Let's say the AEUG was take care of with minimum casualties between Neo Zeon and the Titans

Let's say the AEUG was take care of with minimum casualties between Neo Zeon and the Titans

With them out of the picture who would win in a war for the earth sphere? The Titans or Neon Zeon? And who would win in a duel Scirocco or Haman?

Since the Federation had disowned the Titans at this point would they merely be an observer or pick a side? Or would they be quickly dealt with by the other two splitting the earthsphere into a Bipolar cold war of 2 powers

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  1. 11 months ago

    the Titans they were Cinemaphile as frick

    • 11 months ago

      Military issued pomp

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        The Titans long coats were so nice and aesthetically pleasing. Especially the ship Captain's coats with the tall collars.

  2. 11 months ago

    How the Titans - Neo Zeon war goes down depends entirely on when the AEUG is stomped out
    If it's post-Dakar as you imply, then it's up in the air, leaning toward Titans getting fricked up.
    If it's pre-Dakar or even straight-up pre-Jaburo, then the Titans stomp Neo Zeon.

    • 11 months ago

      Wouldn't the Psyco gundam mk 2 and Sciroccos designed suits like the baund doc and gabthley be a considerable advantage compared to a bunch of gazas?
      Plus wasn't the Barzam top of line at the time?

      • 11 months ago

        I just don't imagine the Titans, operating solely out of Gryps 2 with no backing from the Federation, having the capacity to take on Neo Zeon with just a handful of aces and good suits. Assuming that, you know, Axis doesn't commit absolutely everything at Gryps but still disables the colony laser, I'd imagine they'd start rolling out their higher-end suits pretty quickly.

      • 11 months ago

        >Wouldn't the Psyco gundam mk 2 and Sciroccos designed suits like the baund doc and gabthley be a considerable advantage compared to a bunch of gazas?
        It also doesn't help that Axis Zeon pilots are awful, now they're going up against seasoned veterans in MS that aren't just Zaku IIs with engine replacements, and guys like Scirocco, Yazan, and ironically, Jerid, are still on the loose.
        >Plus wasn't the Barzam top of line at the time?
        Allegedly, Yazan liked them, and he was trying to kick out Hizacks because they were outdated garbage by that point in the war and didn't want them infesting the hangar.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm in the middle of a Zeta rewatch and he definitely likes the Barzams. He was talking to Ramsus about how good they will be in the field.

          I'm not convinced he doesn't just like them because they're the same shade of blue as the Hambrabi.

      • 11 months ago

        This is just my head canon but I think the main advantage that Gaza’s have is their ability to perform long range saturation attacks. We see it the first time they show up in zeta and mop the floor with the titans.

        I can see axis being pretty successful if they used tactics like this. Although Haman or other prototypes would be necessary to take out mobile monsters like the Psycho Mk II, Baund Doc, Messala, Palace Athena and The O.

  3. 11 months ago

    If we are going solely off the shit they had in the shows then neo zeon stomps until glemy does his shit and then probably gets their ass kicked as they collapse from within. Otherwise if we are bringing side story shit in titans win.

  4. 11 months ago

    Bare minimum, I think the Feddie forces would be engaged in grass roots support of the Titans even without leadership authorization. You're coming up on a decade after the OYW, a generation of orphans from the war are now entering fighting age. You have the AEUG, who were led by or at least had in its top ranks a prominent zeek OYW ace Char and supported by civilians from Granada (an ex-Zeon stronghold during the war) engaged in a quasi Feddie civil war. With the AEUG defeated, you would have propaganda on blast denouncing the AEUG as a Zeonic plot to weaken the Federation military by inserting its agents into a crypto-zeek fifth column militia.

    Even with the undercurrent of scheming between Jamitov & Bask's faction and Scirocco's faction, the Titans would be presentable as a strong, unified force against the old adversary who has just had a potential plot foiled and are now rushing headlong with their fortress to strike the Earth sphere. I do not think the Titans would be given negative press even if privately the Federation top brass feels they're reckless. Day of Dakar or no Day of Dakar speech, they're now the only force who CAN stop Axis. So they would start turning out Barzams at all factories, get the Pyscho Gundams prepped, give the Gryps colony laser double the amount of workers, and likely give Scirocco more resources so he can get his super mobile suits out and about.

