Mark Millar Claims Comic Book Industry Is In The Worst State Its Ever Been

What did Mark Miller mean by this, Cinemaphile?

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  1. 10 months ago

    "No, I don't think I will."

    stupid meme, sorry

  2. 10 months ago

    >Arsonist claims it's too damn hot inside this burning building

  3. 10 months ago

    sales and interest in the product made by the industry leaders(DC and Marvel) is in the toilet and action needs to happen in order to fix it.

  4. 10 months ago

    Millar is in no small part responsible for it.

    • 10 months ago

      elaborate further

      • 10 months ago

        Not him but his ideas in marvel made them shit the bed hard with civil war pushing the “hero vs hero” event bullshit that continued in for a ducking DECADE after it

        • 10 months ago

          You don't actually think Millar is responsible for that shit, do you? Writers don't get to just write whatever they want.

        • 10 months ago

          elaborate further

          You don't actually think Millar is responsible for that shit, do you? Writers don't get to just write whatever they want.

          sales and interest in the product made by the industry leaders(DC and Marvel) is in the toilet and action needs to happen in order to fix it.

          Millar is also responsible for the entire trend of making comics only as glorified pitch boards for movies. Millar was the one who really started it, and put real celebrities faces in Ultimates and Wanted hoping they will play them in the movie.
          He started it, he's 100% guilty and this trend was the single most cancerous thing in last 20 years.

  5. 10 months ago

    Manga is simply, superior
    yeah hard to grasp i know!

    • 10 months ago

      As long as Americans will pretend they can forcefully hardwire people, their products will continue to fail. You cannot take a hobby that has a male dominated consumerbase, scare them away by insulting and berate them, and then be surprised when they move on
      As long as Japan literally just continues to make normal ass products, they'll always win. And it sucks, because I genuinely prefer western storytelling, but these companies dug their own grave and it is what it is

      • 10 months ago

        >You cannot take a hobby that has a male dominated consumerbase
        Ironically manga has a far more diverse fanbase, despite US companies trying to diversify with condescending woke shit. Working in a bookstore I saw far more girls, black kids, etc. in the manga aisle than the graphic novel/TPB aisle.
        It's because manga targets demographics through genres rather than "representation."
        It wasn't always this way for US comics, there was much more genre-variety until superheroes took over.

        • 10 months ago

          true, there is a manga, anime or webtoon for every taste and every fanbase
          Fujoshi spend bank on manga, as long as the characters are hot

        • 10 months ago

          this is really only a Big two issue plus a couple of other companies, Archie still produces Girl comics for example as does 2000ad to an extent

        • 10 months ago

          >It's because manga targets demographics through genres rather than "representation."
          Fricking hell, it's insane how people don't understand this.
          I don't give a single solitary frick how many black people your shitty comic has, I want an interesting story with well-realized characters and decent art first and foremost.
          Also, good fricking lord, almost every black woman in western comics nowadays outside of capeshit is some ugly shaved-head c**t, morbidly obese, or covered in vitiligo or other gross scars.
          It's fricking disgusting that morons think that that form of "representation" is going to attract a black audience.

          • 10 months ago

            >every black woman in western comics nowadays outside of capeshit is some ugly shaved-head c**t, morbidly obese, or covered in vitiligo or other gross scars.
            i still don't understand why black readers don't find their representation offensive
            the black men are often emasculated and the black women are ugly as sing

            • 10 months ago

              Because it's not meant for black readers. It's for blue-haired white troons who can feel better knowing the comic exists without actually buying or reading it.

              • 10 months ago

                Why are there so many troons in the american comic book industry? I thought they were a fraction of the population.

              • 10 months ago

                They are. But they were actively sought out as a progressive generational voice to modernize story-telling.

            • 10 months ago

              No anon, you don't understand, black people LOVE being represented by homosexuals, morons, ugly mongoloids, Steve Urkel ripoffs, and losers who exist to dicksuck the white liberal woman self-insert for being such a heckin great ally.

      • 10 months ago

        Image source?

    • 10 months ago

      >Manga is superior

      slorp slorp slorp

  6. 10 months ago

    Listen to his podcast and he is very aware of the fact that manga is BTFOing comics, and that already puts him ahead of the idiots at Marvel/DC who would rather just bury their heads in the sand and ignore that fact.

    • 10 months ago

      Not necessarily buying into the 100% pointless yet somehow perennial Cinemaphile non-debate regarding the matter, but what exactly would "not ignoring it" entail exactly?

      Manga was made what it is through a completely different production and business model; it would be all but impossible to replicate the same streamlined success consciously (or quickly), specially at the level it's operating by now. So is the implied suggestion that the big comic publishers in the USA should simply give up because the goal is making "manga" money and the baseline for that has been well beyond the feasible for 25 solid years?

      • 10 months ago

        >what exactly would "not ignoring it" entail exactly?
        -larger volumes printed on cheaper paper
        -specific artists/writers doing their passion projects rather than giant teams of writers and cover artists and pencilers and inkers and letterers and editor 1 and editor 2
        -staking business on broad appeal and availability rather than an ever-shrinking niche of autistic collectors of variant covers
        -plotlines that feel accessible and market themselves with visible, accessible entry points

        • 10 months ago

          That's a general board room analysis; it just amounts to dumbing down the product for mass appeal and making it cheaper. The result would still be missing the literal QUADRUPLE release rate of most popular manga vs comic books, and the rock solid synergy with the animation industry built across literal decades. And then there's the added risk of literally starting from scratch with brand new "passion project" products built from nothing.

          And I'm not saying manga publishing had the foresight to actually aim for the results they're getting now rather than it simply stumbling upon them. It's just acknowledging how essentially impossible is to replicate the formula in its entirety, and how likely the results of simply implementing what seems logistically viable would be to fail proportionally.

          • 10 months ago

            That isn't dumbing things down at all.
            That is streamlining things, instead.
            Manga are no dumber than comics, and in many ways have a better track record at letting actually great writers have the freedom to write what they want instead of having their balls twisted by a massive editorial board.
            Not many big comics writers ever end up with the freedom that someone like Moore got.

            Right now the Big 2 have nothing to gain and everything to lose in their continued obscurantism and bloat.

        • 10 months ago

          >larger volumes printed on cheaper paper
          Why would this make sales go up?
          >specific artists/writers doing their passion projects rather than giant teams of writers and cover artists and pencilers and inkers and letterers and editor 1 and editor 2
          Again, how would “passion projects” make sales go up? Passion projects tend to be vanity projects with even more niche appeal
          >staking business on broad appeal
          WTF does this even mean in concrete terms?
          >and availability
          You can literally buy comics with your phone with couple of clicks, availability has never been better
          >rather than an ever-shrinking niche of autistic collectors of variant covers
          This is just superfluous whining about an issue that in no way impacts sales going up or down
          >plotlines that feel accessible
          There is no way to do this, this is pure perception thing and you could plaster the internet with “THIS IS ACCESSIBLE AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND” and it wouldn’t do anything to change people’s pre-existing bias
          >and market themselves with visible, accessible entry points
          Which is what? TV ads? Online ads? Tik Tok?

          All you did was list generic things without any type of proof they would have impact or clarification how it would work in practice and actually get anyone to care

          Comics do not sell because the perception is that comics are dumb and childish because you grew up with that general view of comics. Manga sells because it’s something teens discover when they’re old and it’s considered cool and exotic because lol random and weirdo shit and because anime.

          It is not about quality or accessibility. A ton of manga is absolute garbage. Manga is just as easy to find and buy as comics are.

          • 10 months ago

            >Why would this make sales go up?
            Because a manga volume subconsciously feels like an actual book with actual substance to it whereas a comic feels like a flimsy yet unwieldy thing with a high pricetag for how slim it feels in comparison.
            >Again, how would “passion projects” make sales go up? Passion projects tend to be vanity projects with even more niche appeal
            Because if a guy makes a popular manga, that creator is known for that manga that he made. For a comic "success" comes from stupid shit like coloring Wonder Woman #157 and doing the variant cover for Iron Man: Tin-Bumfrick Adventures #6. Also you completely ignored the broader point that comics has a lot of superfluous, cost-inflating jobs involved that manga doesn't.

            • 10 months ago

              >Well it just FEELS like certain way
              Not an argument.

              >that creator is known for that manga that he made.

              But popular comic authors aren’t? Get the frick out of here with this stupid shit. You’re doing nothing but pathetic hyperbolic generalisation with no substance or idea what you’re talking about

              • 10 months ago

                The writers who do random runs of hundreds-of-issues-long capeshit comics will never have the same name-brand recognition as "the guy who made Chainsaw Man." You think Mark Waid or Bendis or whoever the frick has that kind of weight in the general consciousness of pop culture?

                If you come up with examples like Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman they are 100% the exceptions and not the rule, and they aren't even working in the industry anymore and the industry is actively designed to not let new talents get to that level anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                I literally have no clue who made Chainsaw man but I do know who Bendis and Waid are because they have numerous iconic works from the past couple of days.

                And the industry is cultivating new talent all the time. The difference is that majority of creators will never be super stars because almost nobody ever does. But as they keep working they will build name recognition in the field. Your entire argument makes no sense.

              • 10 months ago

                >the industry is cultivating new talent all the time
                Not any more, it’s mostly just failed TV writers at this point. A manga volume cost 12 dollars, which means when I go out to buy it I have a significant portion of a long running story. A comic ISSUE costs 4 dollars and a collection of five issues costs 25, and I have no idea if the shit in those pages will even be canon in a year. Outside of the terrible quality of the stories most comic writers tell now and outside of the antiquated price models that prevent most CHILDREN (an audience both publishers ignore, despite it being the genres core audience) from buying, there isn’t any real cohesion from book to book. So not only is the writing terrible and propaganda filled, but the editorial actively PREVENTS the books from reaping the benefits of a shared universe. That all goes outside of the fact that these publishers have pushed most readers far enough to be apathetic about the drivel they write, hence why no book can even crack 100k anymore

              • 10 months ago

                >manga doesn’t have propaganda

                Spoken like a midwit anime waifu moron

              • 10 months ago

                >which unsurpaily has caused no end of confusion for the former readers of those books which they are no longer targeting

                Complete and utter bullshit. I have never been “confused” because they put couple of comics I wouldn’t be interested in. This is pure narcissistic butthurt if you are offended and angry that they also try to appeal to non-neckbeards because muh secret club

                dude, instead of just saying no you're wrong all the time, at least try to explain why comic books are failing
                and you can't say: "it's not the agenda pushing because it didn't bother ME"

              • 10 months ago

                >He literally thinks manga don’t “have an agenda” or aren’t “propaganda”

                Oh no no no no no no no no no

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but it also has a story that is designed to have an end at some point anon. Comic books just go one forever and are at the point they physically HAVE to ruin these characters in order to push the currently day propaganda. I don’t see the current dragon ball emasculating goku just to show how much better gay black lady goku is

                People just have to accept this is an antiquated medium that’s supposed to die because there isn’t anything to salvage from it anymore. Just read online comics if you want that sort of fix, because marvel and DC don’t like the people who buy comics and can’t get enough people who don’t buy them to start

              • 10 months ago

                >It has to have an end!

                No it doesn’t.

                >Long stories ruin characters!

                They don’t l.

              • 10 months ago

                While I agree that the characters don’t have to have an end, the asinine concept that every writers feels they HAVE to come up with the character defining story that changes everything needs to stop. None of these writers are good enough for that and it’s just made everything worse. What currently long running book do you like and why?

              • 10 months ago

                But the market demands epic BIG stories. They hate small scale stories. Those make sales go down while “important” character defining ones sell.

              • 10 months ago

                maybe the problem is that those big stories need events that use many characters from different line ups
                maybe the problem is the shared universe
                for example, they kept suggesting me to read the "king in black", a super crossover big event, so i downloaded the big book with 80+ issues, 1500 pages, thinking it was supposed to be this huge thing
                imagine my surprise when the whole shit was over in 80 pages and the rest was tie in comics that no one would ever care about

              • 10 months ago

                We don’t know that anymore, since they don’t publish sales numbers we have no real idea how poorly these books sell. We only heard that there was a month where no book cracked 100k which looking at the state of the top selling book (amazing Spider-Man) I can absolutely believe, and it’s confused decline in quality makes me assume shits just getting worse across the board

              • 10 months ago

                This doesn't sound like a problem with comics, it just sounds like the problem with western capeshit. Try reading other shit, ogns, or books actually aimed at all audiences and not skintight latex suit man punching people on rooftops.

              • 10 months ago

                >You think Mark Waid or Bendis or whoever the frick has that kind of weight in the general consciousness of pop culture?
                Not that anon, but I think a major difference is that debatably, Fujimoto is a great author, if a weirdo that can loose focus. Bendis is a giga hack who could probably not writte a good story to save his life.

              • 10 months ago

                >Bendis is a giga hack who could probably not writte a good story to save his life.
                And yet he's considered a top talent.

              • 10 months ago

                Well he spent a good amount of time just redoing Peter's stories from earlier and that sold because Pete's earlier stories have a lot of quality.
                Then he started doing his own thing. Then sales dipped.

              • 10 months ago

                >he's considered a top talent.
                By an industry of no talents and corporates.

              • 10 months ago

                Tell you a lot about the current state of the industry

              • 10 months ago

                Only because he's been doing it long as frick and the big 2 are almost entirely handled by the same dozen or so writers who are not doing anything interesting to attract anyone who isn't already into comics.

          • 10 months ago

            >Comics do not sell because
            they don't sell because they are not for me and not for you
            they are for an abstract audience that doesn't buy comics
            manga has power fantasy, sexy women, smut and violence, and most importantly, no black people and no lgbt characters
            it sucks to hear but thats a big reason why manga and webtoons are big: bigotry

            • 10 months ago

              I love how you fricks always think manga = just shounen. Which btw can still feature black characters and even LGBTQ characters.

              So what’s the next cope? They’re “mocking” those people so it’s okay? Talk about pathetic level of mental gymnastics

              • 10 months ago

                >Which btw can still feature black characters and even LGBTQ characters.
                very very little, and even then, being gay or black isn't the most important thing about them

              • 10 months ago

                it's a fetish for femcels, hardly a good representation

                >It doesn’t count because uhhhh it just doesn’t!


              • 10 months ago

                i don't understand your point, are you in favor of gay and black characters or not? i think they did partially cause the drop in sales, unfortunately

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but characters being black/gay doesn't drop sales. The problem is that the only characterization those characters have is being black/gay. If they had something more to offer than "look at how black/gay I am!" then they'd be actual characters people might be interested in and buy the comics.

