Marvel and DC Dominate The Comic Market

This should put an end to EvW threads.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Bor Gullet will know the truth

    • 7 months ago

      Bor Gullet will know the truth

      Wtf, I thought we HATED Disney Wars here?!

  2. 7 months ago

    >sold via specialist comic book stores

    And what is that, 1% of all comics sales?

    • 7 months ago

      >in specialty store

      Shut it chuds.

    • 7 months ago

      >only 1% of comic sales come from comic stores

      What the hell are you talking about?

      • 7 months ago

        Barnes and Noble, manga. Eat it.

      • 7 months ago

        >>only 1% of comic sales come from comic stores
        >What the hell are you talking about?
        Raina Telgemeier was the best selling comic book author for a few years and she's won multiple Eisner awards.

        Go into a Costco and check out all the graphic novels they sell, and check out who the publisher is.

        This should put an end to EvW threads.

        If this wasn't a "specialty store" list, it would include Scholastic as the largest publisher.

        • 7 months ago

          picrel outsells all of your favorite heroshit and not by a small margine

          • 7 months ago

            People still get braces? Invisalign worked way better for me than those.

            • 7 months ago

              People writing autobiographical stories based on their own experience in highschool are, surprise surprise, 20-30 years out of date. Its like how as recently as 10 years ago, I saw a movie that was supposed to be written in the modern day (then 2013) but a character was still listening to a recording on a tape player. Just so that they could do the scene where they rewind it and listen to an important clue again. Only an out of touch Hollywood writer would ever imagine someone was still using that shit.

        • 7 months ago

          You guys gave been clinging to Scholastic for years and when I finally looked into it it's just another scam like variant covers where schools are forced to buy them and you get "fair bucks" that you either spend on those books or you don't spend them on anything. And it turns out they used this scam so they can shove these "young adult graphic novels" in schools so that 8 year olds can read about boys giving blowjobs to other boys, all with explicit drawings of it too. Congrats.

          • 7 months ago

            schizo post

            • 7 months ago

              I hope you get ass cancer, pedo.

          • 7 months ago

            Gender Queer was not Scholastic, poltard
            also it was a girl blowing a strap on
            nut you sure think a lot about boys

  3. 7 months ago

    >in specialty store

  4. 7 months ago

    >putting an end to culture wars shitposting
    lol it's 2023 bro that was never gonna happen

  5. 7 months ago

    That's like saying Apple products dominate sales made in Apple stores. In overall sales DC/Marvel are less than 10%.

  6. 7 months ago

    We won! Eat it, weebs!

    • 7 months ago

      This should put an end to EvW threads.

      Come 1 vs 1 me in real life to settle the comic vs manga debate once and for all. I've been training since I was 5 just for this moment.

    • 7 months ago

      Japan shall never win! USA USA USA!!

      • 7 months ago

        Japan will win! EDF! EDF!

  7. 7 months ago

    This is a textbook lesson in spinning the numbers to make the statistics look like the opposite of reality. Keep in mind that comics is not the only place this happens, all statistics you read anywhere are tinkered with to sell somebody's agenda.

    • 7 months ago

      And let me guess, the " adult graphic novels" being "dominated" by manga that exclude 99% of all western comics outside collected special editions is the stat you believe with no pushback?

  8. 7 months ago

    >While the figures presented by ICv2 are valid first estimates, they need to be taken with a grain of salt. The raw data is generated by 100 stores worldwide connected to the ComicHub platform, which constitute a small sample of an estimated 3,000 stores selling U.S. comic books around the globe.
    so it's nothing, the chart doesn't even give an overall number for how big the market is in Q! of 2023(which is apparently down from 2020-2022

  9. 7 months ago

    Ah yes, the stores that don't sell manga and have to close down en masse because they can't keep their business running.

    Now show me the stats for total sales.

  10. 7 months ago

    Aww poor little Viz b***h boy, getting dicked around by Big Strong Marvel Chad.

