Mecha games recommendations

I thought I'd post this here instead of Cinemaphile since I figured it'd get drowned out and this is a slower board but what Mecha games would you recommend? I've only played the Xeno series which isn't entirely Mecha. I just saw that they made a Front Mission remake and I dunno much about the series, would you recommend it?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Definitely get into Front Mission. It’s the best mecha vidya aside from Armored Core and Xenogears. Emulate the originals to avoid censorship and shit like that. Front Mission 5 was the series’ send-off, but unlike most series, the last mainline game didn’t kill the franchise, it is actually the best of the whole series. Also play Front Mission Alternative, which is a super interesting take on RTS where you only have 3 units.

    Others may disagree, but Front Mission 4 sucks. This came out as the series was declining, and before FM5’s final push to glory. Unless you get way into the Ace Combat-style lore, you may get bored with the bland visuals and samey missions.

    • 10 months ago

      Not sure how I forgot about Front Mission Gun Hazard. Just play it right now.

    • 9 months ago

      >Others may disagree, but Front Mission 4 sucks. This came out as the series was declining, and before FM5’s final push to glory. Unless you get way into the Ace Combat-style lore, you may get bored with the bland visuals and samey missions.

      I long wondered back when I emulated it myself if I was just getting filtered or not, but the missions felt so frickin long and bland.

      I feel a lot better hearing that, I'll have to give 5 a shot.

  2. 10 months ago

    >would you recommend it?
    Yes I would.
    I myself got into it through this remake and enjoyed myself, but as the anon above me said, you should probably try playing SNES original first.

    • 10 months ago

      If you like robots don't play the PC remake, the original despite being from fricking 1995 has WAY BETTER art and animation. The art and animation of the remake is utter vomit inducing trash. Front mission is first and foremost a love letter to mecha, garage kits and robot dioramas. Square outsourced this game to a third-rate European studio and this abominations came to be. How people in this board mention the improved UI but not the crap graphics is something I can't understand. Play the DS version

      • 10 months ago

        Anon, the original/DS has next to no animation.
        Shooting and taking damage is just displacement of sprite parts, and melee punching has only like 2 frames.
        That said pixel art is indeed top tier.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          I only played SNES, and I assumed DS has the same animations, for what I see in youtube that is the case, through the sfx are worse on DS. SNES has better poses and sense of weight than the remake. You can feel the VOTOMS when the robots slide across the ground. In the remake, the way that the arm that is not in use hangs lifeless from the body tells you the devs don't understand shit about robots, how could they let the arms hang like that? Looks like shit.
          Go to the Japanese trailers in youtube and see the comments, its all people asking why did it turn that bad if the FM2 remake looked ok and it's the same company. It is low budget shit, you have be tasteles and blind to enjoy this level of butchering of the original.
          And, most 3d models are offmodel or do not resemble the originals at all.

          • 10 months ago

            so the snes front mission is the better one? never played any

            • 10 months ago

              other anon, but "better" is very relative term.
              Each version worth playthru, each for different reason.
              Just get the one you want to play the most and go for it.
              Researching what is the "best" version is bad mindset to be, that way you'll never play anything.
              Best version of the game is the one you play.

              >Fugo Melodies of Steel
              >if you can stomach the furries

              I miss the time before kemono was some sort of cursed thing.
              Thanks internet.

              • 10 months ago

                what do you mean? people always jerked off to animal people since the dawn of times.

              • 10 months ago

                Yea, but at least they were doing that in private without broadcasting their fetishes for everyone to see thanks to internets, so it become public knowledge which painted each release in their colors. Especially since age of social media they can't shut up about it either, cause that makes them "special".
                Ignorance was a bliss.

              • 10 months ago

                just don't look up porn and you won't find it
                >social media
                if you use that its your own damn fault

              • 10 months ago

                It's not about looking for porn, nor social media, I mean even this anon already goes full shitty emoticon mode after one word and image

                >Fugo Melodies of Steel
                >if you can stomach the furries

                . It's everywhere now if you try to engage online. good luck finding a place for Sola-to-Robo or something without some weirdo chiming in.
                Social media is not bad if you just use it for finding good artists tbh. But that means sometimes you stumble upon some shitty bio which reminds you of that type of people who can't keep their shit to themselves.

