>"Marvel Studios is aware of what's happening to their brand," says authorJoanna Robinson.

>"Marvel Studios is aware of what's happening to their brand," says authorJoanna Robinson. "My understanding, having talked to some people, is that Quantumania really shook them, and I'm sure Secret Invasion shook them further, but Quantumania really shook them because they felt like they had something good. They all internally thought, 'Everyone's gonna love this.' And then they put it out and people didn't. They were like, 'Oh no, our internal barometer is not attuned to what people want anymore.' With ‘Quantumania,’ they believed they put out a banger, and then that's not how a lot of people felt."


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  1. 8 months ago

    >They are gonna fricking LOVE it when we spit in their faces!

    • 8 months ago

      It's posts like these that earn you a spit in the face.

      • 8 months ago

        Posts like this is what earn you a flopping franchise.

    • 8 months ago

      Modok could have worked if they went with “mask on” means serious, and “masks off” means silly.

      • 8 months ago

        I want MCU to fricking quit with the everyone is mask off all the time every time thing they have been doing since about civil War. Everyone has that automatic flipping off mask thing that is sure to flip off each time they say a line.

        When it's not the other extreme end of this where Zemo in all of MCU only has about....8 total seconds of mask wearing time. Kang has about 20 seconds, Star Lord has about one and a half minutes in 5 movie appearances.

        • 8 months ago

          It's a star power thing. Actors (mostly their agents and such) and the people running the movies really hate it if all they do is cover their face or just voice-act their stunt double.
          You're paying/paid for being the star, the face of the movie, and covering it up means the star isn't worth as much.
          This is also why when some big famous whatsit voices a character in a CGI/animated movie, the character itself is almost always tweaked to look like them, sometimes obviously, sometimes subtly.

          It makes sense, even though I hate it.

          • 8 months ago

            If you're not willing to wear a mask while playing a masked superhero then don't play one.

          • 8 months ago

            Karl Urban is the only genre actor with real integrity.

            • 8 months ago

              Pedro Pascal? Barely took his helmet off in Mandalorian.

              • 8 months ago

                He started complaining about that as he's gotten more popular.

              • 8 months ago

                He wasn't even in the suit most the time, unless the mask was off.

          • 8 months ago

            Also you got the people who think you can't understand a character's emotions if you can't see the face like those frickwits that forced Master Chief helmetless.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm surprised there's no compilation of them from Quantumania, shit was ridiculous.

      • 8 months ago

        what bugs me about modok is they had already done him way better in i think it was captain america 2. Where that weedly little scientist guy was turned into an AI. Like sure, that technically a different dude, but just have modok be like, an offshoot or such related to zola.

    • 8 months ago

      I think Modok needs hair, otherwise he looks like an egg.

      • 8 months ago

        His face needs to look malformed, not just some dudes face slapped on an egg.

        • 8 months ago

          >meanwhile, DC refuses to do Egg-Fu

          • 8 months ago

            They've been moronicly kowtowing to China for years, so don't expect it. They even mothballed the Great Ten to give us New Justice League (of China)

    • 8 months ago

      For me, it's Jeff Loveness doing an interview well after the movie came out and had its awful reception, and saying that he'd happily shit all over MODOK again if he could because he doesn't even want to try taking a comic book character seriously

      • 8 months ago

        He was catching shit and chose to double down. Many such cases. Comic book fans are really thin-skinned about this.

        • 8 months ago

          At least he got dropped from the Avengers movies shortly after that. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

      • 8 months ago

        As far as I know he's the only person that marvel every publicly announced that they fired.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Well, they just did so again for the writers and directors of Daredevil 2: Foggy Death Boogaloo.

      • 8 months ago

        Working on Rick & Morty really must give you brainrot, because I liked his comics from ~10 years ago.

        • 8 months ago

          >Working on Rick & Morty really must give you brainrot
          I'd argue that's demonstrably true tbqh. Just look at Dan Harmon now, or Jessica Gao, or any of the other R&M writers that somehow inexplicably managed to get jobs at Marvel. And that's not even THINKING about Roiland.

      • 8 months ago

        >oh! you don't like the movie because I ruined the characters? then don't watch my movie 🙂
        one flop later....

