Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Enough time has passed for me to safely say this was a very disappointing sequel. Outside of the traversal I think there's nothing added to this that would make me put it above the first game or even MM (I weirdly prefer the combat and challenges in MM over this). I guess I just want to have a discussion about it and what you guys think about the ins and outs of the game. Hopes for the future of this series? Fears?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Is Insomniac's honeymoon period over now or what? It wasn't long ago when people thought they could do no wrong.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd say besides Spider-Man they've been a shadow of their former self since late ps3 early ps4 era. Doesn't help that there's no one left from their actual Golden era it's basically a new company that looks at their old catalog like it's an embarrassing high-school photo.

    • 2 months ago

      >they could do no wrong.
      Ressistance 2 was shit and Booty as a cashgrab.The Ratchet games are still fun(ignore the story).
      The problem with Spiderman 2 is that Miles moments were the most boring in the first game, Disney pushing that character in every media is getting annoying

      • 2 months ago

        >The Ratchet games are still fun
        Rift Apart was mediocre

    • 2 months ago

      It's just Miles bad hivemind. And admittedly he's not great but you know the game has things besides him.

      • 2 months ago

        Miles actually vad though. He was good when he was new character in game and movie. But after blm woke guys noticed him. He went bad

  2. 2 months ago

    game designed to prop up Miles at the expense of Peter, utter shite.

    • 2 months ago

      How so? Is it just the amount of time you play as him the problem because for me it's just a Spider-Man colorway with a different ability loadout (what's even the point of the invisibility if the stealth is so bad?) To even it out the symbiote surge should have been Peter's toggle like the invisibility so one is battle oriented and the other stealth oriented.

      • 2 months ago

        Peter can't beat Kraven or Venom by himself. Meanwhile, Miles beats Peter while he's wearing the symbiote and gets the final hits on Venom during the bossfight. Also, unlike Peter, MJ ends up removing the symbiote on her own when she gets turned into Scream. Peter needs Miles to beat the symbiote off of him. Just a bunch of moments that generally show Peter as the less powerful Spider-Man. They even have Peter tell Miles straight up that the city doesn't need him when it has Miles. Just a bunch of bullshit.

        • 2 months ago

          NTA but you’re not exactly accurate on a couple of those things.

          Miles winning against Peter in this context is not an issue. First, subconsciously Peter doesn’t want to hurt Miles and is fighting his own battle from within as the battle transpires. Moreover, electricity is a canon symbiote weakness just like sound, so you’re essentially mad at a rock paper scissors situation. The fight would only be bullshit if Miles ripped it off for Peter, which thankfully didn’t happen. As for the Scream situation, Peter kicked her ass and it was a newborn. She was able to reject it quicker, so with that in mind it’s not a problem for me here either. Commending Miles and showing he’s proud through positive reinforcement isn’t an issue, but I can see why you’re over similar situations given how shit comics have been.

          • 2 months ago

            That fight should have been the battle inside Peter’s mind, not Miles vs Peter.

          • 1 month ago

            It was on purpose on trying to make Miles the superior one.

  3. 2 months ago

    I liked it. I thought it was the best in the series. But I know positivity is frowned upon on Cinemaphile. I apologize.

  4. 2 months ago

    I still haven't played it.
    It's still ridiculously expensive even months later, what I know of the story and side missions doesn't interest or excite me, I'm tired of Spider-Man having to share the spotlight with another hero or another Spider-Person, and the gameplay doesn't seem to been upgraded or iterated in any significant way.
    I was super hyped for the first game back when it came out, and I enjoyed my time with it a lot. I've played through it twice. But I don't just want more of the same. Everything I know about this sequel seems to say that, at the end of the day, it's really not that exciting or fresh or fun to play. It's only more of the same. This was my reaction back when the gameplay finally got revealed. I'm a massive Spider-Man fan, love the character to death and always will, but nothing about this looked interesting.

    And then there's also my deep-seated sense of contrarianism which instinctively turns me against any new piece of media which gets ridiculous levels of widespread critical and public praise the instant it releases, but listing that as one of my reasons for not playing just makes me sound like a crazy person

    • 2 months ago

      Thats a fair opinion and honestly if it didn't scratch the same itch as pro skater for me I wouldn't have gotten it. I just get stoned and swing around doing tricks with music or a podcast on.

      >The Ratchet games are still fun
      Rift Apart was mediocre

      I agree but I don't need much to enjoy a R&C game. Nothing will beat 3 or crack in time for me and going for the platinum in each one is always a nice time besides certain skill points.

      >Modern Spiderman seethe thread
      Welp it's a good time as any to post this video then. As someone who likes Spiderverse, he makes up a lot of good points.


      I wouldn't say seethe but I was definitely disappointed

      It was pretty shit. Quite possibly the worst adaptation of the symbiote plotline, completely wastes Kraven, kills off a bunch of previous villains for shits and gigs off screen, has the single worst version of MJ who they have doubled down on and fixed nothing from the last game, and finally there's Miles.
      Completely irrelevant to the story at large except for that shitty little revenge plot, but still he's the one to save Harry's life at the end and he has gets to become the "main" Spider-Man (as per word of god from the devs).

