Marvel's ECHO Synopsis & Full Cast

>Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox) returns to her hometown in Oklahoma, where she must come to terms with her past, reconnect with her Native American roots, and embrace her family and community, while balancing aspirations tied to a life of crime as the successor to the brutal legacy of Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio), the Kingpin.

>The cast also includes Chaske Spencer as Henry, Devery Jacobs as Bonnie, Tantoo Cardinal as Chula, Graham Greene as Skully, Cody Lightning as Cousin Biscuits, Zahn McClarnon as William Lopez, and Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock / Daredevil.

>The five-episode miniseries will be released in its entirety on Disney+ in January 2024.

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  1. 8 months ago

    This is gonna be some Boba Fett-tier bullshit. They want the MC to be a crime boss but also an upstanding member of her community who never does anything morally questionable.

    • 8 months ago

      >successor to the brutal legacy of Wilson Fisk
      In Oklahoma?

      I reckon she doesn't actually want to be a mobster, but since she's Fisk's daughterfu, Fisk's old enemies want her dead anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        In Oklahoma?

        • 8 months ago

          They are actively hunting her.

  2. 8 months ago

    >successor to the brutal legacy of Wilson Fisk
    In Oklahoma?

  3. 8 months ago

    >another strong wyman lead
    were are the shows with cool and heroic white male leads? so far the only shows with white male leads always featured said white males getting put on the sideline with a female character who is depicted as smarter, stronger and more competent then the white male talking leads. white male “leads” also always got emasculated and humiliated for cheap jokes like loki getting kicked in the balls yet female characters never get treated like that

    • 8 months ago

      What about all Iron Man movies, all Captain America movies, all Thor movies, both Doctor Strange movies, all Spider-Man movies, all Guardians movies?

      • 8 months ago

        almost a decade old and not shows anon.
        don’t you understand how conversations work?

        • 8 months ago

          >not everything us about white males, I'm being raped and killed by BIPOCs erasing Historyyyyyy

          • 8 months ago

            BIPOC is a term created and used exclusively by crackers.

  4. 8 months ago

    Reminder they prioritized this over Nova, Ghost Rider, a proper Hulk film, X-Men, Fantastic Four, a Silver Surfer project and what have you

    • 8 months ago

      well theyre making a xmen & fantastic four movie but yeah i need my dick rider show/movie

      • 8 months ago

        >i need my dick rider show/movie
        Well Victoria Alonso is gone so Rich has a bigger chance of being in the MCU. But it depends how many "muh diversity" people are on Marvel Studios because they might just frick over Rich and do Sam with the most painful kid oriented Disney channel tier show. Now after Blue Beetle came out and did OK they either want to have their own space Latino teen hero or avoid doing what DC is doing.

        And if they decided to focus on Rich as their Nova I'm afraid they'll have him debut in what will most likely be a Star-Lord on Earth D+ show and he'll be Peter's sidekick until they feel like doing a Nova movie.

        But I still feel they will go with Sam for shallow reasons unless that one Missouri Politician by the same name does something so fricking awful that Marvel would steer away from the character.

        • 8 months ago

          did victoria alonso hate him? i feel like if gunn was never fired he wouldve used nova in something after gotg3

          • 8 months ago

            I wouldn't say she hated him but that woman did so many interviews in Telemundo about pushing diversity and how she wanted to bring more Latino heroes to Marvel that eventually when they got to Nova she would have 100% chosen Sam as the star just because he was Latino.

            Gunn wouldn't have used him but before being fired it was planned for him to be a consultant and if you see his old FB videos he talked about the possibility of Rich being in the MCU and mentioned him specifically by name because that's the Nova he knew about.

            I know the suppose scooper rumors were that they were planning in having two Novas with Rich and Sam and that one of the Moon Knight writers was working on a script for a Nova special/show but that was probably scrapped for now.

