Loki S02

What the hell happened to this show?

S01 was decent (watchable at least) but S02 is complete shit.

> every episode
> "the timeline thingy is gunna blow up!"
> "we have to do... something to prevent it!"
> stand around and talk about literally nothing

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  1. 8 months ago

    I didn't like the first season a lot; on episode 3, things start to go to shit. Funnily enough, I liked the first two episodes of season 2 but feel like ep 3 shat the bed. Don't have high hopes for the rest now.

  2. 8 months ago

    I don't even get the point of their macguffin. Shouldn't they just destroy the loom, let the timelines be free?

    • 8 months ago

      I’m not sure but I *THINK* that the reason why they can’t let it blow up is because the man at the end of time said that without the loom “a whole lot of him” would show up and kill/destroy everything.
      Or maybe there’s some other bullshit reason I missed.

    • 8 months ago

      Loki loves the TVA and Mobius won't leave the TVA and probably other people. It's not just about the loom. In the trailer they even have a sound bite of him saying that which they are probably using at some point in the next 3 episodes.

      • 8 months ago

        It's pretty obvious he's gonna get a glimpse of his life b4 tva and it was amazing and he's gonna go nuts. I don't get why Loki is so obsessed with original TVA mission, esp as a victim

        • 8 months ago

          The trailers spoiled a lot. They show Loki going back in time to Mobius's life on the timeline and recruiting him to the TVA.

          • 8 months ago

            They did? When?

            • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                You mean that old dude in the background is Mobius?

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't even get the point of their macguffin. Shouldn't they just destroy the loom, let the timelines be free?

      Are these timelines the same thing as the "multiverse" crap? If so it seems like the story is complete shit if understand it so far:

      >bad black scam man splits reality into multiple "timelines" using paradox book knowledge
      >bad black scam man builds machine to destroy the other timelines and steal all their energy to use in the "real" timeline using paradox book knowledge
      >bad black scam man creates TVA to do things (keep stealing energy and murdering infinite people?)
      >bad black scam man somehow lives to the end of time being paranoid of infinite bad black scam men then dies

      It seems like so far the TVA and bad black scam Trans Am wheel-arch nostril man could be completely prevented by killing Ouroboros and stopping the paradox book from being written...

      • 8 months ago

        It's has nothing to do with the loom, Loki like the TVA. The loom is an excuse.

        • 8 months ago

          Ok but the loom wouldn't exist unless Ouroboros wrote the book explaining how to build it, and the TVA agent stealing it and giving it to bad black scam man...

          In other words nothing in the show would be happening in the show without the book paradox.

          Killing OB solves nothing as time doesn't move in the TVA so he's already written the book.

          >Killing OB solves nothing as time doesn't move in the TVA so he's already written the book.
          Except they've shown they can time travel in the TVA so... Seems like if they just do that and kill OB before he writes the book, or before bad black scam man kidnaps him from his timeline/multiverse etc. Right?

          It really seems like either the paradox book problem has to get resolved or the writers didn't do any research into paradoxes so they have no idea what they even wrote themselves into.

          • 8 months ago

            Wrong. They can't time travel willingly. Only Loki on the first episode was phasing through time uncontrollably and no other characters know how.

            • 8 months ago

              >Wrong. They can't time travel willingly.
              They were literally going back and forth between "old" OB and "current" OB at will...

              Ouroboros is a snake eating his own tail. That's the hint this whole season will just be a loop. They are going to show Loki and Mobius inadvertently created the TVA. They might even try to say that the loom breaking down is due to the loop failing. I don't know if they will but it would fit with everything that's building up. Renslayer and Victor are parallels to Loki and Mobius and they took control of the TVA presumably at some point.

              >Ouroboros is a snake eating his own tail. That's the hint this whole season will just be a loop.
              oh so this entire show is just a ripoff of joke from Red Dwarf?

              Are you a girl, gay or just learning disabled?

              a brown illiterate non-critical thinker typed this post

              • 8 months ago

                >t. effeminate

              • 8 months ago

                >greentexting a t.
                ok summergay it's autumn now back to school

                There's nothing more brown than lack of capitalization.

