Literally what was her problem?

Literally what was her problem?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    The writer had a bullying fetish

  2. 10 months ago

    She was getting development for about three seasons at that the season free finale basically a waste all of that added earlier Seasons he probably had historical personality disorder which is why she's trying to seduce Adrian what most people who mutually doed each other since diaper times would see each other at siblings.

    • 10 months ago

      She legitimately needed some therapy and some NOT bipolar parenting styles( be the total purse over to the point of abusive power to do what she said for Dad and not even properly remembering her daughter's name for Mom) from her parents.

    • 10 months ago

      what development? she did bad shit, apologized, then did it again. only during Malidiktator and Miraculer did she actually take a part in fixing her mistake, and even then she only helped Ladybug in Miraculer just so Ladybug would keep letting her be Queen Bee. Hell, even when Ladybug went to her first on Hero's Day, she still went back to being a c**t to Sabrina immediately after.

      She only ever cared about being a hero, not being heroic.

      • 10 months ago

        NTA but the biggest thing being that she's the only character to actively resist being Akumatized by Hawkmoth. Another character was able to snap out of it afterwards but even Marinette almost turned into Princess Justice and had her hand on her Miraculous ready to take it off and surrender it to Hawkmoth. Chloe is the only one that actively and intentionally told Hawkmoth to go F himself and rejected the Akuma because she wanted to be a hero.

        She was still pretty complicated in terms of being mean but they were setting up terrible family dynamics and parental issues (in addition to her Mom being shown to be emotionally neglectful and a bad role model Sabrina lets slip in that one episode that Chloe's Mom frequently forgets her birthday which immediately triggers her.)

        They could have set up a nice arc where they have Chloe grow as a person and learn to be nice while Queen Bee and discover what a healthy friendship with Ladybug and others is like eventually having that bleed into her civilian life and turn her character around.

        Sometime during Season 2 someone in the staff got a bit more control over the series' writing, and used it to set up a slow-yet-steady redemption arc for Chloe. It proved extremely popular with the fanbase and, if promotional material was any indication, Zag approved of the decision.

        Chloe is based on Astruc's highschool bully so he was left seething on Twitter for months because apparently he couldn't do anything about it. However, come the Season 3 finale, Astruc got complete control of the writing back and proceeded to IMMEDIATELY crash the redemption arc. Then went out of his way to further mangle her character in Season 4, and introduced Zoe as her replacement (don't quote me on this, but allegedly Astruc admitted that Zoe was a last-minute addition because he wanted the fans to shut the frick up about Chloe).

        Since then and to this day Astruc has gone on the record multiple times equating this fictional child (remember she's canonically like 15) to rapists, to Trump, to Hitler, etc etc. He's also still very salty about that period of time he lost total control of the show's writing, and gets pretty nasty at any fan that approaches him with questions about Chloe.

        This. I'd like to know more

        What do you mean?

        For anyone not in the know, just know that after the creator 180'd all of her character development and reset her back to her characterization from episode one he also introduced an identical younger sister in the same episode who got all of her powers and took her place in the cast.

        The biggest kicker being she's her YOUNGER half sister which means that in this children's show they somehow have shoehorned in that her Mother cheated on her Father and had a child with another man less then 12 months after giving birth to her and being a children's sure they'll never be able to explicitly address this or explain how that was even logistically possible.

  3. 10 months ago

    She is racist and she loves zemmour

  4. 10 months ago

    She's a spoiled brat with a beta b***h literal cuckold for a father that only enabled her shitty behavior.

  5. 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    Needs BBC.

  7. 10 months ago

    getting too popular, so Astruc had to frick her over

    • 10 months ago

      What do you mean?

      • 10 months ago

        This. I'd like to know more

        imagine getting character development for three seasons only for the writer to turn it all around and double down on how evil you are
        and then replace you next season with literally the same character

        • 10 months ago

          I watched RWBY, that's an easy thing to imagine.

      • 10 months ago

        This. I'd like to know more

        Ass-truck based Chloe in a childhood bully, but he got mad that others would empathize with her, saying she is satan’s reincarnation.

        Ass-frick is still too much traumatized by his bully that he's not open to the idea of someone liking her, and much less thinking that his bully wouldn't be suffering, instead, he wants to get backed into hating that person up to this day and wishing her the worst.

      • 10 months ago

        This. I'd like to know more

        Sometime during Season 2 someone in the staff got a bit more control over the series' writing, and used it to set up a slow-yet-steady redemption arc for Chloe. It proved extremely popular with the fanbase and, if promotional material was any indication, Zag approved of the decision.

