Lo and behold, 2023 had at least one kino. Glad I at least watched it at 2 days before the end of the year.

Lo and behold, 2023 had at least one kino.
Glad I at least watched it at 2 days before the end of the year.

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  1. 5 months ago

    it was mind numbingly generic even if the aesthetic was nice
    the comically EBIL establishment and muh parents sending child to military school was particularly cringe considering the film was trying to go for realism a lot of the times
    i also don't know who these themes are even relatable to aside from Gen X
    best film of the year is Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World, but that;s for me personally and I am a pretentious queer
    Anatomy of a Fall and particularly Blackberry I can recommend to more people

    • 5 months ago

      Stick to your anti-sentimental, disingenuous, irony-ridden, stating nothing while pretending to state everything, homosexual-y, snarky, smarmy, little A24 flicks. And why don't you cry some more due to your father not loving you, since you seem so afraid of a real emotion beyond contempt or pride. Your criticism of the plot related to military school is clearly disingenuous, covering up the fact that you can't help but scorn something even semi-semi-classicaly sentimental, despite containing more than enough sting to stop it from feeling like a Lifetime movie. Go give your parents a hug and marry a woman who truly has your best intention at heart, you disillusioned, pretentious, proto-doomer.

      • 5 months ago

        Are you really this mad that I thought the film was mediocre? This is also some next level strawman salad.
        Yes, I do think it's an issue when we have on one hand a realistic muted aesthetic, plot points like a mother grieving for a child who died at war, son trying to hide the fact that his real father is mentally ill and that is what broke his family apart, jealousy of his teacher who projects anger from failure onto students, but then on the other hand what the film boils down to in the end is a half assed climax built on generic tropes. This is not effectively sentimental. The former plot points are effectively sentimental. The latter feels like he just didn't know how the end the movie meaningfully and resorted to clichés. It's fine if it did not bother you, but I thought it undercut the actually working emotional core. It has nothing to do with whatever buzzwords you threw, I did not need any irony or anti-sentimentality, or some depressing ending.

        • 5 months ago

          You didn't name "the latter". You're naming nothing about the climax that was negative and acting like you did, to cover for the fact that I was correct in my estimation of the mental anti purity hair-trigger you have that stops you from enjoying nice things.

          sorry but what was sentimental about hold overs?
          The hallmark generic story line involving a dead son?
          The complete lack of chemistry between everyone?
          the main cast being unlikeable?
          The generic white savior for the black cafeteria woman?
          SHe had zilch for development.
          Instead of a story of her coming to terms they just mish mash everything together and its all piss

          The bonding between the main characters which felt realistic and heartwarming.
          >Dead son? Generic, dead sons are SO last year.
          >Trust me dude, they don't have chemistry
          >Frick whitey, how dare he be wiser than her in certain aspects!
          Whatever you say pal.

          • 5 months ago

            You need to ease on the buzzwords and read what I wrote again.
            If you don't want to do that, I can try to rephrase it.
            The negative aspect of the climax was that it, one - tonally contrasted the rest of the drama in the film, two - essentially was a last minute ending resort because Payne clearly did not know how to end the film. In the end the threads of character arcs are still hanging loose. And while that makes sense for the son, it doesn't for the teacher. The film constantly hints at his hypocrisy, he calls a restaurant a fascist establishment because they don't serve alcohol to a minor, is this liberal atheist type, yet in class acts like an annoying authoritarian figure. Because he has deep rooted resentment of students since he himself was one and got booted out of Harvard. But he never resolves this resentment, never self analyses. In fact, the film tries to make a point that his resentment is actually good, that he should be perma-bitter over his former university mates, and the comically ebil establishment in the form of the principal and muh uncaring parents who want to send their son to military school are there only to superficially contrast Hunham, to show that "well he is a bitter slob who projects his anger onto students in form of authoritarian teaching approach, but he is not as bad as these poopoo caca meanies".
            It is a disappointing resolution which lacks emotion, it is not sentimental but rather quite stupid and half assed. The characters bond, but they barely change, which wouldn't have been the problem if the film did not try to attempt to trick us into thinking that they changed a lot (mostly in regards to Hunham) by using an uninteresting cliche.