                >There's nothing more brown than lack of capitalization.
                tell us exactly how brown Cormack McCarthy was top fricking kek

              • 8 months ago

                >comparing his learning disability/laziness to McCarthy
                Top kek indeed, Jamal.

              • 8 months ago

                >oh so this entire show is just a ripoff of joke from Red Dwarf?
                And about divine destiny. Also Mobius runs the TVA in the comics and I'm pretty sure the point of this season is putting him in that spot. Mobius is going to be the head honcho and Loki will become He Who Remains 2.0 but they'll call him the God of Stories instead.

              • 8 months ago

                No its a dumbed down version of 12 Monkies (the show)

              • 8 months ago

                There's nothing more brown than lack of capitalization.

              • 8 months ago

                >They were literally going back and forth between "old" OB and "current" OB at will...
                no they weren't, mobius and loki go to see current OB, while there loki keeps unwillingly going back and forward in time between old OB and new OB, watch the episode again, no one but loki travels back in time and sees old OB and loki isnt in control of the time jumping

          • 8 months ago

            Ouroboros is a snake eating his own tail. That's the hint this whole season will just be a loop. They are going to show Loki and Mobius inadvertently created the TVA. They might even try to say that the loom breaking down is due to the loop failing. I don't know if they will but it would fit with everything that's building up. Renslayer and Victor are parallels to Loki and Mobius and they took control of the TVA presumably at some point.

            • 8 months ago

              >Ouroboros is a snake eating his own tail. That's the hint this whole season will just be a loop.
              You're going to lose your shit when you realise what Mobius refers to.

              • 8 months ago

                You're going to lose your shit when you realize the TVA logo has been a dagger and a Mobius strip all this time.

              • 8 months ago

                I hate clue based plot points.
                >Analyze each frame, homosexual!

              • 8 months ago

                The logo of the TVA is not hard to notice. It's not a split frame scene or anything moron. You can google TVA logo and it comes up.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not what I mean. I mean showing you the cracked logo is plot progression. It's annoying. It's events happening artificially for the sake of showing the audience something that has nothing to do with the story. What are the odds that the truck he jumped into crashed into that exact window causing something to damage the bulb monitor which cracked the logo? All for the sake of pointing the camera to it? That's not storytelling. That's box checking on a list of shit you want to insert into a program.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't get it you're mad they spent time showing you the logo several times? If it is true that the logo is a big hint Loki and Mobius made the TVA through their actions this season you will find that out by the end. If they somehow leave it ambiguous then it's shitty writing yes.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't understand. Everything happening on screen should be relevant to the plot. If characters are just chatting and nothing is happening... I'm ok with that. As long as whatever I'm watching is interesting and I understand what's going on. If I have to guess what's going on too much, it breaks continuity and takes me out of the movie. If I'm still watching it while continuity is breaking, it's an excruciating experience.
                What I'm trying to say is characters should drive the plot, not randomness. Any script writing class will tell you that a random event can happen at the start to kick things off, but you shouldn't rely on them at all.
                Him jumping into a truck is random. Why are they chasing him anyway? Ok, it's some kind of protocol, but it's really just to get him running to make it feel like the plot is moving. Most crappy chase scenes where the bad guy is chasing the good guy is to give the illusion of action, providing tension where your story or production can't.
                So you start things off when them not knowing who he is which is confusing and random. It starts a chain of events. That's fine except it's confusing. Then he has to run because they're chasing him, and... Are they going to prune him? Confusing. Opens the door for misunderstandings. The writers have to get to the logo shot though, so he jumps over the rail. This is crazy because he has no magic. Maybe he's still super strong and can survive a fall, but was the situation that desperate? We don't really know Loki's state of mind, but we have to trust his decision. That's fine.
                But then he lands in a truck which is pretty random, but we can believe it since there is a lot of vehicle traffic. The truck crashes into Kang to show us Kang. Ok that's a bit much, but it is a welcome foreshadowing intro. Are we watching a show or opening credits with this sequence. Then he crashes through a window to a familiar face and a thing crashes revealing the logo.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't understand. Everything happening on screen should be relevant to the plot. If characters are just chatting and nothing is happening... I'm ok with that. As long as whatever I'm watching is interesting and I understand what's going on. If I have to guess what's going on too much, it breaks continuity and takes me out of the movie. If I'm still watching it while continuity is breaking, it's an excruciating experience.
                What I'm trying to say is characters should drive the plot, not randomness. Any script writing class will tell you that a random event can happen at the start to kick things off, but you shouldn't rely on them at all.
                Him jumping into a truck is random. Why are they chasing him anyway? Ok, it's some kind of protocol, but it's really just to get him running to make it feel like the plot is moving. Most crappy chase scenes where the bad guy is chasing the good guy is to give the illusion of action, providing tension where your story or production can't.
                So you start things off when them not knowing who he is which is confusing and random. It starts a chain of events. That's fine except it's confusing. Then he has to run because they're chasing him, and... Are they going to prune him? Confusing. Opens the door for misunderstandings. The writers have to get to the logo shot though, so he jumps over the rail. This is crazy because he has no magic. Maybe he's still super strong and can survive a fall, but was the situation that desperate? We don't really know Loki's state of mind, but we have to trust his decision. That's fine.
                But then he lands in a truck which is pretty random, but we can believe it since there is a lot of vehicle traffic. The truck crashes into Kang to show us Kang. Ok that's a bit much, but it is a welcome foreshadowing intro. Are we watching a show or opening credits with this sequence. Then he crashes through a window to a familiar face and a thing crashes revealing the logo.