    • 8 months ago

      Modok has always been a joke you moron. He got taken out by fricking gwenpool

      • 8 months ago

        Uh, yeah, after murdering the frick out of her best friend and establishing himself as a proper threat.

      • 8 months ago

        MODOK began as a horrific grotesque monstrosity in 1960s Jack Kirby Captain America, and was played as a serious, threatening villain for most of his comic history, but adaptations keep using him as a comedic character, like they look at him and can't see him as a serious character. But even the 90s Iron Man cartoon that started the trend of comedy MODOK in adaptations gave him an origin episode that treated him seriously and gave him a tragic backstory.

        MODOK being treated as a joke in the comics didn't happen until a comedy one-shot around 2009 that probably wasn't even meant to be proper Marvel canon anyway, and the only other time I can think of is that Spider-Gwen book with Orange Man Bad as a MODOK.

        • 8 months ago

          gripes about the recent avengers game aside, I did like how they portrayed him. MODOK is sci-fi horror.

      • 8 months ago

        >He got taken out by fricking gwenpool
        And Galactus got taken out by fricking squirrel girl. Reatrded modern marvel writing doesn't make retroactively make them clown characters, powerlevel shitter

      • 8 months ago

        isn't gwenpool like ridiculously OP though?

    • 8 months ago


      >"Marvel Studios is aware of what's happening to their brand," says authorJoanna Robinson. "My understanding, having talked to some people, is that Quantumania really shook them, and I'm sure Secret Invasion shook them further, but Quantumania really shook them because they felt like they had something good. They all internally thought, 'Everyone's gonna love this.' And then they put it out and people didn't. They were like, 'Oh no, our internal barometer is not attuned to what people want anymore.' With ‘Quantumania,’ they believed they put out a banger, and then that's not how a lot of people felt."


      I was shocked too; I loved it.
      It's been a while since I saw it, but I seem to recall it being just a little sluggish in the middle.

    • 8 months ago

      Worked for Iron-man 3, and Marvel adult fans praising everything feige threw at them Made the company feel like quality wasn't a factor

      • 8 months ago

        >Worked for Iron-man 3

      • 8 months ago

        Iron Man 3 was the first MCU movie I thought was really bad. I still remember walking out of that shitshow.

    • 8 months ago

      When some chud on twitter said they didn't like this, I was honestly terrified for my safety.

  2. 8 months ago

    Hope this and Flash are a wake up call

    • 8 months ago

      The Flash wasn't for DC, they're literally doing the same mistakes for Superman.

      And for Marvel it wasn't so much a wakeup call and more of "the new WGA contract is going to force us to be a more traditional studio"

    • 8 months ago

      Flash's only mistake was Ezra and ugly CGI.

  3. 8 months ago

    It was a fad. It's over.

    • 8 months ago

      >Pixar is a shadow of its former self
      >Star Wars is a dumpster fire
      >Indiana Jones is potentially the biggest bomb of the decade once all expenses are revealed
      >Walt Disney Animation's next film has no hype, The Little Mermaid under-performed, and merchandise sales are being trounced by Mattel
      >Remodeled Splash Mountain is a laughing stock, and overall attendance is at theme parks is down
      I think the problem is a little deeper than a dying fad.

      • 8 months ago

        Are ESG scores worth it? Like surely moronic 'investors' (see: boomers with money) understand that this shit doesn't sell.

        • 8 months ago

          From a company's perspective? Not really. The most popular funds on the market are index funds like S&P 500, which already have a huge overlap with ESG-targeted funds, or total market funds, which do not care about any metric - buying one of those is buying every stock. Also, let's be honest, ESG is political. There's no other rational explanation why a company that produces literal poison such as Phillip Morris should have a higher ESG score than Tesla. The people who want to buy ESG funds do it out of personal politics, and the companies that are all in on ESG are doing it out of politics as well, so there's no real way to stop it. People can create and buy funds based on whatever stupid criteria they want.
          The only way any of this stops is at the company level, at the leadership and managerial level. Which do you think has a more immediate effect on a company, ESG funds or the Karen at HR who decides to hire only other progressives? That's where the changes need to start.

        • 8 months ago

          >Like surely moronic 'investors' (see: boomers with money) understand that this shit doesn't sell.