  11. 7 months ago

    >Comic Specialty Stores
    Very nice.
    Now let's look at total sales.

    • 7 months ago

      i keep, wondering why, and i almost only ever get meme answers. So here i what i think it is.

      It's the costumes. I think younger readers dont like the costumes and feel they're specific to the world of cape comics. So when they see a western superhero, they're instantly put off because of all the baggage associated with it.

      Let's also talk about that baggage. With something like One-Piece, there is a definate beginning and though it is still on going, you can catch up (somehow) but with american comics the lore is a tangled mess. Even when it is rebooted, it is still referencing past things, and this also limits where that character can go. If you reboot Batman, he's still gonna be a rich orphan who fights crime in a bat themed costume and inevitably a clown will be a villain to him. The dynamic is played out to them. In order to appeal to the younger demo i think western comics would need to make drastic changes. pic unrelated

      • 7 months ago

        I agree with everything you said about the baggage, but I think there is ample evidence than the costumes are not the issue.

        Stuff like One Punch Man and My hero Academia and their success goes to show that audiences, kids included, are fine with costumes. They like the idea of superheroes. What they dislike are the shitty stories and the shitty business model of american comic books as an industry. Shit, lets ignore manga for the moment and just look at the success of the Spiderman video games.

        People like superheroes. People even like marvel and Dc comics characters, so long as they don't have to pick up a FRICKING floppy. Movie, cartoon, video games, manga... literally anything that these characters are in that is not the source material is popular and successful. That is as damning an indication of how badly comics are mismanaged as you could ever hope to get.

        The demand for quality superhero content never went away. But comics have not provided quality content in a very long time, and modern audiences are unwilling to overpay for the slop that gets shat out onto those glossy, full-color pages when they have so many other options.

        • 7 months ago

          Do you think it would be a good idea to then just stop selling floppies? Like for DC to just come out and say "Only collected trades now, all individual issues will be digital only"

          • 7 months ago

            Not him, but you could look at european floppies for inspiration. They're all anthologies, sold in supermarkets or delivered with the mail.
            The anthologies have a big draw (Donald Duck, Judge Dredd, the Phantom) and some backing stories.

          • 7 months ago

            A transition to that sort of model would be beneficial in the long run, yes. Especially, when it comes to deciding what books live and die.
            Though there's also multiple other factors. I'd argue that having a cast of shitty writers and artists that hate making comics is hurting them more than their distribution model.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's the costumes. I think younger readers dont like the costumes and feel they're specific to the world of cape comics. So when they see a western superhero, they're instantly put off because of all the baggage associated with it.

        This is the kind of thinking that happened back in the early 00s and we ended up getting these bland, shitty designs that nobody really cared for other than a niche audience smaller than the superhero audience.

        Pandering to people who want "realistic" designs has been the wrong way to go for decades.

      • 7 months ago

        I agree with everything you said about the baggage, but I think there is ample evidence than the costumes are not the issue.

        Stuff like One Punch Man and My hero Academia and their success goes to show that audiences, kids included, are fine with costumes. They like the idea of superheroes. What they dislike are the shitty stories and the shitty business model of american comic books as an industry. Shit, lets ignore manga for the moment and just look at the success of the Spiderman video games.

        People like superheroes. People even like marvel and Dc comics characters, so long as they don't have to pick up a FRICKING floppy. Movie, cartoon, video games, manga... literally anything that these characters are in that is not the source material is popular and successful. That is as damning an indication of how badly comics are mismanaged as you could ever hope to get.

        The demand for quality superhero content never went away. But comics have not provided quality content in a very long time, and modern audiences are unwilling to overpay for the slop that gets shat out onto those glossy, full-color pages when they have so many other options.

        >It's the costumes. I think younger readers dont like the costumes and feel they're specific to the world of cape comics. So when they see a western superhero, they're instantly put off because of all the baggage associated with it.

