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  1. 2 years ago

    >...on a journey to a town a couple hundred kilometres away that will take 50 years of travel through the desert to finish, where upon arrival we're to blow our horns so that god can hear them and know it's time to kill everyone in the town

    • 2 years ago

      "How shall we clear the promised land of goyim?"

      "Hmm...let's encourage them to accept hostile refugees for a few decades."

    • 2 years ago

      "How shall we clear the promised land of goyim?"

      "Hmm...let's encourage them to accept hostile refugees for a few decades."

      Take your meds r/atheist

  2. 2 years ago

    It's a good movie. Very much improved on the actual biblical story, even better than the old moses movie that was also pretty good. Music and animation were both excellent. Shame it's religious brainwashing propaganda. This shit made me more religious as a kid than a thousand bible studies

    • 2 years ago

      >It's a good movie. Very much improved on the actual biblical story, even better than the old moses movie that was also pretty good. Music and animation were both excellent. Shame it's religious brainwashing propaganda. This shit made me more religious as a kid than a thousand bible studies

      • 2 years ago

        ok boomer. every time you talk shit about religion on this shitty website you get boomers posting basedjacks and spamming "midwit!" it's all so tiresome, I wish you election tourists would frick off already.

        • 2 years ago

          i’m probably younger than you, but millennial homosexuals throwing a tantrum when their cringey little anti religious rants get made fun of need to wise up. nobody likes a whiner

          • 2 years ago


            >Why did God kill innocent Egyptian babies who literally did nothing wrong?

            >there are people who actually believe these things happened in -ACK

            >It's a good movie. Very much improved on the actual biblical story, even better than the old moses movie that was also pretty good. Music and animation were both excellent. Shame it's religious brainwashing propaganda. This shit made me more religious as a kid than a thousand bible studies

            >skydaddy worshipping chudoids descend like locusts upon the thread
            Poetic, because you are a plague on Cinemaphile.

            • 2 years ago

              >Poetic, because you are a plague on Cinemaphile.

        • 2 years ago

          >ok boomer. every time you talk shit about religion on this shitty website you get boomers posting basedjacks and spamming "midwit!" it's all so tiresome, I wish you election tourists would frick off already.

          i’m probably younger than you, but millennial homosexuals throwing a tantrum when their cringey little anti religious rants get made fun of need to wise up. nobody likes a whiner

          >i’m probably younger than you, but millennial homosexuals throwing a tantrum when their cringey little anti religious rants get made fun of need to wise up. nobody likes a whiner

        • 2 years ago

          >zoomer doesn't know about the fedora atheist wave that made us a bigger laughing stock than christians
          lurk moar

      • 2 years ago

        FRICK YOU

  3. 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    >there are people who actually believe these things happened in real life

    • 2 years ago

      >there are people who actually believe these things happened in -ACK

    • 2 years ago

      It's didn't happen. It's a metaphor. But your a Fendora tipping virgin so your opinion does not matter

  5. 2 years ago

    Ok, Moishe

    • 2 years ago

      >nooo you can't make movies on the bible

  6. 2 years ago

    Wtf I love israelites now

  7. 2 years ago

    Why did God kill innocent Egyptian babies who literally did nothing wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why did God kill innocent Egyptian babies who literally did nothing wrong?

      • 2 years ago

        you believe in ancient fairytales which were obviously stolen from previous cultures. you grandstand about morality while defending a book which supports genocide, rape, slavery, torture, and child abuse. you call people midwits while defending a book which states that the earth is flat with four corners and a dome overhead with the stars, sun, and moon as small lights inside of it, the wind is the holy spirit, man is a piece of clay animated by a golum spell, the earth is 6000 years old, a global flood happened, and that all the animals in the world were put into a boat which couldn't actually physically float in the first place based on the specifications, and dozens of other completely unscientific moron nonsense.

        >skydaddy worshipping chudoids descend like locusts upon the thread
        Poetic, because you are a plague on Cinemaphile.

        They're boomers who came during the election and a bunch of catholic zoomers who haven't matured past 25 and abandoned their religion yet like most other catholics.