    The Titans were built to crush the ghosts of Zeon and now they have the chance to take out the last phantoms of the Zabi dynasty. Let's fricking go.

  5. 11 months ago

    What could Axis even field at the end of the Gryps War aside from Gazas?

    • 11 months ago

      ZZ starts a few days later, most suits from early ZZ should be ready to go.

  6. 11 months ago

    Axis gets dusted, the primary reason why they were a persistent threat during the Gryps Conflict was because they were a wildcard and neither faction could divest meaningful resources to deal with them while they were busy killing each other. However, regular EF and Titans forces would be an Enemy Mine-type situation, they'd still hate each other, but for the moment, Axis Zeon is the common enemy. The EF would still be concerned about the Titans with a colony laser at their disposal, though, since it can very easily be turned against them once their efforts against Axis wind down, so it will just get bloody again, except instead of the AEUG+EF, it'll just be the EF against the Titans.

    • 11 months ago

      The Feds were perfectly willing to back the AEUG and suck up to Neo Zeon, I wouldn't count on them siding with the Titans

      • 11 months ago

        They backed the AEUG because the mask came off for the Titans and it was a really bad look for them to continue supporting a group that has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they are destructive and self-serving. More importantly, they directly endangered the lives of the politicians backing them by carrying on a fight around the assembly building, so it was probably a bit personal, too.

        For Neo Zeon, that was partly because the Federation's military was still reeling and too disorganized after the whole civil war to put up a coherent resistance, and the fact that they didn't really care if Haman did a couple of things that killed a lot of people, it was population control they wouldn't have to get their hands dirty doing after all.

        In the latter case, they aren't in the same position anymore, neither are the Titans, because they can actually focus their efforts mostly against Axis now. The EF and Titans won't be friends, but they're going to take care of the interloper first before it comes to blows eventually.

        • 11 months ago

          The EFF barely backed the AEUG. They didn't even send them reinforcements at Gryps.
          They basically just disowned the Titans for PR purposes.

          • 11 months ago

            >The EFF barely backed the AEUG. They didn't even send them reinforcements at Gryps.
            Either way, they threw in their lot with the AEUG, Bright even ended up reporting back to them during ZZ with orders to disband his unit, and Sentinel was about a mixed group of EF regulars and AEUG forces taking out the Titans on the moon.
            >They basically just disowned the Titans for PR purposes.
            That's kind of what I was getting at anyways, they ignored the Titans and their frickups until it became too public to deny.

            This is just my head canon but I think the main advantage that Gaza’s have is their ability to perform long range saturation attacks. We see it the first time they show up in zeta and mop the floor with the titans.

            I can see axis being pretty successful if they used tactics like this. Although Haman or other prototypes would be necessary to take out mobile monsters like the Psycho Mk II, Baund Doc, Messala, Palace Athena and The O.

            >This is just my head canon but I think the main advantage that Gaza’s have is their ability to perform long range saturation attacks.
            They initiated a surprise attack against the Dogosse Gier's MS forces that were already tied up with the AEUG. That was probably their most successful moment in their entire career because I can't recall a moment when they weren't getting the Leo treatment after that. Char pulled an especially egregious one when he used the anti-ship launcher to wipe out dozens of them at once.

          • 11 months ago

            And a lot good that did them. In UC I feel like the EFF is as hated as Zeon by the populace but is put up with simply because the EFF is more subtle with its moral bankruptcy.

            Ever since the OYW the Feddies never shook off their unpopularity. Even after they collapses ansld rebranded as CONSENT

  7. 11 months ago

    In ZZ everyone in Neo Zeon is moronic so it's an easy win for the Titans

  8. 11 months ago

    Glemy's and Scirocco's forces team up. They also recruit any AEUG stragglers and Karaba.

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