      Wording aside and as someone who doesn't dislike Miles for the most part I agree. Under the right direction I could see the skeleton of the plot working but the execution was terrible. Also if they wanted to do a mantle passing at least wait till the end of the trilogy

      • 2 months ago

        >I wouldn't say seethe but I was definitely disappointed
        Haha i was mostly dramatizing but I get your pain.

  5. 2 months ago

    It felt like it could've used an extra year of development. Seeing how much content they had to cut out.
    Sure, content gets cut out all the time. But in this case, its absence felt noticeable.

    There were supposed to be a lot more Symbiote bosses (Phage, Lasher, Agony, Riot), more playable Venom segments (final game only used 10% of Tony Todd's recorded dialogue) and, in general, Act 3 felt like a bit of an afterthought.

    • 2 months ago

      Funniest part about the Act 3 is if you've seen the beta script for it then you can tell they downsized it by a wide margin with originally Venom infecting the whole city for venomized versions of Sandman and Black cat to appear ala Web of Shadows. Carnage too was going to fully appear and you and Wraith would try to go after for a series of missions. They didn't exaggerate when the final back half had to be cut and be repurposed in the most time efficient ways possible.

      • 2 months ago

        It felt like it could've used an extra year of development. Seeing how much content they had to cut out.
        Sure, content gets cut out all the time. But in this case, its absence felt noticeable.

        There were supposed to be a lot more Symbiote bosses (Phage, Lasher, Agony, Riot), more playable Venom segments (final game only used 10% of Tony Todd's recorded dialogue) and, in general, Act 3 felt like a bit of an afterthought.

        The what if of it all is the saddest part. Honestly if that multi-player game was still in development I probably would have been fine with this version of the game but we can't even have that. I wonder how the Wolverine game is going to turn out.

  6. 2 months ago

    >Modern Spiderman seethe thread
    Welp it's a good time as any to post this video then. As someone who likes Spiderverse, he makes up a lot of good points.


  7. 2 months ago

    It was pretty shit. Quite possibly the worst adaptation of the symbiote plotline, completely wastes Kraven, kills off a bunch of previous villains for shits and gigs off screen, has the single worst version of MJ who they have doubled down on and fixed nothing from the last game, and finally there's Miles.
    Completely irrelevant to the story at large except for that shitty little revenge plot, but still he's the one to save Harry's life at the end and he has gets to become the "main" Spider-Man (as per word of god from the devs).

  8. 2 months ago

    I still enjoyed 2, and still waiting for DLC

  9. 2 months ago

    I hope the separate Blade, Captain America and Ironman games are good. I just want to play as cool superheroes bros. The shitty avengers game scratched the itch.

  10. 2 months ago

    Really? I only played the first one and it wasn't very good.

  11. 2 months ago

    I don't know why the frick the last stand and uptown pride suits aren't in the game

    • 2 months ago

      They got lazy

  12. 2 months ago

    The thing that really bothers me is that they changed Mary Jane's design, and I personally think that it's worse and I wish they hadn't messed with it. But you can't express that opinion without people jumping down your throat on twitter. I'm not saying it ruins the game, but I do find it distracting and I think they shouldn't have changed her face. I don't think that's wrong to say.

    • 2 months ago

      It's a distinctly worse design. I really don't get why they did it.

      • 2 months ago

        It's a much worse design, and it's such a pointless change like you say. And I really don't appreciate when they act like I'm some kind of sexist for saying I liked the old design more. And I REALLY don't appreciate when they try to gaslight me and tell me it's the same as the first game.

        And I've seen the real girl the character model is based on, and she's pretty, so they made her intentionally ugly in the second game and I have no idea why.

        • 2 months ago

          Sexualizing woman bad, expecially in vidya thanks to Blackrock. That's why she has a stick for a body too, no ass, no waist, no breasts. Just a pale 45 year old frog on a stick.

          I just beat Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and was amazed Disney let there be a cute girl in Star Wars.

          • 2 months ago

            Jedi Survivor is everything Spider-Man 2 should have been as a sequel

          • 2 months ago

            She's not even sexualized, they just made her face look worse.

            • 2 months ago

              I mean her body was at least human looking in one despite being in need of an ass transplant. She just looks like a frog in 2.

        • 2 months ago

          Women are in charge of these creative fields now, even if the actual bosses are male. They do not want attractive women in entertainment anymore.

  13. 2 months ago

    Love how the Riot fight looked almost done but it was more important to show the struggles of a death black girl.

  14. 2 months ago

    Was this consulted by Sweet Baby Inc?

    • 2 months ago

      Yup, thus all the LGBT flags, the ugly women, and the side missions all being shit like helping a gay boy ask about another gay boy.

  15. 2 months ago

    Sweet baby's cursed hands.

