Looking back was it really that good?

Looking back was it really that good?

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  1. 5 months ago

    it was nice while it lasted but now they're trying to milk it too much

  2. 5 months ago

    >was it really that good?
    it was better, one of the greatest movies of all time. deserved the golden lion award. stellar cinematography, acting, casting, audio, everything, the whole package.

  3. 5 months ago

    no, discount taxi driver with nonsensical plot

  4. 5 months ago

    i mean only incel 'literally me' morons thought it was good so probably not

  5. 5 months ago

    Sorry, is that JigC?

  6. 5 months ago

    baby's first taxi driver

    • 5 months ago

      What's babby's second taxi driver?

  7. 5 months ago

    It’s a gateway film of sorts. Introducing capeshit and big budget consuming morons to the idea that films can have a message and artistic meaning, and guide them towards actual cinema.

  8. 5 months ago

    I'd say it was for me as it wasn't exactly what I was expecting initially. I really liked it's depiction of mental illness, Arthur's loneliness and longing for companionship.

  9. 5 months ago

    >Looking back was it really that good?
    Yes. If anything it's underrated because people write it off as capeshit. Also, everyone somehow missed how the entire plot revolves around the needless politicisation of things that aren't political, which justifies how much it borrowed from Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy

  10. 5 months ago

    >falls in love with a black woman
    Not much realistic

    • 5 months ago

      id say that made it even more realistic

      • 5 months ago

        Why? Let's talk about it

        • 5 months ago

          When a homie is down bad, he'll do crazy things. Like simping for a sheboon single mother.

  11. 5 months ago

    McDonalds Scorsese

    • 5 months ago

      I like how this board hates Scorsese but then all the sudden loves him when Joker threads pop up.

      • 5 months ago

        Speak for yourself, I love him. Joker sucked.

  12. 5 months ago

    It's alright. It's a pretty predictable script but well done and very well acted. Worth seeing once and forgetting about honestly.

    • 5 months ago


      Looking back was it really that good?

      No, joker being depicted as a sperg moron makes it harder to identify with him. He’s literally a Jimmy (from fishtank). If Joker was a normal guy who got fricked over by the world and it fricked him up, that would be more relatable because “it could happen to you”. Him being a sperg that was fricked from birth because of his c**t mom just makes it like there was no hope for him, he’s just a pathetic guy, and he caused a riot by shooting some people and going on a talk show. He didn’t really become joker until the end, so a 2nd movie would have probably fixed these problems, would have told the story of how a fricked up person can be inspired to build themself into something to really tear down what hurt them, but without that, the movie is incomplete.

      He doesn’t torment anyone, he doesn’t have some master plan, he was just a weird guy.

      • 5 months ago

        Also, a joker film should be a cult classic akin to slim shady music, it should inspire youth to rebel. Joker did not inspire me to rebel, it made rebels out to be spastic morons.

        • 5 months ago

          It caused riots in China that lead to them releasing corona virus

      • 5 months ago

        >He's a sperg
        But he still makes an attempt at normality, eg. holding down a job, getting help for his mental issues, supporting his family. He makes the attempt at life everyday, so he's still an everyman just to a lesser extent.

  13. 5 months ago

    It was that good.

    I think a large part of what elevated it is that the director only previously made boner low brow comedies so seeing this from him made people underestimate it, then get pleasantly surprised.

    If you read the actual script it’s a lot worse than the final film. So either Joaquin Phoenix or the director were changing stuff day to day. Even the final scene was different, in the script he uses a piece of glass to carve a smile in his face rather than just rub blood like the movie.

    If he can catch lightning in a bottle twice I will be surprised. The news it’s a partial musical is good IMO because they’re not just making a literal sequel where the same shit happens but it’s bigger or he just happens to be in an asylum,

    The real problem IMO is whether they nail Harley right. She should not be a hero the same way Joker wasn’t “really” a hero but I have my doubts they can resist turning her into a feminist hero. It’s hard to imagine this joker abusing her in the first place so it’s weird lol

  14. 5 months ago

    In recent years, I have learned to look past his appearance an appreciate Leto's Joker for at least acting like the Joker. I'm so sick of this "insane mutilated guy" character everyone keeps pushing, it's not amusing. Joker is the kind of villain you should laugh at, he's not this ruthless psycho, he needs a tremendous level of charm, and Hollywood just doesn't get it anymore

  15. 5 months ago

    It wasn't even good when it came out

  16. 5 months ago

    I personally didn't mind it being a rehash of classic Scorsese films, that's actually kinda common in comics, basing a character or major plot elements off of a popular movie. For example, the classic Batman arc The Long Halloween (which in part served as the inspiration for The Dark Knight) was itself partially inspired by The Godfather, with Maroni and Falcone Mafia bosses, plot elements and imagery being pretty clearly lifted from Coppola.

  17. 5 months ago

    I was kind of disappointed, it was like a capeshit dumbed down Le Samourai

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