          They do understand it doesn't sell, which is why Disney might be getting sued by their stockholders for misappropriation of funds.

        • 8 months ago

          >ESG out of nowhere

      • 8 months ago

        Jones is potentially the biggest bomb of the decade once all expenses are revealed
        It already released?

      • 8 months ago

        >Remodeled Splash Mountain

        We have a Big Black Problem at Disney, veiny and oily, DAMN that shit's big!

      • 8 months ago

        >Remodeled Splash Mountain is a laughing stock
        >mfw it became a laughing place

      • 8 months ago

        At some point people might learn we are way past the point of being able to sell 80s era shit to audiences. No one wants to see 80 something Indiana Jones, or any sequel to a movie that came out 40 fricking years ago. It worked in 2002, not now.

        • 8 months ago

          >or any sequel to a movie that came out 40 fricking years ago
          It worked for Top Gun

          • 8 months ago

            Jets are still cool cutting-edge technology that can be captured with interesting camerawork.

      • 8 months ago

        A big part of the problem is that Disney is nothing but nostalgia bait and memberberries. And the sequels to 80s movies or remakes of old franchises are incredibly half ass.

        >Half ass sequels to Pixar movies
        >Half ass sequel franchise to 70s era movies
        >Quarter ass sequel to 80s movies starring the same guy in his late 70s
        >More live remakes to old 80s movies

        Just fricking quit it with the remakes and sequels to shit only other boomers cold ever give a frick about.

        • 8 months ago

          >Just fricking quit it with the sequels
          Or the thinking man's solution, do it right and earn some dough.

      • 8 months ago

        There are actually two problems. The economy and the audience's satiety. Almost everything that could ever be written, filmed, recorded, programmed, etc. has already been filmed and now it's just a remake of a remake of a remake or a sequel of a prequel of a spin-off. Humanity has reached the 8 billion mark and we are out of ideas for new stories. Even the memes are all the same now, all those stupid 'jaks and schizo remakes of troll face. Have you listened to modern music? It's just the same 2-3 tunes on repeat, no creativity, just what sells best on Spotify and Apple Music. Comics are all the same, Marvel copies DH Star Wars comics almost panel by panel and page by page, talentless writers try to copy Aaron, Morrison and Bendis instead of trying to create their own unique style. The artists are copying the same soulless Big2 style of the 2000s (essentially what Lee and Finch created). And this is where the economic stagnation matters: companies can't invent anything new anymore because they don't have enough money to spend on products which may become unprofitable, so they spend money on "safe" products, but in the end they still lose money and viewers/readers/listeners/gamers' interest in their next products. And it's going to get worse. Much worse.

        • 8 months ago

          And it's not just entertainment. It's everything. In the '90's we were told that a happy future was coming soon and no one would die of cancer, starvation, war or global pandemic anymore, that we would all walk on Mars, be free, happy and economically secure. Then 9/11 happened, and we were told it was nothing but another "war to end all wars" and this time the good guys would win easily and the bad guys would be crushed immediately. Nothing like that happened. Then came the 2007-2008 crisis, from which we still haven't recovered and probably never will. Then came the '10s and the new culture wars, Gamergate, political polarization and social atomization. Then came COVID-19, from which tens of millions of people died, some of them very young, in their 20s and 30s. Don't forget all those lockdowns and restrictions that are still in place somewhere. Then came 2022, and now that 2 of the 4 members of the "axis of evil" have already started their wars, we only have to wait for China and North Korea to invade Taiwan and South Korea respectively to officially enter a new world war. A cure for cancer? Humans on Mars? Cheap robots who'll help you with everything? Forget it, we're going to war, put on your face mask and get your vaccine or you'll catch some new disease and die well before the enemy's UAV throws a grenade at you.
          We're living in the worst timeline possible, and the cultural collapse is just evidence of that.

          • 8 months ago

            >Then 9/11 happened, and we were told it was nothing but another "war to end all wars" and this time the good guys would win easily and the bad guys would be crushed immediately. Nothing like that happened.
            There clearly weren't good guys and anyone could tell.

