Lilo & Stitch gets comic series at Dynamite Entertainment in 2024

>Greg Pak and Giulia Giacomino will be creating a new Lilo & Stitch comic book series together, with covers from David Nakayama, Joshua Middleton, Jennifer L. Meyer and Craig Rousseau's negative space.

>"Following the events of the iconic 2002 animated film, the alien Stitch has found his place in Hawaii with his 'ohana, which includes his best friend Lilo, Lilo's older sister Nani, Nani's boyfriend David, the aliens Dr. Jumba and Agent Pleakley, and social worker Cobra Bubbles. With the support of this extended found family, Lilo and Stitch are learning to somewhat moderate their sometimes destructive impulses with a new sense of responsibility. They all get to enjoy the beautiful sights, sounds, and tastes of Hawaii — and the waves!

>"That is, until a new threat comes hunting for everyone's favorite, fuzzy blue boy — mysterious giant robots seeking samples of Stitch's own DNA for their own nefarious purposes! In a brand new journey that will take readers across the world, will Stitch be able to protect his home and loved ones? And how can he ever be reunited with his 'ohana if his presence always seems to endanger them?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >"The Lilo & Stitch movie blew me away back in the day with its gorgeous, organic animation and its hugely fun sci-fi elements," said writer Greg Pak. "But above all else, I loved its focus on the everyday struggles of an incredibly relatable family on the edge and a little girl and a little monster who somehow manage to save each other. It's a thrill to have the chance to work on this new series with this tremendous team."

    "He's joined by rising artist Giulia Giacomino in her major interior art debut, handling both line art and colors, and hailing from superstar Mirka Andolfo's Arancia Studio. Eagle-eyed readers of Dynamite's Disney titles may recognize her name from coloring contributions to Gargoyles. The creative team is anxious for fans to be introduced again to the wonderfully cute and kinetic Stitch — who they promise will not actually jump off the page, for better or worse!"

  2. 8 months ago

    >Lilo & Stitch was released by Disney in 2002. From 2002 to 2006, Disney Adventures released a number of comic strip tie-ins to the franchise, including prequel comics set before the original film, which included the first appearances of later major character Experiment 625/Reuben, as well as comics set during the film, the TV series Lilo & Stitch: The Series, the sequel Stitch Has a Glitch, and Leroy & Stitch. On March 7, 2006, Disney Press published a collection of Lilo & Stitch comic strips that were originally published from 2002 to 2005 as Comic Zone, Volume 1: Disney's Lilo & Stitch.

    >In 2002, Kodansha published a Stitch & the Samurai manga by Hiroto Wada, known in Japan as Tono & Stitch in Japan, and published in English in 2021 by Toykopop. In this reality, Stitch crash-landed in Japan during the Sengoku period and gets taken in by a warlord named Meison Yamato. And now it is time for a traditional American publisher to have a go, in 2024, with Dynamite Entertainment.

  3. 8 months ago

    I guess since the Red Sonja movie is in limbo and the Vampirella movie/TV show/whatever is still in early development that Dynamite is going all-in on the Disney titles.

  4. 8 months ago

    On one hand
    >Pak is an external B-Lister
    >Artist is a fresh face (from what I've seen, their work is alright)
    On the other hand
    >I fricking love Lilo & Stitch

    • 8 months ago

      is a fresh face
      Never a bad thing as long as they're skilled.

  5. 8 months ago

    Dynamite's Hades mini has been fun so far even with it dunking the TV show into a dumpster.

    • 8 months ago

      I like the tv show but it was fricked from the get-go the moment Hades knew Hercules was still alive

      • 8 months ago

        It did use the Lethe memory erasing waters as a plot device twice that could be a convenient way to write that plothole off.

    • 8 months ago

      Wait, NOW it gets comic? That's a bit late isn't it? Interesting premise, I thought it would include the cousins. Has there been any other comics for this series?

      This is the first I'm hearing of this existing and it looks pretty neat, I'm gonna have to look more into this.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, Hades puts a team of mythical figures together to steal the Golden Fleece while having to compete with the Argonauts, with Jason literally just being drawn as "Kronk but Greek".

        • 8 months ago

          >Kronk as Jason
          Too fricking based. Definitely grabbing that soon

        • 8 months ago

          >Jason literally just being drawn as "Kronk but Greek".
          I couldn't have cast it better myself.

      • 8 months ago

        >That's a bit late isn't it?
        A. It's not an ongoing
        B. Stitch has had comics in Disney Magazines
        I'm curious if this is them experimenting given this is a post-1996 crash license

      • 8 months ago

        >Wait, NOW it gets comic? That's a bit late isn't it?

        They are doing this because half of the cast are either dead, aged out of the role ,or are out of the industry.
        I wouldn’t have minded an official aged up Lilo and Nani.

        >They are doing this because half of the cast are either dead, aged out of the role ,or are out of the industry.

        But... Why

        Are people really so moronic that they don't understand why Disney would start pushing out new merch related to a property that's been dormant for years when they're gearing up to release a live action remake? Like even if Stitch hadn't always been a popular character who reliably sells crap, this is the most basic business shit, you make products related to properties that you are currently investing resources into.

    • 8 months ago

      Is that because of Icarus or something else?

      • 8 months ago

        Chiron's an ineffectual loser servant to Jason versus the show's chad hero trainer.
        The show's Jason was basically William Shatner making fun of himself
        Comic Medusa's characterization has kind of a cynical Meg quality to her versus the show.
        All this being said, Comic Arachne is an objective improvement over the ugly giant spider monster version the show had.

