>marriage is a scam Morty

>marriage is a scam Morty
How do you respond to this?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Yes, and?

  2. 6 months ago

    It is nowadays

  3. 6 months ago

    Where's the lie?

  4. 6 months ago

    Morty is enough of a bro not to mention Diane.

    • 6 months ago

      >Marriage is a scam, Morty.
      >B-but what about your marriage with Diane?
      >Obviously we loved each other, moron! I mean the entire institution of marriage is a scam. But not in the way you think. Marriage was designed for men to control and lock down women's freedom. Men scientifically benefit from marriage way more than women do. Yeah that's right, Morty! I TURNED MYSELF INTO A FEMINIST, MORTY! I'M feminist RIIIIIIICK!

      • 6 months ago

        Dr. Wong bros… we won

    • 6 months ago

      >Marriage is a scam
      >just concluded a plot line spanning tens of decades, thousands of dimensions and through the deaths of numerous people to find the guy who killed his wife

      He's obviously deflecting. The entire plot of the episode resulted from him not wanting to admit he was too depressed to go on an adventure.

  5. 6 months ago

    I don't get how anyone can think it isn't. It's an institution designed for warring kings to force their least favorite children into, applying that to voluntary relationships based on actual romance is obviously going to suck

    • 6 months ago

      Atheists are cringe.

      Lol queer build an understanding of reality Beyond mediocre or crappy fiction you project your childhood issues into

      • 6 months ago

        >mediocre or crappy fiction you project your childhood issues into
        what, you mean like the bible?

        • 6 months ago

          Trying to project your cringe isn't going to fix anything

          >2 people decide to frick each other exclusively
          >better pay the government for a license that says you frick each other exclusively
          >also if you change your minds the government is going to step in and decide how much of your stuff you get to keep

          Yeah seems like a great idea to me

          Why would you change your minds about love - apparently don't know what love is

          He did it because he loved her not because she entered a financial contract with him, moron.

          Insane atheist brain damage, guess that's who loves Rick and Morty these days

          It's true, there's absolutely no reason the state should be getting involved in people agreeing to frick each other.

          Just because a show is cringe doesn't mean it's always wrong.

          "Agreeing to frick" isn't a marriage. Marriage is primarily for children, not using each other as sex toys

          • 6 months ago

            ok gay

            • 6 months ago

              >he doesnt have guy filtered

              • 6 months ago

                That's why I'm messaging your industries.

                ok gay

                This expresses that you want to twist around the evil of sexual degeneracy on believers in friendship.

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody outside ot this website knows who you are, bro. Messaging public accounts with emails that'll get sent straight to spam before it even arrives aren't "connections". How up your ass do you have to be? Your as much as an artist as the typical loud house gore freak is an artist.

              • 6 months ago

                Lmao your animation student mouth is bellowing out, breaking the facade is all the proof needed to show you don't believe a single thing you're saying (I already know that, this is a performance)

              • 6 months ago

                Why do you respond to everybody by saying random nonsense that has nothing to do with the conversation?

          • 6 months ago

            You seem to be conflating the holy sacrament of marriage with the statist legal one
            Marriage in the eye of God is based, marriage in the eyes of uncle Sam has no upside what so ever if you're a man

      • 6 months ago

        >really thinks there is some sorta God that created everything and just fricked off afterwards >nobody ever saw him and the only proof he existed is a non-fiction book like Harry Potter
        >calls out everyone who mocks him idiots
        Typical Christian. Or do you believe in some other religion? Sorry you religious freaks all look the same to me... hey, do you believe our planet is flat as well? I mean, what's the difference, imaginary bearded dude, flat Earth...

        • 6 months ago

          You're brown

        • 6 months ago

          A good portion of the Bible is non-fiction since it's just historical record told from the point of view of the Israelites(with common embellishments of the times) with the major events supported by other non-bias sources.

        • 6 months ago

          >there is some sorta God that created everything and just fricked off afterwards
          That's Deism. The Bible is quite literally an anthology of narratives and records of God entering into human history. Christianity is named after Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate culmination of God entering his creation.
          Where the hell did you get the idea that the God of the Bible "created everything and fricked off afterwards"?

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Marriage has been invented by every human culture.

      • 6 months ago

        Every human culture has had war and ruling families, what's your point?

      • 6 months ago

        I mean, du'h how else you prevent males killing each other daily in search for holes to frick?