              • 10 months ago

                >The problem is that the only characterization those characters have is being black/gay.


              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                The shoes on fricking wires always get me.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, like they're some sort of festive bunting rather than a sign poverty or bullying.

              • 10 months ago

                my favorite inner city ritual
                >see a kid with nicer shoes than you
                >beat kid half to death
                >throw his shoes into the wires
                >its our culture so you can't judge it

              • 10 months ago

                >>its our culture so you can't judge it
                The people that say this attack japanese culture all the time

              • 10 months ago

                Japanese culture is icky, brown people culture is wholesome and valid.

              • 10 months ago

                And if you believe that, you believe rainbow parties were a thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's ok when japan does it

              • 10 months ago

                >The problem is that the only characterization those characters have is being black/gay.
                Did Tosen being black matter at all?

              • 10 months ago

                The frick are you talking about? Tousen's character arc is about betraying his friends in order to stop being blind

              • 10 months ago

                It doesn't help that most of the time the black or gay characters are just derivatives of something else. When was the last time Marvel or DC introduced and built up a minority character from the ground up?

              • 10 months ago

                The market does not want new characters. It refuses actively to support new titles and characters unless it’s by a popular creator and then it’s just the writer making the sales, not the character.

              • 10 months ago

                This is true. Making interesting new characters is difficult. And Big2 would rather cling to their tried and true established IPs.

              • 10 months ago

                The big 2 is just reacting to the market. Something is inherently wrong with comic readers.

              • 10 months ago

                >Something is inherently wrong with comic readers.
                How so? Not the exact thing that is wrong, since you are obviously unsure what it is. But what is it that makes you think there is something wrong with them?

              • 10 months ago

                >They have always been considered kiddy shit
                It's not the 40s anymore, grandpa. They tried to be more and most of their work are now aimed at teenagers, at best, so same as shonen.Big 2 comics don't have a good reputation and it's deserved.

                Yes, racists would whine just of being “forced to swallow propaganda” because they saw a black character being promoted

                >Again claiming manga = shounen jump

                for fricks sake has school never thought you how to debate? can you stop trolling? you keep replying to everyone but you never actually say anything, you just contradict them, and you're always defending opposite talking points
                WHAT IS YOUR OPINION
                REDDIT Black person troony

              • 10 months ago

                >The market does not want new characters.
                Well how do you know that if the big publishers aren't making new IPs to begin with? Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

              • 10 months ago

                They have done that on a regular basis for fricking years, dear anon who reads nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                Race swaps are not new IPs. They legally count as the same character.

              • 10 months ago

                They have introduced entirely new characters and they have failed. You just refuse to acknowledge that because you can only whine about raceswaps, as if that is somehow a problem or bad in a genre where legacy characters have been a celebrated staple for over half a century and different ethnicities and genders have held the name and costume of different characters.

              • 10 months ago

                >They have introduced entirely new characters and they have failed.

                Name some.

              • 10 months ago

                ok but name some please

              • 10 months ago

                >a genre where legacy characters have been a celebrated staple for over half a century and different ethnicities and genders have held the name and costume of different characters.
                Legacy characters were never as pervasive as they are now, and even then the ones with any staying power were few and far in between.
                Ultimately, legacy characters just dilute the brands and Marvel and DC are just feeling the long-term effects.

              • 10 months ago

                People like legacy characters. It’s a fact.

              • 10 months ago

                Wait, so black little mermaid doesn't extend the copyright and trademark life of disney's work?

              • 10 months ago

                Trademark, sort of

                Copyright, no (the 2023 movie means that Disney has another variant of Ariel and the rest copyrighted, but when the 1989 movie goes PD, the animated Ariel goes PD but not the Halle Bailey version)

              • 10 months ago

                Name some.

              • 10 months ago

                >Majority of comics readers are bigots and racists achtually

                No they’re not.

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but characters being black/gay doesn't drop sales. The problem is that the only characterization those characters have is being black/gay. If they had something more to offer than "look at how black/gay I am!" then they'd be actual characters people might be interested in and buy the comics.

                >Majority of comics readers are bigots and racists achtually

                No they’re not.

                then how come when people read comics, they feel pandered and proselytized too
                but when they read manga, they dont?
                whats the difference?

              • 10 months ago

                Because you people are pathetic human beings who want to feel victimised in the west while being gigantic weeaboo losers

              • 10 months ago

                Mutherfricker did you even read what I wrote?

                NTA but characters being black/gay doesn't drop sales. The problem is that the only characterization those characters have is being black/gay. If they had something more to offer than "look at how black/gay I am!" then they'd be actual characters people might be interested in and buy the comics.

              • 10 months ago

                Well to them, LGBT people do not tolerate anything that depicts LGBT on anything less than perfect. See also: that LGBT Steam curator group that recommends Overwatch 2 and condemns Like a Dragon for the depiction of LGBT themes.

              • 10 months ago

                Howling, someone actually think Overwatch treat it's gay better than god dam Yakuza. Seriously, playing the games even shortly will let you see how fricking gay they are.

              • 10 months ago

                I've never played yakuza, only seen some webms.
                How the frick does it actually play? Is it a VN going from scene to scene? An action game where you run around?
                It's baffling to me that I've seen a good amount of content from it but never gameplay.

              • 10 months ago

                Up until recently it was a beat em' up but with a shit ton of side-content and mini-games.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a beat them all, you run around on a kinda open map (often a fictional but extremly faithfull version of Kamurocho, a red light district in Tokyo). Group of ennemy spot you, rush to you and a dynamic arena (generaly made of spectator) appear as you totaly dosn't murder those poor frick by piledriving them into concrete. Story mission are generaly that but in specific context and environnement and with boss and shit. But there is a absolute shit ton of sidequest and mini games, often completly separate from the hard boiled yakuza scheming of the main quest. Also cinematics can be very long and alternate between different style in the same conversation.

              • 10 months ago

                tbf Big two comics was generally always meant to target the same demographics as shounen manga but the big two have been focusing on making book for diffrent demographics. which unsurpaily has caused no end of confusion for the former readers of those books which they are no longer targeting

              • 10 months ago

                >which unsurpaily has caused no end of confusion for the former readers of those books which they are no longer targeting

                Complete and utter bullshit. I have never been “confused” because they put couple of comics I wouldn’t be interested in. This is pure narcissistic butthurt if you are offended and angry that they also try to appeal to non-neckbeards because muh secret club

              • 10 months ago

                you're just a fringe case then dude, in your sample of you

              • 10 months ago

                Because you people are pathetic human beings who want to feel victimised in the west while being gigantic weeaboo losers

                lol, enjoy talk about putting your head in the sand
                enjoy your dead medium
                keep "nu hu" all thread long moron

              • 10 months ago

                Great counter argument.

            • 10 months ago

              >no LGBTQ characters
              Then why is BL/yaoi so popular

              • 10 months ago

                it's a fetish for femcels, hardly a good representation

            • 10 months ago

              >no lgbt characters
              Manga has plenty of that or sexy guys. HunterXHunter is a good exemple. Naruto also didn't tank because it had black in it. But you're right about American comics being made for an obsessive niche. Which already was the case before "woke" become a thing. The niche changed, but the lack of appeal is a much older issue. Plus now they have another issue to deal with; a damaged reputation. The big two have been slowly but surely been paying for decades of shit comics.

              • 10 months ago

                >a damaged reputation.

                What damages reputation? They have always been considered kiddy shit.

              • 10 months ago

                >They have always been considered kiddy shit
                It's not the 40s anymore, grandpa. They tried to be more and most of their work are now aimed at teenagers, at best, so same as shonen.Big 2 comics don't have a good reputation and it's deserved.

              • 10 months ago

                And most people still consider comics to be for kids.

              • 10 months ago

                >And most people still consider comics to be for kids.
                Maybe in America. Europe and Japan don't have this issue.

              • 10 months ago

                Exactly. It’s a matter of PERCEPTION.

                Bookstores sell trades, not floppies. Another overlooked distinction in these threads, the floppy and trade markets are distinct.

                Book stores have tried to sell floppies. Again showing how people who whine about the state of comics know nothing about the business.

              • 10 months ago

                You don’t even have to look further than Iron Man. Or Green Lantern. Both have had multiple non-white characters hold the title but those old characters gets a total pass even when their old stories blatantly make their ethnicity be a part of their character and stories. They unapologetically were in your face about it. But those don’t get brought up as being bad because they’re old and thus can’t be propaganda even when they were written during times when ethnic representation was even bigger issue to simply exist. But when the Falcon became Captain America and talked about race it was the worst thing ever.

                Or how Killer Bee didn’t get people to rage quit Naruto because it was showing SJW blacks in a setting they didn’t belong. But a black mermaid? That’s a hill straight white men have to run to die on.

                again, you post no personal opinions, and i have asked you to a dozen times itt
                you just do rebuttals
                why are comic books selling like shit?

              • 10 months ago

                he's never going to answer, i've aked him the same
                he just goes NU HUN NUU and keeps reddit posting away

              • 10 months ago

                >Again showing how people who whine about the state of comics know nothing about the business.

                Are you claiming that Mark Millar knows nothing about the business? That's a bold claim. What's your proof that you know something about the business?

              • 10 months ago

                >It’s a matter of PERCEPTION.
                If you reach enough evrything can become a matter of perception. Can cultural issue be a perception issue? Sure, but it doesn't make it less of a cultural thing. Despite all their money, American comics are failing at genre diversity and creative freedom and don't even attract on a nationale scale. A problem Europe doesn't have when their books are slimer, more expensive than mangas and can make you wait a year or two between two book.

              • 10 months ago

                No they don't. Too many adults making MCU movies multi-million hits for that. But they're not high status either.

              • 10 months ago

                >HunterXHunter is a good exemple
                are Killua and Gon gay or just some headcanon?
                >Naruto also didn't tank because it had black in it
                the people of the cloud village were cool and the women sexy, and the color of their skin wasn't ever brought up
                even bleach has many cool black characters and everyone loves them and no one ever cared.. hell Yoruichi is probably the most liked dark skinned woman in Japan
                it would have gone much different in a western comic

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, racists would whine just of being “forced to swallow propaganda” because they saw a black character being promoted

              • 10 months ago

                but it literally doesn't happen when they read manga, so what changes? i wish you could speak your mind instead of being this passive aggressive all thread

              • 10 months ago

                They just decide not to be triggered because they want to be oppressed and play victim when it’s western fiction. It’s the mentality of people with nonsensical victimhood complex. It doesn’t have to make sense because they just want to be be triggered when it suits their agenda to be triggered. Same way anything old is okay to them even when logically they should hate it.

              • 10 months ago

                do you have any proof for this take or?? you think the millions of readers that are fine with woke manga but not with woke comicbooks are all chuds or something? millions of them? well maybe it should be wise to appease the if they represent millions of sales no?

              • 10 months ago

                You don’t even have to look further than Iron Man. Or Green Lantern. Both have had multiple non-white characters hold the title but those old characters gets a total pass even when their old stories blatantly make their ethnicity be a part of their character and stories. They unapologetically were in your face about it. But those don’t get brought up as being bad because they’re old and thus can’t be propaganda even when they were written during times when ethnic representation was even bigger issue to simply exist. But when the Falcon became Captain America and talked about race it was the worst thing ever.

                Or how Killer Bee didn’t get people to rage quit Naruto because it was showing SJW blacks in a setting they didn’t belong. But a black mermaid? That’s a hill straight white men have to run to die on.

              • 10 months ago

                well, it still caused a drop of sales so enjoy your dead industry

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe because the initial writers for John Stewart, Rhodey, Falcon, T'Challa, Storm, could introduce those characters with some levels of personality and are compelling characters. Compare that with Riri Williams who is just black, that's it. Maybe previous writers were just better?

              • 10 months ago

                No, the fans are just more racist and angry now when you introduce new characters. Go read how John Stewart debuted. That shit would make this board seethe for months if you published it as it is today. Way harder butthurt would be generated than what Immortal Hulk ever did

              • 10 months ago

                So yoi think it's more virtous go make comics that don't sell then? You don't have to be racist, but you have to not be dumb.

              • 10 months ago

                So the fact that comics are fricking shit now is the fault of the fans. Got it. Are you Tom Brevoort by any chance?

              • 10 months ago

                The publishers react and try to sell what the market is willing to buy. So the fans are partially at fault, yes. They actively buy crossovers, refuse to support smaller books with better writing, etc. all the things people claim to want is regularly proven the contrary by how the market operates

              • 10 months ago

                >The publishers react and try to sell what the market is willing to buy.
                >Sales keep going down.
                No, I don't think they do.

              • 10 months ago

                >The publishers react and try to sell what the market is willing to buy. So the fans are partially at fault
                the problem is literally that they don't
                they don't care about fans because it would be problematic

              • 10 months ago

                They listen to fans and then same fans refuse to buy what they claim to want because waaaah I didn’t mean it like that.

              • 10 months ago

                >The publishers react and try to sell what the market is willing to buy.
                They absolutely do NOT do that and that is the source of the fricking problem here. The fact that publishers don't give a single shit about what the market wants, in some cases go deliberately against it, and think they can just browbeat the market into accepting whatever turd they squeeze out anyway as if they have no competition.

                Well, they do have competition now and that competition actually does what you suggest. Manga industry's got giving the audience what they want down to a science. This leads to negative things sometimes (the flood of isekai shit didn't happen on accident) but the positive is that on average people fricking love it because it actually entertains them instead of acting like it's too good to give the fans what they want.

              • 10 months ago

                >in some cases go deliberately against it
                they actively demonize and antagonize the biggest pool of readers

              • 10 months ago

                They stopped making romance comics when they didn’t sell. They do crossovers because they always sell well. They turned to writing for the trade because it sold better. They don’t do small stories because readers complain about “filler” stories. They now pander hard to 90s nostalgia because the market is full of 90s kids who want to read about Carnage and Venom and other hot in the 90s shit.

                They listen to the market all the time. What they do not do is listen to triggered buttholes who harass their employees for being too “woke”

              • 10 months ago

                >They stopped making romance comics when they didn’t sell.
                I wonder if there's a reason they didn't sell...

              • 10 months ago

                Ironically because they killed the market themselves by overshipping a bunch of romance comics because some Marvelgay sent a false tip that Romance was super hot and DC tried to hop in on that. Afterwards Newstands refused to restock romance series At the end of the day, the Big2 killed comics

              • 10 months ago

                That's pretty damn stupid. It's probably true though.