          • 8 months ago

            >In the '90's we were told that a happy future was coming soon and no one would die of cancer, starvation, war or global pandemic anymore, that we would all walk on Mars, be free, happy and economically secure.
            That was always a lie. Do you think human nature would change because technology has improved, or a small portion of the total population has experienced a temporary economic boom?

          • 8 months ago

            In the 90s everyone thought the world was going to become uninhabitable in 20 years because of climate change dude

            • 8 months ago

              >they've been moving the goalposts on imminent doomsday for decades without getting caught

        • 8 months ago

          I dont think we are out of stories, but the reason of why we get repeats makes sense when you view entertainment as a business, not as a creative result. Business wants to minimize risk while maximizing profit - something new is inherently risky. When films are multimillion dollar risks, investors want promised returns. So, creators are forced to show a proven system of success. It is why big name directors are allowed to do whatever, because they promise success. If you are Disney, the best way to head towards success is to repeat what WAS successful. Couple that with the fact that financial impacts of films don't crop up for shareholders until 3-4 years down the line, you get a system that is copying the mere shadows of success, just so they don't have to risk looking for a new source of light.

        • 8 months ago

          >The economy and the audience's satiety.
          Disney isn't just underperforming relative to past performance, it is underperforming relative to the rest of the industry. They do not have the top movie of the year. They do not have the top animated movie of the year. They do not have the biggest or most profitable streaming platform. They've lost while others have gained.
          This is a hard contraction due to their own choices. I'm not saying the economy or that the age of the properties aren't a problem, but those things are not the primary problems nor are they things Disney can change. What they can fix are the political, quality, and budgeting issues, but they have shown little desire to do so because they are in an ideological bubble and in denial. Talking about "socioeconomics" is a waste of time, at least for the people at Disney, and its sole useful function is placating shareholders. That too is no longer working.

      • 8 months ago

        Shame about Indiana, it wasn't actually a bad movie. About on par with temple of doom

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          It felt a bit too long, and that scene in the end was a bit too much.
          Also what's the point of a movie about time travel where it doesn't change shit?

        • 8 months ago

          >it wasn't actually a bad movie
          It's not a bad movie, but it's a bad Indiana Jones movie. That applies to most of Lucasfilms and the MCU right now.
          If these filmmakers don't want to judged by hardwired audience expectations, they should not work on franchises with hardwired audience expectations.

  4. 8 months ago

    Why would you put that much stock into ANT-MAN of all things?

    Marvel is Spider-Man, X-men, and The Avengers. Ant-Man was a C-string franchise at best and the earlier films were catapulted off the back of the hype for the Avengers films.

    • 8 months ago

      anon Iron Man wasn't an a-lister by the time they started the MCU.

  5. 8 months ago

    This is basically all of Hollywood at this point.
    Which is why it's collapsing.

    • 8 months ago

      The Creator is bombing but it hurts a lot less at $80 million than it would have at $150 million. Creativity and location shoots may be back, baybeeee.

  6. 8 months ago

    How in the HELL did they get the impression that they had something good in their hands? Did they watch it and it connect with them? It was awful.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, forget "le bad cgi" and black Kang. The movie opens with an extremely vapid scene. Then Ant Man, the main attraction of the movie, has to share the spotlight with four other protagonists. And he was made into a helpless coward. Nobody is going to be interested in a movie because it has a helpless coward in it.
      If a piece of media is full of unpleasant people that you have to be patient with then you aren't going to want to watch it. It doesn't matter what it's theme or visuals or message is about.

      • 8 months ago

        >And he was made into a helpless coward.

        No, he wasn't. Being cautious doesn't make one a coward.

      • 8 months ago

        Not really, Scott was just retired for the moment because he was finally given a break and found success but once the action starts he's shown as competent but over his head because he never had to deal with a situation of this scale on his own. He's reluctant to help the little guys because he has to look out for his daughter as a priority. That actually would have been a good conflict for him, being a good superhero vs being a good father because the movie is undercooked when it comes to character work.

        • 8 months ago

          Scott's arc was fine, it was just undersold by them changing the ending so he doesn't get trapped in the Quantum Realm. They should've stuck with their guns on that one.

          • 8 months ago

            >They should've stuck with their guns on that one.
            Who would want to get rid of one of the few heroes left in the movies people care about?