    • 6 months ago

      I don't think it was a scam. It was a "bussiness arrangement" to pool resources. But nowadays, yeah its a scam. Alimony, child support, spousal abuse, etc. There is no incentive but society says you should do it.

    • 6 months ago

      The people who think it haven't thought about it very hard, they're either married and don't like the idea their decision is being questioned, or they just want to follow a tradition and hope it will make them happy, for a lot of people marriage is a life goal like an entire life goal. The end game it's a bitter pill to swallow if you tell people it might not be as good in the modern era.

    • 6 months ago

      >It's an institution designed for warring kings to force their least favorite children into
      It's to pair couples up in an obligatory social contract that forces them to raise the next generaton of kids together.
      Just about every culture does it.
      Kids tend to do best with one maternal and one paternal figure in their lives, especially if those figures are their biological parents.

  6. 6 months ago

    Correct, especially gay marriage.

  7. 6 months ago

    >Marriage is a scam
    >just concluded a plot line spanning tens of decades, thousands of dimensions and through the deaths of numerous people to find the guy who killed his wife

    • 6 months ago

      He did it because he loved her not because she entered a financial contract with him, moron.

      • 6 months ago

        Why did he marry her then?
        >loves her
        Really shows that love by going around and giving every alien and planet he can put his dick into. Really honouring her memory.

  8. 6 months ago

    It's true, there's absolutely no reason the state should be getting involved in people agreeing to frick each other.

    Just because a show is cringe doesn't mean it's always wrong.

  9. 6 months ago

    I'm not married 2jmgd4

  10. 6 months ago

    i knew you homosexuals would get assblasted at this line. you're nothing if not predictable

  11. 6 months ago

    >2 people decide to frick each other exclusively
    >better pay the government for a license that says you frick each other exclusively
    >also if you change your minds the government is going to step in and decide how much of your stuff you get to keep

    Yeah seems like a great idea to me

    • 6 months ago

      >better pay the government for a license that says you frick each other exclusively
      >also if you change your minds the government is going to step in and decide how much of your stuff you get to keep
      You are paying the government to steal less money from you under an agreement.
      Taxes are bullshit but when is the last time a show like this said that?

      Call Rick a homosexual, because he's a joyless prick who hates literally everything.

      The show is nothing but cringe speeches about Materialism from brainlets.

  12. 6 months ago

    I can think of numerous pros for marriage if a woman and zero cons, while the opposite is for men. Correct me if I am wrong.

  13. 6 months ago

    OTHER peoples marriages are scams, his love for diane is legit since it existed throughout the multiverse

    • 6 months ago

      You can love a person and still believe that the institution of marriage is a scam, anon. There are people who go their whole lives in long term relationships without ever getting married, and there are plenty of people who only ever get married because of dumb bullshit that penalizes them for not doing do on taxes and shit like that.

  14. 6 months ago

    If you didn't give relationships any actual consciousness it'll just give leave a gapping hole any of the two people in the relationship can get out from if faced with the slightest of hardships

    • 6 months ago

      Speak english moron

      • 6 months ago

        Why are people here so proud of their inability to understand other people?

        • 6 months ago

          I'm simply not going to spend longer than 2 seconds trying to decipher word salad written by an obvious ESL, Pedro.

          • 6 months ago

            If you can't be bothered to understand what somebody said, just walk away instead of acting like your laziness is their problem.

  15. 6 months ago

    >be jerry
    >be unshameable
    Jerry is the real chad now

    • 6 months ago

      He’s so cringe he looped back around to being based.

      • 6 months ago
  16. 6 months ago

    Mortica is cute.

  17. 6 months ago

    Just because Rick says something doesn’t mean it’s right, and even if he’s right it doesn’t mean he gave a nuanced take.
    Rick clearly sees the value of love and commitment. He also knows a piece of paper to verify that love and commitment is kind of stupid, but also, you do it anyway, because that’s how you show love and commitment.

  18. 6 months ago

    Only if you marry a scammer

  19. 6 months ago

    So, the writers wrote themselves into corner here, right? The fact that all the cosmic rocks had to be just as dick-ish sociopaths as the main duo to absolve them of murdering the first rock guy felt really cheap. Honestly at this point, given all the awful, henious shit they've done, just go full mask off an make Rick, Morty, and the family villain protagonists. It'd be a lot more entertaining and mesh in better with the episodic nature they wanna go for.