        Chloe is based on Astruc's highschool bully so he was left seething on Twitter for months because apparently he couldn't do anything about it. However, come the Season 3 finale, Astruc got complete control of the writing back and proceeded to IMMEDIATELY crash the redemption arc. Then went out of his way to further mangle her character in Season 4, and introduced Zoe as her replacement (don't quote me on this, but allegedly Astruc admitted that Zoe was a last-minute addition because he wanted the fans to shut the frick up about Chloe).

        Since then and to this day Astruc has gone on the record multiple times equating this fictional child (remember she's canonically like 15) to rapists, to Trump, to Hitler, etc etc. He's also still very salty about that period of time he lost total control of the show's writing, and gets pretty nasty at any fan that approaches him with questions about Chloe.

        • 10 months ago

          I will forever be a seething chloegay for this

          • 10 months ago

            I'm holding out hope the in-development movie sequel fixes her up, much in the same way it fixed Gabe.

            what development? she did bad shit, apologized, then did it again. only during Malidiktator and Miraculer did she actually take a part in fixing her mistake, and even then she only helped Ladybug in Miraculer just so Ladybug would keep letting her be Queen Bee. Hell, even when Ladybug went to her first on Hero's Day, she still went back to being a c**t to Sabrina immediately after.

            She only ever cared about being a hero, not being heroic.

            Hi Astruc

    • 10 months ago

      What do you mean?

      This. I'd like to know more

    • 10 months ago

      What do you mean?

      This. I'd like to know more

      NTA, but not sure it's popularity, it's just that Chloe is definitely iconic for being a biiiiig point of wasted potential in the show, especially when they were actually going somewhere with her by even revealing she had a shit mom who neglects her, and a dad that enables her bad behavior, and at first actually showing she wanted to change to not be so awful...
      Only to then immediately nosedive her back into villainy for honestly no good reason except that Astruc had gone on in several social media posts to compare Chloe to abusive relationships.
      Dude legit has problems and it definitely caused Chloe to regress as a character even though she definitely had potential for a good written redemption. Especially since she was NOT the only ground-level antagonist the show could have used.

      • 10 months ago


        Ass-truck based Chloe in a childhood bully, but he got mad that others would empathize with her, saying she is satan’s reincarnation.

        Ass-frick is still too much traumatized by his bully that he's not open to the idea of someone liking her, and much less thinking that his bully wouldn't be suffering, instead, he wants to get backed into hating that person up to this day and wishing her the worst.

        Do not believe this anons ass blasted lies

    • 10 months ago

      she and the rest of non-main cast

  8. 10 months ago

    She's perfect and she knows it and wants to make sure everyone else does as well.

  9. 10 months ago

    Bootleg Mandy

  10. 10 months ago

    >Literally what was her problem?
    Her creator.

    • 10 months ago

      Holy crap. This

      Do not believe this anons ass blasted lies

      anon was actually right...

  11. 10 months ago

    Alpha energy and her sister is a lezzi

  12. 10 months ago

    Lack of sex

  13. 10 months ago

    Wasn't it that little girls didn't actually like her so her dolls didn't sell?

    • 10 months ago

      Too basic I guess

  14. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      That would describe Lila, Cerise, or whatever the frick her name is.
      Chloe was a spoiled brat who took after her mother.

  15. 10 months ago

    A total mess of a character with an obvious redemption arc that just stopped, like others have said
    Though making her Zuko would have been pretty shit as well
    I didn't love the movie but Chloe was much more believable as a character in it, at least

  16. 10 months ago

    She's Parisian

  17. 10 months ago

    She takes after her mother.

  18. 10 months ago

    I can't wait to see what they have in store for Chloe in Season Six.

    • 10 months ago

      They literally shipped her off to New York. Chances are she's gone for good.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol you'll probably be the last one left watching this shit

      • 10 months ago

        I think not.

  19. 10 months ago

    She was ridiculous.
    Utterly ridiculous!

  20. 10 months ago

    All I need now is a GIF or WEBM of Chloe leaving Paris on the plane with her mother in Revolution.

  21. 10 months ago

    Typical spoiled brat/bully.

    She's rich, popular, a lot of privilegies, and still she feels herself unsatisfied. Why? because her mother was incapable of loving her, not even remember her name. She feels a void inside of her that can't be filled.

    So, in order to get rid of that pain, she tries to get make everyone else feels the same sadness and misery she feels. In order to do that, she pick up a determined victim who has much less than her, but still she's happier because she has what she can't have: a family that loves her. And who's that chosen victim? Marinette.

    • 10 months ago

      And now Adrien, and Sabrina have turned their backs on her, and she is moving to New York with her mother so she can't even bully Marinette anymore.

      >Pride comes before the mighty fall....

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