No redemption arc
    Only death

  6. 12 months ago

    >Esteban Galaxias
    that is how i had named my porn folder

  7. 12 months ago

    Only fans, but with gems, Only gems.

  8. 12 months ago

    Remove Half of first season episodes
    There are too many magical objects items in this season that create a lot of plot holes
    Like the time orb
    They fricking created time travel and homeworld never used it?

    • 12 months ago

      Frick off those were the best episodes.

  9. 12 months ago

    I want those Ammy toes in my mouth

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Imagine the smell of lazy neet gem toes

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      For me? Are the Pearl's paddles

  10. 12 months ago

    made the show entirely about gems, remove Steven as a factor completely
    like, center the story around a young low-caste gem that slowly realises how broken her world really is and strives to improve it, which forces her to associate with different gems with distinct backgrounds, and further explore the gem empire

    • 12 months ago

      At that point it's a whole different show, and I'd argue most of it's charm is taken away

    • 12 months ago

      Then it's just Houseki no Kuni but American made.

  11. 12 months ago

    I marry Garnet and by proxy Ruby and Sapphire and we live happily ever after

  12. 12 months ago

    Sapphire: commits to the bawdiness because she sees all the great orgasms to come
    Ruby: is jealous and behaves rebellious, but submits in actions
    So creating a bawd with an attitude Garnet.

    Pearl now cares about feelings and opinions of people besides her superiors and master.

    Amethyst is just Amethyst without Garnet correcting her behavior.

  13. 12 months ago

    Just watch Max Steel instead. It basically hits all the same plot beats but as a toyetic action show instead.

    • 12 months ago

      Anon, as one of the few people who also saw that show, how the frick does it’s plot play out like it does in SU?

      • 12 months ago

        Half alien teenager with a missing parent fights an alien invasion. Ferris Forge and N-Tech play the role of the Crystal Gems that have been fighting this shadow war for years against the corrupted gems/ultralinks and were hiding secrets from the protagonists once they became involved.

    • 12 months ago

      This show is severely underexposed and underrated here, but I feel like it's not really trying to do the same thing.

  14. 12 months ago

    love that pearl!

  15. 12 months ago

    >Token 'gubbment' agent character who drops a lore hint or two about the government just leaving gem things in the hands of the Crystal Gems
    >Reduce the number of 'magical' items, leave some that are 'explainable in-universe
    >Not sacrifice a fulfilling ending to the show for a gay wedding that didn't matter at all

  16. 12 months ago

    the underlying theme of SU is dealing with the grief and loose ends of a beloved family member, what does DA GOOBMEN add to that?

    • 12 months ago

      An explanation for the autists

    • 12 months ago

      To have competent male/human characters to root for, like with Transformers

      • 12 months ago

        Greg and Connie exist only to be supportive of Steven and appeal to his human side.

      • 12 months ago

        >To have competent male/human characters to root for, like with Transformers
        Oh, you mean the worst part of the franchise? The one aspect almost universally reviled by fans of every generation?
        Sure. Why not?

        • 12 months ago

          I meant the military and spec ops in bayformers, not the tagalong humans

    • 12 months ago

      A third party to provide more context and background to the loved one's life. When my dad passed away I heard a lot of stories from people who knew him professionally; it was a side of his life I didn't get to know much. A government handler could also provide a counter-point to the early adoration of Rose. Having them seem like an initially shady or malevolent figure, but gradually revealed as someone who was more sympathetic, as they're caught up in the same kind of messy balancing act and deceptions that Rose was.

      • 12 months ago

        >A third party to provide more context and background to the loved one's life
        that's homeworld.

        • 12 months ago

          What do these asses have yo do with the quality of Steven Universe.

      • 12 months ago

        This idea detracts from the concept a bit too much

      • 12 months ago

        >I heard a lot of stories from people who knew him professionally; it was a side of his life I didn't get to know much
        Peridot fills that role by being a gem but not connected to Rose Quartz
        >A government handler could also provide a counter-point to the early adoration of Rose
        Peridot saying that Rose doomed the earth
        >Having them seem like an initially shady or malevolent figure, but gradually revealed as someone who was more sympathetic
        this is the whole Pink Diamond story.

    • 12 months ago

      If you don't want an exploration of the supernatural elements, why include them?

      • 12 months ago

        they're there and explained through the lens of Steven learning more about his mother and the Gems learning to trust and see Steven more as a person than a responsability.

        • 12 months ago

          Sure, but at some point you'll think he ask, hey Garnet and / or Pearl, what is going on? Who are the people trying to attack us and what can we do?

  17. 12 months ago

    Why do Gara and the other artists shit on Marco and Bobby while drawing characters like Steven and Lincoln as studs?

  18. 12 months ago

    my dick hurts

  19. 12 months ago

    I feel like the concept of 'human perspective on gem stuff' is handled better by the Townies than anyone else. They're the mundane contrast to Steven's gem stuff.

  20. 12 months ago

    Has Gara drawn the other gems? I wanna see what Lapis and Peri look like through his eyes.