    • 6 months ago

      >make Rick, Morty, and the family villain protagonists
      I like this idea. Them all dropping any pretenses of doing ammoral shit, but have them still be themselves, but their empathy for enemies is optional and depends on their mood.

    • 6 months ago

      >make Rick, Morty, and the family villain protagonists
      I like this idea. Them all dropping any pretenses of doing ammoral shit, but have them still be themselves, but their empathy for enemies is optional and depends on their mood.

      The show is definitely trying very hard to go the opposite direction. More earnest, everyone is less of an butthole.

      • 6 months ago

        The writers aren't good at that though, so it would be best if they reversed course. The show is at its best when Rick and Morty are villains in a toxic relationship, presented a humorous style. If they want sympathetic, heroic characters, make them ones who don't have a long history of mass murder, slavery, and rape.

        • 6 months ago

          Guess you can watch Season 4 and 5 if you want that.

          • 6 months ago

            Every season has episodes that get it right, like this one for example.

    • 6 months ago

      anon it was a goofy mind-blowers-esque clipshow episode, none of it was supposed to be taken seriously.

      • 6 months ago

        That doesn't mean that they couldn't have written a different resolution.

        • 6 months ago

          but they didn't have to. the "plot" was just a wraparound for the clips. they did something similar in morty mind blowers. summer comes in at the end and resets everything. it was lazy but it didn't matter because the plot itself didn't matter.

          • 6 months ago

            Just because it's not the most important part doesn't mean we can't have opinions about it.

  20. 6 months ago

    does any one have the flintstone panel about marriage on hand?

  21. 6 months ago

    >no guarantee of return of investment
    >decide you want out because the widening gap between positive emotional giving and receiving has reached it's limit
    >half your shit gets taken away + you pay alimony until some judge decides when to stop

  22. 6 months ago

    Modern marriage maybe since you have more then a 50% chance you'll divorce and have to pay alimony combined with losing half your shit. With 70% of divorce initiated by women. Having a pren up doesn't do much since a judge can just throw that out.

    • 6 months ago


  23. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >waiting to be mounted
      >in public
      MY DICK

    • 6 months ago

      Why a thumbnail?

    • 6 months ago

      Why a thumbnail?

      That's just twerking.

  24. 6 months ago

    >gives you better tax rates

    • 6 months ago

      you better tax rates
      This is just a straight up lie for most people though, getting married didn't change shit on my taxes except that I no longer qualified to file without a fee.because they base the maximum income for filing free off your combined incomes but don't raise the income limit to free file if you're filing jointly.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't pay taxes

    • 6 months ago

      He didn't say who was getting scammed.

    • 6 months ago

      Rick and Morty live in the US where getting married means you pay more taxes

  25. 6 months ago

    He's absolutely right.

  26. 6 months ago

    Hate so say it but this episode was one of the best yet

  27. 6 months ago


  28. 6 months ago

    While drunk I wrote a 10,000 word analysis of the episode. Woke up, cleaned it up, not half bad. Pastebin doesn’t accept nono words though.

    • 6 months ago

      10,000 characters* not words. I’m insane but not that insane.

    • 6 months ago

      10,000 characters* not words. I’m insane but not that insane.

      >10,000 character analysis
      >of a Rick and Morty episode
      The frick? Do share.

      • 6 months ago

        Alright, sorry it’s long and autistic.

        This episode, on a meta level, was intended as an audit on the state of modern Rick and Morty.

        The Observers act as a proxy for fan sentiment and in turn self-reflection from the writers. Unlike previous jabs at the fans (Nazi Morty, Joseph Campbell, “Crybaby backstory”, alien writer toiling away, etc.) this episode takes a more nuanced approach to criticism, keeping the allegory subtle enough to avoid the spiteful feelings the previous commentary gave off (and keeping us in the world of the episode without breaking immersion). The Observers are shown to be annoying and hypocritical, but also a mirror into the truth, and the show understands that it needs to self-defend its right to still exist this far in, all while setting up the new normal after the Prime arc. Every character is given a little bit of an examination, and Rick and Morty’s relationship is at the center of it.

        Establishing direction:
        Rick is given the offscreen time to grieve, and by the end of the episode, “Rick and Morty are back, baby!” This is meant to show that, while the first half of the season and all the lore and plot and character growth of Rick are important, the show wants to get back to a place where it can do everything its good at, with all of the characters, especially the main duo. The show moving forward isn’t about slowly building up Rick back together again from a depressed mess, but an ongoing comedic adventure series. Rick’s deeper issues and search for purpose might come up, but this isn’t just “The Rick Show”. This episode more than the last one shows where the winds are blowing for the future.

