>(literally) everyone is gay. >Gothnam is 80% black. >all white men are pathetic losers

>(literally) everyone is gay
>Gothnam is 80% black
>all white men are pathetic losers
Jesus, this is like diversity overload

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  1. 10 months ago
    Bim Jordan

    Yeah. If only we had a rape overload to compensate.

    • 10 months ago

      i am currently working my way into the industry specifically to increase the amount of rape in fiction

  2. 10 months ago

    >Gothnam is 80% black
    Place has Detroit levels of crime. What's unrealistic about this?

  3. 10 months ago

    Doesn’t matter my man Chuck is living well and doesn’t have to deal with that chlorophyll.

  4. 10 months ago

    nothing about what you said is even diverse, it's homogenous just in the opposite direction of straight and white.
    I guess when they demand diversity they never mean ideas, beliefs, or execution of said ideas or beliefs.

    • 10 months ago

      And you wonder why anons here spitefully want AI to replace them. It'll still be the same slop, but now they'll know how truly awful the leaders of corporate "diversity" really are as people.

      • 10 months ago

        I think even ChatGPT has a limit in how much diversity they can shove

    • 10 months ago

      When they say "diverse" they just mean LA demographics. Over on /tg/ you will see game creators make their european history/culture-inspired products "diverse" yet refuse to make games or stories inspired by places that are actually diverse, like Spanish America or medieval West Africa or Ancient Greece. House of the Dragon, despite being adapted from books with a diverse setting with multiple black characters, does not adapt any of those characters and instead purposefully race-swaps other characters to the immense detriment of the story and then when the fans come up with believable theories that allow for the race-swap without smashing the intricate story to pieces the showrunners dismiss those ideas and specifically declare them non-canon.

      • 10 months ago

        See, that I've never understood.
        You have a massive fantasy universe, it has varied human cultures from varied locals.
        Takes 2 seconds for anyone with an ounce of skill with lore writing can give you hundreds of good options for adding tons different human ethnicities and phenotypes.
        But they literally never do it, they just make every setting fantasy California.
        Like, why does every black person need to just be from a random European theme civilization with no further explanation for why humans developed that diversity despite coming from the exact same place.
        These people are hacks with no imagination.

        my favorite is complete disconnect between writing and animation
        Like in S3 E3 Joker says that the Owl Society is made of a bunch of old white men.
        When Bruce and Gordon were the only white men in there, everyone else was black and 2/3 of the background characters were women.
        So, I don't know what happened there. It's like the animation director wanted to diversify it despite the writing specifically saying the opposite.

        I bet they didn't even register that, it's like they never remember to care.

    • 10 months ago

      my favorite is complete disconnect between writing and animation
      Like in S3 E3 Joker says that the Owl Society is made of a bunch of old white men.
      When Bruce and Gordon were the only white men in there, everyone else was black and 2/3 of the background characters were women.
      So, I don't know what happened there. It's like the animation director wanted to diversify it despite the writing specifically saying the opposite.

      • 10 months ago

        So diverse, they're now undermini g tgeir own writing. Like creating an evil faction that represents white supremacist Nazis, but making them full of diverse races and genders.

        • 10 months ago

          Reminds me of the Rick and Morty Sperm episode where Beth rants about the military all being white men who are over-eager to shoot everything without thinking twice. And then the same shot shows a bunch of soldier extras and half of them are black women.
          So, I don't know if it Beth is supposed to be an idiot or if it was an animation mistake, but it doesn't even focus on them.

          There is another instance of this, where the black president goes to bar and the bar-mike says "we don't serve the kinds of you", and misleading you to believe he is racist, but he is actually discriminating against presidents, but the entire joke is ruined because on the background there black men and women in the bar

          • 10 months ago

            I could see that first one being part of the joke, though I have no interest in seeing anything Rick and Morty related so I couldn't tell you if it really is or not.

            • 10 months ago

              You'd think it would be intentional, but they don't highlight it. If it was intentional, you'd think, one of the female soldiers would react to Beth's rant by rolling her eyes or something.

              Batman is gay?
              Actually make a list of who isn’t gay in this

              I'm half-expecting Batman to hookup with Alfred, the bar really is that so low, after they made the Riddler and Catwoman.
              I guess there are one-offs like Mr. Freeze.

              Good on them for killing him off without completely ruining him.

              Is there any heterosexual female in Gotham City other than Barbara?

              I don't think there is.

              What makes you think Barbare is hetero?

  5. 10 months ago

    >gotham is detroit
    Makes sense.

  6. 10 months ago

    >all white men are pathetic losers

  7. 10 months ago

    Show me the lie.

  8. 10 months ago

    I like bane and his silly little voice

  9. 10 months ago

    >all white men are pathetic losers
    remember when Cinemaphile used to tell people to get over it when Muslims and Middle Easterns were always the bad guys in early to mid 2000's and that they were just being babies for complaining?

    how the tables have turned

    • 10 months ago

      >remember when Cinemaphile used to tell people to get over it when Muslims and Middle Easterns were always the bad guys in early to mid 2000's and that they were just being babies for complaining?
      No. Which comics and cartoons in the early to mid 2000's had Muslim/Middle Eastern bad guys? Also, Cinemaphile wasn't even founded until 2003. If you think any board had itself figured out by 2005, you obviously weren't here.

  10. 10 months ago

    Batman is gay?
    Actually make a list of who isn’t gay in this

    • 10 months ago

      Even if he isn’t he still fits the loser category, why with wimping for Catwoman and the parents nonsense/

  11. 10 months ago

    Is there any heterosexual female in Gotham City other than Barbara?

    I don't think there is.

  12. 10 months ago

    I don't know why I keep watching this show, I guess it's entertaining the same way was watching old WW2 propaganda videos.

    I realize the need to be edgy and comedic, but this show genuinely feels like it hates white men.

  13. 10 months ago

    Is this show even succesful?
    I really flat-out can't tell if this is normie approved or just one of those shit shows they keep making more of endlessly like big mouth.

    • 10 months ago

      It keeps getting renewed, so maybe?
      Thought expensive and woke shows like STD went over budget and had no views and still got renewed so maybe

      • 10 months ago

        I'm just gonna assume it's not very popular, I can barely accept the mind rot is so bad people actually think this is good.

        • 10 months ago

          hard to estimate, but its wikipedia article has 149K view in past 30 days, same as Rick and Morty, so this show might be as popular as Rick and Morty

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