        • 2 years ago

          imagine getting this fricking upset because someone isn’t an atheist, to the point where you agree with a troony. if you actually matured past 25 you’d be past the point of caring so deeply that people who don’t think like you do exist. if you never want to be challenged by a weird belief Cinemaphile.org is not for you

          • 2 years ago

            look, I don't care if somebody believes that god started the big bang. That's about the only rational form of theism, because it doesn't try to contradict the facts, since we don't actually know what happened before the big bang so it's a legitimate possiblity. However, all forms of religion are objectively fricking moronic. I care because I wasted about 25 years of my life being a preachy christian and now I see my old stupid self in every stupid christian that posts on the internet. The main reason atheists commit so much suicide is because they're deflated after being raised to believe in all this hype nonsense. if they were raised from the start as atheists they'd be more well-adjusted. Religion is propaganda used to create soldiers and donations, it's something that's evil and everyone who speaks against it is doing something good for humanity. You're just being a b***h.

            • 2 years ago

              >look, I don't care if somebody believes that god started the big bang. That's about the only rational form of theism, because it doesn't try to contradict the facts, since we don't actually know what happened before the big bang so it's a legitimate possiblity. However, all forms of religion are objectively fricking moronic. I care because I wasted about 25 years of my life being a preachy christian and now I see my old stupid self in every stupid christian that posts on the internet. The main reason atheists commit so much suicide is because they're deflated after being raised to believe in all this hype nonsense. if they were raised from the start as atheists they'd be more well-adjusted. Religion is propaganda used to create soldiers and donations, it's something that's evil and everyone who speaks against it is doing something good for humanity. You're just being a b***h.

            • 2 years ago

              >I don’t care
              >goes on massive rant about how every religious person is evil and brainwashed
              Yeah, you are 100% being influenced by your emotions and now seek to actively destroy and attack every remnant of your old self to assert the “new” one. That’s fine, but don’t pretend you are being objective with these emotionally charged outbursts. There are plenty of people raised atheists who became religious, like CS lewis, and none of them grow up whining like you gays do that all atheists need to be culled and have their views outlawed.
              >create donations and soldiers
              Literally don’t even understand where this metric ton of cope comes from. Where the frick is the link with christianity and joining the army? They don’t force people to donate either. And I would ask what “evil” even means to you, but I know i’ll just get incoherent cope.
              >The main reason atheists commit so much suicide is because they're deflated after being raised to believe in all this hype nonsense.
              just baselessly asserting shit with no evidence isn’t an argument. I think they kill themselves because they believe something that encourages hedonism and a purposeless depressing lifestyle. Look at japan if you want people raised atheist necking themselves constantly

              • 2 years ago

                >Yeah, you are 100% being influenced by your emotions
                All people are influenced by their emotions. it's irrelevant because my arguments are based on the facts.
                >now seek to actively destroy and attack every remnant of your old self to assert the “new” one
                This is true but doesn't invalidate anything I've said.
                > That’s fine, but don’t pretend you are being objective with these emotionally charged outbursts.
                Everything I've said is an objective fact. My motivations are irrelevant, but you choose to focus on them since it's all you have.
                > There are plenty of people raised atheists who became religious
                Yeah, late onsets of mental illness from 20-35 are pretty common
                >all atheists need to be culled and have their views outlawed.
                What was that about emotional outbursts?
                >Literally don’t even understand where this metric ton of cope comes from. Where the frick is the link with christianity and joining the army?
                The majority of soldiers are religious, this is a fact. People who believe in an afterlife are more willing to die and give up material wealth for rewards in the afterlife.
                > I would ask what “evil” even means to you
                Anything that causes unnecessary harm or suffering to one's self or others. Religion is a tool used to get people killed and trick people out of their money. It's also used to justify fascism, like you literally just did when you said that atheism should be outlawed.
                >just baselessly asserting shit with no evidence isn’t an argument.
                people who are raised atheists objectively commit less suicide than people who are raised religious and become atheists. That's a fact.
                > I think they kill themselves because they believe something that encourages hedonism and a purposeless depressing lifestyle
                Having a family makes you less prone to suicide regardless of your religious affiliation.
                > Look at japan if you want people raised atheist necking themselves constantly
                That has far more to do with the culture of japan itself