              • 10 months ago

                its a meme, you dip.
                loosen up.

              • 10 months ago

                Believe me when I say I understand your rage really well, but nothing we can do about it, just try to ignore as much as you can and do your own thing. It's going to get even worse so try to enjoy stuff while you still can

              • 10 months ago

                more of just annoyance and wish for people appreciate sola to robo and such for what they are, without going full moron
                and a lil' bit nostalgia for simpler times

              • 10 months ago

                Believe me when I say I understand your rage really well, but nothing we can do about it, just try to ignore as much as you can and do your own thing. It's going to get even worse so try to enjoy stuff while you still can

                as opposed to coomers jizzing for decades for any other characters? every woman in gundam has civilizations spilled and talked to death about, even the absolute shit oneslike reccoa that people want to hatefrick. how is any of that shit different?
                just ignore the coomers and move on with your life, holy frick how are you homosexuals even on this website

              • 10 months ago

                Never really seen that sort of gundam discussion for awhile, or it was rare enough to ignore since it's usually have it's own dedicated general threads and people have some sense to not spill it elsewhere.
                with other fetishes it's always spilled everywhere.
                >holy frick how are you homosexuals even on this website
                always been here, maybe just grown tired of constant anons with uncontrollable libido

              • 10 months ago

                how fricking fragile are you that youre upset at >wirdoes
                when youre on Cinemaphile, and on /m/
                you couldnt have picked a less normal place

              • 9 months ago

                other anon, but "better" is very relative term.
                Each version worth playthru, each for different reason.
                Just get the one you want to play the most and go for it.
                Researching what is the "best" version is bad mindset to be, that way you'll never play anything.
                Best version of the game is the one you play.
                I miss the time before kemono was some sort of cursed thing.
                Thanks internet.

                more of just annoyance and wish for people appreciate sola to robo and such for what they are, without going full moron
                and a lil' bit nostalgia for simpler times

                Believe me when I say I understand your rage really well, but nothing we can do about it, just try to ignore as much as you can and do your own thing. It's going to get even worse so try to enjoy stuff while you still can

                It's not about looking for porn, nor social media, I mean even this anon already goes full shitty emoticon mode after one word and image [...] . It's everywhere now if you try to engage online. Good luck finding a place for Sola-to-Robo or something without some weirdo chiming in.
                Social media is not bad if you just use it for finding good artists tbh. But that means sometimes you stumble upon some shitty bio which reminds you of that type of people who can't keep their shit to themselves.

                Cyberconnect2 have big titty furry mousepads and softcore porn on their website.


                Fuga IS CC2s fetish. And all the .hack furries. They even added furries back in DBZ. I can see complaining about Renamon frickers, Gardevoir frickers (Vaporeon now I guess?), Sonic furries, and even Klonoa frickers but none of those sell official furry big titty mousepads.

            • 10 months ago

              The DS has worse sound, but seems to be the same as the snes game but with more story and content, read some comparisons online by yourself, but I would say the NDS version is the better pick

        • 10 months ago

          sometimes close to no animation better than more animations.
          I really dislike looking at remake personally. It looks whatever.

      • 10 months ago

        >If you like robots don't play the PC remake
        Damn, that sucks. I bought it to play on my Steamdeck at work. I haven't started it yet so maybe I should just return it.
        On another note, why do Mecha and tactics games just go so well together. Battletech is pretty good, and we also have long running series like SRW.

  3. 10 months ago

    Geppy for a schmup
    Various Super Robot Wars
    Vanguard Bandits
    VIrtual on

  4. 10 months ago

    want to also ask, preferably for more realistic kind of mecha that's not mechwarrior.
    or an RTS/tactics or something customisable.

    phantom brigade showed a lot of promise but I think they abandoned the game. .
    if there was something like that, but higher quality, and gundam, I'd be in heaven.

    or something that's a simulator with buttons in the wienerpit you could press, with actual systems to learn to operate.