            • 8 months ago

              He obviously wouldn't be gone for good. Jeff Loveness said they ditched the idea because it was too similar to the second film's ending and would require Avengers: The Kang Dynasty taking time to rescue Scott so he can help against Kang, but there were other ways to go about it and still preserve the emotional climax of Scott's arc.

          • 8 months ago

            He obviously wouldn't be gone for good. Jeff Loveness said they ditched the idea because it was too similar to the second film's ending and would require Avengers: The Kang Dynasty taking time to rescue Scott so he can help against Kang, but there were other ways to go about it and still preserve the emotional climax of Scott's arc.

            They weren't wrong in changing the ending but it's still dumb how they realized the problems with the it once they finished the entire movie, that's something they should have undone when they were writing the script.

    • 8 months ago

      i thought it was quite good, the problem is that ant man's supporting cast sucks, especially the wasp.

      • 8 months ago

        Ant-Man had a good supporting cast. Quantumania slashed about 70% of it, went from the sweet young girl who played Cassie to some unlikable teen without even giving kid Cassie a flashback scene to close the book on her, and changed Hank from being a sad old man who just wanted to mend the mistakes of his life and reconnect with his family into a comic relief character.
        You're on the money with Wasp, though. She's a titular character, yet they managed to forget that her character arc was resolved when she reunited with her mom and reconnected with Scott in the last film, and they just forgot to give her a new one.
        It's fricked up how Luis isn't in the movie at all, but they managed to squeeze in Scott's boss from Baskin Robbins.

        • 8 months ago

          GreggHeads stay winning

        • 8 months ago

          >they managed to squeeze in Scott's boss from Baskin Robbins
          what a way to describe gregg turkington, no bags of popcorn for you

        • 8 months ago

          >It's fricked up how Luis isn't in the movie at all, but they managed to squeeze in Scott's boss from Baskin Robbins.

          Michael Peña is semi-blacklisted due to going all in on Scientology.

          • 8 months ago

            It's a real interesting turn of events when joining the scientologists now ruins a career instead of creates one.

        • 8 months ago

          The problem with Wasp is that she was going to lose prominence as soon as grown Cassie enters the picture because her arc and dynamic requires her to be Scott more. This was a case of a movie having too many main characters and one simply being more relevant than the other, better writers would have found a way to balance things.

      • 8 months ago

        >ant man's supporting cast sucks
        The only scene I liked was when Pym saves the day with an army of hyper advanced ants. I feel robbed we didn't get a proper campy ant man movie with mad scientist pym

        • 8 months ago

          yeah it had some good scenes in it

    • 8 months ago

      >How in the HELL did they get the impression that they had something good in their hands? Did they watch it and it connect with them? It was awful.
      It was way better than many of the recent Marvel movies, which were mostly boring and generic,
      Or confusing and uneven, like ‘ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’, (Some excellent sequences, but combined with some not great sequences, and bad bland humor), also (Xochitl was also unlikable).
      At this point, the Marvel cinematic Universe is very spread out as far as characters that are left.
      It feels closer to the early films before the characters were really connected into a single universe.

  7. 8 months ago

    wow, the comments under that article make this place look like a Nobel laureates meetup by comparison

  8. 8 months ago

    >Source uses "shook" correctly but the headline turns it into the slang

    • 8 months ago

      What was Jack Kirby thinking at that moment?

      • 8 months ago

        What is that thing and why did they let it into the building?

      • 8 months ago

        >What was Jack Kirby thinking at that moment?
        >"I thought the Russians killed that guy decades ago"

  9. 8 months ago

    Because they can’t stop taking every damn chance to thinly veil preach their ideology. Like frick, I’m not even asking for a different perspective at this point, just at least put a little subtlety into it

    I watched it on a plane trying to pass the time and my eyes were glazing over

  10. 8 months ago

    >ant-man movie
    >ant-man is a side support character in his own movie
    >he doesn't even get an arc. doesn't change. doesn't grow
    Marvel's new rule should be the movie has to be about the character that is in the title. If they want to focus on Ant Man's ultrasmart, super Mary Sue daughter, then name the movie after her.