              • 2 years ago

                >based on the facts
                not a single fact you backed up in your previous post. seething and polemics calling religious people evil aren’t facts bro
                >Everything I've said is an objective fact.
                please objectively prove the statement “religion is evil”
                >Yeah, late onsets of mental illness from 20-35 are pretty common
                oh now it’s the narcissistic “everyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill because I am incapable of accepting the fact that normal human beings differ to me- even when they make up 99.999% of the human population through history.” you know what mentally ill means right?
                >The majority of soldiers are religious, this is a fact.
                even the ones in state atheist countries like the soviet union or china? who literally have to swear a pledge that they follow the party line?
                >Anything that causes unnecessary harm or suffering to one's self or others
                oh no it’s moronic. I said prove. Prove this statement empirically. Prove harming others is bad. oh wait, atheist philosophers have been unable to do that for centuries
                >people who are raised atheists objectively commit less suicide than people who are raised religious and become atheists. That's a fact.
                lol you fricked up here. source. give me a source proving that.

              • 2 years ago

                >not a single fact you backed up in your previous post. seething and polemics calling religious people evil aren’t facts bro
                Atheists commit less suicide when they're raised atheist. The majority of soldiers and donators are religious. Religion is used to justify fascism. All of these are straight facts.
                >please objectively prove the statement “religion is evil”
                Evil is anything that causes unnecessary harm or suffering to one's self or others. Religion does these things.
                >you know what mentally ill means right?
                believing in imaginary friends is a mental illness
                >even the ones in state atheist countries like the soviet union or china? who literally have to swear a pledge that they follow the party line?
                Yes, because the majority of people are religious even when they're told not to be because people are naturally inclined to making shit up to make themselves feel better. Russians and asians are less "religious" in a typical western sense but they still believe in all sorts of wild wacky spiritual nonsense. It's just a different flavor of the same mental illness.
                > Prove harming others is bad
                unnecessarily harming others is bad, harming others can be necessary for a greater good. Hence the word "unnecessary." learn how to read.

                >you do this you do this you do this
                A strawman argument fails because it relies on assumptions about me as a person you can’t prove. I was literally just demonstrating to you that complete biblical literalism is an ahistorical fallacy. And there’s the out of context canned reddit verses

                There are millions of biblical literalists in the world today. If the bible is just a bunch of fictional stories, then it has no historical value. If the bible promotes awful morality, then it has no philosophical value. If the bible contradicts itself, then it has no internal consistency and is unworthy of reverence. It's basically a worthless paperweight.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                sistah finna be like git dis witeboi away from me

              • 2 years ago

                >The majority of soldiers are religious, this is a fact
                Out of your whole gay rant, this is probably the dumbest statement. The majority of soldiers are religious people, because they make up the majority of the human population. The PLA is one of the biggest armies in the world and its go to motto is state atheism, your "argument" means frick all. The vast majority of people don't joint the military because of religion, but because militaries usually offer things like housing, a salary and for a lot of these soldiers it will just be training drills and patrol duty years, maybe even until retirement.

        • 2 years ago

          >NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
          >after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
          >then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
          >and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain despite being totally blind that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big nothing that created everything happened to make
          >and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fricking were!!!!
          >and that’s why you are here
          >and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
          >oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand (there is no reason the data we receive should be accurate, just useful) and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't understand the big bang theory
            nobody ever said that "nothing" was before the big bang, or at least not in the sense that creationists strawman it. It simply can't be measured. We don't know, but obviously since nothing can't create something, and "nothing" isn't even possible, something had to have caused the big bang. It could have been a god, it could have been just random forces of nature, nobody knows and nobody claims to know. The point is, we can scientifically prove that no "god" has interacted with the universe from the moment of the big bang, so there's no sense in worshipping him or believing in some manmade religion.

