Literally me

Literally me

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  1. 4 months ago

    Literally me except I don't go to work.

    • 4 months ago

      This quote is better, especially considering that AI is now a thing and being used to write smut and gen pictures of Emma Watson naked while the average man as to slave away doing shit a robotic arm could do near indefinitely.

    • 4 months ago

      This quote is better, especially considering that AI is now a thing and being used to write smut and gen pictures of Emma Watson naked while the average man as to slave away doing shit a robotic arm could do near indefinitely.

      I agree with the sentiment yet no one who earns a living wants to share what they earned with you. And most of the people who talk about this are just modern day moronic leftists and lazy, miserable fricks.

      • 4 months ago

        >I agree with the sentiment yet no one who earns a living wants to share what they earned with you

        Would you share with others if you were rich? I would share with family and friends, but not strangers. All rich people do the same.

        • 4 months ago

          That's what I meant. Even NEETs wouldn't share their money if their eventual art that will come out after all these years in neetdom will make a cent.

          • 4 months ago

            >Even NEETs wouldn't share their money

            They would share, but only with people they know. If I won the lottery, for example, I would first and foremost ensure that my life was good, and then the lives of my immediate family. How much money would I even have left? Everything in the modern world is so expensive, that it's completely understandable if nobody wants to share. It's why I just accept my poverty, and I won't be passing it on. Poor people should really stop having kids if they don't like the state of the world.

            • 4 months ago

              Possess little be possessed by little. I gave generously while poor and still do. I trust in the lord and live by him alone and he has provided. I inherited a small fortune from a relative. I have given away most of what I have gained and sometimes I wonder what I would have had it kept it for myself.
              We will all die and nothing we have can be taken with us. In fact it seems the only things we take with us into the next life is what we give away in this life.
              if you had the whole world it wouldnt mean much when you died but generosity and kindness mean more than whole world to those who remain after you. Those things are lasting.

              • 4 months ago

                You should have kept your "small fortune", instead of giving it away, and maybe you wouldn't be posting on Cinemaphile. Do you like this place? I've been here longer than anyone, and I don't. Good job being a kind person, but it led to where you are now.

              • 4 months ago

                I like where I am at. You only live one time. Why do you need to trade your strong years making money to spend in your weak years?
                Enjoy your strength and youth.

  2. 4 months ago

    I had sex tonight and it caused me to disassociate more than I already was. I think wanting to frick women is the last delusion I have that tethers me to physical reality. It's the last thing I haven't tried already or done to death and realized it doesn't work. It's the only thing that can maintain the delusion because it's somewhat hard to get sometimes, so I forget it and have to re-learn it by having sex again.

    I'm trying to look at sex women picture on Cinemaphile now and the memory of real sex is too fresh in my mind and I just see women as passive little victim monkeymen who are confused by us wanting to grope them. The real groping is too recent in my memory and I know it's all fake. Sex is just extended masturbation and masturbation is based on fantasies which are based on the delusion that sex is something other than extended masturbation. I am losing the last bit of interest in the last thing that makes me believe my own flesh exists. I don't even know what my embodiment is "for" after this. I don't want anything from this world.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I unironically know that feel except I havent had veganal sex in 13 years but I did pay a japanese escort to blow me in autumn last year and had the same experience/reminder.
      Reality feels illusory. I know it's real but it feels absurd, surreal, like puppets, like a matrix.
      I remember when this feeling really hit its first peak. I sat at a table, at the uni dining hall, watching people walk by. "This place isnt real, they arent real, I am not real. I know they are real, but they're not really there."
      I feel this sensation that the people around me actually do exist in some ethereal plane far away, and are attached to their meat vessels like jacked into a fake matrix all while their soul exists someplace else, and mine too.
      In a sense, that's the logical conclusion to many belief systems - that an ethereal soul existing outside this realm is our true selves, and our bodies are mere temporary vessels. But imagining it in a literal sense, truly feeling the vapid shell of the universe, instills a feeling of dread that has never left me.
      I'm not delusional. I know the world is "real". I dont hear voices, I dont have compulsions, I am not violent, nor suicidal, nor do I think I'm being gang stalked, mind controlled, or watched. Instead I have glimpsed just outside of the cover of human perception, just beyond the first layer of illusion, and what I saw frightens me.

      I hold out hope I will find true meaning, and in the meantime, I indulge as much as possible in the things I enjoy, lest I fall back into depression and meaninglessness. I implore you to do the same, or at least seek religious guidance. Possibly of the mystic kind, i.e. Buddhism, Taoism, or Christian Gnosticism.

      • 4 months ago

        I've felt this way since 16.

