>Ma, sooner or later, there comes a point in a man's life when he's gotta face some facts.

>Ma, sooner or later, there comes a point in a man's life when he's gotta face some facts. And one fact I gotta face is that, whatever it is that women like, I ain't got it. I chased after enough girls in my life. I-I went to enough dances. I got hurt enough. I don't wanna get hurt no more. I just called up a girl this afternoon, and I got a real brush-off, boy! I figured I was past the point of being hurt, but that hurt. Some stupid woman who I didn't even want to call up. She gave me the brush. No, Ma, I don't wanna go to Stardust Ballroom because all that ever happened to me there was girls made me feel like I was a-a-a bug. I got feelings, you know. I-I had enough pain. No thanks, Ma!

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  1. 7 months ago

    Ok but the movie ends with him finding a woman after he actually puts in some effort.
    So you're just a bitter manchild trying to rationalize how your loneliness is not your fault even though you never even tried talking to girls.

    • 7 months ago

      He finds a dog!

    • 7 months ago

      >le effort meme
      explain why I need to put in "effort" while most normies find their partner naturally just coasting through life

      • 7 months ago

        Because it's that or no gf
        yeah it's unjust, that's life

        • 7 months ago

          that doesn't really answer my question

          why do some guys have to do all the self improvement bullshit and are expected to put in "effort" when most normies just get a gf without even actively trying or looking for one

          • 7 months ago

            Because that's how life is, you got unlucky, you failed some essential developmental steps in your youth, deal with it

            • 7 months ago

              >you failed some essential developmental steps in your youth
              like what?

              • 7 months ago

                the most common one
                >being too shy to talk to a girl

              • 7 months ago

                I talked to plenty of girls, I just never felt attracted to or wanted to ask any of them out

              • 7 months ago

                ah, but that's the thing. A normie has no qualms flirting with girls he finds unattractive. Maybe his hormones kick in and want to frick anyone, or his under peer pressure and "must" prove his manliness.
                some boys are shy, introspective, ugly or simply uninterested. I don't think this is a bad thing but unfortunately a not-small portion of people don't see it that way and think there is "something wrong" with you.
                In any case, the bad thing about not being interested in girls early on is that you don't know how to approach them later in life when you ARE interested in them.
                The bad news is that it's true that girls can sense that you are not the "dating" kind of guy.
                The good news is that girls are pretty stupid and don't know their own emotions so you if you fake confidence your chances of attracting someone rise considerably.

              • 7 months ago

                If you are only attracted to pure 10/10s then maybe you aren't that much into women. Even the greatest chad has no problem occasionally fricking some average girl way beyond his league because a) it's an easly lay and b) a very basic attraction is still there.

              • 7 months ago

                Talking to women, making the mistakes that it would be embarrassing to make later and learning from them

              • 7 months ago

                the most common one
                >being too shy to talk to a girl

                Talking to girls would be easier if they weren't so BORING

              • 7 months ago

                >talk to girls bro you gotta talk to girls
                about fricking what? I'm supposed to give a shit about taylor swift or astrology?

              • 7 months ago

                >taylor swift or astrology
                And a lot of the time they won't even be open about their interests, (they're "feeling you out"), so you have to essentially improvise a comic monologue to try and get more than one word answers. And I'll just say this about "hobbies", no attractive girls under the age of 35 have "hobbies", you will not meet them at "hobby groups". Attractive girl's hobbies are being attractive and playing social frick frick games.

              • 7 months ago

                This wouldn’t be such a problem if the government wasn’t so gay. If Biden couldn’t press a “nuke the incels” or “deploy the ZOGsquad Jocko division” button then individual men could make a difference in their lives and gain women. Today you have to live and die under the rule of others. It used to be common to kidnap a 14 year old girl and marry her, this was, still is in Central Asia, seen as a legitimate form of marriage.
                Can’t do it anymore.

              • 7 months ago

                >average Cinemaphileet
                >spends all day reading and writing
                >claims they can't think of things to say to a girl
                Just apply your only skillset lel

                He should grow a beard and lift iron.