            • 2 years ago

              >we can scientifically prove that no "god" has interacted with the universe from the moment of the big bang

        • 2 years ago

          >you believe in ancient fairytales which were obviously stolen from previous cultures. you grandstand about morality while defending a book which supports genocide, rape, slavery, torture, and child abuse. you call people midwits while defending a book which states that the earth is flat with four corners and a dome overhead with the stars, sun, and moon as small lights inside of it, the wind is the holy spirit, man is a piece of clay animated by a golum spell, the earth is 6000 years old, a global flood happened, and that all the animals in the world were put into a boat which couldn't actually physically float in the first place based on the specifications, and dozens of other completely unscientific moron nonsense.

        • 2 years ago


          already debunked by an atheist who won awards for this blog educating his moronic comrades. bible means library, a collection of books, in which you find poetry, wisdom literature, genealogies and histories. medieval christians didn’t think the earth was flat, they knew it was a sphere


          so really your little incel rant relies on massive strawmanning

          • 2 years ago

            >everything I like about the bible is the word of god and the blueprint for my morality
            >but everything I don't like is just a metaphor bro and can be ignored
            if your morality comes from your own preferences then you don't need the bible or a god at all.

            • 2 years ago

              Epic non sequitur strawman. Actually read the article later. Nobody is picking and choosing the morals or life lessons, which was always the main use people had for the bible- as a spiritual guide. I’m not saying medieval christians didn’t believe a lot of it was historical, just not the moronic shit you said in your post. Nobody is picking and choosing anything, the psalms are fricking poems. Why do you think it’s picking and choosing to say poetry is poetry?

              • 2 years ago

                > Nobody is picking and choosing the morals or life lessons,
                except they literally are. You pick and choose which verses are viable as a "spiritual guide" and which verses aren't. So when the bible says feelgood shit in pslams you upvote, but when it says abort your wife's baby or stone your children you ignore it. Your spiritual guide is your own damn brain.

              • 2 years ago

                >you do this you do this you do this
                A strawman argument fails because it relies on assumptions about me as a person you can’t prove. I was literally just demonstrating to you that complete biblical literalism is an ahistorical fallacy. And there’s the out of context canned reddit verses

    • 2 years ago

      Everything makes so much more sense once you realize the being portrayed in Old Testament is not God but Satan.

      • 2 years ago

        >Everything makes so much more sense once you realize the being portrayed in Old Testament is not God but Satan.

      • 2 years ago

        So Christ was praising Satan when he called Moses a prophet?

        • 2 years ago

          Every bit of connective tissue between the Old and New Testament was inserted by Satanist israelites to conceal their wickedness.

          • 2 years ago

            So all of Jesus' mentions of past prophets was inserted by israelites later? How the frick did they pull that off without anyone noticing?

            Also source/evidence

            • 2 years ago

              >t. Marcion
              everyone who claimed this was also found to have forged the books they were claiming to be part of the bible

              • 2 years ago

                meant for

                Every bit of connective tissue between the Old and New Testament was inserted by Satanist israelites to conceal their wickedness.

                Wake up, the modern bible as we know it is a tainted work compiled by the prostitute of babylon itself.

                teehee oopsy

              • 2 years ago

                marcion never claimed there was a israeli conspiracy to rewrite stuff and no connection between the OT and NT.

                also is regarded as a heretic by all classical theologians.

              • 2 years ago

                having been raised Eastern Orthodox, be p funny to see how badly the priests over in Russia would have beaten your ass for saying this

                saying what? That Marcion forged copies of biblical text and tried to claim the old testament was false?
                Orthodoxy is also a sham btw

              • 2 years ago

                Marcion tried to claim that the God of the Old Testament is not the same as the New, and this is in directing contradictions to all the teachings of Christ so he's a heretic burning in Hell.

              • 2 years ago

                Just like the priests who claim every bishop sits on the seat of peter?

            • 2 years ago

              Wake up, the modern bible as we know it is a tainted work compiled by the prostitute of babylon itself.

              • 2 years ago

                so every denomination of christianity for the last thousand years is wrong? Damn those israelites are OP

              • 2 years ago

                >Wake up, the modern bible as we know it is a tainted work compiled by the prostitute of babylon itself.

