Make an X-Men story you want to read?

I hear X-Men fans and on X-Men fans complain a lot about the stories they are making and such but here's an idea let's come up with some different story ideas you would like the X-Men to do like who would you like to have a soul series and what kind of series of Adventures do you want them to have or what kind of team up do you want with the X-Men?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I like the idea for the thread, but few things you should know
    1) Cinemaphile has terminal brain cancer about anything "woke" (things I don't like)
    2) people who complain about the x-men are a loud minority
    3) people who don't like current status quo, will not read books that try to please them. they just want to complain
    4) some people who don't like current status quo, are not homosexuals, but they argue questionable politics behind certain actions that both the x-men did, as well as the editor choices - they are almost non-existent, but they are, they will be the only pleased people, but they will not even be aware of this thread, because they are normal people with normal lives, so today they will be busy with christmas
    5) trolls, who just like baiting
    6) anti x-men fans, who will just shit on anything x-men for the sake of it

  2. 6 months ago

    Furthermore, to make a good x-men story you need to
    1) dial back the genetical racism and make x-men more inclusive in the way as your op shows - have non-mutants interact with x-men, or even join them

    HOWEVER, this will piss off trolls, anti x-men fans, and people who hate current status quo for the sake of it

  3. 6 months ago

    I hate ESLs.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't want to be your arch enemy go away.

  4. 6 months ago

    2) have the story evoke universal feel, something, everyon can understand, I can't post pics, because range ban for some reason, but what I mean is
    Uncanny X-Men 294
    Uncanny X-Men 298
    Uncanny X-Men 303
    Uncanny X-Men 307-309

  5. 6 months ago

    3) try to keep the superhero aspect, don't go overboard with politics and your personal soapbox, it goes back to point 2, but it's important to remember that at the end of the day, it's a campy story featuring people in costumes, don't make it overly serious, or overly edgy. try to keep it as realistic as possible, without being cynical and/or butthole towards others

    that's it

    • 6 months ago

      >try to keep the superhero aspect
      Ew, no. Superheroes are lame, dude.

      • 6 months ago

        You know what the X-men are, brah?

        • 6 months ago

          A superhero team of one of the biggest sides and mutants.

        • 6 months ago


  6. 6 months ago

    You know I feel like they could have kamales can do something like Wolverine was in the OP image be featured in the book l and set up the plot by have her set up some juveniles mutant and not mutant interaction for a while and leave them alone to make some bonding experience .

  7. 6 months ago

    I would love a reunion of this very book. Seeing Martha and Pete together again would warm my heart.

    Except if it does happen, they'll do the standard shitty thing of forgetting what Pete's relationships are actually like and just have everyone be annoyed by him and better than him at everything.

    • 6 months ago

      I forget which one is Martha?

  8. 6 months ago

    As part of an agreement with governments of Earth for all the wrong they've caused mutankind as part of a reparation deal the mutants are giving a free habitable planet to live on but in exchange the governments want 5 of the most dangerous mutants as part of the package. They agree Magneto is one of these people who spends much of the book behind bars plotting his revenge and how to get out. Sometime passes and they agree one what sort of rule they should establish while on their new homeworld however they find out there are natives on the planet which the governments on Earth didn't 100% fully disclose about and come into conflict with them.

    Should add that Mutants are giving the choice on whether to go with them or stay on Earth roughly around 10% stay behind for personal reasons

    Sometime later in the book Scott Summers would enter into an arena combat against his brother Vulcan to unite both empires under his banner to launch a full scale invasion on Earth while Magneto tries to play both sides against one another trying to come out as winner in all of this.

    • 6 months ago

      I'll also add in that the planet winds up being rich in Vibranium which the governments on Earth didn't expect it to be they knew there were natives on it but this causes further tension between the two that pushes the mutants into eventually launching an invasion.

  9. 6 months ago

    New status quo for a three year minimum. All mutants are cured, complete loss of powers. Any character that had a modification done to them that they only survived because they're a mutant dies. Those who remain either attempt to live normal lives which receives its own slice of life series. Others who can't move on have their own street level adventures, either solo or joining teams. Basically have all the mutants live among normal people and see how the cope with existing in a world that doesn't free or hate them.