    • 8 months ago

      >>he doesn't even get an arc. doesn't change. doesn't grow
      The frustrating part for me it's that they clearly meant to give him one, it's telegraphed and the movie beats you over with it but the end result is so muddled. It has Scott Lang being semi-retired from heroics and taking a break because in his mind he doesn't see himself as much of a great hero but as a normal guy that is put in extraordinary circumstances while everyone is telling him that he should do more and not just rest. The conflict with Kang is meant to push him back into heroics but also to make him grow into someone better. The movie is basically trying to elevate Scott from being a well-meaning schmuck with superpowers to a full-blown hero that stands for something and inspires others. Problem is that they don't really work with this a lot but they still utilize the story beats of this type of arc, so the end result just feels limp.

      • 8 months ago

        The final gag is really the only thing that undoes it.

        • 8 months ago

          Kinda, but the real problem is that Scott saving the Quantum Realm comes across as incidental more than anything, he never had a choice, he went to fight Kang because he kidnaped Cassie for some reason, so he ends up reacting to the situation at hand which is fine, if this wasn't the third Ant-Man movie that's trying to do something new and better from the previous ones. There had to be a way for him to connect with the quantum people so that the audiences in turn care about them too, maybe have one them join the crew in the journey. The most that happens is when Cassie meets Jentorra in jail and gives a pep talk but at that point is already time for the third act so it's too late.

          At least it can be said that Ant-Man had the best scene, that part in the probability storm where he was able to control his variants to form an Ant-Man swarm because they all love Cassie so much was perfect, there needed to be more like that.

          • 8 months ago

            >At least it can be said that Ant-Man had the best scene, that part in the probability storm where he was able to control his variants to form an Ant-Man swarm because they all love Cassie so much was perfect, there needed to be more like that.
            It's a great idea, and a great scene. I just wish it happened in a better movie.

            • 8 months ago

              That's how I feel, there's some really good ideas on paper but most are wasted.

      • 8 months ago

        Dont forget the issue he had with his Cassie now, would helped a subplot with them reconnecting

    • 8 months ago

      Definitely not the only time that happened
      >Spider-Man was just one member of the team in No Way home
      >Captain America 3 was just Avengers 3
      >Dr Strange 2 was another team movie that kinda also had Strange in it too
      >Black Panther 2, featuring everyone that is not Black Panther

    • 8 months ago

      This was part of the issue, but for me, it was just fricking boring. None of the conflict had any tension, the new girl was uninteresting and felt forced, and the whole thing ended in a big, stupid cgi scene.

  11. 8 months ago

    Quantumania literally looks like a Spy Kids movie.

  12. 8 months ago

    People only care about Anime nowadays.

  13. 8 months ago

    the mcu’s worst problem is having andy park design every single character’s costume

    • 8 months ago

      100% True

      • 8 months ago

        bugs me how captain marvel, ant man and even fricking kang look like they walked out of the same MCU Costume Store tm so to speak.

    • 8 months ago

      Does the man understand that different costumes from different planets, universes, and budgets should actually look different? Right now everything in Asgard, Nowhere, Stark Enterprises, and Kamar Taj looks exactly the same with the same vertical lines on the legs and out of the same materials.

  14. 8 months ago

    I think the pandemic really destroyed a lot of their ability to connect with audiences or even each other. Story conferences over Zoom, movie sets with social-distancing protocols, no movies in theatres for over a year... they were already losing touch but they completely lost touch in 2020/1.

  15. 8 months ago

    I never saw the movie. What exactly was so terrible about it?

    • 8 months ago

      It's more mediocre than terrible. It's not Catwoman or anything. I think including Kang raised people's expectations since he was meant to be the next Thanos level threat. But the movie was mostly badly written jokes and Kang being defeated too easily at the ending. Also a complete waste of a Bill Murray cameo.

      • 8 months ago

        Bill Murray had a bigger role, there are scenes of him in Kang's prision with Cassie and Jentorra but he was cut

      • 8 months ago

        That whole stadium of screaming Kang monkeys turned him into a laughing stock. Nobody takes Kang seriously. He's a completely failed villain they never managed to hype up.

        • 8 months ago

          >Could have had all of the Kangs teleport in silently.
          >All eyes on each other, cold and calculating
          >The unity would be one of method and cruel success
          Why they FRICK would they all be cheering and screaming? What was marvel thinking?