              • 2 years ago

                meant for[...] [...]
                teehee oopsy

                having been raised Eastern Orthodox, be p funny to see how badly the priests over in Russia would have beaten your ass for saying this

          • 2 years ago

            literally would have been burnt at the stake as a heretic for saying this a few centuries ago.

            Thank god you live in this modern secular society.

    • 2 years ago

      Ancient society was all about that total war, when they conquered a people they usually killed all the males and enslaved the women and children

    • 2 years ago

      To spare them the pain of living in the period after.

  8. 2 years ago

    Hebrew nonsense

  9. 2 years ago

    Wish the semites would let my people go

    • 2 years ago

      stop being such weak betas then and we will

      • 2 years ago

        But you b***h and moan for decades everytime you get your deserved comeuppance

        • 2 years ago

          what are you gonna do binky boi? Nothing!

  10. 2 years ago


    In Gnosticism most of the OT is the words of a tyrant demon

  11. 2 years ago



  12. 2 years ago


    how is this not in reverence of God?
    One of the greatest stories in history,
    One of the Greatest musicals in History about that Story,

  13. 2 years ago
    This is a bot thread lol
  14. 2 years ago

    'ate 'jacks
    luv me rats
    simple as

    • 2 years ago
      This is a bot thread

      What about ratma?

      • 2 years ago

        >dude what if scary thing but with HUMAN FACE

        asian horror in a nutshell

        • 2 years ago

          Its from an American movie

  15. 2 years ago


    The weak are meat and the strong do eat

  16. 2 years ago

    >that part immediately following the deaths of all the firstborns where the woman just starts singing

  17. 2 years ago

    OP here. I just wanted to talk about the animation. I dont get why people want to turn it into a shitflinging contest about religion

    and if you were faithful, I highly doubt you'd be spending your time in this hellhole

    • 2 years ago

      Cinemaphile has its brain fried and can't ever get out of their stupid culture war

    • 2 years ago

      I'm here because the people here need to hear these words more than anyone else. How else will they hear them? It's not like anyone here goes outside. I've seen people drudged in new-age degeneracy call out for help and receive it.

      • 2 years ago

        that's stupid, that's like going to the seediest fricking strip club and you're trying to convince everyone to become a celibate.

        >and if you were faithful, I highly doubt you'd be spending your time in this hellhole
        you keep posting this cope, it doesn’t make it true. religious people exist everywhere in all walks of life including the incel anime website. there’s been religion generals on Cinemaphile since it was created

        What you posted is THE definition of cope. You're under god yet you downplay it. Might as well go to the synagogue and try your luck there if you really think like this

        You're converting no one. Internet's a make-belief. Action is action.

        • 2 years ago

          Strawmanning is the definition of cope. You have no idea what my life is like, how I am to people around me and what I do to help them and be kind. What sort of devotional activities I do and how much time I dedicate to them. Your issue is that you have an image of Cinemaphile that excludes me, despite the fact i’ve probably been here longer than you, so what I actually am doesn’t matter.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have no idea what my life is like
            yet you assume everyone else

    • 2 years ago

      >and if you were faithful, I highly doubt you'd be spending your time in this hellhole
      you keep posting this cope, it doesn’t make it true. religious people exist everywhere in all walks of life including the incel anime website. there’s been religion generals on Cinemaphile since it was created

      • 2 years ago

        >you keep posting this cope, it doesn’t make it true. religious people exist everywhere in all walks of life including the incel anime website. there’s been religion generals on Cinemaphile since it was created

    • 2 years ago

      >OP here. I just wanted to talk about the animation. I dont get why people want to turn it into a shitflinging contest about religion
      >and if you were faithful, I highly doubt you'd be spending your time in this hellhole

      >everything I like about the bible is the word of god and the blueprint for my morality
      >but everything I don't like is just a metaphor bro and can be ignored
      if your morality comes from your own preferences then you don't need the bible or a god at all.