    • 10 months ago

      phantom brigade was reased on 28 february

    • 10 months ago

      >I want a high quality realistic gundam RTS with first person simulator mechanics
      It's safe to say that the game you want does not exist. I highly recommend the Battletech tactics game with one of the 3 big overhaul mods or Mechwarrior 5 now that it's been improved.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah, I know it doesn't exist. it hurts a lot every time.
        I played a ton of DCS, but jets are jets. I waited so long for at least a space sim like that, and there was one, but then the dev got into an almost fatal accident and abandoned the game to spend time with family.

        feels like something I would need to do myself. but I'm not a programmer.

        also this is sadly not in the game

        • 10 months ago

          actually maybe it is in the game, but i don't think it influences anything gameplay wise

    • 10 months ago

      >more realistic kind of mecha that's not mechwarrior
      Come home

      • 10 months ago

        isometric twinstick shooter doesn't really do it for me, but I guess I could give it another go.

        • 10 months ago

          >twinstick shooter
          They did add this at some point didn't they?
          It's not designed to be a twin stick shooter, by default your wienerpit rotates in relation to your legs, and your legs have tank controls. It filtered thousands so they caved in, and added twin stick mode.

          • 10 months ago

            well that's just sad
            why can people not figure out tank controls? they can drive cars but not play a game?

            • 10 months ago

              You do know that there are manual and auto gearboxes for cars too?
              I don't see the issue with more options, especially since using twin stick mode makes certain mission harder, because you have less control over where to go and where to shoot at the same time.
              If the game didn't click with you with whatever control scheme was on by default, try the other one.
              Or juggle them between missions, it kinda adds to the "simulation" aspect, like calibrating mech for space or ground combat.

        • 10 months ago

          Go into settings and switch to tank controls, your damage received in a lot of cases depends on what part of armour got hit (less dmg for shots that hit thick front armour, more for rear shots, ect) you can set the kind of control to a vehicle type if you can't handle the tank controls on the agrav vehicles

      • 9 months ago

        killers when?

        • 9 months ago

          Didn't lead dev die?
          I assume never.

    • 10 months ago

      >or something that's a simulator with buttons in the wienerpit you could press, with actual systems to learn to operate
      It's not conventional /mecha/ as in your vehicles aren't humanoid, but calling them "ships" is a stretch too.
      It's all about immersion, analog ui and micromanagement.

      • 10 months ago

        I waited that game pretty hard but the gameplay just didn't stick for me. on both strategic and action layers. I am cursed.

    • 10 months ago

      phantom brigade was reased on 28 february

      Modern games as service models have warped people's brains. You can't just release a game, patch the bugs and move on.

      PB definitely suffered from its limited scope and lack of personality though. It's crying out for a sequel where they take the systems they built and pile on variety and content.

    • 10 months ago

      The pb team hust released a small update and apparently are planning on working on the game further.

      • 10 months ago


        hope they tweaked the ai and levels
        after a couple days it was same battle over and over and I just quit.

    • 9 months ago

      >or something that's a simulator with buttons in the wienerpit you could press
      it's not serious or realistic, but Super Control Mecha MG has this as it's main gimmick, it's a DS game, it was never released in the west like all good mecha stuff, but it got a fan translation some years ago, oh and it's also by sandlot who did a bunch of other mecha games with experimental controls, oh and EDF, maybe you heard about it.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Remind me of Remote Control Dandy except you are not actually inside the wienerpit

  5. 10 months ago

    If you like Gundam Build Fighters I recommend LBX on 3DS. The gameplay is like Armored Core but the setting is like GBF with kids fighting with toys, very comfy

    • 10 months ago

      The Custom Robo series is also in this same vein. Technically, the robos are tiny and digital, so it’s hard to call them mecha, but it’s absolutely mecha inspired, has gameplay reminiscent of arena fighters like Gundam Versus, and has a shitload of variety with its parts. Good luck finding physical copies if you aren’t willing to sail the high seas, though.

      • 10 months ago

        >The Custom Robo series
        to me it felt like a mix of Power Stone X Digimon, except you collect robo parts instead of monsters.

  6. 10 months ago

    Everyone shit on this game back in 2013 for not being a jrpg but I had fun with the customization. It's not bad for a 3rd person shooter.