              • 10 months ago

                >They stopped making romance comics when they didn’t sell.
                What, like 1970's? Why the frick are you talking about ancient history? We're talking about FRICKING RIGHT NOW, AT THIS MOMENT, TODAY.

                >What they do not do is listen to triggered buttholes who harass their employees for being too “woke”
                That's exactly who they should listen to if they want to survive. Every single one of those people is a former fan who cares deeply enough to scream his complaints to the internet instead of quietly fricking off to do something else (like the majority did). The arrogance of publishers is in that they have simply decided that those complaints don't count, even though they do represent the majority of people and the market shows that's true.

              • 10 months ago

                >Racists are the REAL FANS!!!

                Citation needed

              • 10 months ago

                >They stopped making romance comics when they didn’t sell

                Did they actually use the no means yes formula that women's media like shoujo manga and romance books like 50 Shades of Grey use? That's the romance that sells.

              • 10 months ago

                the fall of romance comics and girls comics is general is kinda odd, in the UK in the 70s girl comics were outselling the boys comics of the time but they morphed into more standard magazines over time with less and less strips in them and by the 2000 the girl comic ceased to exist

              • 10 months ago

                comic book fans all across the globe refuse to read the big two, because they are all racist? proof please

              • 10 months ago

                >Go read how John Stewart debuted.
                I dunno. Maybe for some. But you still have the two Lanterns playing off each other back and forth, with each of them being right. If it was written these days, I think it would be more one-sided preaching.
                (Green Lantern #87 (1971) for those that are interested.)

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, because when depicting overt racism you don’t go “oh well both sides have to be equally right because we don’t want to rock the boat”

              • 10 months ago

                Certainly wouldn't have anything to do with how the character was portrayed.
                (I have to add that I'm being sarcastic since I doubt you'd realize it.)

              • 10 months ago

                >Killua and Gon
                Why isn't Kurapika the first thing that came to you? Anyway HxH is full of not traditional or weird things. Like Hisoka or Killua's little "sisters" to name a few.
                >it would have gone much different in a western comic
                Yes? It's the issue. A cutural issue. Americans obsession with races and sex/gender is moronic in its approach and does not sell outside of its niche.

              • 10 months ago

                the whole world is fine black, gay and troony characters in their media, but not American media
                Asians and Europeans too dislike American cultural colonialism and the pandering that comes with it
                so maybe it's not the readers, but what they are reading no?

          • 10 months ago

            A sensible post that tells Cinemaphile what it doesn't want to hear.

          • 10 months ago

            >Ha, I applied REAL WORLD LOGIC to your hypothetical arguments and they fall apart, you are so embarrassed! What now chuds??
            Do you also go on Reddit hypotheticals and reply "neither, I would..." do you?

          • 10 months ago

            i think it's a much simpler explanation... marvel and dc don't write stories that interest the wider audience

          • 10 months ago

            >Why would this make sales go up?
            More content for less money. Especially in an age of hyperconsumers.
            But really that argument doesn't mean much because comics and manga both are almost all digital these days.
            >Again, how would “passion projects” make sales go up? Passion projects tend to be vanity projects with even more niche appeal
            First, is that it creates a sense of identification between the reader and the author. Where a good author can gain a cult of personality where readers obsessively follow everything they do. Avoiding becoming unattractive black boxes of corporatism.

            As well, what giving writers freedom does, is let you get a whole smattering of diverse and novel ideas out the door. Some of which will blow up massively, others of which will fail.
            Most manga magazines are brutal when it comes to axing so-so received series. But they're also extremely open about giving everyone a shot, and it works out because every few years someone does something new and unique that takes the market by storm. Perfection is too hard to create by will, it is easier to accidentally stumble across it.
            >WTF does this even mean in concrete terms?
            I'd say the best interpretation would be first, that manga is not afraid to be low brow and gratuitous. Comics have had a history of trying their hardest to seem 'above' such banalities. But the reality is that sex and over the top violence and power fantasies sell.
            As well, most manga companies run many different magazines targeting extremely distinct audiences. Japan has big magazines for children, young girls, young boys, adult men, adult women, geezers, etc.
            Everyone has something aimed at them in a directed and purposeful way at all times.
            >you could plaster the internet with “THIS IS ACCESSIBLE AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND” and it wouldn’t do anything to change people’s pre-existing bias
            You're ignoring the reality of how much damage resets and retcons do readers that are just trying to get into things.

        • 10 months ago

          >-specific artists/writers doing their passion projects rather than giant teams

          That's not how manga works at all.

        • 10 months ago

          For every Passion Project that does get attention, there is three dozen trend following thing shat out for profit
          Or do you think they actually all wanna make "I got isekai'd to another world and now I can enjoy an easy life thanks to this surprisingly OP power" or "basics of some outdoor hobby as shown being done by cute middle/high school girls" or "100+ chapters of a romantic comedy with a harem of girls even though you know the girl introduced chapter1 is endgame".

      • 10 months ago

        Making comics with fricking endings. Manga has its 1000 chapter shounen slop but the industry isn't entirely made of it.

        • 10 months ago

          Issue is some manga have had some of the worst endings of all time simply because they have no idea to end the story. And there is also the chance said manga gets relaunched like bleach.

        • 10 months ago

          How do you not understand the concept of "serialized fiction"?

          • 10 months ago

            What makes you think serialized fiction can't have an ending? All serialization means is that its a story told over installments rather than all at once.

            • 10 months ago

              Why would I want Spider-man to have an end?

              • 10 months ago

                You don't have to go all-or-nothing. They can keep having Spider-man go on forever while also having separate comics that do have an actual beginning, middle, and end.

              • 10 months ago

                They make those as well. I don’t understand wtf you’re even trying to argue anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                luckly for you, current writer and editorials think just like you! a Peter Parker dad and married would make it too old and unapproachable, and thus his story would gear towards the end.
                no enjoy some more Paul and suffering

              • 10 months ago

                Why wouldn't you want Spider-man to end? After a certain point, keeping a character around on an eternal treadmill loses its appeal. I'd say 60 years is enough.

              • 10 months ago

                I don’t agree. I still enjoy Spider-man today. If you don’t, stop reading Spider-man instead of being a whiny c**t. It’s pretty simple concept.

              • 10 months ago

                >If you don’t, stop reading Spider-man instead of being a whiny c**t
                would you look at that, that's exactly what fans are doing!

              • 10 months ago

                No, people are not quitting Spider-man because “it has no ending point.”

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >I still enjoy Spider-man today
                You're one of a dying breed. Spider-man has been trash for over 20 years.

              • 10 months ago

                >I still enjoy Spider-man today
                And that's why your opinion is meaningless

              • 10 months ago

                >I still enjoy Spider-man today.
                >I still enjoy zombie Simpsons
                Good for you, but why do you think your opinion matters when you admit to having shit taste?

              • 10 months ago

                Because it’s still a better opinion than someone crying about superhero stories always needing to definite end.

              • 10 months ago

                If Spider-Man had ended when Ditko left the title or when Stan Lee left the title or later in the 70s or in the 80s or the 90s or the 00s, we'd miss out on a number of good stories.
                It's also funny how it's only just Spider-Man fans who seethe about this. I never see Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man fans demand that their stories end or their characters grow old, retire, and get replaced. Just vicarious-livers really mad that they took away Spider-Man's marriage.

              • 10 months ago

                >If Spider-Man had ended when Ditko left the title or when Stan Lee left the title or later in the 70s or in the 80s or the 90s or the 00s, we'd miss out on a number of good stories.
                I'm okay with that. The bad stories outweigh the good.
                >I never see Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man fans demand that their stories end or their characters grow old, retire, and get replaced.
                I also think most of those characters should have endings. X-Men can have a rotating roster.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm okay with that. The bad stories outweigh the good.
                You yourself can always just stop paying attention at a certain point and move on.

              • 10 months ago

                I did. Doesn't change my opinion.

              • 10 months ago

                That's because you clearly haven't read them. Spider-Man had a clear throughline with Peter growing up and maturing, and this happened constantly. It was a constant presence in the books and a big part of why they were successful. There has been none of that since you know what and that's a big part of why everything since then has been shit. We've regressed

              • 10 months ago

                It's kinda funny how the same thing happens not just to Spider-Man, but to everyone he works with. Remember how Doc Ock was brought back in a fricking deal with Mephisto, completely erasing everything Superior built up overnight simply because Marvel needed old Ock back?

              • 10 months ago

                It's doubly funny because this DOESN'T apply to his supporting cast who are for the most part growing up around him

              • 10 months ago

                >Spider-Man had a clear throughline with Peter growing up and maturing, and this happened constantly. It
                Spider-Man spent many years in college and then he spent many years as a graduate student and then a drop-out. Getting married was never part of a plan, it was a last-minute decision because Shooter was seething over how Stan Lee was going to have him get married for real in the comic strip and wanted to be first. After that he spent years as a married young adult with one stillborn child who was never remotely intended to survive.

              • 10 months ago

                >Spider-Man spent many years in college and then he spent many years as a graduate student and then a drop-out
                They slowed it down but that was still progression. Even him dropping his studies was used to help his character grow
                >Getting married was never part of a plan
                It probably would've come down the line because it was part of the logical progression of Peter's life. Regardless, the marriage did happen, planned or not, and it continued the journey through his life and people were happy.
                >After that he spent years as a married young adult with one stillborn child who was never remotely intended to survive.
                She was absolutely intended to survive when they had the plan of replacing Peter with Ben as Spider-Man. And even then having a miscarriage progressed him as a character (for the short time it was acknowledged before Byrne fricked everything over for a bit).
                Peter grew and changed and that was a constant throughout most of his publication history until editorial decided they'd had enough and hit the cosmic reset

              • 10 months ago

                >They slowed it down but that was still progression. Even him dropping his studies was used to help his character grow
                Wolfman, who had him graduate, said that he wanted him to be a graduate student forever and was against the marriage. Stern, who had him drop out, was also against the marriage. They just wanted to shake up the status quo a bit, they never wanted him to get older.
                >It probably would've come down the line because it was part of the logical progression of Peter's life. Regardless, the marriage did happen, planned or not, and it continued the journey through his life and people were happy.
                No one else wanted it. Sure, Stan wanted it for his comic strip, but then he spent the next 30 years until his death in that particular status quo, never making Peter any older. Certainly not giving him kids.
                >She was absolutely intended to survive when they had the plan of replacing Peter with Ben as Spider-Man.
                "Ben should replace Peter for real" was something that happened in a fit of temporary insanity in the middle of the story because they really hated married Spider-Man and thought Ben was their easy way out before it fully dawned on them how unpopular it was to say that the Peter Parker of the last few decades was a clone.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean firstly, Wolfman is a terrible writer and a hack. Secondly, their intention at the time literally doesn’t matter because the stories as they ended up being told all had a fairly consistent arc of Peter growing up. Those stories happened, and people liked them.
                And if we’re gonna get into the marriage stuff practically everyone against it fell into two categories: not muh otp and it made him too old. Worthless, petty reasons.

              • 10 months ago

                >I mean firstly, Wolfman is a terrible writer and a hack.
                Tomb of Dracula, his Spider-Man and Superman runs, and Teen Titans were good.

              • 10 months ago

                Tomb of Dracula is good because of Colan not Wolfman.

              • 10 months ago

                His Spider-Man was ok

              • 10 months ago

                Spider-Man should've ended with him passing his mantle to his daughter and serving as her mentor. That's what Spider-Girl did, and people liked that whole thing a ton. Even though it was just an AU story, it ran for 12 fricking years.
                Marvel is simply too scared to let Peter Parker go, and the same can be said about all other mainline heroes. I remember the same thing happening with Power Rangers - while Super Sentai always changed gears yearly, Power Rangers were too scared to let the Zordon story go until it completely ran out of steam. Then the whole thing went to Disney, they adopted the Sentai approach of yearly cast changes, and guess what - it worked just fricking fine for them.

              • 10 months ago

                >Longest single run for female-lead comic
                >Supported her own universe for over a decade without relying on 616 Pete
                >Let her Pete grow as a character into adulthood
                >Pete wasn't OoC in it and still recognizable
                >Doesn't have a moronic origin
                >Has her own cast
                >Has her own villains
                >Has her own allies
                >Has her own personality.
                >Has different powers without them being OP or completely unrelated
                >Is beloved
                >People recommend her comics
                That's gotta smart for all the other 'legacy' spiders.
                Miguel's the only other one who did his own thing and got love, but I don't think he lasted as long as May did.

        • 10 months ago

          >what exactly would "not ignoring it" entail exactly?
          -larger volumes printed on cheaper paper
          -specific artists/writers doing their passion projects rather than giant teams of writers and cover artists and pencilers and inkers and letterers and editor 1 and editor 2
          -staking business on broad appeal and availability rather than an ever-shrinking niche of autistic collectors of variant covers
          -plotlines that feel accessible and market themselves with visible, accessible entry points

          These arguments seem to forget that Image, Boom, Vault, etc exist, doing exactly what you ask for... are you buying those books? Do they have greater market share than the big 2 which produce work you say no one wants? What's the disconnect?

          • 10 months ago

            Normies don't know about indies.

          • 10 months ago

            People only give a damn about books like The Walking Dead, Invincible, and The Boys until they end or when there's a live-action/animated adaptation to renew interest and they'll go back to no longer caring about them when those shows end.

            • 10 months ago

              Here's the thing
              You need to have stuff with some appeal to sell something
              Not the pretentious shit that indie comics are famous for being.

              • 10 months ago

                The publishers I listed all produce genre work, the exact opposite of pretentious.

          • 10 months ago

            A lot of Image stuff is just cape stuff with more gore/swearing/breasts.

            • 10 months ago

              There's a fair amount of that, but I'd say there's equal measures of regular sci-fi horror, fantasy, noir. There's even romance, although most romance is gay shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Ah yes, homosexuality and violence. The pillars of anything that's not Marvel and DC (those are just homosexuality).

              • 10 months ago

                What makes it despise it more in Marvel/DC is that they can't bother to use their already established LGBT characters and have to retcon characters into becoming Gay/Lesbian when previously they were completely heterosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you saying you believe a slice of life comic will sell more than action/adventure and the problem with Western comics is that there aren't enough slice of life comics? Simply asking for clarity.