        • 6 months ago

          Character solidification:
          This episode carries the important function of solidifying the modern incarnations of these characters, how the tools in the toolbox have been tweaked to function as the show moves on from here.

          Rick’s more positive attributes are given a lot more attention than usual, his patience and care for Morty are shown, as well as his genuine interest in science and adventure. Stuff like cutting Morty slack on the audit, helping him with bullies, entertaining his flights of fancy with the churro, getting genuinely excited about scientific exploration in the Pet Cemetery… this is the endearing side of Rick. He’s shown to have his own little Jerry-style joys, like being a leg. He even made T-shirts! This is the first time in a very long time that Rick’s 4th wall ability is used to convey genuine love for his own show instead of hating it or rolling his eyes (and also a commentary on the Pickle Rick meme, how the episode is best remembered for the dumb gag in the trailer, even if as a total it’s unironically Dan Harmon’s favorite episode. It’s a meme but also an artistic success, a “real adventure”).

          Rick’s flaws are still present, but they are shown in a fun and lovable way, rarely meanspirited. Stuff like pranking Morty for the Ricks back in the bar, or asserting the marriage is a scam (despite the hypocrisy with Diane). Rick is still working with his nihilistic ideology, distrust of institutions and authority, impulsive behavior, rampant alcoholism and flexible morals… but he’s changing. His relationship with Morty has become less leader-lackey and more like real friends, he even gives Jerry props when he gets a good one in. He’s a cynic, but he’s a likable, fun cynic (again, like Season 1 and 2).

          • 6 months ago

            The big winner of the episode is Morty. I’ve been really happy how he’s been portrayed this season, and this episode shows where they think he’s at now. Morty has grown steadily more confident over the years, and for a while that meant turning into an butthole like a mini-Rick, but now we’re seeing what he can be outside of his shadow. Morty is in a better relationship with his grandpa than he’s been in a while, possibly ever. He’s become a lover of adventures, and they’re close enough friends where he wants to pick him up when he’s down (instead of calling him a lazy piece of shit or something). Morty isn’t a genius, he can still be stupid sometimes, but he’s also shown an interest in the world around him and cares about stuff like the Pet Cemetery, or the magic of bringing a Churro to life, or heck, a cool gun. Rick can still teach him about the day to day world (bite it from the middle, it’s the coolest) but he can teach Rick about Rick’s world too (wanting to try his phone in the Cemetery dirt). He feels the most like his age than he’s felt in a while, still dealing with school, bullies, girls and sneaking money out of Rick’s wallet. Maybe even making progress with Jessica? (Interestingly enough his scene with her is a direct mirror to Jerry’s moment where he wouldn’t open the car door for Beth when she was attacked. Morty was willing to protect, Jerry was not. A good way of showcasing that he’s arcing away from his early season cowardice.) His dialogue was also interestingly written a bit younger with light zoomer slang (take the L, k bai~, people be…, etc.)

            • 6 months ago

              This all gives me confidence that Morty is getting slightly inched back down to earth, back to a fun character on his own and with a great dynamic with Rick again. The duo aren’t beyond mistakes or arguments or doing questionable things (with the churro) but they are friends and they can work as a comedic duo again. Not as “butthole and butthole” but as “Wacky cynical science Grandpa and Naive 14 year old boy”.

              The rest of the family also get a little bit of establishment. Carrying on from Season 6, it still feels like this family vibes together more than they’ve ever have. All of them feel more like a unit and less like a jenga tower one block away from collapse like they’ve felt for a long time.

              Summer has been getting away from her “whatever, lame” era for a while now, but recently she’s been even less dismissive of people who aren’t Rick (who she’s idolized for a while so that’s a little different). When she cheered on Morty when he was confronting The Observer, I was reminded of how she congratulated Morty for his shot in Jerricky. She can still be b***hy, but she isn’t a b***h. More supportive of her family than ever. Her gag was to establish where she is in social hierarchy and to reintegrate her image problems (Ethan, the enlargement ray). Summer isn’t a hot girl, she’s middle of the road, average. This is important to establish if high school is being reintroduced (and according to interviews and next episode’s description, it should be) because we get a glimpse of where she stands, her insecurity with it and perhaps part of the reason why she’s so image conscious. Her character is about struggling with being just below exceptional (with Rick, the family and at school). There’s also the nod to school/grounded stuff when she said she was studying for a test, the observer calls her out and the Beths aren’t happy with it and she reacts annoyed at getting caught. Helps her feel her age similar to Morty.