  16. 2 months ago

    The Good:
    -Boss fights. At least on hard, they stepped it up, and were really fun
    -Harry as a character, really well done. Felt for him, as a pal.
    -The Venomized city section and how much tougher the random mooks were, and how they could snipe you out of the air

    The Dissapointing:
    -Pretty much everything else
    -The off screen deaths of most of the previous villains
    -Miles' tangential Li plot being crammed in and taking away the momentum from the main arc
    -The Venom arc being insanely rushed
    -The Venomized city lasting no time at all, the city finally feels alive and mooks finally feel threatening and it's over in the blink of an eye
    -The gadgets were way too OP and had next to no cooldown times
    -The open world and side missions severely, fatally lacking.
    -Felt like a DLC, or another short Miles type game. I bought out of FOMO right away, but will wait next time.

    • 2 months ago

      >Miles is ass-mad about Martin Li killing his dad
      >his increasing anger and willingness to endanger people is shown early on
      >this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Venom arc and otherwise is just gotten over by Miles with very little diffculty

      I know people would've b***hed about Miles stealing more of Peter's stories, but it genuinely would've made more sense if Miles was the one with the Symbiote and Peter had to get it off of him. It would've been better than just "Peter literally does nothing wrong and just gets hypnotized by le evil goo."

  17. 2 months ago

    >shit version of venom
    >kills off a lot of villains for no reason
    >one of the worst versions of MJ
    >one of the worst versions of Peter
    A bad game and a bad sequel. The storytelling did long term damage that it won’t be able to recover from. The narrartive in the next few games is going to become completely nonsensical, you can’t even fathom how bad it’s gonna be.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, after the first game the storytelling potential felt vast. After this one it's wittled down to just "I hope they don't frick the Goblin up at least."

  18. 2 months ago

    I dunno, Anon, people have been saying it was a disappointing sequel since it launched. People are just willing to actually talk about more than "Reee, man jaw" now.

  19. 2 months ago

    I think the most engaged I was with the game was when I got to play as Venom. Otherwise I can't think of any other parts that captured me.
    Feels like there were much less "cool" Spider-Man moments so they could focus on Miles drama and what a loser Peter is.

    • 2 months ago

      >I think the most engaged I was with the game was when I got to play as Venom
      Same. Up to that point I was sorely disappointed in the game but was willing to forgive everything after playing as Venom. But shit just went downhill from there. I know “Miles sucks” is the vogue thing but really cramming him into this game did nothing but hurt it. He’s not different enough from Peter to justify having him, narratively or gameplay, and having him land the final blows on Venom severely undercuts the emotional impact of the fight. It should’ve just been Peter v Harry in the same way the first was just Peter v Otto. I feel smarter money would have been to give Peter a complete trilogy then after the third game you can hand it off to Miles

  20. 2 months ago

    In the first game Peter creates a new suit to counter Doc Ock. Even though he's not doing heroics, the logic behind that choice was he needed something that would best help him counter someone as dangerous as Doc Ock and thus it was worth taking a few hours out of the day to do so.
    In the second game Miles makes a new suit but for no good reason. It doesn't help him fight the symbiotes. He just takes a few hours during an alien invasion to make something different. Even if the suit wasn't frick ugly, it would still be nonsensical.
    This tells me that the writers wanted to do a repeat of a major moment in the first game without really thinking about it. Peter had a major suit change, and Miles is supposed to replace him, so Miles also needs a major suit change because it worked so well before.
    There's other writing issues but this really sticks out because it's so clear they're trying to ape something from before without truly understanding what they're doing.

    • 2 months ago

      All true but it also felt like there was cut content that would contextualize that suit or something. Give it some purpose. Or maybe it was just a cash grab for the adidas brand deal.

    • 2 months ago

      I find it funny that the only explanation he offers was that he thought it was time for a "Miles Morales original". Ganke helped him make his black suit in this continuity. Did he decide that he no longer appreciated his best friend's input and needed a suit he could take full credit for?

      • 2 months ago

        Even having Ganke as Peters Oracle was annoying. I get it's part of the Miles mythos, but shoehorned into Peter's it feels off.

      • 2 months ago

        The game would have been so much better if Spider-Man flat out told him "Of all the powers you seem to have, a fashion sense isn't one of them." and left.

    • 2 months ago

      The game would have been so much better if Spider-Man flat out told him "Of all the powers you seem to have, a fashion sense isn't one of them." and left.

      Honestly, Peter first words to Miles being "THAT suit's not an alien, is it?" strikes me as a subtle roast.

  21. 2 months ago

    Can someone help me understand why the symbiote behaved this way:

    > attached to Harry for more than a year
    > doesn’t become venom

    > stays with Pete for 3 days
    > immediately starts showing sign of behaviour change

    > rebonds with Harry after Spider-Man rejection
    > immediately becomes venom for some reason

    > remnants of symbiote left in Peter after only 3 days
    > none left in Harry after it was with him for more than a year.

    > Peter acquires anti venom suit.
    > doesn’t use it to heal Harry.

    • 2 months ago

      bad writing, as everything else in this game.
      One of the biggest sequel disappointments of all time, comparing this to Arkham City is insane.

  22. 1 month ago

    I don't like Harry Osborn as Venom, I never understand the push of Harry being Venom. Plus, doing the Symbiote invasion near at the end is cramp up and out of nowhere. It shouldn't even here and should have it maybe a spin-off from it.

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