                One of the strongest cases I've ever seen for dwarfmaxxing

              • 7 months ago

                There are plenty of things I COULD say to a girl, I just wouldn't
                I don't want to have to dumb myself down to talk to someone

              • 7 months ago

                >I don't want to have to dumb myself down to talk to someone
                the sheer narcissism of that statement proves you're beyond saving

              • 7 months ago

                It’s normal for him to say this but wrong. I have gone schizo on a big booba goth chick and she was completely turned on by me telling her the israelites fabricated the holocaust to justify the existence of the modern state of occupied Palestine/Israel
                It’s basically illegal to go schizo anymore so this doesn’t work unless you’re a total NEET

              • 7 months ago

                My own experience confirms this as well, girls will eat it up when you talk confidently about anything, even if that thing is completely schizo. But that's besides the point, I don't think he's bemoaning that he can't talk about the israelites, more like he views the awkward introductory phase as beneath him because it's dumbing down his big brain which should only ever be having big brain conversations. Conversations of real value are a result of having built a relationship of real value, before that there's lots of smalltalk, and that goes for relationships of any kind, romantic or platonic. You can just tell someone is a shitty person to be around when they think like that

              • 7 months ago

                You've got to learn to pretend to be interested in their banal horseshit.
                One of the many reasons that you needs lots of practice at bat to get good

      • 7 months ago

        It's just the way life is
        some people are lucky and some have talent and some have to put effort into it.
        I'm not gonna sugar the pill and tell you everyone gets a gf or a wife, many people don't. However, it is up to you to find a way to cope: find a hobby, spend time with friends, do drugs, etc. so as not to think about it.
        It isn't a problem of the person with no love life, it is mostly a problem of society thinking this is something to ridicule (if you are a man. if it happens to a woman it is tragic)

      • 7 months ago

        >explain why I need to put in "effort"
        Life requires effort
        >while most normies find their partner naturally just coasting through life
        You just made that up to deflect responsibility for your situation.

        • 7 months ago

          >You just made that up
          No he didnt. Im well above average in looks and never had to "Try" to get a girl. Never had to lift, never had to "Be confident bro." Just walked into a room and some girl would show interest in me. Every girl i ever dated, i didnt literally do anything, it just happened in such a passive way i dont even remember how or when we started dating. I didnt looksmatch and analyze my tinder profile for optimal results (Dont use one) Or cold approach women in the park. Incels are right in their assessments and complaints.

      • 7 months ago

        Because life is hard sometimes and sitting on the floor crying about how unfair it all is doesn't solve anything.

      • 7 months ago

        >explain why I need to put in "effort" while most normies find their partner naturally just coasting through life
        If you don't put in effort you won't find a partner naturally just coasting through life because you aren't a normalgay? The reasoning seems pretty obvious to me
        >no but explain WHY I should find a partner
        If you have to ask this in a doomer thread then the answer is because you are lonely and want one.

      • 7 months ago

        Life is hard and unforgiving and those who do not toil open their descendants up to weakness, unable to survive for want of a strength their ancestors failed to cultivate. Their genes will suffer for it, they will suffer for it, everyone pays for everything eventually.
        But you can struggle and toil and your descendants can live on and you in the future will enjoy an easy life, but today you must work, you might even die before you see yourself in the future live well but at least you’ll have passed on the torch. Nothing else for it, no pining over the finality of tragedy will help you. The gods help those who help themselves so you must keep moving forward.

        • 7 months ago

          im 18 and this is so heccin deep keep on struggling, struggler....

          • 7 months ago

            It’s not profound it is the bare reality of life. I have seen people who had it easy and then their kids fail to grow because they never saw how hardship was overcome. People who have it easy collapse because they did not practice struggling.
            You want to take advantage of hardship. You’re not beaten if you use the laboring to learn and harden.
            My life is trash and I feel fine because I am acclimatized to it being trash. Everytime something small goes right for me it feels like a big win.