              • 10 months ago

                No, what I'm saying is that, comics other than capeshit only have extreme violence and degeneracy as their selling points. Modern Marvel meanwhile only has wokeness as a selling point. Meanwhile, Gwenpool, a comic with a literal joke character as the MC, got super popular just because the MC was really cute and the majority of the run was drawn by the same, talented artist.

              • 10 months ago

                do you just not read other comics ever?

              • 10 months ago

                only stuff older than my grandpa

              • 10 months ago

                >comic from 1967
                zoomers OUT

              • 10 months ago

                >complains about modern Marvel
                >praises Gwenpool immediately after

              • 10 months ago

                Because Gwenpool is so unlike modern Marvel. The art is cute, the females look feminine, there's no idpol shit (despite Miles Morales showing up, imagine that) and it ACTUALLY ENDS!

              • 10 months ago

                cape comics end all the time. Even the end of an individual writer's run is usually a pretty definitive end of a story arc unless it happens unexpectedly.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes but Gwenpool's run has a definitive end. It literally ends with "well they're probably gonna dig me back up again for some camo but my own run is over now.". It's unironically pretty good meta commentary on capeshit comics as a whole.

              • 10 months ago

                plenty of cape comics have definitive ends. Just because they don't wink at the camera about how it's not actually definitive doesn't mean they're not definitive or ends.

              • 10 months ago

                Name 5 that are actually good. I want something to read.

              • 10 months ago

                Immortal Hulk
                Journey Into Mystery
                Morrison's Animal Man
                O'Neil's Question
                Ennis's Punisher MAX

              • 10 months ago

                And many, many more are unnecessarily extended or revived.

          • 10 months ago

            Boom is pretty good.
            I abhor Oni Press though.

            Hollow Press is the best around, imo.

        • 10 months ago

          the 1000 chapter shonen slop are literally what's carrying the entire industry

          • 10 months ago

            Only a handful of manga have reached 1000 chapters.

          • 10 months ago

            KnY had an ending. Naruto had an ending. Tokyo Ghoul had an ending. Yu Gi Oh had an ending. Even Berserk had an ending planned. Sure, some of these have spawned spin-offs, but the main stories actually fricking ended.

      • 10 months ago

        Ah yes, the obligatory “there’s nothing we can do!” marvel/dc apologist. I’m sure the comic industry thanks you for your service as manga continues to clap their cheeks.

      • 10 months ago

        >what exactly would "not ignoring it" entail exactly?
        -larger volumes printed on cheaper paper
        -specific artists/writers doing their passion projects rather than giant teams of writers and cover artists and pencilers and inkers and letterers and editor 1 and editor 2
        -staking business on broad appeal and availability rather than an ever-shrinking niche of autistic collectors of variant covers
        -plotlines that feel accessible and market themselves with visible, accessible entry points

        manga also thrives for 3 big reasons:
        >it hasn't forgotten who's it's aimed at, whether its hormone filled teens or romcom seeking girls
        >editors keeping writers in check (kishimoto wanted naruto to be a literal fox, then editors stepped in)
        >when artist and writer are 2 different people, they keep communicating with each-others

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly, the biggest thing the big 2 could learn from manga is the existence of fricking demographics.
        Instead of trying to turn everything into mass appeal slop just have defined properties and genres aimed at specific demographics.
        And no, that doesn't just mean trying to turn a fricking superhero comic into a romance comic or a horror comic.

        • 10 months ago

          They know what demographics are. They just don't care.

        • 10 months ago

          why would they care when blackrock funds them anyway? ESG scores allow comics to push garbage that only the 0.2% are interested in

        • 10 months ago

          They understand demographics, they just assume that the most profitable demographics they must market to exclusively are college aged women and men in open relationships. What DC and Marvel should really be doing if they want those people is just make a co-op horde shooter set in the marvel zombies universe or an asymmetrical slasher pvp game with DC villains. Then they would be making big bucks.

    • 10 months ago

      >and he is very aware of the fact that manga is BTFOing comics

      manga is heavily propped up by anime adaptations, and action cartoons are dead in the west

      • 10 months ago

        Wrong. You frickers don’t understand the manga industry at all but will say the most random shit to deflect from manga having a better business model and better stories to be found than western comics.
        >inb4 some disingenuous stab at shonen manga aimed at children that ignores the plethora of adult aimed manga

        • 10 months ago

          >and better stories to be found than western comics.

          Give me a fricking break

          • 10 months ago

            He's not wrong. Even average shounen slop is more competently written than what people would consider a top tier comic.

          • 10 months ago

            oh it's you again
            still no rebuttal, just some NU UH

      • 10 months ago

        they could try a 1 on 1 adaptation of comic books but western animators refuse to
        instead they did young justice because they wanted to tell their own stories
        so we got a pansexual genderfluid muslim lecturing the spectators on islamofobia
        three times they tried to revive the shit show and every time it was more and more "freaks from san fran"

  7. 10 months ago

    Millarworld's in the shitter and the old lad is jumping ship. "OH, no, no. I'm not fleeing my old crumbling castle. I'm here to save your, rather well endowed one. Please let me save it. I don't wanna go back."

    What a fricking loser.

    • 10 months ago

      Dude Millar is a multimillionaire off of Netflix money, because they bet on him being able to provide them capeshit IP mill (the success of that bet I'll let you be the judge of). You can have very valid criticisms of his writing style, but he doesn't need to cozy up to Marvel or DC for money at all.

      • 10 months ago

        >he already is rich so he's not doing this to get richer
        I don't think you understand how humans work

      • 10 months ago

        and every millarworld production for netflix has been a failure.

  8. 10 months ago

    Has the Western comic book industry ever had an original idea?

    • 10 months ago

      This sounds like it's one of those cringe collectible popcorn vessels movie theaters charge $40 for, except the dumb collectible is the whole gimmick of the movie itself. What nonsense.

      • 10 months ago

        Old movies loved their gimmicks. The movie itself is actually pretty good for the era

    • 10 months ago

      >Has the Western comic book industry ever had an original idea?

      If you think the western comic book industry was never original, wait until you find the shocking truth about movies and TV shows

  9. 10 months ago

    >DC/Marvel shills seething ITT

  10. 10 months ago

    Millar is a rare example of a guy who can see what's wrong with the industry, but hasn't got the skills to do a gatdam thing about it.

  11. 10 months ago

    >Comic book industry is dying
    >I know!!! We need more DC and Marvel shit!

  12. 10 months ago

    >Suggests Comic Book Legends Return to DC and Marvel In Order To Save It.
    That would require DC and Marvel paying "legendary" artists and writers what they're worth, and give them normal royalty and residual rates for sales, which neither DC or Marvel are willing to do, regardless if your name is Gaiman, Moore, Miller, etc.

    Alex Ross did Fantastic Four: Full Circle on his own, finished it, and Marvel COULDN'T AFFORD his normal page rates, that's why Abrams Books had to publish it and license the FF from Marvel for the book, it's fricking pathetic.

    • 10 months ago

      >Marvel COULDN'T AFFORD his normal page rates

      How expensive is he? You'd think the movie div would throw them some cash

      • 10 months ago

        >You'd think the movie div would throw them some cash

        Why would they? It would be charity. The movie division sees absolutely no value in the comic book side. There's no money there and all the IPs they want to milk already exist, so the comics side could be shut down today and it wouldn't actually affect the parts of Marvel that make money. They're on their own.

        Incidentally, that's one of the big differences between manga and DC/M. Japanese studios do a shitload of crossmedia whoring, but they still view as the comic itself as the main product that makes the main money, and all the licensed properties are just extra on top of it. American comics have seemingly resigned to the idea that comics themselves will forever be chump change and the real money will always be in the movies.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Suggests Comic Book Legends Return to DC and Marvel In Order To Save It
    This is a weird way to frame things, and even though he may be correct, he shouldn't be the one to say this, and I would guess he's speaking at the behest of DC.
    There's no responsibility for any of the old writers, most of whom were pushed out by Marvel and DC for the current year hot new thing (tm), to come to the table. Any overtures should come from the publishers. It's incumbent on the them to lure experienced artists and writers back with grovelling, higher rates, creative control, minimum issue guarantees, and fairer profit sharing. Most importantly, the publishers need to issue a mea culpa for the state of the industry. Otherwise you can't trust anything they say or offer. You can't trust these people will have your back and not kick you to the curb again once things start to go their way.
    Millar should not be saying this stuff if he's on the side of his peers.

    • 10 months ago

      ….who exactly do you think Millar means by Legends?

      • 10 months ago

        I have no idea specifically, but based on context, he's referring to writers and artists who have a long track record of strong sales, but aren't currently working in comics for some reason. Whom do you feel that could/should encompass?
        I have no idea what those reasons may be, and the specific rationale are not germane. Whatever is keeping those creators from working at Marvel and DC are problems for Marvel and DC to solve. The way Millar says it makes this seem like a responsibility, as if the impetus in on his peers rather than the publishers. That just makes me uncomfortable.

        • 10 months ago

          >for some reason

          It’s called creator owned projects where they own their works and are able to make profit from it, without having to do freelance work about projects they are not particularly interested in.

  14. 10 months ago

    isn't MArvel already doing this Nostalgia mini some of which sell much better than current runs of those books?

    • 10 months ago

      Marvel has been putting out nostalgia minis for years. And most of them are mid at best.

      • 10 months ago

        sure but the quality is irrelevant if they sell decently

        • 10 months ago

          How well are they exactly selling though? How much is the 20th time Claremont comes back to do another old continuity X-men story selling?

          And if quality doesn’t at all matter then why are supposedly comics selling badly?

          The overall notion that you just need to appeal to nostalgia by bringing old creators back is entirely misguided. Nostalgia stops selling after awhile. Novelty bumps have to go down and if the only way you can sell comics is to get 60-70 year olds to do nostalgia acts, then the entire market is in the edge of a crash and burn.

          • 10 months ago

            >How well are they exactly selling though?
            better than expected for some of of them most the JMD and PAD Spider-man mini's and the lethal protector mini's sold more than Marvel expected
            >And if quality doesn’t at all matter then why are supposedly comics selling badly?
            that those modern comic that are trying to appeal to new audience can't find their audience simply due to how floppy comics are distributed
            > if the only way you can sell comics is to get 60-70 year olds to do nostalgia acts, then the entire market is in the edge of a crash and burn.
            i do agree that's the issue the big two are facing but a major issue is that one of the two markets the LCS distribution system supports, the only way to expand would be to branch out into diffrent distribution models be it Newsstands/grocery stores agein which is very unlikely or a solid digital distribution plan which is something the. manga industry did 20 years ago

            • 10 months ago

              >the only way to expand would be to branch out into diffrent distribution models be it Newsstands/grocery stores agein

              Those are dying distributors, how would it improve sales when you HAVE TO BUY BACK everything that doesn’t sell?

              >or a solid digital distribution plan which is something

              Comixology already provided you with subscription and Marvel has its digital platform that gives you access to majority of their back catalogue and new comics with very minor delay already.

              • 10 months ago

                >Those are dying distributors,
                that's why I said it was unlikely anon, I think the key point of people wanting a return of spinner racks/ newsstand comics is that it's was easy entry point for possible buyers to get the comic not in a specialized store LCS only cater to an already existing dedicated fanbase and can't really bring in enough fresh blood to keep it afloat.
                already provided you with subscription and Marvel has its digital platform that gives you access to majority of their back catalogue and new comics with very minor delay already.
                those services are to frank, pretty bad, especially compared to Japanese digital services like Jump+. Comixology has ripped apart into a husk these recent years by Amazon and both Dc and Marvel services are worse than what Piritate sites like RCO provide in terms of search functions and community function oddly enough. to trot out the old gabe newell quote of digital distribution "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" and currently the digital services for western comics are inadequate.

              • 10 months ago

                It’s absolutely moronic to bring up spinner racks and news stands if your entire point is just “well sure they don’t really work anymore but people have nostalgia for them” when you’re meant to talk about solutions.

              • 10 months ago

                That's not what he said.

              • 10 months ago

                I must of explained my point poorly then, allow me to reiterate it, the current distribution mode to LCS does not allow an easy entry way for new readership to come into comics to has led an increasingly stagenent direct market, and currently neither Marvel and DC have a an easy way to gain new readers. Spinner racks, newsstands ,ect provided this entry way in the past and in certain countries like the UK still do.

              • 10 months ago

                How exactly are manga able to get readers when they are not in news stands or spinner racks at the local store? The assetion that new readers can’t find comics makes no fricking sense.

              • 10 months ago

                >How exactly are manga able to get readers when they are not in news stands or spinner racks at the local store?
                excluding the Digital market right now the answer is Book stores there much more common than LCS with over 10,800(which is expanding) in the US compared to 4147 LCS (which is shrinking) and while bookstores also have comics the manga section is larger on a store basis

              • 10 months ago

                If book store sell both manga and western comics when it can’t be an issue of distortion or people not being able to find comics now can it.

              • 10 months ago

                the comic section of bookstore is less than a single shelf whereas the manga section can cover multiple rows of the store,
                theirs also the factor the big two care much more for floppy sales as an indicator of a titles success than trades which multiple creators have commented on in interviews over the last. couple of years that Pre Ordering the floopy of the book is it's best chance to success

              • 10 months ago

                manga also goes through a severe and constant vetting procedure
                if number drops it just gets axed or moved to a secondary, to give space to another title in the magazine
                editors are half the reason titles become successful and they always study the market

              • 10 months ago

                >Again claiming manga = shounen jump

              • 10 months ago

                ?? what the frick are you talking about schizo? where did i ever talk about shonen jump?

              • 10 months ago

                i swear to god i still don't understand you opinion after having read all of your replies itt
                or are you just some agent of chaos? you're just saying everyone is wrong without adding something concrete

              • 10 months ago

                how is that relevant to how manga is distributed in a tokuban format in america? or why it takes up more space in bookstores compared to comics

              • 10 months ago

                Bookstores sell trades, not floppies. Another overlooked distinction in these threads, the floppy and trade markets are distinct.

              • 10 months ago

                >must of

  15. 10 months ago

    >Legends return
    It's time

    • 10 months ago

      That would be glorious.
      Shooter handing hacks their walking papers and hiring actual talent.

      But it will never happen.... le sigh.

      • 10 months ago

        I think Secret Wars was Marvels top selling series of all time.

      • 10 months ago

        Shooter would go it, clean house, but say something controversial, and get fired in a month.
        Then all the people he fired would be re-hired.