                Now if they just showed us a shot of Loki doing something, and the logo was in the background, that would be fine. Like you said, the logo has been shown several times. But here the plot is actually involving the logo.
                Let me try to digress for a second.
                You know the ball in karaoke? Whenever the ball drops you say the word. That is the plot. As the ball is flying up and down, no plot is happening, then it touches a word and a plot point occurs. Like I said, this should happen when characters make decisions. It essentially does no matter what. Loki is choosing to look at the crack to deduce information from it. He's realizing he can gain some information about his situation. When Loki looks at the cracked logo, that is a plot point. It's actually 2 plot points since we're supposed to take in the definition of the logo. I guess it would be still considered an easter egg since technically the crack is the plot, not the logo. I take back what I said earlier.
                It's sort of a two birds with one stone sort of thing. I guess it's clever foreshadowing. I don't know.

              • 8 months ago

                So basically you're trying to say the beginning sequence with the chase and everything was pointless filler. You're right it was. Chase scenes are like you said made to add tension and make the plot feel like it's moving when it's not. I will say that at the end of season 1, B-15 was calling in officers when Loki ran to Mobius when they didn't know who he was. So from that it's not like it's a stretch they would be chasing him but at the same time Mobius could have told them to stop so he could talk to Loki. So it can go both ways.
                Their excuse to show the logo several times in that episode wasn't bad though. Loki using the crack to know if he was in the past or the present and also reminding the viewer what it looks like if it's important to the plot isn't bad. After all last season the logo was microscopic. If you wanted to get a good look at it you had to look at merch or something. But this season the logo takes up the entire frame several times so they want you to look at it more closely obviously. Now if it turns out the logo isn't a hint the entire opening sequence of the show is really bad, there is nothing to redeem it. I can understand if from that perspective you'd want to say that makes the opening sequel irredeemable already because it shouldn't depend on a plot hook that may or may not have a pay off later to be good, it should just be good on it's own. Loki is very much a show that needs to be watched all at once.