    • 12 months ago

      Not yet. I'm sure he'll get around to it

  21. 12 months ago

    Giving the government any scenes beyond a few token ones to explain the plot hole is a bad idea. It bogs down the story too much.

  22. 12 months ago

    "the government" in fiction usually serves as antagonists or mediators and the Gems don't need either of. they have warp pads, they don't need air evacs.
    they've also been living since the beginning of humankind so there's nothing they don't know and if it's something that mostly concerns humans then they don't care. the gems never fought racism or human slavery, they need someone like Steven to tell them it's wrong instead of just brushing it off as a "silly human thing" like Pearl tends to do.

    • 12 months ago

      >so there's nothing they don't know
      Every other line of dialogue from them is "durr why do humans do this"

    • 12 months ago

      Considering their age, if any government ever had a problem with them, they kicked their asses and told them next time won't be so pleasant. So there's probably a "stay the hell out of gem business" memo on the wall of every important cabinet.

      >so there's nothing they don't know
      Every other line of dialogue from them is "durr why do humans do this"

      It's the same as "those damn raccoons got in my garbage again" or "those damn crows won't stop crowing".

  23. 12 months ago

    >why is there so much diamond iconography in the human culture of Steven Universe
    because the humans attribute the construction of gem temples to ancient human civilizations, it's their equivalent of "aliens built stonehenge"

    it's for this reason that there's no need for the human government to be a part of the SU plot, you know they'll always be wrong so what's the point of including them?

    • 12 months ago

      Is that really why? I always thought it was due to Pink Diamond fricking around with the locals until she turned Rose

  24. 12 months ago

    I feel like one of the biggest issues is that after Season 2 it distanced itself away from the original premise of "Magical Girl series but with a Boy instead" and leaned too hard into trying to do intellectual Sci-Fi stuff instead, also they went too far with "talking things out is the only way to resolve things" for dealing with Homeworld and the Diamonds

    • 12 months ago

      >Steven Universe
      >intellectual Sci-Fi stuff

      • 12 months ago

        note I said "trying" to do it, said nothing about them succeeding at any of it

  25. 12 months ago

    These designs would only improve the show

  26. 12 months ago

    >cut most of the townie episodes
    >hire competent art directors
    >keep rose and pink separate characters
    >have fusions be a metaphor for relationships/bonds and remove the sex theme
    >use bismuth more often
    >have the goberment as a background element to make the world seem less small
    >feature other alien species as side antagonists to show how fricked up homeworld is
    >actually have steven be proactive in the plot
    >have episodes not involving steven
    >either build up the diamond's redemption over several seasons or acknowledge that they're are just some people who can't be reasoned with
    you know minor stuff

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, I think if the gems were more involved with the townie episodes, it would have gone better with the fanbase.

  27. 12 months ago
  28. 12 months ago

    Reading all of this thread made me come to the conclusion that the anons here care more about the show quality than the fricking writers

    I actually forgot about about this shit
    >OK KO tried to do a gun control PSA in a setting built around arcade beat em' up violence
    What an absolute disaster, what where they thinking?

    • 12 months ago

      >what where they thinking?
      OKKO is a love letter to 80's cartoons which is why the Sonic and Ghoul School and Cartoon Heroes band together episodes are so key.
      You gotta have your topical social issue PSA episode and your Nancy Reagan mandated D.A.R.E. anti-drug episodes and your end of episode morality wrap-up. The contradictory in-episode punch-up problem solving is an integral part of the aesthetic.

  29. 12 months ago

    have an actual static foil to Steven, one that's actually immune to his bullshit and that's it

    • 12 months ago

      I had an idea for something like that, he’s basically the leader of a nomad fleet made up of a race that whose home was destroyed by the Diamond and they’re all that remains. Steven tries to do the whole forgive let go shit with him and he just drops some deep truth on him.

  30. 12 months ago

    >Less focus on Townies (cliché I know)
    >Include The Cubic Zirconias, Artificial Gems created by either a scientist with a grudge against Rose Quartz or the government just in case Rose Quartz failed to protect Earth/went rogue

  31. 12 months ago

    I'd have loved it, if the show just stopped infantalizing it's villains so much. Jesus Cow Slappy Christ, I'm still so terribly bitter about the gremlinization of Peridot. She was great as a villain; cold, calculated, imposing, but you could see her quirky side when she got flustered/cornered. But after her redemption she turned into complete brain rot. She would have been better off if she was never unbubbled again.
    The same goes for the cluster, Jasper, Spinel, and especifically the diamonds. I mean, I understand why Blue immediately caved and became useless, but God fricking dammit, Yellow should have been pulling on Steven's gem long before White tried it.

  32. 12 months ago

    obviously rose should have been black

  33. 12 months ago
  34. 12 months ago

    Keep it exactly the same in every way except every female character has massive J-cup breasts. No one would complain about the diamonds being redeemed if they had breasts the size of luxury yachts.

  35. 12 months ago

    real consequences for the human characters.

  36. 12 months ago

    Being horny 24/7 isn't a personality trait

    • 12 months ago

      Who said it was?

  37. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      my wives that fuse into a bigger wife

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