Like, I get what Bryan was doing. And I for one don't hate the narrative.

Like, I get what Bryan was doing. And I for one don't hate the narrative. But, doesn't it, y'know, negate everything else that came before it? I really like those books, and in a way, taught me how to not be an butthole. Why (literally) erase Scott's character development? Why make comic book Scott still not learn anything from Finest Hour?
Idk, I still objectively still like the show, it's just..something about it still rubs me the wrong way...

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  1. 7 months ago

    Oh hey Bubblegum, its another Scott thread. Maybe we will get another Wish thread too.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          >no u

          • 7 months ago

            >no u

            • 7 months ago

              I didn't say that, you did

  2. 7 months ago
    star butterfly

    they want to shit on nostalgiagays since the entertainment industry is run by wokegays who want to gleefully ruin our canon and happy endings with woke writing. and they always point out that the canons we like aren't "real" anymore.

  3. 7 months ago

    It's Scott Pilgrim: Rebuild. Think of it like that and hopefully it helps you understand.

    • 7 months ago

      The difference is that Evangelion originally has a sad and bad ending.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's shit
      Got it, thanks

  4. 7 months ago

    Yeah I get what you mean. I don't want to sound like an incel but it really would just make more sense if future Romana was the villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Right? Original Ramona had little to no character change in the comics. Why would she be the good one after all that struggle Scott went thru to grow and change to be with her? It would actually be really neat because then Ramona would accept how much she wasn't nice in the OG timline compared to who she became in the show. Much like comic Scott and Show Scott could reconcile and take the good from the bad there as well. But whatever, what do I know...

  5. 7 months ago

    it was movie scott who was future scott, he never learned the lesson comic scott did

    • 7 months ago

      That makes it worse, to be honest.

    • 7 months ago

      O'Malley as specifically said that the comic, movie, and show are all entirely separate and each has their own canon.

  6. 7 months ago

    Yes. Time travel writing is inherently nihilistic and self-defeating. Which makes it even more confusing that they wrote a version of Ramona who acts like she already went through everything with Scott and has a reason to be in love with him.

    Might be enjoyable to some on a purely surface level, but it doesn't hold up to any sort of scrutiny

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      this is why the OG steinsgate anime is one of the best time travel stories, because it intrinsically is about fighting against the self-defeating nihilism of time travel.

  7. 7 months ago

    The development Scott learned was just enough for him to get and stay with Ramona at the end, it's not like he suddenly became a genuine nice guy for real this time though and Future Scott overthinking an issue (in contrast to Ramona's general apathy) is consistent with his character.

  8. 7 months ago

    I said this in a earlier thread but the issue is that it advertised itself as an adaptation of the books but it baited the viewers by killing off Scott in the first episode, the show then goes into a completely different direction that ultimately undermines the original source material and basically spits on the fans of the OG material.

    Like there's a difference in changing something in a adaptation so it can flow better for the story, and changing something in a adaptation because the original author was ashamed of some aspects in the original material. I'm not even against the idea of "Ramona Flowers vs the World", it sounds awesome and almost works like a "New Game+" sort of deal, but the insidiuous marketing and execution put a bitter taste in my mouth.

    Even ignoring the false marketing, the execution does more damage to the franchise if anything. Ramona being the main character is cool but she doesn't really do anything. She has a weak reason to care about Scott in the first place so it doesn't work as a motivation. The whole reconnecting with her exes is only a by product of her searching for Scott and just happens. The exes also have such an inbalance on who gets developed, Roxy and Lucas Lee get most of the development while Todd and Gideon get crumbs. Kyle and Ken get fricking nothing even though they needed the development the most. Matthew beats Gideon and takes his throne but does nothing for the whole show, he's just there. Gideon for some reason gets completely excused for his evil actions in the past which kinda ruins his character. The dude mindbreaks and abuses Ramona but she doesn't care about what happened, she barely even interacts with the guy. Not to mention he literally kidnaps his old exes and freezes them for later.

    >tldr: the show sucks ass

    • 7 months ago

      Only reason anyone can make excuses to defend this weak-ass writing is if they're a shill and being paid to run defense and promotion for netflix. Otherwise, anyone pretending this was actually a good bit of storytelling is exposing themselves as a brainless jackass.

  9. 7 months ago

    Anime Scott confronting Future Scott was his character development. He saw a version of himself who screwed up and never matured and in the end he swore that he wouldn't end up like that.
    You can argue that it was rushed but it's still a similar character arc to the comics, just done differently.

    • 7 months ago

      Older Scott sucks because he's essentially ruins Scott's character. It basically undos Scott growth as a character and says "Um actually Ramona is the problem not you". Nega Scott served the same purpose and was excuted better than Older Scott because Scott basically had to embrace his bad actions and shitty past. Not to mention his voice actor was annoying as shit

      • 7 months ago

        >It basically undos Scott growth as a character
        Old Scott is just one possible future. I'm pretty sure they explicitly say that in the final episode too.

        • 7 months ago

          He's the future that happened after the comic, which now can't happen because he gave Ramona an excuse to do character development without Scott.

          • 7 months ago

            >He's the future that happened after the comic,
            every adaptation is its own continuity

            O'Malley as specifically said that the comic, movie, and show are all entirely separate and each has their own canon.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes. I'm aware. But that's what he is, dipshit.

              • 7 months ago

                Old Scott can't be Comic Scott from the future because there are multiple differences between episode 1 of the show and book 1 of the comic that have nothing to do with Old Scott's time travel scheme.
                Ramona in the comic works for Amazon. Romana in the show works for Netflix.
                Sex Bob-omb in the comic performs after Crash and the Boys. in the show Crash never show up.
                Wallace in the comic makes out with Stacey's boyfriend at the concert. This never happens in the show.
                Do you think future Scott went back in time and changed all this? Of course not. Different continuity.

              • 7 months ago

                >Sex Bob-omb in the comic performs after Crash and the Boys. in the show Crash never show up.
                I remember the comic mentioning that Trasha has extreme ADHD. With Robot-01 showing up at the venue, I wouldn't be surprised if Trasha saw it, got distracted, and wandered off to look for it.

      • 7 months ago

        anon ramona might have left after a fight but future scott didnt try to get her back or fight for her he spent ten years trying to go back in time and stop himself from getting with her

      • 7 months ago

        >It basically undos Scott growth as a character and says "Um actually Ramona is the problem not you"
        They're both to blame. Ramona has a problem with running away and Scott is a dumbass that thought "needs some space" meant an actual separation/divorce. With that being said, they had only been separated for a year when Scott went into the future and both still lived in Toronto, both are to blame for shit communication.

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