  6. 8 months ago

    Why the frick don't they do Rescue Rangers or Talespin with how well Gargolyes and Darkwing are selling?

    • 8 months ago

      Disney may not want to touch Rescue Rangers for awhile since the movie got mixed reviews. TaleSpin has a higher chance of getting one to gauge interest on the revival that's in development.

      • 8 months ago

        Do you think if Seth Rogen's Figment movie is leaning on the Marvel comics for its story they'll actually finally make Figment 3?

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe. With Figment getting a major push at EPCOT, I can definitely see 3 happening regardless of the movie.

          • 8 months ago

            The main issue is that the Disney Kingdoms line at Marvel has been dead for a long time and the Imagineering side of the editorial team has long since scattered, with one of the main guys leaving Disney to be a creative lead on Evermore Park of all things.
            Those paperback two-book combos might still be in print, but six-seven years is a hell of a gap.

        • 8 months ago

          I can see them doing a completely different continuity as a series, depending how far they get with these

      • 8 months ago

        I don't think Disney tell them which series to make or have done so, they seem to be going by what they think will sell
        Though you could consider Darkwing a test run for the planned series so who knows, they might throw in a request or two

      • 8 months ago

        >Disney may not want to touch Rescue Rangers for awhile since the movie got mixed reviews
        Seems pretty reviled outside the obvious paid shill reviews. And I'm pretty sure its more about the reviving the Driscoll controversy and the overall low quality of the whole thing that made RR a Black Cauldron tier embarrassment now.

    • 8 months ago

      Rescue Rangers is in an interesting spot. If they do not continue the 2011 comics, all goodwill will be GONE, in a second.

    • 8 months ago

      Perhaps later down the line? Can they even use Baloo?

      So what, they're gonna keep to the core cast of the original movies and series?
      Or add in more cousin filler?

      The original movies it seems. Looks like it's set in-between of the first movie and second.

  7. 8 months ago

    The upcoming slate of new Dynamite comic series
    >Negaduck (just started a few weeks ago)
    >Justice Ducks spinoff
    >Various Gargoyles spinoffs
    >Lilo & Stitch
    >Nightmare Before Christmas

    • 8 months ago

      >Nightmare Before Christmas
      Isn't that TokyoPop?

      • 8 months ago

        They might have one but Dynamite has one too

  8. 8 months ago

    They are doing this because half of the cast are either dead, aged out of the role ,or are out of the industry.
    I wouldn’t have minded an official aged up Lilo and Nani.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, this is licenseshit comics we're talking about

    • 8 months ago

      >They are doing this because half of the cast are either dead, aged out of the role ,or are out of the industry.
      Or, y'know, the live action remake they're working on...

  9. 8 months ago

    Hopefully we get nice Jumba and Gantu asses shown.

  10. 8 months ago

    So what, they're gonna keep to the core cast of the original movies and series?
    Or add in more cousin filler?

    • 8 months ago

      >So what, they're gonna keep to the core cast of the original movies and series?
      We really don't know. I have the sneaking suspicion that this is going to be a new continuity that just builds off the first movie and ignores the sequel and the shows.

    • 8 months ago

      >So what, they're gonna keep to the core cast of the original movies and series?
      We really don't know. I have the sneaking suspicion that this is going to be a new continuity that just builds off the first movie and ignores the sequel and the shows.

      The series is the only sequel that will remain canon in my <3. Frick this shit.

      You could probably slot it in between this and the series with no problem

  11. 8 months ago

    The series is the only sequel that will remain canon in my <3. Frick this shit.

  12. 8 months ago

    Post Stitch feet

  13. 8 months ago

    Dont give a frick if it doesnt have the cousins

  14. 8 months ago

    Stitch & the Samurai came out 3 years ago

  15. 8 months ago

    But... Why

    • 8 months ago

      Because Stitch is still one of their most marketable characters. Also checked.

      • 8 months ago

        Stitch is making a comeback in licensing with kids products. He's cute enough that most people see an immediate appeal, but just weird enough to entice older kids. It's the same shit with how every preteen used to be heavily into Gir, except Stitch doesn't get annoying after you turn 19.

        yeah but what can you even make the comic ABOUT? the movies are pretty one and done.

        • 8 months ago

          You're saying that like there weren't already several successful spinoff TV series

          >what can you even make the comic ABOUT?
          Probably the thing they described in the synopsis would be my guess

        • 8 months ago

          >"Well Stitch IS number 6-2-6. These must be the other six-hundred twenty five!"
          They pretty much figured out they could make it a monster-of-the-week formula out of it literally 20 years ago.

    • 8 months ago

      Stitch is making a comeback in licensing with kids products. He's cute enough that most people see an immediate appeal, but just weird enough to entice older kids. It's the same shit with how every preteen used to be heavily into Gir, except Stitch doesn't get annoying after you turn 19.

  16. 8 months ago

    Stitch is CUTE!

  17. 8 months ago

    I would want for Stitch's cousins to appear here. I know many say the hunt for Stitch's cousins made it similar to Pokemon, but I wanted to see more of them.

  18. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      More please

      • 8 months ago
  19. 8 months ago
  20. 8 months ago

    The art for every single one of these disney dynamite comics has been AWFUL

  21. 8 months ago

    Will be any good?

    • 8 months ago

      We can only hope.

  22. 8 months ago
  23. 8 months ago

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