  29. 6 months ago

    Why was their first idea to abandon the living churro on a dead planet

    • 6 months ago

      If it's as immortal as Rick said, trying to kill it would only piss it off.

  30. 6 months ago

    Ok, tell me why.

  31. 6 months ago

    >How do you respond to this?
    Weren't you married?

    • 6 months ago

      Happily, too.

  32. 6 months ago

    Marriage isn't a scam, it's the opposite of one since the entire idea is to facilitate the sharing of asset. If you feel like that's a scam then you clearly married the wrong person.

  33. 6 months ago

    Call Rick a homosexual, because he's a joyless prick who hates literally everything.

  34. 6 months ago

    It's only a scam if you think of marriage as the secular government-granted political status. It made sense for literally every other society because they had actual religion and culture, and thus marriage was not simply a flimsy piece of paper that could be broken at any minute due to any reason.

  35. 6 months ago

    >Love is a scaaaam morty, rise above it, focus on science!
    >Doesn't teach morty science
    For the smartest man in the universe rick sure is pretty stupid.

    • 6 months ago

      Literally happened this episode.

      • 6 months ago

        He didn't teach him science, they just buried some stuff. I mean actually teaching morty crazy sci-fi science.

        • 6 months ago

          He learns on the fly.

          • 6 months ago

            Except he hasn't been shown to know any more than he did several seasons ago. His literal biggest example of science knowledge is when he disarmed that bomb in Vindicators.

        • 6 months ago

          They enacted the scientific method and he fostered his curiosity. That’s science.

    • 6 months ago

      That speech is directly after the episode where Rick helps Morty cheat in Math instead of just tutoring him. This is also the love potion episode where Rick could easily just explain that what Morty is asking him to do is immoral.

  36. 6 months ago

    My homie dumping an essay on a Vietnamese shrimp farming forum

    • 6 months ago


      This all gives me confidence that Morty is getting slightly inched back down to earth, back to a fun character on his own and with a great dynamic with Rick again. The duo aren’t beyond mistakes or arguments or doing questionable things (with the churro) but they are friends and they can work as a comedic duo again. Not as “butthole and butthole” but as “Wacky cynical science Grandpa and Naive 14 year old boy”.

      The rest of the family also get a little bit of establishment. Carrying on from Season 6, it still feels like this family vibes together more than they’ve ever have. All of them feel more like a unit and less like a jenga tower one block away from collapse like they’ve felt for a long time.

      Summer has been getting away from her “whatever, lame” era for a while now, but recently she’s been even less dismissive of people who aren’t Rick (who she’s idolized for a while so that’s a little different). When she cheered on Morty when he was confronting The Observer, I was reminded of how she congratulated Morty for his shot in Jerricky. She can still be b***hy, but she isn’t a b***h. More supportive of her family than ever. Her gag was to establish where she is in social hierarchy and to reintegrate her image problems (Ethan, the enlargement ray). Summer isn’t a hot girl, she’s middle of the road, average. This is important to establish if high school is being reintroduced (and according to interviews and next episode’s description, it should be) because we get a glimpse of where she stands, her insecurity with it and perhaps part of the reason why she’s so image conscious. Her character is about struggling with being just below exceptional (with Rick, the family and at school). There’s also the nod to school/grounded stuff when she said she was studying for a test, the observer calls her out and the Beths aren’t happy with it and she reacts annoyed at getting caught. Helps her feel her age similar to Morty.

      Jerry, despite his subtle growth over the years, is still shown to be embarrassing and a frick up, but the difference now is that he is secure about it. His insecurity with his own goober-ness was his least likable trait, but now he’s owned it. He’s still able to be funny and generate conflict, but he isn’t the universal punching bag he used to be.

      The Beths are the least touched on (mostly because they’re the flimsiest, least explored characters). Domestic Beth is shown to still be a raging alcoholic and I think Space Beth’s scene is a way to indicate to us that she won’t be treated as so self-serious all the time moving forward. The Beths along with Summer might be touching lightly on the criticism of the girls being treated as less flawed then the boys, hence each of their flashbacks being specifically a showcase of flaws.