  2. 7 months ago

    What a little homosexual. I thought old school boomers were supposed to be tough

  3. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I may be bald in my early 20s but at least I don't live in County fricking Dublin kek

    • 7 months ago

      >21 years old and already looks like George Costanza

      • 7 months ago

        homie wishes he was George

      • 7 months ago

        he looks more like FDR than george

    • 7 months ago

      why bother making a tinder lookin like that?

    • 7 months ago

      I'm guessing this is a woman taking a screenshot laughing at the misfortune of this guy even though he's happier than she'll ever be? why do women screenshot everything

    • 7 months ago

      He should grow a beard and lift iron.

    • 7 months ago

      >norwood level: MAX
      is he gonna make it??

    • 7 months ago

      it's an attitude represented in the classic


  4. 7 months ago

    Forget Robert
    Marty is the true personification of Cinemaphile

  5. 7 months ago

    When he gets over his ego and stops caring what other people think of him he finds happiness with the plain girl while the guys who mock him all hang around with the other incels on a friday night.
    Stop pining away for the cheerleader. Go rescue that frump girl, start eating healthy together, make it through life.

  6. 7 months ago

    in the movie he meets a girl who is just as insecure as he is

  7. 7 months ago

    What movie? Seems interesting.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Marty. It's really good. Watch it when it's late and dark outside.

      • 7 months ago

        I love that movie. I saw it twice

        • 7 months ago

          Tap, don't swipe.

  8. 7 months ago

    poor mermaid man

  9. 7 months ago

    This is tough. My ma is trying to encourage me to find a girlfriend. But I keep telling her that girls I'm interested in are extremely rare. Plus it takes me a long time to actually develop any feelings for them. Women today want a relationship to start quickly, like 3 or 4 dates over two weeks, then going steady as a couple. If you take longer than that, she loses interest and starts to make more excuses than time. My ma thinks I'm a real catch, so it breaks me heart to disappoint her like this.

  10. 7 months ago

    matched a girl on tinder like 8 months ago, b***h treated me like shit constantly ignoring me, it took me stalking her profiles and repeatedly messaging her for 4 months to finally be able to go over to hers and smash, 2 months ago she complained to me that guys don't want to get to know her and they just want to smash, meanwhile I said in trying to get to know you and take you out on dates but she always ignored my offers and left them on seen (yes I knew I was the backup of the backup of the backup when Chad wasn't dicking her down)

    complaining to me that men don't wanna get to know her and about all her insecurities with her face and body and today she just told me she has a boyfriend (I knew in the back of my head I never had a chance), it's so fricking demoralizing

    • 7 months ago

      Was she a real hot tomato?

      Movies from the 40s and 50s is the only way these days, sadly

      • 7 months ago

        she was on tinder so toots was a real hot tomato

    • 7 months ago

      Get off tinder, it's no place to meet real people these days.

      • 7 months ago

        get off tinder and go where, exactly?
        I hate bars and clubs, and I'm not going to start talking to random strangers I see like a psychopath

        • 7 months ago

          Sports club
          Friend circle
          Shared hobbies

          You do these things, dont you anon?

          • 7 months ago

            stop pushing the "you can meet cute girls at church" meme

            church is 90% old ladies, and even if you were did see a cute girl, how would you even approach her? she's there to listen to the priest, not you

            • 7 months ago

              Does your church not have donuts and coffee after sunday mass? That's when you are supposed to go and talk to people.

              • 7 months ago

                >burgers serve food inside their churches

              • 7 months ago

                There are people in the world with little money who believe in God. The coffee and donuts are for breakfast and to socialise with other members of the congregation.

              • 7 months ago

                Is this a protestant thing? My church never did this.

              • 7 months ago

                >Is this a protestant thing?
                No, all three of the Catholic Churches I attended did this.

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe it was just mine then. Growing up my family always stayed for the full hour even though some people would leave right after taking the eucharist.

                After Mass people might say a few words to the pastor on the way out through the vestibule but the church never put out food and drinks.

              • 7 months ago

                >After Mass people might say a few words to the pastor on the way out through the vestibule but the church never put out food and drinks.
                Yeah the parishes I attend probably have some people who buy coffee and donuts so that people. If you've been part of of your parish for long enough you could probably try and starting something similar. It probably wouldn't bring a bunch of young women to the church but it would at least allow you to meet others.