            • 8 months ago

              i see. well i wouldntve minded something with both but ironically gunn is already planning something similar with the lanterns show heh. and yeah its more likely he wouldve used adam warlock in something instead

    • 8 months ago

      If they had you know the outcome would have been shit anyhow but I see your point. MCU is waaaay past its prime. Guardians was the last decent shit it had and that concluded.

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody knows about him, apart from MvC.

      >Ghost Rider
      campy and fun, but even the Nic Cage movies were a mixed bag

      >a proper Hulk film
      barely succeeds as a film outside the old TV series

      won't be super popular outside of Wolverine, I have no idea what they'll do with Kamala, Xmen 97 will definitely be some sort of litmus test for characters not named Wade Wilson.

      >Fantastic Four
      Ensemble films are expensive enough as is, I don't what they're going to do outside of Fan4stic and Reed's one-off in MoM

      >Silver Surfer
      Chances are he'd be tied up to F4 again.

      • 8 months ago

        >Nobody knows about him, apart from MvC.
        Why is this even an excuse when they went with more literal whos than him. Not to mention they already had plans to include him in the MCU since before Gunn was involved in the Guardians but kept pushing him back for one reason or another. The Russos even toyed with adding him in Infinity Wars but decided that the cast was already way too big.

        He's been pushed back so much and the Nova corps is a thing in the MCU that the MCUgays even know about him even if it's in a vague way.

        • 8 months ago

          >Why is this even an excuse

          One from convenience because I couldn't think of something other than "well he was in mahvel once alongside rocket raccoon."

      • 8 months ago

        They waited too much with the X-Men even young zoomers don't know who they are but they know who Wolverine is so you're right on that.

        the MCU brand is worth more than the X-Men brand so just paste MARVEL STUDIOS on the movies and people will at least see it.

        • 8 months ago

          while marvel did shoot themselves in the foot by abandoning the xmen young zoomers still atleast have heard of the brand and know its popular

          Her super powers are deafness, a prosthetic leg, and some fighting skills. That's it. It's gonna be a huge flop.

          i really want to know what they were thinking when greenlighting this

          • 8 months ago

            >i really want to know what they were thinking when greenlighting this
            Pushing for more diversity with both characters and actors. The actor is deaf and missing a leg too.

            • 8 months ago

              i guess thats cool that theyre giving the actress a chance that she wouldnt normally get but arent you supposed to prop up these characters and make them more popular first

              • 8 months ago

                >but arent you supposed to prop up these characters and make them more popular first
                Not anymore. The mute deaf speedster in Eternals was played by a mute deaf too.

              • 8 months ago

                yeah but thats an assemble she wasnt the main star. nobody gave a shit about black widow until she was in avengers (albeit still nobody probably cares about the speedster but thats because eternals flopped)

    • 8 months ago

      >a proper Hulk film
      Would have been a flop. Ruffalo can't carry a movie by himself. Also, Hulk has been extremely neutered and is dead now. There's only green Banner now.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Cody Lightning as Cousin Biscuits
    is he related to Fred Durst known as the Limp Biscuit?

  6. 8 months ago

    the only reason this shit was greenlit was because it was during the "give everyone an spin-off phase"
    now they are in the "holy shit what are we doing, we need to slow down NOW"
    they regret ever making this show, which is why they reduced to 5 episodes and it will release all at once

  7. 8 months ago

    Her super powers are deafness, a prosthetic leg, and some fighting skills. That's it. It's gonna be a huge flop.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry they gave her magic Indian tattoo with her NATIVE ANCESTOR™ in it, with a list of powers long like the arm. But don't worry, she can't (always) choose what power she use, it's semi-random (it will always be a convenient one).

  8. 8 months ago

    Can someone please give me a qrd on who the frick Echo is?

    • 8 months ago


      Her super powers are deafness, a prosthetic leg, and some fighting skills. That's it. It's gonna be a huge flop.

      • 8 months ago

        Mute Native American who first appeared in Daredevil's comics.

        I see. Follow up question, why does she need her own show? Are there any Echo fans out there?

    • 8 months ago

      Mute Native American who first appeared in Daredevil's comics.

      • 8 months ago



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