        • 10 months ago

          I absolutely agree, but my point is he would never get hired to do it.

        • 10 months ago

          >We'd have a month of good comics
          Hey, better than the 15+ year drought we're currently in.
          I know, I know, Yost's Scarlet Spider was in those last 15 years, but it was 1 good title in a mountain of trash. I mean 1 month of everything being of mediocre-or-better quality. ... well it'd be the first month, I figure the first month gets rocky footing, so it won't hit 'great' right away..

    • 10 months ago

      We really need him back

      • 10 months ago

        >Shooter was fired from Marvel on April 15, 1987
        And then the wildly popular and well-regarded 90's+ storylines happened.

        • 10 months ago

          DeFalco let the most popular artists walk all over him, but his tenure at Marvel was pretty good overall. When he got fired and replaced with Harras, that's when the big troubles started.

          • 10 months ago

            I forgot that Mayday is 90s+
            As it Miggy
            Some good characters launched, but the mainline stories... eesh

          • 10 months ago

            It wasn't Harras either, it was more the upper management had no idea what it was doing, which is why DeFalco left in the first place.

            Their first act, remember, was to decide they didn't need an editor-in-chief at all and just make every line editor the editor-in-chief for their own line (Harras/X-Men, Mark Gruenwald/Avengers and related characters, etc).

            • 10 months ago

              Oh sure, but Harras's personal philosophy of how comics should be made didn't improve matters. There were some good books made in the mid-late 90s but made in spite of his vision which he then brought to DC in the 10s.

        • 10 months ago

          Gee what else happened during the 90s

        • 10 months ago

          Sometimes it takes a while to see the results of a bad decision.

        • 10 months ago

          >Height 6'-7"
          Clearly he was fired by seething manlets.

          • 10 months ago

            >6'7 is a desirable height

      • 10 months ago

        >I admire the skills of the creators
        moron alert.

  16. 10 months ago

    >asked on reddit's biggest comic sub why western comics are in this bad state
    >got insulted and told that i'm imagining things

    • 10 months ago

      Reddit pretty much has an unapologetic policy that you are not allowed to criticize corporations.

  17. 10 months ago

    Stop pushing narratives that 3% of the population scream about. Just. Stop.
    Write stories with classic themes. It's not the art and it's not the writers. Editorial staff needs to 100% be jettisoned and top level execs need to stop putting ESG and DEI above quality hires and directions and hire editorials that push stories.

  18. 10 months ago

    it's pretty simple really
    the manga industry wasn't infiltrated by those that hate the industry, while the western comic industry did
    Mark MIllar being one of the culprits himself, injecting his political views in Ultimates lmao

    • 10 months ago

      And Ultimates and Authority were both highly popular BECAUSE of their politics

      • 10 months ago

        >shit that never happened

        • 10 months ago

          Oh right, despite politics being highly integral part of the books that wasn’t actually the appeal! It also doesn’t explain why they started selling less when said politics started to disappear with subsequent writers handling the books.

          • 10 months ago

            Please provide a short summary of politics in Ultimates first year.

            • 10 months ago

              It’s pretty heavy handed pro-military complex story turning vigilante characters into positive black op military operatives in a hyperbolic Hollywood blockbuster model. And then the sequels is even more blatant reaction to the Iraq war and American imperialism, criticising the system the Ultimates represent while having to still make them the good guys in the end because you can’t make them be the actual bad guys.

          • 10 months ago

            >shit that never happened

  19. 10 months ago

    it's not just comics

  20. 10 months ago

    Lmao all these problems people keep diagnosing literally only apply to marvel capeshit which is inherently inferior garbage to everything else. You morons still read Spiderman reboots and wonder why nobody wants to read this shit. Japan, France, Webcomics are all doing fine

  21. 10 months ago

    here's my solution as a neophyte
    >publish bigger books and anthologies
    >reduce the line up
    >more communication between writer and penciler
    >direction has to have a vision, like the first two or three years of DC REBIRTH, no headless chicken corpo
    >focus more on short stories than serialization
    could that work? for example, i just read "Task Force Z" it has a beginning and an end, 20 something chapters
    and i've also read the Urban Legends Anthology
    no bullshit Batman vol 4 issue 3000 by 6 different writers and spanning 8 continuities

    • 10 months ago

      DC tried the anthology model sold at Walmarts exclusively and comic shops shit themselves about wanting them but then I don’t think anyone bought them

    • 10 months ago

      >like the first two or three years of DC REBIRTH

      Rebirth didn't even make it to a full 2 years.

  22. 10 months ago

    i read webtoons mostly
    >easy to find what i'm interested in
    >one writer
    >gay characters but no pandering
    >no black characters
    >no ugly characters
    >most readers are women anyway

  23. 10 months ago

    Millar's solution is a bandaid. Getting a few dinosaurs out of retirement might boost sales temporarily, but it doesn't fix the long-term problem of the new generation of "talent" appealing to almost no one.

  24. 10 months ago

    >comic book legends should return to the place that ruined comic books

  25. 10 months ago

    i just like Balent tier sexy women, manly heroes and action
    i can find that in manga, i can't find that in comics anymore
    also, if i want to read a manga, i just have to pick it up from chapter one and thats it, easy

  26. 10 months ago

    This thread is beyond saving.

    • 10 months ago

      no shit, the guy saying NO to every other anon with his anecdotes and nothing else has ruined it,
      and it happens every time.. it's like as long as you don't discuss it then it's not real

  27. 10 months ago

    actually shit heads, the problem doesn't exist in the first place

  28. 10 months ago

    How could Marvel and DC drop the ball not once, but twice, without learning a single lesson? first with manga and then with webtoons
    Every time there was a hole to be filled in western market they did nothing and let themselves be supplanted
    They should be developing and promoting indie comics that are not part of their superhero branding, but they left that space unoccupied. Now webtoons has come in and captured that entire emerging market. I'm pretty sure in next 5-10 years we'll be seeing major adaptations of popular American webtoons going forward, and at that point the entire western comic scene outside of DC/Marvel will just be swallowed up by webtoons.
    Batman Wayne Family Adventure is probably making more money than the the top dc sellers lmao

    • 10 months ago

      but muh comic book shops

      • 10 months ago

        Every comic shop that’s still around is a de facto toy store, tabletop gaming store, Japanese imported toy store, or some combination of those
        There are no more “comic shops”

        • 10 months ago

          Or a back issue shop

  29. 10 months ago

    Millar has made dozens of comics over outside Marvel/DC making his own little Millarverse built around Wanted.
    I cannot imagine he actually said to go back to Marvel or DC. The hypocrisy would be too obvious.

    I am gonna assume that hos words were twisted by clickbait article makers who some intern is posting about here for buzz.

  30. 10 months ago

    Manga is more book for less money and has none of the western censorship.
    also, manga readers are still there while comic book readers moved to other media

  31. 10 months ago

    it's chud grifter time maybe you'll like this more

    • 10 months ago

      Interesting how this became the smear word of choice for people telling the objective, verifiable and observable truth about the state of entertainment industry.

  32. 10 months ago

    >comic industry is in the worst state it's ever been
    >suggests industry legends return to Marvel and DC
    no, let the Big Two die. anyone with any actual talent in art or writing should just go indie. crowdfunding a comic with a small team is infinitely preferable to being shackled down by the big two. it's why all the good artists in America are doing porn now.

  33. 10 months ago

    source on western comic books dying? just because manga sells more it doesn't mean the other is dying
    the blue hired sjws you are all so afraid of do buy comics. they support the industry. you people on the other hand just pirate

  34. 10 months ago

    I would assume he's referring to how everything Marvel and DC release is garbage and nobody's buying any of it.

  35. 10 months ago

    It's really not rocket science. They're comic books. People like good stories and cool art.

  36. 10 months ago

    Things got really bad for capeshit when manga started outsuperheroing their superheroes. Manga tells cape stories with meaning, inspirational tales of strange and heroic individuals battling dastardly villains with personal stakes, emotional investment, and tons of unique and fun characters to capture any child's (and even adult's) imagination. Heroic stories are timeless, people have always loved them, and shonen manga gives people those heroic stories with a modern spin, just as companies like Marvel did in their Golden Age.
    Meanwhile, Batman is celebrating his 80th year of beating up the Joker, while Spider-Man is still trying to get his 30-year-old clones in order while getting cucked by MJ. Marvel and DC are making cheap soap operas in spandex, where nothing interesting ever happens, and when it accidentally does, it gets retconned.

    • 10 months ago

      oh anon, now comes the redditor with
      >shonen =/= all manga

      • 10 months ago

        Doesn't change his point. Replace manga in his post with battle shonen, and it's the same.

  37. 10 months ago

  38. 10 months ago

    180 posts and no one answered still
    why are manga doing better than western comic books?

    • 10 months ago

      >why are manga doing better than western comic books?
      Because they're better in every way, simple as.

      • 10 months ago

        >Because they're better in every way, simple as.

        No they aren't

        • 10 months ago

          They literally are and the fact that you can't bring yourself to admit the obvious even when your life depends on it is sad.

        • 10 months ago

          They are. I read both (though I read manga more), and going from manga to capeshit is always fricking painful. The paneling is probably the most obvious issue - manga usually keeps things dynamic and easy to read, relying on dialog-heavy pages only when there's no other option, while comics usually have rigid panel structures with tons of dialogue that make you stare at one page for ages when you should be moving along with the action. This is especially obvious with something like Spider-Man's quips, where he would usually fit three word bubbles of jokes into a single jump that was supposed to last a split second.
          There's an explanation to how that happened, but it's a damn long story, and the conclusion is that manga is simply more enjoyable to read.

          • 10 months ago

            >The paneling is probably the most obvious issue - manga usually keeps things dynamic and easy to read, relying on dialog-heavy pages only when there's no other option, while comics usually have rigid panel structures with tons of dialogue that make you stare at one page for ages when you should be moving along with the action
            because writer and artist are never in the same room, they probably never even talk to each-others
            also, unrelated, it was Shooter that said "modern comics take 6 months to say what Stan Lee would say in 2 pages"..

            • 10 months ago

              Abolishing the Marvel method was a mistake, US comics abandoning being a visual medium first and foremost are part of what made people go to French and Asian comics.

              • 10 months ago

                The problem is with the Marvel Method is that who did what is contested. This wasn't just a Stan vs artist thing, I'd been hearing that there's a lot of debate about who contributed what during the 70s as well

          • 10 months ago

            I should mention that, when I read the old classics, they are just as easy to read as modern battle shonen. The colors and forms are clear, the panels flow naturally, it's just really pleasant to read, even though these things are so damn old. So it's not as if manga is inherently better at this kind of storytelling, the modern Western comic book artists and writers are just garbage.

            • 10 months ago

              your pic is the exception

              • 10 months ago

                Quality matters here. Your pic is actually fine, it just degraded to shit. When you read official digital scans or reprints, you really start to appreciate how good the art was.


                And this is just some Golden Age silliness.

              • 10 months ago

                >degraded to shit
                Looks like a pretty good newsprint scan actually.

              • 10 months ago

                >degraded to shit
                Looks like a pretty good newsprint scan actually.

                >Quality matters here. Your pic is actually fine, it just degraded to shit.
                not talking about the print quality but the dialogue
                again, they are explaining what is happening, even though we are already seeing it
                it redundant, it's a double exposition
                have the writer and the artists ever talked to each-others? no, and thats why manga is much better at exposition

              • 10 months ago

                this page is retroactively hilarious. Who would win, a super durable murder machine who’s been yapping at Wolverine’s heels for decades(?), or some sticky webbing

              • 10 months ago

                >chest is throbbing need a few moments
                >this wont stop me
                >you're face ripped off
                >what a mess etc
                this really feels like the writer gave notes to what to draw and then they added those notes as dialogue lmao
                like an actor reading the directions instead of the lines

            • 10 months ago

              your pic is the exception

            • 10 months ago

              my problem with modern comics is the over narration
              let me see whats happening, no need to tell me what's happening or what the character is thinking every fricking time

              • 10 months ago

                That isn't over-narration. Golden, silver, bronze and 90s comics were far wordier than that.

              • 10 months ago

                it's not the "wordy" that bothers me
                it's how stupid that narration is
                show not tell, it's a graphic medium
                don't explain it to the reader in third person

              • 10 months ago

                That's just a deliberate throwback to Chris Claremont style of narration from the '80s though (the only difference is this is in past tense, probably based on the "Vision" comic where the third-person narrators turn out to be characters in the story).

                There is some over-use of captions today but mostly because most writers and editors find it uncool to use thought balloons, so they'll have someone narrating the whole story in every panel rather than just show us their thoughts once or twice.

                But third-person narration is extremely rare today, that X-run notwithstanding. The usual rule is the Watchmen rule: no thought balloons and only use captions if it's from a character in the story.

            • 10 months ago

              and pic related goes hard too

          • 10 months ago

            This is a big reason why manga(and webtoons) is so popular, it's just very readable and breezy to go through.
            Artists aren't entirely innocent because so much of the art aftermarket dictates what they draw, so they make very cluttered pages with too many characters or full body shots/money shots to get good resale.

      • 10 months ago

        Every month there are more bad manga then there are bad western comics.
        (Because there are so many more manga published, and statistically it just ends up that way.)

        • 10 months ago

          But even if that's true, there's the fact that there's more variety, easier accessibility and it's just plain cheaper most of the time.
          When I said every way, I meant EVERY way. Manga is already the superior medium even before you get into the quality of the content.

          • 10 months ago

            Now you're just being weeby. Go polish your mail-order katana, and practice your bug-runes for your great move to Rising Sun land.

        • 10 months ago

          Let's say there are 100 Big2 comics a month and 1000 manga a month.
          Let's say that 90% of manga is trash.
          That's 900 trash manga, but 100 decent to good manga every month. That's already more good manga than comics could catch up to.
          But big 2's comics are currently 100% trash.
          So there's no good comics and some good manga.

          • 10 months ago

            >But big 2's comics are currently 100% trash.
            Nobody can argue against that.
            Still, MORE BAD MANGA EVERY MONTH!!!
            >tl. Comic industry ostrich.

    • 10 months ago

      They are literally better in every possible way except that they don't have full color printing. Cheaper with more pages, better stories, easier to collect et cetera et cetera. It's not a mystery to anyone except people determined not to see it.

      • 10 months ago

        They literally are and the fact that you can't bring yourself to admit the obvious even when your life depends on it is sad.