    • 10 months ago

      I will never not defend this autistic child, because whenever you're actually controlling a wanzer (and not a dude or a turret), it FEELS like it.
      Gun Hazard is just Valken 1.5 with Amano artwork, and whatever that PS2 mmo was called, can't be played anymore.
      FME is the only game that actually gives you direct control AND can be played anytime with no servers dependency.

    • 10 months ago

      Played fine. All 3 hours of it.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought my mecha love could get me through whatever gay journos didn't like about it. It's bad. Imagine the worst Armored Core missions, but with a higher Square-Enix budget for graphics and cutscenes. Gun Hazard is better in every conceivable way and stands on its own as a great game.

      With the existence of Armored Core 6, there is now no reason at all to plumb the vidya ghetto for /m/ action.

      • 10 months ago

        Yea but if you can't afford armored core 6 right now it's a good way to kill 3 hours

        • 10 months ago

          >if you can't afford armored core 6 right now
          Go into the AC discord right now and I completely guarantee a troony will gift you a pre-purchase

          • 10 months ago

            I don't have a system that can run it yet

            • 10 months ago

              This, buying AC6 also means getting PS5, I guess I could get the PS4 version but my autism won't let me do that

              • 10 months ago

                A Steam Deck costs $100 less brand new, and of course is much cheaper than that used. I don't want to bully you into acquiring entertainment when you're already poor, but there are options.

              • 10 months ago

                >offering handheld replacement for home console
                steam fanatics are weird

          • 10 months ago

            I refuse to believe it's that easy

            • 10 months ago

              Just show your twink butt

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe I'll just pay the $80 tag

          • 10 months ago

            ac6 isnt worth getting groomed into suicide

  7. 10 months ago

    May as well ask in this thread but whats a mecha game with cool mech customization?

    • 10 months ago

      A lot of the AC games have cool customization, mechwarrior 5/mwo imo have decent customization due to being able too see the different weapon slots open up when a weapon is placed in it, it also has a fair amount of colours(3 per mech tho :'(' ) and a large selection of decals and camo patterns but those are behind premium currency. You can grind events for prem currency/decals/camos but it won't be easy on trial mechs and can take awhile (just emulate AC games)

    • 10 months ago

      Gundam Breaker 1-3

  8. 10 months ago

    Why do you fricks keep feeding the newbies

    • 10 months ago

      you were a newbie too once

    • 10 months ago

      Gatekeeping doesn't work.
      Not when From Software releases fricking Armored Core 6 and it has more views than fricking western AAA games scheduled for the same time slot.
      Mecha is normalgay mainstream shit now baby, deal with it.

    • 10 months ago

      Gatekeeping doesn't work.
      Not when From Software releases fricking Armored Core 6 and it has more views than fricking western AAA games scheduled for the same time slot.
      Mecha is normalgay mainstream shit now baby, deal with it.

      I refuse to believe that anyone in his 30s can be this immature and insecure. Almost guaranteed you are 21 or 22. Anyone past his 20s can be this moronic keeping the sekret club attitude.

    • 10 months ago

      I just wanna talk about mecha games. Who cares about the OP's goal if it lets me talk about them.

      • 10 months ago

        Ever heard of Ultimate Knight Windom XP? With its prototype being called Bootfighter Windom XP?
        It's an indie Gundam VS clone with robots being operating systems and what not. It has functional multiplayer (you set up server yourself), easy as shit custom pilot system (PNGs and sound files) and huge amount of mods and full conversions.
        It's also old as frick and probably dead, but it also had singleplayer mode with diablo styled loot system (no visuals of course).

    • 10 months ago

      why do you frickers keep coming from Cinemaphile
      gwitch ended already, frick back off.

  9. 10 months ago

    You will play Starsiege

    • 10 months ago

      I will play it one day.
      But not today.

    • 10 months ago

      I can't get that shit to run

      • 10 months ago
        here you go, works fine with W10. You just need to monkey with the graphics settings so you're using Glide and a 4:3 ratio

    • 10 months ago

      tried to play the DOS games and the controls are funky. and shooting flying enema is a pain.
      Mechwarrior 2 did it better imo, for mech games of that era.

      also its FPS spinoff, Tribes, was way more popular?