  10. 6 months ago

    Just a Krakoa orgy. That's all I ask.

  11. 6 months ago

    1) A war between an alliance of reptilian mutates aka Sauron, Stegron, and a brainwashed Lizard and a group of hyperintelligent apes to see who can "re-evolutionize" the world into dinosaurs or apes first, with the X-men caught in the middle and trying not to go insane from the nonsensically moronic takes on evolution spouted by both sides
    2) X-men fight a doomsday cult of humans who agree mutants are the superior species and are thus trying to destabilize the world order to do so, culminating in a plan to detonate a series of nuclear explosives to forcefully make everyone left alive "children of the atom". Maybe with an element of fighting against the mutants who think this shit sounds like a great idea.
    3) X-men are kidnapped to the underground empires, and have to fight mole men and underground monsters to escape it. Why? Cause why the frick not.
    4) X-men face off against a new Brotherhood of Mutants that have a grave misunderstanding of what the X-men stand for and want to imitate what Magneto did in threatening the UN into giving them a new Genosha to rule, but might need rescuing themselves from a world that's grown far more intolerant and pre-prepared for dealing with mutant shenanigans than ever before
    5) X-men are transported to a dimension where no other superheroes emerged on Earth and the X-men became beloved celebrities in their place, leaving them to decide whether to stay or uncover the dark secrets of why it was only the mutants that came to become heroes.

    There, there's five ideas, all of them probably shitty, but it's legitimately not that hard to make X-men stories. It's the execution that matters. Hell, I didn't even mention the school in any of them.

  12. 6 months ago

    I have two,

    1)A human costumed adventurer type hero, or maybe some other sort of non-mutant super hero, was actually a close ally, and even an X-Men from the time of giant sized #1 but after a particularly rough breakup with Emma Frost at the start of the Krakoa era, he learned how rough it can be to piss off a telepath. She used cerebro to wipe the minds of EVERYONE of his existence, and the ramifications of that.

    2)A Days of Future Past type thing where the mutants are on the verge of extinction and someone gets their mind shifted. Only instead of going back in time, they're sent sideways into another Earth and wake up in a version of themselves where they were not only never a mutant, but are staunchly anti-mutant.

    • 6 months ago

      For the second one I would like to see some of them having counters with legitimate non- mutant friend they have made in the main continuity but instead of being a friend the anti-mutine activities have somehow made that particular non-mutant know who they are but have a major animosity.

  13. 6 months ago

    Xmen versus people who think mutants make people gay.

    Xmen versus people who want to remove their mutant powers because their mutation is causing them huge problems.

    • 6 months ago


  14. 6 months ago

    We focus on non X-men mutants and mutants who thought Krakoa was a terrible idea. L

    • 6 months ago

      we focus on everyone except you. we will not focus on you in particular

  15. 6 months ago

    >as expected
    >terrible ideas from people who doen't read x-men, who don't like x-men

    • 6 months ago

      How about you suggest something then, nerd?

  16. 6 months ago

    All the X-Men gathered ontop of a volcano. They all in unison slipped and fell into the Volcano and died. The end

    • 6 months ago


  17. 6 months ago

    How about a hip young new team of mutants to take over one day and bring the dream to the future. That will surely catch on right?

  18. 6 months ago

    remove superheroes
    mutants are basically superheroes, but everyone is racist towards them
    even though there are super heroes running around already
    social commentary is the only thing about the x-men that makes them stand out from other superheroes

    • 6 months ago

      Let's not pretend anything remotely intelligent or interesting worthy of being called "social commentary" is being said in X-Men comics.

  19. 6 months ago

    This something I wanted Krakoa to do but it be about Scott raising a kid and dealing with the fact that in the modern mutant world he's just not needed anymore.

  20. 6 months ago

    Remember how after the Morrison run Marvel did a massive course correction with Astonishing X-Men and House of M?
    The X-Men need this. The last few years was an amazing sci-fi story, but it's so far removed from the traditional X-Men narrative that I don't see a decent way to build on this in a way that won't get scrapped the second the MCU movies come out.

    So I'd just OMD/BND it and sacrifice Xavier to hit a big old reset button on the X-Men franchise in a way that doesn't have to be explained in detail.

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