            • 5 months ago

              I am not gonna read your essay, chuddie. Just tell me what actually triggered you.

              • 5 months ago

                You called me an A24 loving gay first, now you call me a chud, great shitposting consistency.

              • 5 months ago


                I am not gonna read your essay, chuddie. Just tell me what actually triggered you.

                was not me, reading ur essay right now

      • 5 months ago

        sorry but what was sentimental about hold overs?
        The hallmark generic story line involving a dead son?
        The complete lack of chemistry between everyone?
        the main cast being unlikeable?
        The generic white savior for the black cafeteria woman?
        SHe had zilch for development.
        Instead of a story of her coming to terms they just mish mash everything together and its all piss

    • 5 months ago

      Kik? You need my cum in your ass.

    • 5 months ago

      Military recruitment is down, so class-based exploitation by our military industrial complex is prob not as relevant to zoomers + alphas. The socioeconomic difference still hold true, though the public attention on legacy admissions that eventually become CEOs + politicians has died down after Occupy Wall Street.

  2. 5 months ago

    is there a chance i will like it if i heavily disliked sideways and descendants?

  3. 5 months ago

    Guess someone bought that goon session.

    • 5 months ago

      This The Holdovers? Is it a comfy movie? Might check it out, heard good things.

      Kek, that meme killed me. Had to go find it again.

  4. 5 months ago

    Best of the year, new Godzilla was good as well. Still haven't seen Flowers of the Killer Moon but I generally like Scorcesse's historical stuff, especially Silence. I'm seeing the new Aki Kurasmaki movie tomorrow at an art theater near me, and have high hopes for that.

  5. 5 months ago

    hello. its me mike. thanks for watching my YouTube videos.

  6. 5 months ago

    I hate coming of age movies but this was enjoyable. Really hit a nerve since Angus reminded me of myself when I was younger. Just really fricking angry. And of course Giamatti’s character could very well be me when I’m older. A bitter, virginal alcoholic.

  7. 5 months ago

    This and this are the best movies of the year. Godzila was also fun.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah I'm waiting on torrents for Poor Things, but I generally don't like Lanthimos.

      Best of the year, new Godzilla was good as well. Still haven't seen Flowers of the Killer Moon but I generally like Scorcesse's historical stuff, especially Silence. I'm seeing the new Aki Kurasmaki movie tomorrow at an art theater near me, and have high hopes for that.

      Only good movies I saw in 2023:

      1. The Holdovers
      2. Godzilla Minus One
      3. Sanctuary

      For non-2023 films I saw some anniversary screenings of Heathers and Perfect Blue. Pretty good, hadn't seen them before. Otherwise a bleak year, will see Iron Claw tonight

      Also I forgot about Godzilla. Actually if spotify didn't put the soundtrack in my discover weekly I wouldn't have even put it in my watchlist.
      Hopefully these film (and 2-3 more I want to watch) redeem 2023.

  8. 5 months ago

    how did he do the thing with the eye?

  9. 5 months ago

    Only good movies I saw in 2023:

    1. The Holdovers
    2. Godzilla Minus One
    3. Sanctuary

    For non-2023 films I saw some anniversary screenings of Heathers and Perfect Blue. Pretty good, hadn't seen them before. Otherwise a bleak year, will see Iron Claw tonight

  10. 5 months ago

    Why do incels hate this film? I really don't get it

  11. 5 months ago

    Scene with them watching TV was peak kino. The background sound of the TV and the mundane talking.
    Breakdown in the kitchen at the party was great too.

  12. 5 months ago

    what is it?

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        No it isn't!!

  13. 5 months ago

    watched Ferrari. it's unbelievably good. classic mann vibez

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