
For what purpose do these scenes exist?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Luke is the best Wilson.

    • 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago


    Imagine living your life refreshing page one just to look for capeslop and commenting in every capeslop thread that you don't like the capeslop thread.

  3. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      How can you tell if a scene is filler or not if you don't know it's intended purpose yet?

      • 7 months ago

        Because it's a subplot using insignificant characters, giving cheaper actors more lines than they need, making them more prominent in the show.
        When Renslayer starts talking about all the messes she had to clean up for Mobius, it's filler. They're all there. You have greek gods, two of them, just chilling, waiting for her to speak her peace. The audience is waiting. The Loom is waiting. OB is waiting. Everybody is fricking waiting. When actions is delayed by dialogue, it's filler. If there is some plot in the dialogue, or they're compelling actors that can sell the dialogue, ok.

        This show was written in a way where they wanted to check multiple boxes with Loki and whoever TVA people will carry over to film. Also Kang.
        Then they have episode and minute count per episode that they have to fill. So they opt for subplots. Those subplots have to serve the whole 6 episode fill routine, so they're fleshed out and broken up to various fill positions. Meanwhile nothing happens or things are just constantly delayed from happening.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Look at the movie Star Wars A new Hope
            Every single time the plot progresses, it's a character making a decision. Even the opening scene isn't a random event. The empire is trying to recover the stolen plans. The droids use an escape pod because princess upload plans to him with a mission. Guards don't destroy escape pods because they think they're empty. Droids land on random planet and seek Obi-wan. It's all decision based plot.
            most scripts use random events at the start to spark the journey for a character. In the case of Loki, it's his time slipping and for the TVA it's the Loom. Loki's first decision after finding Mobius is to run away from stranger danger. He chooses to jump off the platform into the truck by luck or chance. The truck crashes from his impact damaging the image of Kang. Loki is on track to fight Kang. He falls out of the truck and finds a subordinate. I forget his name. This is kind of random but whatever. The ball drops off the ceiling cracking the symbol. This allows Loki to learn he is time slipping. He has to find mobius in his correct timeline. He tries to find Mobius again.
            Consider the Brad episode where they have to go find Brad. it doesn't make much sense. The chase scene doesn't make sense. Why is he running? Why won't loki catch him? Why won't he answer their questions? Ok he wants a life and is cracking from the truth. Why the long interrogation? Why his hostility toward loki? Oh ok the writers are checking a box on Loki and Mobius' development. It's all just random shit that the writers didn't know how best to accomplish their goals. I mean what we got was their best, obviously.

            • 7 months ago

              My mistake it's not a random planet. She was heading to Obi-Wan herself. They land randomly on the planet which is likely given the pods not exactly having much control.

            • 7 months ago

              >Oh ok the writers are checking a box on Loki and Mobius' development
              S2 is clearly only caring about checking this box. This is the only relationship that's going to matter. All other characters are being moved entirely into supporting cast. Kang would be the only exception but watch when episode 3 will be the only episode that focuses on him more than Loki and Mobius.

              • 7 months ago

                If they never focused on him at all that would be great. Majors is terrible.

              • 7 months ago

                This season has caught me off guard because I don't recall season 1 having such dedicated episodes to one character. Ep 2 was obviously a "Brad" episode. 3 was Kang. Maybe 4 will be Loki again finally. 1 could be argued to be Loki, but who can say.

              • 7 months ago

                Brad only existed for Mobius and Loki development, episode 1 was entirely Loki and Mobius development and that was the episode to introduce OB which they spent absolutely no time on. Episode 3 was mostly Timely but the first half of the episode was still Loki and Mobius just fricking around and doing anything but the main plot like bullshiting and eating popcorn, literally.

              • 7 months ago

                Those 2 and Sylvie are the only ones really able to sell relatively pointless dialogue. I wish they would have had a Stark ancestor there at the World's Fair to see Loki's reaction. Why would there be a norse god hall?

              • 7 months ago

                >Why would there be a norse god hall?
                That's a dumb complaint honestly. It's the World's Fair in an alternate timeline where somehow blacks can be super scientists in 1893 without being immediately lynched afterwards. There being a norse hall among all the other cultural exhibits is not a stretch and not something I gave a shit about.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a technology symposium I thought. Technical wonders. Electricity.
                And in the middle of it is a log cabin?

              • 7 months ago

                They walked out of a pagoda which was next to a cracker jack stall to get there. It's a version of the world's fair that requires some suspension of disbelief so minor I didn't even know it bugged anyone until you mentioned it.

              • 7 months ago

                It didn't bug me as much as I thought it a missed opportunity given it could have been Stark that caught Loki's attention.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a technology symposium I thought. Technical wonders. Electricity.
                And in the middle of it is a log cabin?

                maybe they made intricate carvings to demonstrate new electric tools at the Worlds Fair...this is very least of problems in the show

              • 7 months ago

                >wood can only be carved with electric tools

              • 7 months ago

                It's painting the world's fair as a multi-cultural event. They're kind of rewriting history, alternate universe or not.
                There's a conspiracy theory that the world's fair was faked to falsify history, claiming that the buildings were built in a short timespan instead of by an ancient civilization. Mud flood theory.

                They go to the past some couple dozen years before the fair, and it's all wooden shacks. Then the fair is built. It was intentional to support the current world history narrative we're told in school.