        This is the kind of thinking that happened back in the early 00s and we ended up getting these bland, shitty designs that nobody really cared for other than a niche audience smaller than the superhero audience.

        Pandering to people who want "realistic" designs has been the wrong way to go for decades.

        A transition to that sort of model would be beneficial in the long run, yes. Especially, when it comes to deciding what books live and die.
        Though there's also multiple other factors. I'd argue that having a cast of shitty writers and artists that hate making comics is hurting them more than their distribution model.

        Not him, but you could look at european floppies for inspiration. They're all anthologies, sold in supermarkets or delivered with the mail.
        The anthologies have a big draw (Donald Duck, Judge Dredd, the Phantom) and some backing stories.

        The distribution/business model is a big issue, but people have to also accept that the quality of the product and the demographic it focuses on is extremely screwed up too.

        Most modern big Marvel/DC Capeshit stories, be it Judgment Day or Knight Terrors, and even good ones like Secret Wars, are made for readers who have been reading capeshit for over 30 years, so 40+ year olds, and they are downright cryptic for almost everyone else. There is no way you can catch new readers when that is basically all the required reading for enjoying your capeshit. Many people have even dropped Marvel movies because they don't watch the Netflix shows and you think people will buy 100+ issues of classic stories from involved crossover, sever 30+ yo crossovers sold separately, AND a bunch of tie-ins?

        Moreover, DC/Marvel's marketing teams have this moronic idea that what they need to attract young women to read capeshit is just putting some angry young woman in a regular capeshit story. Maybe also have her complain about the patriarchy for good measure. But that is stupid. Young women like things like shipping and love triangles, enemies to lovers stories, murder mysteries, etc. Genderbending your capeshit character and going as normal isn't going to get you any new readers except maybe coomers.

        • 7 months ago

          What about Archie comics? i thought those had stayed pretty popular even today and had a larger female readership?

          What you say tho reminds me of the golden age of comics, maybe DC should create a new imprint that puts out murder mystery, horror and love triangle comic again. It would help them find new writing talent they could then poach to write some issues of their cape heroes.

          • 7 months ago

            They have a female readership ever since they made it gayer and gayer and made bettie and Veronica bigger characters as opposed to love interests.

            Even back in the 90s it was more of a comic for boys. By making it gayer they dropped off and of course the only fans left are women. Archie mostly relies on super market mothers buying shit for their kids and digests of reprinted material.

          • 7 months ago

            I definitely think another imprint would help both Marvel and DC reach a new demographic. Romance manga have been fairly popular lately and comics are mostly missing out on that front. In particular I think it would be good to have a:
            Adventure + Sci Fi + Fantasy Imprint
            Horror + Murder Mystery Imprint
            Slice of Life + Romance Imprint

            • 7 months ago

              agreed, and they can also save some money for these imprints by cutting down the number of DC cape comics. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans and a variety book like Brave and the bold to show case other heroes. The end.

              and this should go without saying, but i'll say it anyway. they really, REALLY need better writers and editors and need to plan shit out better. Tom King is fricking done, he squeezed his juice out all over Batman, his Wonder Woman story is looking to be stupid (the lasso of LIES! lel) The new way they are treating Power Girl (Paige) is not really promising, she might as well be a new character, and probably should have been.

              They should have kept Super Sons too. It could have been done in back stories.

        • 7 months ago

          >good ones like Secret Wars,
          The sequel is awful, the original is the good one. Qft

      • 7 months ago

        All I can say is that at 25 years old, growing up NOBODY read comics in my sphere even though we all loved superheros, and that was largely because western comics are absolute mega dogshit at advertising and marketing. I had no idea where to purchase the new comics, I had no idea what comics were cool and popular, I had no idea where to even start with most superheros....but fricking Naruto? Deathnote? FMA? that shit was cool as hell on tv and it was easy to pick up and start online with Chapter 1, join in on discussion/hype, and enjoy the ride.