              • 8 months ago

                For the life of me I don't know why streaming shows adopt such terrible formulas for story telling. They use so much filler and Lost tier plot points that make sense at a later date or are supposed to, leaving the viewer confused and dazed.
                Oh I get it. It's to keep them binge watching. That makes sense I guess. It's horrible really. Season 1 worked well because the TVA was so strange, so the questions we had while traveling with Loki were questions he had as well. But now we know about the TVA and the only mysteries are the ones we're not informed about.
                Even the stupid fricking ending to episode 3 was blatantly
                >I have a secret about you but you're not going to like it
                Fricking absolutely fricking gay.

              • 8 months ago

                I guarantee the "secret" is just the fact her and Kang used to run the TVA but he wiped her memory of it and left her dicking around as a shitty hunter that had to work her way up the food chain.

              • 8 months ago

                That's what pisses me off the most. We put in all this imagination to fill in for their omissions. Then their reveal is far lamer than any predictions, theories, or imagination either self-generated or communicated with friends/groups.
                If it is as you say, she wasn't romantic toward him, so I don't know why she'd be offended or angered unless she feels entitled. I guess Kang has to make a villain of himself to every single person he meets.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sure it's romantic. There seems to be some shit when it comes to memory wiping that if the person cares about something strongly, they never forget to an extent. So Renslayer loved Kang at some point in the past or what have you so she was immediately drawn to him and was crushing on Victor. Mobius loves Jet skiis so he never forgot them, on an emotional level. It also probably means there is a reason Mobius is drawn to Loki since the trailers showed Loki meeting Mobius on the timeline before the TVA picked him up. It isn't random Mobius cares about him as much as he does. Like they said last season everything is happening for a reason.

              • 8 months ago

                >I guess Kang has to make a villain of himself to every single person he meets.
                completeley 1 dimensional characters is ll this generation of writers are capable of producing. Just stop watching this pap

              • 8 months ago

                >that means the logo is meant to be read side ways
                >wondered what the frick that's supposed to be then because the way it is now it looks like an hourglass
                >frick realized it looks like the fricking loom


          • 8 months ago

            Are you a girl, gay or just learning disabled?

      • 8 months ago

        Killing OB solves nothing as time doesn't move in the TVA so he's already written the book.

    • 8 months ago

      Why would the multiverse even need a loom? It existed before without it. The thing is dumb

      • 8 months ago

        We don't know that yet.

        • 8 months ago

          yes we do. The Living Tribunal has zero need for such a mcguffin

          • 8 months ago

            We don't even know how the living tribunal will work in the MCU. The TVA works entirely different in the MCU than it does in the comics and there are many other examples.

            You mean that old dude in the background is Mobius?

            Yes. Loki is scene time slipping to Piranha Power sports in the same trailer too. He's also on a beach near a dock at the ocean too. Probably related.

            • 8 months ago

              Wow. Which trailer is that?

              • 8 months ago

                Season 2 trailer. Look for official channels. youtube is swarmed with shitty AI fan trailers.

            • 8 months ago

              >We don't even know how the living tribunal will work in the MCU.
              There is only one. And the MCU is just a single universe that he presides over.

  3. 8 months ago

    They didn't lean into the main character (and the actor who plays him), he's incredibly charismatic, they just needed to put him in interesting environments and make the show about him and his adventures with dialogue heavy input from him, then again, no one gives a shit about the marvel universe anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      >They didn't lean into the main character
      that was the main problem with S1. They had a tumblr fav yet decided to sideline him for Strong (White) Woman, as most series named after a male character do nowadays.

    • 8 months ago

      You could make Mobius the protagonist and the show would be exactly the same. Loki's lore is almost totally ignored.

      • 8 months ago

        both of them are good enough characters to lead a show, but spending time on the personal hangups of some mulatto c**t who didnt need a backstory and wonderBlack person the multitudinous really drags the show into oblivion

        • 8 months ago

          Both those characters were just made into giant walking parallels for Loki and Mobius though. There only point now is showing how they ran the TVA the wrong way so Loki and Mobius do it the right way.

          • 8 months ago

            It's not that deep.

            • 8 months ago

              I never said it was. The parallel is piss basic. They repeat shit said in S1 word for word.