      >your morality comes from your own preferences then you don't need the bible or a god at all.

      saying what? That Marcion forged copies of biblical text and tried to claim the old testament was false?
      Orthodoxy is also a sham btw

      >saying what? That Marcion forged copies of biblical text and tried to claim the old testament was false?
      >Orthodoxy is also a sham btw

      Cinemaphile has its brain fried and can't ever get out of their stupid culture war

      >Cinemaphile has its brain fried and can't ever get out of their stupid culture war

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


          >Yeah, you are 100% being influenced by your emotions
          All people are influenced by their emotions. it's irrelevant because my arguments are based on the facts.
          >now seek to actively destroy and attack every remnant of your old self to assert the “new” one
          This is true but doesn't invalidate anything I've said.
          > That’s fine, but don’t pretend you are being objective with these emotionally charged outbursts.
          Everything I've said is an objective fact. My motivations are irrelevant, but you choose to focus on them since it's all you have.
          > There are plenty of people raised atheists who became religious
          Yeah, late onsets of mental illness from 20-35 are pretty common
          >all atheists need to be culled and have their views outlawed.
          What was that about emotional outbursts?
          >Literally don’t even understand where this metric ton of cope comes from. Where the frick is the link with christianity and joining the army?
          The majority of soldiers are religious, this is a fact. People who believe in an afterlife are more willing to die and give up material wealth for rewards in the afterlife.
          > I would ask what “evil” even means to you
          Anything that causes unnecessary harm or suffering to one's self or others. Religion is a tool used to get people killed and trick people out of their money. It's also used to justify fascism, like you literally just did when you said that atheism should be outlawed.
          >just baselessly asserting shit with no evidence isn’t an argument.
          people who are raised atheists objectively commit less suicide than people who are raised religious and become atheists. That's a fact.
          > I think they kill themselves because they believe something that encourages hedonism and a purposeless depressing lifestyle
          Having a family makes you less prone to suicide regardless of your religious affiliation.
          > Look at japan if you want people raised atheist necking themselves constantly
          That has far more to do with the culture of japan itself

          >>Yeah, you are 100% being influenced by your emotions
          >All people are influenced by their emotions. it's irrelevant because my arguments are based on the facts.
          >>now seek to actively destroy and attack every remnant of your old self to assert the “new” one
          >This is true but doesn't invalidate anything I've said.
          >> That’s fine, but don’t pretend you are being objective with these emotionally charged outbursts.
          >Everything I've said is an objective fact. My motivations are irrelevant, but you choose to focus on them since it's all you have.
          >> There are plenty of people raised atheists who became religious
          >Yeah, late onsets of mental illness from 20-35 are pretty common
          >>all atheists need to be culled and have their views outlawed.
          >What was that about emotional outbursts?
          don’t even understand where this metric ton of cope comes from. Where the frick is the link with christianity and joining the army?
          >The majority of soldiers are religious, this is a fact. People who believe in an afterlife are more willing to die and give up material wealth for rewards in the afterlife.
          >> I would ask what “evil” even means to you
          >Anything that causes unnecessary harm or suffering to one's self or others. Religion is a tool used to get people killed and trick people out of their money. It's also used to justify fascism, like you literally just did when you said that atheism should be outlawed.
          >>just baselessly asserting shit with no evidence isn’t an argument.
          >people who are raised atheists objectively commit less suicide than people who are raised religious and become atheists. That's a fact.
          >> I think they kill themselves because they believe something raised atheist necking themselves constantly
          >That has far more to do with the culture of japan itself

          > Nobody is picking and choosing the morals or life lessons,
          except they literally are. You pick and choose which verses are viable as a "spiritual guide" and which verses aren't. So when the bible says feelgood shit in pslams you upvote, but when it says abort your wife's baby or stone your children you ignore it. Your spiritual guide is your own damn brain.

          >except they literally are. You pick and choose which verses are viable as a "spiritual guide" and which verses aren't.

  18. 2 years ago

    >yfw christgays are the jannies of real life

    They do it for FREE. Some of them even pay!

    • 2 years ago

      >They do it for FREE. Some of them even pay!