      • 10 months ago

        >shooting flying enema is a pain
        I watch too much JAV

    • 10 months ago

      which one do i get
      is it like mechwarrior where theres starsiege mercenaries and shit
      should i just download it from some abandonware site or something

      • 10 months ago

        There's one Starsiege and it's called Starsiege. There's also Starsiege Tribes but that's a completely seperate series of multiplayer shooters.

  10. 10 months ago

    I've recently acquired Zone of the Enders 1 and 2. Other than reading the description in the back, I'll be going in blind.

  11. 10 months ago

    I didn't appreciate westslop mech games in the 90s, but I have a greater love for them today. Heavy Gear was made by the team who did the acclaimed MechWarrior 2. Its assembly system is actually how I wanted Armored Core to evolve, with fewer top-level part categories, but deeper customization of each part. The action gameplay is more methodical like MW2, and it ain't pretty, but it's fun.

    Heavy Gear 2 doesn't have assembly at all. You choose a specific "class" of mech and that's it for the whole campaign. I dropped the game almost immediately.

  12. 10 months ago

    Play Omega Boost. Prove you aren't scared of the rail.

  13. 10 months ago

    Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, get the GOG copy not the one on steam

    • 10 months ago

      Is the GOG one fixed? I stayed away from the steam version because I hear it’s utterly shambolic

      • 10 months ago

        it will run, but there are some fixes you can do and you'll have to set your mouse pulling rate to 125 Hz. Get the ShogoFix from Moddb and look for a new dinput.dll. you can play it without all that if I remember but it will kind of suck. Still better than the steam version.

      • 10 months ago

        Just reinstalled it to see if I remembered right. yep it will work off the bat with GOG but will be buggy and it doesn't default to the mouse to shoot, go to mouse settings and use the arrow keys to cycle the options on the right and left mouse and maybe change the movement keys in the keyboard settings.

  14. 10 months ago

    has anyone got a list of good mech games for either a home arcade and/or a handheld mini?

  15. 10 months ago

    ZOTN: Fist of Mars for GBA.
    Probably the best not-VN of a SD Gundam ripoff game evah.

  16. 10 months ago

    >Into the Breach
    if you like puzzle tactics type games. its a rogue like from the two guys that made FTL
    >Fugo Melodies of Steel
    isn't really a biped mech but it scratched the same itch for me. if you can stomach the furries, the world and story is actually pretty neat. the gameplay is fun but does run a bit repetitive towards the end.

    • 10 months ago

      >Fugo Melodies of Steel
      >if you can stomach the furries

  17. 10 months ago

    I recommend Gundam Lost War Chronicles.
    I consider it the best Gundam game on PS2, and as far as I know, the only PS2 Gundam game with wienerpit view.
    Beaten it twice. Thinking about the third time.

    • 10 months ago

      >I consider it the best Gundam game on PS2
      Better even than Zeonic Front? Sell me on it, anon.

  18. 10 months ago

    >furgays trying to normalize themselves on /m/
    Frick off

    • 10 months ago

      anon, your density would pull a space colony.

  19. 10 months ago

    >what Mecha games would you recommend?
    Trails of Cold Steel. JRPG series set in the Erebonian Empire (basically fantasy Prussia empire that is in turmoil due to modernization). It has ancient Escaflowne styled mechs that fight in melee combat. The mechs are introduced towards the end of the first game and then become a staple of every Cold Steel game after. I especially loved the first two games story wise. Those two are one of the very few games I have replayed multiple times. The latter three games were more mixed story wise but were still very fun, especially in the combat and character building department. Superb English localization and voice dub, great aesthetics and great music.


    • 10 months ago

      >recommended a shit series

    • 10 months ago


      Sakura Wars is a visual novel/SRPG hybrid. The first game has a fan translation, and the fifth game was localized (you can either play with Japanese or English voices, the English dub is okay). You pilot magitek mechs to fight against demon possessed robots. The first game is set in romanticized 1920s Japan. The fifth game is set in New York. The fifth game has pretty good levels (same dev team that would go on to make Valkyria Chronicles). Your mechs can also transform into jets and partake in aerial SRPG battles too. Has some pretty whacky designs for the enemy mechs. Music for both games is good.