          • 8 months ago

            They tried to do the panel from the comic

            • 8 months ago

              They were trying to emulate this panel.
              Unfortunately, either due to them hiring a black man and the subsequent racism or due to general incompetence, they failed to realise that the clamour should've been that of some debate audience instead of the screaming and hollering sports audience they went with

              It kinda' works to show Kang's narcissism. There's nothing more hype for him than meeting himself.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think cosmic narcissists are generally the hootin and hollerin type

              • 8 months ago

                You'd be surprised.

          • 8 months ago

            They were trying to emulate this panel.
            Unfortunately, either due to them hiring a black man and the subsequent racism or due to general incompetence, they failed to realise that the clamour should've been that of some debate audience instead of the screaming and hollering sports audience they went with

            • 8 months ago

              They tried to do the panel from the comic

              this doesn't read as screaming, but more to demonstrate how many DIFFERENT Kangs there are. Some are in discussion, some are waving their hands, a couple are laughing with each other, some are just observing. But if you are getting the same actor in different outfits, demonstrating how similar they all are would be more effective, especially when he is presented as a genius conqueror. And you don't do that by having them being fricking football hooligans.

            • 8 months ago

              Would have worked better if they copied Agent Smith from The Matrix, some things just don't look good in film.

            • 8 months ago

              to be fair, there are two kangs on a lower row looking up at the screaming monkey version (or the, screamiest i guess) clearly thinking what the frick is this guy doing
              maybe it was a joke that degenerated

    • 8 months ago

      It's just really thoroughly mediocre, though there are some genuinely bad aspects to it such as:
      >Cassie's unlikeable characterisation
      >Wasp (and Hank and Jan, to a lesser extent) being pretty useless and largely superfluous
      >Kang being unthreatening, and then getting btfo by super ants just in case you thought he wasn't unthreatening enough already
      >characters flipping their nanotech helmets off literally every time they say a line
      >the Quantum Realm being underdeveloped and uninteresting, filled with CGI architecture and Star Wars rebel rejects
      >generally poor dialogue, goes too far into meaningless, tension-defusing quips without actually being funny
      >generally horrible overuse of greenscreen and CGI, even for a Marvel movie
      >no real stakes in the end; nobody dies or even really develops their character, and 'Kang threatens the multiverse' is so cosmically big as to be utterly weightless
      >everything about MODOK

      • 8 months ago

        >characters flipping their nanotech helmets off literally every time they say a line
        This is bad in general, but it's especially bad for Ant-Man, because the original design philosophy behind MCU Ant-Man's suit was that it was designed as an airtight containment suit.

        • 8 months ago

          Even the first movie made it a plot point how important the helmet was for the user and there were a lot of scenes when it's was Ant-Man using the full suit without removing the faceplate.


  16. 8 months ago

    It really does sound like the people making these movies... don't actually enjoy the movies they're making. If you're going to sell snake oil, please demonstrate proof of faith in your own product.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, they prefer to hire writers who don't like comics, at this point. Not much else you could expect.

  17. 8 months ago

    Hire not just a ton of no talent hacks, but people actively hostile to beautiful life and beautiful white people, and you get modern entertainment. These people are in a death cult and too proud to admit it's destroying itself.

  18. 8 months ago

    These guys are making all the women in all the movies look ugly, look at Evangeline Lilly, that ugly dyke haircut and she is very thin, in any scene Evangeline Lilly looks pretty or hot this genre calls for hot women like it calls for male actors who look good, they are making a genre and killing the genre at the same time, they are dumb and stupid and the story is horrible, this kind of idiotic, weak hero without that heroic spirit doesn't work, look at the Blue Beetle disaster, no one wants to see a hero who looks like a screaming girl

    • 8 months ago

      >her hairstyles in the first two Ant-Man moves are both absolutely fricking perfect and incredibly hot (the bobcut and then the long ponytail)
      >they decide to try the 00s style Wasp pixie cut in the third movie
      >it looks fricking horrible
      Feels bad man

      • 8 months ago

        It didn't even look like a pixie cut. It was more like the middle age soccer mom who cut it down so she wouldn't have to blow dry anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        Lilly has a weird facial structure, and it didn't help her features got more prominent as she aged. She was pretty cute back when she did Lost.
        Who knows what would have happened if Whedon got his original plan rolling, because he wanted Zooey Deschanel as Wasp in the first Avengers movie.