  4. 8 months ago

    I've seen each and every episode and I have no idea what ever happened. Only thing I used to be sure was Sylvie being a qt, then S2 started and she was 25 years older. I have no idea. Can some gentle anon explain to me the show plot in a couple sentences?

    • 8 months ago

      >Can some gentle anon explain to me the show plot in a couple sentences?
      They handed a college level M Theory textbook to a toddler, asked her to summarize it, then used that as the basis of their show.

    • 8 months ago

      >Sylvie being a qt then S2 started and she was 25 years older.
      She was already hitting the wall in S1 and was held together with makeup, costumes, and a team of stylists. But now a few years later her age is showing and no amount of makeup can hide it.

      That's reality.

      • 8 months ago

        She was pregnant during S1, iirc. Maybe that's why she had a certain glow.

        • 8 months ago

          She had zero glow

          • 8 months ago

            You're a homosexual.

            • 8 months ago

              No, I'm not a gerontophil

  5. 8 months ago

    >They can literally monitor timelines remotely and choose when and where to turn up
    >Still has an inexplicable number of chase scenes

  6. 8 months ago

    Season 1 included some interesting locations, spent some time building up the mystery of who the big bad was, spent time with characterization. Season 2 isn't doing any of that. And, no, the early 1900s or whatever isn't interesting anymore.

  7. 8 months ago

    >S01 was decent
    No it wasn't shill. I literally dropped that dogshit after episode 3 due to how god awful it was. Easily one of the worst shows I have ever watched in my life.

  8. 8 months ago

    Every tv series reaches a point of laziness once they hook the audience. This recent episode was a filler.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, but it shouldn't happen to shows that are six episodes long.

      • 8 months ago

        it does when they know they have a built in audience of fanatic fans who would watch a plate of shit for 30 minutes if it had the name Marvel attached to it just because there might be a mid-credits scene or a "surprise" cameo by some other marvel character

  9. 8 months ago

    Oh the redditor homosexual show? How should I know

    • 8 months ago

      Because you're so new.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm new so I should know about it? You're not making sense

      • 8 months ago

        >can't even reply to the right post
        >not new

        • 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    I want to know why Mobius and the clock of all things are getting cucked and why there are even scenes like this in the show? With the clock I could understand she goes even more insane later over this. But why make me watch Mobius getting cucked? It's like second hand cringe.

    • 8 months ago

      you have no idea how much I want to FRICK this loose little clock

      • 8 months ago

        You do not have the BBC she wants.

        • 8 months ago

          I have it on good authority that my penis is larger than the gay actor who plays kang's is.

          • 8 months ago

            That's gay

            • 8 months ago

              yes he sucked my penis and it was very gay.

  11. 8 months ago

    >Could've had 10 episodes of just Mobius and Loki capturing different variants of Loki and getting them pruned
    >Then having a 2 episode destruction of the system that allows multiverse to exist
    >After that leaving Loki to be this mischievious character that might be tricky to cooperate but not literally backstabbing and Mobius fixing jet skiis in Mexico
    I just really want a high tension scene at the end with Mobius getting prepared for a dagger in the back and getting drink in a pineapple instead

  12. 8 months ago

    i am a onions based beta cuck homosexual goyim mcu enjoyer. i have seen it all. i have enjoyed it all. even love and thunder. and especially she-hulk. but even i have to admit that loki season 2 has not been very enjoyable so far. the pacing is weird. scenes feel very rushed. some of the acting is very made for tv. and every episode is spent waiting for something to happen.

  13. 8 months ago

    The pauses Majors uses when his character talks are killing the pacing. If anything he should be talking quickly for the comedic parts.