      • 10 months ago


        Last one I forgot to mention: Ring of Red. It is a mech SRPG set in an alternate Cold War timeline. The divergence point begins in August 1945, when Japan does not surrender after the dropping of the bombs. The Soviets aren't intimidated and invade Japan, claiming the relatively undefended North while the Americans are bogged down fighting the Japanese in the South. Having exhausted their momentum and the war turning into a stalemate, the Allies decide to settle and thus Japan is partitioned between North and South.

        A proxy war between the US and the USSR through their North and South puppets breaks out in 1950, but once again ends in a stalemate and the creation of a demilitarized zone in 1954. Another 10 years later, in August 1964, the plot of the game begins when a legendary Japanese war hero (who also fought in the Vietnam war) hijacks an experimental mech for the Soviets. The player's team is disavowed by the South Japanese as mercenaries and invades North Japan with a company of soldiers (and some assistance from rebels in NJ) to recover or destroy the stolen experimental mech.

        The best part of Ring of Red is its cinematic presentation of combat. When two units enter into combat, a 90 second montage begins showing your mech slowly march into enemy fire. You can order your squads around. When the crew on your mech loads the next shell, you look down the scope at the enemy mech wait as the hit percentage slowly goes up. As your scope is zeroing in on the enemy mech, you can see your infantrymen lobbing grenades or being turned into pink mist or being gassed while intense music is playing.


        • 10 months ago


          Unfortunately, the spectacular combat is also the game's great weakness. Often times, the combat sequences can take upwards of two minutes because time pauses when an infantry squadron is ordered to do something or a mech uses a special ability. It usually takes at least 2 or 3 combat sequences blow up an enemy mech (sometimes as much as 5 if an enemy mech is in a fortified position such as a city or if it is a boss mech). Missions can have you face 10 to 30 enemy mechs. A mission can easily take over an hour and a half, and there are 17 missions. So you're looking at a 30-50+ hour long game. Perhaps if you could fight up to 2 or 3 mechs in an engagement and cut down the number total engagements by 1/2 or 2/3, making the game into 10-20 hours long, the game would have been more enjoyable. After the novelty of the first few hours wears off, you really want to play the game on turbo.

        • 9 months ago

          This is maybe the third time in my entire life i've seen someone mention ring of red, I didn't think it was that unknown back when I played it but man it's never talked about. Good presentation, the trailer/intro was fun too.

    • 10 months ago

      it has very slow as hell start with too much school anime stuff before you ever get to mechs and even those act like summons afaik for first two games at least?
      Just play Xenoblade X if you want mecha jRPG

  20. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago
  21. 10 months ago

    Saga > blade/gears/etc

  22. 10 months ago

    People will probably shit on me for it, but Warframe is somewhere between mecha and sentai. It's basically mosou.

    • 10 months ago

      >autistic Black person children
      >woke shit
      >chink shit
      >irl trade mafia
      Warframe peaked in 2014, then it all went to shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Tbh Warframe's art design carries it hard. The lore is pretty cool, but the gameplay is grindy as frick. The wokeshit is relatively easy to ignore, the chinkslop however is much harder and sticks out like a sore thumb.

        • 10 months ago

          >art design
          What art design?
          Game doesn't look unique anymore.
          Modern warframe has this shitty generic space fantasy aesthetic, which you could easily mistake for Destiny/Godfall/FOTM service game with fog up the ass and no dynamic lighting.

          • 10 months ago

            This? You can't play this anymore.
            And you never will.

            Mainly meant the old stuff, yeah. Especially the older Warframe designs. Newer Warframes look like shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Warframe used to be really great during 2014 and 2015, back
      back when it was actually dangerous. Back when it played like Left 4 Dead, where you moved for slowly, faced fewer enemies but they were way more dangerous (getting piled by 2 chargers and an ancient could be fatal), and you couldn't spam abilities. Content updates were also very regular.