        • 8 months ago

          >Zooey Deschanel
          Wow she pretty much actually looks like Janet

  19. 8 months ago

    thor love and thunder was much worse

    • 8 months ago

      For sure.

      For me the worst MCU movies are
      >Thor 4
      >Wakanda Forever

      Quantumania is in the meh category alongside Captain Marvel or Black Widow

      • 8 months ago

        Black Panther 1, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, and Endlame were all shit





        If you count it, Across the Shitverse is also a broken mess


        • 8 months ago

          >youtube essays

        • 8 months ago

          black panther 1's writing sucks dick because they made the villain aggressively flat. He has a great setup but once he gets the magic weed powers his "incredible skill at manipulation" just turns into screaming at people and that one time he tells wakandan carlton that he'd make him a sandwich. That and his final plan could have worked if he had other exiles but they changed into mailing alien-level guns to big smoke and company because "they would continue the revolution".

          that and everything with that character the bilbo baggins actor plays feels written by some redditor.

    • 8 months ago

      Shit rolls downhill, and I think a good part of the diminished Ant-Man box office stems from Love & Thunder being the worst shit on the planet. Black Panther 2 avoid the brunt of that because it would never be allowed to fail, even with Chadwick dead.
      It even lasted all the way to Guardians 3 not hitting a billion despite being the best post-Endgame movie by a country mile.

  20. 8 months ago

    marvels finally starting to realize its time to get their head out their butts and breath fresh air

  21. 8 months ago

    >no giant Wasp
    terrible also other actress was cuter as Cassie and didnt like Cassies attitude in this movie

    • 8 months ago

      We got giant Cassie tho, I like this suit that has a skirt more they should have used it

    • 8 months ago

      >didnt like Cassies attitude in this movie

      It's funny how Cinemaphile labeled Cassie a b***h the moment she stopped sucking Scott's dick 24/7.

      • 8 months ago

        >not a b***h because shes just a b***h
        Fascinating please explain moron

      • 8 months ago

        To be fair, it's a common complaint how unlikable Cassie was in the first act

        • 8 months ago

          Ideally that would have been part of her character growth. Brash younger hero, eager to prove herself, make a difference, be like their role model. And their role model, who has been through it all and wants better for her. Cassie sees that she can make a difference. Scott can see all the ways she can get hurt. And throughout their adventure, theh meet somewhere in the middle and find common ground. This does happen in the movie without an explicit conversation about it. Was one needed for it to land with people?

          • 8 months ago

            >Was one needed for it to land with people?

            Apparently so.

  22. 8 months ago

    >Get rid of all the good writers
    >Replace them with shitheels who only got into power due to constant b***hing and moaning
    >Shitheels write poor scripts and even worse dialog
    >Characters are not longer characters, they're flanderizations of whatever the shitheel writers want to push as propaganda
    >All characters need to act "meta" and/or "subversive" while speaking like a bunch of zoomers on the internet, with every single line being it's own one-liner
    And yet Marvel/Disney still can't understand why post Endgame isn't working.

    • 8 months ago

      >Get rid of all the good writers
      They don't have a braintrust of writers, it's the producers who control everything at the end of the process. Except for James Gunn since he's one of the last OG directors from before Marvel got strict

  23. 8 months ago

    >reference Shuma Gorath in appearance and have Strange immediately kill it.
    >letting Taika Watitty run over anything classy about Thor.
    >doubling down on MODOK being an epic meme when Kirby meant for him to be a repulsive monster.
    >FalconAmerica looks dorkier than even Steve in his war bonds outfit.
    >Kang doing an annoying thing every second.
    It's like they think they can't top Thanos so nothing gets to be cool and have gravitas anymore. Also they were probably depending on Boseman to anchor this entire phase, and now there's just a big question mark in his place.

  24. 8 months ago

    whats really funny is Blue Beetle was so bad nobody even bothers to trash it. Its like trash from the garbage dump. Sub-trash.

  25. 8 months ago


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