        Let me guess, no agenda pushing, no woke LGBT or black characters right?

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on the genre, but for supeheroes vs battle manga, I think it's because manga has hype. Fights are cool.

      They are literally better in every possible way except that they don't have full color printing. Cheaper with more pages, better stories, easier to collect et cetera et cetera. It's not a mystery to anyone except people determined not to see it.

      >except that they don't have full color printing
      With the way most comics are colored now, I'd say that's an improvement.

    • 10 months ago

      Giving people what they want: straight forward genre fiction. The best selling manga are usually about dudes beating the shit out of each other or cute romantic comedies. Manga people aren't going to pick up the newest superhero repackaging or an indie graphic novel about someone's life.

      • 10 months ago

        you understand this can't happen in western comics right? you can't just have a manly MC, hot side characters, straight love interests and maybe just one POC character. Even worse if said characters are supposed to be underage, imagine all the people calling it nonce bait..
        when you have a list to tick, it's harder to just tell a straight forwards genre fiction story

  39. 10 months ago

    DC needs to bring back Vertigo. That imprint is still some of the best most re-readable comics that they ever published.

    • 10 months ago

      nudity, sexism, misogyny, Constantine-tier garbage men, gore and rape
      and on top of that you have to sell them to 16+ boys
      no it would not go well in 2023 anon

    • 10 months ago

      There's no incentive for a creator to choose the Vertigo imprint when they'd have ownership and more creative freedom under Image.

  40. 10 months ago

    all i know is, i've been reading Dungeon Meshi and i finally had the fun i missed in years of reading comics

    • 10 months ago

      Good taste anon. I hope the anime fandom aren't absolute homosexuals so I can get a second round of enjoyment.

    • 10 months ago

      what with the side ways text box in the bottom right?

      • 10 months ago

        I'm guessing originally this two-page spread was posted as individual pages in the same orientation you'd find in the magazine, where the text box was facing the right way around.
        Then someone stitched it together and didn't touch the text box

        • 10 months ago

          now that i think about it, western comics need more double spreads

          • 10 months ago

            they not uncommon anon immortal Thor had two in a row this week

  41. 10 months ago

    why must we do this? this is the 10th thread i've seen about the industry dying in months and we all know the reasons why. All it does is bring more disgruntled fans of comics and snide fans of manga together and devolves from there. Why are these threads the most active in this board? It provides nothing to the actual conversation or just results in unfunny attempts at seeming smart.

    • 10 months ago

      >we all know the reasons why
      yeah, chuds whining about wokenism while conveniently ignoring all the agenda in manga

  42. 10 months ago

    Kind of 10+ years too late to realize this. Should've fixed the problems when the warning signs were there.

    • 10 months ago

      Remember 10+ years ago a lot of industry dudes were saying comic sales were stronger than ever & manga was a fad/niche market.

  43. 10 months ago

    I assume these legends had good reasons for leaving DC and Marvel. I'd rather see these people make anything else.

  44. 10 months ago

    >Big 2 assrape the western perception of comics for decades
    >Want people to come bail them out so they can remain relevant.
    Let the big two die and the comics industry will heal. No more garbage nepotism-hired writers taking up shelf space.

  45. 10 months ago

    >think thread could be interesting, click on it
    >manga autist almost immediately tanks the discourse

    • 10 months ago

      And not the comicsgays going "nu uh, nope, didn't happen" over and over again? Did you even actually read the thread?

  46. 10 months ago

    >manga is doing better than comics
    maybe i'm stupid, but isn't most of the manga industry in red as well? only the biggest on shounen jump actually sell well
    romcoms and manga for women only do well when adapted to anime

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, you're stupid.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on what you consider "in the red". Manga industry is built around most everyone barely scraping by, throwing lots of shit at the wall until finding that one big hit.

      • 10 months ago

        >Manga industry is built around most everyone barely scraping by
        Anon, that is literally every industry on the planet.
        Most people barely scrape by.

        • 10 months ago

          huh.. my condolences then.

          • 10 months ago

            Where do you think the tax money comes from to pay your fat/social anxiety disability checks?

            • 10 months ago

              Probably from my taxes, yet I still manage to live comfortably. Though I kinda do wish I could see some of those fat/social checks, but reckon that's unlikely to happen.

    • 10 months ago

      >but isn't most of the manga industry in red as well?
      No? Its things just get axed if they don't sell

      • 10 months ago

        Like pretty much all bugman endeavors, it's propped up by uncountable drones working for slave pay, propping up a roomful of rich people.
        And I say that knowing that America keeps drifting more and more towards that model.

        • 10 months ago

          >keeps drifting more and more towards that model.
          Bro, America has been under that model for literally its entire existence.
          Did you forget that America had LITERAL, ACTUAL slaves for like 200 years, you dumbfrick?

          • 10 months ago

            Yes but not citizens. And a lot of America still functions because of Illegal (semi-slave) labor.
            But the American citizen can still work up the gumption to strike for better pay and conditions, and has negotiated enviable work conditions/safety. Le Bugman in Japan works insane hours, le China Bugman does the same in appalling safety conditions.

            I know how well we still have it.

            • 10 months ago

              >Yes but not citizens.
              Ahh, that makes it so much better.
              Black person are you for real?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm as real as it gets. There's a good reason the Florida Chamber of Commerce started panicking when Ron "little Duce" Desantis started scaring off their illegals.

            • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                have a nice day Narutard

          • 10 months ago

            >Bro, my shitty office job is totally exactly the same as ACTUAL LITERAL SLAVERY

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, that is the argument that that moron is trying to make, b***hing about Asians bring "bugmen" who are "bringing semi-slave conditions to the west" when America was LITERALLY a slave-owning country.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, just like most countries.

              • 10 months ago

                So was Japan you moron

          • 10 months ago

            >current American working conditions are better than current Japanese working conditions

            • 10 months ago

              American working conditions are better than current Japanese working conditions
              They're about on par, only difference is that in Japan you have more competent people around to also get crushed underfoot while in America ~40% of the workforce gets worked to death while the other 60% does almost nothing, and in America more people are in denial about the horrible working conditions because they think criticizing their own country makes them a filthy commie.

              • 10 months ago

                >They're about on par
                They are not and if you unironically believe this you are moronic or willfully ignorant.

                But you're going to start spamming communist propaganda any minute now like you do in literally every thread so I guess it shouldn't be surprising.

              • 10 months ago

                >Unironically going "UR A COMMIE!"
                Yea, you're definitely too far gone.
                I look forward to 3 years from now when you're b***hing about the "competency crisis" and how "no one wants to work" because of the terrible conditions for anyone who's not a literal mouthbreather such as yourself.

              • 10 months ago


                Yoshihiro Togashi, one of the most talented and popular mangaka of all time nearly worked himself to LITERAL DEATH and has been suffering from chronic health issues for years that severely impact his ability to release new manga chapters on any kind of regular schedule because his publisher outright refused to let him take a break when he went to them and said "hey this is killing me, can we figure something out?".

              • 10 months ago

                >Yoshihiro Togashi, one of the most talented and popular mangaka of all time nearly worked himself to LITERAL DEATH
                No-name cartoonist Ian McGinty worked himself to LITERAL DEATH at age 38 and no one cared outside of comic industry people.

              • 10 months ago

                The point is if that's the way they treat their big name high-selling artists, imagine how the people who have zero bargaining power get treated you moron. There's tons of stories out there you can find about the god awful working conditions in the manga industry, you're choosing to be a disingenuous moron on purpose.

              • 10 months ago

                >The point is if that's the way they treat their big name high-selling artists
                Bro, Togashi is literally the worst example you could choose, he has a golden parachute tier contract with Jump where he's able to constantly go on literal years-long hiatuses.
                As shown in

                Pictured: Yoshihiro Togashi "nearly working himself to LITERAL DEATH"

                , Togashi was just genuinely lazy, the dude had to constantly be hassled by his editor to meet deadlines and was known for literally blowing off meetings with said editor to play video games.

              • 10 months ago

                He has that deal because it's the only way he could continue working at all and they know it, and he's popular enough that the publisher wants to keep him at all costs.

                >but look there's a picture of him in the 90s playing SNES, he was a lazy homosexual
                This is the logic of the type of homosexual who tries to claim that Americans are basically slaves while the manga industry treats its workers great

              • 10 months ago

                Not that anon but the industry grew more self-aware in recent years about that shit, at least the big editors. They realise that burning out your authors is a bad idea, that's why you got Oda taking regular break week so he dosn't kill himself working.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, breaks seem much more common now. Fujimoto only does 3 chapters a month, I think.

              • 10 months ago

                Still insane work hours by western standard, but at least they are aware letting their author work too much is bad long term

              • 10 months ago

                The work hours for comics are always insane. And that's only weekly mags. There are way more monthly mags around.

              • 10 months ago

                They may have realized it's bad PR and bad for business in general if they burn out their top sellers and can no longer get work from them, but I seriously doubt that's translated into any kind of serious change for the workers who haven't made a name for themselves. Japanese work culture is way too fricked up to the point that they apply that shit to literal children in school, weebs just don't want to admit it.

              • 10 months ago

                You have no idea what you're talking about. Togashi fricked himself up with extremely poor working posture.

              • 10 months ago

                A good chunk of the Manga I collect have writer/artists who've burnt out and quit, died from stress, or take GRRM-esque hiatus to prevent either.

              • 10 months ago

                Pictured: Yoshihiro Togashi "nearly working himself to LITERAL DEATH"

              • 10 months ago

                I suddenly don't feel so bad about the state of my flat

              • 10 months ago

                Togashi famously drew his comics on the floor, lying on his stomach, because he found that position comfortable. Sure enough, he ended up with a fricked up back.
                The manga industry is pretty unforgiving, and to stay in something like WSJ, you need to work real fricking hard. That has the benefit of weeding out everyone but the very best. WSJ mangaka are Japan's finest. And they're really proud of that status, which is why they work so hard.
                But there are also tons of mangaka who work at far more lax schedules. Monthly, even quarterly. And their stuff can be just as good.

              • 10 months ago

                They literally have a word for people dying on the job for being overworked and they're expected to keep their mouths shut about it until they flat out get a stroke or a heart attack. American workers are exploited, but it's nowhere near as bad as Japan's willful slave labor culture.

        • 10 months ago

          >it's propped up by uncountable drones working for slave pay, propping up a roomful of rich people.
          Except that those drones can actually succeed themselves.

          • 10 months ago

            >Except that those drones can actually succeed themselves.
            Sure, and you can also win the Powerball and never work again, or you can be that guy who ends up a starter in a professional sports team.

            The journey to great success can be hard, but it doesn't need to be Hell.

            • 10 months ago

              Being a successful mangaka is not that rare. And comics will always be hell. They're extremely labor intensive even if you go production line model with them.
              People do it because they love the medium.

              • 10 months ago

                Americans are pretty indifferent to the floppy comic at this point. Weebalos like to gush about how Manga are outstripping American comics, but overall neither have much traction here among the general populace.
                The Manga industry is supported by it's domestic fanbase. America's consumption of them is less than Italy's.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, America is the 4th-largest market for manga behind Japan, China, and France, overtaking Germany last year.
                Eventually you need to stop coping about this so much.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, America has over twice the populace of Germany and France combined. Manga sales are Japan>>>>>>


                >>>>> individual Europ countries



              • 10 months ago

                China has a pretty large population. Do they not count either?

              • 10 months ago

                China's population becomes a lot more modest when you only talk about the ones living a European/Japan level lifestyle with money for frivolous hobbies.

              • 10 months ago

                And I'm sure you have those numbers.

              • 10 months ago

                I could find them for you, but you could find them yourself, China's prosperity gets intensely studied by American industries looking to sell them luxuries.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, China's middle class is like 650 million people.
                Which is more than the entirety of the US, Japan, Germany, France, and Canada combined.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, a massive number of those are only middle class because they are eyeball deep in the real estate Ponzi that is an entire THIRD of their economy.
                It's collapsing, people are getting afraid to spend their savings, the Chinese economy is teetering.
                There won't be half as many in another year.
                Basically 4/5ths of their middle class is "dogecoin rich".

              • 10 months ago

                >It's collapsing, people are getting afraid to spend their savings, the Chinese economy is teetering.
                Anon, I got bad news, that's every economy right now.

              • 10 months ago

                Americans in particular have substantial savings/investments and consooming has barely paused because of it.
                Chinese middle class is basically invested in Bored Apes in the form of empty, half-finished apartment complexes that no one can afford to live in. It's the American Real Estate Crisis of the past times 1000.

              • 10 months ago

                >Americans in particular have substantial savings/investments and consooming has barely paused because of it.
                Bro, the American box office is down like 30-40% from 2019, frick are you talking about?
                Don't even get me started on all the people who had to move back in with their parents because they couldn't afford rent over the last 3 years.
                You sound like one of those silver spoon c**ts who lives off of mommy and daddy and doesn't know how the actual average American lives.

              • 10 months ago

                nta but it seems the somewhat disingenuous to compare the decline in cinema box offices to the entire chinese real estate market

              • 10 months ago

                The point wasn't comparing the two, the point was that anon said that American consumption and consumerism has barely paused, which is blatantly false.

                >Bro, the American box office is down like 30-40% from 2019
                Incredibly cheap bugman big-screen tvs.
                Covid broke people of the unpleasant theater experience and the first two things I mentioned just reinforced it.

                Every streaming service has been losing money and subscribers outside of maybe Netflix, so no, try again.

              • 10 months ago

                >Every streaming service has been losing money and subscribers outside of maybe Netflix, so no, try again.
                That's because Streaming has no decent financial model, they all burn money to boost cheap subscription numbers "achieving scale" they call it.
                It's still the massive drain that's beating up theaters, regardless. You can basically give something away and kill the guys trying to sell it on the premium, and STILL you aren't making money.

                That's streaming and theaters.

              • 10 months ago

                Also, the only time Teh Mouse lost subscriptions is when they stopped broadcasting Poo Sports in India and everyone noped off their service en masse. They still gained subscribers discounting Pooland.

              • 10 months ago

                >Bro, the American box office is down like 30-40% from 2019
                Incredibly cheap bugman big-screen tvs.
                Covid broke people of the unpleasant theater experience and the first two things I mentioned just reinforced it.

                >Americans in particular have substantial savings/investments and consooming has barely paused because of it.
                Bro, the American box office is down like 30-40% from 2019, frick are you talking about?
                Don't even get me started on all the people who had to move back in with their parents because they couldn't afford rent over the last 3 years.
                You sound like one of those silver spoon c**ts who lives off of mommy and daddy and doesn't know how the actual average American lives.