                >Forty-six countries had pavilions at the exposition.[1] Norway participated by sending the Viking, a replica of the Gokstad ship. It was built in Norway and sailed across the Atlantic by 12 men, led by Captain Magnus Andersen. In 1919 this ship was moved to Lincoln Park. It was relocated in 1996 to Good Templar Park in Geneva, Illinois, where it awaits renovation.

                The real Worlds Fair had country pavilions and Norway had one.


              • 7 months ago

                something something mud flood

              • 7 months ago

                Alright alright. Just seemed a tad convenient. They didn't really look at any other pavilions other than the Chinese one which they were walking out of.

              • 7 months ago

                Mobius pretty much said they looked at everything but two exhibits and he was going to drag Loki onto a hot air balloon ride next before they finally pushed the plot along. That whole scene transitioned from early morning to late evening.

              • 7 months ago

                It's painting the world's fair as a multi-cultural event. They're kind of rewriting history, alternate universe or not.
                There's a conspiracy theory that the world's fair was faked to falsify history, claiming that the buildings were built in a short timespan instead of by an ancient civilization. Mud flood theory.

              • 7 months ago

                It's painting the world's fair as a multi-cultural event. They're kind of rewriting history, alternate universe or not.
                There's a conspiracy theory that the world's fair was faked to falsify history, claiming that the buildings were built in a short timespan instead of by an ancient civilization. Mud flood theory.

                They go to the past some couple dozen years before the fair, and it's all wooden shacks. Then the fair is built. It was intentional to support the current world history narrative we're told in school.

              • 7 months ago

                The 1893 Chicago World Fair had a Norwegian pavilion that looked something like this, a log house with carvings of ancestral figures.

              • 7 months ago

                I figured I just wanted to give my opinion without googling it because you don't even have to.

              • 7 months ago

                honestly I'll take that over any more sylvie shit. that plotline was so awful

      • 7 months ago

        it's a disney+ show. they're literally 100% filler.

  4. 7 months ago

    how long can they keep pumping this slop out

    • 7 months ago

      until they run out of money

    • 7 months ago

      until they run out of money

      What gives me hope is all the normies have moved on, nobody is excited for this shit and nobody liked the last handful of star wars shows. My group of friends who like star wars would watch the mando season 1 and 2 together but they didn't care about boba or s3

      • 7 months ago

        Is Disney just lying about how high the viewership was for Loki's S2 premiere then? I mean I've noticed online a complete lack of people talking about this show in general.

        • 7 months ago

          There's nothing to talk about sadly.

          • 7 months ago

            I remember that during S1, besides all the Kang speculation, arguing over whether Loki would end up with Mobius or Sylvie was the hot topic issue because nothing starts a flame war faster than a shipping war. Cinemaphile threads were especially bad after the 5th episode and and then of course episode 6. That topic no longer matters because you know who the end game is and we know what they're doing with Kang. There are no mysteries besides Renslayer's "secret" which could be literally anything and doesn't seem that important anyway. I feel like this season they are trying really, really hard to ignite another shipping war like with S1 but no one is falling for it thankfully, that shit was annoying.

  5. 7 months ago

    >This stupid shit got a second season
    >Andor didn't

    • 7 months ago

      Blame Disney. The one semi decent Star Wars show among the wave of shit was going to get drowned out no matter what.

      • 7 months ago

        Can you really blame Disney for that one? I mean who gives a frick about Andor, even if it is amazing nobody is going to watch it for that reason alone

    • 7 months ago

      How do you even hold that as fact when 2 seasons were greenlit from very early on?

      • 7 months ago
  6. 7 months ago

    One is gay cucking the other is clock cucking. What do you call that, clucking? Lmao get clucked.

  7. 7 months ago

    You know I was wondering since episode 1 why Loki didn't tell Mobius what happened with Sylvie. Now I think I understand. I'm talking about Loki explaining the fight to him and leaving out the kiss which is how he got fricked out the time door. He tells Mobius it was a draw which made no fricking sense. Then in the next episode Mobius knows they are in a relationship somehow. I dunno maybe it is bad writing or it's Loki not wanting to tell Mobius about it and Mobius just knows they are fricking or something.

    • 7 months ago

      Mobius called out that Loki fell in love with his variant in the first season Anon

      • 7 months ago

        But they never made it offical is what I mean. Crushing is one thing actually being in a relationship is another.

    • 7 months ago

      >they are fricking
      Kek, she gave him a kiss once as a diversion. They are not fricking. But kinda hard for an analyst like Mobius to overlook how obsessed Loki is with Sylvie.

      • 7 months ago

        Alright maybe I'm not making myself clear. Here is a screencap of what I mean. Mobius pressed him to explain what the frick happened. Loki said it was a draw. Which didn't make sense and it would have made complete sense f Loki just actually explained what actually happened. Mobius knew they were a thing so why did Loki not tell him they kissed? Why did he act like he had to hide it? I didn't understand. I kind of still don't.

        • 7 months ago

          It was a diversion and Sylvie outsmarted him with that move. He wouldn't admit to being outsmarted so he said it was a fight. Mobius says so she won. It was a draw was a comical line.

  8. 7 months ago

    D+ subbers are total morons.

    • 7 months ago

      There are other ways to watch

  9. 7 months ago

    Thanks for the new body, hun!

  10. 7 months ago


    I liked S01 but holy shit, S02 is trash.

    • 7 months ago

      season 2 is better so far

      • 7 months ago

        yea it is. that user is just looking for yous because they are lonely

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