            • 7 months ago

              Like all variations of "just do X, bro", there's a lot of fine print. By "just go to church" or "just join a club lmao what the frick" what they really mean is
              >commit yourself to some social activity and slowly establish yourself among a group of peers over the course of a few years until you finally have enough social capital to not be considered disgusting by the women who are connected to that group

              • 7 months ago

                How do you get social capital

              • 7 months ago

                >How do you get social capital

                >dominate every conversation
                >ALWAYS be talking
                >make people (women) laugh
                >be tall
                >be completely confident, ALWAYS
                >always be 100% certain you're right, especially if you aren't
                >NEVER admit you don't know something

              • 7 months ago

                if you don't know something, how do you deflect

          • 7 months ago

            yum, grannies and judgemental grannies
            >Sports club
            lol, dykes
            >Friend circle
            just be friends with Chad, bro
            terrible idea in any career-path job, Americans are too immature to separate work and personal life
            >Shared hobbies

            >taylor swift or astrology
            And a lot of the time they won't even be open about their interests, (they're "feeling you out"), so you have to essentially improvise a comic monologue to try and get more than one word answers. And I'll just say this about "hobbies", no attractive girls under the age of 35 have "hobbies", you will not meet them at "hobby groups". Attractive girl's hobbies are being attractive and playing social frick frick games.

            >no attractive girls under the age of 35 have "hobbies", you will not meet them at "hobby groups". Attractive girl's hobbies are being attractive and playing social frick frick games.

            • 7 months ago

              >just be friends with Chad, bro
              How is that a difficult thing to do?

              • 7 months ago

                There's only so many chads to go around, we can't all befriend one. Sad truth that a friend circle of nerds (even if they're great buds), is absolutely useless in the pursuit of veganas.

      • 7 months ago

        I go to clubs sometimes but I feel like such a schmuck walking up to a girl and talking to her, on the rare occasion I get a date I'm fine with conversation then

  11. 7 months ago

    >tfw parents don't even ask me "talk to any girls recently?" or "plan on going on any dates?"

    this hurts, it's like they accept i'm a genetic dead end autistic loser who will probably never pass on my genes

    • 7 months ago

      lol I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm gay. My friends know 1000% I'm a virgin at 33, they just don't bring it up.

    • 7 months ago

      lol I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm gay. My friends know 1000% I'm a virgin at 33, they just don't bring it up.

      Shifting the gravity of your life may produce results. It is not over until you’re too old or dead to have kids.

  12. 7 months ago

    Back when incels were eloquent now they just shoot up schools

    • 7 months ago

      fricking this. we should be laughing at these freaks and ostracize them until they do a shooting and then wonder why they did it.

    • 7 months ago

      fricking this. we should be laughing at these freaks and ostracize them until they do a shooting and then wonder why they did it.

      Cool it with the anti-semitism and transphobia.

  13. 7 months ago

    I went out and got incredibly hammered and come to find out there's two numbers I had been texting and one did the "you want to see my pussy" and sent a picture of her cat. I have no idea who she was. Went out with some other bawd after that bar and have no idea who she is either other than I somehow got to her place and then somehow got home.

    I'm also 6'4" and decent looking, though. I think that's really all it takes.

  14. 7 months ago

    One of the things I remember from this film is that his business idea (a cooperative/chain of small butcher and grocer shops in late-1950's NYC) would have been a total failure. The 1960's saw massive consolidation in the grocery industry, along with a large die-off of smaller neighborhood grocery shops. That was exactly the wrong financial play for his time and place.

  15. 7 months ago

    "You don't like her. My mother don't like her. She's a dog. And I'm a fat, ugly man. Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I'm gonna have a good time tonight. If we have enough good times together, I'm gonna get down on my knees. I'm gonna beg that girl to marry me. If we make a party on New Year's, I got a date for that party. You don't like her? That's too bad."
    Marty is such a good movie.

  16. 7 months ago

    >tfw only ever truly happy when having my existence validated by women
    I really wish this wasn't the only thing I cared about.

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