    • 8 months ago

      His pacing is fine. There's a line where he seems racist, and the white people almost lynch him, then he adds some words to sound less insulting and almost kind which ends up being comedic for the crowd. The problem is most characters, even Loki, are given filler dialogue. The only person that seems capable of delivering filler is Mobius. He just has a commanding presence. Hiddleston just seems held back and trying to over work the scenes, probably very annoying director that they have. Point is, when Kang has filler lines, it feels even longer because of his stammer, so I wouldn't exactly blame him for that.
      They keep building up these finale scenes for each episode like a play where all the characters appear on stage at once. It's fricking dumb especially in the world of TVA time travel. Why is Sylvie showing up 5 minutes into a scene when she has the best teleporter in the game? It's fricking laughable how poorly they wrote this script. I'm guessing episode 3 and 4 could have been easily combined. The boat scene across the lake was agonizing.

  14. 8 months ago

    Nobody truly dies on these fricking shows there's 0 risk

    • 8 months ago

      That’s how I felt with most of the marvel capeshit, everyone can just magically come back because “multiverse” or going back in time or whatever so there are no stakes

      • 8 months ago

        I said years back that the MCU would die on it's arse if they started doing multiverse shit and lo, it came to pass. When they were essentially a linear story linked through multiple consecutive movies, they weren't bad. Now they suffer from exactly the same problem that the source material comics do - nobody other than literal Comic Book Guys have the time, desire or interest to consoom endless bullshit media just to have a fricking clue what is going on in terms of overall arcs. Normies ain't got no time for that.

  15. 8 months ago

    I felt moronic because nothing about the show made sense to me, I don’t think I could even explain what happened in season 1

    • 8 months ago

      You're going to get even more confused when they start doing "time is a circle" shit in the later half of S2. Just based on the trailer Loki probably founded the TVA. I hate how much shit the trailer spoiled honestly.

  16. 8 months ago

    Dont care, i just like looking at Loki and the weird nose dude.

  17. 8 months ago

    >S01 was decent
    That was tour first mistake.

    Feige is too stubborn to pull the plug on the Kangverse. It's gonna get a whole lot worse over the next 5 years because they won't change course (no matter what you read). Feige is gonna die trying to get this multiverse shit over.

    • 8 months ago

      Loki season 1 was bare minimum for what these shows and films should be. That's why it's praised.

      • 8 months ago

        praised by who, complete fricking homosexuals?

  18. 8 months ago

    I'm just watching it as a Doctor Who patch.

  19. 8 months ago

    they made strong black female and based black male the main protagonists

  20. 8 months ago

    >time manipulator character is named Moebius

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >Ha Kain, you cannot defeat me. You are still a WHITE MALE!

  21. 8 months ago

    Idk, anon. I just think it's still a comfy show to watch while druk

  22. 8 months ago

    S2 is much more watchable than S1

  23. 8 months ago

    >Everything Everywhere All at Once pops off
    >They shove the dad from the movie into every episode

  24. 8 months ago

    I've been watching it on my second screen - I don't know why Loki wants Kang to come to the TVA and I don't know what exactly the other girl wants either (I don't know why they cast her, she feels like a minor character with no charisma).

  25. 8 months ago

    >all the women keep being uncaring psychopaths either trying to jump on a wiener or stab someone
    Art imitates life.

  26. 8 months ago

    Writer here, we actually had some amazing things planned for this show but around 2010 Universal slapped Disney with a cease and desist for violating their patent (pic related). Basically Disney can't release any movies or tv shows that are good without violating Universals patent. So we had to purposely make this show not good. Hopefully that clears up any confusion!

    • 8 months ago

      writing shitty fanfiction doesn't make you a writer dweeb

    • 8 months ago

      >didn't mention the strike
      3/10 get a better plot for your shitposts.

  27. 8 months ago

    idk man i can't watch S2 without consuming like 3+ marvel movies for context and that's a major no for me

  28. 8 months ago

    Is there anyone that's actually happy about modern day MCU? It seems like even the biggest Funko Pop collecting consoomers are starting to complain that the MCU has lost its magic.

  29. 8 months ago

    I actually think the parallels in episode 3 kind of save it. It shows thoughtful writing. None of it means shit for the average normie though just for theory gays that pick up on repeated dialog. Would anyone care if I posted some screenshots as evidence? If anyone is curious that is.