        • 4 months ago

          Depression hit me at 18 and dissociation at 19 and I'm 31 now

      • 4 months ago

        I had sex tonight and it caused me to disassociate more than I already was. I think wanting to frick women is the last delusion I have that tethers me to physical reality. It's the last thing I haven't tried already or done to death and realized it doesn't work. It's the only thing that can maintain the delusion because it's somewhat hard to get sometimes, so I forget it and have to re-learn it by having sex again.

        I'm trying to look at sex women picture on Cinemaphile now and the memory of real sex is too fresh in my mind and I just see women as passive little victim monkeymen who are confused by us wanting to grope them. The real groping is too recent in my memory and I know it's all fake. Sex is just extended masturbation and masturbation is based on fantasies which are based on the delusion that sex is something other than extended masturbation. I am losing the last bit of interest in the last thing that makes me believe my own flesh exists. I don't even know what my embodiment is "for" after this. I don't want anything from this world.

        I've felt this way since 16.

        Unironically, look into the Buddhas teachings.
        Specifically sunyata.
        The wiki page is not gonna get you to the understanding of the concept.

    • 4 months ago

      I occasionnally message women and am immediately reminded of how boring and vapid they are mostly. Women are the ultimate NPCs

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Sour grapes.

        • 4 months ago

          They always call you an incel but never a liar.... really makes you think.

          • 4 months ago

            imagine being proud of not getting laid

            • 4 months ago

              breasts or GTFO

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                If you wanna see the most breasts just pretend to be gay, or be gay, whatever, frick the world, man. So sick of this shit.
                My best fwiend died in a caw accident fouw yeaws ago. He's dead and gone. Icewand's his favowite pwace. I'm gonna buiwd him a skatepawk. You don't have be a musician to be an Eawth Wockew. Andwew Stwanbewg is an Eawth Wockew.

                My othew best fwiend is on hewoin again. He's back in wehab fow his sixteenth time. Good wuck with that one. Sick of the buwwshit. Sick of aww this shit. I don't go out anymowe, cause I hate evewy mothewfrickew, I don't cawe what they'we up to. Fouw yeaws I wasted, sippin on dwinks at the baw, chit-chatting with fricking nobodies. Now I stay at home, wike a fricking hewmit. I'm not gonna take any shit fwom anyone.

                I know what's going on. I got set up. I got jumped. Thank god Nikki wasn't thewe to watch me get my fricking ass kicked. She wouwd have wound up with a bwack eye and pwowwy went to jaiw. She has a big mouth.

                I wive fow this shit. I wove it. Bwing it the frick on. Payback's a b***h mothewfrick-

            • 4 months ago

              nice reading comprehension moron

      • 4 months ago

        you guys say that but then 99% of posts on this predominately male board are the same jokes reposted over and over and meme replies like "seethe" instead of actually addressing anything a poster said
        where are these soulful intelligent manly conversations?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Disassociativebros, what the frick are we gonna do? My alienation from the human race has become detrimental to my person. It's been 2 years since my last gf broke up with me and my ability to pretend to be semi-normal has gone the way of the dodo. I don't feel like people anymore

  3. 4 months ago

    Literally me but I have a gf and don’t work

  4. 4 months ago

    Because you gotta work to eat, dumbarse. If you're eating for free, then someone else is picking up your slack.

    • 4 months ago

      Absolute bullshit sentence to keep you in line. There is more food being thrown out than the people can eat

  5. 4 months ago

    How do you get out of this? My life feels like it's basically over.

    • 4 months ago

      >My life feels like it's basically over.

      I suspect that everyone feels that way once they turn 30. What's wrong with your life being over? Are you afraid of dying?

    • 4 months ago

      how old are you?

      • 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    the only thing i care about is my work. when i'm not "at work" (i wfh) i think about work and i want to be doing more work

  7. 4 months ago

    But what about his television and film?

  8. 4 months ago

    I do not have a job

  9. 4 months ago

    Literally me except I wfh, and after moving from my parents house this feels like heaven.

  10. 4 months ago

    It'd be one thing if you had no GF cause you were a Louisiana State CID guy looking for a massive pedo ring. But you have no gf and either work a shitty desk job or just stay at home

  11. 4 months ago

    >No girlfriend
    >No job

  12. 4 months ago

    Used to be me, then I stopped the work part

  13. 4 months ago

    kino stuff

  14. 4 months ago

    Considering most marriages end in divorce nowadays, I'd rather just stay single.

    Better to be lonely than broke and lonely

    • 4 months ago

      There is no real love, this is a childish concept adults adher to so society functions. No one loves each other. Not truly.

  15. 4 months ago

    Did Rust keep working at the bar after solving the case?

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