        Even right now, I like batman, but where do I start? The silver age stuff? New 52 I think was a reboot or something? Do comics even have end goals anymore? It all feels vague and aimless which makes it difficult to sink into for newer readers.

        Western publishers if they were smart would take a GOOD look at the One Piece live action show. Jump recognized one of their most popular IP's had a large barrier to entry because the manga and anime are enormous and so produced a tighter story for newer people to jump in on and it's working. I still have no idea exactly what the deal with Miles Morales is. He's Spiderman? But Spiderman is also Peter Parker? But Miles is from a dimension where Peter died? But Miles is also banging Gwen Stacy...who died? But Gwen Stacy is also Spiderman?

        Western Comics need to simplify and target better, sort your shit out.

    • 7 months ago

      Why are superheroes selling so shit if they're the most popular fictional characters? Is it because they're only sold in comic stores? Would they make a giant leap if they started selling everywhere?

      • 7 months ago

        >Why are superheroes selling so shit if they're the most popular fictional characters?
        People like to watch them, not read about them. And comics are confusing trash filled with horrible ideas.
        >Would they make a giant leap if they started selling everywhere?
        LOL no, reading superhero comics is seen as lame now.

    • 7 months ago

      hmm lets have a look shall we
      >BookScan records cash register sales of books by tracking ISBNs when a clerk scans the barcode. BookScan only tracks print book sales, thus excluding ebook sales from major e-tailers such as Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, Apple, and Google Play. BookScan likewise does not include non-retail sales through channels such as libraries, nor specialty retailers who do not report to the service.[9]
      why do you Black folk never point this out when you post your homosexual little charts?
      >implying regular book stores are doing much better than specialty comic book stores, when B&N shut down over 100 stores

      • 7 months ago

        >why do you Black folk never point this out when you post your homosexual little charts?
        Probably because Bookscan covers ~80% of the retail print media market.
        Even in the wikipedia article you posted it was 75% in 2009.
        And just to give you an idea, here are the top publishers for 2022 based on Bookscan data.

        • 7 months ago

          80% of all print media, not 80% of comics
          80% of the shelves at B&N is not manga or comics, most of those sales are from whatever self-help slop Oprah is shilling that week
          The other 20% of print media that is not accounted there is sold in the specialty shops you mongoloid, do you seriously think Dark Horse is much more profitable than Marvel, DC or Image?
          how moronic are you?

          • 7 months ago

            >80% of all print media, not 80% of comics
            Anon, are you moronic?
            You do realize that most comics are sold in the book channel these days, right?
            They make up almost 60% of the market for comics.
            Why are you arguing about something you clearly know nothing about?

            • 7 months ago

              It's even funnier comparing floppy sales to GN sales.

        • 7 months ago

          Is this supposed to be their earnings in millions?
          why does it give me ~$840M when I add all of those up but here it says $1.2B?

          >80% of all print media, not 80% of comics
          Anon, are you moronic?
          You do realize that most comics are sold in the book channel these days, right?
          They make up almost 60% of the market for comics.
          Why are you arguing about something you clearly know nothing about?

          Also 735M split between Marvel DC and Image still mogs the top manga publishers here

          This should put an end to EvW threads.

          It's even funnier comparing floppy sales to GN sales.

          most people buy Omnibuses and TPBs nowadays

          • 7 months ago

            >why does it give me ~$840M when I add all of those up but here it says $1.2B?
            I...are you moronic?
            That's just the top publishers you moron, there are literally hundreds of publishers who publish comics in America.
            >Also 735M split between Marvel DC and Image still mogs the top manga publishers here
            The only one that beats the top manga publisher (Viz) is Marvel, with $268 million vs. Viz's $233 million. DC is lesser at $187 million and Image is even lower at $78 million.

          • 7 months ago

            >most people buy Omnibuses and TPBs nowadays
            In comic shops, that's blatantly false.