                Americans in particular have substantial savings/investments and consooming has barely paused because of it.
                Chinese middle class is basically invested in Bored Apes in the form of empty, half-finished apartment complexes that no one can afford to live in. It's the American Real Estate Crisis of the past times 1000.

                >box office
                SHUT THE FRICK UP
                This thread is about the comics industry

              • 10 months ago

                Comics industry continue to deflate because the aging base for it is dying off, young people do not give a frick about floppies, and Weebs vastly overestimate the fricks they give about Mango.

                Mango would also be a failing industry without it's rabid Bugman financial base.
                End of Story.

              • 10 months ago

                >Mango would also be a failing industry without it's rabid Bugman financial base.
                Manga would fail if people didn't buy it? No shit, moron

              • 10 months ago

                >and Weebs vastly overestimate the fricks they give about Mango.
                I dunno, based on sales it sure doesn't seem like an overestimation.

              • 10 months ago

                To be fair these seem more creator based, its fricking hilarious though that Alan Moore is getting beat by Five Nights at Freddy's.

              • 10 months ago

                >its fricking hilarious though that Alan Moore is getting beat by Five Nights at Freddy's.
                Hey, kids love FNAF, so they're doing a pretty good job of appealing to their market I'd say.

              • 10 months ago

                no doubt but imagine being robert kirkman and getting beat in sales by something called toilet bound hanako kun.

              • 10 months ago

                interesting that Sandman is the top comic from the big two on that list and even it is pretty. far down, I guess the Tv show had a large impacted on it

              • 10 months ago

                I’m always confused on why Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun of all series sells so well. It’s so weird seeing that in numbers, even in Walmart racks, along with the usual suspects.

              • 10 months ago

                It's cute.
                Cute artstyle paired with cute (kind of) romance and some occasional horror/supernatural elements makes it perfect for the (mainly female) target audience.
                And because of the cute male characters it attracts fujos like nobody's business.

              • 10 months ago

                That logic makes sense. I guess it’s more that it’s surprising that such a series seems to punch way above its weight in presence in the US compared to Japan. Most of the time, the popular series you see are either huge in both Japan and abroad or are much bigger domestically (at least some of those will get animated adaptations that give them the international jump). Rare to find the opposite of the latter, a series being outsized outside of Japan compared to its domestic presence. Maybe that’s just me underestimating that series’ popularity in Japan though.

              • 10 months ago

                It's very popular in Japanese as well. It has sold millions of volumes.

              • 10 months ago

                >Maybe that’s just me underestimating that series’ popularity in Japan though.
                It's also pretty popular in Japan, but it is one of those series where the gap in sales is a lot closer than most others.
                It sold about 1.4 million volumes in Japan last year compared to the 800k it sold in America.
                I think the only manga that sells more in America than it does in Japan on a regular basis is Berserk, but even then I think it's only slightly more.

                Well damn now I had to look this up
                >20 volumes since 2014
                >~8 million circulation (amount of stock, so assumed sales are lower) in mid-2022
                That’s pretty good but nowhere near the level of the big action series that usually dominate. Even the most popular romcom Komi-San has 50% more circulation while being 2 years younger (admittedly with 50% more volumes though), yet sold significantly less than TBHK in the US. You look at that one sales list alone and you think that it’s just a step below the big battle shonen series when it really isn’t overall. So it does look like the series does have an outsized impact in the US market relative to its domestic standing. Can probably say that for a few other series like Wotakoi as well.
                Still an interesting list overall. Dog Days from the Captain Underpants guy the single best series, and several non-Big 2 series doing well, but the list is mostly manga. At least from this it’s fair to say there are some good series outside of the Big 2, but Japan just has much higher volume coming out and thus a lot more stuff that makes the big leagues.

                That's a general board room analysis; it just amounts to dumbing down the product for mass appeal and making it cheaper. The result would still be missing the literal QUADRUPLE release rate of most popular manga vs comic books, and the rock solid synergy with the animation industry built across literal decades. And then there's the added risk of literally starting from scratch with brand new "passion project" products built from nothing.

                And I'm not saying manga publishing had the foresight to actually aim for the results they're getting now rather than it simply stumbling upon them. It's just acknowledging how essentially impossible is to replicate the formula in its entirety, and how likely the results of simply implementing what seems logistically viable would be to fail proportionally.

                made a good point that Japan had decades to organically develop the magazine->individual volumes->anime and other multimedia ecosystem. Barring massive but unlikely investment to kickstart an ISI-like process, it’ll take a long time to create a comparable system.

              • 10 months ago

                >Maybe that’s just me underestimating that series’ popularity in Japan though.
                It's also pretty popular in Japan, but it is one of those series where the gap in sales is a lot closer than most others.
                It sold about 1.4 million volumes in Japan last year compared to the 800k it sold in America.
                I think the only manga that sells more in America than it does in Japan on a regular basis is Berserk, but even then I think it's only slightly more.

              • 10 months ago

                Reminder Berserk is the best-selling Dark Horse title ever, not best-selling Manga, not best-selling licensed property, but their best-selling title period.

              • 10 months ago

                really? and Berserk is always been a shit seller lmao, even in Japan
                even the golden age movies were flops

              • 10 months ago

                >and Berserk is always been a shit seller lmao, even in Japan

              • 10 months ago

                >Berserk is always been a shit seller lmao, even in Japan
                Why do people just say blatantly untrue things?

              • 10 months ago

                Top kek. Berserk is big enough that it got its own exhibition when Miura died.

              • 10 months ago

                >Bro, the American box office is down like 30-40% from 2019
                Incredibly cheap bugman big-screen tvs.
                Covid broke people of the unpleasant theater experience and the first two things I mentioned just reinforced it.

              • 10 months ago

                There is no shortage of articles claiming most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I'll post one example.


              • 10 months ago

                >There is no shortage of articles claiming most Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
                Yes, that's CONSOOMPTION, that's how it works. People can pull in 100k+ and spend themselves into a financially tight situation. At least post something that invalidates my point.

              • 10 months ago

                The fact that people live paycheck to paycheck contradicts this statement.

                >Americans in particular have substantial savings/investments and consooming has barely paused because of it.

              • 10 months ago

                I've got 250k in my 401k, and a decent chunk of property, but I still would be fricked if my job skipped my paycheck.
                Totally different from Chinaman, who's "wealth" is based on property speculation through rapidly failing developers.

              • 10 months ago

                >but I still would be fricked if my job skipped my paycheck.
                No you wouldn't.
                Anon was right, you are absolutely a silver spoon, most Americans don't have $250k in a 401(k) or any property, you are not living paycheck to paycheck.

              • 10 months ago

                People who invest heavily generally do live paycheck to paycheck, because all their savings are wrapped up in non-liquid assets. This is a direct result of the the trend toward western consumerism, since modern monetary policy literally punishes people for saving over investing/spending, savings don't contribute to GDP after all.

              • 10 months ago

                What's your point? We're talking about the American comics industry and manga being its competition. If you bring up the film industry, we have nothing to talk about.

              • 10 months ago

                >America's consumption of them is less than Italy's.
                well italy has had manga and anime since the 70s
                my grandpa used to watch Lupin

              • 10 months ago

                Italy is a huge market for manga so you're not making the point you think you're making.

              • 10 months ago

                >America's consumption of them is less than Italy's.
                well italy has had manga and anime since the 70s
                my grandpa used to watch Lupin

                they used to have a huge market for italian/yuro comics as well but it was left to rot
                and then Panini decided to hop on the manga train after decades shitting on italian artists
                Corto Maltese, Dylan Dog, Diabolik, Alan Ford, TEX (even this board never discusses them)
                now french and belgian comics left ours in the dust
                hell, the italian versions of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck weren't literal translations of the over sea ones, but authentic, new stories and they always sold truckloads

              • 10 months ago

                this board bearly discusses non big two american comic, once in a blue moon we might get some discussion on french or UK comics and but considering this board is mostly made up of americans this bies in what talked about is hardly surprising

              • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          The drones aren't propping anytone else, the mangaka is the writer/artist
          She/He might hire assistants though

    • 10 months ago
      Anonymous is probably making billions thanks to people buying coins for early chapters
      ToG is still in hiatus yes?

    • 10 months ago

      Literally the opposite, manga and anime have grown so much they're considered pillars of the japanese economy, especially as exports.
      In fact the only thing they're worried about at this point is that the rise of South Korean manhwa could cut into their profits.

  47. 10 months ago

    And now we start the Capitalism arguments.

  48. 10 months ago

    One the one hand, yes, on the other frick you Mark, your CW was the start of the end.

  49. 10 months ago

    The price increase of 4.99 & 5.99 in the big 2 is just the least defensible in this fricked up industry. Inflation is one thing but the content has not changed substantially for it.
    >Its a death note for the industry in getting people to buy multiple titles, rewarding dudes who buy single titles.

  50. 10 months ago

    Someone tell me, how did Cap come back after being shot at the end of Civil War?

  51. 10 months ago


    >Bandeé Desinneé

    et le liste on y va...

  52. 10 months ago

    Has there been anybody from the comic industry saying sales have never been better. More or less outside the manga vs comics debate, I don't hear any title boosting sales numbers.

  53. 10 months ago

    >being back oldgays to save the brand!
    Literally WWE tier

  54. 10 months ago

    I'm going to say something that's unpopular here, but it's the truth.
    The western formula of disassociating an ip with its creator(s) in comics is what killed it.
    I don't care about Superman when it's no longer the character I loved.
    Books are much better in this aspect. Harry Potter is always going to be the Harry Potter Rowling wrote. There's not going to be a Wolfman, Millar, whatever effectively fanfic writer hack shitting up the character for me.
    Manga is lot more like books in this aspect save for a few exceptions and then those exceptions are under the supervision of the original creator.
    I like that much better because I know what I'm going to get.
    I'm not interested in reading corporate fanfic.

    • 10 months ago

      There are a ton of American creator-owned books that nobody cares about once they end (or even when they're still being published).

      • 10 months ago

        There are a ton of Japanese manga or international books that I don't read, either. I don't read everything that's on display.
        But what I choose to read, is not corporate fanfic.

        • 10 months ago

          That's fine, but looking at the biggest movies from the past decade, it seems a ton of people love corporate fan-fic far more than original ideas.

          • 10 months ago

            We're talking about comics.

            • 10 months ago

              These are movies based on comics.

              • 10 months ago

                They're not comics. And Avatar is an "original" story and out-grossed all of them.

              • 10 months ago

                Success of the movies is not translating to success of the comics. The movies don’t adapt one specific story so it’s not like an adaptation of a novel where one could go and find the “original” the movie was based on.

    • 10 months ago

      >The western formula of disassociating an ip with its creator(s) in comics is what killed it.
      There was a time where you could say this was the American comic industry's greatest strength.
      After all, the most popular and iconic stories for comic characters rarely came from their own creators.

    • 10 months ago

      you do know the idea of making an IP character that gets farmed out to ghost writers comes from books, right?

  55. 10 months ago

    He meant get woke go broke. All the comic book industry is doing currently, and for the past 5-10 years, is pander to morons who don’t even read comics and just gush about two brown lesbian superheroes making out and talking about their feelings. This does not generate revenue, believe it or not.

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody cares how woke something is if it's entertaining them. The current crop of bad-to-mediocre comic writers are just using politics as a shield.

    • 10 months ago

      Yep, the guy who made his creation Kick-Ass into a black lady is absolutely saying that.

    • 10 months ago

      woke is fine as long as the women are bombshells and the men himbos
      when you start to draw ugly sexless women, it's over

      • 10 months ago

        Woke is kind of antithetical to sexy.
        Unless you're into twinks I guess.

  56. 10 months ago

    It’s never going to get better. Floppies are too expensive, no one wants to spend $4+ on ~30 pages on decompressed story. Anyone who buys floppies every month is a collector, and people need to actually get into the hobby before they will commit the money, time, and space for buying and storing the books.

    The fact there is very little evolution and growth for the characters plays a part. A Batman arc today could have been an arc 10 years ago. There is no incentive to follow a series beyond collecting. For ongoing titles, you are better off dipping in and out whenever a certain creator comes on that interests you because there are marginal benefits to reading the previous 100 issues of a title before reading the current one.

    There is also the fact that the industry is all viewed though the big 2/capeshit which only ever has a few titles worth reading at any given time. There are quality books out there, but no one gives a shit about them because for most people the comic book industry begins and ends with big 2 capeshit. These frickers don’t give a shit about the medium, they only care about what is essentially marketing material for Disney and WB

  57. 10 months ago

    OP didn't post a link or quote the article so here it is

    >During an appearance on the Thinking Critical channel, Millar confirmed his previously announced return to DC for a Superman story and then quickly segued into positing his idea that at least 20 comic book legends should return to both DC and Marvel to do at minimum two year runs in order to save the comic book industry.

    >Millar stated, “There’s something weird going on right now where I really feel like guys like me and guys who’ve worked in the industry for awhile and been very lucky, had a lot of big books and everything, we’ve got to man the stations.”

    >“I think everybody’s got to come in and do a couple of projects and find an artist who’s as good as you can possibly get and just do some killer run on something,” he added.

    >As for why he believes these comic book legends should return, he explained it’s because the industry is in the worst state it’s ever been in.

    >He said, “The retailers, they’re struggling out there. They’re dying. All my friends and retailers are saying it’s never been, they’ve never know it as hard as this.”

    • 10 months ago

      >Millar then further elaborated on his idea to bring comic book legends back, “And I was like, okay, let’s get Olivier Coipel and Pepe Larraz or whatever and we go and do a Captain America and a Wolverine run or something. Everybody’s got to come back and two runs, you know, and if 20 big name writers and 20 big name artists do that you’ve got an amazing couple of years of comic books.”

      >“We need to get something like that going again. You want to see some excitement at Marvel and DC again, I think,” he asserted.

      >Reacting to Millar’s proposition, Uel Carter, the proprietor of Fantastic Comics in Berkeley, California suggested that either Mark Millar or Todd McFarlane write Spider-Man explaining, “Because that’s the book it needs to be, of course, everybody knows that.”

      >Millar then went on to share his view that Marvel and DC need to do well in order to drive creator-owned success, “In reality, in the last 10 years there hasn’t been any real big, blow up success in the creator-owned world. Saga was probably the last one that went crazy. Things have done, you know, they’ve done nicely, but Saga was the last time there was a phenomenon. I think Walking Dead prior to that. So, you know, there’s been a few.”