      • 2 years ago

        >sports fans are the christgays of kicking balls
        >obsession with statistics mean they can quote old scores like the bible
        >tribalistic herd mentality drives them to form insular packs that get into mob fights with other "teams"
        >insane vicarious sense of self-worth attached to being a fan of a successful team
        >lunatic superstitious rituals

        Everyone lift your hands and give Basketball Goku your energy.

        • 2 years ago

          >Everyone lift your hands and give Basketball Goku your energy.

          • 2 years ago

            The only sport of any artistic or philosophical value outside of martial arts is unironically professional wrestling, which is closer to theater but still physically demanding enough to be considered martial in nature.

            • 2 years ago

              Imagine the country we would live in if all the people in that audience were supporting local theater instead of watching this pointless shit. Can you imagine the intellectual space between a literal 16th century peasant watching a performance at the globe theater and the average cornfed moron in that audience? What a shallow, pointless culture we've produced.

  19. 2 years ago

    janny really removed my post?

  20. 2 years ago

    Biblical History is consistent with known history until you get to the point where nobody was writing anything. The fact that there are no contemporary historical records that corroborate biblical narrative should not be taken to mean it is false, because that implies that nothing that wasn't written down ever happened, which is obviously untrue. The question one should ask is why things from before the time of Solomon are definitely untrue, but things from after Solomon are true, just because we have external evidence that the line of David was known in the region after Solomon, but not before.

  21. 2 years ago

    If God is real and the only entity in control of the universe, why could the Pharoah's magicians, who believed in paganism, transform their staffs into snakes?

    • 2 years ago

      >If God is real and the only entity in control of the universe, why could the Pharoah's magicians, who believed in paganism, transform their staffs into snakes?

      • 2 years ago

        If God is real and the only entity in control of the universe, why could the Pharoah's magicians, who believed in paganism, transform their staffs into snakes?

        This entire thread is just an allegory for Moses' conflict with Pharaoh's priests. For every one of Moses' genuine miracles, the priests would create a cheap copy. For every genuine argument, the priests would simply spit those same words back but in a mocking tone.

        Look upon the wojACK spammer, and see the idol whose alter he has blackened his soul upon.

        • 2 years ago

          How were the priests able to literally transfigure matter while opposing the chosen prophet sent by the one true God?

          • 2 years ago

            >How were the priests able to literally transfigure matter while opposing the chosen prophet sent by the one true God?

  22. 2 years ago

    delete the basedjacks from your hard drive

    for the place in which you post is holy ground

  23. 2 years ago

    Why didn't God just teleport the Hebrews to Canaan?

    Why didn't God just have Ramses suffer a heart attack?

    Why was Ramses born at all?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why didn't God just teleport the Hebrews to Canaan?
      >Why didn't God just have Ramses suffer a heart attack?
      >Why was Ramses born at all?

      • 2 years ago

        >I literally have no opinion other than your opinion is onions

        Guess how I can tell you're underageb&.

        • 2 years ago

          >Guess how I can tell you're underageb&.

    • 2 years ago

      >They didn't have faith, so He punished them until everyone of the generation who doubted was dead.
      >Then people could say "oh, well, it was just a heart attack! That could happen to anyone. Just a fluke."
      >To be in the right place to be an obstacle for the Hebrews that God would smash to pieces as a sign for all time.

  24. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >we wuzzing to 2,000 years ago to feel less impotent against israelites
      sad and reminds me of blacks lmao

      • 2 years ago

        t. shekelbergoldstein

        • 2 years ago

          t. conquered ant

  25. 2 years ago


    DAMN first a bot for anything about hitler and now this. bet those 5 cents are worth it

  26. 2 years ago

    Do you feel bad for the chosen people yet goy?

  27. 2 years ago

    Prince of Egypt is great, but i didn't like Road to El Dorado at all. That was a misfire

  28. 2 years ago

    >1998 : Antz, The Prince of Egypt
    >2000 : The Road to El Dorado
    >2001 : Shrek
    >2002 : Spirit Stallion of Cimarron
    >2003 : Sinbad Legend of 7 Seas
    >2004 : Shark Tale
    >2005 : Madagascar
    early years of this studio were interesting

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