      • 6 months ago

        Rick and Morty (the show) on trial:
        When we get to the trial itself, they have to defend themselves, but also on a meta level, the show. They are called out for double beating a courtroom scene, and the remarks there indicate that they acknowledge some repeat mistakes or recycling of material, but the failures of the past are a natural result of experimenting (in the writers room), finding what works and what doesn’t. The focus on “the definition of adventure” seems to me to be a direct addressment of their most common note: “we want classic adventures like the good old days”. Morty admits that they (him and the writers) have fumbled sometimes on what really counts as a successfully executed Rick and Morty story, that failures in execution have happened (the 75% ruling at the end feels to me like a self grade, that they’re unhappy with approximately the bottom 1/4th of Rick and Morty’s material). The writers specifically acknowledge their distaste for the corporatization of the show, most clearly by killing their Space Jam selves (who begged for death) but even more subtly like Rick being banned from Carl’s Jr. (they’ve done ads for them before) and that being the very thing that first doesn’t count as a real successful Rick and Morty adventure (being successful enough to do ad reads is business achievement, not artistic achievement). Also, a little tongue in cheek jab at Pickle Rick (and how trying to force it a second time would never work).

        • 6 months ago

          The episode resolves by Rick turning back criticism to the critics. That the show might get dunked on for real flaws, but that everyone’s flawed one way or another. A lot of viewers tune in specifically to see someone fail, or pirate what they watch. This was a fun way to rib some of the doomer side of the fanbase while still taking the criticism to heart.

          The closer serves as a summary of what the episode means moving forward big picture-wise. First, that Rick and Morty’s relationship is now more equal (that was neither Rick’s adventure or Morty’s adventure, but an equal pass for both of them. On a meta level, this kinda counts as a classic adventure, but still not really). And second, that they’re going back to classic adventures (with the intention of success!), and they define it perfectly: “Fly through space, come upon something, maybe Morty has a moral objection, stuff gets messy and Rick bails them out.”

          The new identity of the show post-Rick Prime has been set, the characters have been redefined, the writer’s self-reflection on past failures and successes were on point. We’re entering a new era for the show, and the future looks bright.

          Or maybe it was just a goofy shitpost episode? I’M A LEG MORTY!

          • 6 months ago

            Oh, also (because there’s always an also) the reason why I think Maximum Overdrive with shirts was considered a real adventure but Blade was not, was specifically to comment on what it means to be original.

            Blade was a direct parody, took too much from the property they’re parodying, and was chosen as a negative example of lifting (direct reference to the point of stealing). Maximum Overdrive but shirts is the positive side of that coin, being a little bit of inspiration from something else but still an original idea.


            • 6 months ago

              Genuinely insightful commentary, anon; it's good to know that the show is still capable of generating this kind of discourse, so thank you for sharing. Can't believe it took 5 season for R&M to feel consistently good again, but this season has been one good episode after another and I'm really looking forward to more.
              You should 100% do another one of these if you get the inspiration, you're interpretation of the episode's conflict was especially interesting and I'd love to know more of what you think going forward.

              • 6 months ago

                Other than Numbercons, all the episodes have me excited (and I'm willing to have Numbercons surprise me, now that I know it isn't the "special episode" of the season, this was).
                I'll be sure to post again if something inspires me to do so. I've done a few effortposts before, mostly concerning the overall direction of the show during Season 6. Basically everything I've said the show needs to get back on track is coming true so, feeling really good right about now.

            • 6 months ago

              I agree with a lot but I also half expect the show to set things up only to do a shocking swerve that destroys everything else and jumps them into a new continuity

              • 6 months ago

                I hope not, it feels like they worked hard to get here. It’s possible though. I do expect a hook in the closer, but I’m pulling for a slower burn culminating in something later over another big arc to focus on next season.

          • 6 months ago

            >And second, that they’re going back to classic adventures
            >It's another "We're going back to classic rick and morty!" episode
            Add it to the list.

            • 6 months ago

              They’ve constantly been chasing what that means for the longest time. I think the first time they tried was the S3 finale, but they misunderstood what people really meant when they said they miss classic Rick and Morty. I’m far more inclined to believe they know what to do now after the retooling the show has gotten these past two seasons, specifically what they chose to change. I honestly think this is a transition to a better modern Rick and Morty.