      Nowadays it's just a boring horde shooter. It's all about the grind. No danger. We don't get events anymore, and you're lucky to get two updates per year, if that. Went years between the War Within and the Sacrifice and the New War.

      Tbh Warframe's art design carries it hard. The lore is pretty cool, but the gameplay is grindy as frick. The wokeshit is relatively easy to ignore, the chinkslop however is much harder and sticks out like a sore thumb.

      >Warframe's art design carries it hard
      Too bad DE fired their best deluxe skin artist, Ignus Dei.

      • 10 months ago

        I feel like the content draught preceding New War and Duviri was disastrous. Especially after all the hype. The game also lost its long running director to another DE project. I never got to play much back in 2015, but even several years ago I remember events actually kind of being something. Now there's not even a pretense there.
        Tennocon is in like a week though, so maybe they'll announce something new. But even if it's something new, it'll take moronical Shitremes 10 years to develop 1 hour of content.

  23. 10 months ago

    This? You can't play this anymore.
    And you never will.

    • 10 months ago

      Good riddance
      >memorize, check and grind
      6 gorillion farm spots to get a new Warframe

      Rengoku rip-off with wasted potential
      Play Rengoku, both of installments

      • 10 months ago

        Rengoku is Bio Armored Core, don't you fricking dare compare it to shitframe my dude.

  24. 10 months ago

    Mad stalker: the PC-engine ver over the Sharp , the first one has some fixes in the combat and you have 3 characters to play with, i haven't play yet the PSX Remake but it looks pretty sick

    Also, totally unrelated, SAR: Search and Rescue is rad

  25. 10 months ago


  26. 10 months ago

    Steel Lancer Arena International

    A hidden gem of a game and the thing that got me into mecha when I was a kid. Emulate it on PCSX2

    • 10 months ago

      >punk rock with mechs

  27. 10 months ago

    When mech RTS games were a thing?

    • 10 months ago

      *remember when

    • 10 months ago

      thoughts on iron harvest?

      • 10 months ago

        Not good. The Mechs are something you tend not to want to actually build.

      • 10 months ago

        It's just Company of Heroes but WW1 and mechs except the mechs are like the worst vehicles you can think of from CoH. Solid worldbuilding though.

  28. 10 months ago

    Those were the days

  29. 10 months ago

    I highly recommend Heavy Gear 2, all I had to do to get the repack working (you can find it in the comments of the myabandonware entry) was to follow the 2 setup instructions and run it in win98 compat. So fricking fun man

    • 10 months ago

      HEAVY GEAR!?

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't appreciate westslop mech games in the 90s, but I have a greater love for them today. Heavy Gear was made by the team who did the acclaimed MechWarrior 2. Its assembly system is actually how I wanted Armored Core to evolve, with fewer top-level part categories, but deeper customization of each part. The action gameplay is more methodical like MW2, and it ain't pretty, but it's fun.

      Heavy Gear 2 doesn't have assembly at all. You choose a specific "class" of mech and that's it for the whole campaign. I dropped the game almost immediately.

      Oh yeah, Heavy Gear 2 is one of the greatest PC game of that era IMO, the sense of scale and even the zero G missions at the end were pure Ludo. Closest modern games with that feel are Titanfall 1 and 2, the mechs themselves are pretty similar in size and capabilities, same with the pilot being able to get out and eject from his mech. Those games are great too, I still play TF2 with Northstar mod on a regular basis.

      And of course I'm waiting for AC6, 3 days to go.

      • 9 months ago

        Can you run Heavy Gear 2 in a modern PC?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes see

          I highly recommend Heavy Gear 2, all I had to do to get the repack working (you can find it in the comments of the myabandonware entry) was to follow the 2 setup instructions and run it in win98 compat. So fricking fun man

        • 9 months ago

          Yes but it's a slight crapshoot, better than it was a decade ago where HG2 refused to cooperate at all with modern windows. You might need to adjust the occasional setting in dgVoodoo for it to really play nice on your computer. You can try both games with these repacks and see how they fair on your PC.

          • 9 months ago

            Why are people shilling this games so hard now? It's just one canadian spammer? Shit looks like the average 90s 3d games with designs ripping off votoms AT, why the sudden interest?