  30. 8 months ago

    season 1 was complete shit too

  31. 8 months ago

    I just saw the FNAF movie btw.

  32. 8 months ago

    Speaking of spoilers, Marvel accidentally leaked new merch called "Loki who Remains" and then took it down lmao. Pic related. What a shit show. Everyone go home you know how it ends.

    • 8 months ago

      >anon who said Loki becomes the god of stories was right
      Well now I kind of want to watch it.

      • 8 months ago

        Now I don't. Seems like they're just completing character arcs of the original cast. Thor for last I guess.

    • 8 months ago

      Season 2 trailer. Look for official channels. youtube is swarmed with shitty AI fan trailers.

      >So it's all just a freemasonry
      >Always has been
      God of Chaos maintains order Over the cosmos.

      • 8 months ago

        It'll be Loki maintaining chaos (the timeline) and Mobius maintaining order (the TVA).

    • 8 months ago

      Kek, seriously? What kind of merch is this, looks like a comics? When did they release it? But how does it end, even with this? He cannot beat the Kangs, that's for the next Avengers, isn't it

      • 8 months ago

        Loki as the god of stories dies an ego death and is reborn and drops the title of god of mischief . He can't control time but he can see into the past and future and jump the multiverse in any way he wants to. That's basically the power he who remains had.

    • 8 months ago

      So Mobius is his "Renslayer" then? Kek. They are going to ruin his outfit with that goofy sash she wore in S1.

    • 8 months ago

      There is also a McDonalds toy with the same name that got leaked accidentally. Who got fired for this blunder?

  33. 8 months ago

    Season 1 of Loki literally had a filler episode... out of 6 episodes, they needed one for filler somehow. I have no hope for anything.

  34. 8 months ago

    >What the hell happened to this show?
    it exists

  35. 8 months ago

    and the god (loki) just runs around and walks everywhere like a human

    its for women, its gotta be for women
    (or Black folk)

  36. 8 months ago

    This show trying to be to much season 1 give a more darker drama feeling his shit turned into a disney+ sjpw

    why didn't they just kill renslayer when they found her the tva KILLED billions if not trillions but everything got toned down

  37. 8 months ago

    If they are actually pushing Sylvie aside for a gay end that's all anyone will remember and no one will shut up about it.

  38. 8 months ago

    >watch agents of shield
    >22 episode long seasons
    >every episode something major happens

    >watch new show
    >6 episodes long
    >literally nothing happens

  39. 8 months ago

    > Loki says Kang is terrifying.

    > Miss Minutes is actually scary, Kang is just a moron.

  40. 8 months ago

    Season 2 is Sludgecore KINO

  41. 8 months ago

    if you ever watched this shit you're a fricking loser

    • 8 months ago

      almost as big of a loser as someone posting in the this thread without watching it...like you.

  42. 8 months ago

    >like S1
    >had a good set up for Kang to become a new BBEG and Loki's series to set up the next Avengers storyline
    >S2 gets announced
    >first episode is decent, good set design, decent acting
    >every episode after feels weirdly disjointed
    Tom obviously really enjoys the character of Loki and plays him well which makes it hard to watch as this series is going to be put in the slop bin as people process the capeshit exhaustion and Avengers is up in the air since Kang is a certified woman beater.

    • 8 months ago

      S1 is awful tho.
      Episode 1 is decent
      And the last episode is okay. But everything in the middle of S1 fricking sucks.

      S2 is at least consistently okay

    • 8 months ago

      >Tom obviously really enjoys the character of Loki
      He doesn't even have anything else to do.

  43. 8 months ago

    My only issue with S1 was that Sylvie was obnoxious. I could go into the continuity errors and the like but the MCU is now a trashfire when viewed as a whole so if you don't watch and judge every new piece of media as if it's in a vacuum you won't be able to watch any of it.

  44. 8 months ago

    >S01 was decent
    no it wasnt

  45. 8 months ago

    This shit is still running? Holy kek, they really must be desperate for viewers

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