      • 7 months ago

        regular book stores are doing much better than specialty comic book stores, when B&N shut down over 100 stores

        Are you still living in the 2010s

        Because they started opening stores again over the past year or so

      • 7 months ago

        80% of all print media, not 80% of comics
        80% of the shelves at B&N is not manga or comics, most of those sales are from whatever self-help slop Oprah is shilling that week
        The other 20% of print media that is not accounted there is sold in the specialty shops you mongoloid, do you seriously think Dark Horse is much more profitable than Marvel, DC or Image?
        how moronic are you?

        This is some serious straw-grasping.

      • 7 months ago

        regular book stores are doing much better than specialty comic book stores, when B&N shut down over 100 stores


        >Barnes & Noble is enjoying a period of growth as the strategy to hand control of each bookstore to its manager has proven successful, according to corporate statements. In 2022, Barnes & Noble opened more new bookstores in a single year than it had in the whole decade from 2009 to 2019.

        • 7 months ago

          >opened more new bookstores in a single year than it had in the whole decade from 2009 to 2019.
          that could mean a single store KEK

          • 7 months ago

            They opened 17 stores last year and opened 30 stores this year.

            • 7 months ago

              Don't tell anon that retailers started complaining about comic sales now.

              • 7 months ago

                Well he's still in denial that Barnes and Noble is doing well, so I don't think he's ready for that

    • 7 months ago

      This is just as incomplete as OP. We need the numbers combined.

      By segment direct market typically makes up 40 percent of sales

  12. 7 months ago

    Why are the bestsellers largely garbage (battleshonen manga, fujo trash, romance trash, capeshit, dogshit kid comics) and why are you celebrating that?

    • 7 months ago

      What do you think should sell?

    • 7 months ago

      Non-bestsellers are largely garbage as well and no one is celebrating anything. This is a bait thread.

  13. 7 months ago

    I see Image is still taking up that 10% cut that it got thanks to Invincible and The Walking Dead. Now it's got a lot of ex-DC and Marvel writers wanting to do their own thing.

  14. 7 months ago

    Comic book floppys sell well in comic book stores cause that's what American comic buyers prefer. Bookstores only sell trades that don't do the business that takuban volumes do. EvsW spammers shit out bookstore sales like it's the end all be all of US comic sales.

    • 7 months ago

      what's a takuban, you fricking expert

      • 7 months ago

        I meant tankobon (as in a volume of a manga series) sorry I don't remember a lot of japanese words.

  15. 7 months ago

    You might as well use Blockbuster as a measure of a movie's success.

    • 7 months ago

      You mean for Manga?
      Because your entire rate of success in every single one of these threads you post is using Barnes and Noble (basically modern Blockbuster) as your example

  16. 7 months ago

    >via specialist comic book stores

  17. 7 months ago

    Holy cope

  18. 7 months ago

    manga does everything comics want to do. it has diverse stories, characters, and readerships. just take a look into "manga haul" videos on youtube. half of them are women and likewise they are racially so fricking diverse and also their age is. i dont think comics can ever beat them. no competition.

  19. 7 months ago

    >direct market comics sell better in the direct market than comics you can buy elsewhere cheaper and many times can’t even find in LCSs

    I love LCSs and floppies but what a moronic takeaway

  20. 7 months ago

    >in specialty stores
    lmao, guess that's the only way they can make it look like the industry isn't going to shit and losing ground.

  21. 7 months ago

    >this thread
    Wait, there are still people in denial about people no longer reading american capeshit and going to shonen instead? No one in this board knows anyone who read Spider-Man, Batman or X-men unless they go to very specific places, meanwhile everybody knows at least one person who reads One Piece or My Hero Academia.

  22. 7 months ago

    i do not believe any statistics. reality is whatever i say it is.

  23. 7 months ago

    Pointing out that manga crushes western comics in sales isn't East vs West it's us trying to tell you WE NEED TO FIX THE PROBLEMS IN THE AMERICAN COMIC INDUSTRY.

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