            • 9 months ago

              STFU mofo, HG is a classic.

              • 9 months ago

                Classic westernslop you mean, I rather play gungriffon or the gundam side story games than this leaf ripoff crap.

            • 9 months ago

              Maybe actually give it a shot to see what the hubbub is about? It's a free abandonware game. But yes it being an AT ripoff is part of the selling point. If you were ever curious about what piloting an AT might actually be like then I think HG2 does a pretty good close approximation. HG2 also just does things that other MechWarrior titles/clones don't do like melee, space combat, guided mortar attacks, going fast as frick. Its a fun time and a severly underrated title that most people haven't touched. Also I like the Heavy Gear /tg/ stuff as well so that's a bonus to me.

              • 9 months ago

                I replied out of spite because the anon spamming this A-OK westoid game pretending it always has been an staple on /m/ and that is some kind of mecha classic. Maybe the game is decent and good for you If you enjoy it, but I have much better mecha games in my backlog now.

              • 9 months ago

                name 5

              • 9 months ago

                Heavy Gear has always been a thing for mechgays your filthy secondary. It's probably older than you are.

  30. 10 months ago

    Not exactly mecha game but I wish this game has english translation. The concept of playing as a survivor in the city where Kaiju is rampaging is such a cool concept. I've always wanted to play games like this as a kid

    Why the frick does it has to be stuck In japan?

  31. 10 months ago

    I emulated in because lolswitch but now I bought it for my PS5 just to show my support.
    I know it must not be selling well but anything new from the series is a blessing at this point.

    Being an FM fan is being in eternal suffering.

  32. 10 months ago

    Do you like mecha? Do you like turned based strategy or tactics games? Ever wished you could run a mercenary company, where you had to scrape charred remains of pilots out of the wienerpit and rebuild the mechs from scrap and salvage to keep things running? Do you like spreadsheets?
    MegaMek, especially with the campaign component MekHQ, is a fun and free experience. Make sure to grab the development build and enable StratCon which adds way more diversity to its generated scenarios and better BV balancing.

    • 10 months ago

      >Do you like turned based strategy or tactics games?
      No, I only like real time direct control games.

    • 9 months ago

      You lost me.

      • 9 months ago

        it could be another setting and you'd still be looking at top down sprites or spreadsheets with your pilots, payroll and such

        • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          Using Battletech ruled and Battletech sprites. It's not like this is a custom wargame engine, it's Battletech no matter how you slice it. But I might give it a try one day anyways.

  33. 10 months ago


  34. 9 months ago

    Gun Hazard is king.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes but I also like it's cousins AS Valkan and Metal Warriors.

      Doing a fist focused run in cybernator is fun as shit and surprisingly easier than with guns

      I first did a save scummy run using the vulcan and laser rifle and died mutiple times while when i played normally with fist only i just died twice on the last level

      Fist can be extemely powerful but I found they made me too vulnerable as well. Easier to hold down fire and dodge

  35. 9 months ago

    Doing a fist focused run in cybernator is fun as shit and surprisingly easier than with guns

    I first did a save scummy run using the vulcan and laser rifle and died mutiple times while when i played normally with fist only i just died twice on the last level

    • 9 months ago

      Please call it Valken, also most likely you play the aneon genesis translation or the switch version both have portraits and the full dialoges, that's Valken. CYBERNATOR has a dumb name, ugly cover art and chopped of the dialogs and portraits,using the cybernator names implies you like the western butchered version of a great game

      • 9 months ago

        While Cybernator is gimped did you ever think that anon just had the SNES game from his childhood? Also tbh the dialog and portraits can be annoying on your 6th or 7th run of the game.

  36. 9 months ago

    If anyone has a Steam Deck and is interested in PS3 /m/ games, Gundam Breaker 2 and Kamen Rider Battride War Sousei seem to be playable at 30FPS with some minor graphical glitches/hiccups. There's a severe lack of info regarding RPCS3 compatibility specifically while running on the Deck, let alone for niche JP games, so if anyone else has recs for other /m/ games that also run well I would be glad to hear. Not PS3 but Battride War II for Wii U also runs very good, can get constant 60FPS.

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