      • 10 months ago

        >“But the real success comes from the industry. And I’m not talking about as individuals, as creators. It comes from the industry when Marvel and DC are doing well, particularly Marvel. And again, people hate to hear this because you’re making money for the man, you’re showing it up a corporation. But the honest truth is that creator-owned growth comes from Marvel and DC doing well.”

        >From there, Millar returned to his idea to save the industry, and noted that the current output from the companies are just not good, “Everybody needs to go back and do one or two projects, I think. And I’m going to try and get my friends to do this over the next couple of years, try and get some excitement going back at the companies.

        >“Obviously, there’s some great books. There’s two or three good books, I think, at DC right now. But you need 20 good books. There needs to be 20 great books,” he stated.

        >Millar continued, “And you can go back and look at these other periods in history, look at the 90s, looks at the 80s, look at the 60s. … There were so many books that I couldn’t afford to buy all the books I wanted to buy. And nobody’s in that position anymore. Everybody’s like, ‘Yeah, there’s only two things worth checking out.'”

        >“I want to see people in that position again where they’re holding 20 bucks in their hands, but they need 60 bucks for the number of good comics that come out that week,” he detailed.

      • 10 months ago

        >Todd McFarlane write Spider-Man
        Put him on interiors and you might have something sure

        • 10 months ago

          is it his run where peter has MJ all bundled up in bdsm webs?

          • 10 months ago

            One of his issues yeah

            • 10 months ago

              then he should continue
              they're happy, so he's a good spider man writer

              • 10 months ago

                Todd was crap. A guy isn't good just because he agrees with you on one issue.

              • 10 months ago

                The best part of his debut as Spider-Man writer is having to write each intro to his 5 part story with the sentence "Rise above it all", then by the 5th part he ran out of things to use and just had to say "The purpose of smoke... is to RISE ABOVE IT ALL!"
                And then you have his decades on Spawn where he constantly invites new creators, they last a little bit, he begins meddling with what they want to do, he takes over writing again, and the thing keeps spinning in place nonstop.

    • 10 months ago

      >Millar then further elaborated on his idea to bring comic book legends back, “And I was like, okay, let’s get Olivier Coipel and Pepe Larraz or whatever and we go and do a Captain America and a Wolverine run or something. Everybody’s got to come back and two runs, you know, and if 20 big name writers and 20 big name artists do that you’ve got an amazing couple of years of comic books.”

      >“We need to get something like that going again. You want to see some excitement at Marvel and DC again, I think,” he asserted.

      >Reacting to Millar’s proposition, Uel Carter, the proprietor of Fantastic Comics in Berkeley, California suggested that either Mark Millar or Todd McFarlane write Spider-Man explaining, “Because that’s the book it needs to be, of course, everybody knows that.”

      >Millar then went on to share his view that Marvel and DC need to do well in order to drive creator-owned success, “In reality, in the last 10 years there hasn’t been any real big, blow up success in the creator-owned world. Saga was probably the last one that went crazy. Things have done, you know, they’ve done nicely, but Saga was the last time there was a phenomenon. I think Walking Dead prior to that. So, you know, there’s been a few.”

      >“But the real success comes from the industry. And I’m not talking about as individuals, as creators. It comes from the industry when Marvel and DC are doing well, particularly Marvel. And again, people hate to hear this because you’re making money for the man, you’re showing it up a corporation. But the honest truth is that creator-owned growth comes from Marvel and DC doing well.”

      >From there, Millar returned to his idea to save the industry, and noted that the current output from the companies are just not good, “Everybody needs to go back and do one or two projects, I think. And I’m going to try and get my friends to do this over the next couple of years, try and get some excitement going back at the companies.

      >“Obviously, there’s some great books. There’s two or three good books, I think, at DC right now. But you need 20 good books. There needs to be 20 great books,” he stated.

      >Millar continued, “And you can go back and look at these other periods in history, look at the 90s, looks at the 80s, look at the 60s. … There were so many books that I couldn’t afford to buy all the books I wanted to buy. And nobody’s in that position anymore. Everybody’s like, ‘Yeah, there’s only two things worth checking out.'”

      >“I want to see people in that position again where they’re holding 20 bucks in their hands, but they need 60 bucks for the number of good comics that come out that week,” he detailed.

      >We can save comics if we just retread the same characters with the same authors with the same anti-reader companies.
      I understand that a lot of the original material these days suck too, but at this rate the American comic scene is ngmi

      • 10 months ago

        He's kind of right that 1. Marvel and DC doing well actually benefits indies and 2. trying to get interest up again by getting creators that did well is the way to go since a lot of new creators are not as good.

        The problem he kind of doesn't go into is that Marvel and DC basically drove off the readers during the 2010s and part of that was a carryover from the mentality of the 2000s. I think he knows part of that (I believe this is why he's been appearing on places like Critical Drinker and Thinking Critical and all that; he knows that Marvel and DC are making a mistake disregarding the reach they have), but it's also arguable that people during his time at Marvel, and even he himself, share the blame in losing readership confidence.

    • 10 months ago

      >OP didn't post a link or quote the article so here it is
      Is there a reason the Bounding Into Comics gays always go out of their way to hide the sourcer?

  58. 10 months ago

    He is absolutely right.
    Current Marvel and DC are awful. Worse than the New 52 era.

    • 10 months ago

      but i've heard good things about Dawn of DC
      no more trying to reconcile the continuities, just write stories and frick else

      • 10 months ago

        >but i've heard good things about Dawn of DC
        It is literally just one samegay shilling Dawn of DC. The same samegay that loves PKJ Action Comics and Zdarsky Batman.

  59. 10 months ago

    >Bounding Into Comics

  60. 10 months ago

    Bottom line is comics right now absolutely suck. Huge part of that is the messaging, as it forces them to hire based on superficial qualities rather than merit. The reason none of the ‘legends’ are writing for Marvel or DC right now, is because the companies don’t want them. They can’t tell the legends to write a 5 issue run about She-Hulk eating breakfast and talking about oppression. When you don’t prioritize writing a good story, you’re not gonna get one.

    This is something we see them do with the movies as well. They hire directors that are either obscure or otherwise complinant. This also gives them the opportunity to CAST directors. Hire them based on how they look and what they believe.

    • 10 months ago

      who are these "legends" that he thinks will save the industry? (besides himself obviously)

      • 10 months ago

        The architect era of Brubaker, Aaron, Bendis, Hickman, and Fraction? Of course most of these guys took a long time to leave and are awful now.

        At the moment Marvel's big names are Hickman, a returning JMS, Gillen, Ewing, Duggan I guess, and maybe McKay since they're giving him so many books. DC's are Waid, Taylor, King, and Zdarsky.

        • 10 months ago

          >all writers
          As soon as Marvel/DC stopped pushing artists as the draw for books, things have gone downhill. I know that they want to avoid another Image situation, but still

        • 10 months ago

          I forgot to add Johns to the DC list but tbh he's been off in his own corner for years now.

          >all writers
          As soon as Marvel/DC stopped pushing artists as the draw for books, things have gone downhill. I know that they want to avoid another Image situation, but still

          I never particularly cared to follow artists. Most of it seems adequate to me. Mora's doing some fine work on World's Finest.

          • 10 months ago

            >I never particularly cared to follow artists. Most of it seems adequate to me.
            We would not get along. Art is literally the only reason I read comics. I find the majority of recent comics an absolute chore to even flip through let alone actually read.

      • 10 months ago

        The architect era of Brubaker, Aaron, Bendis, Hickman, and Fraction? Of course most of these guys took a long time to leave and are awful now.

        At the moment Marvel's big names are Hickman, a returning JMS, Gillen, Ewing, Duggan I guess, and maybe McKay since they're giving him so many books. DC's are Waid, Taylor, King, and Zdarsky.

        He mentions (

        >Millar then further elaborated on his idea to bring comic book legends back, “And I was like, okay, let’s get Olivier Coipel and Pepe Larraz or whatever and we go and do a Captain America and a Wolverine run or something. Everybody’s got to come back and two runs, you know, and if 20 big name writers and 20 big name artists do that you’ve got an amazing couple of years of comic books.”

        >“We need to get something like that going again. You want to see some excitement at Marvel and DC again, I think,” he asserted.

        >Reacting to Millar’s proposition, Uel Carter, the proprietor of Fantastic Comics in Berkeley, California suggested that either Mark Millar or Todd McFarlane write Spider-Man explaining, “Because that’s the book it needs to be, of course, everybody knows that.”

        >Millar then went on to share his view that Marvel and DC need to do well in order to drive creator-owned success, “In reality, in the last 10 years there hasn’t been any real big, blow up success in the creator-owned world. Saga was probably the last one that went crazy. Things have done, you know, they’ve done nicely, but Saga was the last time there was a phenomenon. I think Walking Dead prior to that. So, you know, there’s been a few.”

        ) Coipel and Larraz as star artists who should be teamed with star writers.

        I don't know which other artists have become "star" artists, certainly very few of them are as big as Lee or MacFarlane in the '90s, but at Marvel I can think of Jim Cheung, Chris Samnee and David Aja as artists who got semi-famous from a successful run.

        It's all kind of moot because to do what he's asking you would have to throw a lot of money at everyone and also let the artists work months in advance (Jim Cheung's second Young Avengers project came out over a nearly two year period so there wouldn't have to be any fill-ins). It would have to be like a movie where you have to spend money to make money, and monthly comics don't make that kind of money.

    • 10 months ago

      >The reason none of the ‘legends’ are writing for Marvel or DC right now, is because the companies don’t want them. They can’t tell the legends to write a 5 issue run about She-Hulk eating breakfast and talking about oppression. When you don’t prioritize writing a good story
      why would capitalistic companies refuse bigger earnings?

      • 10 months ago

        Dc and marvel are exempt from market pressures because their parent companies expect nothing from them.

      • 10 months ago

        You are a child if you believe western companies prioritize revenue. It’s modern politics all the way. Do you think they thought Snowflake and Safespace would take the world by storm?

  61. 10 months ago

    He sort of is on to something but like people pointed out, who are the legends that could bring back interest? Probably artists is my guess. If he's talking about writers from the 00s that's gonna be harder.

    Even right now, they brought Slott back to write Spider-Man and I don't think the interest there is the same as when he was on ASM (I disliked his ASM but I can admit it actually sold back then). Not after all that's happened.

    • 10 months ago

      Definitely not who he talking about. Every legendary creator (besides maybe Moore and Claremont) are artists.

  62. 10 months ago

    Just get some twitter coom artists for one. They draw better than most capeshit artists

  63. 10 months ago

    Comics can’t be saved so long as the current regimes at marvel and DC stay in place. So basically, they’d have to fire themselves, which will never ever happen. Woke trend chasing is a big problem, but the bigger problem is simply the fact that nobody with talent works on these things. It’s shit heads who couldn’t hack it indie and their rotating cast of nepotism friends.

    • 10 months ago

      Kind of we are seeing geniune shifts tho & hands at the big 2 come into the division to make what they believe should be changes. >Marvel recently being that brevoort move to?Xmen, not a move of his own accord.
      >Everything post Didio
      >Now both big 2 are basically scrambling for higher sales output, Marvel according to rumors sales in 2022 saw gains from covid era erased and most tiles not selling well.
      >If anything I think basically Disney will force Marvel comics will start a purge if they believe they aren't producing profitable ideas. Or change the editorial/writing structure.

  64. 10 months ago

    how to fix western comic books; an essay by me:
    have Jim Balent and Cho draw lots of bimbos

    • 10 months ago

      >Jim Balent and Cho
      frank cho? both are banned from the big 2 anyway

      • 10 months ago

        Cho is doing covers for DC, what are you talking about

        • 10 months ago

          every time he opens mouth, every time he draws a woman, he gets shat on on twitter and told off by management
          he's the next Ed Benes

          • 10 months ago

            oh no! Twitter!
            >he's the next Ed Benes
            doing commissions and licensing his style out through a school that does a ton of commissions?

  65. 10 months ago

    Here's how to fix the comic industry
    >kick out all the westoids and replace them with Japanese artists
    >make the stories about cute girls
    >make those stories actually have a fricking end

  66. 10 months ago

    Kids like manga and webtoons. They don't like traditional American comics. It is that simple. It's why children's comics in the West are still selling well, and keeping the entire "comic industry" afloat but the traditional superhero comics are stagnating at best or shrinking now. Marvel and DC started to abandoned kids as a readerbase in the 80s and never really got them back, and in that span video games, internet, TV, manga, and so on all came into form and took over what young people go to for entertainment. No kid now goes to see what the new Batman or X-Men comic is. If they buy anything when they get older it is all the same stuff people have been buying for decades, The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, Watchmen, and so on.

  67. 10 months ago

    Well duh. Comics are just content plantations for movies now. No creativity or fun allowed. No good stories allowed. Movie fodder only or you're fired.

    • 10 months ago

      X-Men have gotten nothing but dogshit for 4 years straight now, yet there's no movie in sight. Capeshit is just bad.

      • 10 months ago

        Gillen is killing it, it's all worth it for Immortal.

  68. 10 months ago

    >people dont like capeshit anymore
    >I just dont understand, all comics are capeshit
    >what do they want us to do, stop making comics entirely?

  69. 10 months ago

    One of the biggest crosses comics have to bear is the unrelenting tide of crossovers and events. Going through a series and then NOW EVERYONE IS IRON MAN READ TEN OTHER ISSUES SCATTERED ACROSS FIVE DIFFERENT SERIES TO FIND OUT WHY is just terrible.

    • 10 months ago

      X-Men is the absolute worst at this. I shouldn't have to read stories about non-mutants to understand what's going on with the X-Men. And nowadays X-Men are part of everything for some reason. The last time they were somewhat popular was years ago when the Days of Future Past movie came out.

    • 10 months ago

      This is another major issue that no one in the industry wants to acknowledge, by doing that it tries to promote "synergy" and just leeching off turbo-autists rather than creating actual good stories.

      • 10 months ago

        Unfortunately the market keeps rewarding it and as Brevoort noted, punishes the year Marvel decided not to do a big event.

      • 10 months ago

        Synergy isn't that bad when used properly, The main reason Superman flies in the comics was because the Radio serials and the Flescier Cartoons had him fly.

  70. 10 months ago

    Here's modern capeshit at its finest. Enjoy reading this shit.

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