              • 6 months ago

                >I think the first time they tried was the S3 finale, but they misunderstood what people really meant
                It wasn't just misunderstanding. They've openly admitted that the season three finale got rushed and botched because they let their production schedule get squeezed. It was formed from a merger of two mid-development episodes both of which sound much better than what we actually got - one more serious lore/arc episode to close out season three and one entirely self-contained fun episode about Rick feuding with the president. (Season three was originally supposed to have, IIRC, fourteen episodes.)

    • 6 months ago

      An essay he made while drunk, anon, an essay he made while drunk. That lone makes this ordeal respectf worthy.

  37. 6 months ago

    Why do pro-marriage people seethe at those who don't want to get married?

    • 6 months ago

      They don't want to feel stupid about being the only ones who fell for the grift

  38. 6 months ago

    It's true, marriage is a contract that was needed in more simply structured societies, but now, it's becoming more of a crutch.

  39. 6 months ago

    i think marriage is sweet, just dont do it on paper. also common law marriage is homosexual shit.

  40. 6 months ago

    It's a scam for men. Women get a lot out of it.

    • 6 months ago

      A guy getting married, a lot of times its about the same result as willingly going out and running somebody over with your car. One just fricks your life up a little faster.

  41. 6 months ago


  42. 6 months ago

    >Friend gets married
    >He takes the open/poly marriage pill
    Fun fact: I almost fricked his wife.

    • 6 months ago

      Are you friends with a guy named 24?

      • 6 months ago

        Oh you.

  43. 6 months ago


    Glad you got something out of it. I think that your interpretation of the killing of the observer is sensible. Why is Rick and Morty (the show) on trial in the first place? Well, maybe it isn't enough that the show has made some mistakes, maybe it's because the show has made some mistakes, up to and including responding to criticism in poor taste.
    I also think there's a little to be said about the other kind of fan, the apologist. You could say that it's Morty, because he's pushing all the punches on the punchcard as valid, or you could say it's the public defendant, who's defense of the show's flaws only highlight them more.

    • 6 months ago

      >If we’re gonna die, can we at least defend ourselves?

  44. 6 months ago

    >itt no one knows how the law, society and biology works

    Marriage is not a scam, that's an outdated idea.

  45. 6 months ago

    I want to use this thread to say that Miami Morty is hawt

    • 6 months ago

      I prefer Miami Summer

  46. 6 months ago

    It's legal insurance that your spouse will get our assets without the law getting in the way and taking it all/delaying the transition for an unreasonable amount of time. It also means your spouse can make important life decisions for you, such as when you're in a coma at the hospital, and you aren't relying on hospital directors deciding when to pull the plug based on business analytics.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't give a frick what happens to my money after I'm dead or if someone wants me to live as a vegetable or die.

  47. 6 months ago

    Is there a Mega around?

  48. 6 months ago

    no promo?

  49. 6 months ago

    I'd post a link to the mega so I can know what you're referencing.

  50. 6 months ago

    i didnt care for this episode, i want episodes like rick and morty season 1.

  51. 6 months ago

    oh. there was an episode? I thought with episode 5 being the mother of all anti-climaxes that they were pausing the season halfway. give me 20 I'll post thoughts

    • 6 months ago

      Why are there this many people around who are apparently incapable of basic things like checking an airing schedule?

      • 6 months ago

        what kind of looser is so eager to watch a zombie show? Christ, guess it is really only redditors left watching this garbage

    • 6 months ago

      meh. I guess the fake clip show isn't going anywhere. gun bit was almost funny

  52. 6 months ago

    Rick was so much better when he was just a cynical shitter with a failed marriage that left him bitter. Fricking "Lore" gays ruined the show.

    • 6 months ago

      Rick's wife divorcing him because he's an butthole and then dying at some point before the series began would've made the series so much better.

    • 6 months ago

      Rick's wife divorcing him because he's an butthole and then dying at some point before the series began would've made the series so much better.

      Glad you’re not a writer.

      • 6 months ago

        And there are other people who would be glad if we were.

  53. 6 months ago

    marriage is the #1 leading cause of divorce. 100% of people that got divorced got married first.

    • 6 months ago

      Not to mention every marriage that doesn't end in divorce tends to end with death.

  54. 6 months ago

    Man whos only interactions with marriages are his which ended because he got his wife murdered, his daughters which is terrible because he wasn't in her life, his best friends which was faked to get at Rick himself. He has no room to discuss marriage or its purpose since he has never been capable of a healthy relationship.

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